WILMINGTON- N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1879. Entered at tub .tostoffice at WlLMINGTOX, N. C.f AS SECOND 'CLASo Matter. V1BWS AN REVIEWS. The uland of New Guinea, which has been frequently visited by French naviga tors but never formally annexed to France, has been chosen for an exclusively Catholic colony. The devout emigrants t.io r(.arnrr( a vessel runninz up the Stars and Stripes to avoid, the Jtjjrencl laws, and start under the command of thfi Marnuis de llova. who is to be' their . A . first king. There are said to le fully L'OO ,000 beg gars tramping aWit tbe Geiiaiii Empire, and they are estimated to gnt as aims not less than $18,000,000 ani ually in n,Of.ey, without considering the value of food and clothitig given them. Many of these beg gars got into the habit of gainingllWir livelihood in this way through the oppres sive laws formerly in vogue that r -quired apprentices to travel about, litera.ly us journeymen, with a view to perfecting themselves iu their respective trades. The Committee of the African Interna tional Association has scut orders to Caui bier, chief of the Belgian expedition, to mlvunra about 300 miles bevoud Lake Tanganyika in a northwesterly direction and to found a station at Nyangwe, on ,. . Congo Papeu, who ... r Ke'"ian t r n-U rior. the Lualaba, or 2ommanils another Jeian which left Znz'.ba"r towards of las'- July, will establish a station, de fti jed to be. the Crst of the scries, ou the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Crude rubber, has risen fifry per cent in price since last soring, owing to the light . supply.' The caoutchouc trees of Brazil are dying out, owing to frequent tapping, and the Indians who collect the gum are compelled to go further u o the dangerous and almost impenetrable for ests. As the Iudians are lazy, and the work arduous and poorly paid, they will not undertake it if othur employment can be found. Tbe 22 per cent, tax levie i by Brazil makes the matter worse. Albert Brassey has a steam yacht as spletdid aa Mb brother's Sunbeam. I; is called the Czrrina, and is the perfection of comfort. Albert Brassey is the ydung est of the three sons of he great railroad contractor. Their tather left them $500, 000 a year each. '1 ho second son, Hen ry, is a famous breeder of fancy stoik, Thomas enjoys yachting, and Albert is a master of fox hounds, as well as a yachts man. Albert married the daughter of an Irish peer. It is an open secret in London that at the meeting of the Cabinet after the re cent prorogation of Parliament, Lord Beaconsfield declared his desire to retire from the Premiership, though willing to remain in the Cabinet without office, and expressed a strong wish that Lord Cairns, ft his Chancellor and friend of thirty years, should be his successor. There is no precedent for a Chancellor being Premier, but this w uld not stand in tbe way, had not Lord Salisbury declared his tixed de termination not to serve under any ona ehe, or waive his claim in favor anyone A new Anstr iiim delicacy is findir.g its v ay into she London markets in th shape f dried kangaroo tongues. The tails and skins f these animals have long been utilized the former for making soup, the l itter for leather; and the recent enormous destruction of kangaroos has given considerable impetus to these two trades. Struck by the waste of food oc casioned by the slaughter of so many thousands of these marsupials, whose bodies arc frequently left where they hive fallen, a War roo settler ma le an experiment 'in curing the tongues of so:ne i'f tbe slain, and so hisb'y were ?hey approved that a considerable trade h.is sprung up in tbis commodity. Tbe tongues arc uu-dly cured by drying' in smoke, like the Russian reindeer tongues Somerset House, in Loudon, is the re ceptacle of may curious documents, but none more so than the will of ex-Qucen Christina of