THIS PIPER UpBol!hd every afleraooa. Su.days ex JOSH. T. J A M E8, KDITOB AND PBOPKIKTOR. ,rIRIFTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. t $5 00 8ix months, $2 60 ; Three .ontU 1 ; ne montb' 50 cBtI rbe psper wUl be delivered by carriers, of charge, in any Prt of the city, at -.he ibore riteo, or 13 cents per wek. AdTertuiine ratei low and liberal jS-Subseribera will plae report any and , 'filareeto rereiTe their papers regularly . XtlisjoUaneous. vW-i & RODDICK, 45 Market St. n.iVHi just finished rakint'Otir ann lal -Cc,.iin:of b'h:1c. am' now dtily no iv in' NEW'- GOOLS from tbe Northern Markets, suitable for the F A L L A V L VV I N TER T R AUK I Our p-itrons will study-their best inter ests by in?-kiii2 their purcltas- s as early in thd Sea.i( i as conveiient,as the general in dicati jus of the market have an upward We have just received over 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! Wiiwi. id'? buyers would do well to look ovc- our Mock before purchasing as we h-4v"a' "reat many to ds we are ofleriDg nmchluw THE PRESENT VALUE. Fans & Parasols. Cosing n,lt tnP balance at Greatly Re luc d Prices. I'lain, Striptl and CheCk-J .inismk Minims. The best value ever oflt-red. (Jail and examine. 1 ii en Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods; ur V.tMftyis Large. Our pi ict 8 ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Iketonne, Torchon-and Italian! Laces. We have very much ths Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices, either by the jard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prics Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we Lave ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Pur Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents la situated on the 3. W. corner of Market ad Second streets,and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lst of the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducrments to Who'esale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 SXarket Street aux 10 S CEBITS lO JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of Tarioui kihdi and itylea andodeicriptloni at the. Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. NEW GOODS HKCEIVED tVERY TWO DAYS Fer the pirpoaa of keeping the itock re Plenuhed tad thoronghly up to the mark. No Such Variety ! AT SUCH PRICES I u -rer tefore been offered in Wilmingtoa. CALL AT ONCE ! A5DMAKE YOUR SELECTIONS Ad get wonderful bargains at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 IS. Front Street, Baby Syrup. P AkKKR'3 GINGER TONIC, Indian Chui c?'i BalV Coui 8J'mp' tint S t 'tn Cure and a com- w itock of pur Drugs and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, On-, a - Comer 4th and un 8 tree it. Open dy and night. oct 2C-tf nn VOL. IVJ i WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY. OCTOBER LOCAL i NEWS. New Advertlseaier t? Masioi Ilavt You Sefn. I Jxb. E. Ka Dentil Card. A. I I. 8HBiia-!net 8t c'-. Gio. F. Ti-lt Mofitajn Beef. K. M. KcIntibs "Hoae Ag 'n." C. M. fitedman Fire Company N". 1 - AtTArna A Prick; We Do Not Claim. P. HiH8BkeR t he Greit?t Att-ac -on of tbe Day. " For other ioca's s 3, fourth pi ,e. 7 Wood isselli'ii at $.00 a cord tc-day. Forluno hates to suiile ou asouiplookirg man.- ! ' - I Whdow Glass--ali sizes at luifier & 1 Price's. f Coots sell jiir tui-ty Gvt) ctnts per dozen. TTie receipts of'cot u at thiv port to day foot up 2,C62 bales. The Adah IlicbmoDd troupe play in Charleston to-morrow night. Sn ith Russell wiU not vii this city this sei s The schooner lL G. Bird, Bunker, for this porf, was at Navassa inst. ' ! I i' on the 14th Strangers in the ci'y should not! fail to visit the S ish Factory, foot of Walnut street. i f Many much needed improvements aie being made to tho Gustom Ilou le of this city. Ihe brig Ileliasl (Swe) Sandreen, from this port, arrived at Kiio Janeiro on the 26th ult. I 'xue schooner David Millikcn, Eobin- son, hence, arrived at Baltimore on the 17th insf. ;1 Tbe barque Condo, from London for this port, passed the South Fore'and on the 7th inst. . 1 f The schooner EJfie.J. Simmons, Chad wick, for this port, Failed from Bath, Me. 1 on the l?th inst; The barque uxenius, (Nor.) Tallak sen, sailed from! Bermuda on the 14th inst for this port! f Mary had a little lamb, with which she used to tussle, she - yanked the wool off its back a -d chunked it in her bustle, j It is with narrowjsouled pejp!e as. with narrow necked bottlles the less- they have in them the more noise they make in pouring it out. ; I ; ' Economy ?q wealthy-buy White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, andj all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco Bi's Bard ware DepotJl t "Where is there a greater satire upon man than the game of chess, where the Queen has to do the Work and the King is the one to be protected. Qui e a number of the citizens and