THI8 PAPER i- okihi rery afternoo. Biadayilex- A espied by JOSH. T. J AMES, XDITOR AND rKOPKIKTOK. S (J BSCRI FTION8, POSTAGE PAID. 0ne jer, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 j Three months, fl 15; One month, 60 cents, f he paper wil1 delivered by carriers, TW of eharge, in any part of the city, at the bore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal jr Subscribers will please report any and ,11 failures to retire their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 market St. We have just finished takine our annual gcYi.untof srk, and are now daily receiv ;,v, NEW (iOODS from the Northern ijBiktts, suitable for FALL AND WINTER TRADE! (!ts by making their pinches- 8 as early in I tlw Season as convenient,as the general iu (ji -itioTis of the market have an upward h i O' We Lave just received over 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! 1M.1CE EN 5. Y in a ' buyers would do well to look ov."- mir t-l- bef-r purchasing as we Imr stuat ma v o d we are offering n;;li.l, iK-iow Till. l'lJEsENT MARKET VAl.l'E. Fans Closing or.t the balance at Greatly Re due d Prices. Plain, Striped and Checked 'Nainsook Mucins. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 oents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Lare. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Lacas. IJrefonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much th Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the j ard or piece, can uut oe undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the alve is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wan s at 'he old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. hir present assortment excels anything we have ever shown, 'all Hud ive our stock a lo.k over. Our Buyer Is in the martset at present and we arc km lvinjr many Novell les. OUR 5 and lO Gents Bazaar is MMiute.! on he S W. corner of Market wxl street. and every Steamer that 0'in s iuto tins n. brings a fresh Lot of m most surpus uuly ;heap and Useful uiaLcvur ere ouerea iu any mar. ei under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWff & RODDICK, 45 Market Street an K! JUrtT OPENED VNEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS 0: Trou iindBnd itjlag andodescriptioni at tbe Boston 5 anfTir. ffonfc ; Store. 2W GOODS RKCE:7ED EYERY TWO DIY3 the Vrj-9 of keeping the stock re aihed sad thronirhlv n tnth.,. o mi w wmw aaaBi m. AT 8UCH PRICES! UTer bfore been offered in Wilmington. fALL AT ONCE ! 1 ASDMAKEYOOR SELECTIONS Aid et wonderful bargains at the fon 0 and 10 Cents Store, Front Street. TfflE 1 .DaiDLi 1 tWIEW : . M ! - ! I . - P M ' i : ! : i VOL. IVl LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Geo. F. Iilley Tennessee Beef. I , P. HaiNisaaeia Boy Youi Fchool Books. Hall A Pkaeball Chees-,' Batter A Lard. Williams a Murcbuom Flour, Bacon, Sugar, Ac. j;j I I " ; j Gxo. Mtk&s, Agent Charge ot Schedule. Lbmvebman A Conbt Dissolution. R. E. Hsids jkip Notice. , E. E. BiiKucsa Mortgagee 8 le. ! 'I 1 ' Fiasr National Hank Mortgagee !-aIe. J J. Hktscu, Maoager4-$103,00O j 8ee ad dostetter's Bi.ters. I Mum son htriped Halfj dose. A. A I. Hhrikr Thsy are Here Oh! fwr a drcus. yii dow Glaai a.1. biZes it !';. fl'.?r & Price's. t Even scratch. has brains enough' to Window Glass of alL siz-s at J ixvi s 'Hardware Dep t. The receipts ot ccitton at this port to- day foot up 224 biles. Girls pr ler tagct to e ;ievatd - ct I like 'a b cars They like a train, but they ! better. Some politicians think tujt the on'y way to get a full vote isl to get thJ Voteig full. The time when a man acknowledges that his mind is out of order in when he has to mind the baby For bar steel, iron land carriage goods go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. j Where there's a will there's a 'way That is, the man who makes a will makes away with his money . ' I I fyour tongue is coated or if you have a bad breath, take a dose of Dr. Bull's Bdtimore Pills. 