Grant at Home. RTTRiiixaToN. ! JNOTemoer 4 General Grant reached here last nigtt, tn.A&v has been a holiday. The Fire D pirtment b s been paradiDg about generally, ana an me chj flRrtifll ar bnsv esoorticflr General Grant. After a reception, daring which some fifteen hundred people ahoek bis hand, he visited the public schools and mado a speech to the nhilriran. The streets are rilled with people.corered with arches and flatter in? with flies. G a TjKsburg . 111. General Grant reached here from Burlington, la., to dav. and was met at the' depot by i large crowed of people to whem he snoka a few words, lie win reacn home to-morrow. Australian Emigrants Returning. London, November 4 During the past few dajs an emigration scare has taken possesgion of a large proportion ol ttemioers of Durham and Nort. u ber land in consequence of the receipt ut most unfavorable news from their brother miners who recently emigrated to New South Wales, and who have been utterlj decieved by the promises of profitab employment there. This news will con siderably check emigration schemes. Larger nurab rs of miners who left Eng land dnrincr the recent strike in Durham are now rciunjug without havings struck a pick. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, presiding at a meeting of the Board of Wages of the S ,uth Staffordshire Iron Trade, awarded an advance or s xpsr ee per ton in the of the oicTtives. In giving the avi(i be ui he thought that the im l ovtuieut in tbe iron trade was rather speculative, but that the demand from America was perfectly genuine and might be considered permanent. When Senator Bayard KetUrns. Wilmington, Del, November 4 A large meeting of the leading citizene and business men of this city was held to day to arrange a publio reception for Senator Bayard on his return from Europe. The meeting was of a non partisan character, many prominent Republicans of the State participat ing. Henry G .Banking acted as Chairman. j COMMERCIAL NEW8 WLLMLNOTON MARKET 1 'OVEIBIB -4 r M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 40 cents. Later The market Is reported dull at 39 cents. 2io sales ieforttd. ROSIN Firm j at $i 45 bid for Strained and $1 59 tor Good fatraiued. No sales re ported. T I TAR Firto at tl 85. 1 CRUDB TURPKNTINEQuoted quiet at tl 75 for Hard and $2 75 for, Yellow Dip. Later We hear: that $1 50 for Hard and 12 '5t tor Yellow Dip are the best.figures of fered. COTTON Firm. Sales reported of 100 bales on a basis of 10? cents for M iddllng. . i i - The following are the official quotations : Ordinary .M..........L..... ? Centa. Urooa vrtunatj ........... i - Strict Good Ordinary. ........ Low Middling .. ... Middling Qood Middling......! . daily aaojurts Oott :. J j....1...... 524 bale. apu f penime....i....i 2S4 caski tVOftlQ - u Tr ...J 15 Jrndd Tar pen tii e............... ....... 10 11 ii j 719 tt MARINE NEWS. ARH1YD. Steam-yacht PassporL Harper, Smithyllle, eo Myers. ! Nor barque Krone, Gemere, O porta,! R E Heide. 1 CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith ville Geo Myers. , . . ! i Schr Brave, fioogms. Aianiniqae, oi Pierre, Northrop dt CuAimiug.. Exports., 'romuaa.- Martinique, St Pierre Schr j Brave-96,1 12 ft lumber. I j ' The Marriage of Klnj ilfonsoV Madrid, Nov 4 In the Chamber of Deputies tbe Minister of Finance read a bill granting to the future Qaeen 18,000 annually, and 10,000 annual y in case of her widowhood. There was no debate on the measure. The opposition members will not oppose tuo grant. The house was very thinly attended. London, Nov' 4 A despatch trom Madrid announces that he n yai mar riage is fixed for December 1. Gaba. Havana, Nov 4. It is officially re ported that Captain-General Blanco baa left the District of Manzinillo completely pacified, and his forces are now esgaged in pursuing the insur gents in the Bayamo and Jiguani dis tricts. , The jurisdiction of Las