THE CLOUD. , !ft v low In the ueavenst coai little cload It iemed, Kucb ltt,e, V broad breast Ja- . tli ro6c--s" .... ai'"J liiriii imsertru utii hj o .... . .v tn innocent rti,, 1 wiS Ttbe gold athwart It gleamed. A - . . . . , l.-u lnr1 lot It k over the sleeping wave; reeLn mariner shook his head . Yft ,ne.7i crept o'er. i he Jusny red. l'-' WHt li.ies are clear," he aid. JJ' bis lips het btern and grave. vrthve was midnight, ADj'r?r lou.l was lowering black, ' t he li"ht of the Ktarn away, T' niro i A U fl-T-h f the furious spray. lJJThrPHkers crashed i" the uoithern Wi,!d'i'''Wli.iiS on Ihelr track, , t.v radiant rhortint. h t'"v career tk JO i. ..,.th itH KWftv to nrove. I ' - . - uiirfjtu m a it rnnVA. A" 1 Iliy roots can laugn ai ioe. - . m suHi a little jarring, ltn ' Hv . x per lence 8iK.- t 4 with 1 inie's sad learning to sharpen rr' the ulauce, , . thV "rift in the lute" advance, . H57giiow late may seize upon circum- fo sever the closest ties. i.. vi fliroKt. tmDest " AS. m.e nip . 1 ' 1 1 . when can courage .r skill avail . Wbeu tn" heart lies wrecked by passion's rSu or death has furled the sail. a hen. Lxcojt - r, .n watch oh! hope and gladness. rnwin'tr the VUiug cloud. ii wr. frank warmth of youth, w it Iwl;.- bright breeze of truth; l , ft i' there is neither mercy nor truth, should it ouce your heaven enshroud, h.iouiu AU the Year Kound.. Oxford Torchlight, Cendensed. Tte H. C. Baptist Stite Conyentioit. FORTMIXTH AXUAL SESSION- FOURTH DAY. Mr T U Brigg", Jr, of the F Baptist Church, lUleigh, Central Fir&t As- toaiation,' C S Williams c, Smith reported tbem?elvoa a W 15 Kjt Mr Ivty, frcm the Committee oa Obitua-ies, , enbmitted a report. The names of fiev W M. Wiogate, late Preeident cf Wake Forest College, and Ioq John K?rr, were mentioned. The question recurred on the motioD to adopt the report. After tributes to the memory of tbe deceased brethren, mentioned in the report, bj Revs F Ii Jones, C T Bai ley, Ret Dr Pritchard, Rev E L Daris, Rer E Dodson and O M Cooke, tbe report was adopted. The subject of tne claims of Wake Fure t College being the special or it, was considered. lulroduciug this matter, Rev J. S i'urtfoT txhibitecj a picture of the col ii:e building as it is now, and as it will be, when all of the present plan are fully executed. He entered into a full explanation of the deficiencies of the preeent buildings and the neces sity t)f the cc ntempiafed -improve msnta. RiT Dr Pritchaid, President Wake Foreit College, next addressed the Convention, presenting the claims of the institution. He bad been instruct ed by the Trustees to go ou visit the Associations and harangue the people oa the general subject of education. He bad epoken before thirteen public assemblages during the past few months and traveled eome thirty coun ties, but had seen no section more highly blessed than Granrille and Person counties. He was after Btu dent?, and hoped to be able to im press on the minds of parents, the fact that giring their children au educa tion secured to them a far better diance of earning an honorable living than anything else. The Doctor then proceeded to pre sent the claims of the college and in isted on the necessity of theii being 'Mognized in the fullest extent. As the farmers were especially interest ed in education, the speaker maialy directed his remarks to them, showing them how much they stood in their owalightby not taking a more deep "erest in education. He went on to snow thatnothiDg had been bo poorJy done for the last hundred years in ortk Carolina as farming.. Why M this? It was because they, as s t?6?1 -thiog' derided benefits science rendered their occupa con,ani always spoke 6neerirgly of book firming." l'be speaker ttien poke of the necessity of manufac "ret and other industries t"all direct i sound and discriminating IWRment emanating from a cultivated r,ln As Jot g a3 the people are con- ft u ro11 iD 1g loracc. 