THia PAFKH I, paoUahtd every afternoon, Bumdayi ex eeptad tT JOSH. T. J AMES, KDITOB A5D PBOFKIITOK. .SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. Jne year, $5 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three months, f 1 ; One months 60 oenta. jhe pPr wU1 be delivered y eaxrieri, re of charge, in any part of the city, at the jbore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising ratei low and liberal ."Subscribers will please report any and ,il failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. ROWN & RODDICK. 45 market St. We have, just finished taking oar annual novum of s.ock, and are now daily receiv NEW GOODS from the Northern Uik-ts, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! ;ur patrons will study their best inter fats by making their purchases as early in the Season as the general in. dieations of the market have an upward tendency. We have just received over 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO.! PRICE O OKN'lfiJ. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our ? tock before purchasing as we h-ive a great many go ds we are offering murl. below THE PRESENT MARKET VALUE. ! Fans dc Parasols. Cosing out the balance at Greatly Re duced Trices. Main, Striped and Checsei Nainsook AJiHitiS. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety ig Large. Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Lacss. Ilivtonno, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much th Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and r.iv prices, either by the jard or piece, can not oe undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have markeu none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. .OUR 5 and lO Is situated on the 3. W. corner of Market and Second streets.and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surpiis.ngly Cheap and Useful (ods that ever were offered in any mar- .'" war in . ki under any circumstances, we oner great induct ments to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street aus Hi OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only WEDNESDAY", OCT. IB The eminent Actor and Author, Hiv John A. Stevens, in hia own Romantic Idyl entitled U Iff K Iff O W HT ! Supported bj the gifted young artiste, Miss Lottie Church ! An-1 a Superb Dramatic Company, special Scenery and Stage appointments crried t xprealy to.produce the roxance in the mott thorough manner. Price of admission 50c and $1. Seats on le at Beingberger's. oct lUt Notice. HE FIRM OF LEM MERMAN A CONEY 1 hTing been dissolved bymutual consent eundrBiKned begs to announce that he will e ntinae the Lightering Betinees, in all iu "rnchea. Cotton, Naval Store. Lumber, .c . transported with diipatch, dav and Bl"t. Contracts made at 1 west possible la,?-Otnce, north corner of Hall Pear- Ware Housa, South Water street. 13 lw H. T. LEMMERMAN. Baby Syrup. pAkKER'S GINGER TONIC, Indian Chologogue, Bull's Cough 8yrup, Kluti, Chili Cure, Aj en Ague Cure and a com plete stock of pure Drugi and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, n Corner 4th and liun Streets. Open day and night., ' -.' '. i : : ; : :tti',I)AttT-;RTOw;:, . I I jl ! I I , ! : - It- J - ' , . ' 1 ' 1 - - j ' VOL. IV: I WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER l 1879. N0..2i4 LOCAL NEWS. Mew Adrertuement. i P. Biisiiaia New Styljea, School Books, I ianos and Organs. . i Johst M. BoBiMioH New Hat Store. I . Hall A P.rsall Crackers and Cakes. A. I. 8HaiB Best St-ck. Mcrusov Ccld Ware Coming. ALTirria A Paics We Do. Not Claim. "Writs of attachment Love let era. As the switch is bent the youth in- clinea. i The best cure for imaginary troubles is a corn. - - Window Glass ah . sizes at ltaffer & Price's. t It la a wi e chick that knows its own ova coat; The board oi educations the I school master's shingld;, Window Glasb of all sizes at J cobi s Hardware Depqjt. . i Good doctors are liable to be rapped p in their business, j A strong-minded' woman! will always be speaker of the house. r- , . About this jtime knijlinery dpemngs tk place iu the churches. . Never abuse a thermometer when it is down, unl ess it gets too low J