THIS PAPER Raadavs'; ex- ,r.k oyer t w-, msfl. T, JAMES, v " ,DITOB AND rSOPMlTOK. ...U-CHIPTI0N8.FO8TAGE PAID, su .t fin Hir month. S3 SO Three 0M y'. SI J5: On month, M eeat. fbe PPer will b delivered by earners, ofebftrpe, in " - ... nf tkuMir. tttba " rates ow and liber - or i i -arwabieriberi will please report any and -in,H to receiTe their papers refruUrly. ill Miscellaneous. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. bavP. just finished taking our annual ..... ,.f .k. and are now daily receiv- " lvi- cnODS from the Northern ilk-is, suitable for tbe ya,L AND WINTER TRADE! cur P ttrons will study their best inter .v making their purchases as early in I as cmveiiieut,a3 the general in- ,i;,1,Kf the market have an upward ,.,',.. ,-v. We have just received oyer 20 000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! 1'KICE O "JEN'lfc). u l, ..I--. buyers would do well to look (,v,r our -ux-kbef- re purchasing as we i UK riiE"3KiT MAliHE I Fans & Comiu the balance duc;d Trie at Greatly Re rices. i .. , s . .: .1 and i Ch.CKed Nainsook I 1m'ij':U..s. Th-: best value ever oflered. Call and examine. Lihcn Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Coods. V.ui.Tv is Laree. Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Lacss. r,nMon:ie, Torchon and Italiau Laces. Wt; h.tvt- very much tin Largest assort- ni.-nt that lia been otWed in this city -and ur prions either by the jard or piece, can nut Oii undersold. . Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of tlit! ahove i.s lartje. We have market! mnti up in priee, preferring to give oui witrons an opportunitv to supply their waiits. at 'he old -prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, O'.ir prosent assortment'excels anything we lave ever hown. Call a'ul give our stock a look over. Our l-uyr Is in the market at present and we aie receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 andlO Gents Is sitimtoil on the S. W. corner of Market and eund street,and every Steamer tba com- s into this pert brings a Fresh Lot of urn most surpns ut:ly Cheap ard Useful fc tis ttiat ever were offered in any mar- kt uixler any circumstances. We offer great indue ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street an; 1(1 . OPERA HOUSE. One Xigfet Only WEDNESDAY", OCT. 16 The eminent Actor and Author, iliip J Onn JBL OieVenS, in his own Roaantio Idvl entiUed U IM K W O W W ! Supported by the g f.d young artiste, Miss Lottie Church ! And a Superb Dramatic Company, ptcul Scenery and Stage appointments crriel "prwsly to produce tbe romance in ie most thorough manner. i ne? oi admission 50c and $1. Feats on le t Heintbereer's. oct lUt Notice. rpHE FIRM OF LEMMERMAN k CONEY aTiDg: ben diss -lbd bylmutual consent "ujerMgned begs to anao s 'Btmue the Lightering Ba rcies. Cktton, .NaTal I c . transported with din unaereiitned begs to announce that he will a4ines, in au iu stores. Lumber, i.,- .'-"ntracts made at 1 west possible ..orIuceBorw corci of Hall A Fear- . r, re Uouae, oouth Water street. ct 13-lw H. T. LtatMKRMAN. Baby Syrup. PIKER'S GINGER TONIO, Indian Uologogue, Bull's Cough Syrup, Kluta, ChiU Cure Ague Cure and a com- Hete stock of pure Drugs and Medicines. F. C. MILLfcK, o. a Vomer 4th and hnu Streets. "ku uj ana night. nn1 H VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER LOCAL NEWS. ffew Advertisem m. ' gee ad Wanted1. , j 14iiMSOOcld Wave Coming. Bead ad the First Annual Fair. F. HiMssiiesa New 8tjlai, -School Books, Fianos and Organs. A. A I. Baaisa Bargains, j Wirdow Glass alt sizes at ltaffer & - 1 ' t Price's. The champion belt covers a great waste time, i i ; . ! The receipts of cotton for this port to day foot up 942 bales. New moon to morrow morning at 55 minutes past 9 o'olock. t I The sJLeamer Kyulalor arrived at her wharf in this city, t his morning. An Iowa woman has J indented a spank- aphone. She likes it, but the boys don t. i u i The baique Irene, Treout, sailed from Liverpool, Eng., ou the 29ih ult., lorjthis port. . ! I ; j - Strangers iu the city should not full to . ' ! . L r i . visit the s i Factory, loot oi iwainui street. ii t It is the poorest wiy to get up in the down in the world .to be continually mouth. Who saw the occultaiion of Venus by i ii.