THIS PAPER u nnoHabed erery afternoon, SaidAji ex cepted by JOSH. T. J1ME8, CDITOB AND FSOPRIKTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. nn Tear, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three months, $1 35 ; One month, 60 cent. The paper will be delivered by carrier!, rM of charge, in any part of the'city, at the bore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising ratea low and liberal ser-Subacribera will pleaae report any and ,11 failures to receive their papers regularly Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. We have just finished taking our annual b(v.umi of stock, and are now daily receiy j,- NfcW GOODS from the Northern Jl okHs, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! ur patrons will study thir best inter--Ls by making thoir purchases as early in tl,e Season as convenient, as the general in .li. iitious of the market have an npwarcl oy. We have just received ov r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PKlCJS J JKNTS. Vholitale buyers would do well to look over our ?ock bef re purchasing as wf ,hvh a great uia-'V l'O da we are offering ir.ud, below 1 IliS TRIDENT MARKET VALUE Fans! Parasols. C.osing out the balance at Greatly Re due d PriCfS. riahi, .Strip-d aud Ch iCKed Nainsook a!u-.1ils. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12i to kO cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. flretojine, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much ih Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the yard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts, Domest ic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up iu price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we haVii ever shown. . , Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents Is situated on the 8 W. corner of Marie and Second street. and every Steamer t! a come into this p rt brings a Fresh Lot of Hie most surpnsinnly ('heap and useful fo .da that ever were offered iu any mar ket under any circumstances. We ofler great indue ments to Wholesale Buyer's. BROWN & HODDICK, 45 3arl:et Street Zephyr Worsteds. OTHER LARGE LOT JU3T RECEITED. WHITE 10 CEXTsO COLORED 12 CEN1S. TV a ES- oi out for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening, S. H. SPRUN'f, ,ept15 Fchan(re Corner A Word ! 0 PARENTS AND TEACHERS : Te Cnirerslty Series of Bchool Booki ere adopted by oar Btate Board of Edaca- u,n and I hare made arrangementa with the Publishers for their introduction at Eeduced intraduction Katta, with the privi egenf "banifmjj OJ , Book fof them Jhia tiS wBt wil1 coioe n'J for a ahort ch? ecilTe jour Books while they are untieiimreediateiy around Sew Hanr trCn npphed through me on aame w tf by the Publisher a. C. W. YATF8. CHAS. KLEIN, Ofllertator and Calinet Hater. o. 24 South Frnnt 8treet, WILMINGTON, N. 0. kein.t. e "rtent of Coffin and Caa Uon hand- Furniture Repaired rrlfK!-01." Orders br tele I VOL. IV,;' LOCAL , NEWS. New Advertisement. S. H. Mamhiho. Sh'ff County land State Taxes. ' ! j Tim Lb State Fair. Oko. F. Tillkt Tennsaee Beef, P.' HaiHSBiaexa Do Not Forget. A. A I. 8hbir Thy are Here. ' i , - Wood ia scarce and high. Wii dow Glass-iali siies at Waffer & Price's! , 1 1 t; ci There is no game law against f ow," this year. Lone serrnousj aie spoken of as clerical errors. Magisterial circles ar dull as ;au old hoe to day. The Almanac said ram yesterday, and roin - ifc Hiiln't i ' ' i . r a u av wS Ford s Juveuile Trouue i nlay in Co)- umbia to-n;ght Window Glass Llardware :epi of all siz-s at! Jacobi'p Tne Temp eton's are to play in Raleigh T during Fair WVt-k. The receipts of c tton at thisj port to- day foot up 458 bales.. We regret to learn that! Oapt J. E Leggett, ofJ.bis eityjj is quit sSck . , .; ' Mixed mathematics Qiverlj a donkey, engine, to determine its horse power, j 1 i - The true genuine woman causes all to feel perfectly at ease in! h r presenc . The maiden with the new parasol al ways regrets that she can't keep, it up in Nor. brig Gloria Ommendsen, from this port, arrived at Trieste 1 on the 26th nit. . ! - I j i. Steamship Tybee Oapt. Tribonf cleared at New I York for this port on Wednesday. Scbr. Pvst Bo GottJ for this port! from Bucksport, Me., was! in Dutch Island Harbor last Monday. i i Save your money by buying 5 our Build j i Supplies from Altaffer &jPrice. f I The thermometer I regiate 85 degrees