THIS PAPER ..meed evwy nr00' Hundays e- r " . . TO O .oiraa aso pbofkito. .HivTIONB.rt)8TAQE PAID. su aa hi. month-. S1M : Three Ijb . ... on mnnth. 50 oentl. tDer wUl be delivered by carriers, ... nr Aa couui K"J . i..rtiinl? rKi , HHW.: HuKgCriber! will pltuue ntport any And . , u rei their papers regularly- Mi8-c Linoous. 7.; & RODDICK. 45 ::arket St, tion. , vw fiuWiVd taking oar aunnal ami urn now daily reo-iv- 'hVV (iO'il'S from the Northern ... i ii. .1. t : . I nf . r nnrns win sxuay iuir inter- i ,,. King their purchases as early in . . f ho trpTiHr.! in. i .; 'liMMofihe market have au i upward ... tM d-TH - o k cy We hate just received over ' 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' PKICE KNTS. Wliolesale buyers would do well to look r .tnck'bef re purchasing asr w. hs ereat mtuy so di we are offering much below l ux rum VALUE. parish CSowig oui. Plain, Striped and Chectel NaiiMook UusliuS. The De8fvaiue ever ouerou. Call and examine. Uueu Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. i -ur Variety is Large. Our prices ARE ,LOV. 8o upwards. Laces. Kretonne. Torchon and Italian Laces, VTehave very mucn h largest assort- tnant that hxi been offered in this city and I our prices, either by the yard or piece, can not bo undersold. I JUIltS . i Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked I none np in pnce, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wan. s at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and rive onr stock a look over. Our 1 uuyer is in tne musei at present ana we n I ire receiving many Novehiee. .OUR 5 and lO Cents u iiinaieu uu uis o. rr. corner ui msi&cii nd Second streets.and every Steamer tbat r. .1 c t it : m i . comes into this port brines a Fresh Lot of Goods that ever were offered hi any mar- ket under any circumstances. We offerl0fabir than It does to stand in front of great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 SZarket Street tux 10 A ND HIS D5CLES AH D BIS Cousins Ad hU Sisters and his Auata is invited to wit leu the Grand Dress Parade Sfcry day and evrv evening ai the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. On fVt n t,. 1 vxm rruiii sircci. i The Stock ii the largest and most extensive I of the kind io the State, and embraces a very . I Mch are sold tfcere for leu than half the a n.y noually demanded for them. The te- lcUons were made In person and they are all '''iahie goods. uiteri from the country are particularly J invited to eall and see how far a little money will go. Rementber the place, the Boston 5 and 10 Cents CAAMA I OlrUrUt ditwh, oetweea r rinceai ana i Chestaat. oet IS 014 Hewfipapers. A QUANTITY OF OLD EWSPAPSBS or wrapptng, offered for sale cheap at the Mpt4 DAILT &ST1KW OfflCS Everybody VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement!. Geo. F. Tillit Beautiful ! P. A. Schotti Commercial Hotel. Ckonlt A Moaaia Choice Frait at Aue- r J. H. Mkltom Beef 1 Beef ! A. A. Catlbtt SmithViile raloon. Umioi Hare You Seen. A. A I. Saaiaa Best at ck. P. HazMSBBaeaa The OreaUsat Attraction th Mav No City 0 -art to day. The German ?s ugi in pder. The day 8 are now bhorttr thn the niiihts. V Wirdow Giass-patij bizes at It after & Prices. ' ' I t Twn hpada ardbeltor ttiau on?, if DOth are not empty. Lees of wiae is i r fjtTorite color for diuner drtsscs. A wonderful instrument the tongue ofHn old gossip. Th ff-bhore signal was ' raised last uiht and still floats te day j, If we believed leas in impossibilities we would accomplish much moire. The melancholy dajs are patiently waitiug for the heat to get out In the Summer me have the mosquito ana lu lue eariy ran iuo:iwicuauoi. . -i i nt.ii .I- - ; An.l... Save your money by buying jour Build in Supplies frpm Altaflr & Price, j t Wedding cards are very plain this j sea son. and recommend thema Ives by their "iimnliiMt It. is good to dwell together in amity. u - u t ; a-mU v hard thin ? to do with UVUqM V - -J , some people The barque Jerbuen (Nur.) Svensen, rom mis porx, arrive ua u.g tl.e 22ud inst It is always woithja long journey to see a young man purchase his first high hat, or stovepipe,, as it is called. , Tf vnu want to feel well aod lively nre Dr. Bull's Baltjmora Pills. All druggists keep them. Price 25 centsj t- -t- : A !. Rnttrn