THIS PAPER u ,oH.bed .Terj aftermoon, SoidayCex JOSH. T. JAMES, IDITOB AI" PBOPKinOK. .,-HHCKIPTIONS.FOSTAGEPAID. r f& W Hix onth f36 ThrM ""loath.. U '; One month, 50 cent. re PPr iU b deIiTered b errir fI of cbe, in any part of the eity, at the ratorl3centflperwe.k AdrertiHin? rates low and liberal , -Saberiberi will please report any and ..glares to receire their papers regulars?. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Fit. 'w istv-just tiuished taking our annual ..', .f sock, ami are now daily receiv , V N K W i OO L S f r m the N ortbern y"lk",.!, Miiiabl- for the 'k.U AND WINTER TRADE! , r aroiis will study their best inter- '.., i.'v n,kiuL'Uj-ir purchase as early in Va-ou as cnvenient,as the general iu- viV'wf lLe niaikc-t have an upward ', -!.' cy. Ve have j-ist. received ov-r 2D COO YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' I'KICK 'JEN IS. Wii'tl-xt1' buyers would do wtdl to look ov.r our "K.-k bef. re . purchasing as we. i.,w a -r..a,inany co dn we are ottering ,u,U b..T. TUE PIIESENT MARKET VAl'L E. Fans & Farassols. C'oshtf oat the balance at Greatly. Re duc'd Prices. . ruin, MripJ and Checked Nainsook Mudii.s. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 1 to cents. X Dress Goods. Uur Variety is -Large. Our pi ices ARE LOW. be upwards.. Laces. Jtretonno, Torchon and Italian Laces. Vfo have very much th Largest, assort ment that has been ottered in this city and our prices either by the jard or piece, caTi not U; undersold. Ouilts. . domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give onr -patrons an 0w rttinity to supply, their wants at the old priews Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Onr nrtuint canrt ntant anrthino we havvi'ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Ituyer Is Ln the market at present and we sit receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents Bazaar L aitu.ited on the S W. corner of Marke an. I n c ,Md streets,and eery Steamer t) a coin this p-Ti brings a Fresh Lot of titf surpi is riiily Cheap and useful (lo ils that ever ere olfered in any mar ket .under any circumstances. We otter great iuduc m-nts to Wholesale Buyeis. BROWN & RODDICK, 3 IVSarkot Street Zephyr Worsteds.. N'TliKK LARGE 1 OT JIHT RECEIVED. WHITE 10 CENTS. COLORED 122 CENTS. Look out for announcement of Grand tillinery Opening. . H. 5-PRUNT, lept 15 Exchange Cornei" A Word I ryo PAKRXT3 AND TEACHERS : ibe y Heries of Pcbool Books ere adapted by our State Boa d of Edue 11 n and I have made arrangements vith the o.Uiil,b'T8 f"r tbeir in troduction at Reduced til ,! emg 01 ' B,M,ks for tnem. This ar S; : moDt wU1 continue nnW fo a short ih i eCUre J0ar BookB whi they re Ter' ntiliimmeditt'.T ronnd Vew Hno W5 u ''i'Plled ihroayh me on same the Publishers. O. W. TAT-S. CHAS. KLEIN, OHlemtBT. and Calinet Mater. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. O. fiJJe ""rtment of Coffin and Cas Ctea,n1VmhluL Farnitnr. Repaired 1 ph " wlprompUj flllod. jia 15 .LllJlj VOL. IV. ..'i WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1879. NO. 205 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. 1 Thomas H. HowTT-Tjo the Public. Fatkkioh, Dowkiho A Co Ship Notice. Daw. 0CoNoa t-BemoTal. F. UiHSBaei Another Lot. A. A I. BHRiKk They jre Here Days length ill uours aDd 37 miuutes. I Window Glass--ali sizes at flutter & I'rice's. j t Uneasy lies the nead that wears a car buncle, i t We have tiad very heavy fugs and dews lately. ' The barometer betrius to bhovr bijusiol bad weather. , i i ' ' , Window Glass of all Hardware Depot. J s;zes at Jacobi Criminal Court opens on Monday with 33-cases on the docket, jl ' The receipts ot cottonf j j this port to day foot up 805 balek ! Every raau h8 a- fijol iunis slteve; not every one keepS;hin there. ' True prosperity builds up rather tharf the pcketlook. the soul There have been4 interments this week in Oakdale CsmeteTjy 