' f'"i. The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. If. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER 6, ts79. Entered at the J'ostoffice at Wilmington, N. C, as Second -Culs Matter. TALMAGK AT HOME. This ministerial celebrity, who, has been disporting himself in the British Empire for the past four or five months, has arrired at his home in Brooklyn, New York, and has again put in an appearance at his famous Tabernacle. A grand recep - tion was held in the Tabernacle last Friday night, where an immense con gregation of his admirers and friends, stimated to number 6 000 persons as sembled to bid him welcome, Of course. the feature of the evening was Tal mage's speech, which was entirely characteristic of the man, and in keeping with his neeches and sermons of the past. He i ' spoke in the highest terms .of his visit, and was eulogistic in his praise of the English, Scotch, and Irish people with whom ha same in contact while absent. Mr. Talmapje could be nothing unless he were sensational. His speeches or sermons would possess' but little interest or force were they not entirely outside of the ordinary style of other clergymen, es teciallv of his denomination. He has won celebrity by sailing outside tbe chin nels laid down in the regular chait, and n doing so has givtn great oflense to many of his denomination, who have been scan dalized at his presumptuous indepen dence. He has been assailed with bitter animosity by clergymen ot high standin in tbe denomination, aud nas been ar raigned at the bar of the P.esbytery, charged with grave offenses, but they were not sustained. The bitterness which prompted the trial, and which was en gendered during its continuance, has not in the least subsided, and it is safe to presume that he will again be assailed by those who have taken up the cudgel against bim. We are not of those who think his course in, or out of the pulpit . such as to advance the cause of religion, but there are these to whom his ministrations are a delight, and who have become bound to him by the persecutions to which, they claim, he has been subjected. The antagonism he has met with from oth ers has seemed to endear him the more to them. "With an immense congregation who have implicit faith iu' his honesty, purity, devotion and scanctity, he caa langb at all the obstacles which may be attempted to be placed in his path. TUB RECORD OF A NEWSPAPER. It is a good thing sometimes to have a record, aod'then again it is an unfortu nate thing, especially for a few newspa pers aid politicians, and this latter is the case as applied to that cynical sheet the New York &un, which though not of the Radical-Republican stripe in politics since General Grant neglected to give Dana a place in bis cabinet, is 'sufficiency Radi cal in everything else that pertains to Southern people and Southern interests. It is not because of any re rent utterance of the editor of that luminous sheet against our section, howver, tbat we write these lines, but it is simply on ac count of his general predilections to eve erj thing like sarcasm. It is for this rea son mainly that we have written the above and reproduce the following from the New York World, which, on frequent oc. casions before, has taken down the files o tbe Sun and folded it up in the neatest manner possible somewhat after this fash, ion : Our esteemed cotemporary, the Sun. goes unusually wide of the mark when it assumes that those who "wish to render the nomination of Mr. Tilden in 1880 altogether impossible have joined in the determination to vote against Mr. Robin son and to endeavor to secure his defeat." For so long as on the 12th of November, 1878, our esteemed cotemporary, the Sui, declared with great emphasis that "Mr. Tilden will not again be the Presidential candidate of any party," and yet on the same 12th of November, 1878, our esteemed cotemporary, tbe Sun, declared with equal emphasis that it considered "the overthrow of Tammany essentia 1 to the freedom of thecifzeus ol New York," and would "labor for it until it should be achieved." It mast be obvi ous to our esteemed contemporary that in tbe actual stale of the case in this