'! : II - - - : r ; i - - - - - : i ; . ' . ' i I! I -I ' . I i I : I I - ! ' I l ''I THIS FAPER ,,p,Dh.avyafWroo, BaadayCe aeptedbv JOSH. T. JAMBS, KSITOB AKO FOrmiTO. dicriion8. postage paid. out yer,$6 00 Hix aaontks, $2 50 ; Three .oaths, $ 1 ; W oenta. He PPr wil1 delivered by r ofehare, in any part of the city, at the ite rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rie low and liberal -rfnberibri will pleaae report uj.iad il failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous BKOWN & RODDICKA 45 Market St. Ve hve just enished Ukincour annua! 4CO.UIH of s ck, and arft now daily receiv ji,' NKW GOODS from the Northern Mrtikets, Mill able for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! 4 uir patrons will study thHr beat inter ests by making their pnrchas. 8 as early in the Season as couvenient,as the general in-dk-itions of the market have .an upward vt.de ey- We have just received ov r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICQ ! THICK O 1N I S. VijolfSAln buyers would do well to look ovfr our -tK-k before purchasing as we va a great ma iv i'o ds we are offering nmch below 1 11 li-"PRESENT MARKET VALUE. Fans & Cfs'mg out the balance at Greatly Re duc d Prices. ruin, Striped and Choked Nainsook Al u-liis. The best value ever ottered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 J to fcO cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Dretonne, Torchou and Italian' Laces. We have very much th" Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the ard or piece, can not be uudersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up iu price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wan:8 at 'he old priews Table Linens-Jowels and Napkins. Our present assortment exv Is anything we hav ever thown. f'alt w) oi rmr af.rlr a lnalr ftwr. Onr Buyor Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents U situated nn the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets, and every Steamer that coin s iiito this prt brings a Fresh Lot of ttirt most surpiisingly ('heap and useful Ho ds that eyer were offered in any mar ket under any ciremm stances. We offer givat indue- ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 ZHZarkot Street tug ia Manchester Yarn. 2q Bale. MANCHESTER YARN. A superior quality, just received 25 Balsa Lake George Sleeting. Salt, Bagging, Tier- 6000 8M" UVERP00H,acka, 1200 hoUand Hlf Ro11 baggiao, 3500 BBndle,,ewTiKs. Flour, Bacon, &c- 1J0O Bbl. Fresh Flour, SwfD' rt d Smoked 8iJe, 60 Bb!g CUt Mesi Pork, ,f Z rhoioe Family f.rd, Bb!i 8BJr(, Crashed, Granulated, iaa ,4' Ex,r nd C. 100 Bbs md Bxes Freh 0ckers, u fe' X'S Cream Chee.; fr'otaah. Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Buckets, Paper Twine. F r saU low br WILLIAMS k MURCRISON, Wholesale Gro. 4 Com. Mer. ct Baby Syrup. PgR.8 GINGER TONIC, Indian thologu.. Ball', ceugh Syr.p, Kl.t. tiers' Ague Cre and. a com. PUle rtok of Pr Drug tIM Medicine r. C. MILLER, ThI; Bnii Heview. - - hi; , ; ; , ... ';. r '. i - -! ; j.-' -.' . . ' ; -j : ' -' r mj 1 . , ; j : . . ... . -J - . i i ! I i I ! -v I I i : . i VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. o.,.y,a. Vfw LdTerttBeineats. KbJSS, Repoi rter Knights of Houor. I. H. BaowK Sew Livery Stables P. RaiHBBanaaa Buv Youi Hchoo Books. A. R.-Black Wot ceJ; j Sanson It's Coming Every Dar. A. AL BannaThey are jHere. Unknow q ! Coots are plentiful. Thieves work on alistract principles. ' I i Hard money is get. .11 thatjkhich is hard te Knights of night. ii'uiiur! meet tothcrro Wirdow GlaswHah sizes at lttfler i Price's. t Ot course justice is Cool, because it k- just-ice. Window Glass Ot all! s: 1Z at J com b Hardware Depo: The storm si-zndis SmitUvilie have been ordered dow l No bald-headed Ui n was e; vei c-.nterteC by a sermon dutii-g, fly season ! In order to look' sr .ruce it is no neces sary that you remain evergreen Mosquito a are jterrib e dunsj they are always uresentiDii their little1 bills.;! A nen is