1 child and 3 adults. Bloomer costumes may be considered the knre plus ultra of female adornment For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Thrift is the best means of thriving.' But there can be no thrjft without activ ity. I Id Bellevue Cemetery this week there were two interments oiie adult and one child. i' f The Register of I Deed has issued but two marriage license this week both col ored. i The man who finds a pock 'et book for three with cash doesn't look at a paper week?. - To-morrow is known in the Church i Calendar as the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. ' It is the little arrows that p'nfce the i. iL. i l il. L-i i : suui; tue uig ones biiool me wnoiy uuai Dess away. i one ot tue mysteries ot this world is i 1 . hov a mule's tail is shaved wi,h so little loss of life. ! i I : We hear of men sowing wild oats, but who ever heard of a woman sewing any thing but tares? 'j I "Carombolastatur" is the short; and easy scientific name fori a professional billiard. player. If you wish to have a good house to live in when you are old, you must lay brick, every dy. There have been eiht interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week two adults and six childr n Save your mouey by buying j our Build iug Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f i 1 When a man resorts, to prfuusery, he i lets it be known that be has dence in his own sweetness. little confi- The best Window's, Doors and PliuJs and Lowest Prices can ibe got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. it Col. James O. Burr arrived hopae this morning from Rajleigh after an absence of a week in the C-ty of Oaks. It's all bosh about a big man standing six feet in his stockings, he can only put two feet in one pair of stockings. 1 The noonday prayer meetiugs at the Seamen's Bethel ar continuer1, Sundays excepted; all persons interested are r quested to make a note of this fact. People lenrn wisdom bj experience man newr wakes up. bis second baby to see it laugh, but always keeps Dr Bull'b Baby Syrup tandy. The CajH- Fear is j again j distres.-ingly low. The steamer D au? cliison, which eft Fayetteviile Hbnt 10 o'r ock yester day forenoon d id not uriie Lere unti 12 o'clock to-day; Court In Columbus and Brunswick, The October two weeks term of Su perior Court tor the county of Columbus convenes in WhitevilU ouj-Mouday next. Toen follows the October term for Bruns wick county, to be held at 'Smithville, commencing on the 20th ins t. Judge Seymour will hold each court. DA ! , - L . iT Personal. Judge Seymour arrived in this city this morning by the steamer D. Murchison from Fayetteviile, en route to Columbus, where he holds Court on Monday. Wm. A. Guthrie, Register in Bank ruptcy ,is registerei at the Purcell 'House. Mr. James Groves, the popular young man who use to smile uj on customers over Mr. S Q. Northrop's confectionery counter, and who sometimes "ran with the Hook an4 Ladder boys, has gone tp SpTtanburg, S C to start a branch hou:e iu the confectionery business A CUriuOS Buff. A lady residing in this city discovered, a few days since, a very peculiar bug, the like of which is a great rarity in these parts. Many who have examiued it state that they have neverjseen anything of the kind before. It was found on the leaf of in oleander tree and is evidently of the beetle species. It somewhat resembles a conch, is enclosed entirely within a shell, with the exceptiou of its tail, which its hooked into a leaf and gives no evidence of either feet or wings. It has been left at Messrs Green & Planner's drugj store where amiteur uaturalists may examine it. J Simplicity of Dress. Female loveliness never appears to so good an advantage as when set off with simplicity of dress. No artist ever decks his ange'.s with towering feathers and gaudy jewelry; and eur dear human an gels, if they would maki their title good to that name, should carefully avoid or naments whioh properly belong to Indian squaws and A frican princesses. These tinselnes may serve to give effect on the stage or upon a ball-room floor, but in daily life there is to substitute for the charm of simplicity. A vulgar taste is not to be disguised by gold and dia monds. The absence of a truo taste and real refinement of delicacy cannot be compensated for by the possession of great beauty or the m( a"; princely fortune. Strangers in the city should not fail to vitit the Sish Factory, foot of Walnut street. 