SiDE 4L!TTLBORXtB. I hinnv fill he dies," the old ill "ev I? ba the -tamp of truth; , ..iiian " i.ri.rht. and elowlEC JitVe morula's uf.slilne ana Us "Ant u li:w dsirkene t with the " 1,1 aril MiU-nieus and niu-bought cre' - foiid and tearful mother's DW ni"J " h unutured If she would have ,r.- lift whom the tought God to rIr!. 'j,r ha I prayed he bh uid lie 'hiimb'y murmur. il kne v best. Goo Words. S( U.fHYOF MliFS '('III .J,li u,c " no'muH iLm.tiiUa fur win at, but ll0 VtsstMo Mult It- I kanoco, O t. 18 There . . ... ! W 111 iort ! w in t'ort ttiuu ioi heat iw hdvauciug daiiy trt i' I. At riOiditv. Ihe rit i ji't two days ba b. eu 15 , , i-uutal. Tue xort demand u us. but farmore Hud ex e uuahle to reap thrfrQits ol 01 tf ' ii.- lor . .i.nae. The dneiitfacfed 'u ge iu port m oniy 15.955 tons, i thiri is all confined to American 1 ipe, thi Captains OI wnica are iioiu ' . , Jr tr ktill hie her figarea and LtD tbey are approached demand knets tbatnoDoay will pay. ai pre- Vet tLe qaotaoie wr.tai to vyur In 3 5 ton J118 60arcity OI Lounge will iast l l,al,lIor ou UtJB Kliippera here bave been telegraphlLg ail over the woria iur uuric. hUrt.riria it thoasanda i-l railer wy as fast as possible. lhi u Citcedeuttd dtmaLd for ehipj hi.s fet a great quantity of tonnage this ViT from Australia, New Zsalaud. l a lao 47 Yes?ei8 coming from the ,uer port aLcl generally irom tht- wu t cohh, aLd even iron lue omer i itn Tb. k vtsst-la are all coming m In. ar-. J he el artercd Wheat n-et in fiori liUmiera o-, i Bg"" -,- t i ii?J at this time latu year, iu au Ullioa to lue ncaruvy ui wouio6u, fcnilois are tcatce, and more than a d.z. n bbins are now. lymg -in ine tii tarn loaded with, wheat ready to t I J., 'I' tnfo tLiiae uow bound lor this pon in 115,1)58 ; s against 125,026 tons a this time in 1878. Advioes from Portland report a similar state of affairs there. The SlilD ol the Future. After poiLting oak the great faults ind failures of the prejeut style of ooeau vessels,. writer in the American &hip avers that the ship in the future will carry no ballast. If a sailing ves-Et-1, her sail area and displacement will be bo well balanced that if the raddtr were lost or disabled, the ves tel ootid be guided oa her dourso by her sails. The centra effort of sails and of gravity of vessel will be adjust able, eo as to harmonize with the grip ping iLflaences of the line of flotation. The ships in the future will be profit able, for they will be built for and under a specific service, on scientific principles ; they will bo desigaed, built, loaded and navigated, tas thev have never beeD, with direct reference to their equilibrium of stability, the fafety of vessels and cargo, with the lives of those on board. The rating characterization of vessels will then le detei mined by an internet oca, or, independent, board; the liritish Liioyds will have passed away, only to be re raembered as a corrupt organization. The materials for vessels will be steel for metalic, and bent timber frames for wooden vessels. Under this new uespensation of -Renin0, ocean, mail and passeDger steamers will be non Ginkuble, and make their Atlantic trips ju iix instead ot seven and a ball days, with a roll angle not exceeding eight degrees. A Princely Mesalliance. The princely family of Reuse, only two branches of which reserve their sovereign rights, had the doubtful honor of witnessing the marriago of one of their race with Mile Ciotilde Loiseet, a circus rider well known in Germany and Belgium, for ber ques trian feats atd the graca of her per formances. The youtg couple, who contracted