j I !. ATCABUL. Bcportcd Blowins Tp ol the Bala HUsar Mazazla. -Flshtlns Resumed Tafcoob Determines to Resign tbe Throne; IjOitdon. Oct 20. The DaiIj Tel graph publishes the follov'ng special deepatoh from AJi-Kbeyl: 'Tha nr 3 az'oe of the Bala IIisar ban been blown up. Twenty-seven of the lirit tish force aod many Afgb is were killed. Fighting has been renewed at 8ir-kia-Kotal. The position was held by ninety sepoys against j odds. The enemy left twentyfive dead.' Ameer YakoobKh&u La H Bcnonnced his determination to ab'cte, aud tales that he intended to abjieat? earlier, but was disBuadfd. Gue-ai Roberta has advised tbe Amrt lo r consider the matter, bu e Amn firmly adheres to a resoi it. ia. Gin Roberta is, in consequence, rmk .-eg arrangements for minta;ning order in Afghanistan and carrying on tue aa ministration. An official despatch from Golaghat annonnoes that the Britisn deputy commissioner in the Nagat Hills wa. murdered by tha Nuzema-Hag'as on tbe Hth inst. Ilia ass-'ilaots, were tubfiqurntiy dispersed by a British detacuinent An attack on Kobonga was expected, and troops were seut therefrom Golaghat and Wokh a. lue Da'ly News uoderfctands that the govenmeut have decided on the iin rut d'atc oiiBtraot'.on of a railway to O iduhar, and ; re already purchasing material. A despatch to the Times fnmCabui ays General Hills, Military Governor of Cabal has reported the advance of three Afghan regiments of cavalry and six regiments of infantry from Turkestan. There is one case oi cholera in Cabul. Tne British troops wi 1 probably be quartered dui'.ug the winter in the Bala Hissar and the Hnirpur cantonment. The Ghilza'.s in tbe neighborhood of Shutargaictio tre still markedly hostile. Ten m'les of telegraph line have been cut and car ried awy between Feiwar and Shutargaruan, stopping mmunica tion with General xioberto. The Rumpa rebellion has ent irely collapse d 1 ! THE C0LOED EIODUS, C1E9L15A. Work of the Reliet Board "KTr U'm TT TJrtyntrsm sai'inir tlPtr Of St. Lonis Fremont, had a leir badly crushed A Larger Emigration In the Spring lbursday evening m being run over by a wagon loaaea wita cotton. The Raleigh FtVior.speakiDg of the Fair, says: Uapt u is JLenson is wir ning golden opinions for his untiring energy and devotion to the interests of all participating in the exhibition. He deserves and should receive gener al commendation. I LOCAL NEWS, miscellaneous. Turner's Almanac weather for to-morrow. promlf?s fair Expected. &t. Loui', Mo, Oct ) 19 -The Colorj ed Refugee' Relief Board, j organized here about six moutLa ago to aid des titute coiortJj emigrant from) tie South, has made a, report of its trans action?. The treasurer' report shows thai thw receipt have been 3,o81 ana tlin rlii.hnrsf merits 89.229 leaving: the Bjfcrd $658 in debt. I Besides this!he Commissary Committee has issued over 70,f ' jj rations, and distributed over 20, C J pieces of clothing among 1 he!rt f ogees, which goods ar"a estimated f . .... :l . oin iinn nave otn worm buuui ciauw. Goldsboro Metsenger; Two pegroes, Sampson Best and General Best, were sent to tbe ; penitentiary from th county last week, for tbe teim of one year each for cotton stealing. Men day night they stole the cotton from Col Jobn W isler, and Thu day night f.e report says that aborjt twenty per found tb em In the peniten:ary. Q iick rit of rhe refugees aie still denitute, juonue. .. some cases sick and superannuated Uoldeboro Messenger : Oa Satur- u even bl.nd, and requiring consta it day last. Air Jesse Jones, an old man, ha:p. The Committee on Transpor- about 75 years old, met a most terri