a m. lor dancer: She and never leaves her ,et except t to eat drink. I i The street car track is bei jeing level fil edl up with ballast and made wi h the street. Strangers in the Icity should not fail to vitif the street. S sh Factory, foot of Valnui I The schooner GMoseley, Efellaty, cleared at Boston on t pe 6th in st. for this port. The steamship Benefactor, dlaptain Jones, arrived in New York. ort this morning from The Norweigaa b;, sailed from London,) ark Condor t Njeiison, Eng., on the 4:ih insi for this port. A profane upstar The mani who'sat on a bent pin. She certainly had at pretty fo :tj b: t aftei ju on ectiol i all it didn't, make so ! much unpressi .11 i him as the old man's. .The man who got druqk at an e said it was owing to downparty spirit.!! his efforts to; 'put The Bun is 320.000 times larger thaD the earth, and yet it persists id striking 80 small a thfng as a man. It is said mouey that comes easily. It is the same way easily goe with hani money that comes hard. 3 7 That was a good prayer of tha oh to rut deacon: "Lord; make us willing on little errands for Tbeef ' i It is difficult ib junagine; a soul living forever, when wepohsiutr pow exceeding ly small some meu s souls are. The man who was 'moved to tears complains of the 'dampness of thepremiseh and wishes to be moved back again. ''Down with whiskey ,'j is the rallying -BostonOloOe, cry of the prohibitionists Well, down night and day. it goes m IUods of throats The bashful young lady who ain ted when the butcher spoke of a leg of mut- ton has recovered sufficiently to stuff her self with a breast of veal. The Norweigan back jiSrfo, Moilland. hence for Liverpool, (Eng., put into Halifax, N. S., on tho3.1 ihst. wi h 7 o. her crew sick with! fever and ague It will interest raiiroad men to know that the proprietor of the Pullman car invention reports that paper wheels haye run 400,000 miles Under his cars without repair, wnne ine ayerage ruumng po wer of an ordinary wheel is from 65,000 to 00,000 miles. i Indications. War; Dk.partmkxt, Office of the Chief Signal Offic Washington, U. C;. OiL 8, 1879 79. J For the South At antic! States c.oudy and rainy, followed! hy cle.iriug weather. Easterly winds. nearly standi ry tempera ture and barometer, Suggestion is a privi ee jail cauj make usi of, and we would Suggest to the myr iads of suff rers from Bilious Feveri Fever and Ague, Indigestion, etc.,! to use Dr. Bull s Baltimore rills, whose curative power over these diseases is gratefully apt precis ted by thousands. Price only 25 couta. lit I 1 1 i ' - 1 WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1879 NO. 208 ounty Fxaiiiiner'a Notice. Mr. A R. Black, County Examiner fr persons who are applicants for positions as teachers in the public schools, gives notice that he will hi at the Gourt Hoose Thursday, Friday an.d Saturday week to attend upon this duty. of this Second Crop of Apples. Captain Gilbert, formerly of the Se- ;nan s Home, informed us this morning l , , i , that owing to the lavorable season ot i i warm weather, or frcm some other cause, i i tu known to him, he has apple trees on bis premises, corner of Ninth aud Walnutt streets iu tins city, with a second crop of appies upa them t-q'iil in siz? t-j a heu's egg. One true alone, Captain Gilbert says contains as many as fifty or .sixty young apples. For bar steel, iron and carriage i goods 40 to JaooBI's Hardware Depot, j 1 I The Vexed Read Question The fol. owing is the opinion of Co'. B R Moore, Solicitor of the Ciiminal Court for this county, on the vexed question as to th ; jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace mcates of refusal tc work the 'public roads. It was furniuheJ us, at our re quest by Maj Juo. W. Dunham, the Clerk of the Court. Ool. Moore, it will be seen, differs very materially from the opinion of Ool. Thos. S. Kenan, Attorney General, as published by us a week: or so I ! I I ago. Judge Meares, we are informed, agrees with Solicitor Moor in his opinion