their alliance on the island if Heligoland, under British rule,, are low spending their honeymoon at Hamburg, where they will prbbaly take up their permanent abede. ibe newly married ri-jce, who, like ad he male membsri of his house, bean the baptismal harne of Henry, and can be dieunguished from his numerous brothers and cousins only by the num ber attached to it oa his birth, was formerly a lieutenant in the 5th llegi mDV?f rruS8iaQ Dragoons, from which he was dissmissed, however, owirjg to his wild pranks anddis,olute nabita. Notwithstanding his youth, f nuce Henry XX has been the sub ject of many scandalous stones, and he perpetrator tt more than out- reck less act, which on others bui him wou.d have reflected lastin? khsme ai-d dishonor, Garrisout'd some years aK0 in Frankfo;t-on-tte Maine, iDe Pricoj was a ontant jfiquenter of the then existing gamblic lls cf the neighboring llombourgs, itsbadeu and liaden-Baiien, at wnicb, vured bj luck, he ia said to have mire "an once pocketed immeuse suns,-to le "luaudirai as rapidly and 'focl:hl cs 'jwtrewon. Ua his retirement from army, necessitated by his inability to tne claims of his creditors, the exurtscotifirming his bankruptcy placed uin under the care of an official guardian, rem whom he soon mauajed to iree him He stayed iu Berlin last winter, liviug on the proceeds of a small income Ktt-trously grauted him by his family. He u.ight often be seen in the circ'us or UV iaucrsalle, apparently having no : j ' O --J'J - i , J eys and circDS riders, whom in cirees and much ns rossib!e.j A sister of Mile. Clo tilJe who ua d toprrforrri ntlhe Cirque d'Ere iWrrietl a IJ'renf rt C jun t. Tljere is Mill a'mf.h-r si?ffr, ti1. a'sV in the circus -i:vs. i , 15 Hl-Tt!V tO DO 1 - f M lI.irtr.feH, a German; married lo I The Late Ehhbp :WliItllns!iam Thi'dc.tli ofl iliHp! Whittiosham, bf w t i . i. ..A I For aov. ral eirs i I- ist his reaUb his lwn !r th it IM -.v,i! i;r!a!' f. Vat- tend" tf V is K-t hco)ni at. requf-st, Kt-v Ur assistant b phop. i k'jtry was t'tcted n ?f'"t)ri',.''C,1i win canon of the Chm 1 l. : 1 L n -w 1 oj I Ku I f iirrir.T 'ism vigtircus iHa'-'iUid f illy abe to portorrs th dnti s Itfc f iloc, mere will b no t ec-1 ' T in HUni biah- ; It is i ot o e i iiu' -r Ii OniCrh. 'MTi x(- as an ass:sianr n i! cept at 'be rMU' s' i t ce-se. lii.-'h v W'iiith ventv four bin H1', uh.oa a:i nenriv r'j'j lif tr ler-'l the Epi-cop.'l mitistr ' u h-n twenty; t wo years oM, bavin.: hut 'a -i rt time before graduated at tb.i ( G.'V(rJ Tb--giral Seminarv. He . inf rcctf.r 1 St. r.nfcft'K t-hnrcb. Xvv, Y"K m 1 8 3 1 J and was ma!e B'sl op t -Nf r; 'and in 1840 ! p'rl'ih of He has devoted a verj bis tim? to the vd'n'vi'j: tf c&urvh pencil cals and the vvpiiii of bo -ks in beha'f and in support of ih'J Episcopal dlnoiui nation. ' MiscsllaiieouS. CLEBjUTE3 Disoflfes. like 'tLierhsi M!rci tho vcr.k Fortify vr-ur orsyaniztlrn 4v. ih tie Bitter?, and it wi l resist and bktllj air eDidemics and the cblabfiroi) l kfflj aliVe the virus of f tTnprature is of the feeble. There is vital tv in it. it is a pure vegetable stimulant, a rare alU ratirp and nnti-biliou? medicine, and ha9 not a( haricfal elemeLt among its manv iredients- 1 For a la by all Orudis -a and1 rcspocab'e Dealers generally. . . octlO-i&v. f i i Superior Court, New Hano ver County. !, Charles! R. Fkinnar ' and Chirles D. Uill, Charles WatXias, Farmville Insuraaca and Banin Comrany.. To Farmvilb Insurance nd Banking Company Take Notice. rplIAT AN ACTION" has been instituted asj L above for the recovery of Feven Hun dred Dollars, with interest thereon