j You oan't tell the bent of! ai girl's mind by the bead of a hat she wears . M 1 It is no sign because: a farm ar is grow ing sage that he is becoming jwise. I For bar steel, iron and carriage goods, go to Jacobi's Hanvare Depot. X The Tarious shades of plum are rich and moreove very fashiouable. ,very The young ladiesjwho expect to marry early should be as modest as a violet. J: 1. .j - I . A; wag desires to knbw if making false hair can be described as switch craft. i You can always at this' season j of the ii - i i - year find flies on toast at the restaurant. The new corsage bouquet is a large siugle flower of any -kind with Its fo' liagt. The brig Emma, (Ger.) Gerber, hence, arrived at Trieste1 Austria, kon the 8th inst. The only housework; that some girls do is when theV begin to dust around after a beau. ' The barque Kate Bonsfield, (Br.) Williams, hence,! arrived at London, on the 11th inst. The barque Don Nicolas (Bol.) How ard, tailed from Victoria on the 4th inst. for this port. Mr. B. F. Cartev. of the firqi of Chess Carlev & Co.. is in the city in the mteres i -' i of his he use. The best ty inddws, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Pricea pan be got at Jacobi's .I i Hardware Depot. j ' X The thermometer in this jonice i at 3 o'clock this ! afternoon. October 15th, 1879, stood at 84 degrees. The Cape j Fear Baptist I Assocjation meets at Ashpole Church, ( ishpole tutf ,) on Thursday, the 23d inst. nsti- There is almost an utter absence of loafers in the morning. A man who loafs doesn't like to put In a rery full i I ! i day. Never lie on your j left side,' says an exchange. Nol If you happen to be on that side when you wwnt to lie to your wife about the important business that kep you at the offic so late, turn over. v You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Mr. George Myera waa busy tc-day in opening a lot of fine fruit brandies put up in full quart bottles,' which; are specially recommended for many of the ills to whh-h flesh is heir at this unwholesome season pi tne year Little words are, he sweetest to hear: j i i : farther and stay little charities fly longest on the wing; little j lakes are the ... . 1 . . V.L'fi-lloat J littla firms ; t 1 Stllie8C; illiie ueai wo mo iuf"ii" Kbol tuui- little books 'the most read; and little songs the dearest loyed. ! T V- ' . Vnmallable5. i The following unmailable posUl matter remains ft the Postoffice in this city : , John WilUams, no address; Jane j iy- ler, no address. Chance of Letter Box. i For the better convenience of the public, the street letter box hitherto on the corner of Seventh and Mulberry streets was yesterday removed to the corner of Red Cross and Sixth streets. j Mew Hat Store. Mr. John M j Robinson gives notice in his issue of the Review that be has opened a first class hat and cap emporium at No. 6 North Front street. He has the latest styles of goods and invites the pub lic to examine them. The Performance To-Nieht. The indication are that Mr. Stevens will be greeted by a good house at the Opera House this evening. He comes t i i here warmly endorsed by the press and we can assure our readers that! the enter presented to them this eveniDg will be an uausuallyj attractive and meritorious one i Bonitz'a New Hotel. j Mr. William Bonitz opened bis new hotel in Goldsboro last Monday. It is a naw three-story brick building and con tains 34 well ventilated rooms; every room h is windows, all of which are handsome ly furished. Mr.Bonitz is an old hand at the bellows and certainly "knows how to keep a hotel." We commend his house to the traveling public. Base Ball. A match game of base ball was played this afternoon at the Athletic grounds, in the First Ward, between the. Champion and Home Base Ball Clubs of this city We understand that two of the 1 crack players of the Champion Club did not participate in the game this afternoon on account of Bickness and business engage ments Up to the hour of our going to press we could hear nothing; from the field of battle. , Tbe Buzzing Cousin. A wash of fifteen or twenty drops of common carbolic acid in ' a half pint of water will Immediately relieve the smart