Spain, proved the other day. The personal estate is under $30,000 She direct that 5,000 recited masses shall be performed for her soul, 5 000 for the soul of her late husbaud, 1 000 for the sotiU of her deceased children, and 500 for the souls of her deceased grandchildren, the price of each mass to bo ten reals. She orders her papers not to be open for forty years. Christina was a daughter of the King of the Two Sicilies, and had for her first husband Ferdinand VII. of Spain, and for her second the Duke of Rienzares. By the former she had two children, Queen Is abella and the Duches de Montpensier, and by the latter eight. TIIC COTTON CIlO P. The general talk among plant eH the Macon Tclcyfafih , is1 that the cotton crop don't p.iii ' i near as wel as woo c'i -J'y feUol l ' t anticipated.1 J'h:. V light, anl will be I a ;zhm 1 deal that of last years -i?"' ;erj the be fct crtura stances. Ana, i b Home t t this may 'be a'pfij s the V;'"d : nil ,N' five mi ion If vou 1 n't : e.- over the a iron; region. bale crop fur 137O80! 1 : , lieve it am? u r it proved A pruslent forecast of theUatjon, as it is fixed uj however, will be a rather feeble-and trmid market until wefi infp next spring, when the right kind of bopfs having got. hold of the crop, things Will move along more decidedly. It seems to ui that! it would be in or der for the Republican 'officials, w' have control ot he principal department's at Washington, to, fiJd some place for the widow Oliver in t-omejof the ffice?, rather than to allow her to remain, where she I I 'i I now is, an inmate of! the alms hou.-e m M that city. Unsliccesaiul' in her raid upon tr;e purse of inon Catcron in that famous breach I'of promise Case, she is Lelplos, fuisaken and Ipenniless, and has been compelled to se(k aid from public charity. Old fcjition id too stingy anu mean with his lLmerise "wealth to give her a cent, I but i!he might, at least, use :jis u.nuence ; tu wires' getting her a situa tion where tlhe ijnight Secure an hone-t livelihood Without 'depending upon the public lor purport, j I 1 AT IS Nl HLISMT I The LondUn J"ivks answers: ''N'hi'im corits oi a profound, rjj any -turn. d j dis content ith the present Older of tilings hn Russia J no young stu ient -.vno reaos J ; T - ..-? ot te nuhi'-rrus bniati transiaions i . . ... iiir'HM rroar crio- lurtaii .it-- the iDtt-iieqt iykiu l..dy v ho is! hut! sex Uti'.Uiv-I be buiaiiCip- " t 'I ; ! i - i 1 aajinus tna; ted, and pu jts bside, mf'st termnmo ways m manner arn d ress1 as pn judices anl ob stifles in the path of 'proyresiS, ibb vutary uf s-rne crude furml of materialism, the vendors of transparent -sophisms dressed out iu ostentatiously scientific language; the conspirator who. hates tbe Cz ir, "puts no trust iu reforms made by the court, prints in ionoon or ipuricu nery pauipu- lts full of scaridal and sedition, and be lieves in no mission -iry but the revolver all these various typ es are alike described as Nihilists 1 ; 1 j SOUTHERN COTTON MANUFAC 1! TURK. 1 The late report 'of the National Cotton E change places jthe t jtal consumption ol cotton by Southern , mills during the year 1878-70 at 186489 bales, against 147,747 bales the previous year,! showing a gain ot 2G per cent. Georgia is by far the largest cotton manufacturer, having 160, 000 spindles inoperation, North Carolina standing socond, and fckjuth Carolina thijrd, Texas is the smallest ib the whole list, hor consumption, duribg the past year ha-ving Uen only 3!S1 tales. While tlie consumption in tliie Southern States iast year showed an increase of 26 per cent, the gain in that cf i ho North was only 2 per cent. A number of ne w mills are now in courae of construction iu different parts cft;.e South, aind, the production thue beins increased the percentage ( during the next lew years' is expected l ; I to show a much geeatcr rate Jthan the past. NBW V(iRK POLITICS. It really does not seem that Cornell, I i4 i the Republican candidate for Governor of V ' ij J . i , I New York, is to sail iuti) ofricse over un- i I' 1 1 i ' ruftled seas, evtn wph the assistance which be excels ;o obtain from the Tam- many bolters from thj Dmiratic ranks If prominent Li -i . v, i . .