- the moon, yesterdajf morning, about 1 10 o'clock? Tbe barque Condor, tlansen, cleared from London, Eug., 'on the 2nd iiist., for this port. There is an unmailable I letter in the Liliie PostofBce in this city . directed to Ii r It is the middle of October, , and the weather is s balmv atid pleasant as it was in the middle of May. That cold wave from Manitoba i has not yet reached this locality,! although it left the former place last Friday. - . ; , u , j American eenius will never be satis- fled until reast chestnuts pan be adulter a ted with peas and beans. . . ! i 1 I - i n - Thre is very little ditlerence betwixt one man and another, but what littl6 there is is very important.! He said he wanted. her his help meet, and she replied that she could never be more than assister to him. The Nor. 1 barguej Sosterk, Captain Gattermsen, and NorJ brigSoskormmerem Captain Wohl, are reported below. u ; 1 You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. i f If 'speech is silver and silence golden perhaps the use of the deaf and dumb alphabet is goloid, or German silver. i The almanac promises us some fair weather for t3-morrow, audj we have, therefore, some, faint hopes that it will rain and turn cooler. ' The "woman's friend "is what Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills may well be teamed, ler every woman that has once used jthem will not be without them. Sbeamship Benefactor, Capt. Jones, from this port, arrived in New York this morning, as we learn from a privaite dis patch received here to day. j Judge McKoy, we are sorry to learn, has been suffering with chills and fever tin tn Tinil am PTo m VtmW HfWAVAft and went on to Oxford on Friday, where he wa to have opened Court yesterday. For the accommodation of those who propose attending the Fair at Raleigh, we will state that the train will leave Golds- bore-each dy. for Rf,.elh d.ufiDg ai o a. m anu reiuruiug win icave xvaioigu at 5:20 p. mi Steamboatmen state that there has been a rise of about four inches in the Cape Fear recently, but that it is now subsiding again, making navigation be tween here and Fayetteville still difficult and slow. ; - i ! : ; Tbe Norwegian barque Silo, iMoiland, from this port for Liverpool, Eng., which put into Halifax, N, S., with her crew nearlv all sick with fever and ague, left the latter port on the 8 n inst , and pro oeededon her voyage. ! - The Qoldsboro Messenger, published last Thursday, arrived here safe and sound yesterday morning and Saturday's Charlotte Observer came to hand ibis morning. They must have walked every step of the way. I I The best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacoei s Hardware Denot, - i ,.j Dlltl i A Generous Act. President Wilson, of th Western North Carolina Railroad, has made special rates for visitors to the Salisbury re-union en tbe 23d. From all stations west of SUtesville the fare will be but $1 for the round trip, and maimed soldiers will be passed free both ways. This Is a grace lul and generous act on tbe part ot Major Wilson. Long may he live and prosper. Window Gtasa o all sizes aiJaOOBii Hardware. Depot. Off for Raleigh but not to the Fair The following named persons, couvicted at the late term Jof the Criminal Court, will be started Thursday morning by Sher iff Manninpr for the Penitentiary: Abram McKenzie, larceny, 6 years. Daniel Richardson, tarceny la two Ctses, 10 years eacn. Charles Harper, larceny, 12 mouths. Daniel Brown, larceny, 6 years Gould Foy, larceny, S years. Gabe Everett, Urceny, 3 years. Irving Washington, for the larceny of a newspaper, was sentenced to the Work House for ninety days. I ' For