THIS PAPER u .aollsh tvsry afiermoon, Siadays sx- jo Mil. T. J A 51 K8, EDITOA A5D KOrRISTOB. s 0 BiCRI PTION8, POST AO PAID. jn8 rear, $5 00 Six m oaths, SIM ; Three matto,tl tn mouth, 60 eemU. f be ppr wlli d,H'd 7 carriers, fchrire, any part of thetity, at the or 13 cents pr week. ti.y rates low and liberal ,ber will pleas report aay and - to receive their paper regularly. -r &dvertisement. itTBLOTION ill CARPETS SROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. AVill show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpels, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. Carpet?, Carpets Carpets, Carpets. 0?er $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, Caputs Ca i pi fry Carpets. Wo invite all to call who have A.Y idea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carp ers. M We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets I Caroets 1 BROWN & B0DDICK, 43 3arket Dtreet EST 1 IThe Fun of It Id fpHIT THE BUSH FOB Gents', Tomths nJ Boji' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, till eontiauM at our two itores.notwithsUnd- f tbt immenie smount of Goods we have alresdT sold this lesson. The reason is plain. I Nobody erer boseht a bad barrain at saaiKR'S, while ear roods, although low , P.rt8e. always jait as represented. 8o the btrt and cheapest Shiri in city, nuriea ana aniaandried, at BHRIEB'S TWO STORES, i . Msrkrt st. Dental Card. making Artificial a. dares to fit perfwtlynd --iijiiDetteru isre the natural t-th if 77 Bo mT PMrons'will pleas, call with- Jm d be ,e"ed i b "ot cosafurt ble chilr is a(e. Jl K. KEA., 34 Market st. Iiint:ton, N. C. Vot. 8, 1879. QPKRA HOUSE. AND MRS. W. I FLORENCE. NO UCREASMH PRICES I jrWDAY XIQHT, NOV. 14th, th.distia- ib, j au XiTS. w. J. K orcnM. ?7 irical Fietare ( lllastrativ. of L.b-1 Ufe sad 8iety st the National Capital) t i - . m . , - M tijiirMii m T 1 tri f a K w li . Li u mmf . ti,l'd the ' ' Mm i irn r rr m. u m m iir?.Dtn riU Wew Scenery, KIgant Fnr u e,DaiqmeAppointenu, te. HATDRDAY.-ov. 16th, Tioir-3T op iX3Avn-nAn. tLt' Ior'e " Boo Brierlv.U which th. flf1 k appeared over 1900 tines in rredgts at Hsiniherger'a. ot 11 itt:;':l)ijiT'.,fiSw'.;'' VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1879. NO. 239 LOCAL INEWS: New AdmtiiemeBts.1 P. Haisrsanesia Pccket Letter Scales. Mosioa A Few More.lj I 1 A. A I. Shriie The Tun of It la. No City Court It o-day Window Glass all sizes at lufler & I: ,! t A rush has set in on bridal outfits. The moeqito's nest has beep despoiled A washwoman's chief support is ' the ciatbea' prop. . , i 1 I . ' New moon this eveumg at 24 minutes pat 7 oclock. i i Chinchilla is the favorite fur for cbil drenand blondes this' season. Too much dignity? prevents a man from seeing the brickbats in his path. Drincers of souc boner and hyson should be very tea-nacious of life.! Does a man show his relatire strength when he marries his first cousin? i There is a great difference between go as you please and 'please as you( go. The brig Alice let Foster, hence ar rived at Philadelphia on the 11th inst. Captain Green, of the North State, re. ports the river as very low land difficult to njteat- The latest 1 toast "Drink this and ys'll never die, but pine' 'away like a daisy." 1 I ! ' . Money saved in b y ing your Household Hardware! t Jacobi'8, No. 10 South Front street. l i f r P ' 1 i New sashes have nlain ends. The em broidered, fringed! or lace ornamented ends are out of fashion.' I j Tf vonr am UnHv take a dose of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pil!s: we know of no better medicine. "Dick Chavers, colored, was arrested this afternoon and jugged in the C. P. on the charge of being drank and disorderly. For the past few nights the dews have been almost eqnivalent in their effects upon the earth and streets to light show ers of rain. i . r ! 1 People never get credit for goo4 qual ities. The man who pays cash is re garded by the storekeeper as a person of no account. , Gov, Jarvis has issued a proclamation calling on the people of -this State to ob serve the 27th inst.,! as a day of thanks- 8Uipgand prayer I I! 