of mosquito bites, hives, prickly heat, and all irritations of tbe skin common to sum mer. As the strength of carbolic acid commonly sold varies, the dilutions should be tested before using by wetting a small spot of skin. If it causes any burning in a moment or so it is too strong, and more water must be added. The lotion was recommended by a city physician as in use at Bellevue hospital, and years of ex peiience prore its benefit. Many rest less nights and much suffering of children might be avoided by this simple cure, which has been safely used on very young children. Save your money by buying your Build ing Supp lies from A ltaffer & Price. t ti y court. Willis Drake, colored, the distinguish' ed boot and shoe maker of Paddy's Hol low, was up before the Mayor this morn ing charged with being drunk and disor derly. The defendant was arrested at the instigation of his wife, who in her evi dence before the Court this morning stated that the prisoaer at the bar, who was her husband, threatened her with violence and raised an empty bottle to strike her with. She also testified that the affectionate father of her child was about to beat their offspring. To all of which the defen dant replied by saying he wanted to go home, which remark he repeated several times for the edification of the Court and the Chief of Police, looking all the time pretty wild out of his eyes. He was either affecting a temporary aberration of mind, or the Paddy's Hollow "pisen" that he had been drinking left him in a "very un settled delirous state. He further stated that somebody bad been feeding his 4 wife on cakes and candy to take ber away from him. Tbe Mayor said he would give him a home for sixty days, thirty of which he could charge to the assault and battery case, and the remaining thirty for the resistance offered the police, while carrying him to the Guard House. I The next case on d cket was a truly rural individual who was found drunk, and down on the streets. Being, the first offence, he was admonished about a repe ition of the same, ai.d then permitted to depart in peace. j John McCarthay, a young sailor lad of about 18 summers, appeared at the bar as the next case on docket, with an eye that was pretty badly bruised, being black-and- blue and nearly closed. He j was charged with fighting last night in front of Brysonl near tbe Hollow. When asked where he hailed from, he said be was all the way from Cork, Ireland. Tbe Mayor told him $2 or three days in the C. V. The de fendant went below, and this finished the bus iness for the day. LATEST FROM OHIO. FOSTER' i MAJORITY CLAIMED TO BE 20,000. ! The Republicans Claim the Leg'sla i ture- I John Q. Thompson sajs Bold Awhile- 1 on (Special to Daily Review.) WamrNGTojc. D. C Oct. 15. The latest dispatches received here rel ativej to the election in Qhio place Foster's majority as high as 20,000 and gijve ti e Republicans both branches of the Legisla ture. ! On the contrary John G. Thompson, the Democratic Executiv Cooamitteeman, telegraphed at noon to-day advising the Democrats here to give up nothing. He has hopes that full returns from the several districts, may completely change the aspect of everything. I Jacobus. A Bold Thief and a Lively Chase. I. 1 1 A bold robbery was committed on Front street in the crockery store of Mr . A. A. Harjtsfield, about 11 o'clock this morning, under the following circum stances : Mr. Hartsfield was in the back part of his store waiting on a customer when he heard the rollers of a glass door which encloses his plated silverware in the front part of the store moved back Attracted, by the noise he turned quickly around, but only in time to see a colored individual dart out ot the door with a box in his hand. Dropping everything at tbe instant, Mr. Hartsfield gave chase im mediately, calling out lustily, however, 'Stop thief 1' the pursued and pursuer ran up Front street to the corner of Princess where the individual with the thieving proclivities darted diagonally across Prin cess street to the vacant lot just West of Evans block and proceeded at full speed, scaling fences as he went, nntil he reached the stables of Messrs. P. L. Bridgers & Co, just South of the Postoffice; here as he was in the act of scaling the fence in the rear of the latter named building, or just as he landed on the other side of he fence at the back door of the Postoffice, he was grabbed by a son of Mr. Harts faVd together with another young man who had joined in the chase . and es corted safely to the Guard House where he was made to disgorge his ill-gotten goods, which consisted of half a dozen plated silver Knives, nalt a dozen silver forks, half a dozen table - spoons, besides other articles amounting in value to the sum of ten or twelve dollars. After reaching the guard room the prisoner was noticed to tear in pieces a bit of paper which be had taken from his pocket and cram tbe same into his mouth, which be com menced masticating and endeavored to swallow, but Janitor Poisson was a little too quick tor him, and succeeded with the assistance of others in throwing the prisoner to tbe floor and then forcing him to eject the bits of paper from his mouth, which upon being put together were found to be a discharge from the South Carolina penitentiary, which the prisoner had ren ceived from the Superintendent after serving a term of two years upon the charge of grand larceny. The fellow gave his name as Melvin Moore. He is about 25 years of age and elaims to be originally from Augusta, Georgia. He was locked up in a cell and will await an interview with the Mayor at half-past 9 o'clock to-morrow morning, after which we will tell our readers something more about it. Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnut street. ' 1 f Death or a Wilmington Lady. Mrs. Jessie W. Noyes, a native and for many years a resident of this city, died very suddenly in New Ycrk on the Qth inst., while on a visit to friends there. Mrs. Noyea was a sister ot tbe late J. A. McAusland, a few years prior to the war1 special Magistrate in this city.and the mother of RevL Yictor Noyes, Rector of t. Alban's Church m New York. She died at quite an advanced age. When a young !iady Mrs, Noyea, then1 Miss McAusland, was celebrated for her beauty and accomplishments, a fact which more than one of the old residents of the city will remember. Beautiful weather this for cotton bat we would prefer a little ice in oura. The Lotus c'luD. j The Lotus Ciub has j recently reorgan ized for the season, with the followirg officers ': ' ', Presilent J. II. Durham. Vice1 President Lj. N. Huske. Secrstary aDd Treasurer- L. S. F. Brown, 1 Governing Committee J. H. Durham, J. N. Huske, L S. F. Brown, N. H. Quince, W. P Toomer, F. A. (Lord, R. F. Hamme. ! The firs 5 'jhop' will tike place on Wed nesday evening, the 22d test. . , John A. Steven. I This distinguished actor will make his initial bow bef jrej a Wilmington audience at the Opera House to-night, in his origi nal melodrama entitled "Unknown." Mr. Stevens is ab.y supported by the well-known actress, Miss Lottie Church; assisted by a corps of artists selected for the individual merit. The Compauy have been with Mr. Slleens tor two sea sons, and the pres3 pronounce it one of tbe finest organizations now jtravel ing. The play is one of great interest. abounding in situations of thrilling kind;;the language is xhe most pure and beautiful, full of sentiments well inter spersed with comedy. Mr. Stevens !ran this play for five weeks in New York City and the Herald states the following: ' Thejplot of 'Unknown,' conceived by Mr. Stevens, i8 entirely original and pow erful, the language exquisite, the character-painting masterly,1 tne many incidents follow each other quickly and naturally, and the climaxes are of intense interest. It at once places Mr. Steven? in the front rankiof American authors a position he has long held as an actor. .The Company are now on the way to New Orleans where they open at the AGad emy of Music, Oct 2G. Seats are sellin" rapidly, and we trust Mr. Stevens and his company will be greeted with a crowd ed house tonight. Bishop Atkinson iu charlotte, Tbe Charlotte Observer 6peaks as fol lows ot the visit to St. Peter's Church in that city, on Sunday last, of the venerable Bishop. Atkinson, of this city: As usual on occasions when