THIS PAPER UPolI-he4 erery afternoon, Huad.T , JOSH. T. I A M KN. -I'liSCKIlTIONS.t'aSTAUK PAID. .r 5 00 Xix months, 2 60 ; Tbre BoDths,$l 35; One month, 50 cent. rbe rPer wiU be delivered b rrii , .,f rhrre, p r- ' the city, at tte ., ,Tr . ,;ef, r ! f '(tfertifi2- rate low and liberal .fi.jcritwrf plvftM' report any and Miscellaneous. ROtfN & KODDICK 45 Market &t, Ve I ,vf in st finished taking our annual . .e ami arA nnw (lailv rwv-iv- ,2 NfcW GOODS from the Northern Markets, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! i ,ur patrons will study their best inter na br unking their purchases as early in .m sea-on as convenient,aa the generarin- dications oi me mariiL uvC .li upnuu 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PRICE O CENTS. wholesale buyers would do well to look 0,er our stock before purchasing "as we a treat manypo ua wn io uurm nmch below THE PRE3ENT MARKET VALUE. Fansi Farassols. Closing ont the balance at Greatly Re- uuou x riuea. nui. snna and Checice 1 Nainsook uoiu, "'r. . . . Mdslius. rue Desi varae.ever oucreu. Call and examine. Liu iuen Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. ur V.iriety is Large. Oar pi ices ARE LOW. oo upwards. Laces. Betoime, Torchon and Italian Laces We Lave very much th. Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and wir prices, either by the ard or piece, can Dot be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock i-f the above is large. We have marked ijone up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at fbe old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels, anythin we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our ouyer la in the market at present and we ire receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents li situated on the S. W. corner of Market nj Second streets.and every Steamer that i comes into this port brings a Fresh Lot f ue most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer' great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street very body USD BI3 UNCLES AND HIS Cousins hid kli Sisters and h:s Aunts is Invited to wit tea the Grand Dres3 Parade 1tc,7 y and every evening at tha oston 5 and 10 Cents Store. ,n North Front Street. The Stock U the Urgest and meat extensive f the kind in the State, and embrace a very variety of use'ul and pretty things. we said tvere for leu than talfthe a uallj demanded for them. The se- Uoiu wtre made In person and they are all 'Uable pw. i hriton from the country are particularly 8Tlttd t0 CfcJl and lee how far a Iittla mony go. .. Remexber the plac?, the OSton 5 and 10 fW.a Store, North p, ro.t Street, between Princess and CUstaut. tl3 Old Newspapers. WkXTllY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS lept weo lot sale cheap at th r1 Dill V UfMri...n f TIE B Ml ; ' I i "tT 1 : I1 i - - - . - I .I:--"- VV I LMI LOCAL NFAVS. New AdTertisementH. A. A I. BHBiBa Best;8t ki AJcason Now lay in Yonif Supply. P. HaiHBBBReiR-Gespei Sacred-Hymns. !', Hymns acd Hall A Fears a ll Uig Roe Mullets. Fcwle& 4 Morbi30k New Coalatd yTocd Y"d' -I I, if i' ' - I" - Cbonly A Mobhi3 Cho.ce Fruit at Auc tion; 1 i M ' 1 1 Hol. Bkar A Opening. Bros - Graid. Grand-Grand II : No City G'urt to-d .y. Dav'a lonsth 10 lio urs ao d 52 miijules. lTlC' 8. ! t No intermei.t? this week I i i B UevtiJ Uemetorj The receip s of cotton ai. tbi i port tc day foot np 1 ,222 bales. j In Odtkdale th:s vetk ii.e e wtfre three interments one; child and to adu'.ts. To-ni now is known the ChurcV O'aler-d-ir as the iTwe'ntieth ,Sunlay after I . i i 1 r.-i i y. The Register of Deeds? ssued only one marrage license this yeek 'and that to a colored coup'e. It is much better to be ll-ughtd at ior not bcinj married, than to be unable to laugh .ecause yon ar Hi- There were ten iuter neats in Pine For est (colored) CenSetery , th:s week of these nine w ere children and lone an adult. Strangers in the city should not f il to vibit the Sjsb Factory, , foot of Walnut street. 