iu Uriel". C5rtney is much pleased with his new paper bot. It is Ujiriy-oi:e lee. long ana u..iuhn twpntf.-i?ht Koiitds. Thomas -vinney threw himself over a bluff 30 l-t-t tiih b ve ti e river bauk at St Paul, Almu.. Friday and was crushed to cleatn Bv order of the Moulders' Union, all hands in the stove foundries at Qainc?. Til . struck Friday. About 300 men are out. The journeymen trunk makers of St. Louis have decided to make a de in and for 15 per cent increase of wagps. and if refused to strike. A 6 re in the attic of the House ol Commons at Ottawa Friday inflicted damage estimated a $2, 000 caused principally by water. Charles Buruham, the Erie lawyer who shot himself cn September l,died Friday. The bullet penetrated the brain and could not be extracted. A fire, supposed to have been of incendiary origin, destroyed the buildings of "U B Rounds, County ' Attorney, at Calais, Maine, Friday. Loss, 6,000. -Minister Christiancy reports that in Peru there ii to school for deaf-mutes. An attempt to establish one failed for want of pupils. Judge Chribtiaucy thinks the number of deaf and dumb persons in Peru is in a much smaller ratio tbauiu the Un ited States. The Superintendent ot Repairs of the Patent Office, who has just returned from a trip after jron through Pennsylvania and New York, says that the mills will be kept busy lor several m onths fillir g or lers that thy now have. The firm of Cooper & Hewitt he say a, had contracts ahead to tax it. fullest resources tor. feix mouths. iSelman K HauLegan, of Indiana, ,vho.-v father was a Senator and Miuifti-r to Berlin and whose father in-law y;one T H Nelson, was formerly Aliuit-ter to Mexico. h a b'en appointed to succeed Senitor iii aire's btutlu-r in the Senate document-room. Senator - Voorhees re commended the appointment. Mr fiaune pan and he are lei!owtownfcrnen. The 15U ck-iks In ieiofore employed on the 4 per c;nL roll in the lieasuty Department accounts are to he ui charged. Uai Commercial Agent at Ali-is gives nolice thai au aUdiLional tux ol 4 e-nts per ton has been imposed upon all lb:euu vesse arriving thtjte. Senator Hart is, of Ten nessee, .who has hist, letujned from his Texas sheep ranch, sajs that tiie dry weatner in uiai jjia e nas iuaui Havoc o the crops and that many farmers are leav ing there. Secre.aiy Shermau hao de ctded tlut silver certineates mutilated t the extent of one-tenth or more must he presented for redemption to the Treasurer of the United States, in accordance with the regulations governing the redemption of United S ates notes. - A despatch from Cork to the Standaid Revenue receipts at Raleigh on Sat urday last amounted to $1 215.53. Hickory Press jr Hog cholera is raging ff arfp; yiu Cline b Township A number ol ctt.zl-fis bnve Jt B nearij all their stcckj j A large quantity of fifrown iu this pcioL thns who mak! mo iiy engaged a' that WIl.MI.Ntf TON MA.KKET I I OCTOBKB 6.-4 F IC-f at 27 Nel Hickory Press : molasses cane was this season, ni'd asses are now cu business. I Mrs Isabella, wife of Rev J S son presiding eldr of the S-ielby District of the M E Church S uth, died at Hcppv Home Ust Sunday nignf Sept 28h. Hickory Pess j Charlotte Obstrver : The revenue collections for September in this, the sixth collection district, were $29,883 - 07. There were distilled during tLe mouth 14,065 gallons of spirits. Concord RegisteM: Emanuel Rose was convicted of j manslaughter at the Mc Dowell Court last) Monday. He killed his brother-in-law, !Wm Rogers, in a fitht over a game or jclraw poker, about a year .w ami cake fjr )..!... Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive proaucers ana dealers in Pure Wines ana i SPIRITS ' TURPENTINE Firm Brandies iu the Uuited States. He makes cents. No sales reported. h Superior Port Wine, which took the highest preth u-ii at theCentenuial, Known s tipeer Port Crape Wine. It is sold y J, C! Muuds, P. L. Bridgers & Co md Green &Flanrier. Aug-tf. V Jio receipts and no Grape Culture and Wine. Mr. A. Speer, ol New Jersey, one of the largest yrape producers of the East commenced, but a few years ago, in a small way, to make wines from currants, blackberries and other fruits- He now controls large viueyards, from which his famous Port Grape Wiue is made, which chemists and physicians say rivals the world for its beneficial effects on weekly and aged persons. For sale by J. C. 1 Munds, Green & Flanner and P. L. Bndgers & Co. K09IN Firm at 90 cents bi for .Strained and tl 00 for Good Strained.- iio sales reported. j TAK Steady at $1 00, sales reported. CRUDE TURPENTINB Quoted steady at II 10 for Hard, and fl SO for Soft. Sales receipts at quotations. j COTTON Firm. Small Buiea on a basis of 9 cents for Middling. j The following are the official quotations : tt $ .u.ojiiujLitfOin IE3 wVllitJJg M....M. . .... M. Ordinary , Good Ordinary........... Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling. mddling...L...............4..... Good Midd 9 9 5 VHTT Wit T vrwn vrn' I 1, - i . " i j ' : fthUD .TQ nil Pi riTUO AMt AT 21 ROTH FRONT STEbjjJ will fiid LARGE, Wida Btd EJaoled, Kbeetinti Pi,iatt. n I J 1 " lIIft 1 : Muslins ar d Lace Curtaiu C oodg, i 1 ac, Lauibrequins, Curtain A large lot of Calico Wrappers, on'y 75 c4r,ts each; you mar are ciitapt J D4.ILT BlUaiFTS aro. r Greenville Express : Several o iored people camo to town from a distance he vese 0 Liberia, 01 course I . Hagler, of on Tuesday, to embark on that was to carry them, free or VLi be ly,' as they oail it. there was no veEsel here.' Coucoid Rcyislen: Jas M Pioueor Mdls, rKk a 'bonanza, a few lavs ago and gathered up about forty i of g'jll mia few hours. It Ipuketin trie j regular veib. Observer.' The Hornets At.'tst liirj men nafe begun tp practice for the tar tair. . They propose to hold champion flag jwijich they yeav. T hy are also drilling twice a week for the ontest at! the Charlotte fair. j I mreri '!llars wort was a sn;al! Char'otte a 1 i 1 all 1 1 trvT. : nhnriurr nr. r. n ?STar: on to the won last Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Lincoluton, October 6th, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Beatty's Ford, October'.7th. Hih Shoals October 9th. Gastonia, October 10 th. Charlotte, October 12th, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Statesville October 14th, Consecration of the Church1. Morgantoo, October 15 ! St. James' Iredell. Co.? October 17th. Mofiroe, Oetobe'r 19th, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinify. Wadesboro, October 21st. Ansonville, October 22nd. Rockingham, October 23rd. Lausrl Hill, Octoher 24th. Collections ateach of these places for Diocesan Missions. Cotton Spirit Turpentine, twoiia Tar.. ....I.... Grade Tar Dentine... ..... . . 44 bales 109 casi 428 bb a it 2?7 " Ladies Merino and Wool Vests, Children' Meiino Suits in n icu d uuMorjr, c, C, dC. Ac. sept 29 MARINE NEWS. Ladi or in' MO HE ARRIVED. Monroe En The steam cotto . Bous Uei lilicalts. It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to be nude of wonderful foreign roots, barks, &c, and puffed up by long boijus Uiuspu, ofIecklenburg, certificates of pretended miraculou was nurnea down ion last 1 Monday, to gether with come 5 bales of cotton. Lc s cures out 'a t-imple, pure, effective medicine, OSS m.liiHdt WP tnnain xt.i ' n Ja v.J.,,,i w, . 