THIS PAPER u onoWhl ererj afternoon; Sundays x JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOB AND PBOPRirrOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. oe ycr,J5 00 Six months, 12 60 ; Three months, f l 5 One month, 50 cent. Ihe PPer wI11 be delirered by carriers, ri of charge, in any part of the city, at the l5oT-rates, or 13 cents per wek. - AdTertiein rates low and liberal tr Subscribers will please report any and aiiureito receiTe their papers regularlj. Misjeilauoous. , .10 .v' i A RODDICK. 45 jSarket ; L We ruvH jus- tini.ihtjJ raainc ur arm lal of 8' ode, ami an now duiy it-c.-iv j 'NEW GO')' f '" the Xort'.eru Markets, suitable for tba FALL AND WINTER TRAUK ! ur patrons will study their best inter mta by "inakintr their purchases as early in the Season as couveuient,as the general iu dications of the inarkft have an upward n-iiilfii cy. We have just received ovtr 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PK1CE O 'ES IS. Vhl'a!e buyers would do well to look over yur -took bef-re purchasdag as we have a Kreat many jo ds we are oA'pring nm.-b below 1 UK PRESENT MARKET VAi.lJE. Fans & Parasols. Coaii't; out the balance, at Greatly Re. due d Prices. I'lain, Striped and Check j J .,k Alu.ilins. The best value ever ' ottered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. ur Variety Large. Our pi ia 8 ARE LOW. 8c upwards. - Laces. llretonno, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much thfl Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices, either by the yard or piece, can nt be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up ia price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at Ihe oldpricas TflhlA Lin mir TnwAlrt IW AW mmmk m PSr . seSfcsF V W 0 AW and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. lOUR 5 and lO Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets,and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot cf the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. .VV'e offer great indue mentsto Wholesale Cuyeis. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street au 10 5 CENTS lo JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of Various kinds and Btylss'sndodescriptions at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. NEW GOODS RECEIVED I VERY TWO DAY3 For the purpose of keeping the stock re plenuhed and thoroughly? to the mark. No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES! fcu Ter before been offered in Wilmington CALL AT ONCE ! AKDMAKE YOUR SELECTIONS And get wonderful bargains at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 N. Front Street. Baby Syrup. pAkKER'S GINGER TONIO, Indian ChoWogne Ball'. Cough Syrup, Kluta, j-niu Cure, At era' Ague Cure and a com plete itock of pars Drugs and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th andean 8treets. Open day and night. oet20-tf nn 1 H1- VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertise -neat? MUHIO3 $.0.50. I i I J. A. rPiiaoKB Kern oval. K. C ilniiR Baby pyrup A. A I. SuRita Best St ck. See ad Clyde's Steamship Lin. ALTArrsa A Price We Do Not Claim Boatwbiqht A McKfcT Boom 1 Boom ! Gbehardt A Co Buzgies, Harness, Ac. P. BxiHSBBaaaa 'ihe Greatest Attrac'fon of the Day. ) Williams A Muacmsos Flou. Bacon, Sugar, Belt, Ac. j I j i; 1- " . . , f Thieves work on abstract principles. Flour is rising. All good fl.ur should rise. The bcuper uuuii raje boom is j most done. ' i . I m ! ' ' ' Wirdow Glass-j-ah sizes at ltafl'er" & Price's. II' j , ' . t W,omen's sphere t hat they won't get married. i The small, boy kvith tbd loud whistle is frtq'ieut and numerous Th receipts of dottou at thus port to Jay foot up only 2"i8 bales. I ' , Tha monotonous refrain of hot weath er" is "friz" out for thi present. j ! i 1 There are enough selfish men to accept all the sacrifices women can make. . If care killed a cat, care can throw a i' ' bootjack 8traihter than most people. J Mr 1 i ' wSave your money toy buyjng jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f . A press agent t4iej young man who throws his aim around his g'rl's waist. Summer clothing was at a discount . i i this morning, and fjres were in demand. In the spriDg we have lamb, and in the fall we may expectja 'spell of wether.' Some one is mean enough to say that 'curiosity about trifles is a mark of a little mind.' I .. i Strangers in the city .should not fail to visit the S is b Factory', foot of, " Walnut street. f When a man has no mind of his own I i fc his wife generally fcivea hiro a piece of hers. i - ' 4 ' A popular way t6 argue. Vbat I say ia right ; anybody who says differently is a fool. The barque Condor, Hawson, from London for this port, passed Deal on the 7th inst. v i The man who stuck to, his colors was the painter who sat down tin cne of his paint pots. Men will stand onj the street corners so long as the storekeepers do not furnish them wi'h seats. . ' Money saved in buying your Household Hardware at Jacobi'sJ No. 10 South Front street. t It takes a good deal of grief tov kill a womau ;ust after she has got a new seaL skin sacque. A printer doesn't rush off to the doc tor every time ha is 6ut of 'sorts.' 