com. mouwealth the ,4overthrow of Tammany" can only be attained by the election Gov ernor Robinson yet in laboring for tbe election of Governor Robinson, our es teemed contemporary surely cannot believe itself to be working for the reuomination of Mr. Tilden in I860. TUB OFOttTOATE AEBON U TS As long as the world rotates around the sun on its daily and yearly axis, so long will men run a needless risk of their lives; aome for the love of adventure, others in tbe interests of science, and others again out-of curiosity. Under the two last heads Professor Wise, the Aero naut, and a young man by the name of George Burr, Teller in a St, Louis bank, wby ascended in a balloon . from Lindeil T Park, near the above tamed city.'cn Sun day afteincon, the, 29 .h nit. are to be placed overt one week 8go tince which tirne nothing b been seen or beardj of jhm except , on the Monday afternoon 1 following tne ascen sion, when they were JicuYercd to. tbv South of Lake Michigan 'about S00 mil; and'the general a jrehensiim now is. tba: the unfortunate men are lost. I Y ung Bun promised hi!?&nee that - he would telegraph her as soon as he reached Terra Firmaonc; more, from the dearest tele- rrarVi tafinn anil than hn rrvirier to take o"r n t "T r his station in the balloon, (with hat in hand waved what it is feared will prove a final farewell, while 'the balloon rapidly ascending was soon lost to view. The generallyj accepted theory is, that he balloon which contained hardly1 gas enough ) I I 1 ! to sustain its load tnf the air- twentyf ur hours, adds force to the theory that the air ship when it reached Lake Michigan i i nil I in which diiection it was moving when ill s j j i last seen, was not able to reach tbeoppc- M -i I i site shore, and the fate of the daring aero nauts has been a watery grave in the bosom of Lake Michigan. I WASHINGTON LETTEB. Washington, Oct. 3, 1879. Tbe prospects of j the Democracy for the fall elections continue to brighten, and it is now probable that we shall carry both New York and Ohio this Fall, aud when that is done it needs no prbphetio eye to see the ; ooming and of all the frauds and corruptions of the " .Republican party,) from the fraudulent President down to the Agnes Jenks from the -I steal of the Presidential office J down to the petty peculations of insignificant postoffioes. Verily like St. Paul when he came in tight of the ''Three j Taverns," we may thank God and take courage for if the Democracy Scarry either Ni-w York or Ohio this! Fall, the election of a Democratic President next year is assured, and a second steal! of the Presidential chair will not be in order. Except the defection of John Kelly and his little Tammany following in New York, the Democratic party, was never more firmly united than now, and ail over the country its committees and individual Democrats are laboring in the canvass with that nntiring zeal, and confidence of final success, that in such a cause, is1 th sure forerunner of victory. Let every Democrat do his whole dnty let ua have the good, old-fashioned ioDg pull, strong j pall, and pull altogether, and the sure re salt will be that whoever may be nom inated by the Democratic convention next year will be the President in 1831. It is stated 'by authority' that Secre taries Evar'i and Sherman will in person urge the voters of New York to elect Mr. Cornell Governor of that State. If there has been any doubt in the case of Secretary Sherman it is removed by the! publication of a let er from him this morning, in which he promises to be in the State j on or be tore the midd e of this month, j Sec retary Evarts and Secretary jSehuiZ were entrusted by Mr. Hayes with the delicate task, of reforming the civil ser vice by keeping office-holders ! out of partisan politics. jj Additions now being made to the Government Printing Office in this city will make it doable the size of any other office in the world. It has' facu lties for all kinds and qualities of work. The exp nses of the institution are stad:iy increasing; from year to year. - ,;j i j Hereafter the people - of Washing to mean to have annual fairs equal to any in the country. The first one, which opens on the 