. :M - . ' ' -. ',. ! ; .''.'!.' t , . j ; . .. THIS PAPER ,1 mry afternoon, 8nJay ex it nl lili''1 .JOSH. T. J A M US, IUIKjR AND rKOPHIHyiH lUlTIONS.l'OSTAUE PAID. 5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three l 15; One month, 50 cents, r... D.per will be delivered by carriers, hurH. ia i"' frt thcity, atjthe p-Sutc: ,bc. wjii plee report any and m Daily Review. ; VOL. IV. f,ilufr 'H AdVcTtisamo ts. the" latest! LOCAL WILMINGTON J N. C MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1879 . NO. 224 NEWS. SHOWN & KODDICK, 45 IKarket St. iKJJ NOW fULLY EQUIPPED IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. 1 1 AVLVO BEF.; FOR THE LAST II , . T VT 1. 1. 1 - New j Advertisements A!croi Now 1 ky in Your Supj.lj. .P. Reissbkeox. Cbo'ce Eeadicg, John M. Bobiksg(n The New Hat1 Ftore BoATwaiaur A. McKbt Now be Candid. Iilliahs A Mqscuigos Flou"-, Bacon, 8ngar, S a It, Ac. 1'ates' Book Fibre and I hoto To -ids j Something New. f A. A I. SaBiaa Unsurpassed. Bkown A Roddick Tfce Latest. i Qkrhablt A Uo Bu:gie8, Harness, Ac. ALTirfKa & Paicfc VVe Do Not Claim. M. M. KATzj-Winer and Fall Goods. Bee a-i Tuning una Repririsg Pianos. Gro. F. TiijT-i-A.rjotbr Load. jk,e now ful y pr pied to show the most ( j ,Mi8i?e as3 rio-ema id eaca auu every jrtment of our establishment. Our stock has been selected with all care so as to ' th wants of every one. Our Dry r.nnds were bought during the late warm weather wbn Importers were anxious to realize on their gooas. ana many aavan. uges were gaiue-l. We Lave many C. P. K RUSK SI j Jn . 8. McEac iSee ad Sociably J. L. Winner Watrd. hem 4 Notice. Watcj Read brier's 16cal adu. F. C. Miller Haby ryrup. i 1 ' r For other iocals se foiii th pac New name for tight xxjtB a coru crib. Special Jobs Kid gloves for ij make at Sbrier'a. Charity begins i'eutl enien of the best It at hucLe, and enc:s iu it wi'll impossible for us to take notice of as our space will not allow. Th (vr':gn mission society. r.-,ntr pau eive but a very limited a .,f what we have on hand. A ca i yui I Jt is well that virtue is its owu reward, C4 corer the ground. fur it rnrely obtains any other, Individuality can be shown even in the design of a bridal dress. to cali at Sbrier's. a t It. People will do we ...... ,rT T1ICT TTVC "m HiintSm. I i we hiVti ever suuwu, .u, i LJ.O. 1.75 and 2.00.' City. ' Colored bilk for Trimming, 75 centr, id ail tbe )opnlai shades. Brocaded Satins for Trimming, $1.50, tlic iatest styles J!ack ailk Vtlvots, fur Trimming. l.bV, 173 and 2.00.. i;ia k Silk F.n'ub Velveteens 75 cents, a 5-xxl ariide. M Tl . I 1 IK': f I rertue cumance u when a young man courts a lady and in tbe end gets th mitten. A called meeting of the Board of AI dermen will be held tnis evening at 7 o'clock. Fancy Dress . Goods. -Tl, id mrst vaiied assortment The bar(lue KtG Bonfield. Williams, r. this city, euiDracinc tue o.eziies at i "cuto iui uyuuuu .ut iu.iu luruauu i riO'S ranging from 12 to 75 cents. Colored Ubmeres Ircm l.j to o cents. roads on the 11th instj A man with a powerful mind can make a suggeotion fo big that the whole world . L li cmnot carry it out j Mourning Department Strangers in the jcityj should not fail to , ,j i , . visit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnut Is now replete, having added 'he new fab- T i i , rics of the season. BUCK CASHMERES WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. street. t BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. CUMFORTABLES, a full assortment; ail made from pare clear Batting. Flannels. A rumor come.s from Paris that bon nets are to be worn on the heal here after. A Now York scarce that even gone up. Attempted Kobbery. Ou Saturday night, about 8 o'clock, a copper colored individual with kinky hair s'epped into Mr. H. A. Glameyer'; grocery store near the corner of Market and North Water streets, for tbe ostensi ble purpose of