TIIIS PAPBS tUITOH AND PKOFKIKTOR. - fll.KsCRirTIONH.'OHTAUE PAID- ' 9 r f 5 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three 0 JetJg f j a5 . one month, 50 cents. T "paper will b delivered by carriers, J ufcbe,in.r,y n.rt of the city, at the , rte, cr 1 3 cent per we.k. l-Hobcribers wili pl-.-ase report any and C, .tn rivi' th-i iifr5 regularly. "NTe AdverUserae its,. LATEST ! &&0DDIGK, 45 j2.arket St. , x-0.T FULLY EQUIPPED IN THE J DRY GOODS LINE. f 1 AVISO BEEN JTUK . lUtt iiAai u Ve"ks iu the Nr. hern markets, we irnow fully pr- pkel to show the mosl rewire ass nmen'X in each and every 'iHDirimeiit ol our establishment. Oar stock ?ai been elected with 11 care so as to ieet the want of ever one. Oar Drj r xxls were bough;, during the late warm neither wh -n Importers were anxions to lealiz on their gojds and many advan ces were gamei. W& fcave many vhicblt wi'lbe impossible for us to take j oiice of as our space will not aliw. Th rowing Cin give but a very lcm d i If what we have ou hand, A cad o;dy mi cover the ground. ' . THE CUKAPKST LINE from Auction e have ever shown, $1.00 1.15, 1.25, j 37, 1M), 1.75 and 2 00. ' (Joloredbilk for Trimming, 75 cent?, id .l the popular shades. Fn li.ocaded Satins for Trimming, $1.50, the Jateat styles m Black ilk Velvets, for Trimming. $1.50, 3.7.3 and 2.00. i;ht'.kS.:kF:niih Velveteens 75 cents, a g .od an iole. li'ancv Bre33 G-oods. The lr'st and m st viied assortment i , this city, embracing ail the No . el'ies at t rices ranging from 12 to 75 cents. Colored Cafthmeres from 15 to 75 cents. OIR Mourning Departmant I now reple'e, having adid hh new fab jusof thi season. ' t BUCK CASHMERES WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a full assortment, ill made from pare clear Batting, Flannels. A very large stock, tco numerous for de Uils, Bottom prices guaranteed. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under wear, Hosiery and Gloves. ZT" Just give us an opportunity of show ing what we have got and we do not fear the result. Cassimeres For Men and Boys' wear, all pricas. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, Bleached Shirtings and Homespuns. No space to quote price?, but jou can rsly they are as low as any thiog in the laaiket LITEST NOVELTIES" la Lndie' Ties and' "Neck AY ear. BALMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, from 50 cents to $2.50. Calicoes from 4 1-2 Up ! Lacs of space prevauU u frooi adding !Kre or quoting as mauy prices as we de jre. We have a grean many SPECIAL lAUGAINs whivh we aie efferi g away ltsl.w market value. J is give us a c d1; it 13 much the safest BaoWN & E0SDICK, 5 Market Street Cheap Coal ! I WlLMIJQTuN while it continues looming at he Xorth. CoDBumcri will be k v rTLnt bj UTia ia Boppliei NOW from ct 29 Special J. A.8PB1NGEB. 3L 'J J. WMMMMaaaaaJJari'M''MM' Ira :1evie)v. VOL, IV. i WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1879 NO. 230 LOCAL1 NEWS. - 1 New Adverttseujcnta. j L. P. Fewm AsHomeMide Horse adh P. Hbihsbbksxr Orgatettes. j Itfcaiou Bm mber. .'.'"' See ad Clydo'i fteiini-h'p Lia. , F. C. At illek- Bfcby Fyrnp. Gxrhasct A Co- Buggies, Harness, Ac. Altapfer & Prick We Llo Not Claim. Boatwright & McKt Let's See, , Yams Book FtO'.e ! acd Photo. Poems JnrtFeceived. j I T. II. Howst I-adies'.hoes. i .See ad Bop Bittere.