28th of this month promises tj be a success but extensive and expensive improvements will from year to year be made in the grounds of of the Association, and in its I other facilities for accDmmodating the great number of people from abroad who are expected in the future to take an in- terest in a work of such! national im portance. sTi GUEDQE. Women are spiteful oreaturea. Feoh ters two wives kept their row quiet until it is too late to serve mm as an advertisement. Boston Post. The man who stumbled oyer the stove during the summer, rather than take it down, now laughs at bis neigh bors who took the ether course. . tlere, landlord, I'll take no 'Pina fore in my coffee, ' said ; a guest as he uncovered the sugar bowl to find it fairly swarming with anta.-Pnilad'a. Chron. j.. ,.' j , i Medical men say that a good cigar will steady the nerves ol a man on the gallows, and the Detroit, Free Press advisee its readers to try it once and ee. j , . ' J! I ,. You would never think to look at Grant that he is a great man, and you can sometimes trust to appearances and not be deceived. Boston Post. It is proposed to take a lot of base ball nines out to California this winter to get even with that State for sending Denais Kearney east last year. Bos ton Post. , 1 j ' A strange freak of nature is reported by a gentleman living out on the weat em surburbs.i Last j week his wife gave birth to a daughter with1 a bear ueck and deer little feet. St Louis Times-Journal. i There are sermons in everything in nature. -Take the flowers, for instanoe They never shoot off. their pistils ; not even when the bumblebee loafs around with his pocket-knife drawn. Atlaata Constitution, I . f I : Seth Green thinks 1 all brook trout taken under seven inohes in length should be thrown back. But who ever knew of -a brook trout j weighing lees than half a round to be cantmf Ilk... .5 ! i r , Miscellaneous. DAILY REVIEW, JOSH. T...JAMES KDITOB AND PUBLISHER Is published Every Afternoon, (Sundays excepted). it the following rates, postage paid : One Tear.... . .i..$5 00 Six Months ... 2 5b Three Months!............ J. 1 25 j One Month. 1 . . 50 i ( : i 1 ' 1 . . . . i The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the above rates, or" i 13 cents per week. i ' i The Daily Keview is now in the . V'-. ."''I ' , fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing snbscrip tion list, and presents to merchants i and others a most desirable medi um for advertising. THE WILMINGTON JODBM. JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rateri : i One Year.... ....... .2 00 I' i Six Months. . . ......... 1 00 Three Months. i . . . . 50 THE WlLMKJGTOa JOTJES i i i al circu- lates largely in the adjoining conn i .11 ties as well as in the Western por- " ' ! ' tion of the State and presents un- I ! equalled facilities to merchants for i making known what they have for sale. 1 For Rent. rpHAT DESIRABLE W11ABF, at foot of MulVrry j reet, lately occupied i by tbe Baltimore Steamship Cmnpafy m pleie with Offices. Sheds, Ac. Ats, the COAL and'OdU YAM, crre'-ff Kr- at and Molberry street' at t -tv. e; t occupiad by J. A. Springer. A; Vly t . ! ll)t MUtt - 11 - ! ' , r - For Rbnt. fTlHAT DE8IRABLK RESIDENCE I . i . I; on inira street, w eei uae, rw.n occupied by Col. Jaa. Q. Bu r. - I i Apply to sept U R. F.AVODOW. For Rent. THAT DESIRABLE STORE, also HALL on third fl or, new ly fitted np, corner Market and South Water Streets from tha 1st nf DrTnhAr AddIt to sent 11-tf H. B. EILERS. I S600. pOR RENT THAT VERT desirable store on Market Street, occu -ie l by Mr. Thoa. H. Howey, i as a Shoe Store. The cheapest Store pn the street. Aply to THE McKOYM. sept 10-tf For Rent. rpHE ELEGANT BJ58IDENCE on corner of Third and Walnut sts , : ! . recently occupied by Wm. Calder, Fsq Possession girtn October I t. j Apply to, sept iZ tf j! J. F. GARRELL. ; : The New Boot and Shoe Store. ;i - 32 MARKET STREET. TO MY FRIENDS AND Patrons : I . Thankfal for past farors, I will in- f J form them that I hare just returned from the i . I ; 1 1 North., where I hare visited all the celebra- I ted markets for Boots and Shoes. I ! I am determined te sell a good shoe for a