THIS PA.PEB . a .rerr afternoon, 8uadaya ex- gOllOB ASD FKOPHIITOB. .inaTinV PAITV iL i"oO Six months, $2 60 ; Three jie Tr' . ,5. one month, 50 cents. 9 'r will be delivered by carrier!, ft J Pt of the city, at tbe V',, or U cents per week. Tr low and liberal AlTer ..... nlARHrnort anr and s-riaw:riDrro - r --- Y receive their papers resrularly. flew Advertisements. T H E & RODDICK, 45 Market . iKeOW H LLY EQUIPPED IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. AVISO BEEN FOR THE LAST H '.'..i. ;n tiip Northern markets, we Sow fully prepared to show the most pnive ass rtrneiits id each and evey "rtmeiitof our. etablisbraent. Our stock Tln selected with all care so as to ;t tbe wants of every one. Our Dry k1s were bought during the late warm rrtJhrr wh-n Importers were anxious to .ijr, on their goods and many advan.. ;,es were game i. We have many Special Jobs which it wi'lbe impossible for us to take ,,fcice of as our space will not allow. I he f l0Wlt)T can give but a very limited idea ,. !,at we liare on hand. A call only ,4-i t er the ground. - . THE CHEAPEST LINE from Auction -!uve ever shown, $1.00, 1.15, 1.25, :;7l. 10, 1.73 and 2 00. ' iloredSilk for Trimming, 75 cents, in ail lie popular shades. . brocaded Satins far "Trimming, $J.o0, i;!a(k3ilt V tiveis, iur i ri wui 1 1 .jv, 1 73 and 2.00. . r.U.kSilkFinijli Velveteens 75 cents, a .... r i l n fp. ' tr 1 r: i z d article. . Fancy Dress Goods. Tl o largest and nvst vaiied assortment i tiii-, city, embracing ail the Novelties at j re s ranging from 12), to 75 cents. Colored Uashmcrcs irm lo to to cems. Mourning Department i inow reple'e, having added the new fab ius of the season. SUCK CASHMERES WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. DLANKETS from $1.D0 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a full assortment, all made from pciro clear Batting, Flannels. A very large stock, too numerous for de !a:ls. Bottom prices guaranteed. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Undcr "eir, Hosiery and Gloves. C7 Just give us an opportunity of show i'H what we have got aud we do not fear ibe result. . Cassimeres For Men and Boys' wear, all prices. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings. Bleached Shirtings and Homespuns. space to quote prices, but you can re'y they are as low-as any thing in the market. LITEST NOVELTIES In Ladies' Tics and Neck Wear. BALMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, from CO cents to $2.50. Calicoes from 4 -1-2 Up! Lack of space pre ventvus from adding more or quoting as many prices as we de SJ:r e a great many SPECIAL BAKUAIXS which we aie ottering away Wow market value. Just give m a call; it is much the ssfet w7 or securing any of them. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 Market Street oct 27 Just Received. ILKQ1JIT ASSORTMENT of FnirlLh JkAfericia Po'8, Als0' .welliekcted Children' Books, f cy Stationery in Boxes. eUet Frames, Autojrraph Albums, ?ncy Inkstand?, Hymn Bool s, grayer Borki and Bible, il supply of School Boots, M . f. tBUnk Booka and Stationery, But vT"T hnZ pertalnieg to the basi- aSTo00440 for School Booka adapted J tt Bute Board of Education. aov l a W. YATES. no H Si VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1879. NO. 233 LOCAL1 NEWS. Aew Advertisements. P. HHiN8BER9a The Most Attract! v. II ALL k PAR8ALL MulktJ. Hall A Pbarsall Flour and Coffee. Danl F. Beatty Pianca , "Sherman- A Co A.ent Read Thiri. Wm 8fiepard4"Uill'fl Manual." I.Potter Wight & Co Baakera. Adama, Brown A Co $25 to $300. D P Maion Peychomancy. I ' i Legget Brrthera Cbeap Books. '. A'oltaic Belt Co On 30 Rays' Trial. j See ad Bensona Capcine Poroua Piaster. M ok ton Ranifmber. A. A I. Shbikr Uasurp$?Bed. ' Wicdow Gla?a Price's. al sizes at Jtaffer & 1 i t Mr. C. H. UobiDrton, ifresideut of I the Produce Exchange, returned homa last night after a trip tf several weeks North among the "G recti Mountain P.oys of Vermont. 