making a purchase, but with the deliberate intent, aa the bequel will show, of committing a theft, ibe copper colored gent had a basket with him, and his movements were so suspi cious that Mr. Glameyer kept bis eye fistened upon him, and soon discovered a bag of flour, which bad neither been purchased nor paid for, slipped into the bauket. whereupon ' Mr. G. rushed around and seized tbe libt fingered indi vidual, and at the same time snog out uttily for the police. The thief darted out at the door, dragging the proprietor of the store with him, and succeeded after S-tting ijnto the street in freeing himself, aad escaping altogether, but he failed to carry his spoils with him, and in. his haste left both his hat and basket. You pay the lowest cash 'pi ices for Dojr, S?sb, and Blinds, Builder's Hard ware, &c , at JACGBi'd l ' j Front street. t Collisi n at Sea. The Norwegian barquentine Viking, Rat?mus8en, which cleared from this port on the 15th inst., for Porto j Rico, W, I. with a cargo of 218,247 feet of lumber, County Tax Receipt-. Sheriff Manning turned over to tbeCoun ty Treasurer to day tl e suu amount of $1085.00 the result of last week's r0l lections of county taxes.'and still all is not collected, and the cry is still they come to the Sheriffs office to py up Window Glass all sizes at ltaflfer & Price's. - j New Advertisamozits, You Want rjruiujB, THINGS TOO SAY MADE skillfully, of good material and for the !est moaer Too will patronize hoajc i ;dutry ir it ocsts no nre than to pUce your or-tera elsewhere. Good. That's busine s. We've verythinj: now in appiejia shape for the manwacuire oi unties. Wag bs, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. . 8. enow if we can't please you and keep JUKI IM1JIMVJ UUJUC. oci21 GERUARDT 4 CJ. New Advertisom9nt5 TQ'iiai nl Rmim Ham 103EPJ DKN'OK, from Colombia, S. C, O will remain in AVirminton a few w-ekf DEON8, RKED and PIPE ORO&NS. Ut guarantees first-cl s work at m3derat prices, aad pos?eeses every facility for the prt mpt execution t.f a'l work en'ruEted ir him. Orders left at Jar Heinsb-rtr's Bool 3tore wi'l meet with prompt att r. i n. oct 27 lw Another Load. NOTIIER CAB LOAD of that fine West ern Be.f rtceied this day. Call atd see it at my Stall to m now sni you wi'l be cer tin f ieiyp y u ordt-re. Oct 27 It OKO. F. TILLEV, N' 8, Market House, The New Hat Store. OUR 8TOCK of Men's, Yo.th', Eorb' and Children' Hit, h nn. ;. plete, which we propo e to sell us tow as the cai1'1 f ' h...' lowest. We have a lr? s o tment of oct 27 lw Wanted- I WILL BUY AS MAVT as ten dt zen Bilk Eat?, sec'und Lane', in such quantities aa may be offereJ. Apply to FLEASX OTICE; We will be glad to receive eommunIcati( bi from our friends on My and til labjtctiCcf general interett but: I ! ... r M . Toe name of the writerust; alway? be for niahed to the Editor , I Y QCoaunnnicAiioM nns?t b written cn'o r' one side of theptper. j Z. Personal! ties must be avoidi'i. . .'i I And it is especially and particularly aa. f stood that tire EmWdb not al wars' end ' the views of correspondents, nnlee so sUlif in the editorial coluans. ' - i " , Now Advertisements. f.,i i mil cols AT W. KATI'S Mar la-1 : SUk, Cloth, Scotch and Astr cm ( aps, very cheap. Also, a lanra line Those wishing anything in our line ill do well to examina before making their pur- JOHN M. ROBINSON, oct 27- No. 6. North Front st. Baby Syrup. pAkKER'8 GINGER TONIC, Indian whPn inat mitaidfl th Frinir Pan Shoala. ?,I.0ue'. Ball's Cough Syrup, Klutz, t j 0 i umu vure, Ajers' Ague Cure and a com- at 12 o clock on the morning of the 20th, I plete stock of pare Drags and Medicines. Motice. rjlHE SEill-ANNTJAL MEETING of stock ho!ders of Bcllevue Cemetery Company will bs held at the City! Court Koom, at 7 o'clock, P. M-, TUESDAY, 28th instict. JNO. 8. IfcEACHERN, oct 27-lt ecretary and Treasurer. F. C. MILLER. Corner th aad Auu Streets. Open