THI8 PAPER iipaoEsbed every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted oj JOSH. T. JitlES, KDITOB AltO PSOPKIKTOX. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. One year, $6 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three monthi, SI 36 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, irw of charge, in any part of the city, at the bore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertiing rates low and liberal VHabieriberi will pleue report any and ,11 failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. nav just tiniSetl taking our annual ft(V ,ii,. of 8 K k, and are now daily receiv m NKVV GOODS from the Northern Markets, suii able for the FALL AND .WINTER TRADE! .ir p.itroiws will study thir best inter f9! l) iiiaking their purchases as early in il,d Season as cnnvenient,as the general iu jK ations of the market have an upward tendei cy. We have just, received ov. r 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PKIUK O 'ENTS. Wl ...ile buyers would do well to lool m,r our -tock bef re purchasing as w 1, a crent many go ds we are offering ',,!, iow THE PRESENT MARKET VAi I K Fans! Parasols. Cosing out the balance at Greatly Re- due d Prices. Plain, Striped and Checked Nainsook iMuMii.s. The best value ever offered, (.'all and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. V have very much th . Largest assort ment that ha been offered in this city and our prices either by the jard or piece, cau not be undersold. Quilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give out patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towel s and Napkins. Our present assortment exct-ls anything we liave ever shown. Call and give our stock a look oyer. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receivins many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Gents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets, and every Steamer tl a couips iuto this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Oo ds that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 Market Street aug It! Zephyr Worsteds. ..VOTBER LARGE lOT JU-iT RECEITEP, WHITE 10 CENT. COLORED 12 CENTS. Look out for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening. N. H. SPRUNT, Cornen A Word ! fp0 1-AUE.VT8 AND TEACHERS : he CniTer.ity Series of Pchool Bocks ere .d.pted by on- Stte Board of Eduea- l n nd I hare mad arrangements vith the Pub i-herg for tfceir introduction at F educed "r mtr docti n Kt. a, with the privi ege of "hanging 01 . Rooks for ttiem. This ar r.neanBt will continue only for a short 7b', j6" Jur Books while they are Cr,ntie immediately around New Hano . J" C4n .be uppled through me on same Wm by th PublU hers. JfPt. C. W. YATF8. CHAS. KLEIN, OnierMer ant Cabinet Hater. 5e. 24 South Frnnt 8treet, WILMINGTON, N. C kufT A fi,ie Mrtment of Coffins and Cas CUaUn!1on hind- Fumitare Repaired. STlf arnlahed. Order, bj tele- rr. ' " " , 7"""" ' ' . ' ' l . , r . . , I i ! . j I li j j ! ' !' . ' ' r ' ! . ... I 1 : - : I : ; , , . -rr, , . . - VOL. IV. , LOCAL NEWS, New Advertisements. Munbon Children Huits. ' Alix. Ppkunt k Sow piotice1. Hop Bittiks Valu.ble Truths. Pt HKissBBaeia Do Not Fprget. A. 4 1. SHBiBaThfty are Here Window Glass Price's. -ali sizes at1 Shaffer & t A red-headed Green batker is a I it . colored man i i V parti Window Glass of all sizss at jACOBl's Ilardware it-pt. i I Seaside hups ought to be hammer resort betr. brewed into i The receipts of cotton at -this port to day foot up 508 bales. , Magistrate's Bow hid nothing of an item for a newspaper m in to-day The weather for several d jys has been delightful as pleasant as one could wish. Save your money by buiyHg our Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Everything u fir in' the mad endeavor to secure the tirst prize ut au agricultural fair. A man who declani d bimseli to be in was considered air- toxicated with music tight. No one h. is thus far, in this age of in novations, made cider from he apple of the eye. All the clothes Adam had for a long time was the close of day, while the man tle of night was the bed clothes. A lady is very much iike a gun; her locks may b all right when she sets her cap, but" won't go off without powder. Now We've got a good one. Kerosene oil will fuddle as well as whisker. Any- i i how it makes a locomotive sj head Jight. An admiring, interrogative man, por ing down into the depths of an artesian well, plaintively asked: done.' i !Va8 th.8 wel There is nothing but mystery in me teorology. When a storm is coming on. the very clouds themselves about it. I keep dark Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the S sh Factory, 'foot of Walnut street. ! . , I