THIS PAPER u pooHsbed every afternoon, SaidayCex eepted by JOSH. T. J A BIBS, KHITOR AWD PROPBJXTOK. Sl . BSCKI PTION8, POSTAGE PAID. One year, $5 00 Six montha, $2 60 ; Three months, SI 25 ; month, 60 cents. Hie pper ,ri11 b dliTered b7 e"Tie"i r. ofcharge, in any part of the'city, At the tbore rates, or 13 cent per week. Advertising rates low and liberal 0-Subscriber! will please report any and ,11 failures to receive their papers regnlarly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 market St. We nav just fiuished takineour annnal r.oun of, and are now daily receiv iur NKW GOODS from the Northern Mrtikt'ts, puilabM for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! ur patrons will study thHr best inter (t,ts by making their purchases as early in thf Sasoaas coiiveiieut,as the general in dilations of the market have an upward tendency. We nave Just received OTfr 20,300 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' PRICE O tJENTS. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our tock before purchasing as we Lave a great many no ds we are offering much below THE PRESENT MARKET VALlJE. Fans ' Parasols. C osing out the balance at Greatly Re duced Prices. 1'lain, Striped and Chectced Nainsook Muslins. The best value ever ottered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8o upwards. Laces. IWionne, Torchon and Italian Laces. Wt? have very much th" Largest assort ment that has been ottered in thU city and our prices either by tho yard or piece, cau not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up iu price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their warrs at 'he 'old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have e er shown. Call ardive our stock a look over. Our Pnver Is in ihe market at present and we are receivins many Novelties. OUR 5 and'lO Cents Is situated on the S W. corner of Market and Second streets, aud every Steamer that com s into this port brings a Presh Lot of the most surpiisinaly ('heap a; d Useful Uo da that ever were offered in any mar ket under auy circumstances. We offer great iuduc meuts to Wholesale Buyers. m0WS & B0DDICK, 45 Market Street auz 10 JDST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of Tinoui'kinda'andJJitylM andodescriptioDi at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents (Store. N E W go O D S RECEIVED EVERY TWO DAYS For the prpoae of keeping the stock r plenuhed and ih- roughly up to the mark. No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES! kuTCr before been offered in Wilmingtoa CALL AT ONCE ! A5DMAKK YODR SKLKOTION8 Ad get wonderful bargains at the Boston 5 an4 10 Cents Store, 4i N Front Street, nn voL.m Wilmington, n.c, Saturday, October n, isto. LOCAL NEWS. New Adverttsetpeats. P. HsiasBsmaBv Just R-celved. Opkra. Hofbk Unkn'own. 1 Bee ad Gray Medicine C - . J. L.Wistiaa Watch. s, Chronometers, Jewelrv, Ac, repaired. I ' A. A I. Bhbixe Bargaios. Muaton IStriped Half 'Hose. For other locals ske fourth page. : : l . . Day's length ill hours and 25 'minutes. Wir.dow Glass-vrall feizes at ltafler & Price's. ' . . I ' ' t Window Class of ail sizes ai J cobi fe Hardware iJepjt. 1 Bysatftine pointy a new cotton fur cur tains looks like antique lace. In Oakdale there was one child and one adult interred during the week. i In Belleviie Cemetery there were two interments this week 'both children. - For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to Jaobi's Hardware Depot. . J j A hen is'a uiotlel fop dancers. .She never leaves her set, expert to eat or drink. Strangers in the city should hot foil to visit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnut street. I ' t To -morrow Is known iu' the J Church Calendar as the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. I , , 'The money value: of pajint wastedj in this country is enoimousj' but not in Wilmington. J i . . 