tation report ha?. ng sent G,31l men, b!e death at what is known as the old iiixum grist mill, now owned by Mr R Li Paschall, about 10 miles from Goldsboro. It seems that he was en g ;ed in regulating something about the mill, whei his coat was cangbt by the ceariner. and before he! oonid ex. aipoi and Louisiana., but is spreading, tncate himself, his bodv was drae-ced a msynAy of he recent arrivals nav ing come from Alabama and Tennes see. Tneir condition is much improv ed, mcuy beiug well prepared for the juurney. Information tas been re ceived that the exodus would assume I urcrt- r ni nnnrbnr a than BTPr uptI hraaf. liforallv ri nnod nnnn f-m tka 'prnjg. Advices irom Tennessee ana rignc nip up, presenting a most shock- women atd cuudren to ivausas aia other. StatesJ Tt exodus' still cn tiiiuee, and ajihough greatly diminish ed the ai-ivul average twenty to thirty fdmaitj per week. Tbei move- mentis not now connned to oiibsie and crushed between the teeth of the large iron driving wheel and ths pin ion attached to it. j When assistance ome the mangled dead body wi s found suspended some eight or nine feet above the floor, with bowels and iortheia Alabama say relief boards are being organized there, which will co-operate w?th the board here and render what assistance they c- n. i g and heart-rending sight. The Gate Clly Guards in Boston. Bosvon. October 18 Among those who attended tbe banquet given the Ga .-; The Attempt to -Kill Postmaster XIxI Citv Goards last night were Gov Talbott Washington. Oct 19 -Senator VTade and taff, Col R M Pulsifer, Mayor Prince 1 he steamship 'Benefactor, Cap Jones, arrived here this morning from New York. i If there has been as much rain ia tbe interior as we have bad here we may look for a good freshet in ths river. The storm signal has disappeared and tbe wind has got around to the Southeast, while the atmosphere is several degrees warmer than it was yesterday. Tho6e who may have lost one or more keys to lock-boxes in the Postoffiee are requested to call at the delivery window and examine those found and left there from time to time. For Rent. rjiHAT DEsIKAoI WHARF, at foot of Mulberry jtreet, lately occupied JJLTL ) the Baltimore 8tamship Company, com- Ute with Office, Mied, Ac COAL and WOOD YAKD, corner of Front and Mulberry ttreet. at prefent occnpisdby J. A. springer. Apply to ept3(Mr 11. UTT. S600. i POR REJiT THAT VFRY desirable itore on Market Street. . i occupied by Mr. Tbos. H. Hcwey, at a tjnoe-ctore. 1 be cbeapeet More on tne t eet. Apply to THE McKOT ept 10-tf j . Used in! ChnrchM r. - i , .ur tott.. Fire Alarm. A. nre alarm telephone was erected on the corner of Seventh and Market streets h;.s afternoon. Boxes a e being mads for the telephones and the fire alarn through- out t! e eity will becompleteJ in a day or two. For Rent rpHK ELI OAKT KjTSIDKACK oc corner of Third And Walr.ut tt , Ten Mm. THE GEOLuil SOLDILUS- , Another Visit at HartCord Hcarlj CiFilitics on Every bide. Hiitfoid, Conn., Oot. 19 The announcement that the Gate City Guard would return to this city cn their way back from Boston was hailed with geuerul satisfaction. Meetings of the uilitmv officers ind citizens were held ou Saturday evening and arrangement were pe-ifeoted to give them a welcome eveitmore hearty than thai of Thursday last. They arrived at half-past one ih;s morning and were met at the depot of the Consolidated R ilroad by delegations from every militaiy organization in the city. They were lfcfcCo.ttd to the United States Hotel, where they were lelt to a seat o a of rest. Later in the day most 01 tnem attended divine