1 11 I i; : - - , J I w.w.i " U 1 11(1 Ul U 1 liUItU ICD .. I l (T.t j 4 ! u .LJ . - 1 . r ... . . . . . ' 1S icai ! a( uiatcu in rue seeo inai lurnisnes Us own certificates bv its. cotton being ginned is supposed to have cures We refer to Hop Bitters, the pur estand best medicines. Exchanac. See Steamer Elizabeth, Chadwlck, Smithy Ule Ii V Fuddi.sou. I Steam- icut Passport, Harper, Smith vllJe uteo at vers. 1 1 Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Steamer I Clinton, Bisby, Bannermau'ti liiiuge, m aster. :Ger barque Don iiieardo, Kaddatz.O'Porto K Po&tliau Weeiteriiiaiiu. CLEARKD. steamer Elizabeth.. ChadwiCk, timithville oieam-yacht Faasport, Harper, Smith ville Ueo Myers. j Steamer North State, Green, Fayette- I Schr Jrnogene. Diverty, Iietd, for George town, SC, Oct ;d, to load for j'oint-a-Petre, liariiss A Howell. I j Hi- biig iynal, Williams, jlielfist, Alex Wprunt fe. Son. .chr City of !iesea, Maddox, Martinique Exports. 'rOBBISM. Belfast Hr briir sitrnsil 270 aski nts 9 . 2S9 bbls ro.shr.i I i V Martinique-Schr City of Chelsea 123,000 CLYDE'S Mew York ANON. R. M- -AND Port Grape uaea m Uharches for Co ilmington, f&m C. Steamship Line, 1 PASSAIC, f? 1 k T?k. Tbe Steamer been the cause. Lenoir ffupic: shot ai.dl iln WilliamB 1 ;8tantiy killed! his step mother, Mrs Osborn Williams, j near Shelby, in thib State, last Friday! He had a quarrel! witlijjber father about a horse, and committed the murder out ofepite. He was druuk at the time anil has fled.i Mil I ! ! ljouisburg: Tunes: The re rival at . 1 1 " r- . ..... r ne iu. Jii CJhurcu is still in profffes6. another co'umn. Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South. WEEKLY STATEMENT. OF 6TOCK8 OS HAND CCTJ 6 1879. Kf)und of Quarterly A! Fourth Uotton ashore R EC LI LAI -i CAlvT. DO WILL SAIL ' FROM NEW eetiuga, 1879. VVi!m;iiKiou at Fifth Street.. ..Oct 4- 5 Smithville Station.. ,.L ....Oct 7- 8 Wilmington at Front Street. ....Oct 11-12 lpsaii Oct 18-19 Uiislow .......Oct 25 26 afloat 1,233 i Total.... 1.. J 3,223 i,99o SATURDAY. October 11. Y'WK 0 Spirits ashore. ano&t. hatr thft H flrmpra lnh i4 mattnor oro.jt I ...J ...i. i rri I . . . J . 7 u T j B T. I . luuicaaiiig iu luieresii. xne cuaron, uupnn at Wesley Uhape'. . .'.Nov 1-9 F.Cyianuu0 im iu. .am uicciug ou ouu i crowaea every nieht. and a nnmbur (I nton t Moaa m- o .1 a .1 i.. i, in ... I -. .1 r ' T I " "-- " - ....a-iut o uay. ucspaicu uo mo xiuiea bays me oi penitents at the altar, iiev Mr Cohrie Miss Vp1pv nh,0iwn n lt: I :.uil: l - . . " . J w Total... 8,139 2,175 10,314 KoBis ashore !,... 120 54"j alloat ...!. 6,lc.a meeting promises to be small, as the pco pie are tiring of these Sunday meetings. The xew s Berlin correspondent has good rOB Alt f r KulikiTU fVkOt f ho tima f Kk - ..v... Monroe inquirer: The revlral ' , V ; r lU LID meeting at-'life (Methbdist church, erals and Progressists will have ost about apoken of io our, last iss'ue has been SmithJthe breucber in charge, is assis- Ookesburv at Bethel .n, ik.i-; t-A l a u. tit . . Ti r I 1 ........ ten uv me ivcv mr eorj, me pastor on this circuit, i : ! i : The Shippers oan rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamera as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, m Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE k CO., 35 Broadway, New Torki oct 6 i i 1 L. S BUKKHEAD, Presiding EUler. ToUi.. ..126,714 4,880 I'ar ashore alloat CSBITS 10 Oeneral Haghes' brigade reached Khelat-i-Ohilzai on September 30. The trover nor furnished him with supplies. The trices proft sa friendship for the British, but are bitter against Yakoob Khan. Authentic information has been received hare that communication with tbe British troops was cut off to-day on both sides of the Shutargardan Pass by the tribes. Keinforcements are being sent up the Kurum Valley. The Standard's dis patch from Z irgan-Shahr says tbe pre ponderance of native opinion is that the Afghans will make a stand -this side of Cabul. The Ameer is anxious to return to Cabul. The general opinion is that he was allowed to leave on hisengagement to arrebt the British advance, and ho fears the troops will avenge' tuemselves by attacking his palace. While Paul Aubert, of New Orleans, was cleaning his gun he accidentally dis charged it and the contents entered his mothers head with a fatal result. The shareholders and directors of the Cna la Cent ralRail way have ai ranged all the pre liminaries for the transferring of the road to Messrs Worthington and Alclutyre The liabilities of Smith, Howell & G. grain Merchants of Philadelphia, wh , Wiled on September 22, will reach aboui 8450,000. while their assets will not exceed $50,000. E C Stout, of Penu ylvaiiia;E U Temple, of Wisconsin, and C P Plunk. tt, of the District of Columbia. have parsed the'r examination for admission to theNaval academy as cadet midihpmen Set back 42 Years. T t LI.J f . . continued through the past week, and , Wc"U iruu,u,.ei1 ror many years with twice a day have jintarestin and pro- ',, ,7 GomPalat; Gravel, &c ; my ntable services been held. I Tin t.n th U1UVU "ame mm; i was ami ana inac- I . . - - - u i r - . meeting last night about 50 nave Dro , , ' couia uara,y crawI about; was an fessed conversion and manv Denitents ?ia won .out man aU over'. could et Doth- forward for prayers, i j ! lnS t0 heIP me UDtl1 1 got "op Bitters ana now l am a bov aflratn. Mv h nori - w - J - Total. Crude ashore.. afloat.... 4, 8'J 733 25 Total 758 KK0BIPT8 FOB THB WBPK EVDIKfl OCT. 6, 1879. sun go iorwara tor prayers Raleigh News: I Donations continue to reach the secretary of the fair in liberal supply. I These will be exhibit ed. at the fair, and will be sold j nnder the direction df the following com mittee : General R p! Hokai ' Willio G Upchurch, Major, W H Bagley, W jd uuiiok. ijpo out for the sales dur ing tne latter part of the fair week at , thetrroundsl1 I ,M this pi u - uu aiuucy a are an rignc, ana i am as active as a man of 30, although I am 72. and I have no doubt it will do as well for otnera ot my age. It is worth a trial. (Father.) , Cotton.. Spirits.. Jioeiri..., Tar..i..., Crude... t ....... 1,927 1,24 185 1,157 KsPOarg FOR THB WESK ENDINB OCT. 6. 1879 Domestic Lenoir Topic Harper Bros, of New Y rk, have sent an artist to West ern North Carolina to make sketches and drawings of our grand and beau tiful mountain scenes. He carries u tent, cooking utensils and necessary apparatus with ! him, and! will stay un til driven back by the severity of -the j weatner. Charlotte ; Observer : Capt ; A j Bur- welJ, releree iu the 0partanburr & 8hevilie Railroad snits.is still hearinc MemDhLi. fenn"" .7 tue case in tne court house, and it is thought it will last jfor several I davs yet. The case j according to the order of tLe court, wdl be held 6pn till the 1st of November so as to give all claimants an j ab'uodaEoe j of time to hie their claimsiaud establish the rela tive priority. Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in ace we obtain the follow inc rermrt I Rosin of the thermometer, as taken t.hia ing at 7:31 o'clock : I A.tlan a, Ga. 66 Augusta. G 74 Cairo, Ill.j 70 Charleston, S. C....75 Cincinnati fc7 Corsicana, Tex 72 Fort Gibson, I. T 72 Galveston.. 78 lndianola.... 77 J ackaon ville, Fla...78 Knoxville 65 Lyncflbunr. ......... 66 otton 2,4 S8 opinis 3 62y 1,7 urade Cotton.. ......... Spiiits j Mobile, Ala 69 Montgomery Ala. ..73 Vash ville 68 New Orleans V New V'ork....: ttoain., iit.vu i , Punta Kasaa l- In 7 lar...'.. Savannah, Ga 75 j Crude onreveport 73 St. Louis Mo.... 67 St. Marks, Fla '.72 Vicksburg, Mies.... 70 w&sningtoa ..6 Foreign. 1,454 "1 i Wilminston..........7 List of Vessels Over 100 Port Oct 6. 