from July 1st, 1873, due the'Plainiijffs as Assignees of J. R. Moore,"thata Warrant of Attach-' mant was taken out at the tim;e of issuing the summona m the above action land levied on certain bonds, the property of said defendant Company, in the hands of the- Traasu'er of the Htate of North Carolina, .and that it is hereby required to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint of said 'Plaintiff at a Court to be held for the Count jt of New Han over at the Court Hoh:e in Wilmington, on the Thirteenth Monday after the First Mon day of September next, or j the t Plaintirl will apply to said Court fGr the: relief demanded in the complaint. , i This the 23d dat of Julr,1 18T9. 8. VjInAMBISGE, Clerk Fuperior Cou-t Nevr Hanover Co. uly 23-law6w Adniiiaislraticia! ibticc. HAVLN'O QUALIFIED as Admmi trator upon the Estate of In. tias Oracfl, de ceased, lato of .New Hanover cc-unty, notlse is hereby given to all persons' having claims against said Decedent, to exhibit the same to me, on or before tbe 1st day of O,ctobar,l&S0, otherwise they ill be barjred of a recovery. All rer ons indebted rto fiiid Tsate are re quested to make immediate paymeLt. t ALEXANDER SPRUNT, sept 10-oaw6w 'i h j Administrator. Yoii Want rpriESE TniNQ3 TOU SAY MADE skilfully, fi good matjsr'al and fir -tjh money. You will patronize ho.aie ib' e least ratronize nooie industry if it eosta no more than to piece1 vouf orers elsewhere. Good.1 That's businefs. We've ererTthiccr no ii applet ie shape t for the manefaetu-e of Buggies. iWag-ts, Caits, I keep CO. Drays, Harness, Ac. k ! 8. e now if we can't please you an jour money heme. tr II oct 2J UEliUAKDT i Each, . aid all etjles, includir g Orand Hqaart and Upright, al strictly Fiait cilei, woia a the lowest sst caeh i wIioi esls rcrosT nrirM. direct ta tha rcacdASK. Thef made one of tbe finest! diiplays at tt1 tennisl Exhibition, and welt uaanihioisy re commended for the i1iqe4?t Hoss.s over 12,000 in use. Reeularlv Incorporatud Man mf icturing Co. Factory established ot 3t years oek the Piano in America. Pianos senti on triaL' iDon'i fail to write for Illustrated! acd efcrlptive catalogue of t.S paej acpod I"r-ej' " MENDEr30IN PIANO CO.l i j ; - w mm 'm IS 1 . - J- J Tbe Square Uraftds. contain Matnu- 'anew patent uapitx uverstrung ccaae greatest ImproveaieLt in th9 histbry o' makinc. Ih8 Cpriihtslare thesfinest Uth atrUt. X I apt 7Hj9 2i uast MiscellaneoTis. FJortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS of a certain mortgage executed by Alex. Oldham and hia wife to Edwin F. BarrBSt, dated September 6th, 187, and registered in the R-ieter' Ofilc of the County ot Kw Hanover, in Book O, O, O, pae 143, the said mortgagee will aellf or cash, by public auc tion, at Exci ange Corntr, ia tbe ciiy of Wil mington, od Tnesday, the 11th day of NoTem ber, . 1) 1879, at 11 o'clock, A, M., the fol lowing property situate iu the said city of Wilmicgton, to wit: All that lot of land and premises known as Lot No. 1, in Block 203, according to tbe plan of said city, being tb same upon w?ich tbe large Flour and Oriat Mill known as the "Cce Fear flour Mill' stacds, with all the buildings, mills, machin erv, erections nd i Eprovementa thereon. Also, a smidl strip of land six feet wide, ex tending from Nutt etreet to the i Cape Kear Kiver, beiDg a part of Lot No, 1, iiiBlock 202, according td the plan of said city, b und ed on the North by Walnut street, on ti e Ea?t by flutt street, on tbe Houth by a lot of land belonging f Alex- 8p unt A Son, and oa the Wea'i by the Kiver; the said lots o lcd and property will be sold