service at tbe various churches. Captain Burke beard mass at tit. Patrick's Church. Ia the aftereoon they accepted the invitation of ex Governor Jewell and visited his residence, where they were hospitably entertained. Among other delicacies served each man was given a tumbler of water brought by Gover nor Jewell from the Dead Sea and R'ver Jordan. This eyering the Gate City Guards are being entoitained at many of the reoideLoes of our citizens. General William H Greer, on behalf of the citizens, rendered tne services of Colt's Baud 1j the v.siDrs during their otay lo morror morning they will visit Colt'a armory and witness the per forma ice of the Gatling gun. Tfcey will ajo Visit the new Capitol and other places of interest. Iu the after- uoon tnere will bu a v. rade, in which all tbe nvitary organizaioEs of tne city wil trke part. Then tue Geor. : ?11 - ... .m. Kiaus wiu give an eznioition drill in BashneJI Park. They will leave ftr ew York on the midr ght truin oi Monday. lhe Gnard are dehebted v '.rh this city nd i 3 hospitalities, aud Captain iiniKe said th s evening that he re gtetted not being able to remna here lor the re .t of hi3 life 1J is c impacy have greatly prepossessed 'ie yoar.g men of the city, and lricndbiiii)s have been formed wHcu it is 1 .nyj w; last. No compaiy that evr visited rbe city has mr.de such a favu. j'ote in preasion as tbi-. Hampton hai Written a letter to D M Key giViUg.o.s veraionjof the attempted assassination of Postmastar Nix at Blackviile. S C. Mr Hamp n says that the attempt to murder Nix grew out of a rh sorjal difficulty between him and i . 81 'lant; that Nix was a reckless fellow, and that politics bid nothing whatever to do vwth the afiVr. This fctafement does' not tallr with the by the Boston Light Infantry. investigation made byn egent of the J x . n 1 -rr i 1 ' 1 1 1 - t - to rem n c gejoi tne I'osiomce ac Blacswell and to treat the people with whom be h !3 ! bueJuetid1 courteously. Assurances of the, protection of N i have been sent to him byl the de facto Po tmasttr-General. Gen Underhill, USA, and other nrorai 1. a! rr 1 ueui geuueuien. j.ne occasion was one of great magnificence. Capt Thomr o the Uostou L't'bt Infantry, male the welcome ad lress, which was responded to oy uapt btirfce, of tbe Atlanta com pany. Several other speeches were n:ale me uaie iiy .uuarqs were presen ed with a hue me Ul as a token of friendship The Jn.ills Investigation. Wasu -xgtuLv-, Oct 19. Members of the Senato jal Investigation Committee, which has been out to Kansas iiiquh log into the manner by which Senato Ingal's was elected, have airived herej ou their way hemp. Chairman! San'sbnry says that of con. 3e nothing can besaitTas to the ehd -ac erol tue report .0 be subnpUteu to the iullCciBim- .e. Itmay be said, however, that the; 3 Is a stiong probability that more testimony w!l be ta.blen !n ue ca ; by lhe lull' Comm;it':e, wiich meeis in Decembe-. Inga h's starethent that the sub -Coin .ni- ee has unanimously decided! to exhonbrate him can be set down a oati of the kind so iiequently made by liim doubting mind, as s Endorsement of Speers Port Port Grape Wine. lhe following, from the celebrated Dr. Mott of New Y01 k, speaks wonders for Mr. Speers efforts to raise tbe Oporto urape in iNew Jersey: 62 Madtsox Avenue, 1 i New York, April 11, 1878. f J Mr. AiiFRED Speer. Dear Sir; The visit which I inade last year to your vineyards, wine-pres?es ard viults at Passaic, N. J., satisfied me! thoroushlv that the wines manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, anJ the very best that can be offered to the pub! ic