in this office at 3 o'clock this 1 afternoon J which is high enough for any day in Oc tober. Some of the old folks tell us that it never does ram during! the first time days in October, shall see We will see see what we An inquisitive young lady asks what is the most popular jiolbr for a bride? If we were going to marry, we shoald pre fer a white one. j j ' j He had a dowiicast look,1 but it caused by business cares and vexations. His wife baa been rusticating and was ahmih rpr.orn ina linm Jl A careful political economist close'y calculates that the women in this rcpntry j j might save $14,500,000 in ribbons which the men might spend cigars. That fjood old custlm of h inorin a newly married couple witha 'laeses can dy pull is said to be falling into decay. One by one the things which make life pleasant are fading away. The young lady who educatt-s herself to peak tin ifoimly k ud tp her brother wil find a reciprocal love will never set the dog in his breast. He on jher fellow, nor tar the front steps on a dark Sunday even ing. The rice crop on the Caj e Fear is being rapidly harvested. It is an unusually good crop and this fact, coupled with tbe fair priceat which rougk; rice is now sellingj makes ghd the hearts of the planters. Nothing removes an Incipient Cold more quickly and pleasantly than a reua ble cathartic nedicine, such as that old and tried remedy, Dr.j j Ball's Baltimore Pills, used by thousands of families throughout tne jana. rrice oniy zo cents. Mr. W. A. Davis, of the Oxford TbrcA light, will publish a daily issue of that paper during the approaching session of tbe North Carolina Baptistj State Conven tion, which meets in that town on Novem ber 5th A distinguished divine will edit tbe issue, which will bo furuishxl 1 1 sub scriber at 25 cents. Bogus Certificates. It is no vile dragged stuff, pretending to be made of wonderful foreign r-xU, barRs. &c. and puffe l up by long bogus certificate!, of pretended miraculous cores. but a sinipld, pure, effective medicine, made of well known' valuable - remedies, that furnishes its own certificates, by its "trv a m. fT ark - . 1 cures we reier 10 nop outers, toe pur est and best medicines. Exchange. See another column. -"";,"' Da r WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER j ... 1 Tim Lee. . Persons contemplating risking the State Fair would do well to I read ami profit by Tim Lee?s ad in this issue of the Rkvikw. Be keeps a good house and can accommodate all of his friends. lie gives good meals and entire satisfcc ion to all his patrons. 1 Pull or Years. I Mr JohD Everett,! father of Dr. S. Sj Everett, of this, city, died of paralysis at his residence in Goldaboro, on Wednes day last, aged 77 years. He was a life long citizen of Wayne c unty, aud carried with him to the tomb the affection and respect of a multitude ol people. Theatrical Motes. From the Dromutic News we learn that Norcross' Fifth Avenue Pinafore Troupe will show in this city on the 81b aud 9tb insts. We also learn that Mana ger Powell, of the Richmoud Theatre, is ruuning J Gilbert snd Professor Wyman tnrough North and South Carolina. The Grover's Boarding House, Ford's Opera Company, I Foy, Sisters, Berger Fanrly and Sol Smith Rus.-ell are heading this way .1 1 Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the Sash Factory, loot of Walnut street. t ' 1. f Annnal Session of the Eastern Bau list Association. The Eastern Baptist Associa ion will hold its annual sessfon at Piney Grove Church, nine miles from Faisons depot, on the W. & W. R R., commencing oh Tues day next, the 9 th inst. At a called business meeting of .the First Baptist Church of this pity, held last night, the pastor, Rev J. b. Taylor, and Mr. Geo. F. Alderman ware appoint ed delegates to the Association. Accident on the W. C- & A. Rail I Road. As the excursion train of colored peo pie, which arrived here about 1 o'clock yesterday a.'ternoon from South Carolina, was passing Nicholls, S. O , a colored man by the name of Williams, who was on board, jumped off and his forehead struck a crosstie, killing him instantly. His father inslaw resides at Nicholls, and it was for the purpose of paying him a visit that j be made the' fatal leap. Wil liams was identified by his father-in-law at once. i M City Court M The first case on docket this morning was onej where a little colored girl, by the name of Catharine Myers, had been as