SINK IX A COLLISION A Baltimore and Charleston Steam ship Lost In Chesapeake Baj. Batimore, Nov 9 The eteamahhip Faloou, Capt Kir by, sailed from this port at 4 o'clock a m yesterday for Charleston, with a fall cargo and sev en paesengers. When off liar reu Is land, and about ten miles south of Hbarpe's Island, she was run into by the three-masted schooner S C Trjoc, Capt Niokerson, laden with ice from Kennebec liiver for tbis port. At 10 the schooner sighted the steam er ana kept her coarse ander leading bretzo. (steering one point west of cor tii. .Jabt befoie tney met the Course of the steamer change, and the attempted to cross the couise of the schooner, by which she was struck at 1(H. The bow of the schooner sirucK the hall of the steamer on a line with the mizzenmast, crashing through and destroying the upper . wjiks. The flying jibboom of the schooner carried away the mizzenmast utid threw down the smoke stack of the steamer. As soon as they could be loosed from each other, Capt Kir by steered for shoal water, the col iiHion having occurred where the wai ter was twelve fathoms. Bat before he proceeded a half mile the steamer wbut down. Ail the. boats of the Fal Qtju veer atove; but the lifeboat wag in db Available, and the women and children were first put into it, then the male passengers, and she was lent to the schooner. Before the boat re turned the Falcon bad gone down, and he r ofhcers and crew, twenty-five in i-urrjtjer, climbed into the rigging, w ulc they were rescued. Tne tciiuuiier lay by until daylight, and then continued her eourse, a riving here at 5 P M to-day. The passen gers lost all their clothing except what they had on when the disaster occur 'red. The schooner was about 500. The Falcon is tons burden, belongs to the Charleston 8:eamship and liaiiroad Company, and was wbr u about $25,000 or 30,030. Her cargo was ylu-d at about $30, 000, but much of that may be recov ered. She bauk in seven fathoms of water, and her mastheads and top ma its are vihiblu. Stealing $10,000 aj Tear for Seren .Tears. 1 j! Cincinnati, Nov! 10-8pecUl Agent Newcombe's investjgati n into the ac counts of Clerk Anibioseol the United States Court in r vealiug s me ; very damaging ezparte jj facts. Attorneys with large practices in the United States Court nave' eaid to a reporter that the aggregate , receipts of the Clerk's office are at least 10.000 more annually than the sum of $7,000 re turned to Washington by Ambrose for both the District and Circuit Courts. Sooae place the annual receipts as high as $25,000. LAs (Ambrose has been Clerk for seven years, the differ ence between the returns and stated receipt t the same rate would aggre gate at least 70,000. Senatorial Elections in France Pabis, Nov 9 Marshal Canrobert, the Bonapartist candidate, was t-day er-t(l Senator from the! Department f I, ) ver Charente. M Gaiffrey, He p:.i. j tn, jwas elected Senator from the Department of Hautes-Aipes. M. Philip part s Liabilities1 I'Auii, jnov y The jooir announces thai the Banque Eoropene will dis obarge M Philippart's liabilities,' after the payment of which the bank will have sufficient funds to o mtinue opera tions. , (JABOLIXJ. Core Sound pyetera 80 cents in NewbernJ are i 75 to 60 i beJn ih- will not BUEAKLNO Til KOI Gil A Mill'GE. eventecu Cars ol Live Stock Thrown Into the River-Three Men Killed. Hr. Louis, Nov. 9 At about 8.30 o'c.ook last night, as au extra train, with engine 107, under charge of Con ductor Kimley and .Engineer Plowman, was