for medicical uses. Actingupon my favorable impressions at the time, I have since recommended tbe Port Wine more particularly in my practice, and am satisfied, With marked benefit, to my patints. ! There can be no better proof to the to the Wine being last tinier when he was trying, with very made 0 the finest Oporto Grape, than a low methods; to s;ave oJ an investigation, risit to the' acres of land covered with the THS FLOODS IS SPAIX. Two Thousand Houses Destroyed and wne inousand rersons Killed- Mdki, October 19 Further in i -1 - ., uuuauous nave occurred in tne - mo? List of letters. The following is a list of tbe let' ers re maining untlalined: in the City Postoffice Wednesday, October, 22nd. 1879: A Mary Ann4 Ash. I B f 1 F Barnes Cephas Burnett. Ham ilton 15!ack. James Blackwood. elia Burnett. 1 U Wm H Clark, Uoraci D Cjlson. Ceasar Calhourqe, Dallen Council. D Mis Martha Duacan. mies Gals uayidson, M B Dunalevy, Fannie Dry. i? Joseph iorshee., I i G-Kate Ga loway, Georde Gardener hose (jr'f'een, Lucy Greenfield. Thmas Grier, Henry Geirge. II J H Horne. Aucrasta 'Harriss. tiager LUrgrayes, Cbacey Hall, Amelia doiueu, Alfred Iline?, Dr Frink Hincs. Jacksou doward, Tj Henderson, Jr, Wm UP. -sen. CiDt Howard. J Eliz Jickion. Ninck Jones. David T . 4 - I jonnsTO, J as M ! Johnson, Mack Joun- s n. W A Jenkins. K Tbos II Kent, j 1 L Hardy' J Lewis, li wood. M Sam Mtframmy, Sidney Mass. Dan Mote. V Merrick, Joseph Morris, Jno A ictie.H, I, li Moore, AS McLiin. Aus tin Mitidlet-.n, Mag.e Moore, Maggie N Vii;ie Xinson, Tbos ICewkirk. O ivcrXewlir. Charlie Nixon. P John D Padge;lt Charity Pearsal'. H Malitisa Rowejc1 C Jieud. George Reexes. Gideou Rnoades. " Johu Kaviri John Iii-ter. mi?s Millie Kobhi r.snn S Ma-gie tevart mrs C D Shepard. oumvaoi, james omith.i lienry Lowell Liock- S:rah i noes of AlocerU. Malaga, and Alicante. DiiW. Poster & Selliman, Geo W'Sheri Several persons have Deen killed and jin Archibald Skipper, Martin & Sulli- maoh damage has been done tj prop- van ernanger Sidbury. erty. In the Malaga : id A'icante '1 W U 'i nomas, Delia Thompson, districts 20(0 hordes have been des- Hanuah Tfcomasl.' i troyed, and it ia believed 500 person A W W D Wfright, Melvin Williams, perished by the llCDds. The damage Lauia Uade, Ja F Walker, J J Wool- so property is estimated at 30,0 ,000 reniei Uo, Jno Walker, lla r Ann Wniifield,' Annie li Ward. Per oons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead! letter Ofi5ce,Washington, p. C. i ' 1 UKlK, P.! M. t:.- it Wilmington, N. C. Xe w Ilanivcr County, N. Cj f ran cp. a later leifgram irom iucrcia sajs inaiou DOdies nave , already been iound. it is believed that over 1,000 people nave perished. The Drought In Pennsj lianla. PoTTSYiiiLE. October 19 The' slight raimaii 01 yesterday has had little, or no effect on the water supply, and the prolonged drought is seriously felt at the collieries. Tl i TurkeyRun, Pine Forest, and Lower Kausch Creek Colliery, befc re reported suspended, is now Demg euppiud with water hauled ir ... 11 1 , iruiu aiiUBuuj usee, ana quite a number of co eries ri tbe Mahioy rw mm 1 vruey are supplied with water brought by rail from Condon. Water, trains are running ah d-j for this purpose. At dheuaudoah half the town is virtu ally wimout wawr Being nmiieu z Bitters, and do nol recommend 1 hem hh one hour 8 suppiy ?a he morr og end enob." B., Uochester. N. Y. I uuq u auk. oee O' tiT co umn. rine tearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, j remiin respectfully yours, ALKXD. MOTT, M. D , Prof, of Sure'ery, Cellevue IIosp. Med'l College, 4&C-, &c For