THIS PAPER v , eTery afternoon, Hnadays ex- T. J AI KB, E;,!Ta A-VX 1-KOPaiEToK. i -CliHTIOa. POSTAGE PAID. l 5 CO Six months, $2 50 ; Three ,I? T f 1 25 ; One month, 60 cent. 1 " .-Ir vri!l be delivered by carriers, ' ( a - - . a y part of the city, at the ' ' .)'!:! cents j.'r week. . j, : i ili please report any and r-eit-ir papers regularly. w Ad yoru so moats. LATEST ! RODDICK, - 45 Karket St. MW hULLY EQUIPPED THE IN DRY GOODS LINE, TTAVIN'tf BEEN FOR TUE LAST n we-ks in the Nor. hern markets, we TW,t tiie wants oi evnj wuj. 'j r ,,Lwere b.u;lit, during the late warm vjltr hn I in porters were auxious to .y.t ontlu-ir go ,ls and many advan ce's were game J. We have many li' wflbo impossible fr us to take jfas o if .-ace vnuuut auuw. i uc i ,, . f .m i:ive but :i very limn ea nif-a 1,1 , i .... i i ,v: r..vr ft'' p i CHEAPEST LINE from Auction liive over slwwn, $1.00, 1.15, 1.25, r..!ore'ISilk fr 1 rimming, to com?, in ' ix'j'usai shades. - :. . . rr- f1 rn iiro'-aiifil satins it iiiintuiua, ti .ov, lr-tck si!k !.t'.,:fji Ti'imming. $1.50, T.". aii'J'. i k S;!k lh ;'i Velveteens 75 cents, a i : 1 . Fancy Goods. Urx '?t an m st v.iiied assortment , t'.is ti y, em'jiaoii'- the No.elties at 'x rr.icin hvm i- to 1 cents. . I'.! ::d Chni-ie if -m 15 to 75 cents. OIK Mourning Department InoTT rop'e'e, hav'n-g adJed J lie new fab- ;C5 of llQ S'caiOti. ; SUCK CASHMERES WE mte A SPECIALTY. LLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COM FUIITA BLESS, a full assortment, h ! lua.!-? from pare clear BaUiifg. " Flannel A very Lrire stock, tco numerous for de is. iJjttym prices guaranteed. La ins' (J-nU" and Children's Uu.ler- Rir, Hosiery, ai.d Gloves. T Jjst give us an opportunity of show ? what we have i:ot and we do not fear pe result. Cassimeres or Men and Eoys' wea", all pricss. . Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings. reached Shirtings and Homespuns. .-'spiee to 'Viote price?, but you can y yareas low as any thing in the i LITEST NOVELTIES u Luilie Tics ami IVcck Wear. HMOSAl AND FELT SKIRTS, from : cents to $2.50. alicoes from i 1-2 Up ! UC,iOi,;V - r..-. f -vi: F-re Or n lo-i, ,T a , j j i, ... j- '"uij pris as we ue ifrli v.1Ve, a -uat any SPECIAL rfrnurk.tva-,;... -iO W !! 1 it-.. ..41 ering away avr.f t a 0 11 : l -13 niujh the safet -y secure a!:y ,.l th, n, .1 c mVTS & EODDIck, 5 RIarlict Street v ust Received, XELEG-k-N"r A.SSORTME.VT of ingjil h Mser Ct f f o, a weli stketed . ! uUe, .;c.v Mti .Ecrr in Uvxcs .Jufraph Albums aey irk,Unds hTtnu BooIp, .fJer Bo.ksand liibk?, Us u of School Uools, m can fe i fc Fr18'""1?: to trie Dasi- had . t reisocabla tric. fPOtttm f.. SVl 17 V. - J- .A.J CUji BorJ of EdaciUoo. ?wive ass rtniHii". in each and eve?y ? r'in-rt "ir stablisbment. Our stock : fFl l. o eil with all care so as to C. W. TATES. HE; DAM REflEW.:' i i 1 , ' . " , . ' VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N..C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1879. ' NO 232 ' 1 ' 1 ! 1 ' ' . - ! J ' I LOCAL iNEWSj, New Advertisements. J. A. Springers Red Ash Goal. Chas Kleiv Undertaker i' T. II. Eowit To the Public. Mdmeoi Remtmbor. i P. BsiKSEEEesR OriaEjptt s. A. A I. Shbisr UisarpaEaed. I Marriage is no uuqve gane it, is a tie. Fans are now useful. ihiTi ornamental than Wirdow Glass ali sizes at ibSer & Price's. f Butte. cup ti itd silk i out? of the latest novelties, I ' 1 : Ji , ; . The arch youtj.wooiau wiih a beau b comes arcuer. After all, the sh the most laps! ngfeb 6a a r of cover L-iose contest une wioinaii tjymg to I The Almanac promiees a hard rost to morrow. We had it this morning. Eyes are not eyes t?hen cigar smokt makes them water; this is reliable. 