1 i . 1 What a blessing it would be to elder! ladies if the tea-plant should become lone of our garden growths. This is possible, according to the Horticultural Society. The lovely weather in October is evi dently a thing ofthejpapt. lhe indica tions at this writing are that there is now - j 1 I some genuine Fall weather in store for us. Criminal Court The fcllowing cases have K'en called in this Court to-day, uj to our closk State vs. Francis Holmes, for false pre tences. Verdict, gu'dty. I i ; State vs. Henry iMurphy, alias-Williaoi Tate Murphy, arraigned for burglary. Trial set for Mond y mxt. j Funeral ol (apt Hooker; Capt. Samuel Hooker, of the Briti.-k barque George Davis, who died on Wed nesday last, was jburied 'yes'tciday a' Smithville. At 12 o'clock the body was conveyel from the shipto the shore, and from thence followed by ja large crowd of citizei'S to the .Methotliat Church, where i 1 1 i appropriate funeral servicesj w ere held by Rev. L. S. Burkheal, D. U , .assisted by Rev. Mr. Wiley, the ptts'.or in ch irge The body was interred in the c. metery at SmithviUfrand upon the n6wly made grave tender and sympathizing ladies of that quiet town pi.iced beautiful wn aths and Moral emblems, lie died and was uuruu among strangers, in a strange land, bur it must alleviate the sorrows of -thoae near and dear, to him tokuow that the teartut wlmen aiii tender sympathy of loving hearted men attended him tp his last res ing place. , i 1 . Arrested and Arraig ied for Bur Slary. Judge Meares issued) a bench warrant yesterday evening for the; arrest of Henry i Murphy, alias ffm. Tate Murphy colored, upon the charge of burglary I The war- of officer rant was placed in the hinds Nicholas Carr who.! together with efficers Strode, and Whitney, proceeded to Rocky Point, Pender county, last night, and ar rested the party, bhe prisoner was theo brought to tbe city nd this morning rr- raigned in court upon the ' charge above mentioned and the trial set for Monday at 10 o'clock. The crime is .alleged to have been committtd n this city ou the night of the 29;h ult, upon thepremists el John E Walker, colored.) The (prisoner was arrested for being aceessurr before i ' and after the fact to the burglary, for wh ch Daniel Richardson, .colored was arraigned in court yesterday, and whose trial begins to morrow morning at 9 o clock. Tbe defendant, Murphy, being unable to procure ; counsel, the court assigned Messrs. MarsHen Bellamy and Thos. H.- McKoy. Jr., to conduct the de- lence. WILMINGTON, N.C., Fill DAY, OCTOBER With hli Parents. Oapt. James M. McQowan. of this city, proposes to spend the day on Bun day next with his parents in Raleigh in a rather novel manner. Be will remain in Wilmington and his parents in Raleigh. A telephone will be erected at the resi deuce of Capt. 'J. O Blake, Cashier of the Raleigh National Bank, connected by wire with a telephone at Capt. Mcftuwan's residence in this city. By ids means con- versation can be carried day spent ty' parties :.t i on and a pleas in t both enJs of, the ine. Everything will mv smoothly until Jim McijoA'aii Uuhd iu the las;ru ment. A Very old Horse. i Tne avergfl age of a horse is, we be j lievo, somewhere between 12 and 15 years aa i one that lives to be 20 'ears old is cousiderea a rarity. We saw one the other jd-ty. in the AugoiasectioD of Pender c mnty, that is actually approaching its 37th year. It is a mare which was born on the plantation of the late Johu Jamea, and which was raised by him from a colt. She will be ,36 years old next April and her age is well attested. The writer of thu recollects the same mare twenty -five years ago and she was then considered well advanced