1879. tons in The South American Armies Moving. London. Oct 3 A despatch dated Valparaiso, beptember 8, says that th news of the advanoe of the Peruvian and Bolivian armies is continued. I; is reported that the Chilians before evacuating Calama sacked and burnt d that place. The Chilians have made raids into Bolivia beyond Conchas Blancas destroying oommissaay and ordnance supplies and seizing horteh and carts. It is reported that Peru has suspended payments from the Treasury and prohibited the exporta tion of silver. linuonanito me Afflicted. We would a.lvfce all who may nel the advice ot a physician, to either. ciil oi write to Drt Kotson, 19. So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, M.h, who trom 15 er 'xp rience in lllpital ana Special Prut Joe, puaianres a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Oryaiis and of tht Nervous S.ys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, ltu-p-tency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility ana tremUipg, Palpitation of iu Heart, d imuess of sight or giddiness, Noc t.unal Emissions, Scc, all" resultiiig from abuses in y ,uth, or excesses in manhcH)J; also all skin and blood diseases quieklv cured. Dr. R is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical scuools in tin country (University of Alary la i d), a:.d re J'eis to the leading physicians in his eity,and all consulting him can rely upon houtirable and confidential treatment. In writing enclose stamp for reply. Special attention given to all emale complaints. Hood ac commodations for all wishing' to call and ee him. Medicine sent to any address. m m Saturday last there were $7,500 of. old bonds received for exchange at the State Treasury. R E Heide j BARKS. I Gerliydia Teschau, 376 ton, Brernrs Liouisburg Times.' Oa Monday laof , . E P--seijau & Westermaui while MrKmdiea Glunton. Trtof -wuara ons r,H-n, wo sh X o v. uwu-ia nuiUU lie I I p i, , was nmlilincr fnr hia orn.in.inn,i iu. t. . jr eoa ,: - i j , , lut or inor dW tons, Olsen, K E Hei L -'-rr - r.--.B pu. uuuer or oncoraia,: jjyo tons.UJsen. U K nPi(i onoo the sleepers.! crushing hti skull, Br D U Bliss, 542 tons, Jones, I . Ilia huimaitn.l! nK.xl O , ' - 1 z I : , ' ! ubducu: -wuui o o u iocs: in tne morning and death released him! from orth y oiLzB of Sand Grek town- Ger DD RlCar(l?' lz lip was engaged in ; placing the un. Nor Viking, 277 tS RapinssSteimanD E G Ua'kr .Sr. n,. VT -n i . - rmusesse cyda, 313 tons, lllct.sen, .. ,v . . i . R KUeide crer iuarie, do i tnns, Termion, repair ino- lescnau X, Westenhann BIHGS. Am Alicj Lea, 297 tons, Foster, Harms & Howell his suffering at 8 o'clock in the evening. Charlotte Observer: As the passen ger train on tnj Nolrtu Carolina Bail road, due here at 12:27 yesterday morning, wasjnearing Durham, a man stepped from the side of the road and planting himselfrfin the centre of the Br Signal, 301 tons, Williams,' iracs me e r en. aiaed with his arms Alex fcprant & Son " engine struct; him Br Busy Bee, 329 tons, Graham, 3. "Si V??li .. , E G Barker & Co .zi jtz uuiJiu 5p Dos coS, 22- tons, ijaiu up ior repairs SCHOONERS. -am kazj . i UheJsa, 151 tons, Maddux Kenan & Kcrshee Am Lorretto, Fish, 316 tons, Watts, 1 . J H Chadbonru & Co the bent purpose was hav- esoape, DUt on contrary actedl as if be was ou suicide. If this was hia ne accomplished it speedily. I He badiy mangled; toth of his Ws ing been broken and Jiis sknll split open. Me died insUrjtly, Thei re caains were taken to Durham where fhey were ut once identified as those f a countrvman I mmpH Hor tiedmond who h-ju naa been There seems to! no luicuueu 10 lived near the towr. He was man about fifty years of ase .1 1 11 I'm.. . O addicted to drinking. be no doubt but ! that commit suicide. To all who are A CARD. rors and indiscretions ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This i great remedy was discovered by .a missionary in South America, ! Send a self-addressed envetopexo tne He v. Joseph T. Inmin" ACationD, Hew York Citu. ' 1 Thos. BT. McKoy, aobt H- McKo ATTOHNEYfl-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N. C. .25? .5d?.JI!f,tl'trwt. twee . 