THIS PAPER etery afternoon, Bvidayi ex- T. JAMBS, gurl0B APTEl FKOPBriTOK. -rB.sCBIPTIONS, POST AGE PAID. $5 00 Six montka, $2 50 ; Thxe MJ,tbi SI 55 5 One month, 50 cents. ' r will be delivered by carrier., r"Irwi,orl3centiperwek. jabieriberf will please report any and to recei ,e iueu piponioKmuiji , :.!,. . -I,' i i ! - -; - 'i , " . i . THE, ) DAILY ; ifiJTOm w Advertise mo II t. DEVOLUTION in CARPETS BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. Will slow the largest assortment of far pets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. r particulars next week. CiTf.t Car... ets, Over $250,000 Represented , . this New Enterprise. Carpets, Carpi, VOL: IV. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1879. NO. 241 LOCAL I NEWS. New Advertisements, i r , j ' Hill A I'iaruall Chiwing tbscco. Ball A Peabball Pmoking Tobanco. P. HiMSiBKsa?be Improved Vienna Cot gram. .' -j : I . ,' Edgar 8. Wissi ck New- Jib Office. . Bee ad Bop Bitten Memos We are Selling J The Southern Cultivator. i . A. A I. ,8Haia T he Fun of It la. Printing Window Glassa PiicVs. Day's lengtn utea. i sizes at ltaffer & 9 hours a'nd t 14 mirj" The thermometer st6od at to-day at 1 o'clock degrees To-morrow is KDowrJ as the Twenty- third Sunday after Trinity. The barque frank sailed irom Bristol , Eng , for this port orf the 2nd inst. The varh ties of ladies'j bounets Jthis sea son are nearly as c mntless as the stars. Save your money by buying your Bundl ing Supplies from Altaffe j& Pricel f I The schooner M.itA Folsom , Rose, hence, arrived at New York ! on the 13th inst. " i Bishop Green will preach in Sti James to morrow morning and in St. John's at night. In Tine Forest Cemetery, (colored) 'mF were three inter men is this week, Carpets. dale Cemetery thik weeiTflents in Oak AiY ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether the have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpi ets ! Caroets ! Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street DOT 7 IThe Fun of It Is rpSAT THE RUSB FOR Gents', Youthsj nd Bojb' Clothing and Furniihing Goode, till coctinues at our two 8tore8,notwithtand- 11 the immense amount of Goods we have i lreadT sold this eeason. The reason is plain. obody ever bought a bid bargain at fHRlKR'8, while our goods, ; although low price, are always just as represented. 8o u the best and cheapest Sfcirt in the city, Uuadried and un'aundried, at BHRIER'S TWO STORES, . Mirkt8t. EOT 8 Dental Card. I M MAKING Artincial ntares t nt perfectly and s prett t v.,. n ..... i litishetter t(, eare the natural teth if po mj patrons will please call witn Iki , t and b- seated ia the moet comfort b!? cbir in u e. KtKj.ect fully, Jtf. E. KEA, u . ' 34 Market st. . mi X()r- C, Nor. 8, 1879. OPKl IIOUSE AND Mj. FLORENCE. w i inhsz iu PRICES ! I.' ;'iAV M;0 XOV. 14th, tbddistii- Kca ytx. t ' to1' hUl W J' 1"renCt, :P',ir in n;e vw-v urcefsrnl Humor- ,4 ,rcal I'j tu-..' t i'.iu-traure of LoV , ' il S. ti tv Kt th- ,x tia. al f!pitl) w,."'.u,r Ac:. w '- -xpr-ee'v fr Mr and " i re c i "'J the J fc ". v'lf, and en- UIl V. w? IH1 A B.o. -He .ppuibt'uent, tie. SATDkl) V, Not. I6tb, cwir Vlor-De Boo Brierly. in which U.e l'ur, 5 ha !Pl artd over 1000 limes in ttned Htatts. rTeddats at Bt-iniberger'a SOT 12 i C9mete;ry our iQerpaents in Bellevue children ek.. ' Two adults and two two children . i adult and The Register of Deeds; ha;S txiarriage licenses during the colored couples. is. week ifour i I i Unmaliables. I The following un mailable postal maU -er-remains at the Post Office in this city Sov. 15th: 1 George Stinson & Co., Portlaud. Al e.; Marj L. Moore, St. John's Antigo, ; Blue i inted Enrelope, no address j Hill Brint, Bladen Oo., N. II ; John J. Love, 9th U. S. Cavalry, N. M. FLEA8E 50TICE. i We will be glad to reeeiT eonuanlcatlotf from our friendj oil any aad ailrabjcts;o f general interest bat t j , The name of the writerlmttatj alwiyr U fir ' aished .to the Editor. v ' i " jp ESOomtnunicaUoni m&at bs writt; on! od j u nae or thepaper. ' Personal! tie mUst be aroidM: I ' TAnd it ie espccla'lj and particularly wider tood tLat the Editor does not theriewsofcorresjondentj, nnleas to ttaun' In the editorial colas na. i The Oishop of Mississippi. The lit. ! Rev. Wmil'iam M Gren. the venerab!e Bishop, of the Ljiocese of Miknesipui, nr r;vea nqre last i.ight from B ltit.ore aoill 3 at pieseijt the guest of Swann, Eq , G. his kinsmiu. j Ctie&t.nut .james i street, lhis aired carries his four score years and one. 'with A Small Fire, but a Biff Smok. v'ur acu ,00 balp and m, c ' .,r r i o t,, ,, a uuna oi lime, through tbe The fire atMessrs Blossom & Evans Mis- J , ' B i.i 7 J "auBca uu scenes oi a not une tillery this morning was by caused & kettle of pitch hoiling over and becoming ignited! by the firunderneath. A great deal of smoke, considerable noise and not n-uch damage was the result. The lire depart? ment, although its members1 rushed with zjal tothe scene, was uo called into re quisition, the flimes having been extin gu'shed before its arrival. The Reintz Santley Troupe.. Mr. E. RosenbaumJ General Agent for the Rentz Santley Combination, which is to appear here on the 22ad inst.1, called to see us to-day, j Mr. Rosenbaum, as well as our ex changes, assures us that the perfor mance of this troupe is unique and pleas'i ing, and that it draws immensely every where. We will reftr to it more at length iq Monday's issue. cany rmttui nie, we are tld has rested com paratively light upon this holy man of Cod,1 and we rejoice to know that there ii still a prospect of the venerable and r&'erend gentleman being spared many y!drs yet of usefulness in hjs holy ralU in?. !The Bishop s a ha'ive' of this city. returns to visit tbe scenes of hi bpy- compa.iions hi I Knocked Down. An old colored woman was run over and knocked down on tjhe corner of Wa. t'.T.Vid Mulberry . s! reeks this t 'odd. A geiitk-rtsau who 'was riJi'ng down Natt ttrtet lt coatro'. of hik horse by reason of the bit brjakin and the animal ran in tothe old woman, aeverlly bruising her. Medical ass;stance wa3 ''Jpeediiy given but it is rather dinult to ascertein hat were the extent of the injuries he sustaic- ed. New Advertisemonta FALL & mm GOODS. AT You lay tLe lowest csb Household Hardware at JacAbi's Hard waretI)epot. j' . Irices for Rfl. KATZSf :i Market I HAVING fcUCCJf 1) KI- nflrr, sevoial , in btlYlPPMhfl CMl ill 'l. T !PAniTiiL' r-, j - o - - -v , UUJJUOJO ahiicted'a long time 9ri"rPpen Qd American Manufacture a dull, heavy inactive W J prepare to ener to mt PafroLs. od to fiud that many !f his youth have prece 'ed Almost loun My mother was With Neuralgia and condition of the( whole system; headache, nervous prostration, , and was almost helpless. No; physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago she began to use Hop Bitters, with such good rgains 4 --.-.- w uo iiup uiiiere, wuu sucn gOOu I 111 oi across effect that she seems and feels young nI aU the. di.flcrent Departmerib Jwl:icb d nnnn again, although over to years old. We I cannot be excelled in f , ! -K ! . V A RIB Tl Y tie 4ark river and entered unon aSaio, although over to years old. We tb mysterious shore bevonrl Rt lfQl?er? !s no other medicine 'fit to : v " nsi ntha tnmt .. ' A I , J :r tbreare still m(. . i - iauy, iu i roviuenc, j v. unu VytCLUUIillOB I Xi, X. oliisbop Green now living here, one of The First Alarm. i i The first alarm of fire this morn ing was horn we met this morning, a vecerable vly who, like the Biahop, has spent the aost of her time in serving the Master pd doing good to her f How creatures, md still continues the good iwork. TLv ady says the Bishop is her senior by two years only. We refer and we hope we may be pardoned for so doing iffit is wrong Now