dayand night, oct 27-tf HOW BE CANDID. Did we not tell you weeks ago discovered a schooner about five points off the port bow bearing down before the wind upon her. The Vlkirg was close hauled upon th3 wind, which was E. N. E., and in about 15 minutes after tbe discovery ol the schooner the two vessels collided, starting the stem of the barquen tine and carrying away ber jibboom and bowsprit and causing her to spring j aicaK. ine scnooner men swung around alongside the " Vikina. thumping and scraping her badly beaidtB J That GOOfJS WOUlfJ strating some Jof her bolts. Capt Rasmus--sen states that he bailed the schooner, but received no answer. Heard, however, an order given to put out the lights in the cabin. The schooner, then dropped as- favn tka ' mimma and fnnnfl I k r ; k- kU kf off op I jvu o tuo liuiu a day and a half of constant pumpiDg to buy. You that did not take ad- managed to get ber free of water. After!: , . , . paper says iron is so . . tha Tiwgo oi our aayice, H you will ! 1 ' f " I WlllOVUj WAV rf tMJ Aw MW . MWMAWW UIliUa ! ! JIU1U11C3 u.vo Sociable ! JY THE YOUNG CATHOLIC FRIEND Society, at Maginney Hall. WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 23, 1879. Music by the Italian Striae Band. Th Lariipa ;n vide i a full supply of FefreEhmenta. Ad- mission for Lady 25 centi, Gentleman 60 cts. be It is very dangerous A very large stock, too numerous for de- judgment concerning Ui!s, Bottom prices guaranteed. Watches! JHRONOiiETERS, j JEWELRY, Ac. Repaired neatly and promptly; by J. I.. WTVVFTJ No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. Over tvtnty years' einerierrp. ruiro trial. rf 97 We Do Hot Claim JpATRONAGE simp'y because wear a homo enterprisp, nor do we expect it at the expense of any 0112'd pocket: WIS DO CLAIM that we can rill any order for LI av i.ti SUCCEED KD- ,.f;Jr several AO. WteiiS or untirinr irdi;s'iv it d tflort. ,U"UJ 'S e uiiUlClr lIU)DUCTfi ofEurcean aud Ameiican Manufactur ers. I am prepared to vfl':r to my Patrons auurntucs Bargains , : 1 In all the ditTerent Dprarlinci,, wbifli canii r ' p t' eiJ' G 1 : V A K i E T iY AND EXGEImImTHSSCE ! By any House in . the city or elsewhere, i ,1 1 . 1 . BLACK DRESS SILKS! OfBellon,Guinet, Teillard acd pinson manufacture. Our celebrated heavy Soft GP.OS GRAIN for One Dollar per yardii Colored Silks, Silk Vcl in Plain and Satii Stiipes. to make up a young lady's t0 tbis city. your port, and on Saturday evening was taken I step this way wo will whisper ggJ DoOPS "Mil Pl'nO in tow by the steam tuz Blanche and Li . 9 . JLsisIluS, brought into Smithville. and. subsequent- "S jour ear, oul you 0r aDytLiDg u at L LQW FlQm 1 1 must keep it to yourselves) viz : we URKS, and as good woik and maiciiil, as weight by -measuring her sigfcs. Ladies', Genu' and Children's Under wear. ITa.i i .If n car rv vrt A 4- I 1 rtn T c , V" -v 27" Just give us an opportunity of show- Front sheet. iQg wnat we have got and we do n A fear the result. Ecoonmy is wealth-buy White Lead, have a very large stock of Monev saved in bavins vour Household Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint 10 South ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco- IjilOlCe GfQCQTlGR ! f bi?s Ilardware Depot. T I . r I 1 11 ill W TTT Captain GreenJ of the fsteamer Korth j City Court. ! on mh DOUgUt at tne laKJW i i I i ; State, reports about 8 inches of water on One case of drunk and disorderly I PRICES, and if you will call soon .1 1 11. ' ! 