6 ton they ojaid contioue to pay tribute to other wcuoui far lef8 favored by natural nntages H at o spoke of the t i"011 condition of our common btHS yEt.eia, and the panoity in the juaber of the children who are made Th. n Tantes offered by it. U9 uctor concluded his remarks Jd.eMnve8iaIeaI to brethren, S; KW7bodj elaewhere, to send him J?'. their own fakes, for country's sake, and tz Qod's Ee0..0006 folled Dr PritQliard. broa? t u Tocated ewiiHitly a more uoo. tk ral and universal educa to ir.e PPle bouId be- aroused Su !7 ?i cation.- -Alore-farnest fra 2. di"ction.ahould oome th J aP1' Thia waiiotouly a poral duty, but a religious one. for the mental wanU of his cTths v!Ji0 l,roTid or the sustenance 6body. B7t j .d6 W? Vreceded him. rlJL!?41 or oontributionF- and dollars ,moxIned Beve.! UIfDia, annoanciagiiU speedy departure for the field! cf his duty, and afking the players of the brethren, was read. - I ! , I Rer Mr Stradley offered! a resolution endorfing tbe work designed for Rev Mr Uait well. Adopted. AETERN(oN SK.f ION. The report of theFinaup Commit tee was f.uba.itted and adopttd Tbe. committee on ime aod place of holding the next annual session recom mendtd Goldsboro, sis tbe place and Wednesday before the third Sunday in' November, 1830,1 as the time. Adopted. J j! J Tne S cr tary ijf the Convention w- s r 'e t d to hnVe the uual number of minutes prin'ed and distributed. Bro Bigg moved t make the jelaime of Oxford Orphan! A ymm the special order for 7 o'clock this (Saturday) evening. , ! j f Capt C M Cooke moved to invito Rer J A Mundy at!d J II MiIIp; E.q, to address us on the Asylum Work. j The Committee on bbituaries was instructed to add to their list the name of John G Williams, Ef p. EVENING 8E-SIOnL Io order to complete pur work before midnight, we were ccmpellejd to omit a eynopsis of the ppeeohes of Messrs Aliibj and Mundy in the Convention last eveuiDg A chapter of orphans enlivened th'-occ-tj-ion with intereetiDg S) gs. Rev IV- J0k fit ffih proposed another culkc ion, and the cogregt - tion quickly ret ponded to ihe tuue of go5. : ,.', Miscellaneous. P. 1. BRIDGERS & GO; ' J OWE THEIR IMMENSE TRADE to Pluck,lcte'ligence Enersv and Deterniiiit t!iori to Succeed. THEIR PROFITS I. Ill ! i on the capital invested have far exeqeded Ml Hf ' - ! f -their most sanguine expectations for; tLe FIRST Er, 1 So far as to imke the Business the most Trofital le, the ' most Agreeaile, the most Congenial, and the mst Lucrative in which they pave . r ever engaged. FROM THE START; I Thlir business has been on a secure and p?rmj.uent footing. S As long asc (Wilming ton stands they st -nd . ! Do not belie"i e the reports you har about their ever leaving.) At first Ibey were pot po sitive a scut mak ing this their homo,1 bi;t the last year'a bu,iuiss ha? proved this a good place for uiaki g money. TO OCJli COU.N TUV FHDND3 I t P. L. Bridges & Co., -'u P - OZIQC&B.S, i ' Ii - I M Present their complia:ens. WOj keep op posite lha Purcell House, and next the I , i' M i Telegraph Offic-3, in the large three-story Iron Front Building, put up at large ex. i express'y for us.! All the modern improvemen's i'.side. Step iu and see for MM yourselves. I THE FINEST STORE ! - . i j THE LARGEST STOCK ! v i i THE CHEAPEST COODS! 