1 Li . t Lemon juice used as ,a gargle is said by a French physician to be' a J specific aiainst diphtheria and similar throat dis- -. --.iM 1 , 1 I ca?es --4 ! Tf b,ibi. a cuu!d talk, tbdv would! often U i ' , express their thangs p their curfes, for relieving hem ot pain and suttring, Dy the nse of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Dark illlant colored clothes at tract tie sun and retain its ,beat I 1 ! I much more powerfully than licht col orp; nence 7 ; ! the latter are mere i suitable for nee in 1 Bummer. The sale of fruit on (board the Echoo .er Carletoa, lying in front of the Custom House, will be continued f by Messrs. Cronlv & Morris. Auctioneers, cn Mou- day, at 10 o'clock. : ' J ' : 1- Rev J. B. Taylor being alasnt at the bedside of a sick relative, Rev. E. A. Yates, of the Front Street M. E, church, will preach in the Firet ' Baptist Church to-morrow morning and RevJ B. R. Hall at night. ( ' 1 A novelty in Far is consists oi carica ture sketches in sympathetic ink. Ycu buy a comic paper, with an ordinary pic tura. and you are instructed to beat it This brings out th caricature. A: glass spinner of Vienna cfifers for human wear u'as$ tnuff.-, white and curly; g'ets bat., feathers, and dresses k r iadics, cuffa, collars, veils g'ars carpe's and wjo!, hardly to b distinguished 'from the rea' TLousands are htejdj whi'tt note are ever loved wit hunt 1 a, real cause; me 1 mi amiable a!one can hb !, ! lovei?. , In most sitHatioiis of life tho eor.sciouni 01 iin- 1 j ld frirmffct nocence is enr vest shur.o an buck'cr. . i M 'ney saved .in b?iy ig' yocr. Household Hardware at Jacobus, jXo. Front street. , I h ! 10 , bcuih t Back Asalu. ' i 0 : I The venerable ! Wilkm -Roddick, of Wilkin 1 s Messrs. Brown & Rdddick, who lias been North for the second, time this Fall, has returned here to the arms of his anxious friends. He ha3 been all through the i ihern 1 cities and best markets-in the Nor the firm will exhibit to week a lino of banntes the ladies next in cboi:e feoods that will make people ojiien their eyp in wonder. A new advertiserxent from them will appear in Monday's issueU ' Tc-DATfS Markets. t Kava' stores are Spirits sold to-dayi s'ill on 1 the boom, for I 38 cents, an ad- ranee of two cents on yesterday's quota tions, and crude turpentine acd tar hive both advanced, a! week ago to day spir its sold at 31 cents ond it has therefore advanced seven cents dnring the week; or at the rate ofmoreUhauja cent aday The news from New ork j to day by te'e- grapb, is that 40 spirits and that cents is 'bid there for i ! 55 is asked fr iros'n. f Cotton is a little 0 T to-dsy. - VOL. IV. ! I 3 NG TO N, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Unmallablcs. I Tbe:e are: unmaiUble letters in the RjUiTiee here for Mrs. C. Campbell, II? bokefi, N. C, and Lafayette VV. Nash, Raleigh, N. C. , Personal. Owen 'Fennel!, Esq.. of Sampson county, the venerable cx-Sheriff of this county, was in the city yesterday. Ex Sheriff Fennell is very nearly 76 yeirp of age aud bears bis years, well. One would hardly taken him to be more than 60 1 i Magistrate' Co art. 1 Hezekiah Atkinson, colored, wi ar raigned before Justice Hall this morning upon a warrant sworn out by the wife of Willis Drake, the shoemaker of Paddy'b Hollow, for assault aud battery. But the testimony did not sustain the charge, and the case was dismissed at plaintiff's cost. You ray the lowest cash prices foi Doors, Si?sb, and Blinds, Buildei's Hard ware, &c, at Jaccbi's, No. 10 South Fiont street. I i t 1 Sol Bear & Bros. We isivite attention to the very hand some double column advertisement o Messrs Sol Bear & Bros , as it appears in this issue. These gentlemen have $22; jlobrs, the contents cf two la' g 1 buildings, tilled with choice and cheap goods. Tney beg especial attention to their large clothing department where the newest and latest styles o everything desirable