of two sizes are on most suits. They aie made of tinted pearl, in all the ey colors that appear in the cashmere 9 ' . Now is the time to get ready for the socials; select your partners, fix your programmes, I and arrange -for the dance music Tbo variety of colors used by the print ers of posfer8 worrfes the pbor goats, who i;fc tha nancr well enoueh but are afraid . ot P0130n r tr ,i l i i Isn't it strange thati ft weirie3 a man's legs so much less to stand in iront a work bench? I Money saved in! bnVing your Household Hardware at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Front stieet. t Tho busiest class of people in this city to-d-iy arc the coal jdealers and wo :d sell ers, and we might add also the and the dry goods merchants. i . clothiers The novelties in ancy jewelry are car- rings and brooches of i files, sunbeetles, lady birds anl beads, which are such 9 ii - i trood imitations that they, are often mis- o taken for real. Strangers in tl.e city should nt fail to vieit the S sb; Factory, street. " j foot of Walnut t I , . i t ! It may oe raai nice aport io f-n Knf. Wnri.i ba never produced! a small 'boy with bold- ness enough to Itry the experiment on a mn A. I ' i ) The schooner Catrktom is here JVom Nassau with a car! of fruit.; The sale of it was begun thisl afternoon by . Messrs Cronly & Morris, , auctioneers, and will be connnucu w-munuw. Tb.e celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Tartar and Heating stoves lor oia pricp. u u vm.e at Jacsobi's Hardware Depot. t One oi the most novel 'tid-bita' of the season, says an exchange, may be; mad by wrapping an' oyater in a rasher o bacon, then putting it I be! jre tte fire Qatil the bacon is cookea,, wnen it wu be found ready for eating. The coal and wood dealers look serene ly happy to-day; while the ice seller expresses the the frigidity of hu feeling his long drawn countenance. The j'R I n ,;rk iham nniil 4Kb Snrin"? time au awe m m F O comes Gentle Annie, WILMINGTON.N.C, FRIDAY. OCTOBER Tha schooner C.H. Macomber.. Goo gins, from Boston for this port, put into Vineyard Haven on the 21st inst.f Jhaving !c?t her anchor oa Nantucet Shoals on the 19th inst. j : ; . About 10 o'clock last night the fog hereabouts waa so thick that oue could d'stinguish nothing fifty yards in front. Soon after, however, the wind shifted and a cool Northwest breeze dispersed it. I An organ grinder was abroad on Third street, about 11 o'clock last night, ma King bad music to sleep by. "What he want ed and who chartered him we didn't find out. We protest against such eye-open ersj 1 J .. , Slight Rise in the Hirer. From (japt. Albert Worth, of the steamer A) P. Hw. tt we learn that there has been a rise of nine inches in the river since the rain of Wednesday, and that it 8 ill continues to rise, though very slow. Gone Back Home. The excursionists from along the line of the Carolina Central Railway left for their hnmos vesterdav I afternoon. Near y a r It 1 1 1 J - oltlia Vl O I score oi tnem uoscri.uu iui "w i Review or the Jotjbsal, and we will be pleased to see them all again. I Another Postponement. The meeting of the Board of Alder- j nen, which was to have takenjplace on j Tuesday evening last, but postpone a unui i this (Friday evening), has again been postponed, we1 understand, until Monday I ri T a. evening next, at 1 ociock, This last postponement, we are to!d, is owing to the absence from the city of one or two of the absence from the city members of the Board. Will Leave Us. I Wc regret to learn that our enterprising young friend and go aheadfiretr an, Cap- tvn Q. W. Lamb, is about to resign trs position as foreman, of the Little Giant Steam Fire Engine Company and remove from this city to Florence, S. O., where he 'proposes at an early day to open a branch of the same business in which he is engaged with Capt. T. J. Southland here. Our best wishes for Capt Lamb's , i hk future success and prosperity go with 1 tim. I Burglary. The residence of Mr. A. Weill, on the . - 1 I .Usala nr.o I corner oi urange au cru" on com, " i burglariously entered yesterday morning about five o'clock. The clothing in Mr. Weill's bedroom was disturbed and his nants carried out in the passage where a pocketbook was taken from them, but fortunately for Mr. Weill his money was not in the book. The thief got little for his nains. but might have succeeded in securing some booty naa ne noi oeeu uad- covered and run off. ' "Von rav the lowest cash prices for Doors, sr ana uiinos, ouuuer-a xxu. . .mi j' n-!U..I. TT A I ware, &C-, at jacobi s, jo. iu oouuu xauaal street. - The Abduction case. The trial of Wm Fisher; and John Fisher before Justic, Gardner, mentioned . .. s k mHWB'7 rTT7 "7. discharge of tho elder Fisher and the commitment to jail for trial at the Decern- ... n ? i r i. t tt . tv. a Lmf TT7irr VTAnravnuw rHNiiiiru in Liin cer term ot the unmmai vx)uri ui uuuu ..... i.