bar steel, iron and carriage goods, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. J Criminal Court, i This tribunal concluded its labors late yesterday alter noon, and adjourned for the tera. During the session jast closed there were thirtv-four iury cases, besides - . . ! other cases that were disposed by con tinuance or the enterin g of a nol pros In the iurv cases Col. Moore, the Solici tor, obtained 23 couvietlons out of the 84 that were tried. Eieht of these : were for arceny, the balance being either assault and battery or other misdemeanors of sim ilar imnort in the eves of the law. It is A m not too much to tay of this Court that the officers composing it all work with a will in order to clear the docket as soon possible, His Honor Judge Meares fre quently continuing in session until 9 olclock at night in order to expedite busi ness as much as possible, and thereby save as much expense as possible to the county. CI J Court. i i Harry Jevens, a sailor man, who made a land cruiso on Saturday night, was ar raigned this morning for assault and battery. He was told to deposit $5 with the Clerk or go below for ten days; not hiving the necessary wherewith to de posit, the defendant was eaeorted below. Sarah Boyd, colored, charged with dis orderly conduct, was discharged. Jane Foy, arrested for being drunk and disorderly, was sentenced to pay the costs or be locked up for one day. Wm. Edwards, a colored youth, ytster day engaged in a game of knocking rocks with a broom that I were thrown at bimJ by another sable hued youth and unfor tunately for him knocked one through the window glass of Messrs Brown-Sc Roddick's five and ten cents store, corner of Market and Second streets. The May or said he must pay a fine of $2 59, be sides the cost of the broken windov glass, or be locked up in tbe city prison tor five days. This finished the proceed ings and the Court took a recess until to morrow morning at half past nine o'clock. Save your money by buying jour Build; ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t Unknown. Ihe play of "Unknown," which is to be performed in this city on Wednesday eve ning by Mr. John A. Stevens, Is said to be a very fine thing. He is well spoken of wherever he has been. , The Company carries three sets of scenery, one of which U New York Bay by moonlight. In this scene a walking beam engine passes for ward and backward with its machinery at work. Another showing the Merri brlghta'tomb In Greenwood Cemetery, and the third the scenery of Rover's Park in New York. 1 Of this troupe the Buffalo Courier says : ( , "The new drama entitled "Unknown by Mr. John A. Stevens, who sustains(the principal role was prodaced at the Acad emy of Music last evening, and, although but little was known of The Unknown,' the audience was of goodly proportion and the play made a tremendous 'hit s The play is a capital specimen of the melO"drama the best 1 we have teen in a long time, and in its construction, l(r. Stevens has displayed much ingenuity, unmistakable literary ability, and a wide and accurate knowledge of stage business Tbe dialogue is clean, crisp and epigram matic; the wit is incisive and telling; the humor is infectious; tbe situations are all effective and his mora stirring climaxes are of such a character as bring down the house la tbundervua appUusa. Smmw. I . i In Port and to Arrive. There are now in this port 18 Tessels, of wbioh 12 are barques', 2 r re brigs and 4 are schooners. All but the schooners are foreigners and of these the nationali ties are, 6 Germans, 1 Swede, 1 British and 4 Norwegians, of the barques, and 1 Russian and 1 Spanish brig. j In addition to these there are 23 for eign vessels up and sailed for this port, 6 of whicl , are brigs and 18 barques The nationalities are 11 Norwegian. 