THI3 PA FEB HukUti ex- p,oHshM ere. j josh. T: J ai EDlTOB AND PROPRIETOR. . .. . . mtioNH. POSTAGE PAID. 5 ;$6 00 Hix months, $2 60 ; Three 'J6i.l. l i5:-One month, 60 cents. rper will be delivered by earners, .Lr,e.ia any part of the city, athe ...... .r n cants per week. ...-rjJ.'-rs will plc-ace report any and .k.. v r:eirr thir papers regularly. Mis-ollanooufl. 45 Market BL .. . .. .t ins; finished iakinc our annual . an. rf tiow Tl.l v rftOiUV- f , NbW GOODS from the Northern !5rkHiiit able for the FALL AN'U WIN TEH TRADE ! , ur patrons will study thuir best inter sl,v in iii their puichas.s as early in !,?. s,-is.) ai the general iu v .V m,., of the market have an upward V.. V have just received over '0 COO YARDS BEST CALICO .! huye:s would do well to 'tok ,.nr -UK-k'hef'-re purchaMiig as we i A-e a "r. ,it many vo ds we are ottering I;;;,.,, m 1 HE 1'IiESENT MAUKET VAhL'K. Fans t Para&sols. Cosine mil the- balance at Greatly Tie. iluc.d Trie s.-f Plain, Striped and Ch'tCKel Nainsook Abulias. The best value ever offered. Call and examine.. Linen Lawns from 12la to 20 cents. Dress Goods. , ur Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8 c upwards. Laces. IJretonno, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much the Largest assort ment that has been ottered in this city and our prices, either by the jard or piece, can nut be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Omstock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Js in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Gents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market aud Second streets,and every Steamer that comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surpiisingly Cheap and Useful Woods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great indua ments to Wholesale Buyers. - BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street 5 CEBITS 10 JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Of Ttnoiu kinds and styles andodescriptiote at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. N E W G OO D S RECEIVED LVEKY TWO DAYS For the pa-pe of keeping the stock re plenwhed and thAroughly np to the mark. - No Such Variety ! AT, SUCH PRICES I h erer before been offered in Wilmington. CALL AT ONCE ! ANDMAKE YOUR SELECTIONS And get wonderful bargains at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 N. Front Street. augW Baby Syrup. p AkKER'8 GINGER TONIC, Indian Chologogue, Bull's Cough Syrup, Kiutx, t nin Cure, Ay era Ague Cure and a com plete stock of pure Drugs and Medicines. F. U. MILLKK, n Corner 4th and hun Streets. Open day and night. oct20-tf nn i VOL. IiV. ' WILMINGTON,N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, Jl879. NO. 220 LOCAL NEWS. New Atlverttscmonts. ilusso: Ilave Yoapecn. A. A I. Shrier Bfest Steele. Altafp Ett A PiiCE Wo Do Ni t C'm. Pt sen ac .4 We:tbehL;s Si ip Vojtice. j Hall A I earsax Sjr-jp aid Mo!as.e. P. BK:n33sucsa--l he Gre itoet Attrac 'on of the Day. i The business boom js booming. The K'asR 6f trhionl a beermug. T ! A go 'iS'.v'iu to have. lease watch ia tbe tbiDg Wii dow.GluiS kli iizes at Kaffer & Price's. t There has been thermometers. considerable fill io Porhaps the babi bone of Summer is broken after all. The telegraph operator reports great activity in his bus'ness. Fishroe are pleutiful in this market it keveDty-five cents -per dozen. j L . j The fallen leaves are njdt only pcetica', but they make exceljlent manure. Save your money by buying jour Buld 'ti Supplies from Altafler & Price. $ A hot-headed man dobs cot require a heavy hat to keep his head warm in Win ter. The steamship liegulator, Doane, hence, arrived alt New York Ton the 20th inst. . The schooner Franticnia, Leavitt, fpr this port, cleared at New ' York on the 20th inst. i 1 A philosopher remarks that a map may 60 y his wild oats, but his corns. r ! he never can sow The barque luck &inc, Marshal, cleared at Boston, on the! 20th instl, for this port. The great beauty of autumn