subject to a first morta age on the same executed by the said O dhlaai and wife to the First National B-nk of Wilmington, dated September 6tb, 1878, a od registered In the Register'! Office i f f-evr Hanover County, in Book O, O, O, page 108, to which reference way be had. lso, the following described lot of land, btirg tbe taatern portion of Lot No. 4, in hloc. 20J, beginning in the Western line of Frost street 66 foet Northwardly from the North'rnline of Mulberry street, and run ning thenoe Nothwardly with Front street 66 f-et, thence Westwardly parallel with Mul berry street abut 110 feet, to the Eaitern lias of a lot of land formerly be'orgingto f-dward P. Hall, thence r-outhwardly paral lel wiih Fiont street 66 feeti, and thence Eaat waMly parallel with Mulberry street about 1 0' feet to the beginning. j E. E. BURRUSS, Mo:tgagee. cct iO-ts i ' 1 IWortgaee Sale. BY VIRTUE OF TBE PROVISIONS ' OF a certai" mortgage executed by Alex. Oidbam and his wife to the First National lianii of Wilmington, dated .September 6th, 187, and registered in the Regyrer'i Office nf tha Confitv of New Hanover in Book O, O, O, pae i08, the said Bank will sell for cash, by publ c auct oa, at .xcnange corner iD the ci'7 or W ilmington. on Tuesday the 11th dav of November 1879.'atll o'clock, a. m.. the followincr DroDeftv Bituate in said citv of Wilmington, to wit : All that lot of lacd and premises known as Lot No. 1, in Blocs 203, according to the plan of said city, Viin or tn smf ii trnn which the larce Flour atd tirist Mill, known as the "Cape Fear Ftrmr MilL" stands ' with all the boildincs. mills, maclinery, erections, and improve ments thereon, a lao. a small etriD of land six feet wide ex- teiding from Nutt street to the Cape Fear Kiver. beinor a nartor Lotflo. l. in biock Iti'l. aT.nrdingr to the nlan of said citv. bound tV. nrih hv W'alnnt street, on the Kast br Nutt etreet, on the touth by a lot of - - . . . . m 3 land beloname to Alex, bpiunt & con, ana on the eet Dy tne ttiver. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, Mortgagee, I Ey ri. to. tjuciuuesa, nes t. 10 ts Speaks for Itself I A BARREL OF OUR Sterar?s Eye ! ''.! ! Was put on tap about the first of February, but was not ! used up before the first of July. i From July until September the av erage (sold principally by the pint and quart) s a Barrel per Week, It is now ! About two per Week. Go to ' 1 . I 1 i P.UBRIDGERSi&GO'S ' And buy it Only One Dollar per Qt. I We keep the .argest Assoitment OF FANCY and Cakes, ! -1 To ba found in "Wilmington. EVERYTHING k LOW AS TE QWEST! PEIHCIPS CIOAK.3',! I Still keep the lead ! P. L. BRIOGEPvS & CO. Houses and Stores to Rent. APPLY TO THE RrlcKOYS, lltorneys and Counsellors at Law Office Northidd Market 8fnbetweln;i4 acd 3d. ; asz 38 MiBcellaneoufl. THE MARKET l ! Awanens Considerable , Interest I 1 ! BUT SOT MORE SO THAN THE rOPULAR WHOLESALE ANI KETAIL EST A pLISIJ M EN T OF GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 and 16 .South Front Street, ! - i Recaute of the live!y interest i that is beng kept up receiving fresh Groceries And Filling Orders. "PMOLE D'HONNEDB," ! . 1 And other Choice Brands of Flour, We are se'ling at Low Prices without regard to the advance. Supply your- selves at once and save $1 .per barrel. Cream Ale and Sweet Cider by Ibd 'jailor. I i Fruits aid Fancy Goods. I ' i i The Largest Stock in the State to select I from' at popular prices., i . The Rosa Concha Havana Segars,. 6 cents, hold the supremaoy. j GEO MYERS. ee,t24 : 1 ' '. ONLY 19 DOLLARS I PENNSYLVANIA Eanal to anv Sinser in the Market ! ." 