1 Tha schooner Luly Cbllinx, from Char leston for this1 port, was run into by the steamer City oj Atlanta, of the New Tori and Charleston line, just after leaving port, and had to put back for repaijs. EcoOmiy is wealth b'ly White Lead Color, Varnishe", aid all kiuds of paint t ir ii'g touts: ials for the lowest prices at aco- ni a llardware.Depot t Mr. Schutte, proprietor , of the Commer cial Hotel, in this .city, has made arrange ments for a full oyster supply this season. He proposes to open oyster roms on the second floor, where ladies as well a3 gen- tlemen may resort.! The recent 'advarjee in the prices of na val stores is making things lively among the turpentine men and distillers in the count: y. As anj instanca, ilr. j. R. Pad dison,at Point Caswell, shipped I last Tues day, to thb city, CIS barrels of spirits and . ' I rosin. , ' Money saved ii jbpyiu your Household Hardware at J Axiom's, I No. 10 South Front street. I i ! t If you are troubled ! with Dyspepsia,, pain in the region 'of the Heart, Liver or Kidneys, or any other painful symptoms, do not wait to confirm the disease, but break it up at once ljy usiDg Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills You will thank us for the advice.. The celebrate! Zeb Vance, bo em Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Tartar and Heating Stoves lor old prices.. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. I We understand Jhat a festival will be given by Wilmington Locjge of Good Templars, on nex , Wennesflay evening, the proceeds to (be 'applied to the pur chase of an organ . I ! Not the Horn r f the Hunter. The toofiDg of the tin horn is already heard in the land and jarrouses the late bird. Let it be prohibited, as was the case last year, until the Christ.nas Holi days, and then give tie boys" two weeks in which to toot to their heart's content. X City Court, j j MayorFishblate had two "old drunks" before him this mprnicg. In the first case the party was a colored man, and it being his first cflince, he was pe:mitted to co on his jsvay rt j icipj;, a sob irer aula 'a i?or man.! The nt st case'wa? a wfiLe man, but by no means his first olllnp or his first ap paaraace before tile Major's Court. H was t)ld to dtpos't;$5 wiili the Clerk, faiU i i ! i ing to do which, he Was remanded to the cell fcr ten days Down the Cape Fear. The Passport carried down a hippy crowd of excursionists to day to visit points of interest !at the mouth of the river and take in la little salt air. A telephonic dispatch! from Smithville tells us that they have been having a deligb ful time of lit to-day and it is j expected that this will but be the first of others to i i. i be bad during he excursion season. . i it U. S. District Courr, His Honor Judge Bropkai, presiding. The following cases were taken np and disposed of to-day: . TJ. S. v.s. L. F. Vann, charged with Verdict net ! ! ' '' passing counterfeit money. guilty. I N U. S. vs. J. M. Matthews, charged with violating revenue laws, nol. pros atfred. i j j U. S. vs II. T. Cheney, charged with violating revenue laws, selliog liquor without a license, j trhe defence, wLo I I M i seemed to be non compos mentis, naa released upon his own recognizance until the next term of the Court. IT. S. va Frank Lander, chareed with violation of revenue laws. Qa trial BMI ' RE YIEW. i ! i . i . . A reavy Spectacle. Mars, which this week becomes more brilliant than at any time since 1877. is now the most striking object in the sky, not even Jupiter excepted. Indeed, it almost equals Jupiter in apparent size The rich, ruddy color of .Mars,- unlike lhat of any other planet or star, serves to eas'dy distinguish it, end adds greatly to its splendor. The presen t opportunity is being improved by astronomers in all parts of the world to catch a glimpse of Mars' two little moons. - I : Strangers in the city should not fwL'to visit the S ;sh Factory, 'foot of Walnut street.! ' t Court Martial. The officers of the 5th battalion N. O S. Guards, colored, met in this city on yestejday as a Court Martial to investigate charges brought against one of the officers of the battallion. The verdict of the court will not ba made public until it is announced by the Adjutant-General of the' State. Capt. Joseph C. Hill was president and Capt. Wm Marbtcllar Judge Advocate of the Court. The command ing officer of the battalion is determined to briug his battalion up to a position that will make them command the entire re spect of the community. Firemen's Parade. The Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company j were out on their annual pa rade this afternoon and made a very fine appearance. The men were nicely uni formed and the engine and horses were gaily decked and caparisoned. When opposite the residence of Col. Roger Moore, Chief Engineer of the Fire De partment of this city, Foreman Valentine Howe raised his hat and proposed three cheers for their worthy Chief. His ex ample was followed by his company and the cheers were given with a will. Installation of Officers. The following, is a list of the officers installed in Wilmington Lodge, No, 04, I. O. of G. T., last night ; ! j W. C. T. W. M. Hays. 1 W. It. H, S. Miss Agnes Keen. WJ L. H. S. Mrs. Charlotte Orr. W. V. T. Miss Nellie Williams. W. R.Sec'y.W.B.' Willis. W. A. S. Miss Mattie Orr. W. F. S. Chas. H. Keen. W. Treasurer Miss Mary Jones. W. M. J. N. Spooner. W. D. M. Miss Emma Gurley. W. I. G.