'if I : Only one person in nineteen takes hold of the knob of the door Iwhen shutting it. and yet this country is thumping along like a streak of lightning. i i Tissue paper napkins-are used because linen ones are in danger of being pi fered. No man has yet been found mean enough to steal a dirty paper napkin Mr. J. J. Fowler, of this city, has been requested to' act as Umpire in the match game of base ball which is to be played at the Fair in Wadesboro nex t week. I a,..,.....:. LJ.i'-''l L hats is the epingelihe velvet, which is an old friend under a new i name, i 1 i being the old-fashioned uncut velvet Hornby our grandmothers. The new bonneisl have as many differ I i i i ent materials as the new costumes. Three and sometimes four materials are com bined in ene bonnet, not j counting j the feathers or flowers used for garniture. Strangers in thej city should not fsilto visit the S sh Factory, Jfoot , of Walnut street. I I The Fire Alarm and the Meteoric :;i . Shower. ! 1 : At the request of many citizens. Mayor Fishblate has azreed to please the star Urs by giving oers to have the fire alarm sounded at the first instalment of shooting stars that become visible in the heavens to-night, which, according to the extensively published inotice of Profet- l ' i -'-i.i. A. M-. just one hour after! midnight. The bell will strike tne .ten tn are ais- trict, and inasmuch as there are only six fire districts the citizens 1 understand when they hear the fen taps that it is not a fire but a shower of o o o o o 9 O O O O O o o o o o o o o e o o e o o o - o o o o o o N. B. -Our own private opinion i well, that Ptofessor Tice is a humbug. Off -Shore Signals. Watson, of the Signal Office, not: JJr fies us that off-shore signals are ordered to day for Cape May, Atlantic City, Dar- neeat. Hook. Henrv. Hawk. Hatteras and w w mm v Lewis. The Female JHinsjtrels. I Watch out for the old hald heads and mirried men next week, lor week after. Madame Kentzs female minstrels are heading this i wav: thev are billfc i for Richmond next week. i Save your money by buying jourj Build' ing Supplies from AlUffer & Price. t 1 : . i Probabilities. ' The .weather indications this afternoon are cot very encouraging to those (who have been looking for a change of weather with the change of the moon. 1 The uffi cial report is as follows: 1 ' For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, Southeast I to Southwest wiuda, partly cloudy weather, light local rains in the Gulf States, slight change in temperature and pressure. You pay tble lowest" cash prices for Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builder's Hard. ware, &e , at Jacobi's No. 10 South Front street. t iessts Shaw and Kline. i Mr. A . Shaw, who has recently re signed the superin tendency of the Rich mond & Petersburg R. R., will go to Selma, Ala., where we presume that he has secured some good position. Mr. T. D. Kline, who is to succeed Mr. Shaw, will, as we learn from the Petersburg In dex-Appeal, report for duty at Rich mond at an early day. ' . : Sadden Death. Peter McKeever, colored, better known as the "rag man," died suddenly at ins residence, ia this city yesterday morning. Peter for some time past has been suffering rom a pulmonary disease, but plied his vocation of buying rags, from house to house, up to Tuesday night, when, after going home, as well as usual, he was taken with hemorrhage-of the lungs, and died before morning. ! j On Hand at Las . j It is to be hoped that Judge Seymour; ar rived safely in Lumberton yesterday mornv ing and the lawyers, jurors and witnesses who had been waiting on him for two days were at last accommodated by having the business that called , them to Lumberton attended to. Judge Seymour was in Charlotte Tuesday and the Observer gives as his excuse for not be iag ut Lumberton that he had been delayed by a failure to .; make railroad i connection. New Appointment to the congres sional Executive Committee. We learn that Captain Chas. D. Myers, Chairman of the Executive Committee for this Congressional District, has appointed Mr. W. F. Howland, of Beaufort, to the vacancy occasioned some mcnths ago in Carteret, by the death of Mr. W. G Goffrey, of that county, and that Mr. Howland has signified his acceptance of the same. The new committeeman is, we understand, a gentleman of influence and position in Carteret and is at present Chairman of the! Board