TfllS PAPER fUmAnn 8undays ex- I. 0" ' -ept- ,1 b gUtTO A.KD FaOFKIKTOK. ,.,uRIPTI0N8. POSTAGE PAID. .r S6 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three 3IOD will be delivered Dy cirrwn, of charge, m any P" '"""'Ji - ..... rlt or 13 cent per west. . !.. mil litwril Subscribers will pleaae report any and to receire their papers regularly. Svr. Advertisements. BBVOLDTIOH in CARPETS 3R0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. Carets Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, CVp'tv ( aipctF, Carpets. We invite all 'to call who haye AiY ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Wo also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing .or not. Carpets ! Carp ets ! Caroets 2 BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street W 7 :Just Received. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of Fnjrluh d American Poe's. Also, a well selected itockof Children's Books, ' Faiey Stationery in Boxes, Velyet FramM, Autograph Albums, Fsncy Inkstands, Hymn Books, Prayer Books and Bibles, Uiaal supply of School Books, Blink Rnnki tni) HtftltnnArr. 1 fset every thing pertaining to the busi- can m bad treasonable prices. . f& Depository for School Books adepted ' Bute Board of Iducition. BOY S C. W. TATFP. Mullets. 200 Bbu MUiL' ts, Irg, Bright and Fat, Every Barrel WarratUd HALL A PEARS ALL. Flour and Coffee. 100 BBL1 good floor, 200 Bl COFFEE, For i&U by HALL k PEARS ALL. TURNER'S HORTH CAROLINA Almanacs for. 18RO. i H 118310 EE'S, Live Book aad Masle Store. at nn VOL. IV. WILMINGTON,! N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1879. NO 235 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A. A I. Bhbikr The Fun of It Is. Jas. E. Kka Dectst Card. B. F' Etdhh New BWer Ofs'ojf. T. H. Ho war' To the Public. M. Newmah Kosher Meat. P. Hbinsbkroi a Turner's Almanac 1860. . . ' Mdhsou Try Qnr Cutter. for Day's length 10 hours and 2G minuses Wicdow Glass -Price's. -all sizes at ltaffer & t The receipts of cotton at this pert to- day foot up G37 balr-st. Oulv one iuterrriejK so Beilevue Cefne tery tbis week thafc of a chi! : i The probabilities jfor to-day lare a cold in the head with rheumatic tendencies. Christmas preseut will soon occupy the attention of possessors ot plethoric parses. ; -4- , , There were five interments I in Oakdale Cemetery this week- odo adult and four children. . ; Six interments in jPine, Furest (colored) Cemetery this throe children. week -three adults and Our globe, says a celebrated astrono mer, appears to Mars as the morning and evening star. Buckwheat cakes and syrup, with hot coffee and rolls to cler up, are pleasant contemplations Weeds upon tne larm may be got rid of by a little husbandry! So may those on a widow's bonnet. 1 It is a poor writer who is! obliged to draw. on the italic case for all the strength and force of his argument Theatre goersJare generally finding out that they are uot obliged to attend a; per formance if it is a bad one. Oue way to let people know you are not coins: to the pobrhouse is to wear rings outside young gloves. An application of cold, wet! common I r whitening placed on immediately is an in valuable remedy (or a.burn. , r: r ' It (akes a whole legislature to change a i i - man's name. A woman can change hers by the act of a singlej main. Every man is honest, if ,you take his word for ir but it Is just as Iwell to take a note for borrowed (money. Gum camphor dissolved in petroleum is now used as a remedy for diphtheriajap ply it as a gargle or wih a swab. A barber can never! cast a smile of honeyed friendship oh ithe man who cooly acknowledges that he shaves himself. The celebrated zeb Vance, bo em Baker and Chief Cook Stoves,! Parlor and Heating Stoves for old ptices. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f r : H To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as the Twenty-secocd Sunday after Trinity. i i i i ' Rev. Dr. Paferson is expected to preacl in St. Mark's Chnrclt to morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Seats ' fre. I Economy is weallh buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, ! and all kii ds of paint ing materials for tlie lowest pries at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot I f You pay tha lowest cash pi ices for Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builder's Hard ware, &c , at Jacobi's No.10 South Front street. j- f Money saved in buying vouxlHousehold. Hardware at Jacobi's, jNo.! 10 South Front street. , t t Are you bilious?, iDo you feel drowsy? Have you the 'blues'? Take a dose of Dr Bull's Baltimore rills. Trice 25 cents. All druggists keep them, j Ben Butler has aljeady announced -himself a candidate for Governor of Mas- 1 i sacbusetts at the ntxt -election, and we care but very little if he is successful. Marcus Morton was jelected in that State by a majority of on vote, after being a candidate of the Dtmocratic party for sixteen years, and we cancot j see why Butler's chances are not qually as good. Mr. R- F. Eyden, I proprietor of the Eureka House, gives notice in! this issue that he has made ample arrangements for a continued supply during the season ; of tbe well known and delicious Hills Gar den oysters, Jfrom ew River, which be offers in any style desired. Families supplied with oysters freh from the shell. flIILI . , REVIEW.. j i ' A Monster Potato. i ; i We saw this morn in e at Messrs Hsd- kins & Bates' store, on Second street . .... i . . . . aoout tne largest potato we have ever come across, j It is a yam and was grown by Mr. S B Ilankins at bis farm in Brunswick county, about five miles from this city, and weighs ten pounds. Think of that, wjll you! Ten pounds of pota toe under one hide! ! Unmallables! The following unmai labia postal mat (er remains at the postoffice in this city Toney Batte, William, N 0;.J C Boyd New York, N Y: Tolar & Hart.. New York, NY;JS Johnson, New York,1 N, Y; Strasberger, Pfeifer & Co, New York X Y; J McDouoush. New York, N Y S. District'Cooit. This tribunal convened at the uuel hour this morning and transacted such business as remained unfinished from yes terday's Bession and then adjouraed. The Grand Jury were discharged last evening. ,In the case of George Davis, convicted ol robbing the U. S mail, as reported by as yesterday, Judge Brooks passed sen tence of one year at hard labor in the Al bany Penitential y. A Systematic Thief. The law office of Mr. John D. Bellamy, on Market, between Second and Third streets, was broken open a few nights since, and a few books and some of tbe office 1 furniture were taken therefrom. On the same night the residence of Mr. King, a few doors above, was also broken open land a small quantity of infant's i? clothing was stolen. The thief probably stole tbe clothing first and then cribbed the law books to study up bis line of de fenee providing he should be detected and brought to trial. Rail Road Superintendents. Maj. A. Shaw has resigned the super iatendency of the Richmond k, Petersburg Railroad, and h to be succeeded by Mr. Theo. Kline, Superintendent of the Char lotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Mr. Kline resigned his position on tbe Charlotte road two or three weeks ago,1 bat is still discharging the duties of Su perintendent. This information we gain from the Charlotte Observer, Messrs. Kline and Shaw are both , well-known in this1 city, having filled positions here. Some few weeks ago it was rumored that Mr. Kline was to take charge of the W. C. & A. R. R. but this has been denied. We do not know whether this report is any more correct than was the last.; The Greensboro Pa'riot. As has been published for some time past, Capt, R. T. Fulghum takes charge of the Greensboro Patriot, one of the staunchest and most influential Democrat ic papers in the State. Capt. Fulghum has purchased tbe entire faper and will hereafter conduct its destinies. He will be ably assisted by our friend, Wade H. Harriss, Esq., a gentleman who is well and favorably known in Wilming ton and a newspaper man of marked abil ity, and also, for a time, by