-rMiss Mary Yopp. W. O. G, John L. Macumber. W. Chaplain Mrs. V. A. Orr. P. Wr C. T. Chas. Klein. W. Organist J. D. Parker. Ton pay the lowest cash prices for Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builder's Hard ware, &c , at Jacobi's No. 10 South Front street. , t A month or so ago, as our readers are aware, a pro rating . tariff as to freights was agreed upon between the authorities of the Carolina Central, the Atlantlo, Tennessee & Ohio and the Western North Carolina Rail Roads. These rates, we Understand, have been printed and given out to agents and are now in full effect. They will prove beneficial to the Mer chants of Charlotte and Wilmington as well as the merchants and purchasers all along the West. Commenting on these facts the Hickory Press has the following very pleasant and kindly ref erence to our city and our people: Wilmington has long endeavored to control certain lines of trade in this see Lion and reached out after oujsmountain products but on account of the exorbi tant charges for transporting goods, every effort has b.en a failure. There is no necessity for this in the future. Hickory and Wilmington are now closer connec ted, viewing from' a business standpoint, than they have ever been before, and we hOf e more intimate relations will exist ere long. The authorities of the railroads have taken very commendable steps to wards bringing about this business affinity, in the way of issuing free tickets to mer chants in this section who wish to visit Wilmington. Now, if j the business men of that city will give the proper in ducements for trade we feel assured that these efforts will not be in vain. As an evidence of the advantage the Wilming ton merchants will have over those of Richmond we will state that a car load of salt from the latter place now costs $44.00 to Hickory, while a car load from Wil mington will now cost $31.40. : We are glad to see these friendly re lations going into effect between the west and bar "city by the sea" and trust that it will be for onr mutual advantage. Wilmington is a Nerth Carolina town and the only sea port town in the State and jusnly deserved a liberal patronage from this section. TheNorcross Fifth Avenue Company are to play in Charlotte three nights this week. . ' j ' I latest From New York! Cornell's Plurality Between 30,000 . and 40,000. BALANCE OF THE STATE TICKET YET IX DOUBT. The Legislature Sorely Republican. (Special to Daily Review) - jv WASHIHGTOir, D. C , TP. If. The following is a brif summary of all that is known hers at this hour relative to the actual resu't in New York; I Cornell is certainly elected Governor by a plurality ranging between 30.D0O and 40,000. The balance of the State ticket is in doubt but the Legislature is decided ly Republican. Kelly's total vote, in the city and Stale, Mill probably reach 70, 000. Robeson ran ahead of Kelly in the city by some 10,000 votes. The enthusiasm of the grand army of office-holders in this city on the result seems to have subsided. There is lame look in the .North-east corner of the left-eye which seems lo iudicte too mueh crow before the election and too little after it. They seem ti be conscious that the laurels of this victory should be equally divided between Tilden and Kel ly, with a reversion of the remainder to KornelL The old-time Democrats here are interesting themselves particularly as to the future fate (not in this world) of those two fallen angels. Jacobus. Save your money by buying jour Build ing SuppDes from Altafier & Price. t The Meeting at tbe Exchange. A meeting of the members of the Produce Exchange was held at the rooms of the Exchange this morning at half past ten o'clock, Mr. C. H. Robioson, the President in the Chair. The Chair stated that the meeting had been called to receive a report through Mr. F. W: Foster, from Mr. D. H. Bates, President of the American Union Tele graph Company, relative to tbe establish ment ef a line by the American Union to this city. Mr. Foster then at tbe request of 'the meeting read several communi cations from the president of the aforesaid company, one of which embodied a propo sition, or .agreement, which the American Union proposed to the members of tbe Exchange and the citizens generally, which if complied with, or agreed to, by