1 ' i ri i THE GREATEST ACCOMMODATION! M ! I" . I THE POflTEST CLERK ! THE BEbT GOODS ! I i THE BIGGEST VAUlEtY I i i M THE NEATEST PACKAGES U TBE LARGEST BUSINESS! M M Call a 1 e? us y.uu selves or wri'e for prices. i You will hcar'fivjm'us again next week. r. ! i Respectfully and truly, ! M . I ii P. L- BRIDGERS & G0 nov 10 Baby Syrup. )AkKR'S GINGER TONIC, Indian Cholorogne, Ball's Cough Bjrup, 1.1a tx, cnut uwe, Aiert Ans Lore w a com plete stock of pare JJrags and Medicines. F. C. MILLER, i V " . Oorner4th aadftoo Streets. Open day and night. j j BOTk10-tf . , j ! j ' j j ' We Do Not Claim - Li ' PATRONAGE simp? y because ire an a home enterprise, nbr do we expect it at the expense of any joiie's pocket.! WB DO CLAIM that we can fill any order for Sash, Doors and 1 Blinds. - - . : ..: : Ml I : M Or anythuinjour line, at as LOW, FIG URES, and as good . work and material, as can be bought anywhere.j. Window Glass, Builder's Supplies always on hand. I Our new DBt KILN: is in operation, and none but the best Lubber is used. Respec fully, . t ! ' ." ALTAFFER PRICE. Taetory Foot of Vfalnat street. I umce vor.aun.uaa jsea uross tree is. . nov 1ft . -; I I Miscellaneous, SFEER'S I M i I Port; Grape IWixie Cded in Charchei for Communion noro-v"- Spcer's Tort (rape Wine 1 lours Years Old. rpmd JUSTLY CELE3HATED NATIVt Hineismade from the juice 01 the Oporf Grape, raised in this count y. ltj invaluable Tonic ana: ' SireBtttenini' Properties are nasarpafsed bv any ether native Wire, Being the pare juioe of the grape, p rod u ceo mnder Mr. 8 peer's own personal supervision, its purity and cenaineaess are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener oua qaalities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and s ited to the various ai'ments Uj at afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BK RELIED ON. 5 Speer's P. J. Sherry, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of tbe Iden qualities of the grape from whichit is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled ; Speer's P. j. or Pedro Brandy. ' This noted Brandy is a pure distillation from the grspe and is equal to the finest Hen. neeey or Otard Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strictly pure. See tbat the signature o' Alfred Speer Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each : bot tle. ' I A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Tfineyards, New Jersey. Office: No. 34 Warren St., New ork. -I For sale by GREEN A FLANNER, J. C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P. L BRIDGERS CO. i aoril 1-1 y Let your first attack of indigestion be the las. Rouse the dormant energies of the stomach with the Bitters. The tone thus imparted will remain. This is a fact estab lished by thousands of witnesses, whose testi mony is sir ply a statement of their own ex- Eeriencf s. Those afflicted with general de ility of every phase will find this medicine an unfailing agent in building up and re newing their strength. For sale by all Druggists and respectable Dealers generally.' I nov 3 -dAw. I CHAS. KLEIN, Underte Princess ter ami CaM Hater. Street, in Basement of the Journal Building, WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine asee rtment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Tarnished. Orders by tele graph or mail promptly filled. i nov 5 The New Hat Store. OUR STOCK of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps is com plete, which we propo?e to sell as Jow as the lowest. We have a large assortment of 8Uk, Cloth, Scotch and Astrlcan Caps, very cheap. Also, a large line of Umbrellas. Those wishing anything in our line will do well to examine before making their par chases. i JOHN M. ROBINSON, oct 27- j No. 6 North Front st. Houses and Stores to I Bent. APPLY TO THE McKOYS, Attorneys andS Counsellors at Law ' Office North8Jda UarketlSt between 2d r i and 3d. I aug M Steamer Passport, 1APT. J. W. HARPER, Will leave Wilmington :daiij, y4v (Sundays excepted) at 1 P. Oct 19 GKO. MYERS, Agent. The. H. McKoy, i Jlobt H- IlcKoy WILMINGTON, N. O. 0c North side Market street, betwa) eooad and Third streets. . iaaST-tt; " - U jt - MicollaneouB. THE NEW MARKET Awakens Considerable ' Interest I cur not moke so iiianIihe ' I . POPULAR WHOLESALE ' I ANI RETAIL ESTABLISH! NT VY GEO. MYEIIS, 11, 13 stnd 16 JSouth Front Street, ! Pecante rf the live'j inte et that is be:ng kept up recti dug freih i I ' : ! ' ; i Groceries! I i. ; . , - And 1' ill in ;r Oilrr. "PAROLE D'HONNEUH; j And other Choice ! Brands of Flour, i We are se'iing at Low Pi ices j I J ' ! i without regard to the advance. Bcpply your selves at once and save $1 jer barrel. Cream Ale and Sweet C5der by the fUUon. Fruits and Fancy Goods. The . Largest, Stock n the 8tit9 to select from at popular prices. The Rosa Concha, Havana SegarsH 5 cents, hold tbe supremacy. CEO MYERS. sept 24 i 400 Varieties Albany Cakes and Crackers -Cheap Enough, ' i FULL LINES Flour, 8ugara, Coffees, Teas, Syrups, Molasses, Soars,! Lye, Baking Powders, I Cigars, Confectioneries, Ac. Sold at manufacturers prices. Consign ments Apples, abbsge, Onions, Potatoes, Butter and Country Proluce constantly com ing in to i i T. B. HENDERSON A CO., oct 23-tf Corner Chesnut A Water sts very body ND HIS CNCLES AND Kir Cousins and his Sisters and h's Aunti is invite d to wit ness the 1 Grand Dress Parade Every c'ay and every evening at tha Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, ; On North Front Street. I I The Stock is the largest and meat extensive of the kind in the State, and embraces a very .Ml great variety of U3iful and pretty things, which are sold tvere for less than half the money usually demanded for iJiem. The se lections were made in person and they are all reliable goods. I I Visitors from the country are particularly i invited to call and see how far a little money will go. f " Remember the plac, the Boston 5 and 10 Cents i Store, North Front Street, between1 Princess and M Chestnut. oct 23 Secretaryks Office, j , Wilmington &Weldon E- E Co., Wi'mington, N. cl, Nov. let, 1679. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT., on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldon Hail "Road Company, has been de clared, payable to the Stockholders on and after the 22d instv The Trinsfer Books will be closed from the 17th instant until after the 2 2d. J. W. THOMPSON. I Secretary. nov 1 tf Secretary's Office. Wilmington & Weldon B-B- Co. November 1st, 1379. fJJHK FORTY-FOCRTif Annual Keetiag "of heStrkhcMars of u , iiaiusgtoa A Weldon RU Roia Cosnpany U1 he held ia Wilmington, on TUESDAY.' the 18tt instant I.'- t j. W. THOMPSON, aorl-tf .' Secretary. TTf jh ill ii w Miscellaneous YELLOW FEVERBLACK VOMIT. It is to eoon to forget the ravage of this terrible dUe?, which w. 11 no doubt return in a more malignant and virulent form in the fall months of lfc79. j ! Mbrkell's Hepatisx, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and used with such won derful results in South America where the n o tjaTrtea cases of fever are found, r: ue from ore 1 1 two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained from the blood each time it p cm through the Liver, as long as an ex re?! of bile eit. By its wonderful action on th Liver atd Stomach the HEPAT1NK rot i-nly prevents to a eeruinty any kind of Fever and Black Vonit, but also cures Uead Hch", t'or.itipstiun of the Bowels, Dyspepsia asd all Ma ial iaeaes oone reed fear Yellow Fever who w'U eip-d the Malarial Poison aud excess of bile tr"io the blood by u ing M brkelis Uipatisk, wi.icn js !'ld by all lratrgista in 25 cent and i bottlt-s, or will be ei t by express by the i'rr-rrWors. A. Y. MKKhLLACU.. Philade!phia, Ta. l)r Pcmbertos Stillinerifi or Queeni I - ! SDeliaht The reports of woede cures o Rheumatism, hcrdfula, Salt hhtuiu, Hjphi lii, Cancer, Ulcers aDd Sores, that come from all oarts ot the country, are not only remark able but so miracujoU'i i as to be doubted wer itjnot lor the alundance cf proof.! Remarkable Cure cf Scrofula, &c OAE OK