1 Nor to a baker when he gets out of 'pi.' Iflooking glasses w timid show us our f faults we would not look into them any oftener than we do inlo our bibles. Advico of an old curse. -The baby would be always bright and cheerful if an occasionable dose of Dq Bull's Daby oyrup were aummisierea. OfiScet Scharff, i to-day by duecti on of the Chief of Police killed a dog which had bitten a child of KelliasRobioson, colored, an employe of thetJ. O. Railway. The change ia jbe weather yesterday was as sudden as it was agreeable. On Saturday it was like Bummer and Sun day it was co d enough 'foil overcoats and fires, the first of the season; We are requested ! to tjrge upon the y'uitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society to meet at Hook and Ladder Hall, to morrew 4 o'clock. Should the weather prove unfavorable the meeting will be held on the first fair day. An Old Acquaintance. Mr. Andy McKoy, the business man ager of the Adah Richmond troupe, dropped ia to see us this afternoon. Mr. McKay is no stranger in these parts an.d by his universal courtesy makes new friends ererj where he goes. i He is now managing one of the best troupes on the road. The writer saw the Company in Fatinitxi in Raleigh last week and was "thoroughly carried away with it." . 1 S " Bilil - - i . WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY OCTOBER Unmallables. The following unmailable postal ma ter remains ft the Postcffise in thi city : Mr. John William Jones, Orange C"., N. C ; Mrs Jane Tyler.Jprange Co.. N. C. ; Mrs. Mollie Robbing. Pine Blaffj t Rowells Ldg.,care of Mr. JamesRowell. Brunswick Co., N. C. Economy is wealth buy White Lead, C ilors, Vramishes, and all kinds of paiU ing materia1 for the lowts piic-'s a Jaco bi73 Hardware Depot. t Painful Accident. I A weli-kLown citizen of this place met with a very paiuful accident Saturday night. W bile on his way bonir, tnd when nsssino- alor.ff Chestnut stnef. East of l r o o ' Thiid, he slipped and fell, and his left arm falliug under him, oe of the bones was broken near the elbow. As scon as he could recover himself Le went a once to a physician atd received the necessary attention. We are pleased to learn that, the irrjury is not very severe and that our friend will be at his effice again in a day or :wol although it w'lFbe weeks befoie he can use h:s a.m again. Tax Receipts. The following d'fferent sums, collected by the Sheriff, have been paid over to the proper county official authoriz.3d to receive the same on the respective dates givefl be low ; On September SOih, the Sheriff turned over the sum of $704.21 ; Oct. 6ih, $790 70; Oct. 13th, $1,094.00, Oct. both. , $G,G00.00, makiug the siim total of $9,1SS.91 collected . and paid 07er since Sept. 22nd., the day on which Sheriff Manning re-eived the tax books from the County ComrLissioners. The above collections are all for county taxes exclusively. The celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacoiji's Hardware Depot. f City Court. Two cases were up before the Mayor this morning, the charges beipg disord erly conduct in one instance and drunk and disorderly in the other. Tho.nas Mills, colored, was the first) called, but judgment was suspended in this case upon payment of costs. , Washington Green, alias Wash Nutt, was next arraigned for being both drunk and disorderly and was sentenced to pay the costs, amounting to 81.70, after which he was permitted to make himself scarce, or in ether words to take his departure, which he immediately proceeded to do. The Difference. On Saturday night last, in company with a friend, we took a stroll through the business portion of the city; and we were struck with the great inequality with which the trade seemed to be divi ded. Afier noticing the fact we directed our attention, especially, to two stores, dealing exclusively in the same goods; one of thera'was lit up brilliantly, and the proprietor, with four or five clerks, was as busy 'as a bee and the customers were coming and going in regular succession, while in the other the lights gave unmisu takable evidence of a closeness too close to even buy kerosene at 12 cents a gal-. Ion, and the serenity of the proprietor, as he sat with his feet above his head, was seldom disturbed by the calls of buyers. Our friend asking us why is thit? We pulled from our pocket a copy of the Re view and pointing to a well-displayed ad remarked that probably jthis had some thing to do with it. Stepping into the 8 tore of the busy merchant and remark', ing that he "seemed to be doing quite a lively