the community of Wilmington, the American Union promise ou their part to establish a line in a short period of time to this city at rates very much reduced from those that are now being charged by the Western Union Company. The proposition made is to the effect that as soon as $10,000 are subscribed to the stock of the com; any, they will establish the line. It ia of course expected that the citizens, or a goodly portion of them, will obligate to give their patronage to the new line for a term of five years, which, is the period of time that this Company guarantees to furnish the citizens or the stockholders in this city the benefits ef the line at the reduced rates which they have named in their communication. A committee was then appointed by the meeting, consisting of Messrs. C. H. Robinson, Donald MacRae and F. W. Foster to confer with thejnew company to receive their proposals and get them i legitimate shape, after -which the sub scription list will be opened. Pending )his matter, however, a number of gen tlemen present at the meetiag this mom ing, representing a number of prominent commission houses, affixed their signa tures to a paper agreeing to paj the amount opposite their respective names aB soon as the contract between the Ameri can Union Telegraph Company and the business men of this community thai have been agreed to and signed. . The largest sum subscribed by any one firm was $500, nd the smallest by any one person $50. Other subscriptions of $100 and $250 were taken. An amount reach ing nearly $2,000 was subscribed in fifteen minutes; Tbe meeting then adjourned until such time as tbe Committee ot Con ference Bignify their readiness to report. Indications. War Depabtment, I Office of the Chief SiyI Officer, Washington, D. C.. Nov. 6th, 1870. J For The South Atlantic aud Gulf States, Tennessee and Obio.V!!' y, East erly to Southerly winds, s owly rising temperature, stationary or slowly falling barometer and partly clomdy weather, with areas of rain. J.1L Wirsos, Sergt. Big. Corps, U. S. A. Almost Toons: Again- 1 My mother was afilicted a long time With Neuralgia and a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless Nd physicians or medicines did her aDy good. Three months ago she began to uae Hop Bitters, with such good effect that she seems and feels .young again, although over 1Q years old. We think there is no other j medicine fit to' nse in the family.' A lady, in Providence, It. I. , DIRD. blMMONH At Paradiss Point Onslow eountr, N. C, on tbe 17th October, 1879, 11 EN B I ETTA BlMMOKg, in the 78th year of her age. j Tbe deceased has been for manr veara a consistent member of tha Methodist EDiscooal Church, and has been long and widelv known as a most estimable Christian lady, the ear- ?.A 4 . - vivea an oi ner children bat one, a daugh ter, who was wit her in her last hoars and was a source of maca comfort and consola tion to her in her declining days. She also leaves a large cirele of grand-children to mourn for her. For nany years he has been the aubject of very painful bodily afflic tion. Her tafteringa were! extreme, bat she endured, all her physical ills with great patience and fortitude. She haa aeen tbe .cloudy shadow of tbe death angel's wing, uaae alter time, tall on- the members of her household, bat its enminsr lines to enfold he she viewed only a the spirit escort t waft her ab' Te tbe rh.uda, to be ever with the Lord. The light of the grare is not with out its consolation. If the tomb reclaims its own, if dost returns to dust, oh! how aweet the consolation to know that the spirit haa wingea lunignt to mansions or eternal rest, wnere the soul, treed from the cares and sor rows cf earth; rejoices in a heaven of ever lasting delight. Bcott'sHiJl. New Advertisements. Mullets. 200 Bbii MULLETS, large, Bright and Fat, Every Barrel Warrantee", nev6 HALL A PEARS ALL. Flour and Coffee. 