THIS PAPER u faHbl every afternoon, Smadaym ;0sn. T. JAMBS, 1 (illiua - .UBSCRIFTION8. POSTAGE PAID. er $& 00 Six months, $1M ; Three " .oaths, $1 M ; One month, W cents, -v. Dper will be delivered by carriers, . of ebarge, m 4boT rate., or 13 cent, per -nL .dT.rUsiiMrraUs tow and liberal sj-Subicribers will pleaae report ay and jl failure, to reeeiTe their papers regularly. MisseUaneoos 30VW & RODDICK 45 Market SL We haw finished taking our annual untof sieck, aud are now d illy rec- iv . , NEW GOlS fioin lbe Northern Surkets, suitable for the FALL AXii WINTER TISAIK ! tur patrons will study their best inter riti b? makiuir their purchas a as early in the Season as couvetiient,as the gewrl in. iicationsoftbe market have an upward irtHlei cy. W have just rect-ived ov r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' I'KiCK o ;knts. Wholesale buyers would do well to l.ok ftt(r 0Ur ?tock before purchasing as we ,, . groat many go ds we are olfrnug VALUE. Fans & Coding oat the balance " at Greatly U- Plain Striped and IChecJceJ Nai do..k Alullius. The best value ever ottered. Call and examine. Liuen Lawns from 12 1 to i.0 cent . Dress Goods. iur Variety is Large. Our pi ices AKE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Uretonue, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much the Largest assort ment that has been oflered in tbia city and our pnces. either by the jard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in prioe, preferring to give our patrons an ODDortunitv to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels andfflfapkins. Oar present assortment excels anything Call and give our stock: a Jook over. Our Bayer Is in the market at present and we OUR Band lO Gents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets .and every Steamer that comes into this port Things a Fresh Lot of uw mosi surpiisingiy-uneap anu u serai Goods that ever were offered iu any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BR0WN11& RODDICK, 45 Market Street aug 10 5 CEBITS lO JU8T OPENED A HEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of Tarioas kinds and styles andodescriptiona at the Boston 5 andillG Cents Store- NEW GOODS ru .tttx TWU Ulld lt purpose of keeping -the stock re fUWed aid thoroughly up to the mark. No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES ! a" Tar before bees offered la Wilmington. CALL AT ONCE ! ASDMAKE YOUR 8 ELECTIONS Aldl get. wonierfulhargaini at he Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 N. Front Street. Mpa Old newspapers QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS LnIplB' of,wed for sale cheap at the Pt 4 DAILY EKYIKW OFPICK .!!. I j my L JdL Joj II I 1 I ' VOL. I local News. New Advertisements. P. Biiiiiii i Capital Case.1 Hall A I kirsill Sod, (Potash A L; e. Uao. F. Tillst ilounta n Beef. F. If. Mooaa Notice. 8. Hakstiis, Chm'n Taraelitea. tpiBA Boxjie Adah Richmond. Alm. f .esT A 8oir Ship No.icei A. A 1. 8aaia-j-Beit8t' Ck. , Altifp a A' PaicK We Do Not Claim. Mosfen Everv W"ek.j! , Wbtfn lijthlnitu'beinsjto pLiy it raiciei thunder. The nJw.inMu w i teruoo,. i Ml ! e visible this af- Haven t s'-eu this season. an overcont t'he street on 1 ( A new rcsq of delicate tint eutited "finger-'tips. " ' is daintily The barque Eehptic, Johaj!ue:i, heuce arrived at Kia Sept. ,23th. Wy high ti le Hera t 4 a re S-3- iMHuce ol pcetit easterly winds. : 1 i Save your money by buyiu-; jour Uuild in;, Supplies fipm 4ltafi"er 4s Price. f The schooner if. A. Fotsom. Rose, for this port, sail; J from Belfast, Ale. J on the 7th ins. :j I In this eflico to-day, at 2, o clock, the ! 1 t'ler nome'er wasVlthin a fraction of 84 degrees. 1 '! 1 J ) We follow the wor.a in approving others, tut we go. before it in approving ourselves. I 1 lien. M. V. laylor s tho correffpon dent and ageut in this, city of tho Raleigh Observer. Travelers havo noticed that their ap petites are bes at stati oos where there is least to eat. The prcsencej i tDe motoer where, a young man calls to see bis sweetheart mars i i i the occasion. Truth Is the jmost powerful thing in the world since fiction can only ploase us by its resemblance to it. The dews now are so heavy that in the early morning it appears had rained overnight. ' as though it Wjcdow Qlais all Price's. ' i I 'i -J-- sizes at iltafler & r ' k It is not what a man owes that breaks I I : : . I I him down. It is what he is obliged to pay that mikes him! feel bad. a- The wind lhas got around from the East to the South. Hope it will be North or Northwest before morning. Don't despise the small talon tsj they are needed as well as the great ones. A candle is sometimes as useful aa the sun. The greatest