THIS FJLPKB IOSH. T. J"60' j)ITOB A2TD FBOFKIXTOB. .mra wnsTAOl: PAID. ' -.una 1 M00 Si 'months, SIM ; Three 0itJu, month. 60 cenU. ' ;n h dalirered br carriers. ,.ts low and liberal AdT , -w.. will nlesjte rroort inr and ,MiiD,c" r i.resto recei" their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BBOWtt & RODDICK 45 market St. . finUlifttl takioeour annual YveuTCJ"i' ; -i i ""..mif irlMtiH from th Northern uu"' kilrkets, suitable for the; , FALL ANU WINTER 1RADK! ill stud? their best inter i bi mhigbeir purchases M early ia ttTseason as the general iu !niinns of the market have an upward 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' -puiCJl O EN 16. Wiolr buyers oulJ do well to Iwk Met our tock bef- re purchasing a w h.te a ereat niauyeo'd w are off -ring VALUE. Fans & Parasols. Cosing oat th balance at Greatly Re- due d Pric- s. Plain, Striped and Checkel iaiii.n.k Muslins. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. IJnen Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. - Our pi ices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Brelonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much ht Largest assort ment tbit has been ottered in this city and our prices, either by the yard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring- to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything w bare ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we an receiving many Novelties. OUR SJand lO h situated on the S. W. corner ef Market aad Second streets, and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surpiisingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 15 Market Street ang 1$ lO JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of varteu kinds aad styles andodcscriptioii at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store N E W G OOD S RECEIVED iVEKY TWO D1T3 er the pm-poia of keeping the stock re jUaUhed aad thoroughly op to the mark. No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES! 'Jtt before been offered in Wilmiegtoa. ' t- -u . CALL AT ONCE ! A5DM1KE TOUR SILKOTIOlfS Ald get wonderful bargains at the Boston 5 and 10 Cento Store, 41 N. Front Street. Old newspapers A. Q0ANnTY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS salt cheap at the r U11LT KEViKWnvrinM ..... mm mm mrmmmmry- i Vi1 , , - i. nn VOL. IV. 1 WILMINGTON, N. 0.,. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1879. NO. 217 LOCAL iNEVyS. . New Advertisements. McMOf f 10.60. I I Real a J Hop Bitter, i Krftd Jcr,hi'i loekl ads. Williams A MceChisom Floup, Uacon. Sugarf Ac. ' P. HBiMsaaaaia A Capital Case. i. t It Saana Best 8t ck. ALTArtia A Pkick-J-W 1,0 Not clim' Dy'a length 11 hous and' 7 niiuujes. Wirdow (JtasJ i-al. sizes at ltaffer & Price's. t ir tlcetb, aud yet they do .not all get 'V ouea. tndugtry, brains and cheek these; thrre but the greatest is cheek. j I The receipts of ot on at this port lo- d foot up 1,415 baleJ Que adult was the ! nly iu erinitnt in Bellevue Cemetery ,this week. The thermometer ftood at , 8G decrees in this office, at 3 o'clock to d y. Tt.e stt .inur Tybee, 1'Jioori, s iile'I jes tord-iy from New York fjjr this port. Save your m0ney by buying jour Build iu Supplies fr(j)in AlLaffer & Price. To-toorrow is known in the Church Calendar as the Nineteenth Sun Jay alter Trinity. ' . TLero have ben five interments in Oakda'e this week, one j adult and five children. i In Piue Foi est Cemetery there were two intbrments this week, one adult and one child. I- i - The Fourth Quirterly Mee 102 for Topsail Circuit bean to day at Scott's Hill. The barque; tZewotk, (Br.) Boyd, sail el f;om Sidney, N. S ! W. 14th, for this pott. A number cf our, people who have been to the State Fair at Raleigh returned hire this morning. The box sheet for the performance on Monday night, now open at He'msberger's, is rapidly filliug up. Hon. A. M. sWaddell will lecture before I!1 the Historical and Scientific Society, on the first Monday night in November, on I i I ' i the Ancient History of IKorth Carolira We learn from steamboat jmen who arrived here to-day, that the Cape' Fear is still yery low audi that the water is still falling. It fell two inches on Thurs day night. Girls, when you wprk a pair of slippers fof him make them very small. Of course he won't be able to wear them but he'll appreciate the complimerft just the same. - , Every Church iu the city, without ex . . J . 