is that it precludes vouner men fro.n sendice: in 47 - tj spnn odes. The schooner Grace Watso.i, Eayner, instant, cleared at Baltimore on the lGtn s i for this pert. j The schooner Aessie E. Dickinson, Standish, hence, arrived at Bith, Me., on the 18th inst. ' s ! j ! The sudden change in. the weather has caught some people in the $orest portions of their lungs. The sweet potatops raised in this vicinity this year are said toj be unusually large and fine of flavor. If the base ball mania subsides before Thanksgiving Day we! will indeed have something for which to be grateful. Recent lamp exp osions lead to the re mark that the best way to prevent kero sene from exploding is not to use it. , J ; -j . The celGbrated Ze,b Vaihce, Southern Baker and Chief C ook Stovps, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacoei's Hardware I)epot. ; f Will some one pleaee invent au ar rangement by which a n'ice silk bat can be disposed of in chujrch without aDy dan ger of its meeting with a smashing fate? Persons of sedentary habits, and over worked, find in Dr. liuli's Baltimore Pills a specific for want of Appetite, Palpita tion, Debility, Constipa ion,, and many other ailments. . At ail druggists. Price 25 cents. Two young white scamps were caught by the police last night peering into the ladies' dressing room at thejtheatre, and were hustled into a cell at the guard room in short order. ,! J The Mahn Opera Troupe, of which our young townsman, Mr. Fletcher Manning, is a member is heading this way. The troupe sing in Charleston next week and it is thought they iwlll stop in this city for one night. Tersonal. Mr. Edward Kidder, ot. this city, has returned here after j hid Summer visit of several months to the Nrtb. We aru pleased to see bim looking o well. Communion Vtne. The grape crbp of A. Speer's vinejards in New Jersey last year as one-third larger than any! previous year. His vine yards in New Jersey, and tbej product from the grapes he purchases, have enabled him to keep a stocfc ; four years ahead. None sold less than four years old. It has be come a popular evening wine among the best families in New York, and for com munion purposes. For sale by Jas. C. ilunds, Greeh & Flanner and t L. lindg- ers & Co. - .Daily j Doing Well. We are glad to be tb:e to state thit Joshua Meares.a young son of Mr. Waltk er Mearee, who met! with ;n accident yesterday afternoon in a irae of Iv.iv h.ili is domg very well, and that his arm, which was supposed at first to be broken, is only badly sprained. The Beaon. We welcome this new claimant to pop ular favor to our exchange bocks. It is a handsome 24-column paper, published at Greensboro, N. C, every Tuesday and Friday ,by Jas.W. Albright, at 02 a year. Mr. Albright is an old hand at the bellows i and his first issue makes a very credita ble showing. We wish him success. From a Second Story Window. A colored boy, about 12 yeirs of age, while engaged in wash'mg windows in the second story of a building on Front street fell from his perch on yesterday and was badly cut about the face. His Icjuries are not as serious as they were first sup posed to be. His chin was! badly gashed and two of his teeth were knocked out. Visitors iu Town. An excursion party, consisting of about niuety ladies and gentlemen, came in this morning on the Carolina Central train. They arefrcm Laurel Hill, Laur inburg and Shoe Heel, and wtll remain in the city until to-morrow . evening. They are a very quiet, orderly and intel ligent looking class of people, whom wb are glad to see among us, and we hope that their brief visit may prove both pleasant and profitable , to them, so that they may fee induced to come again. Death of Dr. Pavis. As was foreshadowed by us in yester day's issue, the death of Dr. W. W. Davis was announced this morhing. He died at the residence of Mr. Samuel Davis, on Eighth, between Market and Dockjstreets, aged C5 years. ; i Dr. Davis was a scion of one ot the oldest and at one time most prosperous families