in years, aK though hearty and vigorous at that time. She is now kept at her ease in memory of the good service she has rendered in the past. She does no work and with the careful and kind treatment she is receiv ing she may yet attain ber 40th year. A Revelation. I Paterfamilias went home last night rather more tired than usual. Spirits had been active, -cotton was firm and rosin had advanced. He had had a bupy day and naturally louged for quiet and rest. He was glad to find some rather unusual attention when he reached home. His easy chair was drawn to the table, dress ing gown and slippers were ready, the drop light at a convenient angle and the Daily Review spread for !him. He looked up to thank his daughters with a oarers for their kind and rather unusual attention and as be did so heard some thijg about Vipruni's next Sunday and Fall bonnets" which rather took the edge t;ff that kiss. He smiled feebly to himself, a sadder and a wiser man. Unknown. i i The nlav of "TTnlrnnwn" will hn nr sentod to our public on Wednesday even ing next, for the time. The Compa ny comes well eudoised, and the play is one which seems to be very popular. The St. Louis Dispatch sa..s: Jw'hn A. Stevens and his combination opened at De Bai'o last night, to a full house, and the prospects are h t tho en gag uirfiit will piove an u; qualified success. 'Umuiowii' is a drama of .he sensational class, presenting a very romautic story wi h the auxilaries of startling dramatic situation?, stuoo li dialogue, good tcting aud handume cen'y. The company came here comparatively unknowu, aud the ordiul recepriou ' given it last nigh was an! inuicaiion that our theatre-goers' intended to examine irs merits, and give it ill the supp i t it d sM vts. The play poj sesses many siro .g, p ims of popultriiy, aud was rcviveu with fnq .eul and hearty applause, j Mr. bit;vens is an uc or hm i? merit;, piayi g a f.or.)Ugiu syuip t elic claracter, and e.,dowiu u wit a tidal oi pains and iuterest.' j You can get the best White L.-ad, Paints and Oils, and lowest p?ics at Jj.Cobi'8 blardware DepoU j 1 f i ' Frt-ifibls East and West Yesterday s Charlotte Obseaver says; CjI. MjeiB, president, and CaptGormley, superintendent, of the Atlantic, Tennes see & Ohio Railroad, Maj. Wilson, presi dent of the Western North Carolina Raiiroai,and Capt. Johnson, superintend eut of the Carolina Central, had a confer ence in States yille on night before last concerning rates. Hitherto there have been unsatisfactory arrangements in exis tence iu relation to a through tariff and this fact has ied to some misunderstand ing between the roads mentioned. It is learned here that the meeting was a very pleasant and satisfactory one to all parties represented and that a tariff has been agreed upon which cannot but be satis factory to shippers in Wilmington and Charlotte. The rates will be made ou and put into operation at an early day. It will be gratifying to the merchants of Charlotte, who only , ask fair play, to know that they have been placed on an equal footing with other wholesale mar kets, the only demand they have ever nade. Tbe rates will apply to connec tingfireights going both waya. This is an equat advantage to the Western part of the State because it gives them also a good market for their produce, . t i v OTerdue. , The steamers A. p. Hurt and Wave due here from Fayetteville last night; h ive not jet put in an appearance. The delay is owing to tbe low stage of the river be- iweeo mis port and the above nam.d place. I I (-'apt. Maffltt Resigns Capt. Jno. N Maffitt, of Harnetl town snip, a justice of the Peace for New Hkn- over cout-ty, has resided that position and it 'W understood th t Mr. SUcy V -m Amringe, the Clerk of the Superior Court : : with whom the authority lies by law will appoint, iu his s a'd. Mr Jt-re M Hewiett, also of Harnett townshiu. 