Tunas is re ported completely quieted by the sur render of 100 insurgents, tiaif of whom we're mounted. CAB9L1XA. lUleigh got 4GJ bales of cotton on Tuesday. Wadesboro sold 553 bal83 of cotton la&t week. The receipts of cotton at Ciiarlott for eeie;al days have been very light. Tnee are 24 inmates in the jail at Charlotte, only 23 of w! o a are col ored. A Lodge of Knights of Honor with 25 charter members has been institut ed at Mooresvilie. Raleigh Observer: Colonel W J Clarke proposes to establish his Re publican paper at Raleigh,- and not in Newborn, as wejrecently stated. Raleigh Newj. Mr Ryan and lady from Auburn, New York, were in the city yesterday. Mr Ryan intends the pubboation of a newspaper in this State somewhere pretty soon. Wadesboro Ihrald: Mr WH Caudle, a young man who lives id Qulledge's Township, happened to the misfor tune of having his leg broken by his horse running away with him last Sunday a week ago; and last Sundav it was found necessary to amputate his leg. Hickory 2'icss: A minister writes us the fo lowiug: 'There wero 260 professed faith iu Christ during the recent protracted meeting at Moores vilie, in frhieu Miss Painter, the fe male evangelist, took an aotive part. Hickory rress: Dr Elliott's road engine crno into tow a yesterday even ing with a rush. Everything is now fixed and it works nicely. It can ran a mile in ten minutes and has hauled 10.000 lbs up a grade of 15 inches in every 12 f ett. Ne wbern Democrat: Weleam from 1. 4. L I Z I A. I i. At cempefcouw Buiuoruj mat iuree-qaai-ters of the cotton crop which is hand le 1 in Newbern has already come in to market and been sold, if this is so. ana ii uu mar&?t is au inaex ol the crop elsewhere, then the crop is un doubtedly ehott and the estimates as to.ita yield are all at fault. Raleigh Observer: It is probable that tbe Secretary cf the lreasary will, from time to time, as the surplus revenues of the government permit, make a ltuionU purchases of six por cent, bonds for ths sinking fund. This funa is now id arrears of nity-one million dollars for previous years The amount required for the present year will be about thirty-six million dollars. If the revenue of the government keeps running up as at pres ent the requirement for the sinking fund for the fiscal year can be easily met, and something may be done toward making good the deficit. MONTHLY ' STATEMENT. OF STOCK! OH HAND MOT. 1, 1879. Cotton ashore....! . 9,509 afloat J , 4,192 Foreign Vessels for this Fort l Corrected Weekly.) Oer barque Cbarlotta A Ann, Lerveia sailed from Hambnrjr, Oct. 20. Nor b'ig Kask, Berg, sailed from Oporto, O r baiqae VJn der Heldt, liichaeliai, Eai'ed frocu nio de Janeiro, Bept 1. A or barqie Frank, Parlensen, sailed fron Glasgow, Sept. 25. Br barque Oeo Booth, Jones, sailed from Kio ae janiero, tepu i. Nor barque Cotdor, Neilsen, sailed from uoncon. ucioDer 4. Nor brig Vulture, Eilertaon, sailed from Bordeaux, September 16, Br barque lia Moore, Fieldisg, sailed from Liverpool, Bept 17. Br brig a to, Sept 3. 3 Nor brijr Jarlen, mcuth, sept. 11 rotherton, sailed Op or ,Wled from Tar- Swd barque Antelope, BTbere. sailed from txmouta, eept. a. JJor barque Kriatine, Jensen, sailed from Antwerp, Sept fi. I Nor! barque Zephjr, Jensen, sailed from Liirerpooi, sept J JL Fr. barque Reunion, sailed from Ant werp. Aujf. 31. i 1 - lor barque Fineenl, Pollerien. sailed from Glasgow, Sept. 24. Hot fcarqie Inne, biebert, sailed from Lir srpool. Sept. 29. .Sot brig Froaperita, BeruldseD,sailed from London, sept. 13. 1 . New Advertisements. Total 13,701 Spirits ashore...... afloat...... ....... v J 12,554 45 I Total ...U.........L 1 ?,604 Rosin ashore.... .V.T..L...... 1 12,769 afloat 5,214 Total J. ....117,973 I i Tar ashore ...L... 4,lf6 afloat .....i ..; i.... 1 I Total Crude ashore . afloat . K'tai ................ S1CEIPT8 POH THE M HIH EHCUifl NOT. 4,166 1,129 1,154 1, '79 Cotton........... J....J........ 25,597 Spirits., J 10,021 ftosin.,. L... 37L128 Tar 1350 Crude..... 9-,194 BXrO&TS FOB THE MONTH ENDING NOT. 1, 1879 Domestic Cotton...... ....U........j.... ........ 8,162 Spirit i 2,m Rosm......M I 3,878 Tar ...L....,i I.. 2,066 Crude ..J 285 Foreign. 7,528 5.433 36,088 Mackerel , Herring axid Godlish. jyACKEREL in Bbls., Kite and porUble ackages by package or' retail, new and bright. I CUUF18H and Scalded Herring in quant i tits, or at retail . ; . 1 j POULTRY, Egg,' Butter, Lard I Potatoes, Oniosp, and a full lioe of Family Groceries. All for sale at bottom prices. oct 30 KEWBORY 4 CHA8TE. Watches', QHRONOMETER3, JEWELRY, la I Repaired neatly and promptly, by I J. L. WINNER, No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. urer tvtenty years experience. Uiye me i trial. noT 3 CHAS. KLEIN, Unflertater and CaM Hater, i Princess Street, in Basement of the ! Journal Building, 'r i WILMINGTON,1 N. O. A fine assortment of Coffins and Cts keu constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele eraph or mail promptly filled. dot 5 York Cottoa.. ...... 8pirits.... Rosin...... Tar Crude ....j... ...... ............. ....... List of Vessels Over .100 ton i in CLYDE'S e w . . i " AND . Wilmington, W, O. Steamship Line. The Dteamer Port Nov. 1, 1879- BARKS. Br Tuck S ng, 38S Ions, Marshall, E Kidder & Sons Br Our Anne, tons! Huske, I C P Mebane Nor Anna, 262 ton", Nielsen, R E Heide Nor Vikn.'g, 264 tons, J Rasinussen, i . R E Heide Nor Euxiuus, 247 tons, TallakseD, I 1 R E Heide Orer Lydia Peschau, 376 tons Bremers. E Pescbau & Westermann Br E cma Crock, 296 tons, Woodward, . CPMebana Br R solute, 410 tons, Lawrence, I Alex Sprnnt & Son uer ju la iieyn, sio tons, Schroder, E Peschiu & Westermann GerMane, o67 tons, Pefmien, repairinffj I E Peschau & Westermann BIUGS; ier fliagnet. 'oO tons, Ifetersen, Master am iNeine jviucneii, l a tons, Jackson. ' i ! E Kidder & Sons Am or as juartin, 1!04 tons, Brown, - t . I Jos H Nefi in or Anna, 1 4 4 tons, balyorsen, . . H E Heide or u k'.iinen , 217 tons, .Woljl, .. . . i H E Heide los cuiudMS, "27 tons, - j Laid up for repairs : SCIOONERS. Am Fjancoi-ia, 227 tons. Leavitt. Am Brave, 113 tons, Gooein, ! I XorthroD & Cummincr aiu , 14-' ions, Ackley, REGULATOR CAPT. DOANE, i WILL BAIL FROM NEW YORK Oft SATURDAY, Novembar 8. i i i i $SSU Shippers oan rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as adrertiBed. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't. ' Wilmington, N.C vv m. jr. KjL. x urn w.t ' 353Broadway, Kew Fork. nor o Iliscollanoous. THE DAILY WMV JOSH. T.IJAMES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Everynn-AufternootL (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage paid : One Year. . . .$5 00 Uiflcollaneons. miscellaneous. Fall .Wintir'' penihp I I WTT.T. T'ATT'P.'P Am W .tm-. 4 a J . a I J. Aiavii O.JL Wednesday, Thursday and Friday November 5th, 6th and 7th, j Dr. Warner's ABDOf.llfJflL, i ... .. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! o- SixJMonths.......... 2 50 Three Months ... . . . . ... 1 25 One Month 50 . - - The pa par will be d3liTeredtby carriers, free of charge, in any part of the cityat the above rates, or 13 cents per week. The Daily Kbyiew is nowin the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing subscrip i , tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable medi um for advertising. THE Master Am H G Bird Xortbrop & Cuuimijjff 111. . , i c i 'h toils, i5unKjr, n . : EG Barker & Co or ju la r.nziieiu, tons, iDgraham, aw xi Jicuoiaoer, 123 toes, Gcosins, NorthroD & i jlim miner 1' 1 ... .. -.. '"rl Am esiey audou, U0 tors, French, Am ai a i-alsoui, 210 tons, Jlos3, ! t. ; .J. G Barker & Co or aneiou, Ob toes, Albury, . , Am tu a rjweii, 0,7 1 ns, William, - Willi: mi A ifnrplienn Am F L Richardson, t 401 tons. Bt-lano. Jus TT r!iai1VMirt A- Am Jas A Brown, 17? tr nsl Ambrest, O G Parsley & Co - i TOdHlTON JOURNAL. JOSH. T-ACJBS, EDITOR AND ; PUBLISHER. Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rates : W invif,A nil wlin 010 irtoracfc1 ir U,.nt J j t. . i ' ' I .. m iuc uchcbij uiiu uanusomest Kf1 j. . "j ; . to attend. . ' ' We promise all who will favor us with a call to show them all the Latest Iffovelties in the lYEillinep; We have a nice selection of bal Firemiclhi (PaUUerns !-"' which is really worth your coming to see :o:- jut Dnces are lower, atvie the rpt.. c-ina Mfir nnonnuioe . . I - ' . uuHiuaoacU) auu Coil Hj j to please every one who may desire a j BEAUTIFUL HAT OR BONNET? Our 1 Trimming TlATiQTtTYionf ia rAiA4 . p wtmia vm jlo WJiXIXCt0 Comprising the leading Styles I -:o.. OUR FLEX IBLE HIP CORSET. A new lot of them just in, I with improvements. No extra ckrgt1 $1. The mtnev I hare worn this Comet I I have worn lb Flexibl three days and every bone I Hip Corset three months and will OTer the nips is broken. every bone is still perfect. be refunded every Flexible Hip Corset which breaks over the hips. It fits 1 &. If :0: elegantly, yet to comfortablr, that a htly can Iia ' ' i down in it with 'j ease. Price, with plain bust, $Lj . ik Ziarge Assortment of Fancy Ribbons :o:- Special Bargains in Feather Tips -:o:- JJ3 A Very Great Variety ef Birds at all PriceicsgJJ from 38 Cents Up ! Our Fancjr Goods Department Is larger than ever with an elegant assortment of Goods to pleaaetii Ladies. One Year. . -:o: ....... .$2 00 A VERY FINE LINE OF CREPE LISLE. I . ! ALL STYLES OF RUCHINQ FOR THE I :o:- SixMontis.. 1 00 THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF TIES INTHECIT Three Months. . ........ L . . . 50 i o- I TraWiLinNGToii Jouknal circn- 8at,n -Riobons Cheaper j titan Can now be Bow1 ; IVorlli I The d Brothers T8 NOW DISCHARQllo FOR 1 I" I between ?00 And 400 tons fineit quriitj ! : j Coal. Selling at loweit carket rate. ME ONLY 19 DOLLARS PENKSYLYANIA SMER MACHINE Eanal to any Sinsrer in the Uarket ! The aboTe cat represents the moct sodbI a. 1 - - 11 - rr' curia lot no pe 'Die. i the rerj low price of menu. lates largely in the adjoining conn ties as well as in the Western por tion of the State and presents nn- equalled facilities to merchants for A beautiful line of Ladies', Misses 'XZ and . u. tin Remember. Vwil? twe 5er you maiinfir known what theyhave for t i9, invading atuch- . ,7 - or Fancy Hose. mber, we do not atk tod I Arrent for : Batterick &w I - Patterns. 1$ line will aW lie nor 6 J. X. 8PBI5QEB, III- of the Central Yard. to pay mntil tou hare seen the machine. -at i fiala. r Z : 1 ti tr :. a. aiici am. uuuiocu t m .m mb 101 ail We represent, return it to ns at oar ezmmu Conenlt ronr interests and order at once. -Tf yon ure wiuun eeren nnnorea miles th ireigat win not Di more man one dollar. Bis Roe Address. - . 1 -t-wi- u 1 J , ..... -; Penns ylrania Sewim IHaciinenCo.. . ! at . I7N. lOth Stroot. i pfiiiadbiphio, Par Hall Pearoall'o. C0X29'Wtf uuuurea 8 PATENTED JUNE 13. IU7 threw years, v All who have worn them be kept 02 A proxumneo the Mode of yasteam? ' 1 ABSOLTJTEIiYPEBFECT. . f ' ' fl . The many annoyances connected with tbe old ys- cvM yoU tcm ot Bat ion Gloves are entirely overcome, and the oukju j following advantages secured : 1 Irt-The perfect ease and rapidity with which it is . Virsptf The Foster KidSna-ladjnstaWiitytofitt ia m. oc aavanufe grained Dy gradually suainiu .j the Kid, instead of the old system which n jj JbC nuns so nun nain tK first time buttoned Jv I 4tB Strength Of Hmln mrtA MnH nf eliBcbiiUt Glore is ' all th them. The fastening wiU outlast anrgrtore. wuca is a Tery rare occurrence witn UJ get Inflppenriept of Improvement in fksteainr i QiialiisgataTajiteMean.ifnotn- 1 to any other glore la the xaaxJteU go- Q P E3U CJ T, Exchanere Corner- nor i.

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