low price, such as 'you never bought in I ! th's market before. All I ask is a call and a fair comparison. i l - i My stock is now arriving with every train nd cannot be excelled by any in the city. Respectfully, sept 13 C. ROSENTHAL ONLY 19 DOLLARS ! PENNSYLVANIA SINGER MACHINE ! I Equal to any Singer in the Market ! The above cut represents the most popular Style for the people, which we offer you for the very low price of $19, in -luding attach ments. fSSt" Remember, we d- not atk jou to pay until you have seen the machine. Hfe, After having examined it . if it is not all .we represent, return it to us at our j expense Consult your interests and order at once. If joa live within seven hundred miles the freight will not be more than one dollar. Address, PennsylYania Sewing lactone . Co. , I 17 N. I Oth Street, Philadelphia; Pa. aug-29-wtf Hale's Weekiy. ON TUESDAY, the 7th day of JOctober, 1879, and in the Citv of til, ir- , t, e undersigned will commence th pubiicati n of HALE'S WEEKLY, a .North Carolina Democratic Newspaper. tj These four words convey all tha a column of Prospectus could tell: th goi of the State; the success of the Par y wnch is tbe life of the State and the can rj ; the pub lication of all the news ; these the object? proposed. That he can do the last aud c -v tribute to the first and second, the saocriber does not affect io doubt, lhe People bare set their seal of approval upon his past aud he does not ooubt the future. ' 1 Half's Wikklt will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fa r wbite paper. The price will be $1 per annum. So n at will go upon its mail books without payment and no paper will be sent alter expiration of tne time paid tor. r M. HALE. Raleigh, Sept. 15, 1879. sept 16 t' Wanted. JOURNEYMAN PRINTER, who can bring the highest recommendations,' is desi I - ' - )- i rons of a position in a newspaper offlce ia i ! ! the country. Will work cheap. Address, lit isyt j I . i : l M., care of -' i j- i ept 16-tf DAILY REVIEW. fiultri Ci THEBES T SOLD BY si5oo:oo BEWARE - r VVrrfpji HUBS ! NOTICE our cWD&URS ahd D&ZZgRACE PUrE PARTICULARS I I rtUWBtK 0N J ADDRc. rn PauTirm ah? i t nNatn WhiteSewing Machine October 1 stJ FALL CAMPAISN I i I WILL COMMENCE. wJather litis been loo hoi Ibr, 'People to Read A I verlisenie uts. ! FULL LINE OF JUST RECEIVED AT P, 11. BRIDGERS & GO'S, 8500 Eeward ! , I . j - -. j . For a Cigar at tlie same price that equals our 1 P-B.-I-3S-C-I-P-B 8250 i.faJ WW iAlJL vk k FOB ONE THAT BEATS OUXt SOI.OJJ $100 Reward ! For an all-t bicco Cigarette, of sa ne f,tvle, i t'aat cu be jiiiiislj and. quality, sold as ! low! as our Rose and Lilly. septs GOMMER )IAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C. P. A. DCBUETE, Prop. rpilE CO MilB tjc l AL, formerly the "EM ri&K HOUaF",h'avingbeeJthoroaghly r3n orated and refitted is now one of the leadirg first-elas3 Hotels aup' lied with the in the city. The table ia ! beet onr home and north ern narkets aflforda. i L ard pr D iy $2 and $2 50 ! Large riamplo Rooms fyr'the Com :r : ; c: 1 trade. . . A First-Class Bar aud Hillia d Hall c inflected with this IloteL r.r- KKEhJ 'L,U.NUH daily froai 11 A. it 4o 12.30 P. M. I julf 19- ! A WEEK in your own tbwf), no capital risk cji. 'ou can give the bu. sii.t-ss a tri.il without exnense. The hp5t o'p j t unity ever ffired. lor thoso williifg to work. Yeu should try nothir.g else until 3 on a -e tor yourself whai you can do al the busies we offer. No room to explain here V ou can dtivoiA all your t im or orly your spare time to Uie bi.'feineHS, and make -re ;L j ay f ;r ev -y hour that you work. H uft)!j make as pauch as mon. Send foi sp.via! jHivate temis and 'aiiiculars,which w mtiJ fr -e. $5 Ounc frve. Don't com pi.tii: ( Iwd times w'.ile ou haveaucb a c a A.idrwU II. UALLET1 & CO . 1 ri ! , nine 7--dfew. Winberry Oysters- V. THE GOOD 1 now. Another instal- : I "" 1 ment joet received this morning. It's cold earugh now foKhot Whiskey ana fat Oysters. Free Lunch erery day at 11 o'clock. pt 26 i JOHN CARROLL. Old Newspapers. QHANTI Y OF OLD NEWSPAPERS A for (trapping, offered for sale cheap at the ept 4 daily review office. .1 4 UHPir T rt ... - -r j . Co. Cleveland, ohiq. YHlOW FEVEK-.