Mb - .-. The Dailv Review Juh. r. J A. XL tin, iitl. iuu roi WILMINGTON. N. C. 8AT0ROAY. OCTOBER 4, i79. EHTXRKD AT TUB roSTOFFtCE AT WlLMINQTOX, N. C, A3 SECOND 'CLAS? Mattes. VEIWtJ AND REVIEW S. Gen. and Mrs. Grant heard the contra diction of the unfounded dispatch report ing the death of Nellie Sartoris before they saw the dispatch itself. Mallinger, the German prima donna, has married a man named Bchimnielpen ning. It is aa well that she retains her maiden name for stage use. Some French papers, now write Mr. for Monsieur instead .of merely M. This is an Improvement, because M. is ambiguous and may stand tor an' initial. The French artillery has been doubled since 1870, and now numbers, gun for gun and man fur nun, exactly the same as that of the German Em pie. Nothing inflates like resumption. Since January 1 the United States has import ed$80,500,000 of gold, and produced $25 000,600, an increase of 55,000,000. to the circulating medium. The priest who attended the Due d'Ei? ghien, executed by order of Napoleon I, in 1804, in hisjlast mcments, died but a few years ago. Louis Napoleon offered him a small pension, which he declined. A Boston druggist sola an ounce of laud anum to a boy who brought a written or derfor tinctuie ot rhubarb, and the wid. ow of the man killed by the blunder has obtained a verdict of $5,208 damages. The tusk sent by Oety wayo to Lord Chelmsford to intimate his wish for peace, is now at the Colonial Office. It is seven feet in length and about half a yard thick at the broadest part. It is pronounced the finest ever seen iu England. A Vienna newspaper reports that Euge nie, the ex-Empress ot the French, is ne gotiotiating for the purchase of one of the handsomest residences in that gay capital. Eugenie is said to have alwayt been fond of Vienna, and it is grateful for her cordial reception on her last visit theie Queen Victoria, it is said, once signified to Visceunt Macduff, new Earle of .Fife, that she would not be unwilling to have him for a son-in-law. The nobleman 1 J respectfully declined the honor. He' is no yet 30, was schooled at Eton, has eight residences in the Highlands, and is warmiy spoken of by all classes. His four sisters are ladies of extreme beauty, but have not all been enviable in their wedded life. 1 The German Emperor's journey of 200 miles from Dantzic to Stettin last month was a triumphal progress throughout, every station, village and cottage within sight of the train:beiug gayly -decorated. The manifestation culminated at Stettin. This was a set-off to the glcomy sileuce and closed blinds of Strasbourg. The galleries of numerous theatres throughout the country have lost a ta rorite by the death of Kate Raymond, which occurred on her Pennsylvania farm a few days ago. Fifteen years ago she made her first appearance on the stage, and rode up the wooden mountain tied to a horse's buck as 'Mazeppa and, until her last illness, she continued to thrill the boys with repetitions of that feat. In certain sequestered parts of England an official called the ale-taster is still con- tinned as a relic of last century's laws. He tastes all kinds of malt liquor sold in the neighborhood, with a view of ascer taining whether it contains objectionable ingredients. In old times the UFe of sugar in ale was condemned, and the taster had a primitive way of discovering its pre senoa. A quantity was spilled on a bench and he sat upon it.in his leather breeches, until it dried. If, when rising, the breech es stuck to the beach, the presence of su gar was evident. If not, the ale was pure. If it is true that -Lionel Tennyson, the on of the English poet laureate, will henaeforth renounce his family name of xeauysuu uuu uecome juiooei xurner in order to secure $5,000 a