'it uruful nuQibers!1 are those which the lottery speculator does not draw.: 'Early to bed and eariyi to rise is A rule ever followed by pestileu! It flies. Or.o man, even the greatest, is of little account in the great, total of humanity The circus that gives the most dead- head tickets is the gratis s,how on earth. . If a little stream is a streamlet, is not t ! a little team a team le when it is hired. The fashionable young lady with her hair in style 'is the proprietor of a sle." ban". i Before marri.ige, jlioney; after mar nage, funny. money; wh:fe is anything but Steamship Itcgiila'or, Cap from this port, arrived at New terday. j ! Doane, York yes It is vulvar to call a man bovw legged. Just speak of hida as a parenthetical pedestrian. Teople wiil talk and sing about the flowing bowl, when it flows at all.. ' isn't the bowl that t It i3 the belief cf many politicians that a man can never vo4e the right ticket un less he is djunk. If these who over eat . and thosa who half-starve were to strike a balance, tjhe world would be pretty well fed. Our str2ets are well filled with excur sionists to-day and the prospect, they tell us, is good for every day this week. Never strike even a postag3! stamp in the ace, bat press it as gently as. you wou'd caress ihe velvet cheek of abejautj. Col. D K. Mill to will lecture at Red Banks, in Robeson county, on next Friday night, fur the lenc fit of the .Presbyterian Church thora. You iay t'a to tt sc cash in ices 'for : i i Doors, aih ai d ijlia 's, Builder's Hard wan1, ;i:!J n. obis N 10 b.-uth Fiont street. . ; f Last uiht was tleci Jfe-ii V ths cold est of the season and thi morning there wae a bird frost and plenty of ice. The weather t) day has moderated somewhat. If thirteen persons J sit at one table, some one will die, If one of the thirteen dies in the course of a lustrum, the super- slitien is supposed to be corroborated. The boy who left a piece of ice in the i j t j sun to warm, was no more; foolish thiin tbe man who opened a store and expected peopled to hunt, hi "at out and buy his goods. The OxfcTdTorchlight tells us this.1. We commer.l the enterprising news broker to the tender mercies of Bro. Kingsbury: A Mr. Chapel, of Dutch ville Township, recently died from the effects of a bullet shot bv Gen Francis Marion simen during the Revolutionary "war. , Grape Juice. The art of fermenting the Oporto Grape into wine iD this counitry has been brought to a creater degree cf perfection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of rassali, New Jersey, than by any other person,! and his wine is uery popular as a ladies' wine, as well as for the communion tble and for invalids. Foi sale by Green ct G lancer, Jas. C. Mands and P. L. Brldgers & Co. If you want to prevent Typhoid Fever, o ii you feei as if jou were going to have the chills and fever, taka Dr. Bull's, Baltimore Pills. Price 23 cts. i A Correction." In ihe article yesterday relative to tl e pound party at St. James' Rectory Lst night, our reporter was misled byhein formation he had obtained. The pound!! g was for the relief of St. Jamrs' Hence, which hat become greatly in need of ssp plies,'aau not for the poor. The cor. tributors were very liberal, and the result very gratifying to the friends of this noble institution. i A Citizen of Pender County. There is a practising physiciaa now living in Pender county who has hid a pome what remarkable caree-. .He is! at the present time 57 years of are and has never taken a chew of tobacco i and does not know one playing card from another, Qe has been twice married and both of his w vea were of the same christian name, while his second wife, who was a widow when he married her. can say the same of both of her 'consorts. He has had two step mothers, and two mothers-in-law, besides his own mother, which makes five women whom he has called mother. He saw, his own mother married in 1831 and in December, 1812, his fit her wrote to him to get him a license to marry his second wifj, which he did, and then waited on his father at his second wedding. This man had 9 brothers-in-law present each time he was married, and at hi? last courting, there were abcut GO nephews and nieces who called him uncle. He has 6 children and 2 step-children, 3 children married, 1 grandchildren, 13 step-grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Ha is a good citizen, a thorough and uncompromising Democrat, a good old Iieb., who went through three years of the war. He is now ono of the oldest physicians In Pender county and a graduate of the