saulted by a colored boy named George Larkins, in which the latter struck the former on the head w ith a glass bottle, in flicting a gash about an inch In length. It appeared in the evidence, however, tha1 the two were quarrelling and fightirg at the time of tbe occurrence. The girl waL discharged, and the boy sentenced to ten daya in the city prison. . A case of drunk and down on the street was dismissed. ' Richard Atkinson, colored, anested on 1 - suspicion by officer Tietjan, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, was sen below for 'a future hearing. For bar steel, iron aud carriage goods go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. J Ford's Lhildreu in "Pinafore." Ford's Juvenile 0. era Troupe played "Pinafore" at the Opera House last evening to a fair audience. The reuditfoh of the different characters by the little ladies and young men were admirable. Too much cannot be taid iu praise of the youthfu per formers, as their acting and vocalbm were simply superb! Miss'Lillie Parslows Josephine, Miss Wilters' Buttercup and Miss Myer's ZLoe, were as fine pieces of acting as we have ever seen in tnese cnar. act rsi Tbey were Well up in their parts and their childlike grace gave eclat to their perform mce. The parts of Corcomn, Sir Joseph, Ralph, Dick Deadeye and Boatsicdin were cleverly taken by the male members ci the troupe. So much pleased were the community with tbe performance that had theCompany played here to-night, standing room in the Opera House would have been iu demand. A gentleman offered Manager Watchall three hundred dollars for the house to-night, if he would1 give another performance in this city. His en gagements were such as to compel him to refuse the offer. Messrs Geo F. 'lilley and Herman Hintz have purchased two car loads of beef ca tie which have just arrived here from Est Tennessee. The first of it has been slaughtered, ' and will te found to morrow cn Mr. Tilley's stalL It is beau tilul beef and will be appreciated for San- day dinners. ! ' i ' 1 - i ' r . . : 1 -r r . 1 ' ! 1 ' r i i . i Religious Meetings. We understand that an invitation J has been extended to Rev. J. P. King, pastor of the Second Baptist Church, in this city, 10 hold a series of meetings in Brooklyn Hall,to begin at an early date. It is not yet definitely known if he will accept the invi tation, but there is good reason to beliesre that be will. ! I Ton Small rr 11 liu. J Mr. iThos. H . Hqwey notifies the pu b lie j i-i this issue that he wiil remain at histoid stand, finding the store Recently occiipied ty CapL Jno. H. Allen too sma 1 for his stock. He his a flue lice of goo's and prop ses to letain his reputatiou ot selling good goods only. Si e his alver- tisement elsewhere. i Good Sport. A subscriber livngj in Holly Shelter township, Pender county, was in our office a day or two since, and told us i j that he worked in the turpentine woo'Js thii reason ten d iys and in that time he killed ten deer, besides doing bis regular work each day. He did not kill a deer on each day, but the total killed rnade an average of one per day for the ten days Arrested. , Fanny Gore, the Queen of the Hollow, invaded the Secretary of War Kit Hug gin's domains, to day and commenced a war of destruction on thei Secretary's property,! so it is alleged, and was car rying the war into Africa sure enough with violence, when she was arrested and locked up. The Mayor will interview her to-morrpw morning at half past nine o'clock. 1 The Fire Alarm. The pre alarm was sounded this after noon about two o'clock, caused by the sudden burst out of fire among the cotton which had been moved from the Com. press yard to the hill east of the Carolina Central depot. Eleven hundred bales o damaged cotton are on the hill knd upon the shifting of the wind to the Southwest the smouldering embers were fanned into a blaze. It wai soon gotten under control and about sixty watchmen are employed to keep the fire down. ; I You'can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, j aud lowest prices! at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. 1 ! The Second Baptist Church. The religious exercises which have been in progress in this Church for some weeks past have resulted thus far inft)9 acces sions already, and there are others who will probably connect themselves with the Church at an eaHy day. The or dinance of baptism will be administered to about 20 candidates, at 3. o'clock! on Sunday afternojn, at the foot of Queen street. The pastor. Rev. J. P. 