and' so charged the jury on Monday. The following is the1 opinion referred to: It is manifest that it was the intention of j the Legislature to confer upon Justices of the Peaca exclusive origiual jurisdiction of the offence created by sectiou 0, chapter 82, Laws of 1878- 9 ; but the question is, does the act referred to carry out this iu Lention ? I submit that it does not, and that Justices of the Peace have not origi nal jurisdiction over the offence thereby orea ed ; to-wit, failure to work on the i public roads, j It may be noted iu the nrst piace mat section 27, article 4, of the Amended Con stitution, so far as it confers jurisdiction over criminal matters upon Justices of the Peace, is the same as section 36, article 4, of the old Constitution of 1808, the words of the clause conferring this jurisdiction, beifjg in both sections identical, with two exceptions. i Section 33, article IV, of the old consti tution, gives to Justices of the Peace ex clusive original jurisdiction "of all crimi nal matters arising within their couuties, where the punishment cannot exceed a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for one month ' Section 271, article IV, of i-he Amended Constitution gives the same jurisdiction ' of all crimiual matters aris ing within their counties, where the puu-i-hrnent cannot exceed a fine of fifty dol lars or iimprisonruent for thirty days;' the only difference between the corres ponding clauses in the two constitutions being the distinction which the Supreme Court has diawn between the meaning of the phrase one month aud the phrase thirty days. Why the words thirty days were substituted in the Ameud jd Constitution for the words one month in the old consti tution, is well known to the profession; this distinction drawn by the hupreme Court being the original cause. j I- will be observed that the words jof he coLstitutiou givo the mag.strates jurisdiction where the punishment is by due or imprisonment; not where the puuishmtnts by fin eand imprisonment. I submit that wherever a penal statute gives the court poer to inflict a punish ment of both hue and imprisonment tha ; hbn the jurisdiction it (taken a wa from the Justices of Peace although it may nve been the intention of the Legislature to confer jurisdiction upenthem; and for this positiou I cite the cases of the State vs beaton, 65 N. C, page 406, and State vs He.'Lurg it. a., 70 N C , pig 49 j ueaton's case was lor "wiitui abaudon ment" under the act of 1868-9, brought forward in Battle's Revival, section 119, chapter 32, where the defend ant' ;upou couviciion wai to be fined nv.t to exceed the sum of fifty dollars or imprisoned not jto exceed one month, or both, iu the discretion of the Judge of the Superior Court, or Justice of the j Peace before whom he case shall be tried." Inthiscas, after expressing a disposition to leave all such cates to the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace th Court says, "but upon a close examina tion of the wording of the statute we think this canuot be done, as the act authorize the infliction of both a tine and impris u ment, and not merely a fine or imprison ment, for one month as prescribed m art. 4, Sectiou 33, offthe constitution." In Heidelberg's case the court affirms the decision in Deatou's case, giving the argument more luliyj. In what pa ticu.ar does the case at Bar differ from the caaesViteU? Thd de feudaut in the case at Bar is indicted for refusal to work upon a public road under sec 6, chap. 8.2 !, laws of 1878 9. This section provides1 that any penou who, being liable to worfc ou the public roads, shall fail to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convictiou shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than five doiars, or imprisoned not exceed iu 2 five days, or bvth in the dU cretion of the Court;" giving ito the court the power to inflict both the fine and the imprisonment. Spoken. The master of ths German Park Fried- rich Scalla reports