1 "i . t . , ception, so far as we can learn, will be if1 1 I i ' open for divine; services tOmbrrow. With these abundant opportunities before you there is no excuse for going wrong. The caps for the Stedman Fire Ccm pany, asne 86 in number; have arrived. They were ordered through Mayor Fish blate and will, We presume, be distributed at an early ,day some. They are very hand- ! - !; - - -r Indications. War Department, Office of the Chief ( Signal Officer cer, V J79.J Washington D. C. Oct. 17, 18 For the South Atlantic J States partly cloud v weather, and rains, followed bv colder .Northwest winds and rising barom eter, 'ill For LlTerpool. The British barque j). it. Bills cleared at this port to-ay for Liverpool with a cargo of 2,150 tales of 'cottoD; taken on at the Wilmington Oomprrss. The car go is snippea Dy messra. vvnuams cc Murchison. Money saved in b ying your Household Hardware at Jacobi'8, No. 10 South Front street. There is a litfle encouragement as re gards the weather. The Indications we publish to-day tell ui that the wind will tret rnnnd tn the Northwest to-niffht. exiel that it is to be cloudy, rainy and cooler. The wind this afternoon comes from the Southwca1. I The Fourth Annual1 Fair of tne Roan oke and Tar River j Agricultural Society will begin at Weldon on Mouday next and continue for five days. I Col. U., G. Flanner and Mri Tj W. Strange, 'pi thU city, will be in attendance, the former as Chief Marshal and the latter as one of his aids. Da A Wee Bit or Charity. The total amount, of money raised fir ihe benefit of the gallant Confederate General Hood's children, from all BourceJ fopt up the tremendous sain of 5.873.17 This is to rear aud support ten liti! orphan children, tho oldest of whom is 12 years, an 1 th3 youngiS' not half as many months. Trulv the South is almost bs pAtrioti' as the soldieri iu Ohio at the recent elc i tion. I The celebrated Zeb Vance. Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves lor old prices. No aivance at JACouis Hardware Depot. t Wri Ing on Postal Car s A long-standing order of the post-fcflice department has required that all postal cards having any portion of I the message written on their face should be treated as unmailable. First Assistant Postmaster i General Tyner recently resciniei this order to the extent of holding that such writing shall not render! them unmailable per se, nor prevent their being forwarded unless -it makes the address lllegiole. The public are cautioned, however, that by writing any portion of the message on the face they will incur a risk of the cards being missent or delayed. i The Slilinry and the Charlotte Fair. Col. C. W. Alexander reports that Brigadier General M. P. Taylor and staff will attend the Charlotte fair and wit- ness the competitive drill, ander has sent invitations Coionel Alex- to all tho oom- panies in his regiment, the second, to at tend at-d enter the con1 esi. The invita tions have but recently been issued and as yet no replies have been received. The Wadesboro Herald, received yesterday, states, however, that the Anson Veterans will probably come. Arrangements have been made with tha railroads to transport companies at the rate of one and a half cents por mile each way from near points, and $4 for each member from Wilming ton and Fayetteville. Oar military boys would like to throw themselves in the field alongside of a Wilmington or Fayette ville company, and indeed would be glad to drill against any visiting companies in the State. The priza Observer. is $100. Charlotte If you hare a Sick Headache take a dose of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills; wo know you will find relief, A Little Breeze. i The usual quiet at the corner of Chest nut and North Water streets was stirred into a little ripple of excitement this after noon by a half drunken white man, elad in a red blouse, who tried persistently to pick up a fight with a very peaceably disposed colored man. The colored man did his best to avoid a conflict, but. red 6hirt kept following him up, giving him an invitation ; to walk up to Paddy's Hollow, where, he (red shirt) could be found ready and willing at all times to whip any man who didn't weigh over 165 pounds. I At last patience ceased to be longer a virtue and the colored man picked up a stick and hit red shirt over the head, breaking the cudgel in two pieces. This was