evils in life have had their rise fiom something which was thought to be of too little importance to be attend ed to. I i ; ' The storm signal is1 net displayed thii morning, from which' wo infer! that the cyclone billed to us the go-by. appear here has given We are not certain, but we think that it Is against the religion of some, people; to subscribe for. newspapers. They had rather borrow. I ! ' r There was a big slaughter of coots last night. They were plentiful on the streets this morning and the fattest of them sol for 25 cents a dozen. I j The barque Ella Moor?, Brf) MUhncr, from Liverpool for Smithvllle, N. C, (probably for this port) was 'spoken Sept. 28tb, in lat. 42. Ion 16. h Tbere is a great deal of unmapped country within ns which- would nave to be taken into account ,in an . explanation of our gusts and storms. D. Q. Owens, PruggUt, Altoona a., writes: "Dr. Bull's Baby Syrop has a wonderful reputation;! the demand for it is really astonishing. Mothers willj have no other. It is destined to supersede all other Soothing Syrups. J One of the greatest hardships experi enced by thojje' pioqs peop!e whose; crimes are detected j is I that public senti ment won't allow them to serve he Lord ai usual. Indications, t : ' I ill WabIDefartmest. Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. a, Oct. 1 17, 1879, - For the South Atlantic Sutea south east t soylbwest winds,1 witl partly cloudy weather, and local rains, slight changes in temperature and ' barometer. V I 1 Da WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER '. CI y Court. 1 Kichard lilaultsby, charged uith disor derlv conduct, whose case wat continued from yesterday, was this morning dis charged by tho Mayor, his s'sf'-rs nnl his cousins, and his aunts together with his mother-in-law having decide. n t to appear against him. This wasr nil the Mayer had to do this moruiuti. 1 Magistrate's Court. i Freeman Murray swore out a peace warrant against Wm Davis, ani tL defendant was cited to appear before Jus tice Hall for trial at 10 o'clock morn ing. The result ot the trial is thtt Wm Freeman, the prosecutor, is in Jul for failing to pay the costs of the case, while Wm Davis, the defendant, is free as the air, attending to Lis own business Moral, be sure you are right, as Divy Crockett would say, and then go ahead. i i . An Internal Improvement meetiog was held in Pender some time ago. Ths Secre tary, Mr. R. M. Scott, has addressed us a lotig communication on the subject. The proceedings were never received at this office, so far as we can learn, atd we havo never seen them iu any paper. mington Mar. Tho proceedings were published in tho Review at the time, but of course tho Editor of the Star didn't see them. Furthermore, one of the Editors of the RevjiSw, in accordance with a request preferred by the Committee, handed tho proceedings to Mr. Kingsbury in person and that gentleman declined to receive and publish them. ! j I . 1 The best Windows, Doors aud Blinds i and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacocx's Hardware Depot, J i i Ordered to Ualtliuore. I 1 i We are truly sorry to learn that Mr. R. Be j-both, who has for so long been iu charge of the Signal Service at Smith ville, is to be removed, though some freak of the War Department,, to Baltimore He js to be relieved by Mr. Will. T Boyd, from Portland, Me., who is pected here to night and will probably go down the river toouorrow. Mr. Sey- both expects to leave Smithville on Mon day for his new pest of duty. He mar ried, it will be remembered, a Wilming ton lady, and we have not learned whether his family will accompany him just yet. Mr. Seyboth is a faithful officer and has fairly earned th esteem, and con fi dence of the people among whom ho has lately resided, who will greatly regret to learn that he haa been ordered away. Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the Sash Factory, foot of Walnut street. i j f LIpplncott's Magazine LippincoU's Magazine for November is equal to any of its predecessors in rich ness and variety of interest. 'Later Pompelan Pays the concluding paper of 'Rambles of Three' by Margaret Bertha Wright, is very amusing and cap itaily illustrated. The fifth chapter of Dr. Oswald's 'Summer land Sketches describe! the Sierra Mad re, and gives an entertaining glimpse of conyenMift in the mountainous region of Mexico. An article on Lead ville, also well illustrated, will command attention. 