1 There were tix interments in Pine Forest i - (colored) Cemetery this week onej ault and five children. ' I The Berger Family will ring their bells at Winston next j Thursday. Sol. Smith Ru iell is with them. The Ordinance of Baptism will, be administered at the F.rst Baptist Church, to-morrow night, Jaftjer the sermon. The man who iuveuted the j phrase, 'Whatever is, is right,' never bought a Dair of gloves or gpt'leftby a train, .j . j : . ' j The labor .question has been an 1 issue long enough. ( Statnmen are wanted who can grapple with jthe loafeij question. ' When he is 1C the boy is supposed to have outgrown the switch, bfit that is just the ae when a girlj begins to need one. The Register of Deeds has Issued eight marriage licenses duriDg the week three of which were i"or white and i five' for colored couples. , The weakest living creature, byi concen- i I tratiug his powers upon a single object, cad accomplish! smething a jmefquito on a man's nose, fur instai ce. L 1 We saw a lovely family paity taking ti e air yest2rd-iy. The wife bre in br arms I i a plump, happy twefity-pound youngster and the husband carried the youngster's do.l. You can get the best White Iead, Taints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacohi's ilard ware Depot. j Always keep tutim oli niud, aa deNy iocreaHRS suffering; audi if you fel 1 sick -utsd CiHiiii.g upon you, j take a do&e of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. They can do you no harm, aud may 1 save ytu from the sick room . Price: orly 25 cents. i ! Cork is now extensively used in corsets, paniers aad in dress improvers in place of steel. If the gentle ones fall into the water they wiil cot need a life preservir- Rev Dr. L sJ Burkhead, P. E , will preach a. Front Street Church tc-morrow morning and at Fiftn Street Church to morrow night, alternating at each church with Rev. Daniel McPhersou, ii - The weakest living, creature, by con centrating his powers upon a single ob ject, can accomplish! something; the strongest, by dispersing his over may fail to accomplish any bing. many, A man who fails enthusiastically to recognise the distinction, with a differ- j. -'..t. 1 ence, there is between the touch of a woman's hand and the hand of another man is material wasted. He! ought to havt been born a door-knob. i ' The Yorkville (S. C) Eqkircr gives utterance to a rumor ' that jj a Republican paper is to be started soon iu Charlotftf and that a Republican l is to be sent u p there from Wilmington to rnu it. , Who is he? i ' 1 ; Abbott this matter we Rice to say that 1 i I i whoever thinks of Manning such an un dertaking or attempts to Foster feuch an enterprise will find himself on the Brink of a catastrophe Irom which only a mod ern Sampson could rescue him. 1 Cana- day bring forth more? ; DA Inmallables. The following onraallable matter re mains at the Postoffice in this city: Mr. Jerad Tuckhchen, (Germa ) New York, N.Y ; L'zabetb Reding, Hardin, Ga: Sarah Iialsey, New York,. N. Y. The Storm signal. The storm sigr;al was run up on the flagstaff over the signal officer about noon to lay, but at this hour 3:15 p m. the sun has t,rc ken through the clouds and shines as bright and almost as warm as I 1 on a Summer's day. But tbt wind is still to the eastward. ' Going North Asain. Capt. R M. Mclnttre will leave here on Monday on bis second trip to the North thfe Fall, lie promises to gather in all of the pretty styles be left behind him a lew weeks ago and the ladies will look anxiously for his return with thoi. This looks like a practical business revival. 1 he Cape Fear. 1 Capt. Green, 'of the North State, re ports that be left Fayetteville on Wednes day last, but owing to the low stage of the water he was unable to reach here until to-day. He states that there have been light rains since he left Fayetteville, t . . . and a reported rise in the river of about 3 inch es. Quarterly Meetings. I j The Fourth Quarterly Session of Front Street M. E. Church, Rev. Dr. Barkhead presiding, commenced to-day, and the Quarterly Conference of Fifth Street Church, which was unavoidably post poned last week, will be held to-night. Watchmaker and Jeweler. We invite attention to the advertise mentof Mr. J. L. Winner,watchmaker and jeweler, as it appears in this issue. Mr Winner has located at No. 3 South Front street and is prepared to attsnd promptly aud skilfully to all work entrusted to him. lie comes to this city well recom mended as one who has had an experience of twenty years in the business. Criminal Court. The following cases were called anddis posed of up to the present writing, 3 p. n- State vs. Abo McKinzie, charged with larceny, verdict guilty. 