crossiilg in an easterly direction the St. Louis, Kansas City and North ern Kiiroad bridge ovr the Missouri liivtr at St. Charles, the west span of the main structure suddenly gave way, and seventeen cars of live stock, a caboose, and seven men fell into the river. The engine and one car, with the conductor, engineer and fireman, weie saved by the breaking of the connection between the cars. Three aeaa ooaies ana tnree men badly ins jared have oeen recovered from the nver. a Kentucky Tragedy. Fixis Hill, Ky, J?ov9 Robert Ran dull, nephew of Circuit Judge Han- da! I, and bookkeeper aud manager for li Diamond, coal dealer, shot and instantly killed Price Miner last even iug Randall discharged Price from ! his employ a few days since, and it Feems Price became yery much em- bittered by the act, and this evening i procured a pistol. Meeting Randall, a quarrel ensued, and the latter, who was prepared, d.ew a pistol and shot Price four times in rapid succession, twice in the breast- and twice in the side Any one of the shots would have proved fatal. Rindall was im mediately arrested by the Sheriff and pluced uuder guard of two men, who ttarted with him to Mount Vernon. On the. road Randall got away from the guard aud nude his escape. A Bridegroom commits Suicide Fort Plain, N. Y., Not. 8 Alfred Ciry, a young insurance agent, com mitted suicide at the Mohawk Valley Hotel, Mohawk, yesterday, by shooting himself. He was to have been mar ried at 3 p m to Miss Etta Hudson Ward of this village, whose grief is terrible and probably fatal. She was thrown into convulsions by the news and has remained in that state. In the parlor of her residence are a large number or presents which were to have been displayed at her wedding, sellirg at The Nowb?rn Nut Shell quotes eggs a horco in that (market at 17 cents.' Sajes of tobaooojatamps to Durham manufacturer 1 for the week ending Nov 7tn amounted to $14,993,72. Goldsboro Messenacr: Mr R W damaged Bryan, of Greefce bounty.1 Dicked 8.000 about 600 pound of Seed sbottOn off a fnnr anra field, up to the) 31st of j October, and expects fully 1 000 pounds more. Ne wbern Dchiocratz Coronas rapid- ly declined in pur market within the last few days, falling from cents per bushej. We have form dj t at thlr morning it command over pO cents i Goldsboro! Messenger: We regret to learn that the rM crop1, but a few weeks ago eo promising in this section, is so seriously damaged by the severe dry weat her, that miny of the planters will not make the exbenses of making the crop. ' I . ; Uoldsboro Met ekger The - Free will Ujptist Conference convened with Pleasant Grove Church, in Pikeville township, on Thursday and continues until 10-aay. ' The j daily attendance nas been vary irge, the fcerday being estimated at pie.- ij 1 Goldsboro Messena ri ! that Mai Grant1 broDoses the county a building lot adjoining the stables of Mr Bennett, being a portion of the courtyaifd not under; fence; for the purpose of erecting a large brick building to be used (for flouring mills and a tobacco factoryT f Goldsboro Messenger : A sad case of poisoning occurred in the vicinity of Goldsboro Thursday evening re- m"1? tbt death of wo children of Mr Columbus Deal- and the illness of another. It seems they hadjbeen eff cotton picking, and eu route for uome, ate oi what is known as night- Durham Plant : three and a half mi bad the misfortune j; List or Letters. j The follpwing is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday! Nov. 12th, 1879: