THIS PAPER .p.ol.deTerjruoon. Sunday, ex JOSH. T. JAMES, EDrTOK AKD PBOPSI1ETOK. rt RrtCBlPTlONB, POSTAGE PAID. 9L $5 00 8ix months, $2 60 ; Three JM 7tif f i 5 ; ne month 50 centJ 0B ' will be delivered by carriers, (LrJ Prtof the city, atthe rites, or U cento per week. lSabtcnberi will please report any and !ilare to receive their papers regnlarlj. ew Advertisement.. Yh LATEST ! BROWN & BODDICK, 45 Market St; ARE O V FULLY "EQUIPPED IN THE - DRY GOODS Lf ML TJAVINO BEEN FOB THE LAST ii We'ks in the Northern markets, we Tre now fully prepared to sbow the most " sieass rtmeut,!s io each and every . DirUueutfJ our establishment. Our stock hubeeu selected with, all care so as to meet the wants of every one. Our Dry rds were bousht during the late warm weather wbn Importers were anxious tt realiz" on their goods and many advan ces were gaine J. We have many Special Jobs which it wi'l be impossible for- us to take notice of as our space will not allow. The blowing can give but a very limited idra of what we have on hand. A a! wu!v can cover the ground. THE CUE A PEST LINE from Auction we have ever shown, $1.00, 1.15, 1 25, UTi, l..'AU5aud2 00. ' . Colored Silk fir Trimming, 7o centr, id all the popular shades . Brocaded Satins fur iTiimming, $1.50, the latest styhs . PA Black ailk Vtlvets, for Tn naming. $1.50, 1.15 and 2.00. Mack Silk Finish Velveteens 75 cents, a good article. Taney Dress Goocls. The largest andmc st, vaiied assortment id this city, embracing ail the No .'elties at prices ranging from Yl to -75 cents. Colored Cashmeres ir.m 15'to 75 cents. Ol R Mourning Department Is now replete, having added !hc new fab rics of the season. BUCK CASHMERES WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a full assortment, all made from pare clear Batting, Flannels. A very large stock, too numerous for de tails! Bottom prices guaranteed. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under wear, Hosiery ar.d Gloves. C" Jnst give us an opportunity of show ing what we have got and we do not fear the result. Cassimeres For Men and Boys' wear, all prices. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings. Bleached Shirtings and Ilomespuns. No space to quote prices, but jou can rely they are as low as any thing in the market. . - LA.TEST KOVELTIES -Iu Ladies' Tics and Neck Wear. BALMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, from 50 cents to $2.50. Calicoes from 4 1-2 Up! T.Sftr Afnn. . ... - 3ce prevents un irotu auumg oaore or quoting as many prices as we de- 'lURrVTe-have a great many SPECIAL WAKGAINS which we are offering away below market value. J list, criva na o n. : i . , r wy of securing any of them. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 Market Street oct 27 Something: New ! rpHE COPYGRAPH"-ne Hundred . PrMoxufiom one writine in a few Haute.. Prict $l b0 t0 $303 each, Velvci Frames, nandwBe uiortmtnt, all iiie. A complete t ofPln nd Fancy Butionery, School okg, Blank Books, Bibles, Hmn Books, Ureoecoptc Views, 4c, Ac. Sf'to it everybody. Depoai hn7or?chol Book doptedby the aute dJ?fductton. 0ct. n W YiTCS. Til Dull Review.: ! i 1 : J i : i 1 ' i - ; , i i .. r : . i i t - i I VOL. I LOCAL N iew Advertisements. P. Hbihbbkrok vitation. IIdsioi Extra Pants. ' : . j - Mas. 8 J. Baker ew Millinery aid New Stock. I, 1 J I ' 1 Nkwbpbt Sl Chas. Mackerel, llerring and Codfish.' , . ' I . i j A. A I. Bheier Utsn-r!a2sea. Window Class -ah Price's. ' iizes at ltafler &' ' f ble. ' to the Coughs and c-jid-i arc' fashion. 2 thai It is st rin; brings re-lea t i tree. Tradesiuen arcH of n li! ! pay pres- ents a? read v. S'jmff of tu las j lob a be urav.its are models of bad taste. Some policem ia d i ' hot c Tufiue their brass to their bu What 13 mariiage? puo woirnin the more and one man the Iq.