of County Com missioners in that county. A Rip Van Winkle Mall. We read in some of our exchanges a few days ago 'of the safe arrival at Boston of a postal card which had made the cir cuit of the globe in 106 days. ! But we 'can mention something in the of way the rapid transit of mail matter that beats that all hollow. A gentleman who re sides in Columbus county recieved a lettter through Robeson post office, W. C. A. Rl R., on "the 23df last month (Oct 1879) which bore the date of Elizibeth- town, Bladen county, June 24th, 1878. The letter was only fifteen months' in .go ing from its starting place to the place of destination, a distance of 75 miles. Our friend, who informed us of the incident, was the party receiving the letter, and he farther informed ns that he immediately replied to the favor of Jane ,24th, 1878, giving his reasons for not acceding to the request contained in said letter, to wit: that the request came a little over twelve too late. Where this letter had journey ed to all this time is a mystery as yet un explained as there were no marks of the Dead Letter Office on the envelope when received. Sealskin sacquea are a little shorter this season than they were last Winter, prob ably becan&e the long saque does not look well with the short walking skirt now universally worn. Magistrate's Court. j Justice Gardner yesterday aftcrrooa bound' Pooipey Snecd aud William Small, alias Smoky Bill, over to the Crinr ioal Court in. the sum of $50 upon the charge of the larceny of a boit from David Statcher, in default of which the d ifen dants were cotrmitted. The parties are ail colored. 1 To-day before the same Justice s Court, Edward S. Gause, colored, waa tried up on a peace warraot eusd out by Stephen Washington, colored. ' The judgment was, that defendant pay the costs in the case and enter into bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace until the first Mon day in February next, and als for his appearance at Justice Gardner's office at the date above mentioned. ,' The Alleged Meteoric Display. A writer on' astronomical phenomena for the monfh explodes the statement that we are to have that grand meteoiid display to-night to which so many people have been looking forward, saying ; A great deal has been said concerning a grand dis play of meteors expected to come eff on the night of the (1C h. . uch a tbidg is possible, but no more probable than On the 13th of any other November. The sensa tion was started by one 4Pxuf.' Tice, of Louis, an astronomer ' who makes all his observations through a bit of smoked win dow glass. lie claims to.have discovered Vulcan, a planet suppo sed to exist within the orbit of Mercury,' and to have ac complished the job aided only by such an instrument as we have just nan.ed. This little meteoric production of his got into the newspapers by soma means or other, going the rounds , after the manner of many other similar things; and that is all there is of it." Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest, prices at Jaco bi s Hardware Depot. t The Liukhaw-ilai tnian Tragedy. The trial of Miss Linkhaw, for the murder ot Ed. ilartman, will come up for trial this week jn Robeson Superior Court, now in session at Lumberton. It was presented at the spring term of the court, but owing to some defect in th bill of indictment, had to be remanded t the grand jury at the following term. The killing is of such j recent occurence and has been spoken of so freely in detail in the columns of the Review, as not to require that the circumstances should be repeated here, farther than the young man was shot in to say that the parlor of a hotel in Lumberton by the accused, who charged him with having seduced her under promise of marriage. Shortly after the tragedy Was enacted Miss Linkhaw had a child, which is still living. As the case has already been in the courts nearly a year, it is not likely that there will be a continuance. "The Mighty Dollar." ! This play will be presented to morrow (Friday) night at the Opera House in this city. The principal characters will be represented1 by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flor ence, for whom the play was written' sup ported by a first class company. , 'The Mighty Dollar" is a play which