f All night long the powerful exhaust pipes of the Compresses were belching forth their steam ani could be heard distinctly all over; the city. There is nothing more harrowing to the. sympathetic mind than to1 hear a crying baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will give instant relief to the little sufferer. For saleyat all Drus Stores. I f I ! It is an interesting sight; to Watch a young lady in Sunday pchool j endeavor ing to instruct a class of little girls, white her own mind is centered upon big boys. 1 a class of The time fur gathering autumn leaves is almost here, and .the few harmless snakes that visit the woods in jthis Ideality will have plenty of fun j in scaring timid maidens into hysterics. j About 300 colored! excursionists' from Sumter arrived in! this r city ! about noon to day and willr eurn on the South- ra boucd train to-night j They have only about eight , hours lay over here and came, as they say, only for the ri leatd strange grub. . f ladications. Wab Department, ! ) j Office of the Chief Signal , Ofticer, J-1 Washington, D. C., Oot. 2, 1879 J For the South Atlantic States clear or partly cloudy weathef, easterly; winds, nearly stationary temperature and bar omettr. i i Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stun", pretending tobemide of wonderful foreign roots, barks. Ac, and puffed up by long bogns certificates of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective medicine1, made of well known raluab! remediet, that furnishes its own cprtiticates by its cures We refer to Hop Bitters the pur est and best medicines. EccKangei 8e another co'umn. i ' Grape Culture and lne Mr. A. Speer, oi risw Jerwy. one of the largest ferapfl producers oi the East commenced, but a few years ' agu, Q a small way, to make wine Irum currants, o lack berries and other truits lie now controls large vineyards, from .wnich his famous Port Grape Wine is mal'e, which chemists and physicians say rivals the world fur ita beueficial effects on weekly and aged persona. For sale by J. C Munda, Green '& Planner and P. L: Bridgers & Co. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1879. NO. 203 Tileston Institute. , From Miss Bradley we learn that the Tileston Institute opened yesterday with -8 scholars and a corps often experienced teachers.! To-day several other children applied for admission and were taken in The County Commissioners. The County Commissioners will bold their regular monthly session next Mon day afternoon at 2$ o'clock. We suppose there will be pleuty of business on 'hand, aa is usually the case at the sittings of tbo Board, and it will bo dispatched, no doubt, in the usual style. For; withou meaning any flattery we must say that we think this rouuty'has a &et of working Commissioners. The only objection we can po-sibly urge is the fact that thy are a little bit too economical I Where is the Harmony? If there is any thing musical, Boothing or touching in the bellowing of the thou sand cattle that s'alkjupon our Wilming ton hills, and graze while they tinkle their little tells all night long, or in the music of the singing party of small boys wen 1 ing their way up Third street to Brooklyn every night, or the whistling matches which travel along at the same time and i: I eive a sort of Chinese variation to the melody of the party of the first part, we have not yet been able to- discover it Maybe some of the officers of the night police force could inform us whero the chimes of this Chinese chin music in to make the accord. comes Monthly Means for September 1S79 Mean monthly barometer, 30 113; mean monthly thermometer, 71.2;mean monthly humidity, 73.7; highest barometer, 30.350; lowest barometer, 29.842; monthly range of barometer, 508; highest temperature, 92; lowest temperature, 47; monthly ringe of temperature, 45; greatest daily range of temperature, 26; lowest daily range of temperature, 6; mean of maxi mum temperature, 79.8; mean of mini mum temperature, 63.1 mean daily range of temperature, 16.7; number of foggy days, 0; number of cloudy days on which rain fell, 6; number of cloudy days on which no rain fell, 4; total number of days on which rain fell, 9; dates of auroras, 0; dates of solar halos, 0; dates of lunar halos, 2nd and 30th; dates of frost, 0; total rainfall, 6 18 inches; prevailing wind, Northeast; total movement of wind, 4.140 miles; maximum velocity of wind and direction, 19, South, 3rd. James M Watson. Sergt. Sig. Corps, U. S. A. The best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Ilardware Depot. 