i "--, v ,,i .-V ..- ."" -..."-:;.'....' ' ..... ' . - - ".,- - . . - - .- ..... i ! 8udaji L.- ' JAMBS, JOS'1 ' raorsirroa. .POSTAGE .1 - m iam ix months, SIM Three L rw . .. . n nonth will' be delivered IU T"" v ort of tb , bj CAfTMTfy eeity, at the W L.low and liber liberal 'fLloraiv their P jOK & RODDICK, 45 Market St aiBhow the largest assortment of Carpet South of Kew York. irpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. a?pctf, Carpets, Carpets, Caj p tfe. fer $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise, arpets, Carpus ( orpelF, Carpets. ,V iuTite all to call rho have A.VT ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpet. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur- i chasing or not Carpets ! Caroets I Caroets I '3R0WN & RODDICK, 49 Market fJtret IThe Fun of It la ZpaiT THE RU8H FOR Gents'. Yonths. H Boji' Clethiag and Famishing Goods, pntiiutiit oar two store,aotwifhstand- I fcs imatnie amount of Ooodi wt have buii nil this season. Tbe reason U plain. J ertr boaght a bad bargain at HEIU'S, while ear r oodi. althonfh low r are always Jut as represented. Bo ura ina aaiaaadrled, at 8HRlRRfl TWO 8TORE8, , lot Market it. Dental Card. J dZ. Artificial ' perreetiy and JL,- x il-M ttrtH tb natural t-eth i! .rwoie. tfo are nit...... Mn - fiTEr So fT PttrVi.t wall please call with uLu -u f j tbe most oomrt- WpeetfHY, JAM. K. KEA, wiT 3 Market st. ??.V1C.. Nov. 8, 187S. . OPERA-HOUSE. B.AND MRS. . J. FLORENCE.' ."o iica t Ait m prices ! K;?,1,.' KlonT, .NOV. H.b, th. Jbtlj- tr. and Mri. W. J. Uorence, . rr uecsfal Banter- i"irkal Picture, t Illustrative of 1V is r.. a Wtletj at th- N atkual Capital) nricu. wrttt9neapraalTfAr Mr. and Far- tTaa. ipputai., ta. , HOI. ekarLV Boo Biierlr. la whlob tt 8 OT,r WW Um- rrta u at Efiiufeercar-a. ..ljDT'BEVIEW;.. VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertiaementa. Oao. F. TiLtax It Haa Coeae. Fm HaiaaiBaeaa New : Booka. Pee ad K. If. Freabmaa A Broe. Bee ad 1 be Brown Cbemical Co. CaoiLT A Moaaia Carriages, Ac. Muaeoi A Few More. ! A. A I. 8aaiaa The Fan of It Is. Window Glass all sizes, at Aluffer & Price's. t Tbe horrid zoue Tbe latest faablon in ad lea belts. i Many womea are like coins, worth onlj tneir tace rarae. The receipts of cotton at .this port to day foot np 840 1 bales. , 1 Sailed from- -on the 11th inst., the barqne Gazetlej fer this port. 1 . 1 1 Sare your money by buying yoor Build ing Supplies from Allafler & Price. . t The barque Sussex, (Br.) Winter, cleared at Sarannah on the 12th inst,, for this port. ' , The GoTernor's Thanksgiving proclama tion ii rirtually the death-warrant oi thou sands of turkeys. ! . Money saved in bying your Household Hardware; at JacobI's, No. 10 South Front street. , f The most responsible ' position in a family U that of the i nnrse. and a good norse never fails to recommend Dr. Ball's Rhv Riran to the narents ot fretful or sickly children. ! Price 25 ents. Td-Morrew Nlht. Mr. W. J. Florence will appear in his great character of Bob Brierly in Ticket of Leave Man to-morrow night. Those who failed to secure seats for this evening's attainment may enjoy a nice treat to-morrow evening provided they go early to Heinsberger'sl -i r .. You pay the lowest cash prices for Doors, Sash and Blinds,' Builder's Hard ware, Ac , at Jacoai's lNo.l0 South Front street. J i ' T Unmallsblea. Tbe following un mailable postal mat ter remains at the Post Offioe in this city: J T Barronj Winnsboro, BT O; Mrs Mary L Moore, St John, Antigo; Plain broad envelope with no address; White envelope with no address; Hill Briut Bladen county, N H; John J Love, Com, any E. 9th U S. Cavairy:1 Mrs Theo T Jackson, Brooklyn, NT.1 ; Strangers in the city should not feilto Tislt the S sh Factory, l(oot of Walnut street. t Domestic infelicity Quite a commotion was created on Princess street, between the Court House and. the County Jail, this afternoon, by one Willis Drake 1 colored, the Paddy Hollow shoemaker,) who, it seems, had been ordered to jail by z. Justice of the Peace before whom he was Med for as saulting his wife with an axe. i 'It seems that Paddy's Hollow was in a ferment thia morning gassed Eby the dif. KiwPAn TlrikA and his wife. imi v.ub t . j ; kith of whom were aprested, but by dif ferent Justices. The husband was bound oyer to the Criminal Court and in default rvf aiirottr wan Pom milted, but on