Mr. Duffy, the recent editior and proprietor of the Patriot. Capt. Fulghum has been known for years past as a brilliant member of the fraternity in this State. Be is a. gentle man of much abliity of thorough energy and of long experience and we predict for tde Patriot a long and uselul career. Two-Cent Postal Cards. ! i The new two-cent postal card will be ready for distribution to the postoffice in a few days. A large number of samples, on different shades of paper and printed with different inks, have been sent to Washington for the department to select from. The color of the paper will proba bly be different from the present cards Toe universal postal union, to which the new cards can be seLf, inclndes Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Belginm, 1 Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, the Netberla&dsJ Austria-Hungary, Seryia, Denmark, the Argentine Republic, Rou V t 1ST A. 'J A 1 mania, LiUxemDurg, j Aionteuegru, ui British, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Netherland colonies, Egypt, British India, the Falkland islands, Ceylon, Green- and, Honduras, Hong ;Kong, afad other places in China, Jamaica, Japan, Liberia Mexico, Newfoundland. Peru, Persia and Trinidad. Canada belongs la tbe anion also, but tbe special arrangements between that country and the United States re main ' in lorce, letters anu posts biui passing between the two at domestic rateo. I ho child who is ordered tostup cryiDg will carry a concealed weapon through stifled sobs. "It's cool to-day," said a mother t j her J.ttle son. "Yes, it's school five days out of the week," replied the embryonic par agraphs. The touch of nature which makes us all akin just now 4s the touch of JacTr Frost. He makes us all with one mind and thought don our ulsters. STM a i xne register of Deeds has issued five marriage licenses during the week, foer of which were for white couples and ODe to a colored couple. ougar i going up in price. la the reign of Henry the Fourth ot France, sugar was so rare that it was sold by tbe ounce at the apothecaries. We are publishing pretty full reports of the Baptist Convention,1 In session this weekot Oxford. It will be formd to-day on the second page of this issue, and there are two columns of it. j papers talk a deal about moral courage, but after a man. has once gone down town with stove polish on his boots you can t sell him moral courage even at three cents per ton. Do not discuss politics or religion in general company. You probably would not convert your opponent, and J be will not convert you. To discuss these topics is to arouse feeling without result. Apples are abundant, and it may be ss well to know that -to preserve cider, and keep It sweet, put it in wine bottles, add a teaspoonful of whit? sugar to each bottle and cork it tightly, then tie down the corks firmly. I Mr. John Carroll treated us yesterday to a bucket of those j splendid Winberry oysters, which are sold by him here. They were truly delicious. !Mr. Carroll receives these ioysters twice a week during the season and will take orders for any amount Magistrate's Court. An investigation of the case of Manuel Rhodes, colored, arrested for rape a few days ago upon the affidavit of Melissa Hteee, colored, was had this morning1 at 10 o'clock before Justice Millis, and re sulted in the defendant being bound over in the sum of $100 for trial at the next term of the Criminal Court. Serious Accident. A colored man, whote name we failed to learn,, fell from the roof of a barn be longing to Capt.R. A. Price, and situated on the corner of Front and Qneen streets, this morning, and then a portion of the roof feel upon him, inflicting quite)serious injuries about the head. Dr. E. A. An- derson I was called in and rendered the necessary medical assistance. The wounds . though painful and severe, are not con sidered necessarily mortal, and the man will probably not die. Spirits and Cotton. The boom in cotton and spirits has cot yet played out notwithstanding the fact that a few days ago