1 . Pinafore To-Mgli . Ford s Juvenile Opera Troupe arrived in this city this morning and will give their chaste and unique rendition of H. M. H. Pinafore this evening at the Opera House. Thev come! with the hearty commendations of the press and public wherever they have shown and knowing Mr. Ford's ability in organizing a troijpe aad to carry out bis programme to the letter, we are prepared to see Pinafore rendered in hue style. Hear what the Raleigh Observer has to eay of theai: Ford's Juvenile Opera Troupe gave us a remarkable rendition of this ever popu lar operetta last evening. The children were greeted with a good house, and from the rise of the curtain to its fall the appreciation aud applause were aimtst unlimited. To the graces which older actors exhibit the children a id many pe culiarly their own. The rendition was a careful one, full attention being paid to the score as well as to the stage busiuess, and the performers were so wouderlully; up in their parts as to excite surprisei from all present. The talent of the children is so marked as to make their performance a positive marvel. There were some forty on the stage, which was well set, and one and all took tbci parts with vig'-r. Miss Lily Parslow, as f Josephine was ione of the direst little creatures imagin a le. No' a '-e then seven e rs ofage, Ucr graceful rigure and sweet voice woo her continued appUuse Miss Lily Bailey, tqnlly tender in j years and petite,' admirably filled the part of 'Oousin Hebe,' whi.e Miss Melissa Wal ters made an extraordinarily clever 'But tercup ' Master John Smith admirably took the character of 'Captain Qorcoras,' and his singing and stage manner were almost faultless, bis twin brother, Mis ter VVilluui Smith, was a good, 'Sir Joseph Porter and threw into the part much thit was amusing. Master Minchen, as Rckatraw made quite a bit, and the prt of 'Deadeye by Master Covet dale, was capitally presented: Tha choruse and tableaux were exceeding y effective. One of the gems of the eveu -iug was the 3 jlo of '-Cousin Hebe a pretty addition to the operetta. No one who loves) children, or admires talent, should fail to see these juveniles. :: '.; " ' ' . ' ' ' ' .V- 1 Gone Back, on! Us. Mayor Fishblate has completely gone back on the reporters. Again this morn ing we were met at the door of the City Court room with the same informa tion as yesterday and the diy be. fore "No City Court o-day." 1 fhis U getting to be a stereotyped phrase, and wt! are getting heartily tired of it Oar read ers must have news, but where are we tjo get it from if everything should fail iike thi? - , You Can get the best White JLead, Paint, aud Oils, and low;&t prices at JACoiii't. Hardware DepoL ll irrt si Moon. Tlii week we have the 'Harvest Mom s oii'-n arji so Jondly spi ken of in Unai. nsn pastoral JiLcratur'. This is the full lu.jon occurring nearest the autumnal equinox, the peculiarity of which is tlia it rises for several days reaily at sun's t, about the same time , instead of fifty odd minutes later each successive dak as usual. As this phenomenon occurs at a period when the farmers in E . gland are busy with a certain portion of harvest duties, and very opportunely supplies them with light sufficient to work -after sunset, the 1 1 1 moon at this stage received in that country the name of the Harvest Moon by which it is now designated in nearly every civiV ized part of the; world, without reference to its relation to agricultural pursuits. Looks Like Business. 1 If any one doubts that business has commenced, let him take a wa'k down cn Water street, J.anJ observe the lively movement of drays and trucks. See, the cotton brokers, and cotton samplers, ob serve the cotton buyers as they. slip in and out. See the business hurry that every one wears and then decide for himself Certainly, if we are to judge by the hurly burly in front, of the Rev:. jv and Joub ital office, where one vessel has been disc charging, another taking in cargo, and a New York Steamship discharging and receiving freight at the same time, one could not help drawing the con clusion that business had begun, and is at the same time sharply on the increase. Stedman Fire Company. It jhas beenpretty generally under stood, for several days past, that the new, bucket organization in the Fifth Ward was to be named in compliment to Maj. C. M. Sted nan. At the meetiog held last evening this determination found vent aud the committee to whom. the matter was referred announced that it would hereafter be known as the "Sted man Fire Company No. 1," a very handsome comp.iment, by the way, to a very gallant gentleman. We only trust that these young men will make as good a record hereafter in fighting the fire fieud as Maj. Stedman did in fighting Yankees during the late unpleasantness j The Maj )r, it is said, will set 'em up" and ,rcall 'em oysters" on the first Wed nesday night in