Charleston School of Med icine, class of 1S45. Strangers in the city should not feilto visit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnut street. i A Carelees Smoker. We learn that Mr. J. T, Foy, of Scott's Hill, Pender county, came very near losing his buildings and property this morning by; fire, through the carelessness ofa colored boy. If seems that the boy was engaged yesterday in picking cotton for Mr. Foy, which he had placed in bags after it was picked and put into a cart and hauled it up to the barn, into which the bags were thrown. During the i i evening Mr. Foy, in walking about his buildings imagined he smelt the odor of burning cotton, and went into the barn to see if there were any indications of fire, but discovered none, although he handled all the bags which had been brought in. Upon going out early this morning, how ever, he .was surprised and alarmed to see volumes of smoke coming oat of the cracks in the weather- boarding, and rushing to the barn, he found one of the bags, which he had fortunately thrown out upon the floor, the night before, soma distance from the rest, on fire, and the floor of the barn ignited and in a light blaze. By quick and determined work the fire was extinguished, destroying only the the bag of cottton and doing some damage to the floor, which can beeasily repaired. We are sorry to say, however, that in his efforts, Mr. Foy's boots were ruined and his hands badly burned. It is supposed that the colored- boy, who is an, inveterate smoker, was smoking and carelessly let some of the fire from his pipe drop in among the cotton, t Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco- bi's Hardware Depot. t Indications. War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. C, Nov. 6th, 1879. For the Middle States, Northerly winds shifting to East and South, falling barom eter and slowly rising temperature and clear or fair weather during the day, and threatening wealher with light rain or snow by Thursday morning. For the South Atlantic States, Northeast winds shifting to East and South, slowly rising temperature, falling barometer and partly1 cloudy weather during the rest of Wednesday. J. 31. Watsos. Sergt. Sig. Corps, U. S. A. Almost Toons Asaln. My mother was afflicted along time With Neuralgia and a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago abe began to uae Hop Bitters, with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although over 70 years old. We think there is no other medicine fit to nss in the family A lady, in Protidence, l. I. i l i ; v No More News. We have jno more news ifrom New Vork by . telegraph to-daj. -i We. made efforts to get a special through from Washington City giving Us the latest in formation at 3 o'clock, but it1 has not arrived and we are , compelled to close without it. In this instance we fear ihat no news is bad news, Sixty-Four Canaries. 1 James Churchill, a noted bird fancier ol this city, lost siity-fjur canary birda on Monday last. They were confined in a very large cage which has four doors to it and escaped through one of the doors which had been left open' He succeeded in capturing twenty of them but the re maining j fortyfour were driven to the woods by boys who werei trying to run them down The birds escaped from Churchill's aviary on Fourth, between Nun and Church streets. I A Contrast. Fighting Joe Hooker died and so far as theU.S.Government hereabouts Is concern ed not a tear was shed nor a flag half-mast ed. He was at one time a M.ij.-r-General in the United States Auny. a.'though at his death on the retired list. Z-ichariah Chandler died and the Federal flags in this city are at half-mast to-day, in ac cordance with instructions, we presume, from Washington City. The difference ia tbatH ooker fought in the field for hii country and Chandler on the hustirgs for his party. Money saved in b jying your Household Hardware at Jacobi 's, No. 10 South Front street. f U. S. District Cout t. i j The following cases were disposed of before this tribunal to-day: The United States vs. H. Oglesby, with Frank Fountain as su e'y. Judgment final to be discharged uyon paymegt of costs. 