the way W & BltSI J l V j m to lail the colored jman fought coblyj re- sising tbe officers by biting, ki king and fioKiincr Vtnt all to: no ruroose as he was finely lodged in a cell and, the key turned on him. Tbe wife was also bound oyer, but was fortunate lenouga ro inrnisn security for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. The Florences Te-NJCht. The Might Dollar, Ihe great factor in this country in business, politics' and so cial life, and even occasionally in religion, will be presented j on ' the boards at the Opera House to-night, by air. & Mrs. Florence. It Is the first appearance any Where in this State of these two celebrated actors and the indications are now, judg ing from the looks of the box sheet, that they will be greeted with a crowded house. Tbe Baltimore Herald, of tbe 4 th inat . aava of them t! Tt niht a larre audience assembled to give these well-known peopled regular Rltimnra welcome. The nlay is replete with amusing remarks and absurd aitua tioaa, and Mr. Florence in his persona, tion of the Hon. Bard well SloU, tne man who counsels all to atand by the 'Great Unknown.' or the G. U; IN., as na ex preaM it, ia a P. I. G., which means a perfectly independent gentleman all the time. Tbe play, in short, jis aomelhing that nona can fail to enioy. and every body is here recommended jtd go to the WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER The W. L,. I. I t At a regular meeting of the W. L. I , held at their armory last evening, Captain A. L. DeBosset, the newly elected com mander of the Company, was present and in a neat little speech accepted the honor conferred upon him by this veteran corps and at onoa assumed command of the company. I Meteorological. There were very few family; men around on the streets this morning who wjll acknowledge haying sat up laat night to wineas the starry shower alleged to ha vV been Teratoid bjr Prof. ; Tice, but which, through some possible hitch' in the celestial management, failed I to come to time. Yet there were many lights yisible at 2 o'clock and even at a later hour than many expected sight-seers were abroad on the streets. Some of the saloons and billiard rooms were full until- nearly 3 o'clock and they all drove a good busi ness. We don't mean to Intimate that there was any collusion between the pro prietors of these resorts and Prof. Tice but certain is it that the former would be willing to hare a star -shooting appointed or every day In the week, provided it would pan out as well for them, In a pecuniary sense, as it did last night. From 10 until 3 o clock the closest ob- servers report but three meteors as visi ble and not one of them was first class. It is evident, as we said yesterday, that Prof. Tice is a humbug of the first water. It would not have done fer him to put in j an appearance' here this morning, anas outraged and indignant people would have snatched him bald-headed in less time than it would hare taken a first-class meteor to travel millimetre, to meter by moonlight alone or with any other man. Apropos of this sujbect, an old citizen of Wilmington has given us to-day a glowing description of the shower of me teors which was seen here on November 14th. 1833, now jest forty-six years ago to-day, and probably a few years before Professor Tice embarked int he astornom ical business. i ' The gentleman alluded to was 27 years old at the time and has retained ever since a vivid recollection of the wonderful scene. The shower began, to the best ci his recollection, about 11 o'clock. He was asleep at the time but was was soon aroused and hastily drawing on his clothes rushed into the street. He resided then in a building which stood on the site of the present Imposing edifice occupied by Messrs, P. L. Bridgers & Co., on North Front street, and as soon as he got out of doors he rushed to the junction of I Front and Princess streets where an excellent view was obtained. He describes the air as betag literally encumbered with the falling flakes, thicker than the fiercest shower ever ahed from a steamer's smoke stack and fa ly as thick as the air was cf flakes in the wildest snow storm he had ever beheld. .The detonations could be distinctly heard as the meteors exploded overhead and sent their fiery flakes co the earth where the next day nothing but ashes remained to tell of what had been overnight. The sight was incomparably