in the Cape :Fear section. He was an accomplished gentleman, an excellent physician and a kindly, genial, whole fiouled man. He leaves two sons, one of whom is now in California and the other, we think, in Georgia. "Green be the turf above him." Adjournment .of Brunswick. Court. The fall term of Superior Court for Brunswick county, which1 convened at Smithville on Monday of this week at 10 a. m., adjourned the next day, Tuesday afternoon, at j 3 o'clock and Judge and J ury, together with the members of the Bar in attendance, dispersed in the direc tion of their different homes last night. Judge Seymour and the s:veral lawyers from this city who attended the Court, reached here last night on the Passport. From one of the latter we learn that there were only three cases given to the jury one of which was on the civil docket, while the remaining two were petty cassa on the Criminal Calendar. A Caution About Shot in Game. The London Lancet, a medical journal of high repute, publishes the following timely advice: This be:ng the season when game killed by $hot, and probably containing the pellets,1 is eaten, it may be worth while to caution these who con sume the flesh of birds with avidity, that the proportion of instances in which shot is found is probably small in comparison with the number of cases in which the pellets are unwittingly swallowed. It is a matter of speculation how much mischief a shot; niay do whan passed inta the intestines, ;but the fact that anoma" lous diseases have been set up by the presence of very small bodies which have been entangled in folds of the mucous merrbrane renders it'desirablo to put the public on their guard. Occasionally the most disastrous resuLs bave followed such small cauees. We have in recollection the crse of a physician who died after prolonged and uuexplaincd sufferiugs from the impaction of a very small nail, which had found its way into a pudding, and was inadvertent ly swallowed. A little care will avoid this contingency , but remembering that the bird had been shot, some paim ought certainly to be taken to avoid swallowing the mis s;Ie. Econcmy is wealth buy White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint- ing materials for the lowest prices at J Aco rn's Hardware Depot. i Some of the largest blue fish of the sea son were in market this morning. fiETIEWv ' TIJE PERFORMANCE AT THE ' PER A HOUSE. 'The C himes of Aoima dy ' jOsi-irg to the ii.ckme-.t weather last uigM, tlie audi, nee at the Opera jUouse "was bot so laige : s on the previous ! evtc i :,g. I Bat the ihinr.e- of the audience had uo apparent flft np-n ihe aclii'g of the pei formers, who tn ertd iuto the spirit of the play with the s; me z c' that char acterized their peiformance on the previous occasion. Miss Adah Ilichmoud was par-ticul?-ly ha;py iu the character of Serpo letU a&dtUe ik'i toues of hfr melodious voice found ample oppoit unity in this pait for display, much to the gratification of an appreciative audience, who testified their pleasure and delight by frequeU applause, y Aniand sustaied his pr . well ; hi3 acr'ng was good, aud his singirg better. P;s fine tenor voice is delightful to listen to, and the audience were rap.u rous in their approval of Irs f:ie vecalism. We reg etted very much that Miss Girard w still out of voice a-.l'.-ii.ig fr. m a severe cold, but her en", s to sing and to plea; e were warmly s1niia,iiz'id with by the audience. Mr. Sir gei , as the Sheriff, was fully up i-fhis part and cieated con siderable mei.'5ment by his comic acting. The Company left here th!s moxning for Chsrleston, where they have ? engage ment to play t night. Strangers in the city should not Tail to' visit the Ssh Factory, foot of Walnut ( street. : Sales of Real Estate. Messrs. Cronly & Morris, Auctioneers, sold to-day, at public auction, the follow ing described real estate, situate! ;n or near this city: ! Tho ;lce plantation, truck farm and brickyard combined, known as Belvi dere,' on west side of