1 V ' i 1 C uiuiutd f i- Pujurj. Daniel Wright, colored, was arraighed before a trial justice this afternoon on the charge of perjury, upon the affi.iait of Remus Thomas, cojored, and was com ;mitted in default of $200 bail for his ap pearance at .the present term of the Crim inal Court. Wright was the principal wi;n-sa for the defense in the case against Francis alias 'Dinck' Holmes, who was tried and convicted this morning of false pretense, and this trial was in co . sequence of his testimony iu that case. f I ne South Atlantic:. The October number of the South At Untie is on our table. It presents the following "attractive list of contents: Grandfather Mountain and Jim.Rid lie, by Gov. Clingman; O-irmelita, (continued) by W H.Baocock; Settlement of the Eas tern Question by Philip A. Bruce; Dor othy, by Paul H. Hayne; A Daughter, a translation from' the German, by Tb. Von Ja8mund; John Davidson's wife (conclu sion) by W. H;. .Alexander; ; Constantino ple to Athens,' by W. ,C. Johnstone; A Uhost Story in Dixie,! by E. W. L ; Recent Literature. ! Left for Charleston. The Light Ship which has been in course of construction for some month8 1 i past at the Marine Railway of Messrs Cassidey & Ross, has been completed and and turned over to the government.! She is said to be one of the best and strongest built vessels in the service and has been very much admired. She left this port this morning for Charleston in tow of the buoy tender Alanthus- and ber builders, Messrs Cassidey & Roes, are willing tha she sbould go to the world as a spaciment'iir work. I 1 Strangers in the city should not fail to yi'iii the S sh Factory, loot off Walnut street. , i ! f A Great Mistake. Boys and men sometimes start out in life with the idea that one's success de pends on sharpness and chicanery. They imagine if a man is able always to "gtt the best of a bargain," so matter by what deceit and meanness he carries his point, that his prosperity is assured. This is a great mistake. E iduring prosperity can not be founded on cunniag and dishon esty. The trickey aud deceitful man is very sure to fall a victim, sooner or later, to the influences which are forever work iug Hg tinst him His houae is built upon the sand, and its foundati.u will be cer tain to give way. Young people cannct tnete tru.lm too much weight. The future of that young man is safe who eschejvs every phase of double-dealing aud dishonesty, aud lays the foundation of his career on the e:. during principles of everlasting truth. , The best Windows, Doors aud Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. High Shoals October 9th.i Gastonia, October 10th. Charlotte, October 12th, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. 1 , Statesville October 14th, Consecration of the Church. Morgan ton, October 15 ' j St. James' Iredell. Co., October, 17th, Monroe, October 19th, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity. I Wades boro, October 21st. Ansonville, October 22nd. Rockingham, October 23rd. Lausrl Hill. October 24th. Collections at each of these places for Diocesan Missions. j Save your money By buying your Build n Supplies from Altaffer & Price- i t Indications. War Dkfabtment. Office of the Chief 8ignal Officer, waamngton. u. C Oct. 10.187-9. For tbe South Atlantic States, clear or partly cloudy weather, w inds mostly east erly, nearly iutionary temperature and barometer . I " - 10, 1879 NO. 210 New Advertisements. Tennessee Beef. SOME MORE of that beau'iful Tnnes see Beef will b foun at mv Stall U morrow. Call early H the day and leave orueis ior noicc Uuts.l GEO. F. T1I.LKY, J stalls, Mai k.t House. cct 10 Change of Schedule. -J ("apt. J. W Harper, On and afre- ' ot brt- I i, will . Leave u.nhri 1 7 30 . M. lxare iiu,i-fn 3 CO i. M. oct 10 j . i; l c-rt. Agent. Ship Notice. A FKKrtLiNS me l;ereby r i . cautio-ied gaioct h borii g ot ll I.V 111 A ... I L J- . . 