6 British, 4 German, 1. Swede and 1 French Government Inspectors. Messrs. William Kirkwood and E. E. Hewes, the former inspector of hulls aud the latter of boilers of ateam boats. ".?liD! H Vd h"! IU-ubj iuoj;olicu but) IUllOWlUK UaulOU steamers, all of which passed inspection and received certificates, to wit : The steam tugs Blanche, Gladiolus and Al pha. The steamers Waccamaw and Clinton were to have been inspected this afternoon, but had not been overhauled up to the time of closing our report. ' Fire at WhltcYille From Col. John W. Gordon, of the firm of J. W.Gordon & Bro., insurance agents in this city, we learn that a fire occurred at Whiteville, Columbus county, on the W. C. & A. R. R. about 2 o'clock this morning, which consumed the store and stock of Mr. C. D. Baldwin, together with a building in the rear occupied as a bar room by Mr. kins. "The store of Col. T. B. Memory, next door to Mr. Baldwin, was at one time in great danger, but by the greatest efforts and exertions on the part of the citizens was saved from de gtructioD. The building occupied by Mr. Baldwin as a store was insured in the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Com pany for $1,000 and the stock of goods to the value of $2 500 in the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company; both of which companies are represented by Messrs. J. W Gordon & Bro. as agents. ' The origin of the fire is unknown j but it is thought to be the work of an incen diary as the persons who broke open the store after the alarm was sounded, dicov ered goods scattered all over the floor, as though the store had been first robbed and pilaged and afterwards set on fire. I We are not informed as to whether Mr. Elkins was insured or not ; ihe above being all the information that we can ob tain at this present writing. General Hood's Children. We have received a photograph of the family "of orphans left by the gallant General Hood, who recently died of yel low fever in New Orleans. It is a charm ing picture of a group of ten lovely chil dren whose orphanage makes tenderly pathetic appeal to the heart of every true j hearted son and daughter of the South, for whom their lamented father fought so noblv and so well. There are tea chil- dren in the group, the youngest an In fantin the cradle, made motherless a few days after its birth, and the two eldest (twins) not yet in their teens. The photograph is from the studio of T. Lilienthal, of New Orleans, who has donated 200 of them to be disposed of for the benefit of the children, as the follow ing correspondence, which we clip from the New Orleans Democrat, will show: New Oblkans, October 9, 1879. Messrs. Frank Herron. Edward Lilien thal, Di Hughes, Committee Associa tion Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Di- Qvision : Gentlemen I hand yom herewith 200 1 photographic pictures of the late Gen. Hood and wife and ! their surviving ten children, which you will please dispose of for tne benefit of the orphaned children. Very respectfully, yours, Theodore Lilienthal. New Obleahs, October 9, 1879. Mr. Theo. Lilienthal : Dear Sir Your generous donation for the benefit of tbe orphan children of . the late Gen. J. B. Hood is graUfulIy ac knowledged. We will offer tbe photo graphs for sale at the entertainment Fri day evening, October 10, given under the auspices of the Association Army of len- neaee for their benefit, at the1 Gracd Opera House. Please accept the thanks oi tbe committee for your liberal assist ance to the cause of chanty. Yours, very respectfully, fb4nk hzibok, . Edw'd Liltxstilal, I D. HiGHBa. 1 Qocamittee. Old Hewopaporo. A QUANTITY 07 OLD 5XW8PAPERS jt 4 v XAUT QSJtZW 0HCS 14, 1879. , NO. 213 New Advertisements. Wanted. SWART .BOY, 14 or 15 eyars old, who wants to learn the Job Printing: busi ness, eau hear of a place at oct 14 THIS OFFICE. Cold Wave Coming 1 JAY IN YOUR SUPPLY OF CL.OTHIXG MUNBOff, THE CLOTHIER AND MER. TAILOR. OAt IS The First Annual Fair OF THE DIXIE AORICULTURAL AND ME- CHANICAL ASSOCIATION T 7 ILL BE HELD at he Fair Grounds V V on Carr'sl Mount, in Wadesboro, N. C, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdar and Friday, Hot. 