grand and beautiful beyond de scription. Hundreds of people were overcome I by their fears and many thought that the world bad come to an end and all the latent piety of a life time was brought to the surface when the peop le had themselves been thus brought to their knees. Among the superstitious colored race was this especially the case and more fervent prayers were oflered up in one hour than had been the case befure in a whole life-time, j , And again, apropos of this subject, we introduce here, (patent applied tor) two specimens of meteoric poetry which Wtere ground out to-day by disappointed star gazers who were abroad last night when they should have been peacefully slum bering In their little beds. In view of the solemnity of the occasion we have con cluded to rob the waste batket and to put on record, for th j benefit of future gener ations, these remarkable productions. The first, which is a very pathetic pro duction, and entitled Vive La H cm bog, isaa follows: Oh ! Prenssor Tice, It wasnt very nice j In yoa to ool the people yesterday. By tailing these theakj Weald be taiek with tne flj Inar meteors la tbe milky way. . . f j ';- '. At this point the ardent poet had to suspend operations and 'step down town toaeeaman ptomiaing to return and finish the production' in time fo? Prof. Tke's next prophecy. Here Is the second contribution. It will be seen that the author labored un der strong excitement while penning it, produced, most likely, by cne of those terrific colds j in the head of which he speaks, or, perhapa! by having Uken on board last night tocf much of the divine affllatus. tiously, I He calls it, very senten THE VKTIOEIC DltytAT. For some time put the papers have told How a shower of itars from the sky would be rolled1, j Which woald ! eitoniah all those who wished to behold k scene so grand and sublime. Friday, the fourteenth, was named as tbe day Uoon which this grand astronomio dij play Would illume the aloe vault of the hearenly WT. I j And one ia the morning the time. The evening arrived, and the sky overhead Was with a rich star-jewelled galaxy spread. While mortals ne'er thought of sleep nor of i bed, i ' Rat waited impatient the hour When their eyas should heboid the wonder ful sight Of a heavenly pyrotechnics flight ; And they waited, and wathced deep into the night, But there wasn't a bit of a shower. i Then ad and in anger they hied them to bed; I For blessings, the prophet had curses instead; And to-day they all have a cold in the head. And their eyes have lost all their beauty: i No mere will they take any stock in advice Bj that prophetic humbug Profeeeor Tice, Ton may cheat them ones, bat tever twice, While their senses are faithful to duty. Election in jWadesboro. I We learn that a local election was held in town the of Wadesboro on the C. j C. Railway yesterday for municipal offices, the issue being wet or dry, or license or no license to retail spirituous liquors. The wets got it by 195 majority, '265 votes being polled In favor of license and but 70 against. From the same source we learn that the good people of Anson are making big preparations for the Fair which takes place in Wadesboro next week. Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices a( Jaco bi s Hardware Depot. j t Another Prophecy Unfulfilled. I According to the most sage (?) predic tion of the Second Adveutists, yesterday, 13th, was to be the great list duy, when "All earthly shapes must melt in gloom, The sun, himself, must die." j But here we are, and Ihe good old wcrld seems to be jogging along as it has continued to do, without any regard to the prophecies ol men1 which have been periodically made since 1843. when Miller first ' prophesied the destruction of the world and the second coming of Christy City Court. ( Richard Chavers, arrested yesterday afternoon for drunkeness a disorderly conduct, was arraigned before the Mayor this morning and was bound over in the sum of $100 to keep the peace, the defendant's wife making! complaint that she was afraid of him. But learning that a warrant from a Justice of the Peace had been issued for the arrest of Chavers, the Mayor ordered him turned oyer to the custody f this Justice to be tried upon a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. The celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old prices. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. I t What is an Injury to One Is a Bless- Ing to Another . To see business men, merchants and clerks in their offices and stores with coats off instead of .overcoats on, must grieve the ready made clothing store proprietors sadly and .o be compelled jto raise the windows and throw wide the doors open for a little cool air must ba a pecuniary distress to 1 the coal and wood dealers; while to have the thermometer crawling awsy up among the eighties as though it were early Summer instead of the last of Autumn, must be a ; source of financial delight to tbe ice man as well as' a great comfort to tbe poor and needy who aro almost houseless and hive no mouey to spare from their dai'y all owance for tho purchase b'f breadj with which to buy warmer winUr clothing or coal and wood to make com fur table Cre and drive out the freezing cold. We cn not all be suited aud tie Ail Wise D rec tor of events and seasons know test, aud our repining or fauU-6Jn or com plaining will not jcau' thi- w vA to cl ause one point or to V.o iri" ; diuerent quarter, ivAr th uu t j ui ' !rJ- ,n tensely.' . j The daycare now oo much shorter than the nfchts that it is no eay matter for the mechanic to make his ten loura by daylight! 14, 1879. -.NO.' 240 New Advcrti8emonts. -4- E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS., Newspaper Advertising Agents, Commercial Building, Cincinnati. Are authoriz d to leceire advertisements r this paper. I ! j f0 Esti ate famished free upon application. ; HOT 14 it Has Gome. THAT WESTERN BEEF and Mountain, Mutton which I bare been expecting has at last arrived and will be oil j red ' on my Stall to-morrow, j Call early ud leave orders. GEO. F. ULLEY, .No. 8 Market He use. nov!4-lt I New Books. A GENTLE BELLE--A Novel. By Chris tian Rtia. I ! I ' I That Lass O'Lowries. By F. H. Burnett I The Fel xeres. By S. B. Elliott. In the: Schi libgscourt. By Mrs. Wister At the LITE BOOK STORE. rpHE FINEST COLLECTION of Presen- M- tation Goods in the city will be found at HEIN8BEKGERV, i i nov 14 "1 iv-i Ho k a'.d Music Store. M. CliONLY, Auctr. I 37 cRoxaxir & bzoxluxs. I ' rjiHE manufactory of Louis cook; of Cincinnati, recently destroyed by fire, has been rebuilt with improved Machinery, Building ICo by 6C0 feet, four stories high.. .... li . 1 Oar first car load from this celebrated Fac tory has been shipped, atd we Bhall close them at - I AUCTION ON ARRIVAL. We warrant all of this work. nov 14-lt , IRON BITTERS, Highly .recommended to the public for all dis eases requiring a certain and efficient TOMC; iesneciaily in InHoem tion, DuiepHia, intermittent vers, IIVii of Ap petite , IjOh of Strength, I,ack of Enefgy, ete. it en riclnes the blood, strengthens the mus cles, and gives new life to thenerves. To the aged, ladles, and chil dren requiring recuper ation, this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It nets like a ehann on the digestive organs. A teasnoonfnl before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. TRY ITi ' ' i Sold by all Druggists, THE BROWN CHLUCAL CO. BALTIMORE, Md. s A Great Tonic IRON BITTERS, I A Sure Appetiser. IRON BITTERS, A Complete Strengtbeoer. IRON BITTERS, A Valuable Medicin e. IRON BITTERS, Kot Sold u a Beverage. IRON BITTERS, Tor Delicate Female!. nor 14 eod&w. A (Few More F THOSE CHEAP HANDSOME Suits o for Boys, Long and 8hort Pants, at MUNSON'S, THE CLOTHIER j pov 13 i AND MER. TAILOR. OPERA HOUSE. Vtt T. POWELL. l Manager. Positively One Night Only AJonday NOv 17. THEFRAYNE-TIJ?FANY COMBINATION In the Greatest Dramatic Success of the Day, as played to large and enthusiastic audiences in all th piincipal cities cf America and Eu rope, written by Clifton W. Tajfeure, Esq., entitled, Olocum" A beautiful, ex citing end laughable Btory cf Frontier and Domestic Life. The eminent sensational ac tor and world-renowned abarpebooter, MR.' FRANK FRAYNE. The charmieg Comedi enne and emotional actress, MIS' ANNIK WARD TIFFANY, I upported by a full and efficient Company. ;TLe famous acting Dog 'Jack". The celebrated trained black Ker. The Robbing of the Overland Hail Coach, ia wonderful mechanical construction, tbe horses crossing the stage at rul speed. Dur ing the action of tbe drama, Mr. Frayne will introduce his original and daring ehots with arise as follows: Cuttiog a tinrle rope with a bullet, rescuing bangine negro. U.un upside oown on bead, shooting