-, . j ' J, L. Wisxia Watches. A. A I 8nRiKa Uk8Tpa?gcd. Wir do w Glass uL ijz 2s j at .1 lti. ff f & Price's. t I The schooner Gettysburg, N'rbury. cleared at Philadelphia on the 30th ult for tbis port. Save your money by luyiag our Build' ing Supplies from Aliafler & Trice. t The schooner Jaws Pender, Robin- son, cleared at New Yprk on the 31st uH ior mis pore; A Strangers i a the i.ity should not f. iito i i ti & s;i ructm. loot of Walnut ' Arts t. i i - i t . Shrit-ff Munirg turjed over to the county treasurer to-day '$3,446 tax -re ceipts fur the week enqing last Saturday. Q'lite a large number of excursionist t i - arrived to day. Fibm two to three bun dred are expected t ) arrive to-morrow. . . p-,- j, , . ( The way to become known to the people and make therp familiar with your name and business is to aflvertis? in tie Daii)y Review) V I . J Tfce wires lei liog to the Edison Tele phone Exchange arc being cut pat to-day and run into the Bell Exchange. The work will be corn pie ed by njigEt. We understand that the: owners of un occupied grounds on Front street, near the new Market, i propose 'building hand some brick stores at an early date. - j - I ! Mr. L. P. Newman advertises hi Horse Radish. We havds tried it and unhesitatingly pronounce it hot, 'as you cin tell from the expression of my eyes. f - I The tice little' steam yacht Elizabeth was sold lst Saturday by Capt. R. P. Paddiaou, her owner, to Capt. Eisby of the 8teamor Clii'on, who will hereafter run her on regular schedule 'between tLis city and Smithvi e, carr3ing the United States MaU. The celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves", Tailor and Heating Stoves' ior old prices. No advance at Jacobs Hardware Depot. f - It is said that a girl who can shed three or fotir tsars atTa critical moment, and j - ! follow the.n up with a quivering sigh can marry all around: a good lookirg blonde who doc3. nothing but try! to blush. To reach th;Iiigl stand-aid of health, nature demaads t'i utmost Regularity oi the bowels; a slight d Ration t rings many inconveniences ai d paxes tluj way to mo:e serious dance s, i W- can reqemmend Dr. Bull's Bait imoie Pi :!s! rs tl c b st raedickJ for the needs of lb j tiig stive ap-at dus. i i -SIGnIl SLItV'C!-, S A., Station Wilmington, N C, N-h-. 0 1879 10:30 a. m. ' 1 The following orders have beoi received at this station ; j . Signals are ordered up at Kew Haven, New London, Newport, -Wood Hall, Boston Section tight Portland, Section Seven Eastp&rt. 1 Cautionary Off Shr3 ui-a.tfa are or dered for Cape Henry,1 Kitty Hawk, Cape Hatteras, Cape Lockout and Macon ' J. MJ Watsox, Sergt. Signal Coriis, U.I S. A. Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colore, Varnishe?, and all kinds of paint ing materials fo? the lof s prices a!: J a co rn' 3 Hard ware Depot. t Indications. Wak Department, . OiTci of the Chi?f Signal OfUcer. . Washington, D. Ci, Ncv. 3rd 1379. j I For the South Atlantic Stales North west to Northeast wind, slight'y colder clear or fair weather, wi'.h Tising barDtice ter. I . I 4. M. Watson. Sergt. Sig. Corps, U. S. A. Almost Tonus: isafh. I Mv mother was afflicted a long time With Neuralgia andj a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless ' No phyricJans or medicines did faer aiiy good. Three ncontLs ago she bsgan to use Icp"pittersK with jsuch good tffct tht she seems and , fels : young again, although over 70 years old. We Link there is no other medicine fit to usa in the family.' A lady, in Providence, R. I. 1 Lleht Draught. The steamer Wacczmdw was fukui on the sectional dry dock, on Saturday latt aud the draught of water is tip a only 17 inches more, with the tteamer on the dock, than when the dock was light. Harbor Master's llepyrt From Harbor Master Price we learn that 7 barquentines, 6 brigs, 14 barques, 18 schooners and 5 steamers, arrived in this port during the month of October. The fleet of small coasters is not inclu ded irv the above. - ' I U. S. District Couif. The U. S. District Court, His Honor, Judge- Brookf, presiding eenrened. to-" day but took a recess until .to-morrow To-day is set aside under the rule for the hearing of admiralty leases but as there were none on the docket the court wte adjourned until to-morrcw whea the j'ir cases will be taken up. Shall be Ulad to See Them, We learn from the Piedmont Ptess that quite a number of t'ae merchants md others of Hickory and vicinity con template ajingour city a visit sometime