1 .,11. - l , tne snoais Between nere ana u ayettevute, i submitted and paid the costs of the court and the river at! a standsill. Cassimeres For Men and Bovs' wpr. all nricas. I A AiJ 111 i. 1 L 1 1 L Cached ad Unbleached Sheetings. At 3 o'clock this morning the Reached Shirtings and Homespuns. end of the Wbitfieldjhouse, near No spans to mint- nr; Kf Per of trout and Castie streets, Was dis I h ir t . ' . " I i . r m ! i iucj are as low as any tmoe in the covereu to te or. pre. j.ne nre was sounded and the fire department was we will DIVIDE eastern -and was released. Caroline Franks,'colored. wis arrested j your purchases. Is not yesterday by officer. Biddle for being PROFITS on that fair ? can be bought anywhere. Vindow Glasa, Builder's Supplies always on hand. uur new DRY KILN is iu operation and none but the best Lurr. ber is ucd Kespec. fully, . i ALTAFFER dc VLllGE. Factory Foot of Walnut street Office Cor Nut and Red Croes etreetj. Oct 27- Choice Reading, S GOODS. : ' . j Satia Jlolansre, Cashmere. Soie. Brocade i'crsan, t'ersan Raye, Kayo Broche. Cavalo Mohair. StrincJ Sacin, Camel's Hair, . Colored -Cashmeres from 15 cents up, Colored Alpaca v all shades,! 12 cents,' Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 10 cents per yard. j . , A Great Variety of different styles, suit able for the season, very low. Mourning Goods. 'J he best a sorlment ever cfl'ered le2e, iu Drab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crape Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cash mere ; Henrietta?, Mohairs, Australian Cioth, -HaWARTU'S, The Second Wife, W ora oollmrr finnA f!in!jrir I At the Councillors, By F. H. Bennett, dy Mrs. Wistor. . T , I LiiUAJik auu uioviuciiiauu vuio aaawaaaiajk i ri v r 1 r am . mm . arraigned before the Mayor opoa the tnan tney are in any of the .North- Xng Qd M , foregoing charge. Officer Biddle testified I , , , . , -.1 The Ore alarm I . f . . . ern markets. Then why send off The ri I that, rfnrlnar a twpntu rpam PTTioripnM aa I J I iuc 111 amisellefe' Secrt t. The Green Gate, a 1 1 that during a twenty years experience as an officer, he hal never met with such a I your orders 1 Our Goods are on meres, swin nn thp srnt, ! Thfi flnrrips stirp-irl - t.. , r.w , , - i . r ii... .i. I i . i Torrorrnrir nrnnnur w iu i ii r y n it y na naa. very rapidly atd the hcuse was very i , ' . , ' .- .lt . the Spot ToU can examine them iMiirrjiu i'mmi mi ki 1 iiir hiiiimivh - mti t rmr a w and demonstrations of contempt for the J before purchasing. The building was occupied by a colored policeman's authority even! after sh- had Br Elliott. Destruction and Reconstruction, By Taylor. At UiiLNbBLKULK'3. badly damage, in fact almost a total loss, before the flames could be extinguished.' LITEST NOVELTIES ilttUdie Ties ami Neck Wenr Bil woman and has long been an eye sore to RllllAlkl m mim mm. I -".WUKAL AND ; FELT' SKIRTS, respectable persons living in; that vicinity been door cou from 50 cents to $2.50. I Caicoes from 4 1-2 Up ! Lick of space prevent. rrnm -.m: w f J-aotmg as many prices as we de j.,"eiave a Croat man v spkptai. AINS Which we ilP nfTpri.T ""WffiirU..!,,. . b -"-j JjJ.ffve nsacall; it is a " J ui lUl'Ul, pROWN & RODDICK, Market Street and a place of anything butja n lenviable D?f b"' The 84 reputation. There was an I insurance of SI, 000 on the property Which will not cover tbe less, lit was owned by Mr I - . 4 Jos. JvirKDairicK, wnom we Deneve re sides in tbe interior of: this State.! key ted her down with a sentence of $10 fine or fifteen days in the city prison. Shi went below. Mary Anderson, not the actress, but a degraded white woman from the Whit field or Long House locality, in the south ern part of the city, was the next culprit A Harrow Escape. r arraigned, th0 charge being disorderly A gentleman who resides on Market conduct, cursing and swearing and so street, near Fifth, met with a dangerous forth. Her sentence was a fine of $10 or of tecurinV an, f li mucb-th8 sfet experience a few nights ago. Ha was ou fifteen days in the C. P. This finished I 3 T 01 them. I . . . , ,1 . ,'. j I j , . j l ri i j j ms premises ana nearui someimng wnicp j me.uocei auu mo vuun wutueu. sounded to him hkehe; noise made by thp Tha celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern katydid. Listening