pipe frm Dutchman's mouth SnufiiiDZ cantle wiih bullet, bouble shot, hooting an apple from nezro's head a' d I saucer from hs own head from opposite sides of t tige at same time.) Grand backward shot, shooting I an apple fr'-m Miss Tiffany's bead, standiog with bacc to tbe lady, fciog small band mirror. Reserved eats ro: sIe at Hriaeberger'a Bookstore. ' nov 12-w-frtmoo'.! Just Received. N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of Fngluh and Americia Foe s. A.'go, a well selected stock of I Cilfren's Hooks, ' Facy yt doner v ia Boxes, Velvet Frsms i fU , Autolgrapb Albums, ! I ! Fsncy )nkUnd, ti?mn Bools, Prayer Bo' ks aad Bibles, ; t'saal sapply of School B ob, Blaak Books and Htationerv. in fact every th'ng perUiniog to the b ai- Bess ean bad . t reasonaoio prices. f3 Depositoiy for Hcbool Books adopted by the State Board of Eductioo. BovlO I U W. YATfcB. please kotice. JSWe.will be glad to reedy eonunuicaticnA from our friends on any and alisubjectso f general i&tereftbntt I The name of the writerjnnitj alwaye be far usaea to tne juutor. , . i j k 1 CCommunieatiocs mast be wilttenj on on'j f one side of thepaper. ( T . . . . - , ersonaituesimu st Dc avoided. A AW ClJid it is esjxcia'ly and parti cnlarlyWd' r atooi that the Editor does not always ,endc i the views of correspondents unlees so sta e0 ia the editorial columns. ' ' p New Advertiaementi. FALL I WINTER GOODS. AT IVI Wl. KATZ'S, Let t. 36 Mar HAVING fcUCCEE.Dl.D sficr aeveial weeks of ontiring irtdustry atd ifwrt. ia buying the CHOICEST rRODCCjrfcj of European atid American Manufactur!- ers, I am prepared to ofler to my ratroii and Friends T . ins Id all tie different Departments. wbic cannot be excelled Ik , , V A R I ETY EXCELLENCE! - 1 ' ' ' ' -h' 1 i By anyIJousefcIn tie city'or elsewhere, j BLACK DRESS SILKS,'!1 Of i'ellorj, Guinet, Teillard and ronsor fl manufacture. i ., 1 Our celebrated heavy Soft GKOS GKAINj . for One Dollar per jard. i I . . . , I I Colored Silky, Silk Vcl- i vet?, Satins, t 1 I .' ' 1. in Tlain arid fc'a!.'n I tripes. ' . '. ' DRESS GOODS. b'atn MHanj", Cashmere1, hole, Brocala, rersan, t'ersan Kaye, , 1 Raye Broche, jCavalo Mohair, Srip SatiuL Camel's Hair. Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up, Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 i cents. only 1G cents per yard- I 1 " A Great Variety of different a y'es, suit able for the season, very low. i jouuie wmia uoiorea A riacas. heavvJ IVlourning Goods. The best assortment ever offerx d her J, iuDrab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise. Crapa Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocat-'e Cash mere); Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian ciottj, , j II ULUX pi UUXUjUU X II XUl Triin'riinTo Sillr flmja anrl PTi tnail PrirvL i ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every stvle, koocl ana cneap, omrts anaCorsets, i i i The best Fifty Cent Corset e?er sold 1 the city. . ' . .. . -t-- Ribbonss Fflncv. Satin, trlrni? otk! Ilr. nttAt Jaces and Embroideries in greatest varije- iy. Housekeeping Goods, Blanket, jFlan nei. I Men and Boys' Wear) Ladies' Clotb, Ladies and Children's rino Vests, Kuchings, Ties, Fancy Qt One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefs, from Tjc np. DOMESTIC GOODS,, &c . tc., Ac., all at prices which defy comi to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons thaf every artie'e will) be sold A3 , LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWER than af. any previous season. . 'Irdnr Samples and yon will be certain to patronize M. M, KATZ, :1C IMarkct' (St.. cct 27 Ladies' Rubbers. .. AN IMMKNSK STOCK of Ladler Bab-' bers just receirod which I am offering at iOcenU a pair. Mis tea' Rubbers at 35 eta. a pair and Boots and Hboes of every descrip tion at proportionately low prices. t nov 12 THG. Hj HOWEr. No. 47 Sorth Uaiketst. ; L-U FASHIONABLE MILLINERY G00DJ. Vf R3. 8. J. BAKER has jukreeeiv new suppiv or ua's, Boaneu aad every tbini; ' it ti e MilUnerv line, which abe will ell cbeap for ch . Also, Hair Work dene ia thd beit styles. Wigs, Toupees aad la visible- seams, or bid ladies' bandeaux, made or repaired. I am receiving new gocds weekly and especially invite the ladies to give me st call. Corner of Orange and Taird streets. ' nov ll-10t l i I t ft Tin Tin r 1 1 I rlKiN IV H n S MM WIS X' it 4fl f Hoiliday r. V. g.