1SUU OhTCVUSa aa 2T-tf Children's Suits I JONG AND SHORT PANTS, BO 76' SCHOOL SUITS, I WEST POINT GKi V for Military Suits, at MUNSOK'S, THE CLOTHIER oct 1. ASD MEK. TAILOR. Foreia V5S3 3ls for this Fore (Corrected Weekly.) Br barque Ua Moore. Fiolinn- from Liverpool, bept. 17. JSor barqat Lr,Kn, Magnuas a, sa led frc m Lisbon, Sept. 2. Oebaqje Yonder Heidt, Michaels, ai Rio, Auunt 30. hr brig deiresB, Brotherton, sailed Opor to, Sept. 3. Nor brig Jarlen, uaoutD, Sept. 11 sailed from Yar- Swa barque AnteloDe. Khrrr niur. Exmouth, jept. 5. Not barque Kristine. JeLsen, siled from Antwe p, Sept 5. Nor barque Zaphyr, Jensen, at Liverpool, Spt 4 ' Nor barque inna, Salveraen, cailed from Griinslev, Aug. 21, Ger biqae Apotbeker, Diairg, 385 tons, eiiebaarth, atGJoucester, 8ept 4. Br oark Emma Crook, 2U6 Uns, Wot vrard at Liverpool, Aug. 28. TfJT W . a"-7,377 tons. Peter, Miuuxvouei y a ur( mO . Br bat que Reeolute, Lawrence, eailtd fro Liverpool, September a. 'or. b .rque Hjammet, Ingmandaen, saiLd avcu auinci yf A U9 Oi, Fr. barque tteunioD, -- sailed from nt werpj Au 31. j Nor. barque Roes, Hansen, sailed froi UaenJ Aug1. 14. uer Darnue Julie lie. 339 rn . . ' 1 w ma Hi . ' 1,11 I I ucu 11 urn iTiuucesier, Aug 8. r uarqae Dummer uioud,29J tons.Koeers at Leitb, May . Br baraue Sasie. 302 tnnn ..mj frm m- T- ' o ""UU) 0liCU Kuuian briir lima. 290 tailed from London, Augcst 4. er Darque Anna, 3.9 tons, Biewerts, sail ed fron Rotterdam. Anr. 21. SVe barque Lydia, 3 tk tons, Norden, a lil ed trom London. Atur. 22. A or barque Finegal, Ingmuadsen, Bailed fiom Antwerp, Aus 31. xioi Darqae Irine. fciebert. sai!Pd rrnn, r erpool, Sept. 25. 1 Nor bns: FrospenU, Beruldeen.siiled from t.uuuun, oepu to. j JUST OPENED! A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSOBTMENT OF GOODS Of various kinds and styles andcdescriptionii ! ' at tbe i : i Boston 5 and 1G Cents Store- MEW GO ODS RECEIVED FVFI1Y TWO DAYS For the purpose of keeping th stock rt plenished and thoroughly up to the mark. Wo htt vLt Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES I before been offered in Wilmington r's Port Urape W 'ours I ears Old' I ears Old 'PHIS JUSTLI CUEBBAWDittj' "ine is made from Grape, raised in this counUj. luui& Tonic ani StreiistoiPr are unsurpassed by soy other mtir n deing the pure juice of the grape, 1 under Mr. Speer'. own Der.or.P its puiity and seouineBeM are mrM 1 he youngest child mar Drtk i w.T oua qualities, aiid tbe weaken Ti!i!Z uee it to adTantsge. It is rarticnlirlrki iiCial to the aeed and dhili,i .J., to the various aiimenta tk,t tK..l LV t, eTery respect, A WI3IWB Speer's P. J, Mirlrn. The P. J. 8HERRY iaa WhanftfR1 RIOR CHARACTER and parukeiiffc' g Iden qualities of the crane fmm tu l is made. For MEDICINAL PKOl tir.fl! .'i -1 1 - . ' n 11 win pe round unexcelled 1 Speer'g P. J. or Pedro J- Bruft, This noted rirandr is a nurs diitUUe trom the grape and is equal to the Jnatk! nefrsy or Otard Brandies: for Bediciulic poses it can be relied upon as itrictlrtun bee tbat the sio-natm-n of Alfred HH r . . ' 1 1 asaaic, a, j.. is over the cork of eick tl ' I Mi I II A. RPUPP'a ir- p...i r;.V New Jersey. Office, No. 34 Warren 8t,M orK. I I For sale by OREEN AjFLANH B, J. MUNDS. DruggisU. and F. L. BSU'Gi CO. acrill-tf CALL AT OTJOE ! ANDMaKE yoursi-leotiuns And get wonderful bargains at the Bo4on 5 and 10 Cents 1 - 1 - j Store, II N. Front Street. ail i5 -i- $300 A MOMH guar toed. $12 a day at home made hv it,a tuaustiioiia. Capital not required: w wilt start you. Men, women, boyg and girl make money faster at work for us than a anything else. The work i. 1: j pleasa and such a a yone can go right at. Those who are wise who se.e thl, notice will send us their addrp7 and see for themselves. Costlv 0,..k ,i terms free. Now is the lim n ready at work are laying up large suras ot monev. AddtoaaTKIIW T 6 . mso' Maine r. su T. i 3anier Passnrt, T. J. W. HARPER, ill make Dally Trips. i "tunrUys excepted) RaaEjfiMSjl 1 in v ILI P. and Return. : Leave Wharl at a.;0 A. M. ORO. MYERS. Agent. ",Y . pnyr worsteds. A.OTttEh LARGE LOT j j i J UST RECE1TED. WHITE 10 CENTS. COLORED iri CEN"TS. ' 00k out for announcement of .Grand 'ilMn'i v O j Mpef.mg. se, tl S N. H. PPRIT.VT, Fxchanze Corner They are Here. YE H OF OCR FRIEND8 TO call n l 0eena- Oar FaU and Winder Stock is n jw arriving by 'every train and steamer, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the MOST DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT of j Oent's Ofothinir anl Tn;cv: ' couita. it ynu take our f d7e stores to hold it all. Notwithsanding the recent advance in the Northern market, we guarantee to nUu LOWER PRIGFS THAR EVER BEFORE Call and see ut atd we will prove it to you valuableItrcths. iCw, If you are suffering' from poor health, of I IBg on a bed of Bickneiw,ltakechwr, for i Hop BittersiwirH'urelM. niV ham nTPTtaBCr tiesi or a mothi if too are amply (pfj Ipirited, viuwui . L 1 1 K.MVMUI WT duties or a naa k midnight work, I suffering from MTf Relieve l'oa. fhop, on thafra."2 that your Ti nl ill TiW . If you are a minister, el f with your pastoral du out with care and work, or 11 you teei wc&k ana au knowins why Hop Bittprs will If you are- a man of bus Strain of your everyday ters, tolling 7 over your Hop Bitters will If you are v&unor. and feretion, or arc growing too Hop Bitters will Tf von ara In t li a w r-L-. aeK, anywbere, and reel cleansing toning or stiu- Hop Bittern if. If you are old, and y tTop BItte a are oia, and yrnr. nuise w t -unsteady, and voufiiacultie "" IJ Utters will give you 'e Ufc for Stomarh, Lfvrmii1 KWJ ura. Cures by absorption. It a7 Bop Cocoa Ccek u tbe sweetwt, Ark. Uulurtn. One HrPAD m t r oil stt hiira D. T fl la an ahanlut and I niitible cure fof enneas, uae of opium, tobacco and narcott AborsKild bydruuu. Hop Bitttn Mtg. fco- ft""- ) Sure Cure for I'il . ! ble A8CRE CURE for the blind itcbiDg and ulcerated piles baJ covered by Dr. William (an Indian called Dr. William 'a Indian Oifil single box has cu-ed the worst old eT cass of twentj-fi?e and thirty J,uv So one teed suffer fire minntes i;r .iff this wonderful soothing niecw tions, lnttruments and tlectnsnea r 1 barm than frood. William's W.ut wrui tug lamiirt, iujsjb iue mm (particularly at niht after IgettiD painless relief, and ii prepared 0DJ rf.fr 10 . .J III an.o.tM nVftirlltl phia, Louisville, CincinDari.lBdiaD'P0!" tbis city, and spent nucdreas 01 round no re if untu l oDtameu m - William's Indian Ointment ame t has ca Jobsph fon n ago, and it has cared me comply J-i M. KTDEBf VB 1 1 eeoodUianai;iful l tare pe"r',l u 'Has done me more rina T amp f r i tA anrl S100 wit tinrtnrm. besides medicc" cure cost me more than f0." - J Davro Sri a Lisa, uffered twenty ye and ulcerate piles, biEfro "Have suffered twenty ye w r,e dv that cane to my notice until I used Indian Ointment immediate relief. . nsv ... Jimm CaaaoL, Cm 01a 're'fflJr au No Pile Bemedy erer f JJJ'jJ vKnl.l. n4 rot ail rfrnfffUtS. if J. C. Munds and T. S. Burbaak-, mh 20-eov-dAv ! Pt2 A. A I. Rnnirn "in... - J - .. 1 t 1 -

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