year, under Mr. Turner's provision, the young man shows n j i- . : t i m the prose rather than the poetry of his nature. Though the son of a poet, and though bis wife is the daughter of a poet, be knows the value of $5,000 a year, as did his uncle, also a poet and the brother of ft poet; who renounced the same name of Tennyson on the same condition What's in a name? SOUTHERN COTTON CO SUMP TION. The Boston Commercial Bulletin, peaking of the cotton consumption in the South last season, says: Great as has been the increase daring the past year in Ihe consumption of cottcn by Southern mills, there is reason to believe that there will be a. still heavier increase during the next two years. ; Readers of our manu lacturing columns must have noticed the numerous new " projects for the establish" that are receiving discussion in all parts of the South. The nn paralleled advantages of this industry offered by thS-nth h-tve only jrist bem r i i to be appreciated lr CHpitaiu-tH 'An interesting feature of these newm-ill pro iecta is tint m inv f thrm production of a ti u.r class of have been hi t her to maunf.iciun d hy Southern crttrn mills GKNKUALSHERMAJi. 1 ' I- ' I .' General Sherman wants an increase vl the array. ' OS eourde he! does. Every officer in the army, from the Geueral down to the Junior Second Lieutenant, wants the rank and file increased. It is humiliating to have military rar.k abu title and but a;squad of enlisted men as a command. I The General is with Mr. Hayes' party, who are gallivautiog through the ( Wesi, visiting the clifferent agricultural fiirt-.j They were at lodiinapolis n the 3 1 iu stant, and the General made a speech it. which he referred t ) the disaster to Major Thornburg and ,bis party in the recent engagement with the U:.e 'Indiana, and said that that the army ought to be enlarged and that tho death of those soldiers should (be avenged. He urged upon his listeners to press the subject upon the notice of the Congressmen of their repective districts until they should vote to make a material increase in the enlisted men ot the arm. The United blades army, as it exists t -day, is certainly the most awkward, ill shaped and uuwieldly organization in the entire political economy of the ount.-y. It has too many ollioers for the number ot enlisted men, and too many of the lattei for any practical use ot benefit., A Gen eral of the Army, jw ith a furcp under lrs command burely eq tal to an army corps, may be expected to deire an i; crease o ihe force to ive 'character s mj prominence to his position, but the tux-t ayers, who are tied to the amount of $0,000,000 annually to keep up the military establishment, wiU be prone to ask if anjjj actual bn tl' w ih accrue to the country by the increase. They "will be apt to ei quire whether the disaster which btjtell M jor Tnornburg was entirely , attributable to the j I ' idea that the aimy ls tuo smallj, or was it one of those unforeseen casualties which might j be expected as the ordinary results of war. There is every reas'on to presume that such a catastrophe would have occurred had jthe actual strength of the army been four times a .great. The officer was assigned a force which was considered arutjly, sufnejienfe for any of his orders.j That there wasi a large available lorcel at bnd is manifest from the fact tht troops i have been sent to the relief of thosa jwho were not killed in the li"ht. There was a mistake in not i sending a larger torce with the expsdition at the outset, and that is all there is of it It is preposterous to say, in the light of all the facts, ithat the f disaster occurred because the army is too small. 