Brunswick river, and about two miles frora the city, con taining 1.200 acres, sold for 3,000, one fourth cash, balance ine and two years. Mr. J. Dickson McRae was the pur chaser. The livery and sale stables on South side of Princess street, between Third and Fourth, the lot being 58x165 feet, were knocked down to Mr, Wm. Genaust at j i i $1,350, the sale being subject to confir mation. A vacant lot on Ann street, North side, between Second and Third streets,' 60x85 feet, wa sold for $300, onr-third casb balance one andtwon years. Boy Lost. Chief of Police Brock received this morning a handbill from New York, offering a reward of $200 for the recovery of Frank Eldridge, who has been lost to his family sin'-o September 1st, He is described as being 8 years and 4 months old; nearly i. feet in height, alight br'ldj light brown hair, large greyish blue eyes, slight scar over right eyebrow, regular features, dimpled cheeks, neck and face tanned, long neck, slight scar on the back of one hand, dressed in light waist,; red necktie, light gray pants, striped stock ings, laced shoes and white straw hat. He was last seen near his home, 1C6 Christopher street, N. Y., and is supposed to have been kidnapped. The father, Richard A. Eldridge, will give the above reward for such information as wil lead to his discovery. I Money saved in buying yenr Household Hardware at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Front stieet. j f The Fisher Trial Postponed. The trial of Wm and John Fisher, Avbich was to have ta'ien place before Justice Gardener to-day, j for the alleged abduction of the wife of Tom Johcson.the notorious outlaw, has been postponed un til1 10 o'clock to morrow morning, Mr. Solicitor Moore who intends prosecuting the case, asking the postponment in order to give him more time to acquaint himself with the facts in the case. You pay the lowest cash prices for Doors, Sash, aid Blinds, Bu-'der's Hard, ware, &c , at Jaccei's, No. 10 South Front street. t j . - ! We understand that Mr. Livingston Kent, ot the Adah Richmond troupe, will sever his connection with that company, in Savannah, to join a 'grand opera troupe i 1 1 The basa ball fever is still racing among the juveniles of this city. A club com posed of boys from six to eight years old has just been organized. - Peppermint is the royal perfume of the Sandwich Island dignitaries. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. Monroe, October 19:h, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity. Wadesboro, October 21st. Ansonvillei October 22nd. Iiockinghatn, October 23rd. Collections at each of these places fcr Diocesan Missions. I Wilmington Ditrict. Methodist E. Church, Sv'Utb. Fourth Round of Quarterly Meetings, 1879. Topsail i.Oct 18-19 Onslow i. L Oct 25-26 Duplin at Wesley Chapel. .. .Nov ! 1- 9 Clinton at McGee'a ...Nor 8-2 Cohrie Miss, at Wesley ChapelNov 11-16 Cokesbury at Bethel...: ..Nov 16-12 L. S. Bukkiihad, Presiding Elder. Wine aud cake far Evenings. Alfred Speerof New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies yi the Uilited States. He makes a Superiop Port Wine, which took the. highest prem-'um at theCentennial, known as HpeerSi Port Grape Wine. I i buhl by.), () !M.,;L-,.ij L Bridge- V Co, iiid fir t-ti & Fiiiiuer. Auir-if. "Don't know half their yalue .' "They cured me of Ague, Billlousness and Kidney Complaint, as recommended I had a half bottle left, which I used for my two little girls, who the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. 1 would have lost both of them one night if 1 had not giveu them Hop Bitters. They did them so much good I continued then use until they were cured. That is why 1 say you don't know half the value of Hop Bitters, and do not recommend them high enoKgh." B., Rochester, N. Y. See other column. 1 Now Advertisements. . 