100 BBLS 000D FLOOR. I 20 o' Ba coffsf, For sale by nov 6 HALL A PEARS ALL. The Host Attractive i i : TLACE IN THE OITT IS IT HEINSBfcROER'S Art and Music Gal' ery? " 1 The Ghromn and V.r rrrslvm trm era Vv Beautiful and Cheap. f The Piano. Orcanii- fin if Violins. Flutes. Ac. ara of tha Verr Krat Make and Latest Styles. I Instruments sold on the Installment Plan. A sreneral invitation is here extended to call and see the numerous attractions at HEIffSSERGKR'S, nov 6 . live Book and Music Store. DIAMfiO StDo1 Ceverand Boo only rlHlulJlJ $143 to f255. O ROANS 13 Stops, 3 set Keeds, 2 Kuee Swell3,Stool, Book. onlv$98. rr- Holidav Free. Address Daniel F. Beattv. Wash. ington, N. J. nov G AGENTS READ THIS. We want an Agent in i this Countv to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wondeiful inventions. Sample free. Address at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Michigan. nov o ; r 'iHLIS MANUAL" Social andBusi neas. For Everybody. Agents wanted Wm. Shepherd, 06 Fulton stN Y. nov 6 PSYCHOUANCY r How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can possess. Free by mail for 25c. together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, and Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 11H,(XX) sold. Address D. P. MASON, 700 Sansom st., Philadelphia, Pa. j nov 0 CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. I i 63,fT Superb Esgliah Books, At Our Price. 7B.2T6 Sew American Books, t Tour Price. 112,726 Secondhand Books At Any Price. CataIoue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS. 3 Beekman at., near New Post Office, Mew York. aov 6 ON 30 DAYS TRIAL. We will send our Electro Yoltaio Belts and other Electric Appliance! upon trial for 30 days to those suffering fram Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralyais or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other dis eases. A sure Cure guaranteed or no pay. Address. YuLTIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. j nov 6 $25 to $5000 JtftftJ, g-S foundation for fortunes every week, and pays immense profits by the new CapitaliiatioB System of operating ia Stocks. Fall expla nation on aplicatitm to Anavt. Baowji A UO., uaBaerf, o cross ri, xi. a. nov 8-4 w m a m mm a. Remember "Yy-B OAYE WOT ADVA5CE3 OUR Ft lees. Money saved ia buying Clothing mow. ! Mrj5805, THE CLOTHIEB aT 3 ASD ttER, TAILOR. PLEASE NOTICE. EL We will be glad to receive eommanicSUczt m - t i rrom our in ends on any and air eubjectflot general interest bat : I ! The name of the writer 'mvsQ a! way be for nisbed to the Editor. " pt "... .'. 4. vommanicationa mast bs written 'on on y one aide of thesper. Personalities must be avoidai. And it is esrccia'Iy and rrU:ularly under j itood ttat the Editor docs not always end t the views of colrrespondenU, unless so atatcfj ia the editorial columns. - 1 New Advertisements. FALL & WINTER BOODS; AT M- M. KATZ'S,, HAVING SUCCEED fc b- after iscveral weeks of untiring industry ardtflort.i inbuyiDg the CHOICEST PRODUCTS of European atid American Manufactur ers, jl am-prepared to i lUr to Patrons and FrienCs .IN Bargains In2'all the different Departments, whkh cannot be excelled in 1 V A R I E T Y AND f By any House in the city or elsewhere BLACK DRESS SILKS! OfBel!on,Guinet, TeiUard and PonsonJ manufacture. " I , . 1 Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS GRAIN ior une Uollar per yard. ! Colored Silks, SHU vets, Sal in v, Vcl- in Plain and Satin aiipes. DRESS GOODS. Satin Melange. CaO Persan, Persanltaye, Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Striped Satm, Camel's Hair, colored Cashmeres from lo cents up, Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 1 cents. Double Width ColnrPfi only 16 cents per yard. , ll a ureal variety of different styles suit able for the season, very low. Vlourning GoodSa I The best a?snrfm V. V. VHVltU UC lUDrab D'Ete. Bomhizinp TamiaA r?rna Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cash mere ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian Cloth. ; v TrimmiDss. Silk. Graantl rhAnpil vri ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every style, go2 ouu eueap, okiixs ana uorsets, V The best Fifty Cent Corset ever so'd me city. Ribbons FanCV. KAtfn- .trmo1 an1 UmrijLl Laces and EmbroideriM fnirrAatt it - - - v v a a a v Men and Boys' wear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me-! rino Vests, Ruchings, Tics, Fancy Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &i , "c., &c, all at'prices which defy com petition, 'and qualities which cinnot fail to give satisfaction. l ean assure my kind ! patrons that every article will be sold A3 LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWER. inan a; aDy previous season. Order Samp to patroniz2 ez nEd yoa will be certa 36 Market St. oct 27 Unsurpassed ! QUB STOCK OF MES'S, YODTHS' and Boj' Clothing and Fursisbiag Goo is, Hats and Caps, is unsurpassed, in style, make, quality and prices. We have tu Stort s fail of Stw Good, and we are rapidly sail ing them. Call at ence aid xoakt aelrct'kn and tee bow cheap you eaa lay. The best and heaj esi f h'rt la Ue cliyf laundried and unlarn Ired, a H m . ' .'' SOElf R'3 T O 2TCJ53, oct 27 Ha -fret it. (Msla t