-s. , I ' -; ! rl Shirring is to be cfoseily associated with tne iau auu winter lasuiuus i ! I ' S ivf yonr money by buying1 m tur Build' iSup:iios from Aliafier & Price. t ' i The barque Gcfion, (Sw ) Bergersan, hence, arrived at Hamburg! on the 28lh inst. ' . The wide whiiurciuglJjS midc' for la dies to wear are not champion walking be'.ts. ill Strangejs ia tLe city should not full to vLit the S sh Factory, . , kopt of Walnut street. t : h L-Jr i ' You cau give your frieud a delightful surprise by returning the ua.brella,- he lent you. ' Ihe plethora it grants has bubiided and ths prices t-jf that hp i! thy fruit have advanced. , ' 1 ' The servant girl agoiij shows no signs of abating. Good domestics are like an- 'gels' visits. f The schooner Flu c Brothers, Bonsall, cleared at Pbiladelphia on the 28:h inst, for this port. The next census will perhaps discl6se that there are several Dersins who hate not heard "Pinafore." - i. What is it that most lacks self-respect? The watch, because it is always trying to run itself down.! 1 I It is easy to pick' holes in other peo i ple's work, but far more prefitable to do better werk yourself. , Even if he does not get a bite the boy who goes a fishing on Sunday may get a IickiDg when he gets hbpae. Clergymen hint that wedding lees are a trifla better than they were a short time since. The times are improving. 1 Think of it, little fblks Chrietmas is less thaa two months off. Get your banks rea y aad save p your pennies. KiJ eloves are not made 6kins but of lamb or sheep from kid 1 At' skias. present many of them ' are made of rat skins. ! 'How old is tlio world,' is not a question of half the vital human, interest to most men as t j kuo 57 the a they drink. ' e of the whiskey An infallible cure-for ivy or susiac poisoning is said to bp water as hot as can possibly be used without' burning; bathe two or three times A young gentlerrjau in the First jward has a novel way of removpg freckles from a yoUDg lady's face; ho rubs them off with a sot mustache., j Tbe celebrated Zeb Vance. Southern Baker and Chief Cooli Stoves, Tarlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. Xo advance at Jacoli's Hardware! Depot. f When you begin to praise a inan ! for anythiog he has should tell him .beforehand that you don t want to borrow any money from him. 4- As a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, and such like diseaces we can recommend Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. They! are for sale by .all druggists. Price, only 4o cents. Signal, Service, U. S A., Station Wilmington, JN. U. 8:10 a. m. I j r The following orders have at this station : i 'i ! Oct, GO, 1S79 bsea received Off shore signals are ordered for SanBv Hoot,. Birnegai, Atlantic City, Cape May.l ortland,baatport and Ejection seven. . . ! J. M. Watsox, SergL Signal Coris, U.j S. A. ILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1879. NO. 227 Money saved I in bnying your Household Hardware at JaoobiIs, No. 10 South Front stieet. ' t Ths mania for old gold has extended to stockings, and they are just about j the handsomest things in silk hosiry ever seen, and suggest an attack of jaundice. The cheapest jewelry is always the kind which is conspicuous by its glitter, yen as the most ignorant auctioneer or light ning rod agent is noted for his silvery elo quence. The young lady who worked a pair of slippers for her beau, with the unique de sign of a coiled snake on j each, doesn't go to the theatre at more. his expense any It seems remarkable that a nice I ; easy chair at home is so much less comfortable to a man than the bard side of a drygoods box ou & street corner, with a crowd of loafers around. Tli e Funding ol City Bonds. From a visit to the treasurer's office at the! City Hall this morning we gleaned the following information which we think will be of interest to our many readers, and all others as well, who are interested in the finances of this city.j As is well known the present ai ministration obtained permission by ad act passed at the last General Assembly of this State to issue new'boads to the amount of $200,000; said bonds to be sold or exchanged for those, outstanding bonds that had ma tured, at not less! than par, the proceeds from the sile of this new issue to be ap applied exclusively to paymeut of bonds and coupous past due. In other words, the $199,900 of bonds and coupons past due, the most of which debt this present administration received as ft legacy from the Radicals who had control of the city government for the ten preceding years, was to be funded in bonds bearing six psr cent interest and running 18 and 20 years, but with the privilege en the part of the city to redeem the whole amount at the expiration of ten years if they de sired so to do. The funding has now been going on for one or two months, and we are informed that in that time there have been received in the treasurer's office some $80,000 in matured bonds and coupons. ; Except $23,000; the whole amount of bonds outstanding to be funded bear six per cent, interest. 