- ! anil i n n;aen rial! lie puniicau j,)Urual8 can j control any . coutidrable octroi any . toutidc number ol vote, it looks very much aa if Le wuuld not gtll there, at all, Harper's Weekly has appeared in bitter opipositiou to bim, and there iremany others, con spicuous among which is the Times i- udidacy ia tu y "damned whose endorsement; of his id I .I ; weak that he i is being fair with f.iiut praise." j lhe hendatj upright, patril btic and iu- tel.igent course pursued By Governor Kbii.son, , in hit; adtninistrpi:oh of the atlairs oi the; bta q ensce bis eleo i-tiice, ! tion to , has commended itself to alt fiirj-ujiinilei people,1 whether l. , -v ... or: Republicans. Ibe convention which : enoiLmated bim devl oped the tactithat ti.e true Diiuocraev W the State were not! lobe led by the nose 'aiumany faction. This any longer by thet determined siand: taken against tbe right ot Tammany to dictate to1 the majority, has had its influence for, good upon the llep lblicans, 1.0 writhe ubder a know. edge of the fact that Conklmg, not aTa vorite with a large portion ofthe-Dartv. 1 T 1 i 9 successfully dictated toltbem ia coulpen- tion, and foiced upon not of their choice. 1 em a candidate This augurs favorably for the Demo cracy, for Tammaiy having1 bolted at the outset, the parcy knew i the jwork which was before them and couiq lay their plans according; while the Kepnbli cans having quietly submitted to the die tiion oi Conk ling, are now awaking to t ieir sense of duty and are repu IU ii g their candidate in unmistakable ternu leaving those." who run tbe machine at the convention f n'i elv at a loss as to what course to pursue in relation to the c'cf ctlon. Every indication now is that h?re will be enough Republicans to vote t r 11 n;ssou t rnort than compensate ii-.-e :h kt Tammany can iSo iu jte it be. fur ali t h1' a:rS..-l give to Cornell, . Colocne Cathedral is at length near c nipletion, and August of next year wil see i fi'ii?hed. Begun in the very midst ol the 'ages of faith,' whn monarchs beg gared themselves to rai:e magnificent structures, of! which only picturesque ruins now remain for the world to look at, this temple lagged behind all its cntem-po- iries in the work of construction, saw tij m reach their mature glory, decline, and sink to ruin, itself being all the time an unfinished fabric. ' The firt stone ot Cologne Cathedral was laid iu'l-J45i, when the grand edifices -now left, perfect , ; mined, in Europe were either just fin ished, or, like Notre Dame, in Paris, were in rapid progress ; but while the most elaborate ot tbt m took on'y three centu- 1 ! "ries to brig to perfect ion, Cologne has more than doubled the time. It took ! ies to complete the nearly tluee ce.ntur; choi , hT:d bince that pate it has required iib.!ial -.id fiom nearly all the sovereign? of Kurope to keep the construction going What now remains to be done is the last s.ae ai.d crowning decoration of the state JV tOW ITS. I - -. ! Theru are jven different ways oi l dti'.teratn.g oiier, but tua olivapust l? t ) n ocL Hi uboni teu -litons of water to :w.iut5j two of c:der jo man cau oLjei3t to! waiter. ( The dilllo-'t tims are between sea son;, wu-u rae girls tiav,-j nothing to yrcbt; 0e i'; i-j too cool for a t?um t : i Ln 5 t..: w r-a fur a. fall suit. N'V Orlwfl Pio V jjne u OIlejOECopical Hi - 8jci.-ty' Hud a Mte Society,' and one naturally woudera whether the fi-st ws" or;i" zed in order to discover the iaMt-r. Nurr Herald. Wili this shoe certainly hold ?' ask ed the horseman. 