spirits sold at 47 cents at.d to-day at 35 and 36. Teso terdayj it dropped down from 36 te 36 and today it has dropped up from 35 to 36. The closing sales to-day were made at 36 and the market is firm witb36 cents bid. r .. I In cotton there has been a marked gain today, the advanee being from 10 centrg at which figures sales were made! yester day, to 11 cents to-day, the market closing firm with aa advancing tendency . Get oat Doors ! The close confinement of all factory work, gives tbe operatives pallid faces. poor appetite, languid miserable feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all the physicians and medicine la the world cannot help them unless they get out of doors or use Hop Bitters, tbe purest and best remedy, especially for such rases, having abun dance of health, sunshine and rosy cheeks in them. They cost but a trifle. See anoth er col urns. The Fun of It Io rpEAT THE BUSH FOB OeaU', Youths, aad Boys' Clothing and FtrfiiaVag Cools, still eestiauei at oar tro ttoreJ,notwhhtad- j lag the immense amount of Goods we have already sold this season. Tt e ri asost is plain. tfotodj evlr bought a bad O-ugaU at HBIXS'S, whlis our good, aJthomrh low i price, are always just as ra-pre ated. So is the best aad cheapest Shirs i tie city, lauudried and uaUsuaxied, at j 8HRtR'fl TWO 8T0&E3, Market ft. ot 8 t Church Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows: I ; ST. JAMES ' PABISH, corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Kector. Twenty-second Sunday aftr Trinity Nov. 9th Cele bration 7:30 a. m. Morning Trayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at o::J0 p. m. Even in; Prayer at 4 30 o'clock ST. PAUL'S EVASG. LUTHERAN CHUUCII, Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., Pastor. German Service at 11 a. m. English Service at l:o0 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Catechetical Instruction on Friday at 3:30 p. m. ST. JOHN'S CHUKCH. corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George i'atterson, D. D., Kector. Nov. 9th.; iweaty-secoi.U Sunday after Tricitv. Morning Trayer, Litany and Ante-Uom- munion Office at 11 o'clock. Evening rriyer l -i.u e ciock. Sunday School at o.ovs p. m. The Rev. George I'atterson, D. D is expeewja io preacb in St. Mark's Church on Sunday eveninz next. Nov. nth. M. ,Twenty -second Sunday, after Trinity, at FIRST PRESB YTFKI AN CHUIiCU. - j corner Thin! ii.l Orange fcticc's. Rev. Dr. J. It. ; Wilis m, !). D., pas'or. Servicps at 11 a. in. and 7-3U p. m. Sabbath School 4 p.'m. j FEOaT STREET M. E. CHUBCH, (SOrTfl) corner Front and Walnut strcetg, Rev. E. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first and third Tuesday evenings in each month. SECOND BAPTIST C .UiLCJ, on Sixthi between Church and Castle sts. Rev. J. p. King, pastor. Serv 1c js tomor row at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundav School at 9 a. m. FIFTH 8TBEET M. E. CHUBCS (SOUTH), on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. B. R. llall, pastor. Services ai li a. m, and 7; 15 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m. Prayer Meetirs; Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o'ciock. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUKCU corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector! Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:00 p. m. Seats free. I - - DIED. 6 EN AUST November 8tB, 197f. JO SEPHINE GENAUST, daughter of Wil liam aad Mary Genauit, aged 2 vearr, 7 saonths and 27 days. The relatives aad friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at the residence of the parents, corner of Fourth and Hanorer streets, to-morrow afternoon ar S o'cUck, thence to St. Paul's Lutheran Church aad Belierue Cametery. , "Go to thy rest, my child ! ( Go to tby dreamless bed, Gentle and under! led, With blessings on thy head." Star copy. j New Advertisements. i New River Oysters. JJ-AVINQ MADE AMPLE ar rangements. I am now prepared to oner tbe celebrated HILL'S GARDEN OYbTERH, from New Hirer, in any style desired. Families supplied with Oysters fresh from the shell. Bar supplied with the best. Board by the week or day. EUREKA HOUSE, No. 4 North Water 8treet. B, F. EFDEN, Proprietor. nov 8. To the Public. PASTIES DESIROUS nf investing a small amount of money for a good arti cle in the way of BOOTS AND SHOES will find it to their advantage to call at No. 47 North, Market Street, where they , will find only good Goods at very low prices. An examination of stock andpricss respectfully solicited.