may be found. In hats, boots and shoes and dry gocis they have almost everything and their stock of carpets is one which housekeepers would do well to inspect. j Rumored Railroad changes. i There is an apparently well-founded rumor afoot to the effect that T. D. Kiine, Esq , superintendent of the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, will very soon rcs'gi to accept the same posi tion on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta roal. Col. J. F. Divine, super intendent of the WrilmingtOD j Columbia & Augusta and of the Wilmington & Wei- don, finds his duties too onerous, and desiring to bo rid of the management of the former, in order that he may give his entire time to the latter, has resigned the superlntendency of the first named and this creates the vacancy which it is pro- posed to fill with Mr. Kline, who, by- -the-by, bears the reputation of a highly capable railroad man. Several names are mentioned in connection with the succes 8ion, among them those of Mr. Thos. Anderson, Capt. W. H. Green and Mr. Ihos. J. Summer. Charlotte Observer. Ecoonmy is wealth buy White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco ui's Hardware Depot. , t A Bold Burgalry. Some time early this morniDg, probably about 6 o'cleek, a burglar entered the reom of Mr. DeL. Evans, at the residence of his father, on the corner of Nun and Third streets, and rifled that gentle man's clothing of his pocket bcok, with its contents, succeeding in getting off clear with -his bcoty. About 5 o'clock this morning Mr. Evans, Sr., heard a noise but thought that it was his son moving in his room, aud sd paid no attention to it, ar d this was probably the movements of the buriiiar in leaving the house. He entered; by a window opening into (Mr. Delia Evans' room, which is on the first floor, ar.d, as it happe&eJ, this was the only window in the house which had not be?n secured overnight. ' The rascals carried off Mr. Evans pocketbook, in which there was! some 15 in money, a promissory note wlrch would have been due in a few days, and other papers of value to the owner. Nothing wes known of the matter until this morning when the front door was found wide open, showing by wh.U meats the burglar made his exit. Mr. Evans has co suspicion as to who the rascal is but hopes that he will eDjsy this haul so well that he will come back socn for some more. Mr. Evans had also a very unpleasant experience on Thursday evening. While passing along Market 6treet, but at what exact point he does not know, some one cut jthrough his coat with the expecta tion, perhaps, of getting his pocket book, but in this he was disappointed. These facts go to show that there are ajme cunning and accomplished rogues somewhere in our midst, as likely aa not importations from larger cities.and it won d be well for the police detectives to be thoroughly on the alert. - . i i One More. The Bell Telephone Company has suc ceeded m erectiug another instumentj at the City Hal!, which is to communicate with the general office over fist Nati na! Bank, in the Dawson buil ii. ... Fairly at Work. Messrs. Fowler & Morrison ro iuw fairly at work and. advertise tho fact in this Issue of the Review Their co il and wood yard la located od Water j street, between Orange and Ann. They hvfi on hand a full stock and promise to spare- no efforts to please all who may send in crders to them. Ready for Work Affaln The new engine and boiler of hd Wil mington Compress Company, which hae been erected in place of the one Durned down less than a month ago, is now in working) order. Yesterday! they had steam raised for the first time, and to day, or Monday, the new apparatus will ba at work squeezing bales of citton into a very small shape. j Almighty Ioliar." Mr. E. Hall is in the city iu thes inter eitof.Mr. and Mrs. Florence, who will give two performances here on the 14th and 15th of November. Mr. and Mrs. Florence will make their initial bow before a Wilmington audience in the "Almighty Dollar." Their reputation has preceeded them and we predict for them the largest audience of the season. 