1 1 The large proportion of this outstand ing bonded debt which is being funded was issued during the Dawson adminis tration of 1856 in payment of stock taken and subscribed to by the city in the Wil mington, Charbtte & Rutherford Rail road 1 (now the Carolina Central) every dollar of which has been lost by the in solvency of tbat corporation. The $23,000 mentioned abore are in seven per cent, bonds, which is part of the issue made for the erection of the City Hall. Of this last named amount $16, 000 have already been funded, which leaves $7,000 of seven per cent, bonds still outstanding. Of this latter sum the State Board of Education holds $5,600, the remaining $1,500 being held bydifler- nt individuals, Itshould be .borne in mind that of this debt of $199,900, which is now being funded at one hundred cents on the dollarprincipaljand interest, $50,000 in1 bonds dees not fall due until February 1st, 1880. This, we think, ia a first-rate showing and speaks well for the financial ability as well as integrity of tha present city ad- 1 ministration. In addition to the foregoing exhihit, the present Democratic administration have reduced the city debt over $50,000 and the city taxes thirty-seven and a half per cent. And we are now author ized to state by the proper city officials that coupons on all city bonds falling due on the 1st of January, 1880, and all there after, will be paidjn cash at the City Treasurer's office in this city, on the very day that th y are due. What a blessing it is to have an honest administration of government in local affairs even if we can't get Honest John Sherman and his confederates to explain the $200,000,000 discrepancy in tho National Treasury. I Indications. Was Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer Washington, D. C Oct. 29, 1879, For the South Atlantic States, the Gulf States, Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, clear or partly cloudy weather winds mostly from Northwest to North, east and rising barometer, followed during I the night by lower temperature. Floating Compress. 1 he floating i. Com press has been in Buccessfnl operation for a week past and has compressed cotton to the satisfaction of all concerned. It compresses and holds cotton at fourteen inches after expansion. J Mew Millinery Depot. Mrs. &. J. Baker has established a depot for the sale of millinery and hair goods at the corner of Third and range streets, filling a want, we are inclined to believe, long felt in that section of the city, oae baa lots of new goods of the latest styles and designs and invites the ladies to call and inspect the stock . -e City Court. William Sears colored, was iutei viewed by the Mayor this morning for disorderly conduct, the testimony in the case beiDg to the effect that the defendant was put out of a seamen's boarding- house at.d bar room on North Water street, by the pro prietress, last night, when he flourished a stick with intent to strike the person who ejected him. Officer Grant then appeared upon the scene and arrested the belligerent individual and carried him t the Guard House. It beiug the first iffenee, His Honor suspended judgmeut upori payment of costs. Dick Deadeye was the next case on docket, the charge being diunk and down. 1 There being nothing else preferred against the defendant, judgment was sus pended upon paymeut of costs. Stephen White,! him of the tragic dramatic notoriety mentioned in the Kk view yesterday as being in training for a second appearance at the Mayor's Court this morning, did not disappoint our ex pectations. He appeared in the last scene of the last act ofthe Court this morning. The charge preferred was drunk and down. When asked by the Mayor what he had, to say for himself, be clamed to be an Englishman, and said that he reach ed this city on Tuesday last from! Bur gaw, that he would te 75 years bid ia February next, if he lived to see the day of the anniversary of his birth, tbat he was a stage actor by profession and talk -ed nothing but poetry, but notwithstand ing this assertion the old fellow was be ginning to get quite prosy when the May or asked him if he did not know that it waswrong to get drunk? 