law yers of this city are in attendance at the Superior Court of Brunswick icaunty which is now in session at Smithville. Tbe Berger Family gave Goldsboro the go by, after billing the town. It was as. much their loss as it was Goldaboro's. They are booked for Portsmouth to-night The Templeton Star A!'ianc9 have abandoned the opera,' and have organized a dramatic troupe. They discharged eight or ten chorus singers' in Kalelgb last, week. Caution. Do not let your druggist palm oft a substitute when you demand Dr. Bull's Baby Syrpp or you will be disappointed, for no medicine for children equals it in effect. I . i I f ; 1 : . The girl who wears a ring on her fore finger is not always j engaged. She's ob liged to do it to keep up with the times, and the youug men shouljd not get down in the mouth at any of these signs. "Are you aware that you breathe 18 times a minute and 3000 cubic feet, or $bout 374 hogsheads of ajr per hour?' What a terrific question to propound to a person who has been eating onions 1 The Annual Conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church of this State j-conJ venes in Wilson December 3rd. The Advance says tbe good people, of Wilson are already preparing to (receive the Con ference. . .l- ( ) . Advice to parents: Whenever you go to church take your baby. If there is any one thing a baby appreciates more than another it is a sermon.1 A pew seems to inspire it with more confidence in its howling abilities than a cradle, A babyj is sometimes a great ' relief to a Sermon; lends it background, variety, fancy. i i ' : 1 1 ! : Bold Robbery. About 6:30 o'clock last evening a co! ored man went into a Lrooep store in the southerly portion f the cijty an J called for a package of florr, wb'ch the prop! ie tor handed to him over the counter, when the bold thief ook it and ran with j all speed. The thief is known and can' be identified by the proprietor of the store. Wei suppress names for the present f. r pru ential reasons. Trlsoner Committed to Jz': Justice robert Blcodwo h, of Burgaw sent William Iaham to this city last night m the custodv of an officer up. i tha charge of resisting arrest and aiding and abetting in the escape of a pnsonT. Ith am was committ d to the county jail in this city for safe keeping to await bis trial at the next term of the Superior C urt, to be held in Pender county, commencing on the 13th of December next. City Tax Receipts. The City Clark and Treasurer of this city, Captain Henry Savage, has received nce September 25tb, the date when the city tax list was first made ready f.r col lection, the sung little sum of S18.6S6.S1 and by the 25th inst, when the collection shall have been going on fr a month, it ia thought the sum will reach fully 20,000,if not more. Ob, Mrs. Toodles would say, hosr convenient it would be to have such a nice little sum in the house, in one's own house, we mean, of course. You pay the lowest cash prices for Doors, Sash, ? id Blinds, Br'lder's Hard, ware, &c , at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Fxont street. - t The Stedman Fire Company. A meeting of thejC. it. Stedman Fire Company is called for to-morrow eveniDg at which t"-me a general attendance of tbe members is urgently requested. We have before referred to the fact that this company have received their uniform caps, and since tben we learn 'that they have received their badges and belts. The shirts are of blue with a black cravat. The company, is composed of strong, able-bodied young men and we predict that they will make a good record for themselves. . I Sunday School Convention. The Annual State Sunday School Con vention will be held in Greensboro, on the 14th and 15th f Friday and Satuiday of November, opening at 10 o'clock A M Organized counties are entitled to ono dele gate from each denomination in the coun ty; other counties, to two delegates from each county. The secretary, of the ex ecutive committee, Mr. W. F. Aiderman, of Greensboro, requests all delegates who propose attending; to inform him of the fact. They will be met at the depot and conducted to their homes. . Save your money by buying jour Build iig Sup? lie s from Altaffei & Price. f At the City Hall. ' The Mayor held no regular CourLthis morning. There being only two arrests last night, and those of such a trivial char acter, they were disposed of without the formality of a court. , One was Tom Titt, the notorious little colored Dick Turpin, of Wilmington, who, was arrested for disorderly conduct. The Chief of Po lice was told to keep him locked up for a couple of days. The other was a white man who got too much benz'ne aboard and becoming rather noisy was arrested. The last named case was dismissed upon payment of cost ' ' y White Children or Xegro Parents. In the Southeastern portion of this city there live two Albino children who were born of negro parentage. Their par ents. Squire and