1 j lun (j( ovr ui me nwu. n . nun ..r, voi u. Jiaraiu. is no dpht-.. tneir contract on will be paid by either th Captais or i.i?rjee. 1 R. E. UE1DE, Cobsignee. oct 0 3t Dissolution. fliUK MKM HERETOFORE EXISTING X under tbe name of LKMMKrma v jk CONEY, is this day dissolved bv mntnal vuui ni. i Hi T. LRMMERVf AN, l I WALTER CONEY. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 10, 1879. octlO-lt Cheese, Batter and Lard; 150 BtxeS Extra Crea Cheese, JQ Tubs Choice Dairy Bitter, 2Q de. do. GoBhen do. j do. Po d 1 Cooking do. ' 150 Tna Choiee Leaf Lard' 20Tc do. do. do. i ! - ! ! For sale by I Hall Sl Pearsall. oct 101 rJIortgage Sale. FYi VIRTUE OF THB PROVISIONS LJ of a certain mortgage executed by Alex. Oldham and his wife to Edwin E. Barrosi, dated September 6th, 187 -, and reutereU in the Register's office of the County ot New Hanover, in BookjO, O, O, pae 149, the said mortgagee will sellf or Cash, by i ublic auc tion, at Exct anre Corner, iQ the city of Wil mingtcn.or' Tuesday, the 11th day of Novem ber, A. D 1879, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. the fol lowiDg property situate in tbe said city Of iir i - .i . . i . . vr itminjrn, iu wii: aii mac lot ot land and premises known as Lot: No. 1, in Block 203, according to the plan of eaia city, being tbt same npon which the large Flour and Urist Mill known as the "Cape Fear flour Mills' stands, with all the buildings, mills, machin ery, erections and improvements thereon. Also, a small strip of .'and six ftet wide, ex tending from Nutt street to tbe Cape Fear River, beiog a part of Lot No, 1, in Block 202, aceoi-ding to the plan of said city, b .and ed on th North by Walnut street, on the East by Nutt street, on tbe Uouth by a lot of and belonging: to Alex Bp ant M Son. and on the West by the Uiver ; the said lots o' land and property will be sold suoject to a erst mortgage on tne same executed by the said Oldham and wife to the First National Bank of Wilmington, dated September 5th, 1878, and registered in the Register's Uffic of New Hanover Cou&ty, in Book O, O, O, page 108, to which reference iaayj be had. Also, the following described lot of land, being the Eastern portion of Lot No. 4, in Bloc - 20J, beginning in the Western line f Front street 66 feet Northwardly from the Northern line of Mulberry street, and run ning tnenoe Northwa dlv with Fronts reet 66 feet, thence Wettwardly"parallel with Mul berry street abut 110 feet, to the atern Una of a lot of Jana formerly be'or einr to Edward P. Hall, tnenee outhwardly paral lel witn Fiont street 6 reet, and thence east' wa dly parallel with ! berry street about 1 10 feet to the beginning. , ! i I E. E. BUKKUS J, Mo tgagee. oct iO I rJIortgae:e Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE PRWViSlONS OF a certai mortgage executed by Alex. Oldham and bis wife t the First National Bank of Wilmington, dated September fith; 1878, and registered in the Register's Office of the Count? of New Hanover ia Book O, O, O, page 108, tbe said Bank will sell for cash, by publ c auct on, at Exchange Corner in tbe ci- o! Wilmington, n Tuesday the Uthday of November 1834), at li j o'clock. A. M tbe fll;wing propei ty situate in said city of Wi.miogt .o. to wit : all that lot of Jand and premises known as Lot No. 1, in Bleca 203, acceding to the plan of said city, being tbe same upoa wbien tbe large Floar and Grist Mill, known as tbe Cpe Fear Flour K ill" stands, with all the bui dings. milii, mact inery. ereciiuns, and improve ments thereon. 1 I Also, a rmatl strip of land six feet wide ex tending from Nutt street to' tbe Cape Kear Kiver, being a part f Lot No. 1 , in Block 202, according to the plaa of said city, bound ed en the orth by Walnut street, on tbe fcastbr Natttr-ei, on tbe wouth bj a lot ot land belonging to Alex, dprant A ton, and on the West by tbe Rive'. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON,1 Mortgagee, j By E. EL BURuOdo, Pe't. oct 10 ! J Elegmney Hall Be- 1 opened AND WILL BE READY FOB USE by the 9th insL The HU wiU be rented only to responsible partiee. 1 ;- BUHRENDS & MUNBOE. rr PLEASE NOTICE. Wa will be glad to receive cow ninni atiojcL from oar friends on any and ail subiecU bi general Interest bat : ! ( J TV ' I ' ' nMe OI tne writer must. aJwaTf be fnr niahed to the Editor 'V j CommunieatWs moat b- wrtttfr n on one side of the paper. Personalities mutt be aroidel. AneHt is especially nd parti uiarij Bnder .ai tne Juitor do. not lwv ebdlo meews or correal on d en U, unlws s tt a the editorial columns. ! ' ',' lVew Advertise m on t I l uiBessea. like ttneveii, atatk thd weak. .-v ... - - J-ortUy y ur organization wi'b the Bitters. and it wi l reaiet aud btlle aliVe the viral of epidemics and the change of t-naprature wh ch disorder the eonetitution of the fetble There is vital ty in it. It is a nure ve. ptle stimulant, a rae altratiTe nd aiiti-biliflius mdiciDe, and hai nut a harmful eleiniiui among' its many iDerredientg. For s le by all Druggists and respe fctab Lfemiera generally. f:ctl0-iAw. Buy Your gOHOOL BJOKS BLANK B0OKJ Stationery, G Id and h?teel Pens, Novell and' Standard Works frrul the Ll LIVE BOOK STORE. j i, ana Also, Pianos, Organs, Qui tars. Violins ! General MumcaI Merchandise. Chromos and Engravings, Frames, a C Z 2 and styles at , , I I 1 HF 1 NoBEkOEU'. oct 10 39 and 41 Market tSt. : Flour. Bacon, Sue: 1 00 Bb,s Fre h FLOUR, following Trnperial. Paraxon. Vl6let, Blanche. P.ince?s, Arlington, Orange, Vah-l ington Mills, Ac. i u 250 BxeS A nd 8moed Side?, Bbls Ci'y Mess Pork, 12.5 Tubs Ch i ice Leaf Lard, 1 ftO 80,8 "irr'" CrHftheJ, Grab ilattsi; im, CrHsl T ft Extra C, and Ci IieeseJ Cracker, CandyJ 175 BfXe Kxtr Crcm ChLese, j . "2 Bbls and Boxes Fre.h Cracker?, ' 2QQ Boxs Pure Candy, Potash, Lye, Hoda, -8-Jp, '' HtJ'rcih, Buckets, Paper, 8pice, Pepper, Gin ger, Ac. I ! Bagginer, Ties, Twlii-i 1300 Whclend Balf Rolls BAGGING, 4000 Bundles New TIES, 1000 f B"lingT e. 1700 Kesce Vaih. Manchester Yarns, excellent a tic Lake (ieorge Sheetings. For sale low by i WILLIAMS 4 MURCHISON.! I1 Wh'.!p.ln (iro. ACom. MrJ oct l(j SlllBllOlJOllOftB THE KEN1UCKT LITERARY J- UR.VA;L for the parrvim of lnerewilrur th cirenlatt-A rf t h-4r paper, will distribute ;ah Phkvh mh am'iimu . ing to 1UUJUU. ranffinir from -tlu to $J.f to aubjurrilirii. I ! ASII PUKMIl'MS. 1 Cash Premium of..: ., l " - 1 : IflCaah Pr mium of " i lOO 3Mi IOOO V! !.... lou... oO... 11 5MX 4-V i- iHNt IftlO PremhamM annhanMns to will be diatribatod b lot. in public. undVr uiT!mr ! of men of mmo cnaracter and urKl-iui'i'ia mr.'nn, . Covington. Kentucky. Nov 15 I37. We are authorized to diHtrtlnt aiovt- J nl'aciibera of oar paper j an att ( tn K-i 4 jk Sar-n rrr-flmt aftS we iil M?r 1 Vckei atlta ix-4niir is, r-.w. which will entitle the porthaar Vt a i-'mm'n !i. h may aeeore any one of I'uxUifeOb 1'iein j.ui, uJ aiao the LlTEBaKY Jot'BNiL for one jear. dureaa ail ordf-n to I J. lIEXIf, Mnimrtr, P.O. Box I 19. toTlnftou, Krntii'kyJ XV I-Uponaibli aanta w-ntHjyrywr- I Striped Half Hose, ELEGANT BILK HD'Kr'S, i LINEN HD'hlF'C, plaia aod bo -de id And hemstitched. Ill full line of Neck and Underwear, Bed Flaunei Shirts and rawe.i, at ' 1 l 1 ' I I ' MUNSON'S, THE CLOTHIER I ot9 L 1 AND MER. TAILOR.! Baby Syrup. .i i PARKER'S GINGER TONIC, Indi Cholgogne, Ball'r Congh Syrnp, Klus, Chill Core, Aiert Ague Care aod a com plete stock of pare Dra? and Medieints. r. C. MILLER, ;i Ciraer 4th and Nun gtreita - Ope dy a A night i! ' - fs war -a-a- r t. w k . I M II II IV 1 U a n II

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