never tires an audience. It has just had a season of unequalled success, crowding the immense New York Opera House io overflowing. It is brim-full of fun,and the characters, Bardwell Slote and Alr Gen eral Gilfroy, suit the capacity of Mr. and Mrs. Florence in j comedy. Their abllily is so well known that the announcement means drollery and an abun dance of hilarity and amusement. A special feature for the ladies is the new wardrobe th it Mrs. Florence has pur chased for the season. An outlay of many thousand dollars has purchased from Worth, :of Paris, and other distin guished mdet3, costumes of exqu'site taste and magnificenco. Her I j -wela are superb of the and $20,000 is a moderate estimate va'uj of ths dresses and adra- ments Uie'l iu thy curacier oi at.Ai'i froy in this pity. ., . The tronpe will arrive fro:L Petersburg, Va.,!oa to-iiorrow miriio's trairi. Strange to say, there are a fe- up'e ia this city who do -t believe l h it there is to be any more met; ore hcr to night than there was i Mi'.t an i wno are deAriA'u-x tiat i.'u r i t . jt's fears or exprt-t.t;o it !! 1 e lim n of a good u i ! red I i i At 1 o'clock to-day the thermometer stood at 83 degrees The receipts of cotton at this pert day foot up 824 bales. to- In Distre 'I iie tohijoctr ' -lftcarea, Captain Holt from St. Pierre 'Martin;qu j,!on thej 23d cf October, with ajcartjo uf tuar , fur Dela wart L'r.'iik atf r fo. ordeis, arrived at tais port thib inoriir. with her forercsst aid botjb topoiasts goad, and sails split. " Cai)U;n Holt reports that on the 1 it of November he encountered a calo which lasted until the 5th, at whioii i-ne, when in latitude 2CG5', I and 1 n-iiudj 7335x th9 schooner had fcrenuvst and f-rctopmafct and mamt'opmast carr'ud away, together with fore and sails, besides many other sails split. j After the g.ile suls;Jed ringed up tem porary stty ."bet jib1 and t-quared away fur tbis port, 'the widd being to the eastward at the iin;e and this being the most convenient port to reach under the circumstances. ! A Board of; Survey was called to day Lnd will determin thii afternoon or to-morrow whether the schooner will bive to be unloaded po undergo repairs The Mt'fii:gf of the Masons The Grand Lo ie tf Free and Accepted Masons of Xo th Caoliina will meet 1 in their 03d jAnnual Communication at the Masonic Ilall in Raleigh, on Tuesday, Dec. 2 ,alr'7 P. M. The delegates from this city are Messrs. IJ. II. Munson, W. R. Kenan and James C. ilunds, from St. John's Lodge Nc. 1., and Messrs. C. H. Robinson, V. II. Chad bourn and E. G. Barker, from 319. Wilmington Ltxfce No. The chief objection to the jet trim mings is their weight, and this is now' be iog lessened by masijug the jet hollow and very thin. But while this takes away from the wei ht, it adds considerably to the price. The barque S:7o, (Nor) Molland, hence for Liverpool, arrived at Oar ens- town on the 11th The celebrated Zeb Vanco, Southern Baker and Uhiejf Cook Stoves, Parlor and ; Heating btoves for old prices. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot., t dTiId OLDHAM Th'"a morniaor, Nov. Utb,l&79, GEOKGE W., son of Alexander and 8. A. Oldham, aged 4 years, JO months and 15 days The funeral will take place to -morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, from tne residence, f the parent, on Fronr, between Mulberry and Walnut streets, thence to Oakdale Cemo tery. j Friends acd acquaintances are respect fully invited to attena. ) SanHOMBBBBB New Adverj-isemontg. Pocket Letter Scales. I i -" .'. i THE NEATEST and most convenient ar ticle of the kind, in u e. It is also quite a neat Charm for a watch chain. The Improved Cbpygram is the bjst and cheapest method lor Copying Letters, Ac, Postal Card, Note, Letter and Cab sizes. j For sale cheap at flEINaBpRGER'fj. Pianos and Organs, ORGANETTES atd Musical Marchandise of every kind. l; For sale cheap at Ii j UEI.BBERGER'3, nor 13 Live Book aod Muiic Store.. A Few Rlore i if". O F TH03E CHEAP HANDSOME SuiU for Boys, Long and Shart Pant?, at MUNSON'ri, THE CLOT tREK ncv 12 AND ME It. TAILOR. OPERA HOUSE. W.jT. POWELL. J Manager. Positively One Night Only Monday Not 17. THE FRAY NE-TlrTAN'Y COMBINATION In the Greatest Dramatic Success of the pay, as played to large and ethueiasdc