I A Mrs T J Armstrong, James Allen, J M A ydolet, James Anderson, J A Ash, Puilip1 Armstrong, Randall Allen, Walter Alvis. B Mary Batson. Laura Browo. Louisa Bland, Stephen Ballard, Randa Bailey, Peter Bradley, Nelson Benton, Madam Brown, Walter Brady care Uhapsam, James Barlow, James Betts, James Beat ty. Rev J L Barlow, J Q Barnett, Cato BuLtlig, AlonzoBelL C C H Oarroll, Martin Carroll, Da'l Cooper, Elias Campbell, J S Coles & Co, A F. Corbet, misa Carrie Clark, Sarah Carpenter. D W J Deeph. Peter Drake Silas L Dees, Ledia Davis ' E Caroline Eagles. , F C W Farrow, Anna Fulford, W J Florence, John Fison . G Alice Game, mrs Elizabeth Good ing, Manda Green. ; H Sarah M U ill, Fannie W Hankins. Silvia Hooper, Sarah M Hill, Faston. C Hawkins, J L Hathaway. j J Henry James, Prisiella Johnson, Eliza j Jones, miss Maria Jenkena, Jame Jones. K C F KeuneJay, Mittie Kellog, Robt Kenneday. L Thomas Littleton, Joseph Lucas, Rev J H Lewis, Louisa Leonard, Saml C Larkins. I M James Martin, ,Rev JosE Mitchell, James Murphy, Lewis Merrick, R S Mur ray, liobt J Mitchell, B A McClammy, Miss Bettie Moore. . ! 1 Annie Norton, James Nixon. P Gaston Powers, John Priest, Elizabeth Pi yer, tors Ann S Pries. i R Josh Ruse. H B Register. S Laura SiDgleton, Josephine Stew art, Frank Sutton. Frank StanlflT. Geo Sheridan. , T -Jane Tailor, mis Agnes Thomp son. 1. j; U Henry Uher. j ' VMrs Karah Waddell, Nellie C White, Lucy Waddell B F Willis, Eliza Williams. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised": if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dtad letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C. Xew Han ver County, N.C. C0LII1EKCIAL LTEWS : f WILMINGTON MARKET 1 ; I OVMBCft 11-4 r M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quiet at ! 87 cents. Sales 400 casks reported at that fig are. Market closlmg quiet and steady. ROSIN Quoted steady at SI 35 for Strained and Good Strained. Sales 500 bbls Strained at quotations. I j . TAR Quiet at fl 50. j Sales receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quiet at tl 25 for Hard-and f2 25 for Yellow Dip. Sales receipts at quotations, i I COTTON -Firm. Sales 115 bales ori a basis of 11; cents for Middling. Market closing firm at the following official quota tions: j j Urdinary ........ 10 uooa urcinary........M...... lo?i Strict Good Ordinary..... ; Low Middling 10 15-16 Good Middling.................. 'l.4 Cotton. 1.295 balei pir:: Turpentine S0h caakt Koiia 2,ill bbi iar........ i 179 - j Lliscallaneoiis. Fall & Winter i ! His, peni; miju XAiviii 1'IjACE at Corn CenU. 4t tt 1 i It tl Wednesday, Thursday and PridA wovember 5th, 6th and 7th I Or, Warne Grade Turpentine.... 322 NEW YORK MARKETS. 1 ii Heeald 10th. 1 COX TON -Cotton on tbe spot was quiet out arm ana yo aearer. inures were active and again bigber, and tbe market closed strong, with an advance for the day oi irom iu to iv points, rue sales ror future delivery sum up 219, i 00 bales. We quote poi, uuiusa w ioiwws: juruinary, wyj, ; Middline. 11 7-l. ' NAVAIi STOKES -The entire market We invite was ami, ana values were entirely nominal we quote : spirits turpentine, merchant able order, offered at 39c. Kosin Strained ana good strained $1 75 a $1 80. Tar Wil mington, vz 7o. itcb $2. ABDOMINAL i i i ISP3 THE BIS? 1 pCHIAPfei ! - - - - , I .1 . ; .-"'.I' all who ere interested to in attend MARINE NEWS. the newest and handsomest W' nd. I w. We promise all who will favor us with a call to show them wyvciues zxx tne nixllinc J I AKKIVED. 