-v. . rV.arm. nf fttMluction. the woman Mary Ann Johnson, who was A1 1BUG1 UUUU - - t abducted on the occasion referred to.being the chief witness for the prosecution she testifying that the defendant on "trial, whom she recognized and identified, was the satde person who came to the hcuse of Ida Macks where iha, Mary Ann John- son. was at that time stopping about cne year ago, and in company with her Lte husband, Tom Johrson, an escaped ccn- rict, 'and Simon Haggett, an escaped murderer, did then and there the who'el party being armed with shot-gun forcibly carry her off against ber will The evidence being conclusive as to the prisoner guilt, the Justice demanded a bond of $100 for his appearence at Court, in default of which he was committed to mil &a stated above. T,m, Li ithbnv White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint in" materials for the lowest, ptices at Jaco- Ci's Hardware Depot. f Tc . . 0 iu a. m. -1 1 Tbe following orders haye beca received atOSbeasigna!i are ordered tip fof New Haven, New London, Newport, W,ocds Hall, Boston, Section Eight, Port- land, Section Seven and Norfolk. J. M. Watson Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. A Game or Base Bail. . The Second Nine of the Champion base ball club and a few picked players from the Second Nine of the Home and one or two other clubs under the name of Ue 'Sunny South club' made a test of each other's skill in a game of base ball at the Athletic grounds this afcrooon at 8 o'clock. But at the time of our goiog to press tbe result of tho game has not been made known. .. . j Continued until Monday. The trial of Artkur Fisher, upon tbe charge of harboring Tom Johnson, an escaped convict, which was to have taken place before Justice Gardner at 8 p m to-day has been continued at the request of the defence, on account of the absence of one of the principal witnesses, detained by sickness. The time now set for the trial is next Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The Cold Snap. The first cold weather of the season dropped in upon us last niebt about bed time, with a sharp wind from the North west. Blankets were in order and sleep riO VAfi inaf. O ilon HA "o j ivuuiu. auio wviuiug the last straw hat disappeared and a thriving business has been j done during the day in blankets, wcolens, overcoat' coalf wood &J AJ we Q to preM the weather has moderated somewhat, but the co& weather clouds haye not yet all passed away. Accident to tbe Mnrcblson. We understand that the steamer D. Murchiaon, which left here yesterday for Fayetteville, met with an accident last night about 50 miles from this place and when somewhere in the neighborhood of Whitehall, by which the wrist pin which connects the crank with one of the engines was broken and the cylinder neaas were Down out. When the Hurt, which arrived Jhere early this morning, passed the Murchison last night she was still heading for Fayetteviile, moving slowly , and with only one engine at work.1 CarolIna edIa JoQruaI. , , - publication has been received. It ar- , , Dears to US to be unusual y fall and in- TT7 : it i tuirouugi it s uvuto iu aii uittuy arucivi of interest, even to our unprofessional mind, and we are glad to find appended tf t . t aVkll lr TA nftrl rtt tVl1 Kiln art a f Vo w uii iuv city recently compiled by Mr. Walker meares. mis report is not only interest- ing but valuable, and we thank the Edi- tor of the Mtdical Journal for it. In the editpral department, two very fine articles attract our eye one of which "The Anaei thesla Question Reopened" discusses very cleverly tbe claim of Dr. Long, of i wVj6i, .uhmuvw, wmie ino oiner 18 TeV mwrwung