Advertisements. caused by the burning of a small baildingmay 06 Pftraoneaior M ingit is wrong at what is known as 'Love ! Grove.' theT1?. m0St wortVresid2nt of the property of the estate of the ! late J. j. lienevolent Society in this city King, near the Burnt Mill, about one milef6 trU8t tWxcellent lady, like from town 1 her reverend friend, may still be spared I Almost immediately after an alarm wr years J sMnes before she is given by a slight Are which occurred in, 1DrtLU lu! r,uu rTarU Wmcn we t.h mw. Rhnn f Mtt. on tha corner be"eve m0t certainly awaits them both in of Red Cross and Sixth streets, but which0 laad of 'prnal peapo-atd happiness. was extinguished befor material damage leat Cutters and SlutFjisj, Guns, Grind. cLj stones and so on. at J Ar.m ;.? We die Selling QHlLDREN'd, BOfS', YOUTHS', and Men's SuitP, Very low. MDNSOX, THE CLOTUIEIi AND I EXCELLENCE i i I I By any Housejin the city ?or elstwbere. BLACK DRESS SILKS,1! ec-v 15 AND MER. TAILOR. Of Bellou, Guinet, Teillard manufacture. Chcfwina; Tobacco, A LL CUTS AND WEIGHTS. - i smd rbnsonB I nov 15 tf "DXCLE NED'S" TWIST, "QOEEN BE" PLUGJ, Warranted to please. Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS G tl for One Dollar j per yard. JAIN Colored Silkg, Silk Tel j .." vc(js, Satin, 1 : HALL 4 PEARSALI. 4- Smokin: Tobacco QrKL'ri DURHAM, in Plain Hand Satin gripes. A buckwheat cake with two feet of tape attached to it, makes a cheap and' excel lent liver pad. j Ladies will bear in mind that spirits 6 ammonia, diluted a little, will cleanse the nur very tnorougbly. Some husbands neyerjimeet their wives with smiles on their lips ; tliey wipe them off before they gel home. i ( It is easier to tie a knot in a' cow's 'horn For 8le Only a Postponement "Tlie Literary World." The meteoric display which was an- We have received jthe prospectus of a nnnned to take clace on tb naoriiug ouew montniv Magazine with the ahovn -tVi Vnt. which laiiea W " an At e to Pe issued af. Mnnro 1ST n u .r is nowCQ as predicted by ProfessoiTice, te Misses S. J, J. & A. F. Dickson as 7TZ : : ie unced to occur pn tne , tght f eitors and proprietors. Its pages will u" uc ,u mtKLHAHTS liALL & PAi'.SALL AND dress goods; Satin Melange, Cashmere, SoiejBro'cade i'ersau, I'ersan Rav. 1 ' I Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair. S Win 3(I batiu. Camel's nair V 1. I u Hall,1 New York, la! We publish the fact sofTf u'Lfiu! CQ'rgetiC yUQS ies who havp the Presses, Types and Materia of the DaiLT able for the season, very low' .rAv-. . ... , Ior ltoe DeneaHiWnrise in charae a cordial weArnba f Heview Job Printioc Office, be in Rn.1 J Ot tne uuivu v , o I " j'lujjireiiuio, ilb pages Willi -. - - w naa (Thanksgivin e nijfc.) b devoted to choice Hthrar it! nrndnrtinna flTHTDfi f . 1 Richard A Prooa wat miade by f- tcaa tho pens of our best native authors MflUr frtU nM- net . rnS Aere8JrT F cen,siluP? Richard i a iroc , Wew Job Pnntina Office VS 4A.fL?d. 12, ironomy uejivtrea . . 7? ulu iUreu -aipacas, lieavy. -mi ttb vnw-M ta3;e ana need ot 0Ur pe0pie vv e bid 1 I aa u-BioiviiD, taving leased the - J wuia I6 yara. ' i-j: 1.- u A feat Variety of different a' v't. n?tj than to make your wife be other night is Lodge night 1 ! ieVe that , every The barque Margarethd (Ger ) cleared at Savannah on ! the port. I3th inst., for this ' The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at be lowr st cash prices at Jacobi s Hard wart Depot. QThe young man who by , mistake swal lowed a whole bottle of Dr.1 Bulls Bait's more Pills, is out again. He says he feels rather 'pale' but otherwise! is all right. H will howevjer follow:,,the directions rext time. 1 I- !! ''J, 1 ! , . j , Mi . " 1 .By reference to our advertising columns it vil4 be seen that the 'Job joSSceV con nected with the 11evikv has been leased to Mr. E S. Warrick; A practical printer whose work will . cojmmend itself jto the liberal pat onagc of the public. ' 1 , i rl. , A 'young lady hs ritten jrd f what is a" sure -cure f r As other eminent know loye--;ckness. have pre plnlsiciansi 1 1 J 1 , viously prescribed, we' suggest! the same old time-tried, fire-tested remedy mar riage. It has never been k'npwn to fail. K 1 j 1 -11 Fire at Luuiberton. I t ' i '.'