'I nm shoer of it replied the blacksmith. This is not forged, but a fact, tlis own ballown blew' on him N Y Mail. If you want to convince a boy of sixtean that this world is all blank, just khrd;y inquire about these days ii he is gomaj to biocK out a pair oi emu whiskers for thd winter season De troit Free Press. j There is something passing strange about human nature. If a man had to support his family by playing; billiards at $12 a day, he'd complain that he had to woik awful hard for a living, Middletown Transcript. A washwoman, who did not hang out bet washed clythes yesterday, owing to the cloudy weather, let them fly in tho air this morning, wirti the remark, 'I'm ail right to-d!iy. U s the equi nox, and the suu's bound to cross the line. I'hila Bulletin. ; Worthless StuO! Not so fast, my friend; ilf you could see the stroug i healthy, blooming,! men women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and al most death, by the utso of Plop Bitters, you would any '-Glorious and invaluable remedy." iSee another eolurnn. Fevr j and Ague ia raost common i ( the cprintr, b'nt moft seve.-e in the fall aad wi.it-;r. It is strictly a ma'arious diseas;, and eo surf lv will the individual who adopts this pre c'aution be exe xptid from Us pains and per-alties- Add to this its va,lue as a Bto pachic and anti bifciou ai;ent, and who'-will ftn- tare to grsineaj its clums to the first place a-moD? fauiiiv medicines. Fore lebviall Uruggisla and respectable Dealers generally. 1 8ept l-atw. T II): $125 ' 1 Ml PIAMJS Each, and all styles, Including Grand Squars I ! i " and Upright, all strictly riast ciAas, sold at ! ' ! the loweat kbt cash wholksalk pACTaav priceg, direct to the pcbch ASKa. These Pianof made one of the finest displajg at iae Cen tennial Exhibition, and wer ananiruoaelj re commended for the Highest Honors over 12,000 in use. Regularly insorporaWd Man ufacturing Co. rFactory established OTer 3 years. The Square Grands contain Mathu shek's new patent Duplex Oreritrung Scal, the greatest improvement in the history Piano making, i The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianoa aent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN FT ANO CO.. apl t 31 East 15th street, if Y hi lfcu-ollii.iioou.0. For Rent. fpHAT DESIRABLE WHABF, at foot of Mulberry at reet, lately occupied by the Baltimore Steamship Company, Cem plee with Otiices. Rheda, Ac Also, the COAL and WOOD YAL, corner . f Fr. at and Moiberrv etreet at t,re. e:.i . ccupidby J. A. Springer. A.-p'y to ,, r - i For Rent. rpifAT UKIIiABLiE ti.nriir.L r.,w.TT r-. on Third street, West de,! recettly occupied by Col. Jas. Ql Bu r. r Apply to sept 24 R. F. LANODOy. For Rent. TEE ENTIRE THIRD Floor of the ; Mu chi8on Building, eimated -n Front titreet. next North of the Bnk of New Hanover. Especially suitable as a Hall or fur Ulub purpose Apply to b. d. Deforest, ' I ' I or A MOKCBISOK. sept 20-9t For Rent. nn m Ii ru 4 J 1 IT1 QTliU I . w . i - . n i nl so ha jl ou inir.i n or. new ly 'fitted up, corner Alarkt and St uth VVa.t-jr Streets from th t 1st of October "Apply to eept 11-tf H B. I ILtKti. SGOO. TT'OH RtNT THAT Y fcKY V desirable store on Market Street, i. ecu, ie i by Mr. Thos. H. Hcwey, aa a Shoe .tore. The chepeBt Store on the treeti Ap.dy t! THE McKOY'S. eept 10 if For Rent. ' ! . 'I f J7EiOM let October ithat deeira- . i i bie-STORE, No. 45 Torth Frcnt afreet, at prefent occupied by So. Fxpreas Company. Apply to ' . eept 23 lw D. A. SMITH it CO. For Rent. rjlHE ELL- GANT RESIDENCE oc corner of Third and Walnut ets-, recently occupied by Wm. Calder, Fsq. Po83esirai given October 1st. Apply to i sept S3 V; J. F. GARRFLb. To Rent, I TORE UOU3E AND DWEL- O 1 LING to let on Brnnswick and Seventh streets, in pei feet; "order, j Tosses sion given immediately. ! J'A'so, three No. 1 Fro'U Rooms to let!, at 1 m '! . i the. First National Bank,"old building, coi ner! Front and Princess' streets, i For particulars upp'jy to sept 15 tOl SOL. BEAR & BROS. The FJew Boot and Sho3 Stored 32 MARKET STREET. ' -l TO MY FRIENDS AJiD Patrons : i sill Thankful for past favors, I will in- fn i 4Sb- form them that 1 hv just returned from th ! ' i - I North, where I have vuited a'l the celebra ted markets for Bo ts and Sho.es. I am d teriiined to sell a god shoo for a ! ::, I j low price, euch as yoa I never bought in this market befo.