'Ye8,yer honor," was the reply and then as the distin guished defendant proceeded to make , a quotation from Pope's Universal prayer, he remarked "but Alexander Pope has said," 1 i. "Teach me to feel another's woe 1 Another's grief to see; That mercy I to others chow That mercy ihoiv to me." But apparently thinking that this pa thetic appeal was not strong enough to secure the clemency of the Court, he added his own earnest words and forget ting again his assertion that he spoke nothing but poetry, began to get rather prosy once more when theMayor told him he would suspend judgment provided he would leave the city by 12 o'clock to-day. "I will within Jaa hour's time, sir, and never come back again," was the response. "If you are found ia the city after 12 o'clock today I will imprison you for SO days," remarked the Mayor. "Aye, aye sir, you may hang me, you may hang me, sirl" was the emphasized reply of the crashed tragedian as hewalked off and made his exit by ths nearest door to the street. ' i I And so ended the last act of the play of Stephen White, the five and twenty years actor and ten year harlequin . You pay tha lowest cash prices for Doors, Srsh, and Blinds, Builder's' Hard, ware, &c , at Jacobi's No.lO South Front street. ' t The fish market was well supplied yes terday, j New River oysters are scarce in this market and sell for one dollar a gallon The custom of rehearsing weddings ia not uncommon but decidedly bad . j Holland has concluded to keep the little waif leit on his door step a few nights ago. It is doing well, so we are told. . , . ! The damage done to the steeplj an3 roof of St. Paul's Lutheran Church by the last big storm is being repaired by Mr. G. W. Summerill. Young man, young woman, wbyj blush to the eyebrows and stammer like an other stutterer.because the secret happens to get out that yon are engaged to be married? Marriage is honorable in all, says the inspired Word, and we believe it. What the Bible says must be right. Indications promise ns that it will te cooler to-night. I The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot' up 1,847 bales. j Naval stores still boom. Rosin is quoted to day at $1.50 for good strained and spirits at 4fy centeper gallon. Let her booml V Business an 1 work of all kiuu is qp a boom' in this city. Mechanics in all branches are busy and brick masons, painters, etc., are In demand. I 1 . j Chief of Police Brock is still pushing the good woik of improving the streets and sidewa'ks. In our walks about the city in quest of news we see many traces of his work. For I88O. From Mr. J H. Ennis, of Raleigh, we have received a copy of Turner's North Carolina Almanac for next year, 1880. It is not only a complete calendar for the year but contains nher matters of interest and f 1 r refertucu which will be fjurd very valuable. Economy is wealthbuy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest, prices at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot. , f . i! , I Weakly Persons' Wine. Old and infirm persons need some mild tonic or gentle stimulant, especially in warm weather The wines - made at S peer's Mount 'Prospect Vineyards, in New Jersey, called Speer's Port Grape Wine, is used in the Atlantic Htates as the best tonic wine known, and is regard ed as pure, and Is very popular among physicians. For sale by Qreen & Flan ner, J. C. Munds and P. L. Bridgers & Co. 1 1 New Advertisements. NEW MILLINERY & NEW STOCK. MRS. 8. J. BAKER hat opened a Mil linery and Hair Goods Emporium on the Southwest corner of Third and Orange st,. where she will be pleased to see the Ladies. Wipe made and repaired. 'Hair Flowers, Hair Jewelry, Invisible Fronts, etc., etc. Prices very reasonable. 