1 .1 The above cut represents the most popular Style for the people, which we offer you for the rary low price of $19, including attach ments. Remember, we do not atk yon to pay until you have seen the machine. After having examined it, if it is not all we reDresent. return it to US at our expense. Com nit vonr interests and order at once. If vou live within seven hundred miles the freight will not bs more than one dollar. Address, Pennsylvania Sewing Machine Co., I 17 N. lOth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. ang 29-wtf I i 1500 TO $0000 a year or $5 tb $20 a day in you own locality. No risk. Women do zs well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above, i No one can fail tO make money fas. Any one can do the work; Toucan make iMna 50 cents to $2 an hour by devoting your ettfUlngl md spare time to the business. It costs notLing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address aDd we will send you full particu lars and private terms free; samples worth $5 also free ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEOKGE STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine, jane 7-d&v xnijajfleq3oa W aaum?iniivji p mvn moM." ct p.oe 9or rr? pmt oooq6 amdo jo osa 'saaanmpnup JoJ aiaa ofqpsiaaui pw$ ewoeassi3l'a - "Bjersaniji Mfucaf si aXSapra ptnt jaxri 'njmnu9 aox ov4 ?H U uaipippffysoqptte siaxao imaoo najOBnpridtPoaXnra wa t?wa tttcpau L uoeop tazBomnoxi ITnai9o eajja pa soMnSaaqsr y& J -stf? doTT nnePe xrrvpsiwatfoa Sett AooLua ea.oa X. &IH6ER MACHINE TTnOLSOALB PB.ICUC. The followinr quotations represent the olaaale d rices eenerallv. In making up I mall orders higher price hare to be charged. oAlHilAO GVPisy...M.. 1 11 O ' iox I 10 0 12 5 Q 6 10 Q 13 6 Q 7 i 1H0 uouDie Ancnor.. . ... i Double Ancho? " A I Standard Domestic.......... I tJAUON North Carolina, Hams. V p.... Shoulders, Ib....J......... Sides. V lh...MM...J Western Smoked j J Hams... Sidea, S. Shouldarm... Dry Salted--- Sidec, y& Shoulders, V fi)..M....'...M. BEEF Live weight BARRELS- 8pirits Turpentine uaeond Hand, eacn ........ 25 60 New York.each, new.M.... 1 75 85 21 BEESWAX ft) 20 BRICKS Wilmington, M 8 00 10 00 Northern 60 15 15 25 14 Off l B DTTE.H North Carolina ft) 20 25 40 11 !9 12 8 30 Northern. V ft). CANDLES Sperm ft).... 9 Tallow, w id................... 11J4 Adamantine, set.... 9, CHEESE Northern Factory, ft) ... Dairy cream, V ft). M. ...... 8 ! UK 7 28 O W AA.. ......... .......... COFFEE Java, V ft) fctio, ID.. 16X 18 o 20 75 10 CORN MEAL V bushel.... 70 35 WTTUJI TllSH Ddl... Sheeting, 4-4 yard.... Yarn. bunch ..... .... 95 JMBH i Maekerel, No. 1, bbl..16 00 Ho. 19 K'bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl....l2 50 Wo. 2,f K bbl ..... 6 00 Mackerel. No. 3 V bbL....OO 00 Mullets, V bbl 2 00 N. C. Herring, keg 5 60 30 00 9 00 00 00 6 50 8 50 2 60 6 00 0 4 00 6 00 6 00, Q H 00 O 7 25 0 7 75 8 25 Dry uod, v ID..... 7 FLOUR Fine. bbl 0 00 Super, Hortbers, W bbl... 4 uu Extra do " bbl... 6 00 Family " bbl... s 6 00 City MillEx,.Super bbl... 7 0 " . Family V bbl... 7 60 " Ex. Family bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, i2000 B)a. 6C 00 00 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Baugh'i Pbospnate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertuaaer " " 45 00 Ground Bona, 1 Bone Meal " " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ' 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ma- 4t Flour Navaai Guano, Complete Manure; W harm's Fhotp Wando Phosphate, BargerAEruta'sRoe. Wlloox, Gibb A Co., nlDUlated uuano. ..48 00 067 50 10 I 67 .......i GLUE V ft)...... 