I more intently it Bakef and cbief cook Shoves, Parlor and struck him as the rattle of that venom- Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance ced in tb. n, andbefo th, Boatwiight & McKoy. ould be closed and the key turned I " I Pianos and Organs, The lartrest stock in the State, sold cn the instalment plan, at the ! LIVE BOOK & MUSIC STORE, oct 27 CMsIa mm ftSltvh Triuimings, Silk, Glass and Cheneil FrlnU ges, Giove3 and Hosiery, every style, good and cheap, Skirt3' and Corsets, j The best Fifty Cent Corset oversold in the city. Salt. Salt. Salt oct 27 E Something Mew 1 6 "Pnornn . . 'BDrMinn.. . uo uenorea Pdcii nrritin'f in few nca ii 50 to $3.00 each. 'Vclvol Frames, r aoiti . tU. R-..u tT" out: ous reptile, the rattlesnake. As this occurred to him he spraDg forward in time to escape a dead I v bite, for '.!'! 7. iP.i iBk Books, VUws, jidca at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f I just the I Every moment cf our lives every part j i i u 3 - : j snake struck at the satbetimb and fast. 7 " ""f. u i enea nis iangsin me oowom 01 ms pan- Dy the blood, but if the blood doe not taloons. just over i the heel of the shoe. I perform its work properly the system is By a glimmer of light which came from poisoned Cleanse tbe blood by tbe use of We have an elegant stock of lqu. of all kinds, which we will sell low at Whole sale or Betail. j Call and examine for yourselves. Boatwriht & McKoy O A 7 north Front Street. oct 27 9500 8cka LIVEiP00L SALT, rAn 8acls MswhaTs Fine Salt, 0JJ I Larce White Paeki. Fancy sutionery. School Ube house he then saw the ! reptile glide 1' . . Urplc Ttaws V 1 if' mn Bookj' towards the fence, through which it pats uwUi- i ... 1 . . ii.ii .1 JTAr IN YOCR fcTJPFLY OF WIXT2R CLOTHIA'G and A 'Jfor V L,ait erybody. C W. TATF8, rrj 27. locttion. cwl A neiPhhor hart sthrei Rnm m-nrui I Th wnnt mm nf AlrlAhnKa on rvnrrt in his yard on the previous day and it is j is that of a youth who complained be- rISBQ GOODS. Depoai- supposed that tbe snake was concealed in I cause his mother put a larger mustard by the Statel toe qqJ. It certainly was! a narrow es- plaster on his younger brother than she 1 i cape. I i did on him. Has the Stock, at telling prfos. oct 15 V - Flour, Bacon, Suer&r. jgQQBbls; -Frfsb FLCUR, all grades, 2QQ Boxes D. S. arri Smoked SiJeJ,' 200 Tub Cnoice Leal Lard' 1 nt BbJs Boars, Crcshed, Granulste 1, iU A, Extra C, and C. Cheese, Cracker, Candy. jQQ Boxes Extra Cream Cheere, Bblsand Boxes-Fre;h ("ra:kers, J Boxej Pure Candy, Bagging, Ties, Twine. JQQQ Wkcle and Half Kollj BAGGING, 3500 w inflfl t BaiRnir Twice, IvUU 1SC0 KezM Nails, all tizf a. Manch ester Tarns, .Lake. George Sheetings. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MCRCfllSON, oct 27 Wholesale Gro. k Con. Her. Ribbons . 1 Fancy, Satin, Striped and Brccaded. J Laces and Embroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Goods, Blankets, Flan- Men and .Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Ruqhings, Ties, Fancy iGoodi. One Thousand! Dozen Linen Handker chief, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, ice , d-'c., &c.,.all at'prices which defy com petition, fand qual'ties which cannot fail , to giveeatisfaction. lean assure my kind pations that every article will be sold ASj LOW, aad THE MAJORITY LOWER; than at any previous season. !n!,T Samples and you will b3 (certain to ps-roDue M, ML 36 Market St. ccL'27 Unsurpassed ! O ,1 CR STOCK OF MEN'S, TOUTHS' and ... i Boy' Clothing and FuraUhiog Goods, Htj and Cpj Is uasarpaased, ia itylv aaalle, . ' j 1 quality and pijcj. We bar two 8 torsi ' - 1 1. falcf New Good, atd we are rapidly tell - --! I in thexa. Call at once and make selection zd see hcwch'ap yon can boy. Tbe be3tazd cheapest hit in the city. laundried and unlaundred, at SHRIER'6 TW0 8T02ES, octn Market it.

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