, THIS PA8 Sundays E8, ETOK. oa,.BlKTlOX8.li08TAGK PAID. 60 : Three i Tr -c . om month, 60 oents. h delivered br carriers, ,v oartof the city, at the h TtW ' i nd liberal report any and eir papers refrnlarly. Advertigameatg. .4 LATEST I i UNi&IEODDICK, 45 Elarket St. . L N0Y FULLY EQUIPPED IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. iVLW BEES FOR THE LAST ks In the Keribern markets, we now fully prepaid j ass rtmen uj cv,u u us ir,T.1tahlishmeiit- Our stock ffi selected with all care so a. to " . f- f vrv one. Oar Drv U T were bought during the late warm iwLr rh-n Importers were anxious to IL on their goods and many ad van tai i were gained. We hav0 many Special Jobs u iM h. imnos9ible for us to take 'ice of as our space will not allow. The Sowing can give but a very linir-l id-a Lwwe hare on hand. A al o;.-) i cofer the ground. frilE CHEAPEST LINE from Auction hare ever shown, Sl.UU, l.io, a.o, i 1 f.n 1 75 and 2.00. Colored Silk for Trimming, 75 cent, iD the popular shades. Brocaded Satins for Ti miming, $1.50, e iatest styles Black ailk Velvets, for Trimming. $1.50, x fill Bin k Silk Finiih Velveteens 15 cents, a xi article. ancv Dress Goods. Ti e largest andmcst vaiied assortment this citv. embracing ail the Novelties at hws ranging from 12ito 75 cents. Colored Cashmeres irora lo to cenis. OUB Mourning Department bow reple'e, having added the new fab i ot the season. HCK CASHMERES WE NUKE A SPECIALTY. (BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a full assortment, made from pare clear Batting. Flannels. 'Ave: r very large stock, too numerous for do- Bottom prices guaranteed. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under far, Hosiery and Gloves. Just eive ns an onnnrtnnltv of ahow- I o r l J I what we have cot and we do not fear je result. Cassimeres pr Men and Boys' wear, all prices. pached.and Unbleached Sheetings, Bleached Shirtings and Homespuns. space to quote prices, but you can J7 they are as low as any thing in the LITEST NOVELTIES Ladies' Ties and Neck Wear. MMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, from 50 cents to $2.50. Alicbes from 4 1-2 Up ! Licfc of space prevent n fmm &Ar9 ore or quoting as many prices as we de Uvn .rhve. Sres" many SPECIAL k: - v wmcb we e offering away Wow market value. J'lJ'. give ns a call; it is much the safest f of M curing any of them. ?R0WN, & RODDICK, 3 Market Street Cheap Coal 1 1 WlLMlJjQTON while it caotinBes at ihe Xorth, Conanmere wiU be f fcy UTjaz i0 suppliee NOW from tJ:4Utowm, bj et 29 J. A.SPRINGIK. nn VOL. IV. i WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1879 NO. 231 LOCAL NEWS. If ew Adrertisements. i i Maa. E. A. lM8Dsx-f Millinery Mi'linery. Hcaios Rem-mber. P. HanrsBeaaaa OrgaBettcs. A. A I. SHRiia TJ&eurpatsed. Por other locals se lourth page . Fashions are tons. great! atteahed to but Wicdow Glass -ali sizes at ltafler & I .1 ' ! t Price's. Early risers this morcino; tell of the ice they Faw "Going on a to6t' i ia a vulvar idiom for proceeding on a spree. A new . reversible overcoat is id the form of a demi-ulser. rr- t ! ine miser is a man wnu lives .1 I i like beggar because! he is arraid of dying like one. The barque Kong Osfcar, Jensen, clear ed at Liverpool on tha 23 J ult. for this port. ' There ure only three thiags yoa can gcj lur .uitiin m thu worldi air. and water advice. The barque Charlotte d? Anna, Lewin, cleared at Hamburg on ; the 20th ult. for this port. Young men may ha made of brass, but the Cincinnati Commercial 'says young i 1 i ladies are made of belle metal. 1 : i A big railroad meeting is in j rogress at Burgaw to dayi We hope to present a full report in to morrow's issue. . , . - The barque j&alus, Hansen, clear i at Bordeaux on the! 18th and sailed from Pauiliar on the 19th uU. for this port.. Three white tramps made their lodg ing the in Guard House last night, having nowhere else to lay their heads, and tb'.s morning tramped off agaiu Persons may outgrow disease and be come' heal thy by proper attention to the' laws of their physical constitutions. By moderate and daily excercise men may become strong in limb and muscle. The first Industrial Fair of! the colored people will be held on the 17th inst., at Camp Russell, near Raleigh. The grounds are now being prepared and the buildings arranged for , the display, which promises to be highly creditable. Strangers in the citji should not feilto visit the street. S sh Factory, foot of Wa! nut 1 The safest and most ! reliable remedy for the usual diseases of the baby is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. It contains nothing Injurious. Price 25 cents a bottle. . Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all! kinds of paint ing matexials for the lowest, prices at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot. t Capt.Jno. W. . Galloway; j las gone to Baltimore to rtside. He ha3 been heard from nu i his prespects s M getting into l :0o J a few days Dcsineps tfcere wtra very ago. 0viug to ;c-ud Nor the n:ia prevailed yesterday evenipg, . i niiit was verv coui. lnis norfiins h-3 frcst was plentiful and f jrrbf 1 j in various exposed localities. Signal Skkvicb, U. S A Station Wilmington, N. C, Xor. 4 J 1879 10:30 a. m. , The following orders have bfieii received at this station. i H ! i Signals are ! ordered down at New York, New Haven, (New London, New- port, Woods Hall, Boston, SedRon Eight Portland and Section Seven . S i J. M. Watso.y, Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. Indications. WabI Depabtm ent, 1 Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. C.,? Nov. 4tbf 1879. For the South Atlantic States during the day cold North; to East winds, clear or partly cloudy weather will continue. followed during Wednesday by warmer Southeast to Southwest winds. J M. Watsox, SergU Sig. Corps, U S. A. Almost jloung isain. j My mother was afflicted a long time With Neuralgia and a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system: headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless Nu physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago she began to use Hop Bitters, with such good effect that' she seems and feels youog again, although over 70 years old. We think there is no other medicine ht to um in the family A lady, ia Protidence, ' I'-' ' New 2Jarket The roof is being put on the new mir ket house and the building is beginning to look yer j h andsome. The brick work will be completed by the latter J part of this week and it is thought the bailding will be ready for use by the first of De cember. J Mr. Jno. D. Sidbary, who has the contract for building the fish market, is at work laying the foundation on the wharf, in rear of the market building. The market when finished will be an orna ment to thy city, and should be a pride to every citizen who" encourages improve ments. i ' " Enterprising. Messrs. Herring & Moore seem to be doing a lively business at Burgaw in the way of shipping roots, hems, &o. They sent off la6t Saturday some 3,500 pounds, all of which was gathered In one week. They are preparing now a large lot for shipment, among which is several hun dred pounds of yellow jessamine root. This is considered in this sec ion to be poisonous, and so it is when eaten in the green or crude state, but it becomes a very valuable medicine after certain preparations. passing through You Doors pay the lowest cash prices for Sash; and Blinds, Builder's Hard. ware, &c.,'at Jacobi's No.10 South Front street. t County Commissioners. The Board met in regular mouthly sion yesterday afternoon. ses- The Treasurer of the County submitted his monthly report, showing a balance on hand of $5,036.66, which was examined and rpproved ; and it was ordered by the Board that hereafter the Treasurer pay no order of school committees, except for the hire of school teachers, unless the same is app oved by the Chairman of the Board of Education. The Treasurer's report on General Fund, showing a balance in hand of $1,742, was examinad, found correct ai:d ordered on file. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report on Special Fund, showing a balance on hand of $5,431.25, and surrendered fif teen bonds of $500 each, due 1st of March, 1879, numbered 13 to 99, one coupon cf $15, No 13, and 43 coupons at $3 each, numbered 1 to 44, paid by him and inclu ded in his accounts, which said bonds and ooupons were burned,. The Register made his monthly report of marriage licenses, exhibiting his receipt for $16.15 paid to the County Treasurer, which was received and ordered on file. Quite a number of cor reel ions of clerical errors in tax assessments were made. The following were granted licenses to retail spirituous liquors: John F Rulfs, John W Gerdts, Wm Ulrich, D Otten, A Bash, J Fernberger, R F Eyden, Henry k Rush, J H JGrotgen, John M Bremer, R J Scarborough, John F Stol- ter. H Schulken. J G Oldenbuttel. A C Wessell, Chis Wessell, Sarah J Mayer, C Michaelis A K Heyer Carl Mugge, August Duemelandt, Ed ward Bryson, Jno Haar, Jr, George E Burden, J D H Klander, J W Dula, J D Stelgers, Geo F Colin, C Schulken, Wm .Futrel, E W Doscher, Henry Leitgen, Geo L Shutte, N Hullen, Claus Stemmer man, W H Grotgen. Petition from citizens of Masonboro township, in regard to opening a public road, was referred to Commissioner Montgomery for a report. The following persons were drawn to serve at the approaching term of the Criminal Court for this county, which meets on the 24th inst.: John J Beasley, A T Hewlett, J J Hedrick, P H Hayden, F V B Yopp, P Heinsberger, L Flanagan, Joseph O Bow dan, C S Love, Wm Gilchrist, H B Eilcrs, F A Newbury, William O John son, John A Hargrave, John W Gallo way, John F Gilbert, William Futrel, John H Sweeny, T B Henderson, Da Witt C Love, George Grady, F W Ortman; T M Garrison, Halifax Leonard, John H Fr.eman, H B Willis, A W Watson, R R Sullivan, R B Wood, Henry Davis. The following were drawn to serve during the approaching term of the Su perior Court, which meets on the first Monday in December: First Week Thomas Post, ' Robert Henning, R B Wood, Jr, A S Heide, Thomas Washburn, C H Schulken, C B Wright, S W Skinner, E Schulkea, L Greenebaum, C H Ward, G L Shutte. Second Week O S Yarborough, John S McEachern, Roderick McRae, Ashley Gilbert, William Ulricb, E Van Lear, Thomas Rivera, J W Bobbins, J L Thornton, C B Futch, Patrick Glarin, D H Lyons. Eetiew. Board or Aldermen The Board met in regular monthly session at the City Hall last night, at 7: 30 o'clock. : i Committee on Fire Department re ported progress on the oil standard mat ter, and also favorably on the ordinance in regard to paying the Fire Companies when employed for salvage purposes, and the ordinance was adopted, after amend ment fixing the charge for day service of Steam Fire Engine Companies at ten dol lars per hour, and for night service fif teen dollars. Committee on Streets and Wharves reported progress in the matter of moving market carts, and regarding the renting of the city wharf, and recommended that an appropriation be made for th'j work on the dock and wharf at the foot of Red Cross street. Committee on Fiuance reported pro. gress on petition of Cato Bunting, and also on petition of City Treasurer Savage A communication from the Board of Audit and Finance was read, and on motion, so much thereof as rckried to the footway over Boney 'Bridge w.ig referred back to the Board for farther coasllera tion and consultation with Aldermen Foster and Lowrey. Petition of Messrs Chess, Carley & Co, for permission to erect iron tanks and sheds on Lot No 5, Block 260, was granted. Petition of street hands for increase of wages to one dollar per day, was re ceived, and on motion of Alderman Bowden the increase was allowed from November Sd, 1879, to March 1st 1850. The Mayor recommended that the pay of the police force be increased, and on motion of Alderman FJannor, an - increase of $5 per moth was made from Novem ber 1st, 1879, to March 1st, 1880. Alderman Foster offered the following resolution, which was adopted:; Whereas, The excessive far iff levied by the Western Union Telegraph Co. upon all dispatches sent an 1 received through their office and over their lines, to and from Wilmington, for many years past, have been enormous and oppressive to a degree that has retarded business, not only in our city, but throughout the whole South; and, whereas, the great monopoly Star-chamber the Western Union Telegraph Company, have repeat edly refused to lessen the burdensome rates upon our business men, tc. there fore, be it Ordered, That the telegraph business of the city government be tendered to the American Union Telegraph Company for a term of five ye&rs to all points reached by their lines; provided, that they extend their lines to Wilmington