!' -We learn that a fijre occurred at Lum ber ton at about 7 o'clock last evening, by which the turpentine distillery ' of Messrs. Colli a s & Bites was dest royed I The still was charged fat the, tiine, but the loss, we are happy to state, was very small. . i j : j I ... Pulaski March. . From Lu Idn & Iates'iSouthern Music House, Sav.'unahj G we receive a copy of PuWki!ii written by Prof. Hen ry SUoelkr, .4 D i tonjoa., 1 specially fbr tLe .Sivanaulj Q'J:itepnia, October 9ih, 1879, "and pUyed by theThirteenth III S Infantry Bind 'at tti? laying of ho Jass per Monuuient corner stone. Its superb military title page With lithograph of the magnificent Pulaski Monument, of which Gen! Lafayette laid the corner stone in 1823, is worthy of friming and will make a tasteful souveuir of this grand Southern Centennial. The Mrdh is brilliant and inspiring, but not piracan. cents for a copy. 1 1 Send 40 arprise in, charge a cordial welcome to. ob Printio Office, bega to aa-1 ot tnose wno were so sad. J: 1 "1 rr , nnT1M . . . -'--s" i tt : ItriZv f "fc8okMand, wbi!e we assure them description of PlVin raaienti rJtaf Friday morning not that , fQtP ani. in the prophecy, I although, a H8ual we shall have a reporter oq hand tcjegcribe the scene. City Cairt-I One poor unfortunate, who was rather importunate to bei re?ased, under I good promises for tbe futi-e, was before the Mayor ths morning, carged with bein drunk and disorderly irsing and swear ing, etc., in the streets-yesterdiy. The Court looked rather seiely on thei be seeching penitent at flrstnasmuch as ' tbe same defendant had receid the clemency of the Court more than c-e before. Bat inasmuch aa the promises de by the poor guilty soul were sqearnestthis mprning His Honor relented and toQ (jlerk to administer an oath to this tim of Bac chus to abstain from any stig or iutoxi eating liquors or be7eragefor twelve months from date. This wa.t'"jue (jej fendant's own s iggestion o. ieastj ne offpred to swear that he wouliVer get drunk any more. But when tLb wa9 being administered, hs tried haij make a little exception in lavor ofjiagg 0f beer for his stomach's sake occ,naiiy, but the Court was inexorable, thfe suffering victim swallowed the oath., one 1 , t t-aT to511 nrtf GnA tha aAtn'i. V. iDfif. in CTOOd Stvlft and at lAw rlo. svea 1 -, u 1 4 -.v. . 8hare of th? PQbl c oatronage is respect- . TeQly With roses , but with many a fully solicited, j Satisfaction guaranteed I in Stin&tun nQ 7 1 1: ii f u f very last ance. "Neat and O n irV Bn a ri, T, eui. mkv 1 1 1 I , ,1 ' luemouooi inigfiiice. roye Qta pjQ,Jsant aQ(j Drof. Office in Rbtisw bniiHi, ltaD Both of thfl f(iifors h haA Wat-r nd Chestnut streets coasAblfl rv, . I ! I Urtlers U1U eifr.ence wntin2 for the attention Address all communications to VreSind have divpUyed nrked ability J Aty kind of printing carefully executed iL thIiterlrv nroin-finr 1- ' u Persons residing out of the ity arid mailed iiLerdry promotions. lty iiave tq them free of postage. marked in a worthy and laujable euierfe and we hope the public ba. aPPreti their labors in a material wav oy swe2 the subscrintion list of th T ! - 1 eraivQrldm The subSCriDtion nr rs 13 fixed an Der annnm. navable invari- , J. - - iVlourning Goods. ng, 8 W. Corner J"trab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crapo Cloth, You can Sit dxro of !iy poutn jtt- street. a JNo. 1 hfiatin'T or Cork ' D at Jacoci's.No. :" 1 t TIIihty Dollar. 