unfortunate for red shirt's head which deserved to he broken. After the blow was passed the colored man walked up towards Mulberry street, and was soon foUowed by the would-be bully. Economy is wealth buy White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco b's Hard ware Depot. Advance In Naval Stores. There has been a very flattering, and to the producers a very gratifying, increase in the price of all kinds cf naval stores very recently. A month ago, September llb, spirits was quoted at 25 cents, and to day it sold for SI cents; rosin is in de mand toVday at $1.25 for strained and $1.30 for good strained, as against 92 cents ; and 97 cents a mcnth ago; tar is quoted now at $1 an advance of 10 cents, and crude turpentine .8 quoted to day at $1.25 for hard and $2.10 for soft an advance of 25 cents on hand and 50 cents on soft. ; As for cotton, sales were made to day Qn a basis of jL0 cents for middling; on September 18th it wast quoted at 10! for middling, but we must remember that at that time cotton was on the boom and has i since declined everywhere. Ihe tendency of the market now seems upward. -. ; 1 The Register of Deeds has issued only one marriage license daring the week; nd that to a color e couple. Mmmw. i Different Opinions Up m the Weather. ,To of our .old, or, perhaps we Lad be ter J say, middle aged, .respectable cit:zens were in conversation t j-day upon the subject of the weather Ihi first gjnt!emau remarked thit this was exactly the kind of weather that existed during the dark days of 1S62 when ..tan yellow fever scmnjo vitited our devoted city warm aad 'drr, with no prospect of frost at an early day, and gave it as hh opinion th it -frost would not be seen any gjjucr h.'re this year than on that memorable year, when tho first visible sigDS of it appeared on the 15th of November Citizen No. 2 there upon consulted his du-y ad.said that in the year 1877 the first frost seen here was on the 13 h of November and he beiicved that we would not have it sooner than the last named date, but that he would d.ffer with his friend and cotemporary and give the last named date as the time in his opinion when we would have the first siht of Oi l J tck Frost. Both of the g'tlemen n-ft rred to above are native and to the manner Aorn and have lived on the old Cae Fear all of their lives, but notwithstanding this fact wo are going to quote a third party whose opinion we think will carry greater weight than either of our friends alluded to above. This third party is none other than old Probabilities, who informs ns that for the South Atlantic States we i are to have rains, followed by colder Northwest winds to-night .and to-morrow morning. In that event we think old Jack Froat will be apt to put in an ap pearence now in a few days. At any rate, we earnestly hopo that poor fever stride. j Memphis will be visited by him whether we are or not. Strangers in the city should not fail to visit the S sh 'Factory foot of Walnut street. i f important Arrests. William Fisher and John Fisher, broth er, were arrested yesterday and lodged in jail in default of $100 each lor their ap- pearance before Justice Gardner on Mon day. The former is charged with har boring the notorious Alonzo Elri, alias Elvi Johnson, alias Tom Johnson, the colored desperado, and the latter with as sisting Johnson in the abduction of ! his! wife,Jalthoughhow thie latter can be made a penal oflance weare'yet to learn. The particulars in regard to the arrests were in possession of a Review repoter yesterday, but at the earnest solicitation of some of the officers of the law, who thought to publish it at the time might defeat some'of the ends of juctica. it was withheld. It is not the first time we have been obliging in this respect, only to find the item in the Star next morning, but, gentlemen, it is about tho last. You." pay the lowest cash pi ices for Tootb. Sash, and JSlinds, Bui'ders HardJ ware, &c , at Jacobi's, No. 10 Sputh Front street. t Hold On, Boys. Hold your tongue when you are just ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly. Hold on ta your hand when you are about to dnatch, steal, or do any improper act. i Hold on to your foot when you are on the point of kicking, running off from tudy, or pursuing the path of errors. shame or crime. Hold on to your temper when you are angry, excited or imposed upon, or others are ngry with you. Hold on to your