1 Staf9 vs. A. B. Lind, charged with assault, verdict guilty. fttate vs. J. C. Borneman, retailing without a license, veVdict guilty. State vs. Daniel Wright, chargod with perjury, jury out. Music at Biu gaw. i The good people of Burgaw were treat ed to another excellent musical entertain ment ltgt night, under the direction of Mrs Lindsay, a popular preacher aud a lady of hue music il ability. The popa!ace turned out en masae to listen to the en joyable tffjrtu of the pupils, and were truly delighted with the result. The pupis all acquitted themselves with credit, and it would seem, where all did so well, invidious to particularize any special pupil, but we must sta'e that the organ p'aing by little Miss Lindsay, aged 9 years, and the singling of Alias Neliie Willi ims, aged 8 jears weie noticeable conspicuously eveuts in the exhibition. We congratulate Mrs. Lindsay aud also the citizens of Burgaw upon the success which has attended her efforts as an in. slructor in this delightful and human izing science. i We Back Down. i ' Nearly three years ago we announced through columns that the Spirit oj the South . ad ceased to be a Republican paper, assigning our reasons for sucn change of bade. Hence, Bro. James, yon h;id no more right to regard the Spit it as a Republican paper thau we had to look upon your paper as an opponent of the f Democracy . With this explanation we trust that you will be able to discern how the differenct(?) between Dr. Uarllee and the Spirit on political questions can be reconciled. We very cheerfully give the Spirit the benefit of its correction, and trust that Ijefore long it will be able to go a litt'e farther and state that it has not oolj "ceased to be a RipublicAn' paper" but that it has enrolled itself in! the Djmo cratic ranks. We bai no desire to do our neighbor an injustice and in the absence of information merely judged itln tbepres ent by thai which it had been in the patt It has a aate and reliable man at its po litical helm now. Let him Still continue to guide its doctrines and it wiil not go wrong again. I j ' The schooner Iniogene Divorty. Reide' from this port, arrived at Georgetown fcL C, on the 3rd "met. ' Straw. 1 ' I Ai the city Hall Horaee McRae and Mike Peden, colored, two notorious little vagrants, Were ar' rested at 2 o'clock this moruing under th depot shed at the W. & W. Railroad ard taken to the Guard House. James Mcpherson, colored, was fouud alep .under the bhed at t,he Passport s wb-rf laat night and carried to the lock up The Mayur ordered all three of tn prisoLera to ba kept under lock and key until to uight and then1 to be releaw-d. Cniet oi Police Brock this moruiug re ceive J a postal fruni A fred Rhett, Chill K,i Police in Charleston, uotilyiug hnu that B R. C kid wail, the youn mau fur whom a reward was offered iu August last ul $000 itud who was alter wards re purled capiured in Ciuciuuati, is a still a1 large, aud that the same reward is sab ottjered lor his capture. The crime he is alleged to have committed is swindling or defrauding J. Parker & Co., of Charleston, out of the snug little sum of $20,000. A full description of the indi vidual jwanted by the authorities in Cnar. Ieston, together with his photograph can bd seen at the City Hall. Tae biS5 WialM( Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. J To Tobacco Dealers. Some tobacco dealers need to be re minded of the law in regard to tobacco stamps, which is now being enforced. The law requires that after the last cigar orpiece of to bacco is taken from a box, the stamp shall be destroyed, either by scraping or tearing off a part or the whole thereof. The penalty for each offence is a fine of $50 and impris onment; but the collector may, st his discretion, recommend to the head ot his department, at Washington, the remitting of the whole or any portion of the penalty. This is very frequently done, when it is cj early shown that the evasion or break ing of the law is entirely the result of ignarance or accident, and when no attempt to defraud the government is shewn. It ie better, however, by a strict compliance, to be