1 ; The United States V3. eleven barrels of whiskey seized by the government afcou five months ago, but claimed by Beyis & FrazT, of Cincinnati, Ohio. District Attorney Albertson, for the goverment and the Messrs London for the defense. Verdict for the government. Save your money by buying your Build jng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t Magistrate's Court. Emanuel Rhodes, colored, was arraign ed this morning before Justice Millis on the charge of rape, but owing ' to the absence of witnesses for the defence, the case was postponed until Lcxt Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. James Henderson, colored, was brought before a trial Justice this morning to hare a preliminary investigation into the charge of forcing a lock in the Market House, mention cf which was made in the Review a few days ago. The evidence went to sustain the charge and the de fendant was bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $100,. in default of which he was committed to jail . The state Board of Health. The advantages and benefits arising from the State Board cf Health were very aptly illustrated by the following case which recently occurred near Rocky Point, in Pender county: Virgil Thome, a colored man, was found dead in a house near Rocky Point, on the 18th ult., and at the inquest testimony was adduced which indicated foul play and pointed to one Jim Sellars, colored, as instrumental in the death of Thome and poison as the means used. Sellars was arrested and Dr. W. T. En nett, Superintendent of Health for the county of Pender, was notified, and as soon as practicable the body was exhumed and a post mortem examination made.' Dr. nnett found that the cause of death wa3 from congestion of the lungs and the jury sammGned by the Coroner rendered their verdict accordingly. Sellars was then re- eastd from custody. By this simple plan cf arriving at the truth of the matter a great expense was saved to the j county a suspected criminal was declared innocent and set i at liberty and the demands of justice were satisfied in their entirety, ard the suspi cions of the people were at once allayed. The celebrated Zeb Wc iitbern Baker and Chief Cook 5: - and Heating Stoves lor old price. No advance at J a corn's Hardware Depot. f There have been email sales of spirits here to-day at 40 cent. It is quoted in New York to-day at 4S43 cents. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 601 bales. ' i The State Baptist Convention meets in Oxford to-day.1 Rev. 'j. B. Taylor. Pas tor of the First Bai.tist Church, in this city, is the only jerson who has left here as yet for attendance, so far as we are aware. ! New Advertjaemenis. To the Public. P1RTIE8 DESIROUS of investing a small amount of money for a gotd arti cle in the way of BOOTS AND 8HOJC8 will find it to tfceir advantage to call at No. 47 North Market Street, where taey will find only good Goo at very low prices. An examination of ? tock and pricai respectfallv o icited. i THf. H HOWEY, nor 5 Koi 47 Worth Market et. CHAS. KLEIN, UnfleiMer k CaW Hater, Princess Street, in. Basement of the , Journal Building, W I L M. I S fj T O N, N. C. A fine asftrtmenr of f?nffin. tnH fceti coMtantlT on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele araph er mall promptly filled. . nov 5 The 5 Brothers I T8 jNOW DISCHARGI.NO FOR between TOO and 490 tone finest quality Red Ash Goal. ME Selling at lowest market ratea. J. A. SPRINGER, of the Central Yard. nov 5 Remember HAVE NOT ADVANCEU OUR Piice. now. Money saTed in buying Clothing MUNSON, Tflfi CLOTHIER AND MER. TAILOR. Or&anettes. nv 3 NEW SUPPLY OF THESE Be autifal and cheap Instrument just received at the j LIVE BOOK 8T0RP. The Markets of Parig, by ZjU", 1" The Conquest of Plassana, by Z)Ia, The Earl's Secrets, a companion to"Piioi" and "Family Pide." All for sale at r - HEINSSERGER'S, I ' nov 3 Live Book aad Music 8tore. Secretary Office Wilmington &Weldon R- R- Co., Wi' mint; ton, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1679. DIVIDEND jOP THREE PER CENT., on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldoa Bail Road Company, ! has be n de clared, payable to the Stockholders on aad after the 22d Inst, , The Transfer Books will be closed from the 17th instant actll after the 22d. J. W. THOMPSON. I Secretary. nov-l-tf Secretaryjg OflSce, Wilmington &Weldon R R. Co, November ittt 187?. rpHE FORTY-FOURTH Annual Meetisff of the Stockholders of the Wilmington 4 Weldon Rail Roid Company will be held in t Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 18t! initant. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. nov 1-tf Ilackerel, Herring: and Codfish. jyjACKEREL iaBbls., Kits aad portable vaekage by package or retail, new and bright. CUUFIHH and Scalded Herring in qaaati- tite, or at retail . POULTRY, Kgg, Batter, Lard, Potatoes, Onions, and a fall Use of Family Groceries. All for tale at bottom price. oct3) NEWBURY A CHA8TEN. Watches, jHRONOM ETERS, j JLWELKY, 1c Repaired neatly and promptly, by J. U WINNER. No. 3 South front street. Wilmington. W. C, . . . . i uver tarnry ycarr experience. uzv9 me a trial. - 'so? 5 t L 'MBS if PLEA8S 50TIGE. , ' W be glad te recelra eozamcnkatk ti from our friends ea tay tfid airiubjectct general iaterwt bat: ' 1 ' The name of tie wrlter'mnstj alwaje be for. auaed to the Editor. 1 " '1'- . CommunicaUone moat be written on on.' one ride of thejpaper. 1 1 ' ' - ' i ' ' Personalities must be avoided. ' j , And it Li eapccia'ly nd particniarly andtr i stood tt at the Editor does not always eadoe ' the iews cfcorreepondents, anleessolitafefj ia the editorial coluans. f ! j ?e w Advertisements. 1 1 , FALL & .W1NTBS , ErOOBS. AT Me. IW. KATZ, Sfi Marlict it. HAVING SUCCEEDED- after keveral weeks of unliriog industry and effort, in buying the CHOICEST rRODp CTS , of European and American Manufjactur- ' ers. I am prepared ta cR'jr to my Patrons ana rrtends ins In all the1 different Departments, wliicb cannot be excelled tn ' V A R I E t Y li AKD EXCELLENCE ! Byany Houie in the city or elsewhere. ! I ' ' I ' BLACK DRESS SILKS! Of Eellon, Guinet, Teillard and Tonson marjufacture. J Our eelebrated heavy Soft GROS GUA1N lor une Dollar per yard. Colored Silks, Silk Vclf vel, Safins, . In in&in and Satin .r?liirs. DRESS GOODS. S-itin Melange, Cashmere, S6ie, Brocade Persan, PersaaRaye, T Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair. Striped Satlu, Camel's Hair, . Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up, Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 cents, Double Wlefch Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 16 cents per yard. j " A Great Variety of different s'jles, suit able for the season, very low. j VIourningr Goods! The best atso'-tment ever offered here, mDi-ab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crape Cloth ; Plain, Striped and "Brocade Cash mere; Henriettas, Mohaire, Australian Cloth. I 15, Trimmings, Silk, Qra3s and Cheneil Frin! ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every stylk good and cheap, Skirts and Corsets. I j The best Fifty Cent Corset ?ver sold in I tne city. RibbonsV Fancy, Satin, Striped and Brocaded. Laces and Embroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Gwds, Blankets, Flan- Men and Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Ruchitfgs, TiesFancy Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen I Handker chiefs, from 5c op. DOMESTIC? GOODS, &s , dc Jkc, ail at'prlces which defy com petition, 'and qualities which cannot fail to give satisfaction. lean assure my kind patrons that every article will be sold AS LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWES, than a, any previous season. Order Samples and you wi 1 be eertafn to patronize . 36 Market Sf. oct 27 ' I Unsurpassed! QUR STOCK OP MES'3, YOUTHS' aad Bcy' Clothing and FurnuhiBg Uoodj,THat' and Capi, is unsurpiwed, la styl make, quality and prices. toWe have tuo Storrt fddofNew Good, and we are rapidly ie! ing them. Call at (nee aid make lelecticn and cee bow cheap joa caz lay. i The beet aad ;cheapes I h;rt In te c. laundriei aad unlanrirei, At SHRIfR'J 0 STCSZS, "cttn UarkcttU Tfirnrnnfi? Shaw WUU, II II