-e. All I ask is a call and a fair comparison. My stoc'r is now an ivirg with every t air nd cannot be excelled by any in the cdy. liespectfully, septic j C. ROSLNTHAU Meats. Meats. j qq Boxes D. S. Sides, 5Q Bb'.fl Mea Pork, 2Q Boxe3 White Strips, j I 0 Boxes D S Shoulders. Q Boxes CheapBre4t-, L! r Tea Cheap II nn. ,-,1 I At l"w prices by Hall dL PearsallJ sept 26 j llcadquartcrs Tor Ale Lager JBeer and Porter. EC- $t SON'S, .. i ro. 5 Market Stree' G IAN FURNISH IOU WITH THE BESl Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both teg and bottled, ia the city. j Country orders promptly attended t j For Smithville. gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH,, CpL D.W.Cliadwick, . i i'- i carrjing United States Mail. Leaves wbar foot of Market street daily (except Sundays) at 3 P. M. Ke corning, lave Smithville t 614 - M. B. P. PADDIaOrf. eP8 ! - Afent. , Mi8Coiiaitou. THEBtST the woflo SOLD BY si5oo:oo a? nrr-rrr y 7,' "UNE NUMBER on SHlA11, A FOR PARTICULARS WhiteSewing Machine Co. October 1st. FALL CAfflFAISS I WILL COMMENCE. Vk atlier been loo hoi 1 ' Ibr People Io Head A'1 ver liseihc FULL LINE OF I : ' Pancp Groceries JUST RECEIVED AT P. 1. 8RIDGERS k GO'S, 1 1 ' i 1 I 8500 lieward ! For -a Cigar at the same price that i .i " equals our ' '-X-Iff-C-I-P-ES 0250 Seward ! I -.1 I ' - ' I FOK ONE THAT BEATS OUR SOX.OST SHIKTGIjE ! 8100 Reward ! For an all-tobacdo Cigarette, of same htyle, finish and quality. that clan be sold as, low as our Rose and Xill. sept... I O ILY 19 DOLLARS I PENNSYLVANIA - i i M- Equal to any h' inerer in the Market ! The above cut represents the most popular ftj le tor the pe -pie, which we offer you for the j low price of VJ, in luoing attach neii s Aj Remember, we d not ak you to pa until you hve seen the machine. Aftt-r i aving; examined it if it is tiot all we "i-p-cent, re-urn it o as at ou?1) expense. Contu't your interests and orde- t "ne. It voa live within seven hundred miles the r ig.-.t wi.l pot b- mo e tba i one dollar. Address, ! Sewinr HaiifleliCo. lOth Street, Pef nsylTaiiia :i7N. Philadelphia, Pa. au 23-wtf Winberry Oysters- THEY ARE GOOD now. Another inetl- ment jost received ihis mor. ing. It's cold uOUjgh now fo ho hiatey ana fat Oysterr, Fiee Limch, every day at 11 o'clock, i -1 tpt26 JOHN CARROLL, J7 tL n. w , ,r - address: Cleveland, oh io. LIFE IN A BJTTLt. The Most Valu:ibl .Alcdical Di,ci '' ery Known to the WorSd v or. Mineral Poison sLif J fl? and Health for AIL ANOi;EN LETTER TO THE V oeuevin iuai oy.creanslng the blnJ " building up the ccxnbtitutu.u was the oL U0 wir of bni toing diseaoe and beinz ttJt" with weakness :of the luns, Catarrh t K ' much broken-down in constitution aH j after trjijg the bert phvfiicianii L ' 'l out my money t'or;mauy kirids of ruffle Rdvertiscd without tindin a perman'elt I b.gan doctoring myseit,! UginK nfediri-'' uia-.ietrom root and herbs. I fortiu.? f discovered a wonderful Uitter 0rl til C!lfcanj5er,thetirBt bottle of whicn ?aTemLJ: life and vigor, and in time effected D!Fr!r nent cure. 1 was fiee troin catarrh mih became strong and sound, bciDg able toiu i the oiot severe cold nd expobure, audi h ' gained over thirty pounda in weigLt F? ing confident that 1 had made a wondi discovery in medicine, I prepared a fattaJ.. ot the Koot Hitters, and w in "the babul, giving ttem away to sick fne nd? and t burs. I found tae medicine effected th J wunueriui cures ui an Gisea.e8 Cu)ed