on the safe side. Deputy x collectors are required to be on the lookout for empty tobacco and cigar boxes, and there is no telling when they may eall upon any dealer to show up. Mb. Ed.tkk : I have noticed recently iu tbe Charlotte Observer a statement copied by the Re vizw and other papers, that satisfactory arrangements have just been made be tween the Western N. G. R R. and the Carolina Central for freights to and from Wilmington. I am very glad to chronic cie that fact, first because it must prove beneficial to Wilmington, and not only to Wilmington but to our Western brethren also, and secondly because I hope it wdl put a stop to aDy further complaints against Gov. Jarvis for his supposed hos tility to the; interests of our city. A sup position that does him great injustice, for I feel very sure that there never has then a moment when he contemplated allow ing any interest in which be could exer cise control, to be used in any way det rimental to Wilmington or the interests of her people. Time will show how un called for and how unjust have been the complaints made against him on that score, and wiil show also, that . so far from being inimical to our section, tbe very reverse has been the case and wiil contiuue u bo. Cato. i Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South. Fourth Round of Quarterly Meetings, 1879. Wilmington at Front Street.... '.Oct 11-12 Topsail Oct 18-19 Ouslow Oct 25 26 Duplin at Wesley Chapel. .. .Nov 1-9 Clinton at McGee's. . . : Nov. 8-2 Cohrie Miss, at Wesley CbapelNov 11-16 Cokesbury at Bethel ...Nov 16-12 j L. S BuKKHsan, i Presiding Elder. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Charlotte, October 12th, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Statesville. October liih. Consecration of the Church. Morganton, October 15. St. James' Iredell. Co., October 17th. Monroe, October 19th, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity. Wadesboro, October 21st. Ansonville, October 22nd . Rockingham, October 23rd. LansrliHill, October 24th. I Collections at each of these places fer .Diocesan Missions. , Save your money by buying our Build ing Supplies from Alufler & Pricel t i : ; 1 1 Wine and cake tor ETenlnci. i Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealer in Pure Wlnee and Brandies iu the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium at theOentennial, known aa ttpeer's Port Grape "Wine. It ia sold by J, G. Munda, P. L. Bridgets & Oo aad Qrcen AFlanner. ' Aug-tt New Advertisements. Moirtlhi '' ' ' ' - .'.(,: I will leave for New York on Monday, the 13th inst , to replenish my , I 1 ' Stock of "v 1 ' ( , . DRY GOODS AND CARPETS I I would say to those who have not yet purchased that it may bo well for them to defer buying for a few days, as I will endeavor to et clJoico novelties in DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, and new and hand some patterns in Carpets, and with the greatest possible dispatch! 1 j ' Yery Respectfully, i V oet 11 OPERA HOUSE. The eminent Actor and Author, Mr. John A Stevens, in his own Romantic Idyl entitled i - I Supported by the gifted young artiate, Miss Lottie1 Church ! i And a Superb Dramatic Company. Special Scenery and Statre appointments carried expreslv to produce the ro -nance in the mott thorough manner. Price of admission 60c and $1. Feats on sale at Heineberger's. I 1 oct lMt 1 1 Watches, i 7 QHRONOMETERS, JKWELRT, 4c Repaired neatly and promptly by J. L. WNINER. No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C.1 Over twenty years? experience. Give me a trial. oct 11 BARGAINS EVERY DAT IN IHE WEEK AT TE ARE DISGUSTED. It is too warm, and we are determined to sell out as fast as possible our FALL- AND WIN TER STOCK and go back North and buy Summer Goods. Call now and get bargains at the lowest p ices you ever saw or heard of, at SHIUEVS TvVO STORES oct 11 Market Street. Just Received. LALGUAGE LESSONS, - By Q lackenboss, Towers' Grammar, Sanford's Arirh r etics, . Higginson's H story, Hookei's Ch'ld's Bork of Nature, Bryant & Strattoii's Book Keeping, WaTen's Class-Word Speller, Holmes' Spellers and Readers, Murray '8 Physical Geography. Those who have not yet completed their list of School Books can do so by