sale by J. C. Munda, Green & Flanner, P. L. BridgerslA Co. Very Low. WTe regret to learn that Dr. W. W. Davis, an old and esteemed resident of his city, ii now I, 'in? at the point of death at the residence of Mr. Samuel Davis, on Eighth, between Market and lJocK otreets. lie has been unconscious all day aud his death may be announced A. . " 1 A. T T 1 1 ttf-ngDi. ur. ui8 nas Jong oeen a sufferer from an ii curable disease and has been confine ! to the house for months past. . , I . recently occupied by Win. (Mder, 1 pq Posseeiion given Ccfober I t. pplyto' sept S3 tr J. F OAEKfcLL. W (I WM i & Spew's Tort C.-a. vu1 ours lo.n-s (iu ," CLYDE'S Mew York AND Wilmington 3. C Steamship Line. if Did. - Wine is made from tf ,.J Grape, raised iQ thi. couli . Vhi V tohc and; Sirccilteciii fuiuj kdq genuiceiK-isa l 1 ne onneest thiln n r , mrt.il ., ou qualities, atd tLe c,v..:; :w '"Wi ase it to adYftTttflca i. .. I .... 11 11 J nciai to tne aged and d.bllit. 3 to the various ai mCflt8 tataffKi ? sex. It is, in every respec t a wivd ' RELIED ON. blei ti A "I.NETOii The Postal Card.. i ! Speaking of this thoroughly popular medium of communication, which is now permanently enthroned among our many American institutions, some newspaper writer says that the postal card! wil) never be looked upon other than as a piece of public property, no matter to .vhom it-is addre.ed; a d there are very few people in this world who would shrink from reading ill th it i: may con tain, whe'her it is any of their business c r not. It is a species of m:ii!al;li matter which will never he regarded with tho sacred ness wViich clings to a denied lc tttr, and She Steamer - 1S lr. - e. . 1 11 r 1 a r r.a . I e iden qualitjes of th f,l " ! ' u made. Fni- M u ini v . ,. :.'": Ia. S11 t r . ' ft win. De iouna uneicellcd Speer's P, J. or auxd uuieu nrnnnr m r .u , " f r. .v4umL(jirrv.. I 1 Jf Cdro J. BrsrJ, , I Pure dini:!,i, no secrets which tire nt (or will ever be entrusted to it . . : T cious. its use will aiwiivs, j long as hamau curio.-ity xi fined to business no. ice's or maiters, to Iwhich anv oi.e C'lmnion eyes by the judi- or at least as sts, be co 1 u 11 important t 1 wn.o cioosep to read is welcome. Sull, it is a cheap and sometimes convenie .t kind of postaj matter, and the numbtr .-t these cards that daily pass the ruaiU is immense. COMMERCIAL NEWS WILMINGTON MAKKKT i Octobkr 21 4 T M, .1 j imporiani to ine Afflicted. We would advise all who may need the advice of a pliysician, to either call or write to Dr. U er's-m, 19, So. Eataw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years exoe- nence in liospitul and Special Practice. fnr Midiiinr mioitntoaa n. t.. nil : n n r .1 I to Urinary Organ and of the Nervous Svs. " v"""s"lu viuciaiquaiauoaj; tem. Orsrauic and Sftminal WflaVnPM. Tm. Xruirrj.: Uentf. potency floss of sexual nower. NirTnn a,.:.. n..15V""""", 9 j m.vviii fr a. mivnuuu ui IUO I UUW Ai.lUUUHir..... ... ... IU SFlRll-H TDK PENT! N E Q uo Led firm at o3 cents. Sale: 300 casks reported at that figure. KUSIN Firm at 81 25 for Strlned and SI 30 for Good Strained. Later Sales 500 bbls Strained reported at f I 39. TAR Steady at 81 00 per bbl of 280 lbs. Sales receipts at quotations. CKUUls TURPENTLN'EFirm at II 25 for Hard, and $2 10 for Yellow Dip. Sales re ceipts at quotations. COTTON Firm at an advance of 4 of a cent on yest day's quotations. Sales re ported of 153 bales on a basis of lOli cents 1 near t, dimness of bight or giddiness, Noc- Middling tarnai X ntssions &c, all resulting from I Uood Miidiing, auuses in youtn, or excesses in manhood; also all