1 he idea that the army should be en larged in order that the , death of Major -1 1 i Thornburg and his soldiers i might be avenged would 'have no little weight, were we not to reflect that the Indians have, wrongs to avenge also They occa sionally inflict a savage blow upon the whites to avengej the wrongs which tbey hve suffered, bub the retaliatory, relent less and implacable wrongs perpetrated by the whites ijipon this nearly at nihilated race has no equal in the aunals of outrage and cruelty. Inhere is no need of furthe1" expenditure to avenge the death of those soldiers, fof there are enough on the fron tiers who can and will see to it that 'the disaster is a thousand times' avenged, j OFCOURsa IT WAS A RADICAL. LIE. And so the alleged interview with Mr. Tilden, wherein he is said to have utter ed such harsh criticisms of the South is as might have been known, but one more Radical lie which has been nailed to the forefront of that mendacious party. Mr. Tilden declares that it is a forgery and as little as we regard him we would be lieve him in preference to any of the greater or lesser lights of the Republican party, from Hayes down (or up?) to Schuyler Colfax or Joyce' McDonald. A Washington Post correspoadent ban interviewed Mr. Tilden on the subject and he has made this positive aud emphatic disclaimer: ( . ( ' - ' You may say that if these declarations purport to have1 been the result of an in terview with'jne they are forgeries. . If it is intended by the article, whatever its authorship, to mas public my expres sions in the way of criticism of current political events, either as expressed by me to my intimate friends or to the author of this alleged interview, it is more than ever a torgery . i I have indulged ini no such expressions. I do not care to go in to them in detail, for it would be useless for me to attempt to deny all that might be attributed to me by ingenioun but mendacous correspondents. 1 Mr. Tilden goes still further in this interview and speaks out pretty plainly aa to his intentions and aspirations. It is but jult that he should be heard anjd we therefore print 1 his remarks relative to the Presidential nomination: I I can say that I have not' taken any merit cf cotton mills steps to secure a "renomination by the Democratic party for the Presidency. I cm nay also that I do not contemplate taking any measures to secure such nomi nation, or to rej ct it lie fore it is onerea. t ara credited with having an agent i" "vrry voting precinct throughout the United States, and with many rore . qui ili y absurd devices, to secure that which I do not s So far as the article f'i'ret to ia concerned it is a fabrication and' a forgery, and that I may say and that yon may say,' replied Mr. Tilden with emphasis. . " ' lUimtltM. i ' 'See!' paid a pious gentleman, 'here in an illustration. At oue time 1 should have sworn awfully at this fly but, look now ' Raising his band, he said. Kently, 'Go away, fly. g away But the fly only tiokled his nose the more. Tbe pious gentleman, raising his hand witn some vehemence, made a grab at the offender, and, being suc cessful, opened it to throw the insect from bim, when, in extreme disgust, be exclaimed: Wa, d n it, vit's a wap!' I A worthy doctor of divinity ap proached Pad,dy' Ryan near the City Hall yesterday, and placing one baud on the athlete's shoulder, said: 'My dear sir, any one blessed with such a uhvsiouo and such ehaDely ! propor tion h nncht to bfl a cood man.' The , 0 o J , clergyman was startled by Paddy s re ply: A good man? Well, you can bet your life I'm a better man than Dwyer ' It is needless to add that ths assertion was not contradicted. Troy Times. A fiiend and neighbor has a relative a practical Christian, who has a prac tioal way of putting things. Rtcentiy the subject of death-bed repentance wa under discussion, when sne said: 'Some men think