calling at BEIff8BERGERS, 39 and 41 Market at. oct 11 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARKTbb GrkatTRADE MARK Eniiah Rem dj. An ua failir cure for oeminai W e a k n eu, 8 p rmatorr- hea, mpoien cr.and alldif atEFORE TAUlQ.eaaea that f 1 AFTE1 TAIIIG. low, aa Btquence of Helf-Abas; a L08a cf Memory, Universal I asitade, Pain in the Btck, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and mnr other iiae8's tat lead to Inaaoiir or Ootsumption and a Premature Grave. Fall pa ticulara in our pamph'et, which we deiire to tend free by mail to every one. TbeHp.ciQC Ueaicine i- told by all druggiiti at $1 per package, or six pack ages for $5, or will be sent free by mnl on receipt of tbe mnnev by add rearing THE CAY MEDICINE CO.. ilecb.'.ic'a Mlook, Detroit, Jlich. Hold in Wilmington aod everywhere by ail druggist. act li d ivlf. ' Zeohyr Worsteds AN OTHER LARGE LOT ; ' JU-T RttSlTaP. WHITE 10 CENTS. COLO f ED 12 1 CENTS. Look oat for annoaaeenfBt of Grand Millinery Opening. JT. H. SPRDJfT. I - setlS Exchange Corneri PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive eoa nmni atiost from onr friendj on aav and'all snbcU of i general interest ba'vt j 1 T6e name of th riter iBcrt. alwayr be Ur niahed to the Editor , j j' Communication must bt rittr, tn'onIy one aide of the paper. ' j' reraf.Dalitie moat avoiden. And it u eecially md parti Q:rij under tood the Editor do cot a!wT. rdo J the riewB of enrref oadertv. ulr- n. tn in the editorial column. '' ' i ' ' I. New I Advertiscmonis gaiti ! ', : 1 R. va. iviciraTinr?. j Tennessee Beef. IOME MORE of that beau'itul Tonnos order? for C'hoic Cuts GEO. F. TILLEV, Stall i?, Maiket Ilouse.' oct 10 Change of Schedule. STEAMER PASSPORT, i Capt. J. W. Harper, , f PV, I On and ffr WATIIhiiav UEwA -VT ' October 11, will r22(;& Leave binithvi.le....... 7 30 A. M. Leave V ilmiDgton....... .3.00 1. M. Oct lO Ro. MYH.KH, Agent. Ship Notice. 1 ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioaed i gainst harboring or CX-rU trusting any ot the crew of the Swa. Haiquje' LYDiA, Capt. DJ Nardia, as' no debUtf their contrMCtion will be paid by either the Captain or Consignee. . I I R. E. HEIDE, ' 1 oct u St I Coneiifiboe. Dissolution. THE FIRM IlERKTOFOHE IkXISTINJ under the name of LEMMKHMAV A CONEY, is this riay dissolved by mutual cons nt. i , " . T. LKMMKRM AN, ! W.ALT KK CONEY. I Wiln.irnrt'nN. C, Oct. Vi, 13TD.T I j octlq-lt .. . Striped Half Hose, I ELEGANT 8TI.K HD'Kr'S, I J LINEN HD'hLF'e, plain) and borderisl and Hemstitched. Full line of Neck and UnderVeir, Red Flannei Shirts and drawers, at i MUNSON'S, TFIK CLOTfilEMj ot9 AND; MKR. TAILUR. Baby Syrup. pAUKER'3 GINGER TONIC, InJirn pholgogue, Ball's Cough Syrup, Klutz Chill Cure, Aj ers' Ague Cnre and. a com plete jtock of pare Drugs and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and huo Streets. Open day ad night. oct6-tf i Flour. Bacon, Susrar. 1 00 Bbls Fre'h FLOOR, following j1- vtbrands.Jack Frost, Cremona. PUrt'n, Imperial. Paragon, Violet, blanch, Piuces. Arlington, Orange, Wju-hj ingtrn Mi'ls, c. 1 ' ' Qrrv Boxes D. . auci Smoked Sides, Bbls Oiy Megs Poik, TuD" Choice Leaf Lard, "1 K( Bbls Sugars, CrjH ;J, Ornulit'sf, A, Extra C, and C. f Clicc&e, Crackers, CiiiiJj I J7 U' x-.b Extra Chwte, jgJ Bbls an J Bxes Freh Ci ackerp, 200 Boxes Pure Candr, I ' , Potash. Ly, Soda, Soap. taci ;' liucteu, t aper, Spice, rej ptr, uilh ger, Ac. Il 1300 Fhclean1 1Jlf i401- ii'ilSQ, ' 4.000 Bnn;dlei Sow I AM A Lbs Bailing Twie, 1UUU 17K Kj Vails. Manchester Yarn, ecelli.ta tide, Lake Oeorge Sheetings. 1 , For sale low by , WILLIAMS A MDRqHfSOV. oct 10 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mir. A Word ! TO PARENTS AD TEACHERS s i 1 J' 1 Ibe University Series of School? Books mtie adopted by oar State Boa'd of Edncat ti"n. and I have made arrangements vi'b th Pnbiiakers for their introduction at educed or Introduction Bates, with the privilege ot exchanging OH Books for tnem. Ibis ar rangement will continue only for a sho t time. Heaire your Books whila taey (are chap I . ' Couaties immediately around 5ew Banfw ver cao be supplied through me on sanxs Urirn hy thr : ubli ' 1 .

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