'Kins, wil attend the Eastern Baptist1 Association I a. . 9 at Piney Grove Church in Sampson county, the coming week, during which time the regular services atithe Church will be suspended, to be renewed upon his return. The regular prayer' meetings 0 the Church, however, will be continued as usual during hiSj absebce Serious Accident and Marvelous '- Escape from Death. A serious accident befell three ladies yesterday while driving out late in the evening. The horse attached to the phaeton in which the ladies were riding became frightened and ran rapidly down Front street, where the vehicle collided with a heavy truck in frout of Messrs. Adrian & Vollers' store,, breaking the straps to the vehiclejwhich luckily re leased the borse,which sped rapidly away aud the ladies, Mrs. R. H Grant and her two daughters, Mrs. J. N. Hinton and Mrs. Thos. Shepard, were thrown violently to the ground, Mrs Grant being badly injured by having her right arm severely sprained and her shoulder dislocated. Mrs. Hinton was very severely bruised. Mrs. Sheperd and a little girl who was also in the phae ton escaped injury. Mrs. Grant, the most injured of the party, we are glad jto learn ia doing very well, and j Mrs. Hinton, though severely bruised and cut about the head and face, is not seriously injured. It was quite a miraculous escape frcm death. The fish market is overstocked now every day with skip-jack, or blue fish, as tbey are called elsewhere. You can lay in a week's supply of fish now at a comparatively trifling outlay. All property on which taxes are un paid wiil be adrertiseJ on the first of No Yembcr. See Sheriff Manrauji's ad. 3, 1879. NO. 204 , Personal. The many warm friends in this city of that courteous gentleman and efficient officer Maj jj. C. Winder, General Superi inten3eut of the R deigh & Gaston R. R; and the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, will be pleased to leaf u that he has been re elected to Ihe same position at a meeting held in Raleigh on Wednesday, as w learn froni the Raleigh Observer. I Game in tut vtoods. ' Game is said to be very plentiful in the neightorii g country, b'quirrels and rab bi ts are abundai t and in s rae sections (leer seem unufu-illy plentiful. There is a good st ick of adorns and the average if according to a communicative - friend of ours who lives on Topsail, thirteen squirrels to every acorn beariug tree. The Bauie authority represents the fqairreis as being so plentiful that, he doesu t waste powder and Vhot oq them, but goes out along the fences iof his corn field and brjngs them down very easily with a big brush s wiieii aud a -t Ions drawn bow The best Ainjowsi Doors and Blinds and Lowest Pricca can be got at Jacobi's r Hardware Depot. j Mr. Robt. Morrison has started a coal and wood yard on Wateri between Orange and Ann streets. 1 i Coal is selling iu this City , at $5.50 per ton. , ' - 1 1 New Advertisements. State and County Taxes for 1879, fpiIE STATE AND COUJiTF TAXES were due on the first Monday in September. Notice is hereby irea that all property on which the Tax -a are unpa d, will ba adver tised on the 1st of November 1879. Pay yoar Taxes promptly and eave coita. S. H. MANNING, oct 3 2t Sh'ff New Hanover Co. To the Public. LjMWLUJNl THE STORE FORMERLY L occupied br CintJ John H. Allow ly too small for my larce atook. T vill r. rpecuuuy notuy y C8i0raeri and the pub lic generaiy. that I will re aain mr-linM s and,' No. 47 North Market street, whei I propose to ieep a fi e and well aaaorted etocic or urrs and j SHOES. My Goods are purchased from Manufa3turer8 who hve Tne repntatioa ror the best cood in country, and can SS&'rSSLEE pair sold.. I hve for H-llincr noiH) Mimw nvi v 5j - vw wiMJl, BBU Will eDdeavor to retain tht even jat the risk of noi selling qare st many goods, but giving iuuio((cutti n-iisiiit-iKin. ooiicitinjf a oon- nuujatc ui pasi pairoiiagP, j I ami Very Respectfully, ret 3 It j THOJtfAtf H. HOWETi nnessee Beef. rpHE FINEST, FATTEST, RICHEST, Sweetest and B; st Beef of the season w ill be j 1 : ! tound at my S'all in tl e Market House to ! morrow morning. Fresh from the moun tains of East Tennessee and altogether hard to beat GEO. F. TILLEY, cct3 1t PUlj No. 8 Market Hong". State Fair- . jV TORS TO THE STATE FAIR ahould ' ! ' i I not fail