8team-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith viile veu jny mrm. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayettevllle Worth A Worth. Steamer Clinton, Wallace, Point Caswell wer Drig vr witt, Zeplin, Madeira, E x eocuau x westermann. i Nor brig Rask, Berg, Oporto, R E Heide. We have a nice selection of I CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vllle Weo Myers. ? Steamer A P Wo R luo uiau wno taEes the stump is gen erally a fellow tno laxy to chop it up for Kinaiing wood. i Hurt- Wfirt.h ParoHjvilla orth& Worth. ' ' , , mer Clinton; Wallace, Bannermah's onuge, waiiace & vonKampen. Br barque Emma Crook. Woodward, Liy- ii, yw liiiiiius oc Murcnison. 8chrC HMacomber, Googins, Cape Hay -tien, E Kidder A Sons. . ; i Schr Keno, Ackley. St George,! Grenada, Northrop A Cummlng j j Schr Clara Davidson, Ireland Georgetown to load for Philadelphia by E G Barker 4 Co. i i j fcchr Frhnconia, Learitt, Portland, Me., eal j French1' Patterns which is really worth your coming to see. V :o:- Parsley crowd jea- 3,000 peo. S We learn to lease of If you are ambitious to move in the highest circles, join the next expedition to the Arctic circles. - & Wiggins. Exports.: COASTWISE. Portland, Me Schr Francouia 196,221 lumber. t t c ft Vn4 Hutohines es fiom Darham. fco lose his brn by fire, in wh ok there were twelve !barrefa f if mm anil rA. stacks of fodder' near by that were consumed. It is thought to have been tne work of an incendiary. Darham Plant: j the house of Mad Hcrndon, of (Williams Township, Chatham county, was nearly destroyed by fire with all of its contents on Sat urday night, November 1st. It had at the time of burning abont forty dol lars in paper monev hftHiloi. o ko n ofsiiyer the amount of which we did not -learn. Toere Waa'ln venty-fbedoi ara worth of lint cotton uoiasDoro Messenger:! From all in- lurumuoa wean gather,: now that bv far tha arno rn.t , iuJ J , , O5-4 ui me OOlEOn crop " u0.;U we ieei satifcried that .UO urup in im and the surround nc HpMlnr mill K.J-.J'-J i -. . . O , uotuiy exceea two-thirds oi a crop. The croo last i Poreiffn Vessels for this Port D u l Corrected Weekly.) Ger brier Anna. Aaa. r, i ter, Sept 27. ' "vux dlSSaKYiII,l,-" MilB4fromB- J&tV.SSSl LerTein frni birqa99 Fr"k tVl(.D,en, ! tailed from Glasgoir, Sept. 25. " , lSL .r,q?euCondor eilsen. Bailed from London, October 4. i i RI.brii Voltor. Eilertson, sailed from Ur brtg Heires, Brotherton, saUtd to, oept. 3. i E.riteIP rg, .ailed fr, m ra; Keunion. . sailed from Ant- werp, Aug. 31. j f,iLoibrqae oFine5a1' P"en, .ailed fiom Qlaagow, 8ept. 24 . i or barbae Jrine, oiebert, sailed 'rom Liv erpool, rept. 29. Nor brig Prosperiu, BerttldBan,sailed from London, Sept. 25. . i i roa.aiSH. barque Emma Crook 1, Liverpool Bp 18S bales cotton. Cape Hay tien8chr C H Macumber 102 53o ft lumber, 62,000 shingles. bi. weorge, Orrenaaa sschr Beno-91,872! ft luiuuer, iw,uw sningies, l cask spts, y bbl tar, 3 do pitch. J Miscellaneous Op r rom Lime! Cement ! 