fikin unci lilnnl rtictfnaoa nnintli. nnruA Mr t? a... r I OottOB oldest and bPst aro miAu n t;- opinta,Turpentu 10H MX saiLT BaoaiPTs A M A K it. tea oaies o o 1 taieM uOw CttSI country (TJritrersitv of Marvlacd. andr- feis to the leading physicians in his city.and" all consulting him can rely upon honorable and confidential treatment.! In writing enclose stamp for reply. Special attention given to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call ard aee him. Medicine sent to any address. f vr ine and cake for Evenings. , Alfred Speerof New Jersev. it shnnM he known, is one of the most extensive proiucers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies tu the United States. Hematp. a Superior Port Wine, which took the nigne. t premium at theCentennial, known as peer's Port Grape Wine. It is sold oy J, J. Munds. P. L. Bridsers & Pn n. f.rr.1 . buu u:ccu ttiiaaoer. AUf-tf Foreign Vesssli for this Port t Corrected Weeily.) or b&iaae FranV. PArlnn ..m.j r, i o . c"eu ur uarque ueo Booth, Jones, ailed from Nor barqae Condor. Neibiea. r r . -v ,1Uffl liosia. : i.sfis hh. Tr.. 83 " Crude Taroentize 339 MAEINE HEWS. RECULATv. CArT. DOANE, WILL HAIL FROM SEW YORK 0 SATURDAY, Octob r 25. i BBa, Shippers Ohd rely a poo tho proiii'l sailing of Steamers as advertised. for Freight Engagements apply tot Til OS. R. BOND, 8op't, I Wilmint..n, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE CO., 35jBroadway, New York. nt-e: lot trcr ;,;. TORPH It ran Via rol;n . ' .""'IS cw iLH me eijicature r-aseaic, a. j.t i8 over tht tie. o Alfred -Vjil cork of eU i- Office, No. 3iWarrt?'k' 'V A. SPEER'S Mt New Jereey. ork. Pnr aula Kt? n Jrr v t vi aiuH, urngista, and I' I. UKU)d r i CMI l t k CO. i.nos. n.jcciioy, aobt. B-Yth ATTORKIYS-AI-LAr WILMINGTON, Ni (1 Office A' orth side Market street Ivii 1 J n i 1 ' iaa 27-tr oct 20 i W jerry 0yst8rs: THEY ARE GOOD now. Anoiber instil ment just received thii morfiiag. It's cold l noagh r. ow for hot Whiskey and fat Ojeterp, I - F.ee Lunch every day at 11 o'clock. ept 6 JOHN CARROLL. Watches, QHRONOMETER3, JEWELRY, Ac, Repaired neatlj and promptly, by i -J. L. WINNER. No. 3 South Front etreet, Wilmington. V. C. Orer twenty vars' exDorience. mo . A Word ! ARR1TED. W8or?KfrS.Hurt Worth' Fayettvme, TEBS2lpBeneIitCt0r' JODe8' N6W York GeoMrT5111 PS8p0rtHrper' SmivUle, Wlffir AauVrec'heson' ElUabethtown. Steamer Isix. PaHj PPaddin 'uu',iumk viweiJ, It Steamer Clin trn Pic)r t Brioge, MasterT T Jf 8 SchrS A HoS'man "Pncv, o ti.h. j.t i "nls at Huweil. da, r E aedf?Sterk"' Guit0 tomn. fordMa?ter.eylAbblt' Fnch J New Bed- Ha&JOdhow?lLHD' SelVer Delphi. CLEARED. 1 8teampr a p Hnrt -ir..i. T- Worth & Worth. " " k" x ' oieam-yacht 1'aaaport, Harper, Smlthyttle Geo Myers. bteamer Clinton. ufiuge, ai aster. Bisby, Bannerman's GerbcijrAnna, Ad3, at GlouJester, 8ep. ii$Sii?moa- ettevlle, Wil. i)on fcnow hair their valac " - "They cu ed me of Aue, Billionsness and Kidney Complaint, as recommended l had a halt bottle lett, which I , used for my two little girls,; who the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. I would Inve k t both of them one uiht if I had not c" u them 11 op Bitters did them so much good I continued their use until they were cured. , That is nhr T say you don't know half the value of Hod HtftAM AnI .1 . ... Umber nor orig vnitu, tiiertaon, failed from uurumui, oepiemoer io, D mm . m. 1 a T5 9 ui ".14110 rum oore, fieiame, jtivd lir brig Heiress, Brotherton, siltd Odop to, Sept. 3. por Nor brig Jarlen, , sailed from Yr We Db Not Claim , J) ATRONAGE simply because we are a homo enterprise, nor do we