during the present week. The day is not yet definitely, fixed, but we . shall be glad to see them when they arrive, and hope that the journey may be safe and ' please ant, an 1 that their visit may be agreeable and profitable, asjwe doubt not it will be Tuu pay thf) lowest cash pt ices for Doors, Sasb, and Blinds, Buiidei's Hard ware, &e , at Jicont's No.lOSDUth Font street. I f 1 CroolLed Wh.isls.ey. W.tllfam Lo?e, white, and Wilson WiV liams, colored, were brought down on the steamer Murchison Sunday in custody of deputy marshal Louia Smith, colored, un der the charge of running an illicit dis tillery at a point about three miles from Fayetteville in Cumber and county. Tae preliminary investigation was had before U. S. Commissioner Thoma3 X. Snith, of Fayetteville, who cocsidered the testimony against them sufficient to h)ld them for trial before the U. S. Dis trict Court for the Eastsrn District of North Carolina, which convenes in this city to- day, Judge Brooks presiding. Money saved in buying your Household i Hardware at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Front street. t City Court. Ella Morton, colored, an old iicquain tance of the police, was arraigned tLis morning for being drunk and disordery. She was told that as a .compensation fcr the peace abd diginity of the city which she had infringed upon, the amouat of $5 must be forth coming or she would le indulged in a week's board at the city, expense. The prisoner was escorted be low . , j Two belligerent colored individuals were darraigned upon the charge ofdraw ing knives upon each other in the Market House on Saturday night and ether wise threatening to break the peace. One of the gemmen" was discharged and tie other increased the city treasury to the amount of G:70. James Anderson, colored, charged with b-eaking a lock upon a stall in the Mar ket House on Sunday morLing, had Lis cise continued owing to the absence of witnessc?, ! Liura Blalcck, a white woman, with a pretty figure, beautiful black eyes and a face that still retains some trace of beauty, was the 'next case on decket. 3 he charge was being drunk and disorderly Tb8 defendant having remained in the cell from Saturday eight until ycsterd?y morniDg, and it being the first offence 0 tho-kind, judgment was suspended and the poor deluded unfortunate wonian dis charged. - , The case of Jehu Bensoo, runner fjr some sailor's boarding house in Paddy's Hallow, or thereabouts, charged with enticing a seaman from the Ger. barque Julie Ilcyn, was continued. The court then adjourned. P. S. The Captain cf the vessel above1 mentioned wishing to eail, tha Mayer heard the case at his private tffi;e at a laterjhour. The defendant, Benson, was sentenced to pay a fine cf SoO or be locked up for thirty djs - la default of payment of the fine he was" sent o the city prison. f " The visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society will meet at the Hook & Ladder Hall on Tuesday, November 4th, at S J o'clock p. m. Should it rain the first fair day thereafter. i " ; Weakly Persons Wine- Oi'l and infirm persons need some mild tonic or gentle stimulant, especi.i!!y iv A-arra weather. The wims made at Spcer's Mo int Prospect Vineyards, in Sew Jersey, called . S peer s P it Gr?pe ine, is used io the Atlantic Mates a he best tonic wine knownand is re ard id as pure, and is very popular among jbyticiaDS. j For sil bv Green & FJan ier, J. C MuLdsacd P. I. Biidgtra & Co. ; Now AdvertisemontJ dome Made Horse Radisli VTO ADULTERATION or Injariocf Ll Cbemicds naed. Every hot tl wrrtt ed pare and freah. I have inc eded m f faciii ana ET Urpre, fioe, 'new maebiae which maki s a superior arucle. Oaraateed sapi rior to any offered by a Northera HouBr. ;3&yOrdri by m&U promptly at endert to. L. P. NbWMAfiT, 1 nov 3. Market 8t. near Second . emember HA.VE NOT ADVANCEU OUE Pjices. Money-saved -'in--bijjiag CiothiDi: oow. v ' ,-MUN.SON, THiS CLOTniKIl tt-v 3 AN ) MKR. T LOR. Ladies' Shoes I EVSRr. IMAGINABLE STYLE. An elegant B&sfcet T- p Button Bo t at Three Dollars per pair, perfect in fit, jare uadoubt edly the chepest t hoe in the market. Cill and examine. THOU A3 H. eOWEY, nor 3-lt. No. 47 Market Street. Baby Syrup. piKKER'3 GINGER I TONIC, Indian Choloogae, Ball's Coagh Syrup, Klutz, Chill Cure, Ajers' Aeus Jure nd a com plete stock of pare Drns and Medicines. F. U. MILLKK, Corner 4th land un Sti eats. Open day aud night, nor 3-tf Organelles. NEW SUPPLY OF THESE Beautiful and ebeap Instruments just received at tie LIVE BOCK STORE. Ihe Markets of Paris, by Z -la, The Conquest of Plassar s, by Zx 1 . . The Earl's Secrets, a companion to''Piqit" icd "Family Pide." Ali for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, nov 3 Live Book and Music Store. Yow Want rpHESE THING3 YOU 8AY MADE skillfully, of good mater" al and for the leist money. You -will patronize home industry if it ocsts no mere than to plica . your orders elsewhere. Good. That's basine a. We've everything now ia Rpp;eri3 shape for the manufacture of Bugfiiea, Wagnns, Caits, Drajs, Harness, Ac. See now if we can't please you and keep yeur money home. nov 3 GESHARDT & CO. We Do Not Claim JpATROXAGE simply because we are a homo enterprise, nor do. we expect it at the expense of any one's pocket. WE DO CLAIM that we can fill any order for Saslii Doors and Blinds. Or anything in our line, at as LOW FIG URES, and as good work and material, as can be b xight any where. Window Glass, Buildei's Supplies always on hand. Our naw DRY'KILN is in operation, and none but the best Lumber is used. Respec fully, ALTAFFER & PRICE. Factory FoM of Walnut street. Office Cor.Nutt and Red Croea street. nov 3 r t n flmf lr tit !adl-.i'i-a' uj the lut. Rou3 he dormant ectr;; of the stomach with the BItte-s TV I ." t' us imparted will renvn. Thi H a aji estab lished br thousands of witaeasea, wnoaeteia mony is si ply a statement of their own priene p. 1 hoi afS cted with general de bility of every pTidia will find this medidne an unfaPi-'e aent ia buUling up ard re newing their strength. For tile by W Dtugguts and reipectable Dealer generally. nor 3 -aw. fjS w SX03IACH Jj I New Adveitisemonts. Watches, JfcWKI.KY, Ac Repaired neatly aad promptly, by J. L. WIVNKR, No. 3 South Fr.-nt street. Wilijir'n. N. C. Over ttnty years' experience. .:ve me triaL cor S City of Wilmington, i Office (Jhkf of Felice, October 31, 1879. fplJE FOLiOWtNH Section of an Ordi nance adopted by the Board .of Aldermen at a mcetiag beM June 7ih, 1876,w i lbe enforced on and afttr 1UE3DAT, No vcmbtr 4th. Sec 2. Th&t no Cjw or Calf, Ox or Bull, be peimitted to Tun at large, within the city limiti, betveen the fi'Bt day of November aid the fi tt 0 fi ay following,, f each y-ar. 11. C. BROCK, oct 3i--3tnac Chie? of Polica. Star copy. ;Just Received. 1 ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of English nd American Poe s. Also, a 1 well selccted stock of j Children's Books, Fancy Stationery in Boxes, Velvet Framer, 1 Autograph Albums, Fsncy Inkstands, Hvmn Bools, rrayer uo 011 and Bible?, Usual supply of School Books, Blank Books and Stationery, in fact every thing pertaining to the busi ness can be had t reasonable prices. Depository for School Booki adooted by the State Board of Idacition. nov 3 O. W. YJLTES. Let's See, KIMD PATROfJSI Y"lTAT WE. CAN DO FOR YOU this week : . i We offer you, cit lier at ,J Wholesale or Eetail, Refined Sugars from Cut Loaf down to Yellow, i Molasses and Syrups, from Pure White I I . down, to Cuba ; Sp':es, Whole or Ground; Coffs, from low grade Rio to Old Gov ernment Java ; 1 Teas, the largest stock eer offered ia Wi.' mington ; Foreign Fruits, Nuts and Raislrs; Crackers of all kinds; j Pure Candies; 1000 cases Canned Good?; i Apples and; Potatoes; Piper Heidseick Champagne; 'Whiskeys, Brandies, Gin3, Rums, old N, C. Apple Brandy; i " l Table and Cooking Wine-; Lemp's Lager, the finest in Amit'cr, BeauUful little Pig Hams Fresh Buckwheat and elegant Bat tej ; And Sundries too numerous to mention. Our stock of Heavy Goods is very large. 