-BUCK y - 1 1 i t 'OlSOOn t fi.r,.. .V . 1 terrible Mew. hicJ? - i, - rafUflf I in a niore ma iK0nt and TiraL?b fallmonihsof 17&. ?tforuV MERBiLL'8 Ukpatini, a Re'Dll I T in southern Nubia nd uaS" derful results in South Aui" tj most agjrr-iTitea of f kr,k causes from one t tiro ouna 'Ir Vt lL altered strained trom tbe h W S it pas .hro-Rh the LiJer, tuit cess of bile exists Bt its T on the Liver ..ndf Stomach thfKS uot onlylPreTenu to a ceruint, . ViU Fever and Black Vomit, but in-7 and all Ma ial diseases D:P?I expej the Malarial Poison and trom th4 blood by u-ing MtaVw?.8? which is' sold n n?---?.. :l,.BiTr i 1.00 bottles, or will b .f.K7! 10 K i uJ Proprietors. A. F. MR k7fW Dr Pemberton'si8tilliIi?iaorQ,De;i, Delight 1 The reports of wonderful B. Rheumatism, Scrofula, 8alt kh 1W" lis, Cancer, Dicer, and Bore. tfatT1 all narts of the country, able but so miraculous o be S&JT it not to the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula, h, CASk Ob vyL. J. c. fIraxsov, Kihuto G... Sept. 15,' GentsJ-For rixieen years t hTe U. great sufferer fiom Scrofula inl creasing forms. 1 have been c0 fit room anj be a for fifteen jran witnJS? looi nlceratioDa. The moat appro dies for such cases had been & most eminent physicians cnsulted, any decided benefit. 'Ihu. prSff tress d,l desponding, I was adriS ffj i yer, of Hloyd county, Oa., to eoaii the use of your Compoaod Extract BfflfiS Language is as insufficient to detcrib.SK iiefl obtained from th, we of the hSI as it is to conrey an adequate idea of thik tensity 6f my suffering before win, medicine; sufficient to say, I .bina other remedies and oontinned th jof.! Extract ;of Ptillingia, untd I caaiTy 4 ,'1 am cured of all pain," of all dfei' nothiDg;to obstruct the activt punaitifr profession. More than eight monthi U elapsed since "this remarkable curt, viiki any return of the disease.' , , For the truth of the above ita'emeatlfr fer to any gentleman in Bartow coaitr.tk, and to the members of the bar of CUnb! ircait.jwhb are acquainted with me. I ahafi Yer reiii&in, with the deepest irratitiidf, I Your obedient servant, 1 J. C. BRAN05, Att'y it-Ut. A MIRACLE. West Foimt, Ga., Bert, 11, IU .a Gents: -My daughter was taken on the Si day ot June, 1863 with what wu nwA Ko be Acute K hen mutism, arid wu treat! if the same with no success. In Larch, foIW ng, pieces of bone bean to wok oottfAi ight arm, and continued to apiwr tiD i the bone from tbe elbow to theaboalderj cime out. Many pieces of bone cam eat t the right foot ana leg. The cae wu ls Drnnuunced nnp nf Whit Kwelli.r. I ft having been' confined aDout six jeantolil, bed, and the case considered boptUw, I w J 'Ja v .. . . ' muucea io irj ur. rf moertob b Kxtractof Ktiliioflria. and was so wellaij Ced with its effect that I have cotiti idl. use of it until the present. - ' I My dauhter was confined fe ber ped ivt( sixyeais before she sat np or eren tin, over without he p. She now lit spall to! and sews most of her ti e huwalkelsrs iue room. Her general health it no fi and, 1 . Delieviv she will, as ber limbs p strpnu-th. wait woll. I ul rrihuta her ft ry? with th- blpsirg of God, to tbea vourinm mbU m,rhin. With rratitlt I am, yours truy. W. B. BLASTOI. Wm Poikt. Gi., Sept 1. M Gents: The ab ve certificate of '-fr' Blanton we kuow and certify to M i true. The thing is so; hundreds of tkal respected citizens will certify to it reference can be given as msy b Ton n trnlv.1 CRAWFORD A WALKEK, DrafP HO.V. R n WTf.l.I A MS. I - DK. Finberton's StilHngi h r pared by A. F. Merrell k Co., Phila,ra tcld Dy all Druggiels in $1 00 bott sent by express. Agents wsnted to atT" every whee. I ' fc Henj for Bo r.k -"Curious an"- all. Medicines sent to poor peopls ft Houses and Stores to 1 aYf'.-Y to . THE aicKOYS, Attorneys and Counsellors t 1 be and 3d. at Furniture. i J a large aaaortment of Walm ,tiwJn II-1 ?rade of FURNITURE, ch t at Great Bargains. Call and ex For SmitHviiie. TEAM TACHT ELIZA- t.onn i rt txr CV, A wick. carrying United 8 Utea MiLgSj.J foot of Market street daily g at 3 P. M.iQKemK. Dl30J. aept 8 . W" J 'V -

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