4 Ship Notice. I- A LL PERSONS are hereby cautioned i gainst htrborirg or trusting any of the crew of the Ger. Barque JULIE HEVN, G. E. Sciroeder, Master, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by either the Captain or Consignees. I E. PESCHAU A WEbTEKMANN. oct22St j Consignees, Syrup and Molasses- 2Q B3LS. FINE SUGAR SYRUP, PJQ Ilhda and Eb!s good Cuba Molasses, 1 - At low figures by oct 22 HALL A PEARS ALL. Flour and Coffee. 1200 BBL8, G00D FLOUR, 200 BaK3lUo Coffee, For eale by UALL A PEASALL. oct 22 The Greatest Attraction of the lay. mHE BEAUTIFLL NEW STYLE PIAN03 AND ORGANS, j At the LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. rpRE PLACE TO BUY j Blank Books and Stationery, of every i ' variety and at thj lowest piices. Also, Chromos, Engravings and Frames, Is at HEINSBERGER'S, oct 20 I Z0 and 41 Market St. Do Not Claim (ATRONAGE simply because we are a1 homo enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any! one's pocket; WE DO CLAIM thatw can fj'l any order fc? Sash, Doors aud Blinds, Or anything in our J'ce, at as LOW FIG URES, and as good work and materhl, as can be bought anywhere. Window Glas, Bunder's supplies always on hand. I Our new DRY KILN 13 iu operation, ana none but tne best mc imr 13 used. Kespec.fully, ALTAFFKR & PRICE, Factor Foot of Walnut itreet Office Cor.Nutt and Red Croas atreeta. oct 20- CHAS. KLEIN, Ofliertater and Cabinet Hater. Ko. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine Bjiffrtment of Coffiru and Caa eU constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele Kraph or mail promptly filled. ian 13 Change of Schedule. OTEAMER PASSPORT, O Capt. J. W. Harper, On and after SATURDAY, October 11, will Leare 8mithTille... ....... -7.30 A. M. Leare WilnaiBgton......3.00 P. M. oct 10 QKO. HIKES, Ageat( PLEASE BQTICZ. i We will be rlad to reeelrt eomatmlcttioEi from our friendj on asj aad alliubjectjof ceneral intarett bmt : " The nana of the writorlmttitj aUrayt U f J 1 aiahedto the Editor. t ( Communications must be writtsa on only one side of thepaper. PenonaliUea out be avoided. And it Is especially and particularly "indtr stood that the Editor does not always andot the views of eorreepondeots unless so ttattfj ia the editorial coloana. i New AdvertisementsJ Dental Card. I T AM NOW AT MT OFFICS AOAlV, PrPwef to fiU my euf agemenU, land will we.come all who mar favor me witli their patronage, and teat them in the newest and most comfortsble Chair in the city. 1 Respectfully. I , JAS. E. KB A. Den- oct2Mm 34 Mark - J ! Have You eiT a. Suits of ours for S13.50? MUNSON, THE CLOTHIER i oc 2i- AND HER. TAILOR. The Best Stock. rpHE BEST STOCK, AND THE Cheapest 8tock,of joenfa', Youth's and Boys' Clothing and Fur- U in Goods, evexj displayed in thu city, i-, Jr ed now at remarkably close prices. i We offir to the trade an unusually attrac tive stock to select from. We will not be underso'd by anybody, North or South. A. A I. SHRIER, .1 I Market street. ret 15 Removal. Tf Y NUMEROUS PATRONS will no find my COAL AND WOOD YARD located on the wharf near foot of Chestnut streeti This admirable and central location "Trill at once commend itself to all. I am wellpre-! pared and propose to sell COAL and WOOD at the VERY LOWE3T RATES and Invite a comparison of figures looking to that end. oct 20 J. A. SPRINGER, BOOM! BOOHS Don't Get Frightened; Our Cannons are only loaded with Something Good TO Eat and Drink ! Thongh you were good at dodg ing in the days of our lata onfjeas- 'I aniness, we are sure you will face the music now - Who would be bo base as to dodge something good for the inner man I Wo are sure there is not a coward among you 1 " 1 alL So, brave men and women. attention ! Credit to the rear, and Cash to the Front, and march 1 steadily and quickly and &torm tho fort of Boatwright & IIcKoy with that OP j ' groceries:! 1 ' 1 It will do your hearts good to find how little tho trouble, and what a small quantity! of cash it will require. We propose to eclipse the Grant Boom, the Ohio Boom the Boomerang, or any other man j Boatwri?ht & IIcKoy O dL 7 Z7ort Front Otreot: oct 20 1

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