1 it The New Counterfeit. The following is a description ! of the new counterfeit $5 note on the National Stste Bank of Troy, N. Y , of which $1,700 was found upon the person of William Cluff, when arrested by secret service officers in New York City Satur day evening 1 .st: The counterfeit has tbeTianje of John C. New, Treasurers and a pointed seal; the genuine note bearing the same name has a scalloped seal, and the words "series of, 1875" in colored ink, which the counterfeit has not. The old genuine issue of this, bank, which has the pointed seal(bears the name of F. E Spinner, Treasurer. In tie counterfeit the word Treasurer undjer the uame of Allison is spelt Treasury. The note is printed from the skeleton plate, sold by Heury C. Cole, before his arrest, to New Y ors: parties. The printing is much below the average of this class of wors You cau get the best White Lad, Paints Mid Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. l f Unregistered Mail Matter. By section 405 of postal Uws a'ud regu latious, 1879, 'tenders ol matter oilier than tirst-class are permitted and sh ;uld be en couraged by postmasters to write or print upon parcel- sent by them the following, or the substance thereof, to the postmaster a'.thecffice of delivery tc-wit: 'If not delivered wiLhin days the posirar- ter is requested to notify the seeder, sped fing the amount of postage which must bi remitted to insure the return of the parcel to ' (giviDg. the name and the address of the seuder). It is the duty of the postmaster receiving matter with this re quest written or printed thereoa to comply therewith as promptly j as in the case of first-class matter.' The postage on tuch parcels returned to senders will be at the rate of three ceuts for each half-ouncei not at third or fourth rates. ' Tberiuouietrical. I From the United States Signal Office in this placejwe obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this m-Jca ing at 7:31 o'clock : Atlan a, Ga.......70 Augosta, Ot -.63 Cairo, 111 70 Charleston, ti. C....72 Cincinnati... 65 Corsic&na, Tex.... ..7 2 Fort Gibson, I. T 71 UsJveston.......75 lndianola.............79 MobUe, Ala.... ......71 ! Montgomery Ala...?! Nashville .....11 Mew Urleans.M.MM.77 New York ...62 Pnnta Kass. Ha.'6 Savannah, Ga.....73 8hreTeport.........70 tit. Louis Mo.....6S St. Harks, Fli 73 Jacksonville, Fls.76 ff noxviUe 66 t Vicksburg,liss..70 Lynchburg 70 I Washington 62 Memphuu Tenn...9 1 Wilmington. w.68 City Court- One foreign tailor, arrested at the in stance of his Captain and locked up for safe keeping, was the firs case on docket this mornirrg. 1 The case of Richard Atkinson, coWd, arrested on suspicion which case was co- -tinued from yesterday, was j again post poned f.r further investigation. C. Blount, colored, arrested for rap ping for a policeman, was discharged the .Mayor stating that more discretion should have been exercised hy the officer who made the arrest. j Kit Uugins, the inimitable Secretary of War from the Hollow, was next ar raigaed on the charge of assault and bat tery upon the person of her I maj -sty, Fanny Gore, the Queen of the same claps:c precinct, and received a sentence of $25 fine or thirty days in the City Prison. This is the first time that kit has come within the purvit w of the law sufficiently to be grabbed by the police and they made good j the opportunity, Fanny Gore was next arraigned upon the charge of disordorly conduct, in that she converted herself into a battaring rani for the purpose of demolishing the Sec retary of War's headquarters. Her sen tence was 810 fiUo or twenty days in the C. P. 