'Where the Beef Comes From1 ia the title of a timely and interesting paper on cattle-breeding in Texas and Colorado. Dr. Alfred S. Gibbs has a lively paper on Goethe's mother. Ci tali Seton describes the or ganization and workings of the j 'Secret Societies of Southern Italy 'The Bicy cle, and Ridtng It by J. Wilcox, indi cates the inyentiens that have led to this new process of locomotion, and J. Brander Matthews discusses Sheridan's 'Critic Among the stories in the number may be metioned 'A Slight Misunderstanding, a character sketch by Philip Bourke Marston, and the first part of a very agreeably-written little tale, entitled Aimee which, like 'Daisy Miller deals with the life of a young I American girl abroad. The 'Monthly Gossip' treats of 'Fall Shopping 'Emile Zjla and the Prince Imperial and other appropriate topics. ' You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, j f Our syttem cf thought is often only the history of our heart; Men do not so much will according to their reason as reason according to their will. i An important meeting of the congrega tion of the Temple of Israel is called by Mr. Qansteinf Chairman of the School Committee, to be ' held in the Vestry Rooms of the Temple on Sunday evening. I EVIE: Important Meeting at the Produce l xchanjre. ' A meeting was held at the J Produce Exchange this mcruiug at the iustance of Mr. R. E. Calder, Vice-President, who issued the call upon the request of Alderman Foa'er for the purpose1 of con sidering certain matters relative to the establishment of an oppoMtion telegraph line to this city. i Upon taking the chair, Mr. Calder re quested Mr. Foier to' give the meeting the bentfitof the information he was in possession of in regard to, the proposed new telegraph Hue, whereupon Mr. Foster stated to the meeting that during a recent visit to New York he bad hld communi cation in person with Mr. D II. Bites, President of the American Union Tele graph Company, for the determined pur pose of seeking the establishment to this city of a rival line to the Western Union Telegraph Company, and that after this interview ho had received a written com munication from Mi. B iied upon thio subject, which Ir Foster then produced and read. , Wnereuu m the following resolution was oflered. aud unanimously adopted ; . 1 i IZcsolvccl, That the Chairman of this meeting be requested to ask Alderman Foster to communicate with the presi dent of the American Union Telegraph Company, and to request that official to make a proposition in, writing to the citizens of Wilmington in regard to the establishment of a new telegraph line to this city. j i The mover of the resolution then stated that he felt assured that if the American Union Company would agrej to carry out a favorable proposition like the one out lined in President Bates' letter to Mr. Foster, there was'nt a doubt of itssuccess, and that it would 'meet with the hearty approval of the citizens generally and the commercial community especially. A map was suspended on the wall to show the lines and routes already estab lished by the American Union, as well as the proposed routes that are to be estab lished, some of which are to be completed by the first of December, and others in 1880. The line to this city, it is asserted, it a satisfactory agreement is entered in to between the parties concerned, will be completed by the 1st of February, 1880 The meeting after some little further in formal discugsion, upon motion, adjourn ed. , V -'' i! i 1 Competition is the life of trade, and if the Western Union, which has a pretty stiff back bone, is forced to tight Jay Gould, who is' said to be at the head of the American Union Telegraph. Com pany and who it is also said, I is pretty stiff in the spinal column., there will be lively times, we imagine,and "the ftr will fly" and the greenbacks be scat tered around loose we hone so mote it De, say we. Adah Richmond. Oa Monday evening next, as will be seen f by reference to the advertising columns in this issue of the Review, the Adah -Richmond troupe will appear at the Opera House in this city with the Comic Opera Fatinitza. The 'play repre sents scenes on the Danube and was written by a Russian composer and author. Tho piece is new tou3, although it has had quite an extended run in Northern cities. We have seen very favorable comments upon its merits in the Northern press, and universal praise for the manner in which it is rendered by the Adah Richmond troupe. Where the praise is o high it is safe I to presume that the members of the troupe are performers ! of no mean ability, and we doubt not that a full house will appreciate both the music and the actinz on Monday night. The following from the Richmond State will give oni readers some idea of its reception "down South" : ! "Last nisht Miss Adah Richmond and her Comic Opera Company presented before a very large and fashionable audi ence, Von Suppe s new Russian Opera of T . I c aiinuza, and no greater praise can De bestowed than to state that the expecta tions of all present were more than real ized. Mies Richmond, in her dual character of Vladimir and Fatinitzi, acquitted herself with great credit. ! She ia a pleasing, graceful person,, vivacious and spirited enough in her .acting, and free from the suggestiveness which mars the performance of, the I maiority of Star bouUe singers. There was at no time the slightest approach to coarseness nd vulgarity. Miss Richmond' voice, albeit something of a contralto, is rich and flexible and strong. It ia under fine, con trol. In the concerted sons In the harem she sustained Lrself quite well and de monstrated her claims to be considered an accomplished lyrio artiste. We lean- not, owing, to tha crowded state of our colr4mn4, mention the other members of 17, 1879. 1 NO. 216 the company m detail, for they were all superlatively excellent, and all should be perfectly satisfied with the enthusiastic applause they received. The company is Crst c aps, and worthy of a most generous support.' II i . i A General Want. i Editor Review: I i There are perhaps fiw hundred famN lies in this community who are obliged by force of circumitancea to depend upon unreliable, faithless, or stupid servants for their daily marketing. Within a year past there ias been a marked and gratifying improvement in the facilities and accooimodatlon offered by our city groceries, but dealers in fresh meats, poultry, vegetables fcc, for which there is a daily unceasing demand, are still far behiujd the age ia tho management of this business. ' I think that housekeepers generally jWill ju-tain ma in the assertion that there never was, perhaps, a better opening for a mark- ting supply store in charge of a re sponsible, experienced, person, than is at present offered in Wilmington. There are butchers' s'nlH ami luchtirs shops, it is tru . L. . I'. ; . iii i :s e oiF red to dainty or 1 4&!i ii -i. ss. iiou ke Hiis, who cannot apply !. iu iii; eajy morning ' for choice cuts or special orders. There arc green grocers,1 also, and there , are dealers in poultry and eggs, but their supplies are oftentimes unequal, insuf ficient or inferior. I repeat, that a com bination of such supplies with sufficient means, and the energy and enterprise displayed by our city grocers, would prove a boon to the community and a most profitable investment to its projec tor i. I venture to say that a responsible soliciting agsnt for the supplying at the b nyer's doorsof these daily necessities, at reasonable pripes, would meet with hearty encouragement; and that iu less than twelve niontbs, under proper direc tion and management, would be regarded by our most respectable citizens and families as altogether indispensable. I I I Uousewife. Window Glass of all sizes at Jacobi's Hardware Depit. , important to me Afflicted. We would advise ajll who may need the advice of a physician,! to either call -or write to Dr. Robertson,1 10, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guarantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organ and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, Noc turnal Emissions, &c, 11 resulting from abuses iu youth, br excesses in manhood ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. DrJ R. is a graduate of one of the oldest aud best medical echools in this country cUciversity of (Maryland), and re fers to the leading physicians in his citv.and all consulting him oan rely upon honorable and confidential treatment. In writing enclose stamp for reply. Special attention given to all lemale complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and 3ee him. Medicine sent to any address. f For bar steel; ironVnd carriage good?, go to JacobI'S Hardware Depot. J Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stuff,1 pretending to be made cf wonderful foreign roots, barks, &c, and puffed up by long bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective medicine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificates by its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the pur est and best medicines. Exchange. See another column. DIED. In Chicago, 111., October 13, MARGARET BLANCHE, daughter of Edward T. acd Minnie B. Martin, aged 19 months. I New Advertisements. . Ship Notice. LL PB80ATS are hereby cau tioned against harboring or trusting i ii . i any of the crew of the Br. Barquentins BES- ! i !i - OLTJTE, Capt.Lawrecce. as no debts of their contraction will be paid by either the Cap tain or Comsignees. I ALEX SPRUJiT A SON, oct 17-lt I mountain mO MY CUSTOMERS and the public X erenerally. I wul offer to-morrow morn In gtf or Saturday's