to ttop at ' TIM LEE'S CLUB ROOMS, where board can be had on the European Plan, or otherwiae. My Bar and Billiard Parlors are the best in tie city a-d my houfe can ot be turpaaied in the State. I -I' Faternally, TIM LEE, i ort 3 tf Raleigh, N. C. Wotice, A LL PBSON'8 are hereby cau- tioned against harboriog or trusting any of the crew of the Br. Brig "SIQNAL"j i ! i Capt. Williams, aano debts of their contrac- tion will be paid by either the Captiin or Cineignees. ALLX 3PKDA T A SON. oct 2 3t Conncneea. Children's Suits! JONG AND SHORT PANTS, BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, WAST POINT GRAY, or ililitary Suits, at MONStVS, THE CLOTHIER PLEASE 50TICE. 1 L 1 ' ' i We will be f lad to receive eoDmnni- aticaa from oar friends on any and all tab4ete cti general iatarest bat : ' i The name of the writer moat, a ware te far ftiahed to the Editor ! Conunanieationi moat bf written on oalj one nae or tne;paper. . Personalities moat be avoided. And it ia eepecially and particularly under tne ifiditor doea not alwaya endo't the viewa of correal den ta, nnleee to aU !' ia the editorial columns. . S . ( ' ( New Advertisements. j They are Here. 1 Yy E BtQ OF OUR FRIENDS T6 call and see hi. Our FaUand Winter Stock Is! ' niw arririnjr by every train and iteaierL i i i" ' r and we have no heaiuUon in pronoancinff It) the MOST DESIRABLE A 380 RT ME. NT j of Oenta Oiithlne and Fnrnishinjr Goods , ever bi ought to the BUte. It wiU txe pur two lara:e and handaome stores to hold it all. Notwithatandinsr the recent advance in the I Northern markets, we -uaranteej to sell at LOWER PRIQES THAN EVER BEFORE Call and see a and we wHI prove! it iyou' aeot 24 1 ! A. A L 8BB1ER I Baby Syrup. pAkKER'S GINGER TON IO, Indian CholROgue, Ball'a Cough: Syrup, r KluU Chilli Cure, Ajera Ague Cure and. a com plete ttock of pure Druara snd MedicinesJlf F. C. MILLER, i ! I Corner 4th and Ann Btieetl. Open day aud night. 1 aept 2d tf I ' We Do Not Claim Jp.VTRONAGE simply because we are a home enterprise, nor do-we expect it ati luo :CApwu5 oi any one's pocket; WK DO CLAIM that we can till any order for - Sash, Doors and Blinds. Or'iing in our line, at as LOw-FiG' URE&, and as good work and material, t s can be bought anywhere. Window Gla, Buildei's Supplies always on hand. . 1 i Our new DRY KILN is iu oneration. and none but the best Lumber is used. rxespec ruiiy, ALTAFFER& PRICE. Factory Foot of Walnut atreet. I Oflice Cor Nutt and Ked Crjaa streets. sept 29- ' I Do Not Forget mUATTUE CHEAPEST PLACE to BUY SCHOOL BOOKS ia at THE LIVE BOOK STORE.) I Pianos and Organs, SOLD ON THE WEEKLY and Month ly instalment l'lan, at Bottom Pi ices. Base Balls, Bats and Guide j. , j Blank Brk and Stationery of every description, at " UCfcl-nP;lou' aL I i HElNSBEKGERtS. i ' I aept 29 39 and 41 Market School fori Youna Larlifis.; I J i 1 Mhs HART, Principal.( Assisted by Miss M. B. BROWN. r i i . i i-'-v Session begiiis Thursday, 2d of Oct V. Instruction in Girmaw Lawouios and LiT- aaaToaa by Professor Th. VonJasmomdJ Drawihq and Painting tancht Mr. F? H. PaaaLiv. i " j - i i ' ' IssTacMBNTit. Mosic under charce of Mrs. AL. r. 1 ATLOR. , aar ? ALL BEGINNERS Usdib thb SradAt T'saisiso ' I I OF TBI ; PaoirAL. 1 Charges Mode&atb. No extra charge fr lesaonsin Frbwch Lanocaqi, Vocal Music, Nkbdlbwork and Calisthenics, i j For particulars, see Circulars at the Bodk- stores, or address the I I aept 16 Mon a Fri-tf PRINCIPAL. , : : l-i i COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ' WILIGNGTOX. y. C. Mi F. A. aCflUrTL, Prop. rpHE COMMIBCIAL, formerly tbe "EM PIRE B:0U8E",havinn been thoroughly ren- orated and refitted ia now one of the leadii g Irat-claM Hotels in -the city. Tbe table, ii supplied with the beat our home and north. I- era markets affords. Board per Say $2 and $2 60 ! 9 Large Sampla Kooms brjjthe Com mercial trade. A FIrst-ClaM Bar and Billiard Ball connected with this flnteL i 9- FUEH LUNCH dailv from 11 A. M. to 12.50 P. M. . July 1ft- 1 Thof. H. IIcKoy, Uobt H- UcKov .WILMINGTON, N. a Office North aide Market street, betwt, ecoad and Third ftreeta. 1 r I iaaST-tf . Buegieo, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, F0R8ALEAT I onnnAzipg ct covo; SrdaiopiKit arjIIaiL V i REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS Art ij uinr ATUtf. . , OOR.SE-SIIOK1NO A 8PECIALTTe : . t -

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