'lhe Quen went below. J bn Broadway, colored, and Wm Wright, colored, were both arreted last night coming out of the' W. & W R. Ii. yard at 12 o'clock, upon the ground ., of suspicion. They claimed to be ir m the Quanyandt) be likewise ignorant of any offence. The Mayor told them to leave town before sundown and to "git" as sooa as possible. j The next case called, was T. wi Costir, charged with forestalling the market. The evidence failed to 'convict and the case was dismissed. W. E. Davis, and W. B. D avis were also charged with the atne offence. The evidence was conclusive thit , the parties had (purchased before the hour prescribed by the"ordinance,but Mr. W. E Davis, principal defendant in the case claimed that he was not subject to the law as applied to hucksters that he claim ed an inherent right as a citizen to Ibuy and sell any article of produce, whether from the forest or the rivers, as much . as any merchant in the city of Wilmington who; bought cotton by th9 million. The defendant sta ted as a rrlatter of informa tion for the Court that in eight months there had been shipped from this port 9,000 pounds weight of fish alone on ice and that if the Board of Aldermen and I liis Honor, ai Chief Executive Officer of that Board, chose to lay an embargo on this trade why he would have to submit for the present. The case not coming within t ie provisions of the ordinance as applied to hucksters was dismissed. Fifth Street 31. E Church. The series of meetings which were in augurated a this church aboutfive weeks since have been continued with unabated interest until the present time, resulting thus far in about 180 couversionf. We are pleased to learn that the meetings are still in progress, with no perceptible diminution in religious fervor. Penitents are presenting themselves at the altar at every meeting, asking the prayers of the pious that they may be led to know the tulluessof reconciliation ai;d pardon from on High. Kev. B. R Hall, the pastor, has labored iudefatigably iu the cause, and he has been abl assisted by Itev. Mr. Mcpherson and his wife, who have been earnest pleaders for the salvation of souls. An Omission Supplied. In noticing the arrest, a few days since of a mail agent who bad been for about a year depredating upon the mails between Troy, Montgomery county, and Bostick's Mills, we omitted to state that the case was worked to a successful result by Maj. Chamberlain, of the Secret Service Division of tne Post Office Department. Drj. W. F. tlarllee, formerly cf tl e -AWi Carolina Argus has assumed a position in1 the editoiiil department of the Rockingham Spirit of the, South. Dr. Uarllee is a fine writer, but he is a Democrat, and the Spirit we have always heretofore thought to be a Republican paper. How the difference is to be re couciled we are not informed. ,Capt. X. H. Sprunthas, at his store at Exchange Corner, a very preUy novelty, purchased by him recently j in New York. It consists of a dish, filled with water, in which are rocky beds for the gold fish which disport within it,and with a rare sp- - cies of water-palm growing from the cen tre. It is well worth seeing. Handsome is as lianilsewe Does? We invite tbe attention 'ol our readers-! to the which we publish below between dpt. D. R. Murchison, President of Wilmington Compresi Com pany, and Col: Roger Moore, Chief of the Fire Dep,i tu:e ,t. H e act on of Messrs . Williams it Muri-hism and of the Com press Company i-s nruply handsome and 'evry way in. keeping with the high re coidofthe firm' ever among the first in a'ldwida ol o'-eraMty and euttrprise, and the Company which wai the -pioneer of the compro.