nex. month For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to JacvBI's Hardware Depot. X Disastrous File. We regret to learn that Capt. A. W. Reiger lost by fire last night, on his plantation in Brunswick county, about three miles from the city, his barn, with tho machiuery it contained, and some 2 000- bus els of rice. The fire was dis- i covered! about 8 o'clock and the building and its contents were entirely destroytd Capt. Reiger had teen busy all day housing the rice and the hands had noi iill lett the barn until1 after dark, SO; busy vere they. It is thought that the fire must certainly have, been accidental, as Capt. Reiger has no! reasons to suspect any ope. The loss is' estimated at about 5,000 of which the rice is estimated at J$l 50 per bushel and the building and machin ery at $2,000. Oq this Capt. Reiger has insurance for $4,050 with Messrs. John W. Gordon! & Bro in the Liverpool, Lon don and Globe. ! ! ' The Fire at the Compress. They are getting out the burned and charred CQttpn at the Wilmington Com press as raiidly as possible It is being carried up the river near Hilton, where there will be no'danger from a reignition. It is said now that some 1,350 bales will foot np the loss Lut this is not all entirely destroyed. The estimate of an ex pert" is that tha leas j , will foot up nc more than $00,000 on cotton, and $5, GOO on repairs in building. The machmt ij is also badly damaged, but to what extrn. is not yet known. The work of getting ready again will be pushed on to c- mple tkm as rapidly aa possible, - ' Set back 12 Vears-j "I ,rroubjled for many years with Kidney Comprint, Gravel, Arc ; my blood became thjri, I was dull aud inac tive; could hardly, crawl about; was an old word out man all over; could get noth ing to hlp me, until I gut Hop Bitters and now I am a buy agai. My blood and jkidneyK ,are all ripht, and I am an active as a man of 30. although I am 72, and I have no d ;uot it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth a trial. (Father.) CVurt Wei k ' i r ' Next Monday. 1 the October tefin of the Criminal C -urt , be-ins and ! Paddy's Hollow, Ti ''upson's Alley, the jlxmg House, aiul thr Whitfield shanty will seiid their ropreh-entatives to pay couri i. e. to pay the penalty of their evil doings at the Cuurtand from thjuce, perhaps 'to the Pen at R i'eib. ! Mtn-oi ic Sliiiffef Ahead. Prof. Tice says that we are to have, on the night of November 13th, the. most brilliant njjp-teoric display ever seen since L066, when to all intents and purposes the sky literally rained ' fire. The dis play for this year will not commence until about 1 o'clock yih the morniog, but the pi"ofes.sor says that the magnjficence of the display will more t the inconvenience o: han compensate for vigil. Accident. We learn that a colpred man, named Atkinson, while at wort to day removing the debris" occasioned by the late fire at the compress, was struck ont he head by a falling block of timber which inflicted a painful, if net a serious wound. lie was conveyed to his home, where medical as sistance'was summoned, and his condi tion made as comfortable as possible. t ' . Mr. J. i Winner, the gentleman who recently removed to this city from Wash ington, N. C. and who had such a nar- 1 row escape on a vessel while trying to en ter the Swash, will, "we understand, open a jewelry and ment on South ch nge Corner. watchmaking establish Front street, near Ex- The man who frequently remarks that all things are for the best, generally re gards himself as one of the best. 1 A CARD. ' ! To all who are suffering from the er rors aud indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, Iohs of manhood &c, I will send a recipe that will oure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-ad dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph j T. Inman' Station. I), Nev York OittJ, - 11 Wine and Cake for Evenings. Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wiues and jBrandies iu the United States. He makes a Superior Port jWiue, which took the highest premium attheCentennial; known as Hpeer's Port Grape Wine. It is Bold by J, C. Muuds, P. L. Bridgers & Co Aug-tf. and Green &Flauner. New Advertisements. SMotice. LL P&BS0N8 are hereby cau tioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Br. Brig "SIGNAL", Captv Williams, as no debts of their eontrac- tion will be paid bv either the Captain or Consignees. ALltX. SPRUNTi A SON, Oct ? Ht 1 I Consianep ' Children's Suits I JJONG AND SHORT PANTS, I ! DO Yo' SCHOOL SUITS, WEST POINT GRAY, t t Mdi'ary :uitf, at MCN.-ON'S, THK CLOTUfER TKt i AND M Etc. TAILOR. OO VAL, CABLE! TRUTHS. WW I? r u ar1 nn? ir.'rf Tii 3 por health, or lanffalah- 1 Hop I!itnr wilj l ure 1 oo. Tf Tan a- a r.imti bare orertaxod yoo If yy-i ft 1 veic ant tL gpinu-u, iUiout cicnj outv- -in :-- a-- i wi ru.orr,!! you n-rimra mxiinx: Hop liiti.