1 Save your money by buying 5 our Build ing Supplies from Altaffrr & Price. f Arrest of an Escaped convict. A white man by the name of Jeremiah Johnson, who was convicted of larceny at the August term of the Criminal Court in this county, aud sentenced by Judge Meares to four years in the Sta'e Peni tentiary, was yesterday arrested in Fed eral Point township by one of Sheriff Manning s colored deputies resident there and brought to this city and lodged in jail for safe keeping for tho present The convict is in very delicate health and was working in - Cherokee county with a party of other convicts,1 in a tun nel at the time he made his escape, which he alleges ho was ahised to do. The party making the capture will get ten dollars upon the safe delivery of his prisoner to the j Penitentiary t fficials at Raleigh. The celebrated Zeb Vance, .Southern Baker and Chief Ccok Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f I . 1 Alarms of Fire The alarm of fire this morning, about 7:30 o'clock, orlgnated 1 at. the freight de pot of the W. C. & A. K. K., and was caused by the igniting of four or five bales of cotton upon a flat car, from a spark, sup posed to have come from the shifting en gine. Luckily, tho smoke was seen issuing frcm the cotton by Mr. Eugene Knight, engineer at tha depot, before the wind had tanned the fire into flames, when the alarm was sounded and all hands turned out, in eluding clerks as well as warehouse hands, and the fire .was soon extinguished, the burning cotton being first thrown from the carjto the ground, bowever, to prevent the other cotton from catching. The bagging on one end of one of the bales got into ablaze before it was ail extinguished, and this is about the whole extent oi the damage, which an amount of less than nVty cents would pay the cost of. 1 SECOND ALAUU. The second alarm of fire tb.ii morning , was sounded about half-past ten o'clock and proceeded from a house in Sampson's Alley a few yards removed from Fourth street, located on the square between Mulberry and Walnut streets.- The origin of the fire was a spark from the chimney of a d welling ccapied by te widow of the late James Sampson, colored, which ignited the shin gla roof of the bousebde before any dam age could be done assistance wa3 rendered by pailies who were pjasing by at the timi, who incunted to the roof, and with a few backets of wa er extinguished the flimas before the gjnerai alarm was given. The darraj to that property is a mere trifle. - t - - - I Signal Sebvice, U. S A., Station Wi mington, N. C, Oct, 25, 1S79 S;10 a. in. I The following orders have b4e"i received at tliis ctition ; I Signals are ordered uown at Smithville, Ga'restbc, Joaianola, Micoo, Lookcnt, Uatteraa, Hawk, Henry, Norfolk, Uape May, Atlantic City, liarnegati Sandy Ho:k, Lwes. New York, New liaven, New London, Newport, Wfoods Hall, Bos ten, Section 'Eisht. Pur tland, Section Seven, and Km port. I J. JUL Watsos, i Scrt. Srsnal Corps, U. S. A. 25, 1879. XO. 223 Now Advertisements ran O ' MaTetbe pleastire of arrain i we nave im unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to Lair oL customers one of the Grandest and f!hfln0af cfni. Ac " 1 - - O READY-MADE GLOTHIKTS ! Prices ranging in Suits from 8300 upwards ! -! A beauti ful an.J 1 GENT'S fXJamSHING GOODS ! . uncafltBecannoi do, equaled in tin? cily. A lino lino and i : i - . latofit styles iu . ! .1 - Hats, Csups, Boots and Shoes In all qualities and prices, imported direct from the Manufactnr I wnicn wo guarantee to We also have one of the choicest i x-iy ana Brussels uarpets, ai asionisning low oct 25 JAV IN YOUR EUPPLY OF y INTER CLCTHIKG and FURNISHING G00D8. Has the8tock, at telling prictB. oct 25 j i Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs, JUMBER l, 2 and 3, 1 With or without Notes ; I Alao the three coiLbhed in one. I I At HEINSBERGEU'i. 1 Inkstands. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL arsort ment of the 1 atest Styles, Single or Double. For sale at HEINSBERGEIi'c, oct 25 39 and 41 Market St. Bis Roe AT Hall 6l Pearsall's. oct 25 New Coal and Wood Yard, FOWLER & MORRISOM, rrcpiietors. STOVE AND GRATE COAL and all kinds of Wood on hand. Orders promptly attended to. COAL AT LOWE3T PRICES, dc liverel without extra charge. I Neva Fcotia and Engluh cOal. ( FOWLER & ilORRISON, Water, bet. Orange and Ann Streets. oct 25-lw Star cops. Choice Fruit at Auction, Ex British Sehr Carlelon I Just troiii IVassan. . . , il. CRONLY, Auctr. ! I ' 'i 1 1171 CXLOZ7L7 6l BX03.11X3. jyJ"ONDAY MORNING next, at 10 o'elosk, we will fell onboard Scbr. Carle Un, ljinj; jat Ncrth cf Marktt Dock, her tirgo 0 superior . ORANGKV BANANAS A P1E APPLES, oct 35 It I . Smithville Saloon. rErOND DOOR WRBToltbe Garrison. 5 '- ! - test Wixte Liquon, Cigars, etc. Finest aioon ia the town. Patronage f U aveling ublie solicited, oct 21-! m A. A. CATLETT, FmithTille, N. C. FLXAJ3E ITOTICE. . ... I II 1 We will be glad to recelrc eomicualcaU( di from our friendj oa any and all nb'ect'f f general interest but : j j ' " Ti name of the writer xnnst. alwayf be'fur aiahedto the Editor. . - ' i CommunicatioM mut be writtro on or.'j one uae oi t&epaper. . Personalitiei must be avoided. !j And it is especiallj and partieularlr nnd r "tood ttat the Editor does not alwayi endc t the views of corwspondentirwileii to vrta'i ft ia the editorial columns. New Advortisomonts! rand(Qrkridi BIB 11 ' i' . I. iftririnnTiPi'nfr ..i i KKJ I, III" I Mill . - -- 1 grand assortment in be of superior quality. I and largest stocks of Two and Three Kugs, Matting arid Oil Cloths prices. ITease examine. We Do Not Claim'f PATRONAGE simply because we are a homo enterprise, nar do we expect it at nn fMS- ?l ou6'a Pcket: WK uu v'LtAIM that we can fill any order for SashDoors and Blinds. Or anything inour line, at as LOW FIgI URES, and as good woik and mlteriXas can be, bought anywhere. Window Glasf, builder's Supplies always on hand 1 Our new DRY" KILN is in operation, and none but the best Lumber is used T Kespec. fully, ALTAFFRR & PBICE.1 Factor jFoot of Walnut street. i Office Cor Nutt and Red Or.- .t. . oct 20-- , v.w. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Hi:" WILMINGTON, K C. Ijnrge Sample Koojiis W Commercial Traveler. rjlHE PROPRILTOR Juiia thoroighly renovated thij House and furnuhed it entire-1 , 1 Iy new, is prepared to give to the 1. traveling public all the conveniencka of a FIBST CLAS3 HOTEL. It ii located In the very tne vei r, beta uucsipBri Tn iao city, oetag convenient to the principal bnjiaefB bouKf, I PjOstofflce, . Custom nonce, City Rail and Court House I'' .1 - . I - .A First-ClaM Bar and BiUiard Saloon connected with thfa TTnui i i1 . t RATES $2 PER DAY., oc L1 F. A. SCHUTTp. Dental Card. I Aitt WOW AT MY 0FFIC3 AGAIN, I t"weu w nu znj engagements, and will welcome all who maj favor me with their patronage, and seat them in the nereet and meet cosQforttble Chair In the citr. 1 I Reflpectfully, I , oct2Mm 34 Market Hi. The Best Stock. rpiIE1 BEST STOCK, AND THE Cheapest' Stcck.of Cents', Ycuth'a and Boya CioLing and Fur&iibing Gocdf, ever displayed in thia city, ial offered now at remarkably ! cloii pricej. j .. " I J We cfrir to the trade an unusuallj attraci tire itcck to eelect from. We will aoi be ttaderso'd by anjbodj, North or Scntb. I A. A I. SflBlEB, c 15 Market ainet. Removal jyjY NCMER0U3 PATR0N3 will row fiad azj COAL AND WOOD YAB9;ioUd ; j ! j on tbe wharf tear foot of Chcitait itreet. Tbu admirable and central location will at one camacead itielf to alJ. I aa well pre4 pared and propwe ta idl COAL and XTQQD at the VERY LOWEST BITES kad&TuA a c jmpiron of figure looking U that end ' frt2 J. A. SrElNGER.' t ) A

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