1 Uol LtAriVr,L) TO-DAT, A OAHQO of PRtBH ROCK LIME and CM. XT, wh'ch we are eelhng . at lower fgti res tb.n ever known here. Call on ns. M i j ! liOBtNSOV KIxNO, , nor 10 t'f Cor. Water A Orange tB List of Vessels OYer 100 tons in 1 i i Port Nov 11, 1879- BARKS. j Nor Uato, 343 tons, Kroger, C P ATebane Br Geo Booth,1 2S8 tOE3r Junes, , TT , ! CP Mebane Ge. Vonder Dedt, 4S4 ton?, AlichaejU, d -au , El'eschau & TVestennann Br E1U Moore, 391 tons, Witchner, w i- Paterson, Downing & Co Nor krone,303 ton-, Genneres, R E Heide Nor KiisUne, 35 tons, Jensen, raterson, I)o rning & Co Just Received. JS ELEGANT A S3 ORTM t NT of Fngluh nd American Poets. Also, a well .elected iock oi 1 I I i i ChUdren's Book., Fancy Htationerr in Boxs, iVelTet Frames, j Autograph Albums,! I Fsncy Inkstands, Hymn Books, Prayer Books and Bibles. Usual sapplj of School Books, Blank Books and Stationery, lu fact erery thing pertaining to the busi ness can he had t reasonable prices. Our prices are lower, Style the beet, Quality unsurpassed, and can't j to please every one who may desire a ' BEAUTIFUL HAT 6r BONNET! -o- Our i 1 v Trimming Department is Complete 1 Comprising the Leading Styles ! -:o.- OUR FLEXIBLE HIP CORSET A new lot of them just in, with improvements-. No extra ckUl SI t I have worn this Corset! I har worn th Fleclbl , The ni( ne I i be' refund t J have worn this Corset I I har worn th Fleclbl 'tiire days and every bone Hip Corset three months and W'Jl over tne DlDS 18 broken. every bone la still perfect. every Flexible ft Hip Corset which breaks over the hips. elegantly, ; el n comfortabij tlx! a lady can Ilk down in it wii ease. Price, fi4 . I, plain bust, ii DepoBitorr for School Bonk nor 10 a W. TATE8. . . . . - vlua a Vield tha nra-t. ,.J . .. t , r-"" ccusuu, WOlle miQT S?hn f prToaDoed 8rt one, and Er Tuck ing, 388 tons, mSuS, yet bat few farmers irfinUi-k ft ii. ! i v Ti j ' feel now oextaia that tbe yifld . falls K IHrlH!. JR. C? Br Our Anne, 363 tons, Huske, ! I r T ri ' while in an adjoining room, hovering short of last year. And the corn crop Xor VIkin,.264 tong, RasirituBen, ' sre m Ua. j. -uiiDus, zii i ions, TalJak sen, between life and death, and anxiously .13 i i r : l -i -. waiouea oy iier muiuy ana pnvsioians, , iiea mo Kri wno was id care Deen a bride. The funeral occurs to-morrow. Young Ciry was, on the day before the mysterious suicide, apparently happy. England and Turkey London, Nov. 10 The Standard's correspondent at Constantinople re port that tha Dirfctor of the Press ordered the Turkish newspapers to desist from attacking England under penalty of suppression. Sir Austen ijayard has been instruc ted to enter upon negotiations im. uitfuiHrciy wiiu regaru o reiorms in Asia Minor The Standard's Vienna dispatch says wuen Jtrnnce Location returned to Constantinople from Livadia he ad vised the Porte to fuldll the wishes of JbiQgland regarding Asia Minor. i i mo uuru crop fared i even vr.roa cotton, and not much over hf j - ,1 IS LJ cuuuis to nave will be made. Smithville QECOND DOOK WEST of tbe O.rrfaon. atn niiN, JLiqaors, Uigtrs, etc. Fineiti Saloon in the town. Patronage of travel inf public solicited. A. A. CATLETT, 0Ct2i-?m FmlthTill. v n! The Spanish Premier's rrosramme- IiONDW, Not 10 The Madrid cor- respondent of the . S andard tele- grapns : wen miormea persons say that if Premier Martinez Campos does not carry the Abolition oill and the tariff reforms in the West Indies en a free trade basis, he, with the support ox aenor Uanovar del Uastillo, will ask j the King to dissolve the Cortes aud in the mean time govern Cuba by roy-j i ucuco. MasJ Meetins at llllWton. Eiros Rkvikw, j I xnere win be a rand turnout and r;,,: r K, "BiaJ la town of KluuL oa rday.tthe 29th jdav rC- v iT- at1 in ice interest of fc"u ""ukmiu, nver improvement and r T l , ,8cneme. itl is desired that all who feel an intnrAat i tl SdSfTn?eal booking forward to lUB uawuuai improvement nffinMnn. f J IL. 1 . i . . i 7 j uu lUB QireCt lnLwrAfll: F T auu xi ow uannvpr wiii k, We feel that we aa 1 JZ.F the Government for aid in this matter uu Duau msisi jupon our representa- rights. The Government h7. uZLl quite liberal in annrnnri.Hn.. puuu uuruoBCS. Wniftn Id ivtmmJ.Ll. " uo Kopa work will -f.n e, u uuni an natural resources of our oouatry wiU be f n&y developed 2d J5?J "li Qtet to N "lizsd tliere- Aua ciutens OI Wi m nfM K?fr,om PfiMnl brators rC ,r P F. Walkdj, President, BuBaiw, Pender County, N O November. 