business to-ciht,'' be remarked, "yes, I have not yet had time to go to supper.''' We think it would pay some of our merchants who .complain of "dull times'i and whoso namea never appear in an al vertisemcnt in the papers to ttap onts'de of their stores somo Saturday eight and view the scene themselves. We are sure they might profit by it. You ray the lowest cash pi ices for Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Builder's Hard ware, &c , at Jaccbi's, No. 10 South Front street, j f Signal Service, U. S A., I Station Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 20, 1879 8:10 a. m. The following orders have bee received at this station : , I i Signals are ordered down at New'Yerk, New London, -Newport, iWoodshall, Boston, Section eight, Portland, Section seven. j 1 J. il. Watsox, i Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. Spirits turpentine is on the boom to day. Saturday neon it sold for 31, Sat urday evening at 32 and to-day fJMon dayl at 33 cents. ! Review. Brunswick Court. The October term cf Brunswick coun ty Superior Court convened at Smithville this morning, Ilia Honor, Judge Ssyraour, presiding. Several members of the Wile mington Bar went down on the Passpor , this evening to be in attendance upon the Court. I Coal and Wood We invite attention to the advertise ment of Mr J. A. Springer's wood and coaLyaxdjaa. it appears: in. this issue. He is locatnow near the foot of Chest cut street and has excellent facilities. He proposes to sell coal and wood at the lowest rates and invites the attention of o'd and new customers to these facts 7 lie Chance. We haven't heared any one com lain today in regard to the weather. The' iidications as published by us On Satur day were correct and the thermometer fell same 15 degrees in about twenty-four hours. The change was inaugurated yesterday by a heav rain and the pros pects are now for ,a vpe'l of continue! cold weather. Miss Adah Richmond. lhe'prcspects are good for a fine house to greet Miss Richmond this evening. We are glan of this as we can assure our readers that it is a first-class troupe They played in Raleigh all last week, to full houses, and the Observer and News are both loud in their j praise. They tell us that Fatinitza is a charming playjand com mend Miss Richmond and her troupe to the people of this city. It is not tho first time this charming and sprightly ac tress has visited our city and many will remember how she took all hearts by stoimduring a short engagement at ourl Opera House last Winter. We trust that a substantial welcome will be accorded to her on this occasion . I A Convenient Schedule. The present schedule between this city and New York is a very convenient one for our people. A merchant can leave here now on the morning train for the big city, arrive in New York the next morn ing, spend one day or more, as his neces sities may requite, and then return here in a day and a night's travel. This is what Capt. Mdntire did. He left hero last Monday morning for New York and returned on Friday night, having spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in buying his second stock ol Fall and Win ter goods. I Temple of Israel. Pursuant to a notice published by Mr S. Hanstein, Chairman of the School Committee, a large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen of the.Hebrew faith gather ed at the vestry room of the Temple of Lrael last night. , At precisely 8 o'clock Mr. Hanstein! took the chair and called the meetin g to order, requesting Mr. H. Brunh lld,one of the School Committee, to act as Secretary. The chair then stated the object' of the meeting, after which, by request, Mr. A. Weill made a brief and pertinent address. He was followed by Mr. Sam uel Bear, Jrl one of the ass'siant teachers, who urged the necessity of action. The pastor, Rev. Dr. S. Mendelsohn, was in vite to address the audience, and respon ded at length, appealing as their minister and teacher for aid and cooperation, which wo are aware, so his words of ad monition1 as feelingly expressed, found their way into the hearts of all present. After their pastor had concluded his re. marks, Mr. A. Weill offered a series of resolutions pledging the aid and co-oper-tion of every member and seat-holder of the congregation to accomplish this earn est desire the strict - discipline and in struction of their little ones in the religion of their fathers and their educa tion, in the Hebrew and German lan guages. The most entire harmony prevaL'ed and the meeting was both pleasant and profitable. New Advertisements. i Removal. jyY NUMEROUS PATRONS will now fiad my COAL AND WOOD YARD located on the whs? f near foot of 'Chestnut I treat 1 his admirable and central location will at once eommeaid itself to alL I am well pre pared and propose to sell COAL and. WOOD at the VERY LOWEST RATES and Invite a comparison of fig ares looking to that end oct 50 J. A. SPBINOER. 