8 GRAIN Corntore, 56ft 65 Uorn, eargo, y 56 IDs...... bo Gorn,yeL', buaheL None. Oats, V bushel M. I 45 O 60 65 SJPeas, cow, V buahel........ 65 HIDES Oreen, W JD 4 Dry, ? I!) . 9 HAY Eastern, V 100 ft)i... 1 00 i North River, 100 lba.... 1 00 1 10 65 00 HOOP IRON 'ton. 60 00 LARD Northern ys .ft) 7K North Carolina ft 11 12X ee L1MJK W bbl......i.. 90 1 00 eeeeeeeeea LUMBER City iteam sa' wd Ship stuff, refftwedj'SM ft. 18 00 Rough edge plank, VMft.16 00 Weat India eargo, aocord- ing to quality, y M ft... 2 00 Dressed flooring,seasoned.l5 00 Scantling and boards, com- mon. V M ft L..17 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhd'S gl 32 Cuba, bbla., V gal 1 35 Sugar house, nhda. gal. 18 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 14 3 1 1 1 00 Orleans Choice bbla. V gal. w r - 30 60 13 10 00 12 90 00 00 45 3 50 1 45 1 10 20 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Wk?g OILS Kerosene, V gal.... Lard, V gal- Linseed, y gal....... Rosin, gal. PEANUTS buaheL. POTATOES Sweet, 1? bus. 1 25 60 Irish, Northern, y bbL..., 3 60 PORK Northern, city m eea. 10 00 Thin, bbl... 00 00 Prime. V bbl (extra) 10 60 10 60 00 00 11 00 00 00 Rump, V bbl.......... 00 00 RICE Carolina, "9 Eastladia, ft).. ft) 7 00 00 00 15 Bough, buaheL 1 RAGS Country, p lb 1 IK Olty, JID.... fiOFlvaB:ifiiMiM IK Hemp Mt((fllj Manilla.... SALT Alum, V WA 70 80 75 75 ...... ........ eeeeee sack , 00 ; oo 80 1 35 00 10 00 9 Liverpool. V sack..... American y sack Marshal's fine, y sack.... Cadis V sack ...... SUGAR Cuba, ft) 9 Porto Rico, V ft 10M A- Coffee, m B " V ft 00 Q eee C tt S.e Ex C V 2).. Crushed-- ft)... BOAP Northern, V ft) 00 5 SHINGLES Contract, 6 CO Common, 9 M.. 1 60 BTAVE3 W. O. bbL V M.10 00 R O hhd. V E. .....00 00 TALLOW y ft) 8 TIMBER Shipping V M 10 00 Mill, extra per M 8 50 Mill, prime perM i 7 00 Mill, fair per M 5 00 Common, per M 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per,M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, pengl 1 25 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 50 WOOL Unwashed, per ft)... 20 Washed. jer ..-. 26 Barrr wool, oer ft). 16 7 00 2 25 15 00 000 00 0 00 12 00 10 75 8 00 6 50 4 60 -4 00 17 SlUMlo) Mm iTTTK XT?nTTUCK.T LITE HA it x JUUfiflAL urwHTWiw" " " : Moer. will distribute Jash raiMiuiiB amoua to VOQjm. rnifJom S10 to tifc.OuO, r a bti PREUIUHS. 1 Caab Premium of....... S20.OOO I iM .................... 7w f - - . 6,X0 sraAK Ti nTnnisi of l.OOO 2 s : f ...... 60 lO 1.3AOI 45UI 160 i. W - oO........ IAKI PrwmianM moantinc to.. ........ -1 OU.OUUI U men of hiah character and undoubted staiMiiaa. CmlaflUM. KentUCkT. NOV. ID ioy. o. .4Kswfi in Himii-ilmt. abova Premlazna Ubacribera of our pap bywict of the Krtack, j rriI.i.. ml mx ita December aeaaioB. vfil. ... I tr tim rlpt of 88 wUl nd one ror aia will nd on. Ucket ticket which wifl entitle abe porehaeer to a ehaoce wnica ftWooe of EeSoWOeah Pteauama. ad ateo tbe lixxaaax JotTaaai. tot one yeax. Addnaaauoraenio ! P.O. Box la "" wanwv -rr7 - . cct 10-daw.i Syrup and Blolasses. B3LS. IISK SUGAR SIRUP, 20 Hhds and bbla good Cuba Mol At .low figures by bet 22 HALL h PEARS! LL. Bail BoadLinesa &c. 7ILMINQT0I? C: VELDOK Orrtca o Gihl BuraaiTaDigT r M I i Wilmington N. a, June 13. 1879. CHANGE OF. SCHEDULE, I Yn nA ifra Omaw Twa 1 1k f Ifivd va aas ssa IVl UtilWIli fftuo IHUia IOF Paaaenger traina on the Wilmington A W el do Railroad will run aa follow : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. w vYuaungxon, xrontfcJU Depot at . I 7 10A h Arrive at Weldon aU 1 10 P M Leave Weldon........ 