market, tome of the pret tiest Heel or tne season, just received from the Mountains of Western Worth Carolina. Orders respectfully solicited. ! GEO. F.' TILLS Y, No. 8 Market House. oct 17-U Israelites. THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION 'Tem pie of Israel", Ladies and Gentlemen, Members and Seathcldert, are hereby cor dially requested to attend an urgent Meetiajr, at the Yestrr Rooms of the Temple, on Sun day, at 74 1 P. M., when business of para mount importance to the existence of our Reliffious School System will be discussed and acted on. 8. HA58TEIN, Ch'n, oct 47-lt School Committee. Notice. HAVE BEEN RECENTLY informed that some woman has bees taking up Goods oq my credit and passing herself off as my wire. U neo is tne fact, 1 take this method of informing the public that I am a single man, and tae perto aa im potter and a fraud. i octiKt i Jr. luuouar. i PLEABE ffOTICE. We will be glad to receive eommnnlcaUors from our friends on any and all mbjectj'ol The name of the wrlter'must: always be f i or aiahed to the Editor. j 1 p CommtmieaUons mst be written! oi only one side of thejaper. ' ' ' ' s ! ' Personalities must be avoided. j 1 1 , And it is especially and p articular launder Btcod that the Editor does not always Indo a 1 the views of correspondents, wiles so state n in the editorial columns. . 1, 1 New Advertisements. OR ERA HOUSE. Monday and Ineadayy Oct- 20, jl1.1 Aflah Riclmond's '.Comic Operi Co., , Full Chorus and Orchest, . Hetdedby tbeyounj: and bonntiM h -iican Prima Donna, Mesio Sn;-Aro i.i?v Miss Adah i - inonl, 1 Supported by tie 1 reit and inbst i j complete Comic Opera Tioupe in America. The 'atest musical success, the romantics Opera, ,- - i , produced ia the same magnificent style as !at the New York lifih Avenue Theatre. , TUESDAY, OCT. 21, , ' Chimes of Normandy.'1 Box plan for securing preferred places, at dramaUc prices, now open at Heinsberger's Bookstore. 1 ? ( Admission to Parquette and Dress Circle 51. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. 0CM7-4t . - P, -, Sod?, Totash and Lye. t) (J uoxesi-UARB SODA, Sfl-Ibs etch. I 15 Kegs do. do 112 do. Boxes Eal o;a, 5Q Boxes Potash, Boxei Ball Potash, JOO Boxel Concentrated Lye, I II 1 II J. a I. ah iuu weignt and warranted pure. . Call on , I ' I Hall A Pearsall. . 1 : A Capital Case, FILLED WITH THE HANDSOMEST! assortment of Presentation Good ever brought to this city. Also, the most attractive collection of Bus eia Goods, all New and Beautiful Styles. Call and see them at the ! h' , LIVE BOOK STORE. , The New Pianos! ARE BEAUTIFUL lo look at,deHehtful ito hear, pleasant to touch, and ierSrfi41 Keeuio io nave. Ana ur I so CheaD I rrc At HEINSBERGER'8,1 33 and i 1 Market St ot If 1' Every Week yE GET SOMETHING NEwi This week we offer some very handsome Dundee Clothin&r. Call and eeleet while the stock is fall. i ii i ; MUNSON. THE HLOTntKR on 16- AND MER. TAILOB (Mew Hat Store. r HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE JL North with a large and well selected stock of Men's, Youth's, Boys'- and Children Hats and Caps of the latest styles.! I bought my stoek when they were at the lowest and boueht for the CASH. My expenses are small and I propose to fell at very small profits. I invite all who wLh Hats to call and examine my stock befire purchasing, I if they wish to save money. S I no trouble to 8h0w goods. ! John m. robinson j, "oct 15-ly No. 6 North Front stJ I The Best Stock. rpHE BE8T 8T0CK, AND THE Cheapeflt 8tock,of Gents', Youth's and Boys7 Clothing and Furniehing Good?, ever displayed ia this .- I I- I city, la offered now -at remarkably ' close prices. I We offdr to the trade an u&usuallj attrac i tive stock to select from. We will not be anderiold by anybody, Nor th orSouti). j A. A I. SHRIER, Market street. ect 15 Winberry Oysters THEY ARE GOOD now. Another lnital- ment just received this moralag. Iff cold . I ' i i , i enough sow for hot Whiskey and fat Oysters, F. ee Lunch every day at 11 o'clock. sept 26 J - JOHN CARROLL. Watches CHRONOMETERS, JEWELRY, Icf Repaired neatly and' promptly, by I- 1 i J. L. WINNER. Noi 3 South Front street, Wilmington. V, C. Ofer twenty years' experience. Give me a triaL i oct 11 Notice. THE FIRM OF LEMMZRMAK A CONEY ha rin a: beeadiaaolred bv mutual consent. deundersigned begs to announce that he will j continue the Lightering Basinets, In. all- in , Branches. Cotton. Natal Store. Lumber. Ac. transported with direateb. dar and J nuns, uontracu maae at lowestpouihle i ates. Office, north eofsi of Ball A Pear-i tail's ware Mouse South Water street. ! 9 ! Is. oct li iwj 11. T. JL1UIURMAN;

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