Eveline Fisher, hnve lived in this city for a number of years and have a family of jven children, the Albinos beiDg the fourth and fifth bora to them. 1 The othors are of the same col or as iheir parents. Tqe eldest of the Al binos is a girl about six years of age, and the youDgesi a boy of about four. They are well formed and differ only in looks from their darker brothers and sisters. Their skin ii white with a1 pink ish tinge. The pupils of their eyes are a light blue and have also a pinkish cast. They keep their eyes almost closed and carry their heads down, the chin resting oa the breast. I The hair is perfectly white and looks more like the wool on a sheep's back than any thing we can com pare it with. Their habits and amuse ments are the same as other children while their mental qualities seem to be of the average of white childrea, j THE PERFORMANCE AT THE LP PER A HOUSE. "Fatinifz ..' Q lite a large audience ,r. eted Miss Adah Richmond and htr Comic ,Opera Troupe, on their first appearance this season at the Opera House in this city last night. Tue piece selec-l fur the evening's entertainment, entit ed .FiUinitza. was entirely new to our theahr going people, most of whom had never bea it rendered before. The i acting on the average was as good as in burhsque operas general'v , but the pie: j l w?s not one calculated to inspire a looker on with any thrilling sensations or to draw forth any emotional or sentimental feeling." It wls simply a burlesque farcical sort of piece without pith or point, and one 1 ia which the talent of many actors had no- opportu lity for display. Miss Adah Twichmond i s the young Russian Lieutenant and again as Fatinitza, sustained her part successfn"y and BaDg with much Ltot and; sweet ness, her ch tr iiin v,i-e bring the chief attraction of tie d! fie rent charactors she persona e l. Miss Belle Girard, as the lYmcess Lydia, sustaiaed her part well and sang at t;mes with peculiar sweetness and melody, her personal charms lending an additional interest to the part she as sumed. Mr. J. C. Armand, s the newspaper correspondent following uj.on the move -mets of the Russian and Turkish armies, was first rate, while the silvery notes of his sweet tenor voice brought out much applause from the audience. Mr. Liv ingston Kent, as the Russian General, performed his part exce'lently well, and his rich bass voi wes quite an addition to the vocal music of the evening. Mr. James Sturgess, s Mustapha, tbe Guard of the Harem, drew forth much laughter and applaus', both by his comic acting and his no less comical costume and appearance. The best piece is reserved for to-nightj when "The Chimes of Normandy, " in which Miss Richmond is said to exceH in the role she assumes, will be performed. Those who witnessed the last named piece on a previous occasion are said to have been highly delightid with it, and many are gratified to know that they will havo another opportunity of witnessing the "Chimes of. Norma ady" The celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Cb'ef Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacobi's "Hardware Dep)t. ' t No Meeting. A called meetirjg of the Board of Alder men ,was in contemplation for this af r- noon. but alter deliberation it was decided to postpone the same until Friday after noon. This we learn from Chief of Police Brock at the City Hall. , Money saved in buying your Household Hardware at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Front stieet. t Personal. We were pleased to receive a call to day from Mr. Robert H. Cowan, traveling agent and correspondent for that excellent paper, the Raleigh Observer '.Mr. Cowan is on a short visit to our city m the in terest of the Observer, and we trust that ha may succeed in the objects of his visit. The tsis Takes the Place of the i - - Wave. The steamer I&is has been chattered by Messrs. Williams & Murchison to ply between this place and Fayettevlile, until the Wave, which is undergoing repairs, shall have been overhauled and made ready to resume her Wgular place on the line again. The Isis started on her first trip under the new arrangement at 1 o'clock to day. Improved Dental Chair- : ' Dr. Jas. E. Kea gives notice elsewhere in this issue to day of his return to busi ness again, and also notifies h:s patrons thai he will seat them in the newest and most comfortable chair in the city. 2 he chair spoken of we have been and ex atnined and squatted in wh'le the Doctor dag away at one of our grinders. It is the latest improved dentist's chair, of the Wilkerson patent, and can be so arranged that a child or a grown ; erson, a tall man or a short one, cr n be comfortably seated in it; The only uncomfortable part is the 'dentist. bimscT, who dont always make one feel erectly comfortable while he occupies the chair, i&t U'a pertains to all members of the pfefe&s'on and not to any particular one. 21, 1879. NO. 219 New Advertisements. 