within one year, and establish a rate not. lass than 20 per cent, under the present rate ef the Western Union Company; also that a copy be sent Mr D H Bates, President of the American Union Telegraph Com pany, Petition of St. Stephen's A M. E Church, for the use of the City Hall, was granted . - Report of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department was read and ordered to be put on file. Sundry petitions for positions on the police force were read and ordered on file. On motion, the City Clerk was instruc ted to notify Messrs. Worth & Worth, steamboat agent?, that the wharf occupied by them is reported in a dangerous con dition, and must be repaired immedU ately. The Committee on Firo Department re ported in regard to bids for keeping t be fire cisterns filled and pumps in repair, that all were excessive, and en motion of . Alderman Myers the report was received and the matter laid upon the table. Save your money by buying your Build ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Death at the City Hall. James Stocks, a colored man, appar ently about 25 years of age, was found lying on the wharf on Saturday, in a very debilitated condition. and conveyed to the Guard House for protection from the weather, aud on the day following, Sun day, ha expired. His disease the city physician states was concedtire fever. The remaics of the deceased remained in the Guard Uovjm at the City Hail until about noon, to day. when, as no c ne had come to claim the b ly, i: as buried in Potters VvA at I be ex-isj of the county. Arrested la the MiTi?i one. A colored n-orrrin by tbw wf DeLie swett was arrestsd in the Market House about 12 o'clock bv officer Grant, upon suspicion of having purloined a pcico of beef which she then had in her possession. iromsomeof the s talis. The defendant was turned over to Justice Millis tor trial. Remembering tne Poor. The members of St. James Episcopal Pariah will poucd the poor under the care of S:. James', Home this evening. Pound packages of coffee, teas, sugar, etc hare been sent to the Home and tonight the lady saperintendents will give tLcm out to the nedy, in such quantises as in their judgment they deem adv"a ' 'e. We should like to see more of such pounding in this community. Much good can te done in this way and the sick poor be very much relieved. Morwy saved in b-yiug your Household Hardware at Jacobi's, No. 10 South Front sf.eet. f omiultted o Jail. y James Henderson, the same individual who was arraigned yesterday before the Mayor, charged with forcing a lock in the Market House on Sunday morning, and whose cse was continued until to-day, Wa this morning by order of. Mayor Fishblate delivered over to a trial Justice for arraignnie It ufon.the abn'e named chire. Iho 'ic-:eiidaiit wai committed to jail in default of eurety for his appear ance at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, at which time a preliminary investigation will be had before the Magistrate who committed him. In a Bis Hurry. We think that the Board of Aldermen were in too big a hurry last night in adopting the resolution offered by Alderman Foster, denouncing the Western Union Company and endorsing Jay Gould's new scheme, the 'American Union Telegraph Company.' "We don't know how far South the lines of the new company have yet extended, probably not farther than Courtlandt street ferry, on the New York side, but wo do not doubt that the magnificent inducement held out to them in the.r solution will work wond ers. By actual investigation ithas been as certained that 'the telegraph business of the.city government during the last five years, has been worth just about $5, or $1 a year. In that time the Western Un ion Company have paid into the city Treasury some $3,000. The celebrated Zeb Vance. Southern Baker and'ehief Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f Fine Tobacco. We have received several samples of tobacco raised in Sampson county, 8 miles from Clinton, on the plantations of Co). John D. Ashford and Mr. James Stevens. The samples were selected from a field of 38 acres, and are about an avrae of the entire crop. It was cultivated by a prac tical tobacco farmer from the upper portion of the State, and from our limited knowl edge of the