Bishop Atkinson makes his visitations, to the Episcopal congregation in Charlotte, St. Peter's church" was filled Sunday by an assemblage in which all Protestant de nominations in the city were represented. The distinguished preicber who "has so endeared himself to the people of North Carolina by his broad Christian charity, Sim pie eloquence and winning manners, does not appear to have lost one jot or tittle of the vigor of earlier years, although old age now creeping upon him has be gun to leave a few marks on his benig nant face. His sermons Sunday morning and evening were of that practical and suggestive sort, which applying to every day life cannot fail to make men better It is not the members of bis Church alone who sincerely wish that his life may be spared many years for the continuance of the work in which none have been more faithful and few more efficient. A meeting is to be held this evening at Fifth Street M. E. Church for the purpose of organizing Youn Men's Prayer Meeting. DIED. In this city, this morning, of general de bility, Mi s Mart B. Peck. The friends and acquaintances of the fami ly are respectfully iuvited to attend the fu Rerai to-morrow morning, (ittn) at 10, o'clock, from tne First Presbyterian Church Now Advertisements. New Hat Store. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE North with a large and well selected itocV of Men's, Youth's, Bovs and Children's Hats and Caps of the latest styles. I bought my stocr wnen tney were at the lowest and bought for the CA8F. My expenses ae small and I propose to sell at very small profits. I inr'v ail who wish Hats to call and examine my stocc before purchasing, il they wish to save monev. NO TROUBLE TO 8dOW GOODS. JOHN M. ROBINSON, oct 15 No. 6 North Front st. The Best Stock. rpQE BEST STOCK, AND THE Cheapest Stock,of; Gents', Youth's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, ever displayed in this city, is offered now at remarkably close prices. . We off.-r to the trade an unasua'ly attrac tive stick to select from." We will not be undersold by anybody, North or South. A. A I. 8HRIER, ! Act 15 i Market street Old Newspapers. QUANTITY OF OLD 5E WSPAPEI B or wrapping, offered for sale cheap at the PLEASE JTOTICE. We will be glad to receive commoni- aott from our friends on any and all sublet1 ct general interest bat : The name of the writer most, alwayr be far nished to the Editor. I I i Communications must be wtitten on-on.J i 4 on.y 1 Tl one side of thejpaper. Personalities must be avoids. r And it is especially and partiUlariv under stood that the Editor does not always fcndo , the views of correspondents, unless so statf ? 1 in the editorial columns. ! New Advertisements. New Styles OF FANCY PAPETERIES, the h4nd so in est ever brought to this citvJ i? . r i At UEINJSBEUGER'S. ! School Books. FOR ALL Schools and Classes, at prices ! to suit all, at the HI LIVE BOOK STORE. , Pianos and Oreraris. ' CHEAPER than ever before, sold iu be. Instalment Plai. i f l CUROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, I and FRAMES. All Sizes and Styles, for sale cheap at I - ! HEIN S BERGER'k, I I oct 15 Live Book and Music Store.' Crackers and GakesL 2 BOXES PEARL LEMON BlSCUm fjJ Bbls; do. do. Ido.J 2Q Boxes Soda Biscuit, 2Q Bbls Ginger Cakes, 3Q Boxes fine Assorted Cakes, 20 Boxes Ginger Snaps, For sale by ' Hal! , PearsallJ oct 15 Wanted, ASVTART BOY 16 or 18 years old, who want to learn the Job Printing busi ness, can near ot a place at i- I oct 14 THIS OFFICE.- : . i Cold Wave Coming' ! jAY IN YOUR SUPPLY' OF CLOTH I NG MUNSOtf, THK CLOTUiER. oct 13 , AND MEIi. TAILOR. Boatwright &;iScKov, CAN Supply Your Wants. ' IF You Love Good Ealing ! Substantiate the Freshest and Best' Delicacies of every kind in the Grocery line. Fruits and Confections. WineSjBrandieSjGinsRums, "Whis keys, Lager, Ale and Porter. Teas, Cigars and Tobacco, Fresh Buckwheat and Elegant t " " Syrup p. LARGE DAILY RECEIPTS EHA3LE US TO SUPPLY YOU VITH FHESH GOODS ALL THE TIME! : If you wish to purchase to Sell again, give us a trial. Wo will ' i ' ' astonish you in MODERATE PRICES. ! Boatwright &.Hc2oy 5 Cl 7 north Front 3trcot. I oct II r i