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1879.. Over two thousand dollars in valuable pre miums for the armers and Mechaaics, the Ladies, Girls and Bors who have articles on exhibition, . "A little fun now and then Is relished by the best of men and women." The amusements rurincr each day of the Fair will be varied and hitrhly entertaining-, consisting in part of Walking Matches, Base I Ball r laying, Trottmjr and Running l acee, Ulaas Sail Hhooang, Ac , Ac, Me. TZZB 8FUAXLBXL0- Eminent Statesmen and learned Farmers will be present a-d deliver addresses. Come and enjoy yourself.; We invito the people of North and south Carolina, in particular, to meet with us and enjoy our Annual gathering ; and we shall be piea-ed to sea visitor 4 from all parts ot the south. If any Northern brethren 'shall honor us with their presence, thej will meet with a cuiiuu ana wirm revepnon. PJXBfiSXUttX IiIOT- Any one desiring to see our Li't of Premi urns or learn anything concerning the Fair, can do so by addresing John T. Patrick, Sec rets rj, Wadesboro, A. U. fhivilbobb. Persons desiring to secure stands for the purpose of selling goods, wares or merchan dise, will address the Secretary on or before the 1st a day of November next. I uubimaujN, rres't. John T. Patrick, Sect'j. oct 14 i Boatwright fclHcKov, CAN Supply Your Wants, IF YOU L0V6 6 O0(l Eating Substantials the Freshest and Best. Delicacies of every kind in the Grocery line. Fruits and Confections. Wines,Brandies,GinsRums, Whis- beys, Lager, Jde and Porter. Teas, Cigars and Tobacco, i Fresh Buckwheat and Elegant i 1 Syrups. LARGE DAILY RECEIPTS ENABLE US TO SUPPLY YOU WITH FRESH Q00DS ALL THE TIME! If you . wish to purchase to sell again, give us a trial. We will i astonish you in MODERATE PBICEa BoatT7ri?ht & HcEoy i - . O Cl 7 Z7orth Front Otreat- PLXASE KOTICE. , , t I'. ' ! ;' . We will be f lad to receive common I aliens from omr friend on any and all nbctot Ceneral intorMt bnt : Tae name of the writer most, alwsyt be far I aishedto the Editor. 1 ' Communication! mut be written nn only one side of thejaper. I i I Personalities miut be avpided. (' I1 1 And it la especially and particular It and r ttood that the Editor does not always endo f tae views of correspondents, unless so sta in the editorial column. ... I New Advertisements. Speaks tor Itself I A BARREL OF OUR i f Was put on tap about ' the first o February, bul was! not 1 used up before the first of July. y av erage (sold principally by tbel pint and quart.) J Was a Barrel per Week. i It is now About two per Week. Go to P.L.8RIDGERS.& GO'S, ' I And bay it. . I Only One Dollar per QtJ We keep the Largest Assortment OF FA3iCV X To be found in Wilmington. EVERYTHING AS LOW AS TM LOWEST! 1. PRINCIPE CIGARS ! Still keep the lead ! P. L. BRIDGERS & CO- . ' I oct 13 New Styles OF FANCY PAPETERIES, the hand so in est ever brought to this citv. I At HElNSBEIiGEhVS. School Books. TTIOR ALL Schools and ClassesJ at prices X' to suit all. at the H , LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs, CHEAPER than ever before, sold jn the Instalment Plan . : . ' 1 1 slHROMOS. ENGRAVINGS, . ' I Vj J and FRAMES. All Ki7i ard Sv1m. frtf sale ehean M.- "J J J at HEIffHHKKUEK s1 oct 13 Live Book and Music fctre.j BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK, AT E ARK DISGUSTED. It to too warm, and we are determined to sell out as fast as possible our FALL AND WIN- TER STOCK and go back North and buy r " - Summer Goods. kdc:t Call now and get bargains at the prices you ever saw or beard of, at i SnitIER'3 TWO 8TORE1, oct 11 Market Street- Wanted; : AJOUBJrKYMAir PRLSTIR, who cad bring the highest rseoameTidatto&s, li desl reus of a position la a newrpaper offlce 'la1 the eonntrj. Will work cheap. Address, ' i . , 1L, care ef '' V.

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