10th, 1879! 1? T TT- i -"j x uauiau, 040 ions, 1 iremers. n. t, - . , ,1 . . ,Escha & Vrestermann uiui vrooK, tjo tons, woodward vrc inarit-, ov 1 tons, fermien, repairing' . BR(GS. Nor Jarlen, 2.37 tons, Kornas, R -J Heide Nor Rask, 191 tons, fcerfr, R jfi Heide G. r Dr Wltte,2S0 tons,1 Zeplain, i Peschau fc Wesm.. Ger Magnet. 256 tons, PeterKii, Master Am Silas N Martin, 204 tons, Brown, . Sp Dos Cunados, 227 tons, . , " LAid op fvM- repaira SCUOONERS. Am FiTe Brothers, 230 tons, Boiisal?. I Harriss A Hti uu vir xaviusuu, iif ions, .Ireland I 1 . . arA, TT TTT nsm . -. . "at a. y dnuerson, oii ions, xaoc?ck f j Harrisa k 17nAn r ti ui Urn . ... am juary a. y nimam, sz-io ions, mark 1 E Kidder & .w. T T- J . w . . n j unei x ouaer, 2 i 1 was, noomson m TJt vns . ... ""'W Am xrancoua, zzi ions, JLeavitr. m.. Am Kino, 142 tons, Ackley, n , I Northrop & Cummin? Br Julia Elizabeth, 80 toris, Ingraham, ! Master Am C H IfcComber, 123 tons, Googins, NoilhrOD A Ihimmi Am E S PowelL 577 1' ns. William- Williams A Murchijcn Liverpool Salt. 9500 8ci" LIVERPOOL 8 ALT, , I ' I Htriped Sacks. Bagginer, Ties, &c- 1 1000 Whcle-nd Half BolIs:BAGGING,i 3000 BaadlMff,ir'WB I ! QOn Lbf BUns; Tiriae. i n T o13V0. K H sixs, ittoT asses, Flour, Sugar. 175 Uhd Ud BdU Molasses, , 1 1 00 hhU FL0DB F-mJ to fio,er, 100 Btg' Ri0 i 125 Tttb,ChoiceUrd' I BoxM Para Candy, -BM i Boxes- Frh CraeksrJ, 1 50 BXe 8eleetld 0r Cheesy JLiarge Asiortment of Fancv Ribbbiu. Special Bargains in Feather Tips :o:- ' ; 1 1 JC3 Verv Great Variety ef Birds at all Prices, gJJ i - from 35 Cents tip ! f j Our (Fanctr Gnnrle nonntifmitnt Is larger than ever with an elegant assortment ot Goods to pleased 1 j ' ' "Ladies.. A YERY FINE LINE OF CREPE LISLE. " ?1 - ! I ALL STYLES OF RUCHING FOR THE iKt 20:- THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF TIES IN THE C1TT :o:- Safin Ribbon Cheaper than Can now he Bon1 A beautiful line 5? of iadies', Misses and ; Children's . sm i ii , t w K sr j vm m mam m i v I m ft aft m I Fancy Host, Agent for I Buttfcrick ACoji PattrDB.A53) - I lino will aW PATENTED Jiilir s"! tni(J ' m CrodshAV been sold during the past tHre years. All who have worn them bekeptonfi a Pronounce the Mode of Fastenixur i V The many annoyances connected with the old yv.' ctnrill VOU tern ol Button Gloves are entirely overcome, and the 0"OUiu J j iwumiug suvaaiagea secured : x; ,llt-Tlfcct and fapiditj'wlih which it is for "55ut ixia 2nd Its adjustability tt fit thrfifffi itwrt- Sltt The advantage faintd bv rradiuill stfaiotoe' tne old sruem wdko. Glove is all go. i irmeaa oi tne oia srMem wdkh ,-rt .iV I ruins to many pairs the first Uxnehuttoncd- Juu 4th Strength of Hooks and mode ol clinching j m TM ... I in i v IZtZ. . wsienins; win ouuasx any . i 'Which ts a very rare occurrence with buttons- q gel Tnderpendent of Improvement In faatenfnsy i rtot ftay other glarm itho xaaxitet. 1 ! J.1 JLfJtif W. H. SPRU WT,. Exchane.Corncr aov

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