-s tuismena iu this city. The t ai.k-i ex:-r by Col. Jdoore will be bear'-ily;- ! and seconded by our people iu. neutral ;s well as by onr gallant riremtn iu.p.r'ictda-. The following is the corr spondeiice a'luded to: W i LMIN'UToN, I N. C. V j 1 October 2nd., 1879 J Con Roger Moohe, Cnief 1 Fire Department, Dear Sir: i Wishing to shojv my apprtcia ion of the very efficient service render 1 by the Fre Department, ia their eflorts to save the property at the Wilmington Com press at the fire wnich occurred there yesterday morning, Ij beg to enclose a check for $300, coutiibuf ,d by the firm of Williams & Murchison and the Com press, .Company',, which you will please divide s you see proper. , rhaukir g y u for the untiring energy and good judgment which you showed in the management of the fire, I am, ! Very respectfully, I D. R. MuRcnisox, . Prcs't .Wilmington Compress Co. Wilmington, N, C Oct., 4th, 1879 Capt D. ii. MuiicinsoN, ) Pres. Wil. Compress Co. j Dear Sir: r Your note of 2d iust , enc'psing check for three hundred dollars, a present from Messrs Williams- & Murchison and tbe Wilmington Compress Co., of which you are President, to the Fire Department, to show your apprrciation of the very efficient services rendered by the department at the Compress fire, and to be divided as I may deem best, I have received and have divided in the following manner, wnich jl trubt may meet your approval: To thr Adrian, Little GUnt and Cape Fear Companies, who were at the fire (upon the day of its occurrence until late in the afternoon, sixty dollars each; to the liook it Lidder Co , and the Stedman Bucket Co., thirty-five dollars each; to the Brooklyn Bucket Co., thirty dollars and Brooklyn Engine Co., twenty dollars, To the generous donors (your good firm and the Wilmington Compress Company) please bestow the' grateful thanks of rny stll and the good men composing this de partment, for thisjvery substantial recog nition of their services, j To know that their services are appre ciated is gratifying, but to have them recognized and acknowledged in so hand some a manner is especially pleas-ing. Tnanking you agaiu for the very hand some present, auditor the very compli menUry manner in which you have seen tit to speak of the working of the depart- UiCnt iu tendering same, 1 am, 1 Very truly ycurs, . R qer Moore, Chief Eimiueer Wilmi ngton Fire Depart- merit. Mr.Shamk.Edituk oFiDOT Beoples Refew Paper: I have read somedings iu your bper ob doV doller of my daddjs. I youst like to found it out how ish dot tome beeples hafe dose dollars and noiler beeples hafe dose daddy, Ouf you dont hafe some daddies could you hafe some dollars und ouf you hafe some dollars could you hafe tome daddyt? I dont got some daddy and I dont g it some dollars too. Iyouet like to have some dollars onf I dont go some daddy und oof you blease dold me bow I could got some dollars. I pet you I got nome daddy youst fo quick you couldnt found it out. Please dold me how it vas. ' Woncent. Wilmington District. Met hod is- E. Church, Sou'b. Fourth RoiiLd of Quarterly Meetings, 1879. Wilmington at' Fifth Street Oct 4- 5 Smithviilo Satitn Oct 7- 8 Wilmington at Front Street .... .Oct 11-12 Topsail...;............... ....Oct 18-19 Onslow O'-t 2o 26 Duplin at Wesley Chapel. .. .Nov 1-9 Clinton at McGee's Nov 8 2 CoLrie Missl. at VVts'ey Chapel Nov 11-16 Ookesbury at Bethel Nov 15-12 I L. S BUUKHEAD, Presiding E'dtr. Set back 42 Years. ( Vl was'rroub'el foi many years with Kidney C rnpUint, Gravel, &c ; my blood became thin, I was dull and inac tive; could hardly crawl about; was an old woru out man all over; conldget noth ing to help me, until I got liop Bitters and now I am a boy again. My blood and kidneys are all right, and I am as active as a man of 30, although I am 72, and I have no douot it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth a trial. (Fatner ) Try to see y'oureeif through the yes of those arcund you. PLEASE Jf OTICE. We will be glad to reeeiv eomnjeni. Uc r I from our friends on any and all snbwets ot general interest bmt i v The name of the writer mart. Uj t f t nished to the Kditor, , Commuieatibcs mtst So written Jem oriy one side of theaper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and parti -nlsriy nndf r stood that the Editor does nt alwejs endo ...w. ui correai-onaent, qdImk ho nt r. in the editorial columnn. - " ( I UIKD. T I (Ikil vmu ti . ; , JOMK C. OKAlNGLB,aed !1 T.sktd New Advertisements. 