they cau live an kind of a life, yet save their souls by a bo-callt d repentance a few hours be fore death; but I have! my doubts as tol how that kind of washing will dry ichenhung out on the heavenly clothes line.' Boston Transcript. I Teacher 'Now, boys, quadruped and biped, you know; are two kinds oi animals. Quadruped, animal with four legs, such as cow, elephant, horse, etc. B'pedj animal with two legs, such as well, ah -. Yes, there is u biped,' pointing to a picture of a goose ou the wall, 'and I am a biped, and you are all bipeds. Now what am 1? Pause- One of the bipeds--'A goose, sir.' I Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to be nude of wonderful foreign roots", barks, &c, and puffed up by Song bogus ffertificates of pretended miraculous cures; but a simple, pure, effective medicine;' made of well known valuable remedies1, that furnishes its own certificates by its cures We refer to Hop Bitter's, the pur est and best medicines. Exchange, bee another column. I New Advertisement, 1 Boatwrisht & MclCoy TOLD YOU 'SO. GROCERI-ES HAVE ADVANCED. But noTerthele8S, we can eren now se!l you BARGAINS. i i i Come and examine our. stock and prices. It will certainly payj you. ' You will at least allow us to post you on prices. ( Woa't you? Write for Sair pies and Prices.'- Your com- municationa will receive prompt anaworg. i We ktep every tiling that is kept in a first class Grocery establishment. I I Our Wfcie, Liquor and Cigar Department caatot be excelled ia the State. Special attention given to the ReUil De partment. i Goods alwavs rreeh. Luxuries and Sub stantiala at very small margin. . - . . i " . .. . ine tact is we xeep on retail tne ridges t aud most complete st ck of any house in the State- .- ' I Call aud see us. Boatwright &;2IcKoy, 5 Sc 7 norttt Front Street. ept 39 Old Newspapers. QOA.NTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS Cor wrapping, offered for tale cheap at the opt DAILY KEYIJSW OmCli. Miscellaneous. For Rent. 1 i foot of Mulberry atr ?et, lately occupied by the Baltimore Kv?ir8!p V inv any, c-"1" pie:e witu ui-r?. COAL and WOUl Y 3 '!. "rtie" f Fr- at and Muiberry rtret' at r .e t cctpidty J, A. Si-rineer. A jiy to 8ept3Q.tf r U- Wr- For Rent. fTlHAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE on Third street, West tide, recently MJL occupied by Col. Jaa. 6, Bu r. Apply to Ppt 24 B. F. LANDON. For Rent. THAT DE8IRAKLE STORE, also HALL ouj third fl or, new ly fitted up, cot(nr Market and 8outh Water Streets from tha 1st of October Apply to ept 11 tf H. B. FILERS. S600. OR RKXT THAT YKRY F desirable store on Market Street, cccu ie by Mr. Thos. H. Howey, I: ( I aa a Shoe 8 tore. The cheapest Store on the street. Ailv to THE M(koY'S. eept 10 tf For Rent, rpHE ELTOANT BESIDEJiCl on corner of Third and Walnut sta , receDtly occupied by Wm. Calder, Esq. Pesseesion givtn October l?t, j Apply to sept S3 tf j J. F. GARRKLL. The New Boot and Shoo Store. i - 32 MARKET STREET. rpO MY FRIENDS: AND Patrons : Thaokfal for past favors, I will in- PS form them that I hav just returned frcm the North, where I have visited a'l the celebra ted markets for Boots and Shoes. I am dtermiced to sell a good shoe for a 1 I low price, such as you never bought in I th's market before. All I ask is a call and a fair comparison. I My stock is now aniviEgwith every dain i nd ennuotbe excelled by any in the c.ty. Kfcsper.tfullv, eptl3 'G. ROSENTHAL. Manchester Yain. I 25 Baled MANCHESTER YARN. A superior quality, just received Bales Lake George Steetig, Sciltj 6000 SacKS LIVERPOOL 8 ALT. ' Ktriped Sack?. 1200 le and Half Roils KAGGIN', 3500 Bundles New TIS, , Fiour, Bacon, &c- 1500 Bbls Fresh Flour, ! 