66 e T WILL BE PREPARED IN A DAY OR TTO TO DEMONSTRATE, practi- i . i . . r i cally, the result of my re fi.t and second vh.t to New York th"s season.' I h.ivr many new and pre'.! 7 atiicles in -.. - ' GOODS TRIIVIIVIIiVraS WiAh a complete Stock of III STAPLE AND FANCY DR7 GOODS ! J . ' ;! :' ALSO, ; l 1 New Carpets, Embracing Ingrains, Extra Supers and B.nsseL', with Rugs to match all 1 Carpets. ""' j Straw, Cocoa and Napier Mattings, Oil Cloths in all widths, Drugget Cloths and Has' J socks, both Pretty and Cheap. I Very Respectfully, cetit P. S. Cloaks, Dollmans aud Water Under Sir!?, n nil s'z?. I Dental Card. T AM ROW AT MT OFFIC2 AGAIN, JL pepared ' fill my engagements, aud will welcome all whq ma favor me with their patronage, and Seat them ' the newest end most comfortfble Chair in he city. Respectfully, JAS. .' KEA , Den "st, , oct21-lm 34 Market St. C. M, Stedman Fire Co., No. 1. QALLED MEETING at the Fif h Ward Truck House, to-morrow (Wednesday) eve n'ng at 7K o'clock. By order of the oct 2ljlt PRESIDENT. Have You Seen rpfl03E STYLISH ALL WOOL ' 8ACK Suits of ou a for S13.50? MUXSoif, THE CLOTHIER op 21- AND MER. TAILOR. IVlountain Beef. J WILL KILL TO DATj for to-morrow's market, so i e more oflthit MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN BEEF. Call at my Stall to-morrow and make joir choice of cut j or steaks. il geo. f. tiiley; ! No. 8, Market House. oct 21-lt You Want rJIHESE THINGS YOU SAY MADE skilfully, of good material and for the least money. You will patronize home iudust-y if it ocsts no more than t pi sea your orders elsewhere. Good. That's buBinees. We're everying now in app epie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Ca ta, Drays, H -nesa, Ac. 8ee now if we cin't please you and keep your money home. -i oct 20 GERHARDT & CO. The Greatest Attraction i ot the lay. rp IE BEiUTjptL NEW STYLE 1 . PJAN03 AND ORGANS, At the LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. T HE PLACE TO BUY Blank Books and Stationery, of every variety and at tha lowest prices." -Also, Chromos, Engravings and Frames, I Is at HEINSBERGER'S, 23 and 41 Market St. oct 20 The Best Stock. mHE BEST 8T0CK, AND THE Cheipest Stock,of Gents', Y'cu'.h's and Boys' Clothing and Furnuhing Goods, ever displayed in this city, is offered now at rcmirkblj elote pneea. . We offir to the trade an uiajually attrac tive stock to select from. We ill bc t be mnderso'd by anybody, North or South. A. A I. 8aRIE3, cetl5 . j Market street. Removal. - i i jyY SUMEBOCS PATRONS wdl now had my COAL AND WOOD YARO losatcd L. on the wharf sear foot of Chestnut street. This admirable and centra! location will at once commend itself to alL I am well pre pared aad propose to sell COAL and WOOD at the VERY LOWEST SATES and iavite a comparison of figares looking to that end. oct 20 jj A. SP8I5GZ&, FLKA8SV0TIC& , - - - ' . i We will be f lad to reeetre eomarakaUosf from our friendj on any tad alTiabjeetilot ceaerai interest bit: The name of the writermj alwayt be far msned to the Editor: j Communications most be writtea on oju'y one side of thepaper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularlr'ander stood that the Editor does not always e&dot the views of correepondeataj malen so stairn in the editorial ooluanj. I i New Advertisementa. A, it. m. AScznTzzisi Proof Circulars in great variety. Children's ORERA HOUSE., 2lJ Monday and Tuesday, Oct 20j Aik RicliMi's Coiic Ooera Co, Full Chorus and Orchestra, Headed by the young and beautiful American Pi ma Donna, Mezzo Soprano Assolutee, - Miss Adah Richmond, Sapported by tbe largest and most complete Comic Opera Troupe in America, The latest musical success, the romantic Opera, Fatinitza, i produced in the same magnificent style as at the New York Fifth Avenue TheatreJ TUESDAY, OCT. 21, j Chimes of Normandy. Box plan for securing preferred places, at dramatic prioes, now open at Heiniberger's Bookstore.1 I f i Admission to Parquette and Dress Circle $1. So extra charge for Reserved Beats. oct 17 U I ' BOOM? BOOHS Don't Get Frightened! Oar Cannons are only loaded with Good TO Eat and Drink ! Though you were good at dodg ing in the days of our late onpleaB- l anfness, we are sure you will aco the music now. Who would be so base as to dodge something good for the inner man ? We I are sure there is not a coward among yon alL So, brave men and women, attention ! Credit to( the rear, and Cash to the Front, and march I - ' i steadily and quickly and fctc-rm the fort of BoaW acKoy. with that , j SUPERB STOCK ! ! OF '"; , GROCERIES! It will do your hearts good to find how little the trouble, arid what a small quantity of cash : it will require. We propose to eplipso the Grant Boom, the Ohio Boom,' the Boomerang, or any other manT Boatwrifflit & ricKby; O & 7 Z7ortb rcatintreot. oct 27

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