1 Removal. I HAVE KKMOVD TO THE OFFICE in the "Jonrnal Building" formerly occu pied by Adam- Empie, Frq., decesicd. 1 oct DAN. O'CONNOR1. Ship Notice, i i LL PERSONS ar. hereby captioned against trusting or har- boring any of the crew of the !for. BirkTUOR, as no bills of their con traction will be paid by the Master or fcon. signer. PATERSON, I OWNIVG A CO. Another Lot OF SCHOOL BOOKS I Received at tiio LIVE BOOK STORK. Pianos and Organs, SOLD ON THE WEEKLY and Month ly instalment Plan, at i 1 UtISHBEIiQFIfrf. CUROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, i PUOTOSaud FRAilESJ All Sizes and Styies, for sale cheap at the LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STOKE. I oct 4 Ii; To the Public. ! HMNDING THE STORE FORMERLY If occupied by Capt. John H. Alien entire ly too email for mj large Btook, 1 will re-, tpeetfully notify u.v coaiemen and the pub lic generally, that I will regain at mvroM s and, No 47 North Market street, wher I propose to iieep a fi e and well aasorted stock, of B00T8 and SHOES. My Oooda are purchased from Manufacturer who have the reputation for making the beat srood in thia country, and can therefore warrant every pair sold. I luve established a 'reputation for selling GUOD GOOU8 ONLT, and will endeavor to retain that even at the risk of not selling quite sVratny goods, but firing more general satisfaction. Soliciting a eOn tinuauce of past patronage, 1 am, Very Kespeetfellr, , tcti- THOMAS ti. HO WET. Wotice. PU.BSONS are hereby cau tioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Br. Brig "SIGNAL", Capt. Williams, as no debts of their contrac tion will be paid by either the Captain or Consignees, oct 2 3t ALEX. 8PRUNT A 80N, Congne. Children's Suits ! yOXG AND SHORT PANTS, BO FS' SCHOOL SUITS, WEST POINT GPAV for Military Suits, at MUNSON'S, THB CLOTHIER , ! oetl AND MEK. TAILOR. They are Here. "YyE BEG pF ODE FRIENDS TO call and see us. Our Fall and Winter Btock is now arriving by every train and tjeamer, and we have no hesitation in pronouccing ft the MOST DESIRABLE A8S0IiTMENT of Gent's Clothing and Furnishing Goods eret bi ought to the 8Ut. It will ike our two large and handome stores to boll il all. Notwithstanding the recent advance in tbe Northern markets we guarantee to sell at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE 1 1 Call and see u acd we will prove it to joup sept 21 A. A L 8BRIER. I I We Do Not Claimi PATRONAGE simply because we are . i . -, , -I 1 " I " a home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any one's pocket,; WK DO CLAIM that we can fill anjjr order f Sash, Doors and Or anything in our line, at as LOW FIG URES, and as g od work and ma'eriil,a can be bought anywhere. Window Glass, Builder's Supplies always on hand. . Our new DRY KILN is In operation, i and none but the best Lurcher is iued; I i Res pec fully, I ALTAKKER dc PRICEj Faetory Foot of Walnut street.1 jj Office Cor Nuttand Ked Cres streets. ' sept 23- . ;l State and Connty rjlUE STATE AND COUNT F TAXX3 were due on the first Hoc day in Feptexber. 1 I ; Mo tie. is hereby givea that all property on whieh the Tax are . unpaid, will be ad re - Used oa the 1st of November 1879. j " 1 - ' ! raj your Taxes promptly and save eosts. 8. H. MANNING, cct 3 It Sh'fNew HanoTer Co. ! ..- v. r J' 1 I

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