1 oct 30 1 Extra Pants OR LARGE SMALL MEN, Fxtra Pants for Boys, at MONSON'3, THE CLOTHIER on 30 AND MER. TAILOR. Mackerel, Herring 1 and dodilsh. jyjAOfcEREL in Bbls., Kits and portable packages, by package or retail, new and bright. ! CODFISH and Scalded Herring in quanti ties, or at retail). I POULTRY, Eggs, Butter, Lard Potatoes, Onions, and a fall line of Family Groceries. AH for sale at bottom prices. oct 33 jNEWBURY A CHA8TEX. An Invitation JS HEREBY EXTENDED TO ALL 10 call and see the Beautiful New Chromos, En gravings, and numerous other attractions at HEINSBERGER'd Art and Music Gallery. Pianos, Oigans, Guitirs, Banjos, Violin?, Accordeons. Ac. The Cheapest Place to buy Books and Sta tionery, in the city. J The most Complete Stock of Presentation Goods at HEINtJSERGER'S, oct 39 Live Book aad Music Store. Steamer Passport, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will leave Wilmington daily, (Sundays excepted) at P. M. Oct 29 OKO. MYERS. Agent. Dentistry. PARENTS TOO OFTEN neglect their Children's teeth : there is a snecialtr tor their tse, in my new Chair, found no where elss. Bend them aad have their teeth exam ined and treated, before they are past sariog. Seepectfollj, I JAS. E. KEA. Wilmington, N. C, Oct 29, 1879. 1 Cheap Coal 1 1 T WILMINGTON while it contiaces Boo oaing at the North. Consumers will be prtdent by laying in suppliei NOW from the beet yard ia town, bj oct 29 J. A. SPRINGER. PLEASE NOTICE. ZWe will be glad to reedvi eomainleaUcsi from our friends on any and sllsnbjectf ?ct . general interest bat : The name of the writer jnsjq alwaye te fur niahedto the Editor.' . j ' f , Communications mast bs written on only one side of thepaper. 1 1 Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly ;und t stood that the' Editor does not always endo i te views of correspondents, unless so stalefj ia ue editorial columns. ! New Advertisements. FALL & WINTER GOODS. 1 i AT M. tVJ. KATZ 3G Majrkcl i ?!J Tl AV1NG SUCCEEDED aficr several JUL weeks of untiring industry acd effort. m ouyipg me uiiuiuiT PRODUCTS of European ad American Manufactur ers. I am prepared to offer to my Patrons ana rnends Bargains In all the 1 different Departments, cannot be excelled in , i which V A R 3 E T Y AND By any House in the city or ele"where. BLACK DRESS SILKS! Of Bellon, Guinet, Teillard and Tonson 1 1 manufacture. . - Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS GRAIN I for One Dollar fer yard. . ' t V" 1 Colored Silk, Silk Vcl rcti,! Satins, i I , in I'lain and Silia Stripes, DRESS GOODS.! Satin Melange, Cashmere) Soie, Brocade Persan, Persan Raye, j,','. ( Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Stripe'd Satin, CsmePs Hair, I ' I Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents tip, V Colored Alpacas, all shades, 121 cent, Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 16 cents per yard. j j 1 A Great Variety of different styles, suit- aoie ior tne season, very low. EVlournina: Goods. il ! The best assortment ever offered here, in Drab D'Ele, Bombazine, Tamise, Crape Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cash mere ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian Cloth, 1 J v Trimmings Silk, Grass and Chaneil Fru ges, Gloves aid Hosiery1, every style, i;otd and cheap, Skirts and Corsets. 1 T 1 the city. , I Ribbons Fancv. S.itin. Strlnftd and Rrccadid. Laces and Embroideries in ereatest valle- ty.' Housekeeping Gods, Blankets, Flah J nci. Men and Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's lie? lino Vests, Ruchings, Ties, Fancy Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefs, from Sc op. DOMESTIC GOODS,. &3 , dc &c, ail at prices which defy com petition, fand qualities which cannot fall to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons tbat every article will be sold A3 LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWER, than at any previous season. Oti1i Kimnlm anf vrtn rl!1 V A certain to patronize . 1 1YI. IVZ, ETZ; 36 Market St. oct 27 I Unsurpassed! QUE STOCK OF ME5'S, TOUinS and Boys' Clothing and' Famishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Is unsurpassed, in styls, make quality and pricei. .Wt have two 8 tore 1 fullof 5ew Goods, and we are rapidly sal! !-. , ' i j ing them. Call at once aad make selection 1 " I and eat now cheap yon can Is. The best aad .cheapest ih'rt la tit city, CMsIa teraoMaw launlried aad ualaandradlt SHRUB'S TW Q STOttES, cct 2T Ki ket s

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