unmanufactured article, we Should pronounce it very fine. Tobacco is undoubtedly the most profit able crop which can be produced In the State, all things considered, and we believe there are thousands of acres in this Eastern section which might be mado to produce as abundantly and as fine a quality as those counties which have hitherto been its principal places of cultivation. We hope to see this branch of agricultural in dustry more extensively operated in this section, being very positive that i5 will prove more remunerative to the producer than anything else. Let every farmer en- deayor to raise his own meat and bread, and then cultivate tobacco, instead of cot ton, and fanning will be fjuad to be moie profitable by the change. New Advertisements. Mllineryimilineryi on aud opsnirarG i rpHURSDAY, FBIDAY AND FATCE DAT, Nov. 6th, 7th and 8th, at MBS. E. A. LUM8DEV3. nov 4-lt Remember -yE HIVE NOT ADVANCED OCR Piieee. Moner saved in bajinj: Ciothir now. U U.VSO.V, THE CLOTHIER nv 3 AND 11 ES. TAILOR. Organettes. NEW SUPPLY O? THE83 Beiutlfal A aad ebeap Instrumenti fast received at ikt LIVE BOOK STORE. Ihe arkeUof Pari, by Z la, The Conquest of Flintti, by Z Ia, The Earl' Secret, a companion to"Pint" and "7amily P, i Je." Ali for sale at HXUSSKBOZB'S, ' nov 3 Live Book aad Ifajie Store. PLEASE KOTICS. 11 We will be glad te receive eommuicatk sj from our friends on aay asd all subjected general interest bat z The name of the writerOftJ alwiyr be fcr nished to the Editor. Conmtmieatioafl raut be written a or.y one aide of the'paper. I PesoBalities ajBst be aroidisJ. j ; AKi-V is eareciallr "td parti fularly'nnder itco-i tLat t:.e Editor does not alwayi endo s the viewaof correyi-ondesia, uileatso1 lUttfJ in the editorial coluana. I I J New Advertisements. -FALL & WJNTER GOODS. AT fyj. R3. KATZ'S 36 Market si. HAVING SUCCEEDED after several weeks of nniiring industry atd effort, in buying the CHOICEST PRODUCTS of European and iAmerican Manufactur ers. I am prepared to ctfy to ray Tatrons and Friends M l Bargains In all the different Departments, which . e.i:i.( i uji xteiltu in A R J ET Y AND By any House in the city or elsewhere. BLACK DRESS SILKS! Of Bellon, Guinet, Telllard 'and Tcnson manufacture. ; Cur celebrated heavy Soft GROS GUA1S for One Dollar per yard. Colored Silks, Silt Vel vets, Salinv, ; )l' Jn '"PlAin and Satir Sifipe DRESS GOODS. Satin Melange, Cashmere, Sole, Brocade l ersan, rersan ttaye, Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Strioa oaciu, uamers nair, Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up, ' Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 cents, Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 10 cents per yard. A Great Variety of different at viA. in it. auie ur ine season, very low. .. . . J 1 EVIourning Goods, The best assortment ever offered here. m Urab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamiae; Crarij Kjioia ; nam, otnpea ana JUrocaUo Cash mere ; Honriettai, Mohairs, Australiau Cloth, CMs.Memroofs.SMwIs, Trimmings, Silk, Grass and Chsneil Frk ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every style, gocd and cheap. Skirts and Corsets. The best Fifty Cent Corset cVer s tho city. Ribbonsa Fancy, Satin, Striped and Brocaded Laces and Embroideries in Greatest varlc ty. Housekeeping Goods, Blankets, FIav nej. Men and Boys' Wear Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Mep rlco .Vests", Kachings, Ties, Fancy Goodj. Or e 'Iliou;and Dozan Lmen Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &o , tic., Ac, all at prices which defy com -petition, "and qualities which cannot fail to gi7e satisfaction. I can assure my kind pation3 that every artie'e will be sold AS LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWErt, lhari at any previous season. , Order Samples and you vil b i. certain to ptroniz3 36 Market St. cct 27 Unsurpassed! QUR STOCK OP iIE.Vc, TOUTES' and Bey' Clothisg aad Taiu'ithisg Goods, IlaU and Cipi, is u&surpiued, ia itake, qualit and prietf. We hare txo Store f faJofNew Good, atd we are rapidly ce)! in; them. Call at ence aid cats !cticn i and zee tow cheap ypa etz toy. j Tbe best an i chsij es v. i h i I la tie etlyr laundried and snUtjilred, a SHRim'a T w0 3TCft2S. cetH llA.ket st. a