260 Boxes D. H and Smoked Sides, 60 Hb's City Mes Pork, 1 0 I'ubs Chpice Family Lard, 125 Bbls Sugars, Crushed, U-ranulatel, A, Extra D, and U. 100 Bbls an i Boxes Freh Crackers, 145 Boxes Cram CheeseJJ Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, f Buckets, Paper Twine. , For sale low by WILLIAMS 4 MUROeiSON, sept 29 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Aler Hale's Weekly. O V TDESDA.Y, the 7th day o October; 1879, and in the City of Raleisr i, t , undersigned will commence tha publicati-n of 11 ALE'S WEFKLY, a .North Caroli;; Democratic Newspaper. These four words convey al! tha- a column of Prospectus could teil": tho goo l of tnj State; the success of the Par y which is the life of the btate and the c un ry ; the pnb iication of a'l the news ; these the otj cu proposed. That he can do the lasi and c -tribute to tbe first and second, the auoecr'ber doei not affect o diubt. Ihe People Lave set their seal of approval upon his past aud he does not oouot the f utwre. Hale's Weekly will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. The price will b $i per annum. Nonage will go upon its mail books without payment and no paper will be sent alter expirati m of the time paid fur. P. al HALE. Kaleigh. Sept 15, 1879. sept 16 tf $66 A WEEK in your own town, and no capital risk ed. 5Tou can give the bu siness a trial without expense. Ihe best opportunity ever offered tor those willing to work. Yeu should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we' offer. No room to explain here You can devote all your time or oi ly your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special piivate terms and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. f Don't com plain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address ii. HALLK'Fl & CO . Portland. Main 1 iune 7-d&iw. ; 1 Tho. H. JttcKoy, ttobt- H- HcKoy ATZOXLX?X3??S-AT-a!ct WILMINGTON, N. C. Office Morth side Market, street, be twee econd and Third street. ?aa2T- '. ' . .' i ' p'f III tfV j . Miscellaneous THEBEST SOLD Br 'Kins. FOR PARTICULARS "wnotn " 1 ADDRESS! WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohiq, October 1st. tuw nu FALL CAIPA1SN I AVILL COMMENCE. W.-alherIin been loo lib I lor People to Kcad Adverlisemieiits. FULL LINE OF Pancjr Groceries JUT RECEIVED AT 1 ' . . '. ' ' I' P. L BRIDGEBS & GO'S, S500 Reward ! For a Cigar at the same price thai i equals our P-R-I-ISr-O-I-PE $250 Eeward ! FOR ONE THAT BEITS OIJll SOLOST SHIIffGI-E ! 8100 Be ward ! For an all-tobacco 'Cigarette, of same ktyle, firish and quality, that, can be solely as low" as bur Ross snd. Xsilly, sept Z 1 ONLY 19, DOLLARS PENNSYLVANIA mm mac Equal to any Sintrer in the Market ! Tre above cut represents the nKst popular Style for the pe yle. which we offer you for the iry low price of Slf 4 in 1uoid2 attach men's. -ffSf Remeiabe1-, d not aik you to ray until you nave seeu the mach ne. "ife After laving examined it ifit w not all we r-pe-ent, reiurn it to us at our eipeDse C"Ci-u!t your interests and order at once. If you live within seven hundred miles the freight wiil not bo mo e than one dollar. Addregj, ' Pennsylvania Sewing Marine Co., 17 N. I Oth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. aug 29-wtf 1 , For Smithville. 1 STEAM YACHT ELIZA- ' BETfl Capt. U.W.Chadwick.J carrying United States Mail. Leaves wharl foot of Market street daily (except Sundays) at 3 P. M.jKeturning, leave Smithville at 6J4 AM R. y. FAD DUMA, F8 fcAgeaW so PL si5oo:oo UOTICE our cSoauRS ahd Ot ,TLE FACE PUre suck It is tv Hrton t f. -ret the rJF JM J terrible di e, which w. no f,iA .' ' in a more Diaficrnar.t aud viru fCtf j r."'' fall months of 1H79. m,T in Southern Nubia and ued -,r, derful resulfs in South a ,fj.