having spjken, Oct. 6th, in lat. 32 30 and long 77, schooner Jenny Bond, of Boston, bound Sou h. Thanksgiving. There will be services held at the Front Street M E. Church to-night, and at the Fifth Street M. E. Church to-morrow night, for the purpose of rendering thanks to God for the recent outpouring of Hi grace in the revivals which h ive been ex perienced iu those churches. Inmallables. The following unmailable pe tal matter : em tins at the Postoffice in this city : Sister Cecilia, Cohvent of Mary, South Carolina; Mr. GeoJV. Davis, 821 Broad street, -Richmond, Va ; Virginia :P. Gib son , c ire Albert Gibson ; Alfred Harrison. Powelion, via Brunswick county. Save your money by buying our Build ni, SupTli's from Altaffer A Prie. f Will Go. At a meetinglheldilast nuht, the Cham pion Base Ball Club of this city decided to attend the Anson County Agricultural Fair, to be held at VVadesboro on the 18 th, 19th, 20th and 21st of next month. They will play a match game on the 19tb which, we believe, will be for the cham- pum ship of the State. Theatrical. The next entertainment for the season will be at the Opera' House oa the 15th inst., when Mr. John A.1 Stevens, sup ported by an excellent company, will ap pear in the pouplar play of 'Unknown,' Mr. McAdow, the advance agent for the company, is now in the city making the preparatory arrangements! for the per formance. ! . i The Panorama Last Night. Prof. Hazeley, a native of Africa, de. livered a lecture at the City Hall last night upon the climate, soil and resources of that country, together with an account of the manners, customs and habits of its people. jTbe lecture, which was quite interesting, was illustrated by panoramic views, and was listened to by a large au m dience who were both entertained and in -structed. ! You cau get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Carolina Fair Association. We tender pur thanks to Col Chas. R Jones. Secretary, for an invitation to attend the Annual Exhibition of this As sociation,' which is to take place at Char lotte on ths 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of November. From present indications the coming 'Fair will be larger and better than any jof its predecessors. We wish it every success. For Gen. Hood's children. Messis F. Henderson, J. W. Piummjpr and Willie J. Carter, jthe committee ap pointed by Loch Lomond Lodge F. & A.M., to raise funds' for the beneht of den. Hood's children, have in their posses. sion the neat little sum of $19.50, which thy arejready to forjwirdto Hon. Isaac W. Patten, Mayor of New Orleans, who is, we understand, authorized to received funds donated to this purpose. Loch Lomond has set a Worthy example in a noble cause wl ich might be emulated by others. City court. Allen Pitt iford, colored, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting police received a sentence of $15 fine or twerty five days in the city prison. The prisoner took the alternative, and' went below. A colored, beligerent, j charged with assault and battery, was fined $20 and costs or given the privilege of thirty days in the city prison. The defendant agreed to pay the! fine. Win. Sbehan, arraigned for disorderly conduct, was sentenced to pay the costs. The best Windows, Doors and Lowest Prices can be got aDd Blinds at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. Mr. P. HeiLsberger is improving and beautifying his music and art gallery He is having a long upright; show case erected which when completed it will be quite an improvement to bis stores. pTbe work of erecting and Retting in ordea the Bell Telephone Exchange is being rapidly pushed by Mr. DeForest, the State Agnt of the Bell Telephone Company. Signal Sekvic, U. S A., Station Wilmington. O, Oct. 8, 1879 8:10 a. m. ! I The following orders have been received at this station ; Signals 'are ordered down at Smithville. ' J. M. WAT803T, Serst. Signal Co-ps; U. S. A. sadden Deaf h or Captain Samuel Hooker of the Br Barque George