4 We can supply you with any article y m may ak for in the Grocery Li Boatwright & McKoy. P.S. To those i rcst-jJ s! wiil ttate that our b'H - i l m x '.'i ou up to the first ot No -'.nser. We '.r.-.r.1. o.i and if you will ca'.' o i Mt. Lippi:', o tr (as?ii;r, and teu-i r 'i a h' ia a y. Ha wi.I groet you with as .sl' ; 'hin it makes u s hap py to knw tha hs ij happy.l Bdatvrilit & BIcKoy 5 & 7 Iorth Tront Street. Employments AJTTED AS A;B0CK-K AC- C0USTAJTT, OLEBK, or ia aar ether et- i T A..s f?ity. Best ( f rcfereoee riven. B. W. JfeLATJRIT, P.O. Box 403, City. PLEASE 50TTCE. ' SLWewHI be glad to reeelre eoosinaicati( cj from our frieads on any and all; tubject'c! . general Interest butt ' - j xae name or the write r'.mustj alwaye be fur auaedto the Editor. TJ ': . CommunicatioEi mcst be writUa on oily one tide of tfcejpaper. j j Pe"ars u; tie? mutt be avoided. j r An i !i ea ;. ciaIy and particularly under to )d tLat ti.. J d-tor doea not always endo j te views of correspondent, nnleuso fUtcfj lathe edltoiialcoluans. ' , , I ... I New Advertisements! FALL k WINTER GOODS. - ; AT . Gfl- -M: KATZ's! 3G Market Sii HAVING bUCCEEDLD- after several waeks of untiring industry acd eflbrt, n buylog the CHOICEST PRODUCTS j of European and American' Mannfaclar ts, I am prepared to cfTT to my Patrons and FiieutiS --.j- 1 - "-1 ' Bargains 1 In all the different. Drj arracnts, which, -ca.-.n. i l. exteiieu in V A U i ,-E-T. y AND i By any House in the city! or elsewhere. BLACK DRESS SILKS! Of Bellon, Guinet, Teillard and Ponsonl1 " manufacture. , i ' Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS GRAIN I for One Dollar per yard. I " ' "' I' I Colored Silks, Silk' Vcl- Tels3 Satins, I : I ;n Plain a d Satin Stiipcs. DRESS GOODS Satin Melange Cashmere, Soi'e, Brocade "J Persan, Persan Raye, I 11 ' Raye troche, Cavalo Mohair, Striped-, Satiu, CatnePa Hair. - , 1 I Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up, i I Colored AInacas. all Rhafl Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy! only 10 cents per yard. I I1 ' A Great Variety of different styles, suit-. auicui iue season, very low. i r EVJourning Goods. The best assortment ever offered here, iu Drab D'Ete, Boimbazice, Tamlse, Crepe Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cash mere; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian Cloth, ; j Trimmings, Silk, Grass and Cheneil Frir f ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every style, got 4 and cheap, Skirts and Corsets. - 'I The best Fifty Cent Corset over so.'d Ifif me city. i Ribboncr Fancy, Satin, I Striped and Brocadit)4 Laces and Embroideries in greatest tarleS UtJ, Men and Boys' Wear,' Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Ruchlngs; Ties, Fancy Goods. true inousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefi,fromocup. DOMESTIC GOODS, &o . drc., &c, all at prices which defy i com.. :, petition, aud qualities which cannoi fail I to give satisfaction. I can assure my ' kind 1 patrons that every article will be sold A3 LOW, a jI THE MAJORITY" LOWER, than ai any previous season. ij i Order Samples and you wi.l be certain to paronjz? mt IHm KAT25; 30 Market St. t oct 27 Unsurpassed! f QDP. STOCK OF MES'S; TOUTnS'ank'' Bey i' Clo thine and Furnishing tiooisJHaU ! and Cpf, is unsurpiued, in style, make, quality and prices. We bare two 8tor f fudof 3Tew Qoodf, and we ars rapidly lag them. Call at once aad make telestionx. aad ree how cheap you can In. 1 1 j I h best and .cheapeii Ibit t la the cily Unndriea andnalatnJred, at " j SHatfR'd TTIO STCRi3, 1 Kirketlt

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