eirww it at th9 ftinftlWfi of 1T1T f inft'j nnnkst. urn Swa btrque Antlore. Ktber. r, I nfl m.nuh.t.iiM,r, ;u . , . Exmouth, ept. 6. " oraer lor Nor barque Kriatine. Jensen, aail rrn. Qn.l. "Tfc j Antwerp, Sept 5. ' ""7 OiWil, AUUrS UUU iiHllUS I Nor barqae Zephyr. Jenen, at LirerDoni L Sept. H J ' "Te Or anything in our line, at as LOWiFIO. Wor. barque Anna, Stlrenen, tailed fro UJSU, and as good woik and material as mvi rui rAtitnv nrv i rpo PARENTS AND TEACHERS ; ine univerrity Series of School Books were adopted by omr State Board of Educa. tion. and I have made arrangements with the Puhluheri for their introduction at Kedwed or Introduction Bates, with the p. Mlege of exchanging Old Booka for tHem. This ar rangement will continue onlr for & w wme. cecnre your Uoois whils they are chiap 1 - . J Counties immediately around New Hano ver can be fopolied through me on tame terms aa by the Fublii hers. - oc'13- C. W. YATE8. New Hat Store. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE North with a large and well aelected stock of Men s. iYouih's, Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps of tbe latest styles. I bought my stock when theyNrere at the lowest and oongni lor tne CASH. My expenses a- small and I-propose to sell atyerysmal Ft"u' au woo wiah Hats to call uu ibid6 my stoca before purchasing, i they wish to save money, i NO TROUBLE TO 8H0W GOODS. Wanted, JOURNEYMAN PRINTER, vLois brirg the highest rtcomcendafittt, iids. r on 3 of a position in a Lewppaper cf a k the country. Will work eheap. idi-w, M., c are cf sept 16-U DAILY BETIEI. COMMERCIAL 4i HOI WILMINGTON, N. C IP. A. faCETJTTS, Pre?. rpflE COMMERCIAL, formerly tte"I FIRE HOUSE", having been thoroBfllj orated and refitted is now one of the tj firstrdass Hotels in :the city. The Utek supplied with the best our home icdwr ern markets ifloiAi. I Board per Day $2 and $2 50.1, ar Larga Sample Kooma for tieC - mercial trade. xiiDL-LiaflB jni bum connected with this Eotel. 3" FREE LUXUll daily from to 12.30 P. M. July 19- Salt. Fait. Salt A NEH SUPPLY. 5000 s"k! LITEB1,00L11L'' 1 fctrre White ? rnn SacI "Tine Fait, I OCt 15-ly JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 6 North Front st. Orimtiey. Aue. 21. Fr. barque Keuaion, sailed from Ant werp, An. 31. Nor barque Fiae?al. Inzmundien. ..n-j fiom Antwerp, Aug. 31. ; 2or fcarqie inne, fclebert, sailed from Lir erp'H)!, ept. 35. Nor bris: Froeperita. Beruldsen.iailM r- London, Sept. 25. MAW 1 A. : 1 vm uc uuugui auywuere. WintlOw Ul&g Builder's Supplies always on hand ' Our new DRY KILN is in operation and none but the best L.uu Ler i upd ' ivespec.i u'ly, AJLTAFKErt fc PiflCEL FaetoryFoot of Walnut utret Office Cor Nutt and Red Crta ttrcets Headquarters for Ale Lager Beer and Porter. H. EiXAXLCUO fc OOIS'O. No. 5 Market Street JAN FURNISH YOU WITH THE BE31 - I Ale, Later Ber and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. ! i "Country orderi prompOy attended t . Change of Schedule. OTEAMER PASSPORT On and after PATURDAY October 11. tll ' I mm Cl . LellZ wS ie "30 A. M. leaye WUmiagton ..3.00 P. m! Xt ORO. -m KK8, Agent. Flour, Bacon.... Snfli 1500 ?b 8 Fresh FLOtJB',:lpT Bbla City ilesa Fork, j 150 Tub Choice Leaf Lrd' ' lO Bbls 8urf, CrELed, Crtf a, Extra C, and CV Clieese, Crackers, CMf jQQ Boxei Extra Cr?a.ChH- I 1 125 Bbu aDd Doxe3Freih Cr 1 200 Box8j Fre c'od-r' Bagginsr, Ties, Tij ti 1 00 Whcla LQd Hlf BolIJ baGj 3500 Bttn 1000 BaaingTT,jw .. . Matchester Yarn, Lake Oeo Fornle low by a v ; WILLIAMS A MIJBCBOOjt, cet20 WholeJeOro.iC,B'r. . -3

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