Davis. - We were very much shocked this owning to learn of t be sudden death of Captain Samuel Hooker, the commander of th British barque George t)atis, of a congestive chill, which occurred atSmith- vilje this morning about 10 or 11 o'clock. The George Davis waj cleared from this jpf-rt one wee a ago jest rday by Messrs 1 4iex. Sprant & Sou with a cargo of naval store for Loudon. But j) wing "to adverse winds which have prevailed on the coast causing the sea to be pretty roiugh cn the Bar, the depiruire cf Captain Hooper with his vessel bs been delayed at Smittu viile up to this lime. I The first intimation of Captain Hooker's illness received here was by a telegram from Dr W. G. Curtis, of Smithville, to Messrs Alex. Sprunt& Son, this nx-ruiug, informing them of the dangerous illuts of the Captain, stating that he had had jtwe- co; gestive chil s, whecupon the senior uembor of the firm, Mr. Alex. Sprunt, imme liateiy proceeded djwn the river, but did not reach Smithville in time to see Captain Hooker alive. . The unforjtunate man who hifjjust de parted this life has bejn sailing to this port ever hlco the war, the most of the time in j the brig -'?, C, llan Horn, and was held In such high esteem by the owners of his vessel, that upon the co m pletion of the barque George Davis, some three years ago, was given! command of this handsome ship and made the first trip in her to this port. The deceased was about fifty years of age auji a native of England where he leaves a wife and children to mourn his lossj Captain Hooker leaves also many friends and ac quaintances in this city who will grieve at his untimely end. The remains, we un derstand,1 will bo interred at Smithville for the present, or until such time as his family may see proper to remove them hence, j Messrs. Sprunt & Son, the Consignees, have nod decided definitely (yet whom they will place in command of the ship, but will,! in all probability, reach a de cision upon this point to morrow morn ing, when the vessel will proceed on her homeward bound voyage, but without her late lamented Captain, who by that time will be resting quietly beneath the sod in the village gravyard, which is within sound of the ocean s waves The Plant Industry! i I A new industry has recently been de veloped at Burgaw. Messrs. Herring & Moore, two very clever young gentlemen, who are in business at that paint. are purchasing a number of roots and herbs for which they have found a 'market else- i i where. Prominent among these is what is known s vanilla or dog-tongue, which is brought in to them, when dried, in large quantities, and then baled and ship ped to other points, the vanilla Jting used for flavoring smoking tobacco. The air around Burgaw seems thoroughly impreg nated, and that not unpleasantly, with the fragrance of this herb. The vanilla, howaver, is not the only plant which is shipped by Messrs Her ring '& Moore. The common (yellow flower, which grows so profusely in old fields, and often by the wayside.! known as a dye weed, is also purchased and shipped, by them, as is also the common gallberry bush, known as iuk( beny, the root of which is said to be a fine febrifuge, used often instead of quiu. ine ; the Indian hemp, the root of which, exceedingly bitter to the taste, was exten sively used as a febrifuge during the late war muck-weed, otherwise j known as Queeu's Delight, the exact use of which we do not kuow, but wh ch we think has purgative properties ; the ro -t of the pond -lily, which when gathered has a v ry bitter taste, rough and rasping like a green pel simmon, and the common fennel bu?b, which' is u&ed for tanning leather. The fact that thre ii a market ( r such things as these gea to prove a fact Which we have long asserted, v;z: that the woods and swamps of the sandy belt of , the old North State: contain many as y et unkno Jvn and theruf re unappreciated source of wealth. Nv t King since a" distinguished gentleman from the Western part of the State, a gentleman who is