20, 1879. NO 2L8 New Advertisements. You Want rpUESE THINQ3 YOU SAY MADE skilfully, of good material and for the least money. You will patronizs home industry if it ocsts no more than to place your ore era elsewhere. God. That's business. We've everything now in applepie shape lor the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. See now if we can't please you and keep your money home. joct 20 GERHARDT A CO. The Greatest ! Attraction ot the Bay. FJIHE BEAUTIFUL KEW 8TTLE PIANOS AND ORGANS, At tha LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STJORE. rpUE PLACE TO BCy' ' ! Blank Books and Stationery, of every vartetv and at tin lowest prices. Also, rh omok, Engravings an-i Framee, Ir at i H - I vSrtEKGiiK'S, oct 20 39 and 41 Market tit. We Do Not Claim J)ATRONAGE simply because we are a homo enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any one's pocket; WE DO OLAlMj that we can fill any order for Sash, Doors and Blinds. Or anything in our line, at as LO W FIG U-KUiO, ana as good work and material, as can be bought anywhere. Window Glass, Builder's Supplies always on hand. Our new DRY KILN is in operation, and none but the best Limber is used. Respec. fully, - ALTAFFER & PRICE. FactoryFobt of Walnut street. Office Cor Nutt and Red Cross streets. - oct 20- 6001 1 BOOM I Don't- Get Frightened. Our Cannons are only loaded with i Something ood 1 I' i TO i i i 1 Eat and Drink ! Though you were good at dodg ing in the days of our late onpleas aniness, we are sure you will face the music now "Who would be so 'i. . base as to dodge something good for the inner man ? "We are sure there is not a coward among you all. So, brave men and women, attention ! Credit to the rear, and i 1 ' Cash to the Frpnt, and march steadily and quickly i and r,torm the fort of Boatwiight & McKoy, with that OF GROCERIES ! 'I It will do your hearts good to find how little the trouble, and i - I ' what a small quantity of cash it will required We propose to eclipse the Grant Boom, the Ohio Boom, the Boomerang, or any other man. Boatwrislit & McKoy i ! - Odi7 XTorth Front Street- j PLEASE ffOnCS. We wai be g lad to reeefve eommuleaiiotf from our friends on any aad alljtabjeetiCof general interest bat i The name of the writerCmnjt; ahrayt be fw ai&hed to the Editor. 1 Communications nut be written on or It one nde of the;paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularlr'nadcr tood that the Editor does not always endo the views of correspondents, unlets so stair!! ia the editorial columns. , New Advertisements. 01O.5O TCVS A YEBY HASDSOME DOUBLE BREASTED BACK SUIT, of MUIfSOK, THE CLOTHIER 0 18- ! 1KD MVft TiTtnJ 1 - .'UV,. ".all. Salt. Salt. A N EW Ftf ; Y "". 5000 8ck LI7Ett1, J- ALT, UU Largo WUteBacks. Flour, Baconi Sugar .1 1500 Bb!' Fre h Fi-OUB, all padetj 2Q0 Boxes D 8 Snjoked Bidet, ' Bbls CVj Mess Pork, . ' 1 ) j- j - J Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, ' I . i 1 Pb' ?Krs, Crashed, Granulated, 1 Kxtra C, and C. , i! Cheese, Crackers, Candy. 2QQ Boxes Extra Crtam Cheese, 125 Bblaaal Boxe8 l,reh Crackers, 200 Box-8 Candy, I Bagging, Ties, Twine. -1 ! i 1 1 1 AO Whol Half Koiuj:BAaaiiro, 3500 """"""""as. lAAALbiBiilingTwlte,'1 ' l.JJJ 1 fiflO JCairm Walla. Manchester Tarns, Lake Qeorxe Bhee tings. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, ' ' oct 23 Wholesale Gro. A Com.! Her. CLYDE'S ' i ' . AND ' Wilmington. C. Steamship Line. She Dteamer i. i REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, j1 WILL 8AIL JFROM ITEW YORK O SATURDAY. October 25. I Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as adrertised. - For Freight Engsgements apply to TOOS. E. BOND, 8np't, Wilmington, N. C: WM. P. CLYDE A CO, 35 Broadway, Ifew York. oct 20 l! I ORERA HOUSE. I Honday and Tnesday, Oct- 29, 21. Ailsti Rictand's Comic Ocera Co; FuU Chorus and Orchestra, Ueadedby the younfc and bcautiftl American Pr'ma Donna, Mezzo Soprano Assolutee, Bliss Adah Richmond, Supported by the largest and most I 1 complete Comie Opera Tioupe in America. Ihe latest musical succew, the romantic Opera, ! Fatinitza. I produced ia the tame magnificent style U at the Mew York Fifth Arena Theatre. t TUESDAY, OCT. 21, " Chimes of Normandy . Box plan for securing prtftrred places, at dramatic priees, bow opea tt HeiubtrrerY Bookstore. Admission to Parquette aad Dress Circle $L. So extra eharfe for Seterved Beats. pet 17-4t The Best Stock. rpng BEST STOCK!, AMD THE Cheapeef 8tock,of Gents', Youth's aad Boys' Clothing? aad Faraiihiag Goods, eTcr dliplijed la tail city, Is offered now at remarkably close prices. ' ., We orTdT to the trade aa uauullj attrae tire stoek. to select Croia TTe 1I1 aot be maderso.'d by anybody, ffortb or Bouta. A. A I. BHRIES, cetl ' . Harkst street.

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