tr. humors orucrof tla in the blood, Imprudent Bad Stomach," Weakness, Kidalj bijl!' Torpid Liver, c , c The nwg 0f7f' aiscovery in this wy spread fuiu wxA to another until I founduisi;!i" cllei ,J. to supply patients w nil meaictnje tiri wide, ann I w.is iuauced to; eptablisih'a lb. story ,for compounding $ud bottlin'the niners in iarfce quiuiiues, and l nbw dr.n. t al' my tiiue to thid buiinees. i I was a lii tt backward ii presenting ilijei , myself or aiscovery in tbinjway tu thepubi'e not being a patent naed cibe man aQd ww small capital, but I am getting bravely ofer taat. biuce I first advertieed tLi. uitHicia. 1 have been crowded witu 'orders funn dri is gists and country dealers, and tLe bu;cdti f ot letterp 1 naye received trom persons cana, prove the fact that no remedy ever did , 'liuch good in bo short a time and riidioniacj succass as the Root bitters. In fact, I it convinced that they will soon tak the lead o all othe mtJic.cta in use. Kea ly or: Lund.ed retail druggists, right here at hme in Cleveland, now Bell Roct bitters, somiof whom have already Bold oyer ofie tiomtnj bottles. . ! I j i f Root Bitters are strictly a medicr.1 prepir ation, such as was used in the good old mu of our forefathers, when people jw re cored by some simple root or plaat, iatd whe calomel and other poisons of the miaeriii kingdom w?re unknown. j 1 hey act strongly pn tn Hyer ard lidtirjv keep the bowels regular and build up tu o'tvou8 system. 1 i hey peretrate ever? Prt of the body, searching out)- every jrerr, bone and tissue from the head, to te ft, cleansing and strengthening the fousuit springs of life, hence they nuBt ! reach til diseases by purification and rjouruhiLent. I No baatter what your feelings or sjffiptnnj are, What the disease or ailment is, ure Rdt Bitters. Don't wait untjl you are sici, bit if you only feel bad or imiaerab e, iit Bitters at once. It may save ybur lits,j j I Thousands of persons in: all fjarrj 'at (he ountry are' already using Kj)ot' Biite';i They have taved many lives of conaumtirei wLo Lad oeea given up by friends and pbjii cians to die, and have permanently cafti many old chronic cases of Catarrb, -crofula,- Rheumatrsm, Dyspepsia, and fcfkm! VutMif where all other treatments had failed. Ari you troubled with sick headache, cosUTett aizzineBS, weakness, bad taste in the ( mouthi nervousaebs,and broken down in conBtitutidt You will be cured if you takeiioot biftH JJave you'humorB and pimples on yourfacj or skin? Nothingwih give yon 8uchp"4 health, strength, and btauty aa hoot M tera. ' . , . I, . I know that jealrue phys baw m cry humbug because u;y discovery 'cum J many of their patients, b 1. 1 cre r ot lva now my desire aDd d-termir!atiD tfr t' my Koot Bitters as fast as p s iDlej within It read of ali th v.se 'suSering Hbrouhoot ti world Mold by Wholesale and reuuj P giHtaaod couutry me'chanti-, or sent ryl press n receipt ol price. $1 00 per bottle, six bo' tie: $5 0J. For certipc -tea of -w derfol cu ts, see my large ci cu; acb bottle f m..dici..e. Head aa-judtel youM.lf. ' I h ,L &.Askyour rup'ift r mercM rer FaAzr.ji.'a ajoi uiTTiiR-L -tit r 'iVood Cleanse -,nd take no snbatitat'in a.., ecou. ndbe-tvae bfmaxes tarjip . if. F-CAlZiilt, I Vcf"rU ' Si;-:.iorht.,jClev iaud 0. Fors-.Ie by I 'J. Munds andlT. f . Brb tKVLgL'hl. wsfMwjft I Wanted. V hru g the hi-he-t rc u r-ehdatlcnj, rpuaof a position 'ia r.ew-piper io- the country. Will -wJn ?bep. irV rer t W-t Selected Fruits and Vegetable TN TOU3 AND T' AURlVr. , 1 l-XTR A SFLEC I EDJ)U1CHKPJ. A Va iet of Ap.des, Potatoes, '"j. bge, Butter, Chiefs Ll cSi sept 26-tf Corner Cht jrpj 'Stores to Mr I APPLY TO THE IVlcKOYaf litorneys and Connsellors it Office North'tjide Market et, and 3d. Furniture ijST RECEIVED FSOM.FA- J . nrtment of W&Id' f L adMofFURNITUKE, wbicb at Orat Btrzains. Call and I ! 1 M., :arer.f . :piLJfjj2p d.a. saai fob 19