at enthusiastic botaigt, ga'htred while on a vitt to Peuder county over one tbouaani specimens of roots -aud herbs, all of which he thought mibt be found useful in manufactures or in medi cuuea. ; ' Two cases of larceny, one of forcible trespass and one for assault and battery, were disposed of in the Criminal Court to-day. 1 i PLEASE 50TICE. We wil be glad to reeelve eoisirnni atlcra rrom omr Tritmln oa aay and all sabecU r.t f enerai uurest bat : Taenaae of the writer most. aUayt Defnr alaned to the Aditor iommuxvlcaUops must writtao , nn on V one nae or toe paper. Personal tiee mast be aroide4. And it is apeeially and rartltiUr.r nlLr tood ttat the alitor does not always endo t Sf asa Am a- f L . " y rva a OOJ'VUUOU L T ta tne editorial The Floating Dock. The German barque Lidia TetcLu was nauiea upon the new fioatlr g ae tionai drr docs: yestenisy in oder lo m derm artma mmIh tu;. :lJ ' ' . ' . . . i o p --..o. iuia is iuo I TBI V08- wL we believe, which has been hauled on the dck since its completion, and 'al though the barque is a Isrge lont, rjgia- venng nearly 400 tops, the task wi oomplished with the createst ease. dock only being sunk 15 inches deepe .1 .A.. . . - ..I i ii 'I m w.ier auer receiving its ponderous load. The dock master, Mrj j James Shewan, has had much experiencein smh matters, vfhich was perhaps th reason "I i I til why the task was performed withdut diffi ' I . I I - I MS cuity T e White Fire Departiurnt. It was decided last night, ieuly, we uuderstaud, that rather 'slid the Annual P-rade of the white Fire .u.v tug : xyri ILUeil.l e place th's afternoon. TlU parade was fixed for 3:30 o'clock, ahd go Koger Mwre, the Chief of the Department was appointed Marshal. Col. Moore 'tljeWJ upon named as his aids McisrsL J lij Dame . Of Wi mmotnn ITrb- .t. I 1 ...iaJ.1 Co., No. 1 ; E. G. Par m alee, of the thle Giant, and J. G. Oldenbuttel, oftheUtZra?J . The indications are tht theloccas cn wiil be a very pleasan tone. The ranks aro pretty full on parade ant at toe cloaii there is to be a little feast of reason anc i flow of something else on tap at Little Giant UsA. It will all come la too late for this issue and we are therefore compelled to postpone a full report tint to-morrow. 1 I New Advertisements. Kmtfits of Honor. aBO INA LODOK So. lUi Ppecial J -. , 1 1( Meeting to .morrow (Thursday) evening, at 8 oV.k, for the purpose of conferring degrees. i GEO. V. HABBISsl ot 8 Reporter, Wotice. WILL ATTEND AT the Court Uou-e on Thursday, Friuay and Saturday of th's week, for the purpose of examining teachers for the public schools in New Hanover Co. AJ B. BLACK, oct81t - 8'ar copy xamiLeri New Liverv Stables I T WODLD BESPECTFfJLLy i INFOR L ! I the public that I have opened Livery Stab el at Buriraw. nn the Poutb side of Fremot street, near the kailtoad, where! I am pre tared te take care of Horses, and farnun col veyances to travel. rs at low rates. 1. 11. rJKOW oct 8-dlt-wlm Proprietor, uy Your QCHOOL BJOKS, BLANK BOOKHi Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Novell and - I '! Standard Works from the i I - I - I - -LIVE BOOK STORK. Also, Pianos, Organs, 0 altars. Violins, and General Huiictl Merch andlfe. Chromos and Fngjravirgs, Frames, a 1 Itei aad styles at oct 8 HHNSBEBGKh'.-,! 39 and 41 kirket St. Mullet3. Mullets.1 150 Barrels BKIOUT tr.d FA Tor ale by oct 7 HALL A PEAS8ALL. IT'S COMING EVEBY ID AY. - I i i.- ,j i- r ! SUITS OF CLOTHING, io R. B. Sc'. D. B. Hacks, H. B. Cutaways, I. b. Froeks, Bov's and Children' Cir.thin , Exirm. Pants, for larre or 'mHnen. ti.id Motti ment. Low Price. Com Q ie. MUNSOS'ii, THE CL'JT'llER ort 7 AND MKti. T A LO LOlt. Meffinneyis Hall opened A ND WILL BE READY Fdi V?F. h th flh inal The II.il wi! 1 i rented only to responsible parties. BEH RENDS &. MUNROK oct 6-lw Suggies, Harness Buggies & readies, FOB, BALE AT ! ODXUXZLZL9S &CO'S, Ird st opposite City Hall. REPAIKINO DONK WITH I HEATNKHd - AJIDDIrtPATCM. I I ROR8E-HHOKINQ A BPKCIALTY octCU l 5? . i Ju