heart when evil asso ciates soak your company and invite you to join in their mirth, game and revelry. Hold on to your good name at all times, for it is of more value than geld, high places or fashionable attire.. Hold on to the truth, for it will serve you well aad Jo you good throaghout eternity. ( 1 , I Hold on to virtue it is above all price (o you at all times and places. Hold on to your good character, fi.r it is and ever will be your best wealth. The Grand Lodge of ' Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria of the State of North Carolina, a co!ored organization, will bold its annual session at Statesviile on the 26th inst. Delegates from subor dinate lodges throughout the State are expected to be present. 1 The explanation made by the Star this morning, relative to the proceedings I of the meeting recently held at Long Creek, is, graceful and complete and is accepted in the sa-e kindly and courteous spirit In which it was made. imronani to me Afflicted.' We would advise all who may need the advice (of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. liocertson, 19, So. Eutaw SU, Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe lience iri Hospital aud Special Fractice, guarantees a care iu all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tremb'irg, tation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, Noc turnal Emissions, &c., all resisting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin! and blood diseases quickly cur,e!d. Dr. R. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical schools in th's country (University of Maryland), and re feis to the leading physie'ins in his city, and all consulting, in czn rely upon honorable and conGdential treatment. In writing enclose stamp for reply. Special attention t'ven to all iemale complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call a!nd see him. Medicine sent to any address. 1 f A Wise Deacon. 'Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself arid family well the past 6eason, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have had the doctors v's;f:n7 us often. ' j B.i. T u.r, the hls vtr is very easy. I used ilnji Ii:t era in time; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of it kept us well and able to work all the'time. I'll war rant it has cost you and the neighbors one or two hundred ! dollars aniece to keen sick the same time.' 'Deacon, I'll use vour medicine lm. alter. . The poor ye have- always with you. Yes; that is so. We have as yet heard of no process by which we could be- en abled, for a single moment, to break away from ourselves. MARRIED. On Monday night, Oct. l"Jtb, at 8t. John's Rectory, by the R v. George Patterson, D. D., WILLIAM B. SKIPPER to MART ALICE, daughterlofMr. William Hi 8key. Now Advertisements $10.50 gUYS A VERY HANDSOME DOUBLE BREASTED SACK SUIT, of MUNSOJf, THE CLOTHIER Oft 18 AND MER. TAILOR. . j 1 . Flour Bacon, Susfar. 1 00 BbIs Freih FLOUR, following luuubrandi,Jack Frost, Cremona,Plant'fl, Imperial, Paragon, Violet, Blanche; Princess, Arlington, Orange, Waeh - ington Mills, Ac. i 250 BXeS D. S. and Smoked Siles, JQ Bbla City Mess Porkj "liA BbIs Snifare, Crsshod, Granulated, IXJU a, Extra C, and C. ; Cheese, Crackers, Candy. 175 BXe8 Extra Cream Cheese, , 125 Bl8ani Boxes-Freh Crackers, 200 Boxe8 pre Candy, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Btarcb, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Ac. BaggintTi Ties, Twine- 1300 Wcle 1X1(1 Half RolIaIBGGING, 4000 BundIea ew TIES' lriOfi Lbs Bailing Twine, ly UU 17C0 Kejrs Nails, Manchester Yarns, excellent article, 1 Lake George Sheetings. For sale WILLIAMS 4 MURCHISON, cct 19 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. PROVERBS. 4 PROVERBS "Tor ginfcing ejteTla, fits, dizziness, palpita tion and low rpulta, rtSy oa Hop Btttenu "Read of, procure and use Bob Bitters, aad you willbe strong betJlbj and bppj." Xadie& do you want to be strong, , healthy and beautiful I Zbea u9 Bop Sitters. Th reateet app tixer, stomach, blood and liver regulator Bopfiitters.'7 'OergTmcn, Law ycra, Editors. Bank era and Ladiea need Bop Bitten daitr." nop Ettert baa re stored to aobriety and bealtb, perfect wrecka from iafarnrr'rfLJ 8ogr etcmach. tick beadacoe aod dial item Hop Bitters cures wiUkawwdoseo." $300 will benaJd for caaa that Hop Bit. ters will fiot core or help." 