-a f v nost aggravated cases of fTer L 11 rause-. trom one t two ounce of h j filtered or strained rr0a, t.e blod' it pas ess through the Liver, wlon" I ceps- ot bile' exists. Bv its wnhdM-f.!i on the Liver and Htomch th Ukpa Kever and Black Von.it, bu also "L ' ache, Constipation of the ttowelg I) and all Ma . ial diseases. ' !PVf4 To one reed fear Yellow v.. i, rpel the Malarial Poison :.fMr ... . . v rinwu l 1)t PemDerton's StiUmeiaorQUtj Delight S9r The rannrti r.f m..-L ..r i Kheutnatism, hcrofula, Sait Kh-nm Hi, Cancer, Ulcers and 8ore fiat c.Vi I v " -"".i4j w uii'ierini -. Ail nitrtx nf thn win htrr a . ' .. iD "vivmiTtmu. ith 0 hut an mi rann I , ,ra v.. 1 Remarkable Cure ef Scrofaaa. CASE. Of JUL. J. fj. BiaN0.,' . Kingston, Oa., Sept liisn Gents: For Fixieen years I have bet great sufferer from Scrofula in itim,tfJ tresoiug iurujB. i pave oeen t-o u ed to at room and bed for tit teen y arg with' cnJ lous ulcerations. 'Ihe inoBt pproTcdrn aies iur buqu aes naa oeen used, tui n most eminent physicians conulted, witkt a'ny decided benefit, 'i hus pro6trtel,c tress d, desponding, L was adv d bfo yer, of tloyd county, Ga., to mmiiitti iae use or your uomnouna Mt-actStdlinft ! LaDguagl is aa inatticient to i describe Lr lief I obtained from trj use of the tllf a ii in to "onrey an auequate idea f thea medicine ; suiBcient to eay, I abaniniiHiij other remedies ind o.ntinued tht nieof jb Fxtract of htillingia, until 1 can tar trtr, "1 am cured of all pain," of all dieve,ii:i notr ipg to obstruct tbe active j u'nuitoljti ifrofesston. More than eiht mnthi!Mi elnpsed since thi reuiarkable curs, ritfct any return of the disease. For he ti uth of the above eta'tcntH I fer to any geatJemaa in Bartaw comtTtij, and to the members of the bnr T Chro ircuit, who are acquaint d v. ith me. u! . Your obedient servant, J. CBHAN6UN, Au'yaUUf, A M1RACLX.' West Point, Ga., gert. 18, 181 Gpnt: Mv daurbter wp taken on the Si dav ot June, 1863, witb wht was (Di to be Acute Rheumatism, and wMjtfcitsdu the same with no success. In arch, folio mg, pieces of bone began to wo'k out of ta right arm, and continued to apt e r till J the bone from tbe elbow to the shouideri cme out. Many pieces of b nlcMneout the right foot am Irg. The cu wu M pronounced one of White h welling. 4' having been confined a it ut mi Tt,r't"l'i bed. and ;he case c. nsidered hn, ei t; I " induced to try Dr. V-mbv u's Ctrp ij Kxtractof HtiMiogia, ami wm so wn j tied with its ettt-ctatNat 1 Lve co'.u aw- use of it until the present. I Aty dau rbter was.coLfin-.-d to her btdi sixjeats before sue snt u: nr.ei Over without ha i). hhelnow sit up nil onH a.xo ,n,.ot of hor ti Lh HA 111 lei C r1! health is r.n and 1 olev .she will, & her limW .4tr-ne'h, -a well. 1 atrribut' t-r r v with th hi.H-ii ft if ttod. tl tbe"' vonr inva.ubie m-oicitie. Vv'irh 1 am, your- truly. W. H. JiL tN i'" ffrsi Point. Gx., ?ept 15, l ... Tl,,. .t i,., ...rliriClltPflf IT.'' ijoiilt, . J a. J iu v , . . laut:n' w ka'w Jind certify to j refcpec ed citixena will certify tn it-fi r.KA w tr.'n 'walker, DmiP V . .. t ilir i pared ov A., f. Mer ell A Co., Srid-oy all Dru-gisU in 1.0J IwttA, i.nt bv exprt-ss A --U wftrtcd Xj (jyervwuu e. , i I e'td for iiu- k --uriou- Ptnj 11. 1 Medicines c-nt to poor people l i in iiidtalu?ents. -1" Wanted. t JL . . . ui bring the highest rcooiaiendti',ci, roasofa position in a newepi r the country. Will work ebep. I M-, care'f eptis-tf f'AlLYIiS : " ' 1 ' rr APPLY TO ' ' ' ' ' TKE.R3cK.6VSf Attorneys and Cpa'nsslloK Office Northide Market fciU blt1 and 3d. Furnitu 1 .1 JUST RECEIVED FZO-v r ' - -V " i a Lrge iLsortiuenf of Walu6 grades of FURNITURE, .l5rh " ' at Great BATgains. C sialyl ei troni the blood by u-in Meeil's tit t which is sold by" al! ! ageUfi in 1.00 bottles, or will be sea by tJrM J iTopnewrs. a. r. Al Kn hLL A feb 19 P. A-.