1 Those whd ; fond of fun an( hnmrir and whoiko laT1h n, wrn' , . thculd ha- .at the opera n0US9 iast pr-nce andnumUadglDg Ifm tbe 8p :J.DP. tn th. 110 ouutouuo we iue 10 tn opmton iuu. . ttre t majjritT," as all thft available seats! gulp, would! a nauseous d of p taken, vhile others were placed in medicine, which he knew, though to tislea. ! efit. The book was kissed and the rleas- an , ' J". rawm . ' r J5f m Mrs- Florence, as Mrs General 5 ; i, Pi, whoinad been so long abroad noia wiser iuau, . , . Th.n.TtUl wl lli,v ka.r Playite,f. as.a!1'1ereat was i Vn'lfhprmnW .WnPi. N in their performance if we ex r.-l. .mnu.h' nni-. ae actlDS of M Lamb as Charles was arraigned fora fight with the. .tew- ' unsophisticated lover of 'Lib ari of his vessel. The boVn b'ore evident :ar' hlch Iatter character was well sins of a conflict with somebody or somt ie b7 Miss Steele. The aujunc? thing which he averred was the heel of 2(1 thejr fuI1, appreciation of the per fie steward's boot.this iadividual, he, said, CCe b their Sequent dpplausc, as having first knocked him down and thee fc"wx fimobi contain roars 101 kicked him in the face. . The testimony 0 Officer Wadkins. who made the arrest. T proved that they were both fighting alQCQ tnougn tne stewara seemea m oe aomg iujyj a t fae mostofit. Bothpartie8 were arrests, 0r more, in ! dfeeut pajts of the ana Doirjj arraignea upon mo Mine suargry. The character of Bub Brirly is and upon the evidence of the policeraarliat appeals stiongly !o h sympathy both were found equally guilty and sere au.ce. In point ul 'Merit, the tenced each to pay a fine; of $5 and costo-nigbt is vastly superior to the one This finished the business and the Coated last night, and those who witness adjourned. H not fail to be pleased. nr 15 EDGAR 8. WARRCCK, Job Printer, Wilmington N. C. ffirnrnn kfUU. 11 Is; I 1 THE . , - -. Southem Cultivator. 'Now1 is the time to ubscribo ror this old and Reliable Agricultural Journal1 It is in its XXX VIII VOluilino. ami sfjn?a ot theihead ot agricultural papers. It is now puunsnea uy tne oo.vstitutiox, Atlanta, i nce..L $ 150 ner armum 1 . " " Trimmincs. Silk. Oraqvianri r.iiwnii vt'- ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every style, ro d ja.Jits auujorsets. The best Fiftv Cont. r.crt i. the city. 1 1 . Ribbons. Clubs of 10.. 12.50 Clubs of 20. . iancy, Satin J Striped and Brccaded." aces and Embroideries in greatest vark y. Housekeeping Goods,! Blanketf,j Plan ter. -night the Company will play "The Man," in which Mr. ; the character of Bob has played a thousand The Weekly Constitution. Tlie Great Southern Fimily Paper. rnc( c- 1 rr I 1 T annum. '-""'aui HU. .1 JZ. .VI ' Clubs of 20. . . . Hiiih The Culti ator and Wet k- Jv tO thP. Rama a (A O rn A JVAi - ov i'Bf aii'.iuaj gents wanted everv where iLii ,1 rr try missions. Addrpsi C0NSTITU)Ti0X, nov, I Atlanta, (ia D. I. C. Is an absolnte ana Irresimible cure for ,5tr.tir? a"d b'1' r unif any of thf-rofren- Bpreroiti hat absohrto tihT-ical and mora1 rostratiori that f r Jlowa Ja. t Vr 7m?r.' ..a' Pr-aid. to core 1 to 5 persons fc or rir draggTst, fUS per bottle. or I HQpUersKfg. Co., Rochester. N.Y. Sole Agent &tdte ut7' Prod rat, aad nerer i The II Pad for Rtjwat. n . i t-, ThHBKtwil(a.ffi.J1jL , - . ' I s n.MiillWwRnwii(Ji oALc BT ALL DRUCQ ISTS. si jMen and Boys' Wear, One Thousand Dozen Linsn HandS chitfe from 5C np BOMESTIC GOODS Tjtior? -V a11 a':P.rishich defy com! rtition, and Qualities which cannot fal' to give satisfaction . r - " . amlot, faV Ordfr .SarimT ind .n -t . 'I.i . M m. KiLTZ, i 'Market rt,e impBiTteni CooyirS J US!' iiL'CEl Vtf), uber lot of Vienal topj,r ,,, J r., fcl Afte, LrtUr anj C.4 izt ; c oidI t.? i.K fi, t i tor Ie cheap t J ' JJ E I F B E R 0 I LANK li l KJ, PAPER, J-' i-r.y-l r,Iok of aU clor i ratH-r'a art Duton'a Pencil. I i.d Memo andam Bjcks ! , . fror till chein at I ' nor 15 li.. n..L .. i .. . lire Bork aod MofieHtor.

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