3 32 P 1C Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot at.. 0 53 P M RIGHT HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at....M i.. .......... Arrive at Weldon at. Leave Weldon, ..........'............ Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot at. : Trains on Tarboro Branch Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.i ( . and Tuesday, Thursday and oaturJ at 4ui A M. Returning, leave TarboroV at K.C A M daily, and Monday, Wedoeadav ai.i Friday at 8:30 P Mi . i . I The Day Train makes close eon ofcftiot r! Weldon for all polntt North I vi hav l.U daily, (except Sunday) and dally, via mono ana all rail route . J xiiarni train maxea cioae eoEcectin a mr, v . a r i . 1 Weldon for all points north via Riehmor 1 Sleeping Cars attached to ail Niht 'jTaiii JOHN F. DIVINE. General Scr-i. I june 13 ' j - ' 1 fcin";" ?IR'i.-:?;-: Gen'ISup'ts Office WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA .AND A I GU8TA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, N. a, June 13, It 7A CHANGE OP SCHEDULE On and after Sunday, June 15, the bl lowing schedule will be run on this road: 1 DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL'TRAIN, dally. Leave Wilmington.................... 9 05 A 11 Arrive Florence 1 25 P M Leave Florence...... M. 3 60 P M Arrive , at Wilmington........ 8 iOP'Ji NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dail Leave Wilmington........ 10 13PIA; Leave Florence........... ............... 2 5) All! Arrive at Columbia MM 9 00AM v .' i a m a 9x ijeave uoiumoia M M e tu a m Leave Florence........ 2 65 A jU Arrive at Wilmington 6 60 A M This Train atona onlr at Flemineton. Whiteville, Fair Blur, and Marion. should take Night Expreii Trafn from WiW mlngton. i , , Through Sleeping Cars cn nigh i train! s for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General rJupt. june 13 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY, CO Ornoi Giaiaix StrriBunsDur, WUmington, N. C, May 18, 1879. , Change of Schedule j j ' ON AND AFTER THIS date, the f .Ucw h ing Schedule will be operated on 1 this ' luuiwar : . - ,1-1 - Passenger, Mail and Express Train. , , 'i Leave Wilmington at.... 7:01' P No. 1. V Arrive at Hamlet at .. 2:27 A ) " at Charlotte at.... :20 A ") Leave Charlotte at.. 8:25 P 1 Ne. 2. V Arrive at Bamlet at....... 1:31 A IK I ' at Wilmington at 9:60 A Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Rail way. Shelby Division Mail, Freight & Paaeesger I and Express. Wm r . J a V -11 .o. 4 u. 1.1 J AiriTO H DUWVJHHMHliV ! 1 .... OI.IL- 1.11 T M Yi t JOHNSON, I may 17 General Superintendent. 7 8K 11 Zeohyr Worsteds. N OTHER LARGE LOT . JUST RECEIVED WHITE 10 CENTS. 1 COLORED 12 Look out for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening. i ' sept 1 5 N. H. SPRUNT. Exchange pornen 60 25 22 28 Salt. Salt. NEW SUPPLY. Salt, j A I nnn sacks Liverpool salt, JJJJ WMn.l U.oV. 500 Fac. s Fine Salt, i Large White Sacks. Flour, Baconi Sut?ar. 1500 Bbl- Fmh FL0UIl u 1 2 0 0 Bcxefl D 8 Smoked Sides, JQ Bbls Ci'y Mess Pork, 150 Tnbf Choice j lOK Bbls Ssgars, Crashed, Granulated, L,J a. Extra C, and C. j I &oi)t uUI 4V' 1 lOU 60I at Cheese, Crackers, Candy.. to! jOO BrXeI "trx Crcata Cheese, , inr bcnsani urxea- rrwn vracaers, 200 Bcxe Por cc,T' Bagging, Ties, Twine. 1100 VhclluadIIalf&olb LAGGING, 3500 BlEdlei 5,w TIS i I 1 AAA Lbs Bailing Twice, I , j i 1UUU lccoKeia 3H$J Manchester Yarns, Lake George Sheetings. For sale low by I WILLIAMS MUBCHISON. oct 29; Wholtiala Gro, A Com. Mer. lc I V 1 1 ' . if V M M Ml i U ii . : CENTS.

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