paper relative to the workings of theNtrth Oar- To both of these W(J probably refer hereafter. We have room here for only one more reference. In the "Medical Annota tions' which are made from time to time, we find the following : Famous Tooth Pulling with a New I Anlsthktic. Dr John Bull has at last ... - succeeded in extracting an ivory tooth from tho f4mooa ,avge chieftain Cety- Wayo, measuring seven feet in length and i . l if i : r -4 .v. 1 aoout a nan yaru au uhwuluacaouwo I .1 YT. J !.L girtn. no acwsiueuo wu uimuiBi,crcu i r . j &UUP t j . J nry of Inquest. Coroner Hewlett held an inquest to-day over the body of John Ray, 'colored, who fell overboard from a flat at the foot of Princess stieet, on Tuesday night last, and was drowned. The body waa found this morning and towed to Market Dock where the jury -assembled. The verdict was in effect death by accidental drown ing. After tbe inquest was held the body I was turned over to the ; father-in-law J Gf tne ucfortunate man. fit was then placed in a coffin and conveyed 1 to his late residence ( on Eleventh, between Market and Dock streets, from whence the funeral will take place. A peculiar fact connected with the ciicutnsianco is - that when the coma arrived at the Dock- the father-in-law of the deceased appeal ed to a large croud of colored men who were standing arounu lor aii-uce in placing tbe body in! it but not one I J. ... . k-fr tn An hn & mm 1 wi a oa w tiem3n w Q wa3 nwar at banJ, a merchant on Market Btreet, stepped forward and proffered his laUnce, which wai gladly led d lLc two lhen sncceelcd in , , , , . " gctUng tne body properly arranged in its last earthly tcnemcnL .' 24, 1879 NO. 222 lnponantto me A dieted. We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call oi write to Dr. Robertson, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md.,j who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guaianteea a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness. lm- potency (toes of sexual power, Nervous I i-souiiiiY anu Kremoiirt?. riDitai.... or ine i Heart, dimness nfmVht nr pitihn. fine I tnrnaJ TCiinn An all fui trrm eweey J ' WA na7WHfTO AAA IllftllHW 1 I aiao u sKin ana uiooa aiseases quicia) Sr; .i!uale7one ?r.ll country (Uriversity of Maryland), and re feis to the leading physicians in his city.and all consulting him can rely upon honorable ana conuuential treatment. In writinc enclose sump for reply. Special attention aiven to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and see liira. Medicine sent to auy address. i Cotnuunion Wine. The erane croo of A. Sneer's vineyards in New jersey last year was one-third larger than any previous year. Uisvine yards in New Jersey, : nd the product fron the grapes he pu-rha?-s, have enabled bm to keep a stk t ur yv:nj aLeail. Non sold laa tha . f ut ytarsold. It has be come a popular e veiling wine among thf best families iu New Y ork, and for com. muuion purposes. For sale by Jag. C. ilunds, Green & Flanner and P. L. Bridg- ers t Co. I New Advertisements. Smithville Saloon. SECOND DOdB WEST of the Garrison. Best Wines, Lituors, Cigars, etc. Finest ! Saloon in the town. Patronage of traveling public solicited. A. A. CATLETT, Fmithtill, N. G. oet 24-Im Beautiful ! OIHAT 18 WHAT TOU WILL SAT when yon see the Beef I will offr in market to-morrow. There has been nothing seen like it so far this season. Another car load received to-day from the Mountains and the Fattest oi it will be oSered tor Saturdays market. GEO. F. TILLEY, oct 34-lt No. 8, Market House, Choice Fruit at Auction. Ex British Schr Cnrlcton - , Just from IVassau. M. CRONLY, Auctr. .! sir cnozvz.'S' &. axoxixixs. rpOIS AFTERNOON at 2X o'clock, P. M., we will tell on board Schri Carleton, lying i just Ncrth of Market Dock, her cargo of . ; apex lor . i ORANGES, BANANAS 4 PINE APPLl 8. oct 24 It Beef Beef I it The Best Market of the f i Season W ILL BE! FOUND AT MY MEAT! Store to-morrow. I will offer then some of my Finest and I Fattest Beeves, which have h. tliA k.a In nitrVni Vl5 or . ATgri. Mat- ton, Yea! and Pork, and Sam ages and Pud - i ' dings of my own make; which I can gntran Door, ooen at daylirhU Sale. to menee immediately and conlinae daring the aay ana unm iste at nignt. J. R. MELTON, Seccnd Street. oet 24-lt G0L1MERGIAL HOTEL 1 i I WILMINGTON, N. C. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. - ' 1 ' THE PROPRIETOR having! thoroughly I renovated this House and famished it entire- I lynew,ls prepared to give to the traveling public all tbe eonvenlencies of a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. It Is located in the very centre of the businesj psrt of the city, being convenient to tbe principal business bouses, Pee to face, Custom House, City Hall and Court House. : ' PL Flrrt-Class Bar and Billiard Saloon connected with this HoteL I BATZS $2 PSR DAY. oct 24 F. A. 5CIIUTTJ5. I - w will be glad to receive communication from our friends on any ud Unbctif general interest but : " The name of the writer'mustj alwayr te for nished to the Editor. 1 ! ' - Com man lotions most be written on only oneside of thejpaper. i - i .... - . I rertofiAiitiee must be eToided. And it is especially end particularly udtr ttood that the Editor doe not always endo 1 1 the tiewi of correspondents unless so; sta'f f in ine editorial coins ns. , New Advortisements. Ship Notice. LL PERSONS are hereby caatioaed gaint harboiisg or trostln any ot the crew of the r a "" v. . ooirqctier. M..afr no debts of tfceir contrhCt:oa will ri 1 aptl or :.mfrr,.. fmf .4, e Greatest Atfrnetibu ol the Iay. rpHE BEADTIFLL NEW feTrLE, PIANOS AND OiiCAVS, - i - AttheLlVK BOOK AND MUSIC? 8TORK. rpHE PLACE TO BUT Blank Books and Stationery, of eirery I rariety and at th Wr-t i lce I Also, Chromv)?, ! ngr ivings and Framrr Is t iiALNSaEliOEH'ift, l: oct 20 39 and 41 Market 8 We Do Not Claim pATRONAGE simply because we a:e a home enterprise, nor do we expect it at the expense of any one's pocket: 'WE - s'l DO CLAIM that we can fill any order for Sash-MDoors and Blinds Or anything inour line,' at as LOW FIC I UKito, and as good work and material, as I can be bousht anywhere. Window (11am. I Builder's Supplies always on hand. , i uur new jjkic is in operatlori, and none but the best Lumber is used.' Respectfully,. IN , ALTAFFKR fe PRICE. Factorroot of Walnut street. , , Office Cor. Tutt and Ked Cross streets, oct 20- I n Dental Card. T am X nttr t 14V nwTro ri i t v J- prepared to fill my enflrairements. and will I welcome all who may faror me with ! their l patronage, and seat them in the neweet and moat coiniortsble Ub&ir In the city. ttespectinuy. JAS. E. KEA, Dentist.! ort 21-lm 34Markt8t. Have You Seen . i mi05E STYLISH ALL WOOL SACK Suits of ours for 1 ! ' ' S13.50j? j MDNSON, THE CLOTHIEKj , oc21- AND MER. (TAILOR. The Best Stock. I rp HE BEST STOCK, AND THE Cheapest I A. Stock,of Genfi', Youra's and Boyk ClatWng and Furnishing Goods, ever displayed in th!s city, is oSered ccw at nmukably clocs) prices. We offjr to the trade an u install j attl&C 'I 1 - ' I r ! tire stock to select from. We will met be mnderso'd bylaDjb jdy, North 6r Scuth. i A. A I. SHRIEK, i Market Kfect.1 oct 15 Removal, . MY NUMEROUS PATRONS I will now I "J VV'a" ..' "VV AV' a A nn T 1 lin xxmrT V i t.Jt. A on the wharf sear foot of Chestnut surest. This admirable and central location will at once commend Itself to alL I am we41 pre- Pred and propose to seU COAL'.nd WOOD I at tQe yay LOWEST BATES and invite a comparison of fig ares looking t) that end oct 20 J. A. SPRINGER. CHAS. KLEIN, ! 1 i . Uniertater anil Calinet kaltr. , Ho. 24 Sonth Front Street; WILMINGTON, V. C. j A fine aiifrtmect of CofEns and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Vanished. Orders by tele, graph er mail promptly fllled faa 11 Change of Schedule : ' ' 1 ' O TEA MER PASSPORT, 1 O Capt. J. W. Harper, fjcJ On and after SATURDAY, V X October 11, wUl r "1 Leave Smith villeM.MM..M7. SO A. IL Lea re Wilndnffton....3.00 P. M oct 10 ORG. MYERS, Agent, New Hat Store. ii.-. 1 1 - Y HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE J North with a large and well selected stock of Men's. Youth's, Boys and Children's Uati aod Cape or tne latest styles, l ooegnt my stoek whea they were aft the lowest and bonzht for the CASH. Mr expenses are, small and I propose to sell at very small profits. Iinvi e all who wisbvHaU to call and examine my stocx before pvc&Afiag, if they wish to ssrs money. 1 NO TROOBLE TO SHOW GOODS, i i JOHN M. ROBINSON, octlHy No. North Front st. I 0 i - 'i