- THGS. H. HOWET, ncv8 No. 47 North Market eL Dental Card. I AM MAKING Artificial dentures te fit perfectly, and as pretty as the natural teeth. but it is better U save the natural t-eth it possible. So my patrons will please call with out delay aad be seated in the most comfort able chair ia use. ' Respectfully, JAS. E.fKEA, ! 34 Market.sL Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 8, 1879. Kosher Meat, : F WILL OPEN ' ON MONDAY thebutcb- er shop oq Sccoadjbtt veen Ma ket and Dock i - streets. Nothing but the best Kelt, Sausa- l f ges, Poult -j i tc, will bs kept. " xxoazxsa czdas I - -. i A specialty, always on haul rnd of the best quality. M. NEWMAN. OV 8-lt I i Try Our New Cutter i JONE BETTER ANTWHESX. Tie saost stylish r arm eats ia the dry Best workaesu PERFECT F2T8. For gocd work at reasonable prices go to - MUN80N'S,;THE CLOTHIER niT T AND MER. TAILOR. I FLEASS 50TICE. SWe will be glad to reoclve comcjuaicalif BS from our friends on any and allsubjecet reaeral interest but :l , Tke name of the writer must alwajr be fur aishedto the Editor. ' T ' SCommunieatlons moat b? written on cr'y j oue side of thejpaper. " PersonaliUes must be aToided. -t And it is espccia'.ly and parti rnlarly ukjcr tool that the Editor does not always eaJc s' iae views or correjponderti unless so staff fl Now Advoitisementa. FALL & mm goods! AT. Mm M. KATZ'i? : Market i. of European "aud Ameriran if,1fnu, ers, I am prepared to effer to uy PAtrcus- auu menus Bareain In J all the d i ? t I c ra rt rcc lLs thich c-ji-Lii i be ,xt-clled in V A R IE T Y .P AND By any llousejn the city'or elsiwherj. j BtAGKODRESS SILKS! Of Bellon, Guinet, Teillard and ronsorfl manufacture. , j Cur celebrated heavy Soft GROS GflAlN i for One Dollar per yard. if. colored Mlkg; Silk Vel vets, Safins, uj Cl'lain "ind SatinTfS tripes. DRESS GOODS. Sat'n Melange, Cashmere, Soie, Broca Persan, Persan Kaye, Raye Broche. Cavalri T Satin. f!.Tn0l. TJ.i. . ' Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up,1 Colored Alpacas, all sKatW i9 nca ! r Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy.' nly 1G cents per yard. f A Great Variety of different sty'ey suit able for the season, very low. I Mourning; Goods. The best assortment ever cfidred! here, in Drab D'Ele, Bombazine, Tamise, Crapo Cloth ; PHIn, Striped and Brocade Cash mere ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian! Ciotb, j, 1 CMs.ffateriirflofs.SMiife Triunmirjg, Silk, Grass and.Chenell Frh ! ges, Gloves aid Hosiery, every -styley and cheap, Skirts and jO'orsets, The best Fifty Ceitf Dorset ever sold In the city. i Ribbons. rancy, Satin, .Striped and Brocaded. Laces and Embroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Gooda, Blinkets, K'an nel. . : i Men andfiBoys' Wear Ladies' Cloth, Ladie3 and Children's Me rino Vests, Kuch:ng3, Ties, Fancy I GoothL One Thousand Dozen Lineh " Handker-1 chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS,! &c , d-c &c., alljat prices which defy com petition, "and" qualities which cannot fail to giye satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons that every article will be sold1 AS LOW, and THE MAJOKlTr LOWER,! than at any previous season. 1 Order Samples t nd you wi'l ce.-faJn to patronize ' r . , iyi. nr. 36 J Market St. oct2r The 5 Brothers 8 NOW DI8CHABGLNO fox' MS bjtweet IW sad 4C0 tois fix est usUtj Red Ash Coal, Selling t Ic west a riit rater. J. A. SPRINGES, HAVING SUCCEfjDtD- tftcr ieveral weeks of untiring industry acJcfl'ort. mbujlrc the CHOICEST PinnkTi?T i ' ' ' ! of the Ctatral TttH