ajdierces in ail th) piinclpal cities cf America and En rop, written bv Cliftnn.W. Tajleure, Esq., entitled, Si Sl0CUEfir'. A 'beautiful, ex citing and laughable Otory cf Frontier and Domestic Life. The eminent sensational ac tor and world-renowned"-sharpshooter, Mrf. FRANK FRAYNE. The charnkiog Comedi enne and emotional actrtss, MI8i AN'NIK WARD TIFFAN Y,upp-rtfcd by a fall and efficient Company. Tue fimoaa acting Dog "Jack". The celebrated trained bUck Ker. The Robbing of the Orriitijd Mkil Coich, a wonderful mechanical ennetroctior , the horses crossing the etae atfu.l epHi. Dur ing the action of toe drama, Mr. r rayte i'l intr xioce his oii nal n 1 daiioir hntj i th a rills as follows: Catiii a inele mpe with a bu'let, rescuicp hanging: n?pro. Gun opaide r n on fceai, fchootinz pipe from Do-chmiii' month nuHin caatlle wi:h bullet. able h"it, tho-:tin an apple from negro's hyai atd saucer from hi own headf. om opposite tides of Uge at same time. Grni bt.ctwarJ shot, Bhjoti-ir an apple fr' m ia 1 ifTa y's head, stanc io;: with bacc to tn ItAr, fcin snail oaod mirror; Reserved teats Bookstui e. sale at Htioebergers nov 12-w-fri mon. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. .f R8. 8. J. BAKER has jjut received a if X new supply of Ha s, Bonnets and very thin it tte llillinerv lin, Which she will sell chesp for ea.h . Alio, Hair Work dice in the best styles Wiz, Toupees and inviii ble seams, or old ladies' bandeaux, made or repaired. I am receiving new (roods weekly and especially invite the ladies to give me a calL Corner of Orange and Third street, nov 11-lCt rLEABE 50TICE. SWe will be glad to reeelvs eommnalcalkcv from our friends on any and all. sabjeetcf general Interest bat : The name of the writer jnartj alwayg be fur nlshed to the Ediibr. 7 V1 T - . . .- . I I ' : ':' CCommonieatidni must be Written' on on. 9 oneiiae or tfceaper. i i Personalities mn3t be avoided. P And it is e??tci It and psj-ti-niarlv:an1f stood tLt the Editor does not always n:sv the views of correspondent!, nnlesi so stale fl u mr cuiwrutcoiuirnj. i ; Kow Adverti8omentsl FALL ;S WINTER GOODS! AT KA :r Market , i HAVING fcUCCtJEDi D" after 'several wteks of unlit ink' ir dustrv ard pflhit in buying the CHOICEST PRODUCTS 6fEurujeaii avid American Manufactur ers. I am; prepared to oiler to my Patrons i and Fiieutis , , i i Bargains Id 2 411 the' different lvepartments.W.Licli 1 cannot lo excelled in , i. I 'l !l I E TY Ci V ' " i 1 :. By any Ilouse'in tLe ci!j ;or elsewhere. j BLACK DRESS SILICSj! Of Bcllon, Guinet, Teiilaid ard ro iscnn manufacture. j j i li. Our Celebrated heavy So't GKOS GRAIN t lor One Dollar per j ard. Colored 'Silks, Siiri Vcl- vcl Satins i in Main "ind fc'at rtripes. DRESS GOODS. Satin Melange, Cashmere, Sole, I3 :ocadd Persan, I'ersan Kaye, I 1 Kaye Brocho, Cavalo Mohair, StripctI Sating Camel's Hair, Colored Cashmeres from IT, an!ji nn. tJolored Alpacas, all shades, 12 J centi, Double Width Colored Alnara. yjLuy ij cents insr yaru. j A Great Yarlfcty of dUT-rent s y es, suit able for the season, very low. Mourning Goods. The best assortment ever olTerfd hpraJ iuDrab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crarw Cloth ; Plain, btriped and Urocat'e Cash- TY1 a rr IImriettas, MoLa:rs, Australiaii Ciotb. Cioate.yttmrflofs.uliawl Trimming?, Silk, Graw and Chneil Frln gesj Gloves and Hosiery, every styi, . ooZ and cheap, Skirts andJUorsets, i I j The best Fifty Cnt Corset 07er scld irt thcity. 1 Ribbons Fancy. Satiln. triced and Urr railed taces and Embroideries in greatest Ivarle ty. Hou5ekeei ing G xxls, Blanket, Flan Men and Boys1 Wear, Ladies' Clpth, Ladies and Children's Ifei rico VesisJKuch:n?3, Tirs, Fancy Goods, One Thousand Dozen Limn Handker chiefs, from 5c op. UOMESTIC GOODS, S5 . tc., tc., all at prices which defy com. petition, "and qualities which cannot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind paUons tht every artic'.e will be sold A inv, a j.I TlJh ilAJOKIi i LUWEB, tnun a', any previous season. I fjier Samples end you wi to p'a'ronize be cerlaln C OInrkct St. The 5 Brothers fS HOW DliCUAROINO FOR MB - ' ! j t! between 700 asd 400 tons finest quality Bed -ash Coal Stliia,: at lowest u ariet raUr. J. A. HPRIN iER, . i i hor 8 of the CtatrslYtr. HI Ii