UUL. J. C. LRANSON. ! KCiits, Ga., Sept. IS, 1371 k Uicfc;: r'-jr uxic( n years l ! nave been a great sufferer from ijcr)fua in itamobtdi. trobeiog forms. I have been co fined to my roein and bed Tor fifteen yi- ara with ecrofu lous ulcerations. The most spproved reme dies for such cases had ben used, and the most eminent physicians i consulted, without ar.y decided benefit, 'ijb us prostrated, dis tress d, desponding, I vj-as advised, by Dr. yer, of i"loyd county, (Ga., to commence the use of your Compound Extract etillini. Language is as insufficient to describe tfee re lief I obtusci- '(. th use of the Mtluogia as it uto o:iu-v n eqaae idea of the in teiiSitv of iiiy uferieg before using jour medicine ; sufficient to n iy, I abandoned al' other remedies and oontinued the use of your Extract of Stillingia, until I can say truly, "1 am cured, of all pain," of all diseasewith nothing to obstruct the, active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cureJ without any return of the disease. j For the truth of the above staeuient, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, j Your obedient servant, J. C BRANSON, Att'y at.Law.1 a miracle:. , WkstPoist, Ga0 Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day of J une, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In Juarch, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the rieht arm, and continued to arrer till I all the bona from the elbow to the shoulder joint oime out. juany pieces oi ojne came out oi the right foot ana leg. The case was then pronounced one of Whita hwellinp. affe having baen confined aDouit Bix years to her bed, and the case considered hopeless, 1 was induced to try Dr. Femberton's Comouuno Extract of Stillingia, and was so well eaji-s fled with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. I! My daughter was confined to her bed about BixyeaiB before she sat up or even turned over without he p. She now sit up all day, and sews most of her tire has walked across iue room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. 1 attribute her recove ry, with the blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. With ; gratitude. I am, yours truly. W. B. BLAtfTON. Wxst Foist, Ga., Sept 16, 1870." Gents:The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. B Ian ton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As mulch reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D. WILLIAMS. DR. Pemberton's Stillingia i pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co. Phil a., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottle?, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. i Bend for Book "Curious 8tory" free to alL Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. x may 28 ROSENTHAL'S Mew Boot & Shoe Store. 32 MARKET STREETS A Word of Advice to my 1 Patrons. I MY. STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE m all its Draccbes, and roy arrange ments enable me to receive New Arrivals of Styles, of the Best ilake, Weekly. My Stock will tellyou'i i tbe Fu'urc a? it has ia the Past. j M Call and examine btiurrf you pi rebate. LOW case Next week I will give you somi t f my Popular Prices, ; no time this week. Rfpetfully,i CJ ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street oct ia feign of tLe Show CaM Winberry Oysters- THEY ARE GOOD vow. Another iait meat jmt received this morcieg. It's cold tough tow for Let Whiskey and fat Oyeterr. T ee Luech every day st 11 o'clock. sept 26 JO UN CARROLL. For Rent. rJinAT DESIRABLE WHARF, at foot of Mulberry street, lately occupied J-LT-by tke Baltimore Steamship Company, com plete with Offices, i hhed , Ac Also, the COAL and WOOD YARD, corner of Frost and Malberrj streeti; at present occupied by J. A.8pringr. Apply .. . j Road Lino?, &c. vyrmihotoh & Weldon IrtAILROAD COOTAKT ! 