-r!. iIlgKfMorf ioa i If y.a cakerubd by the r i . ;4Juuc-; of tua t let- tern, U'ilt.;; .u'.vr ournuuai worx. !?,. lilt-n v'tilrrfMsrthen You. If r tuv.- : . ': :iffcrii!(r from any India eriiii.'.i up j!- yw '.t.. miiX, aid olUrO me cue, liop li.fioi MitiglU-Iieve Yob. IJ 5- r.:c- in ths -f .ric-g.-.hop, or? tli? Urm, at th Jc-sfc.aDrw.lurt. and flZ. yvnr pytXtm iedf :k-anirj'. tiunir or tltua U oUun' sSwii Hop nittrn UjUTiat lou Tf too r.1 1 .rv1 TmirBli? U fct ble. JXXt nerves un.steady.atulyaarilutculliefi wtoum. Up Itltter will fi T ' U1 mmd Cr Dor Cocoii C'csz I th smIoA and taa. i - iiki hiiiina i rw. ti- I'.r. f..i- R'-jrh. lirer and KkltM-rsia riartoaoJocutra. Corcaby mtxttryuoa. It U perfect. jj. l c. Is an abauhrt and irmfatiUe core t or drv4c euDtM. we ot opium, toiatco aod umtojUcm. PLKABE XOTICE. - .r i a We will be glad to receive eotnmani. aUoos irom our friends on any and all sabctsof general iattrest bat : 1 Tee name of the writer matt. a!wjV U fBr aiahed to the Editor 1 Communication mest be written on onlv one side or thepaper. Personalities most be avoided. And it is especially aad particularly aider stood ttat the Kditor does not always endo the viewa of correspondent, oaleea so state ia the editor UlenlaBna. f j i New Advertisements. TT. OR ERA HOUSE. ThurMl.iy, October 21. FORD'S JUVENILE OPERA CCMP'Y In Arthur bullivan's Comic Opera ' H. M. S. PINAFORe! j F1F TYi CHILDREN IN OPETIA. I Pinafore as done at Wsllaek's. j Pi fre inanewdreta fvery character is 10 well done both mutically and dramatically, a to be beyond criticiem. ! I The New Vork Tribune said: "Pinafore, as done, by Ford' Jnrenile!Opera Company, waa better tnvg and acted than bv any other Company that has appeared in New York Citv. . . j . AdmiFion 25, 50 and 75 cents. 8ecnrd oew, i. secarel Heats Tor Children 60c. nm.e 01 neats will begin on Tuesday. SeD- .u.. v.u, t uoioiuergcri jsooastore. They are Here. Ai IJHU OF OUR FRIENDS lO'call I and see us. Our Fall and Winter Stock is i ''; now arriving by every train and steamer,! and we have no hesitation la pronouncing it the MOST DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT of Gent's Ciothinr and Furnlihinu Goods ever biought to the Stat. It will take our two larjre. and haodome stores to hold it all. Notwithstanding the recent advance in' the' Northern market, we guarantee toj sell at LOWER PRIGESTHAN EVER BEFORE Call an d see u and we will prove it to yon. sept 24 . .1 A. A I. SHRIEK. Baby Syrup. . PACKER'S GINGER TONIO, Indian , 'I'l Choljrogae, Ball's Cough; Syrup, J Klutx Chill Cure, A j ers' Ague Cure and a com plete stock of pure Drucrs snd Medicine. F. C. MILLER,! Corner 4th and Nun Streets. Open diy and night. I i 1 sept Id tf i i We Do Not Claim T)A.TRONAUE simply because we are JL. a (home enterprise, nor do we expect It at the expanse of any one's pocket; WB Dp CJLiAlM that we can till any order for Sash, Doors and Blinds, Or anything in our line, at as LOW FIG UREb, and as good work and material, as can be bought any where. Wiudow Ulass, Builder's Supplies always on hand. j' Our new DRY KILN" is in operation, ana none out the bfst JLtraiber isj used. , Respec fully, I ALTAFFER dc PRICE. FactoryFoot of Walnut street. Office Cor Nutt and Red Cross streets, sept 29- , . Do Not Forget 1 rjlHAT TUE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS is at ' 1 THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs, QOLD ON THE WEEKLY and Month KJly instalment Plan, at Bottom Pi ices. Base Balls, Bats and Guides. 1 . Blank Books and Stationery cf eveiy description, at HEINSBERGElJ'.V sept 23 ' 33 aid 41 Market st COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C. F A DCIZUrTB, Prop. rpHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the "Mjl FIRE nOU8E",hTiflg been thoroughly r-n- i orated and refitted is now one of the lesdirg ' I '! i first-class Hotels in 'the city. The-table is - . ,1" ; appucu wiiu u uttt our avme 'itu citiu- 1 : - J it . t . l I t. ern markets affords. Board per Bay $2 and $2 60 ! Large 8ample Rooms fortLe Com ' i 1 ' i ! saercial trade. . i j t A First-Class Bar and Billiard flill connected with this HoteL ! 1 FRKK LUNCH daUy from II A. M to 12 JO P. M. i I , July 19- I AEeliableBoy BOOT 14 YEARS OLD, canjgel employ- ntent by applying .at the sept SO REVIEW OFFICII Tiiot, H. UcKoj, &obt H 2IcKd7 aaS?OXIZ7Z3ir0-A!aT-&AX7 WILIIINQTON, n. a efiiesi North side Market street betws eeomd aad Third streeta, iu2T-Cf i ' . ' 1 - yroinpuj oiiea. jaa is - M -4, ' ;

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