'Hop Ktters bunds up, strengthens and cores continually tram the nrst dose." 'Kidney &d Crt e&rjr complaints of all kinds permanentlT cored bj Bop Bttten." Hop CotrcB Ctmu the swptcst. safest aad besC Ask children. Tho nor Pas for Stomach, Lrrer and Kidneys, Is sapcrier to all others. Cores b y absorptiuo. D. L C Is tn absolute 1 and frremstlbie core for arnkenneas, one f opiom, tobacco aad narcotics. ' AJJ abows sold by dragglsts. Hop Hitters -4 Send tor 9 ,av i i ' Houses and Stores to Ront APPLY TO THE TslcKOYS, lttonieys and . Counsellors at Law I Office Nortb8ida Uarket; Stbotweend aad,.34t nag 25 I PLEASE ffOTICE. ' - 1 We will be gti to receive eommnnlcatlcnJ from our friends oa any aad alllsTibjectsIclj general interest bat : k i The name of the writer.nast alwiye U for . I ashed to the Editor. 1 ' '., . j Conunnnications mujt ; be writteni on oily onetide ofthejaper. 1 1 : , Personalities most be avoided. - ! And it is especially and particalarundcr stood that the Editor does not always endo f the views of correspondests, unless so state r in the editorial columns. j 1 " New Advertisements. OR. ERA HOUSE. Monda and Tuesday Oct. 20, 21. Aiai RiclDioni's Comic Opera Co., Fall Chorus and Orchestra, Headed bj the young and be-tifel LMcaa Prima Donna, liezio Soprano An U:c Miss Adah E i in i n i . Supported by, tbeli ; . s 1 ... ,,f complete Comic Opera T ma Li iiuibrica. The latest musical Isuccasd, the rcmantic;1 Opera, I I " ' produced ia the same magnificent style as ait mo ncw iu xiiia ATenni ineatre. TUESDAY, OCT. pt I Chiiiics or Normandy, i Box plan for securing pref jrred placed, at dramatic piioes, now opea at Ileinaberger's Bookstore. j Admisaioa to Parquette and Dresa i cle - 2 extr carg for Reserved geku. oct 17-4t I i Sodi, Potash ana Lyo. 5f) Boxes BI CARB SODiy SWbs tict. in Kegs do. do! 112 do. Boxes Sal Eof s, 5Q Boxes Potash, . 25 X6S Posh, J 00 Boxel Concentrated Ije, All fall weight and warranted pure. "Call on 1 Hall & Pearsall. oct 17 , A Capital Case, FILLED WITH THE HANDSOMEST . assortment of Presentation Onndi brought to this city. i Also, the most attractive collection of! Rus si Goods, all New and Beautiful 8tjles. Call and see ihem at the i ' i LIVE BOOK STORE. The New Pianos ABE BEAUTIFUL to look at, deli(rb.tful to hear, pleasant to touch, and decidedly agreeable to ha?e. And Ok I so Cheap Ml At HEINSBERGER, Oft If- M and 41 Market Ht. Notice. T HA.VE BEEN RKfJEVTI V tntnJl . JL that anm a vnmin ft a .Viii rtii.. on my credit and passing herself off as mv wife. If such is the fact, I take this method 1 of informing the public that I am a single man, and the person animposter and a fraud. octl7.3t F. M. MOORE. ! ' I New Hat Store. T HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE L North with a large and well selected stock of Men's. Youth's, Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps of the latest styles. I bought mr atnnlr hn ... t .V, bought for the CASH. My expenses aro small and I propose to sell at very small profits. I inrite all who wish Hats to call and examine my stock before purchasing, if they wish to save money. i U TROUBLE TO 8H0W GOODS. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 6 North front st. oct 15-ly The Best Stocki rjIHE BEST BTOCK, AND THE Cheapest Stock, of Gents', Youth's and Boys' Clothing nd Furnhhlng Goods, ever displayed la this city, is offered now at remarkably dote prices. ' We offar to the trade aa tunuuaJly attrac tive stock to select from, We will not ibe undersold by anjbody, North or South.; - .. .-( A. A I. SIIRIEE, , oct 15 Market slreet. i - . . i , . , m ..I Winberry Oysters-, THEY ABE GOOD fi 0. now. Another hutsl- XL t s ment just received this moraiag. It's coll . enough sow for hot Whiskey and fat Ojuteii, Free Lunch every day at 11 o'clock' lept 26 JOHN CARROLL. Watches, plHBONOilETERS, 1 ff Repair id neatly and promptly, by i 1 J. L. WINNER, i No. 3 South Front street, Wiiming ton, N. C. Orer t en ty y tars' experience. Give me a triaL - oct i i ,., Klotice. rpnE fxbu of LcuuEBMAif a coxkx J- navug neen oiMOlred oy mutual consent, the undersigned begs to announce that he will eontiaue the Lightering Bnninees La all its Branches. Cotton, Nara! Btorefj Lumber, i , transported .with dhpatcb, day and mtnt. Contract 'tnafe t slowest ocsibIe i ate. Office, north eornr of Hall A Pear- isu i ntreuoai,HOBU water streets oct 13-1 wj B. T. LEilMERMAN. ma Tits f