0f ICS Of GkS'C SirrsiJWTiSDEKt ' WiUIt.n. V. :., Jute 13, lr7P ;. I CHANGE OF siMinuaLE I On and afr Sunda?, Juse I5tbj i79, Passenger trains oa tbe" Wi!D:iat?niA Vi U don Railroad will run al follows:! J DAY MAIL AM) EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wiiicington, Frrnt 8L Depot i ! at. 7 lOAikl Arrive at Weldcn at....L .......L. 1 10 Pi M Leave Weldon.... j, 3 32 P M Arrive at WilmiLgtoa,1 Front 8t ! 1 1 Depot at M 9 53 Pjil NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front 8U Depot at.... i.. Arrive at Weldon at.. Leave jWeldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Fiopt Depot aL....... s n i i 'i trains on larDoro llrar . Rock v Mount for Tarboro at . . ,"t j! v. and luesday, Thursday and Sn ty i A M.! Returning, leave Tarboro at ty at I4:xi A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday Friday at 8:30 PH. , ar c The Dav Train makes 5ke ehntectiot a; Weldon for all points .North th liajf Lirt daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via JKicN mond and all rail route. h , Night train makes close e nnectiots pat Weldon ftlr ail point north Tia RichmordL I Slofcpii.KCars ftUachod to all Night Trains. JOILV F. DIVINE, General Scrt. june u '...-7.1 i I . l Cenft 1 p'ts Office, WILMINGTON. .COLOMBIA AND QUOTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmbfton, N. C, June 13, li CHANGE OF SCHEDTJLf I On and after Sunday, Juno 15, the fci-l towing seneauie win oe run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL. TRAIN, dally. Leave Wilmington......... 9 05 A M Arrive Florence 135PM Leave Florence .....j. 3 60 P M Arrive at Wilmington 8 iO P d ! ill NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). l(J 13 P ll Leave Wilmington '. 10 13 V Leave Florence 2 ft ) A M Arrive at Columbia 9 00 A M Leave Columbia 6 00 A M Leave Florence 2 65 A M Arrive at Wilmington , C 60 A U ! . ! ... - This Train slot s only, at Flemingtor, Whiteville, Fair Bluf, and Marion. '-Passengers for Augusts (via Columbia), bdoujo taxe iugnt txprers Tram rrom wii Through Sleeping Cars on nigh trait s ior uoancsion ana Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General june 13 ciap' CAROLINA CENTRAL P.AILWATCO !-!! Orrici GxxsaxL ScrsainrxirnEaT, ;kdeht, 18, 1879. J Wilmington, N. C, May Change of Sciiedvl: ON AND AFTER THIS date, the f How. ing Schedule will be operated on this Railwav : M Passenger, Mail and Express Traiol. j Leave Wilmington at.... 7:p9 P 11 Arrive at Hamlet at. 2: '2 7 A M " at Charlotte at.... t-:2Q A M Leave Charlotte at ..hi P M Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1:3 A 11 at Wilmington at 9:50 A II Close connection made at Hamlet wth trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line Rail way. -.'.! . j . . I Shelby Division Mail, Freight A Passenge and Express. 1 j U i M v. o Leave Charlotte... ...8:40 AM. aQ' V Arrive at Shelby 12:30 P M No 10 ' lLeveShol9V..... . 1:15 P M Arrive at Coarlotte 6:05 P M V. t. wOHNSON, may II , General Superintendent. Zeohyr Worsteds. NOTUER LARGE LOT ' I i JUST RECEIVED. WHITE 10 CENTS. -COLOCKD-Ui CENTS. ' ' ill' 'iiU Look out for announcement of Grand i i i -I - ! - Millinery OpeUsg. :M M H. 8PRUNT, s i septl 5 Exchange Corners COMMERCIAL! HOTEL WILMINGTON, NC. Lar;rc Sample Kooinn tor Coiiiiiiercinl TravelcrJJ rpUE PROPRIETOR havini thorouiUy renovated this House and furnished it entire Iynew,is prepared to give to the traveling . -M M - j ! j public all the convenieneies of a FIBSTf CLASS HOTEL, 'it ia located in the very cenfre of the busineas part of the city, being con tenient to the principal business bcBMf, Postcffice, Custom lipase. City Hall and Court He ite , j , j , J X3A First-Claes Har a?d BWiird Sale o a connected witL this IloieL HATES f 2 PEIt i)At . oct 24 F. A. SCHUTTE. Rail -