THE VICTORY. roneh'cl the little gate; he stood h' ,,i ihe fchsvloWH, but the sun K , iiiViiiM-iit a glorious flood i ui-Mithe path that led "" ,ii.T .l.M.r, ho-sigiiiiig Ktd, ! I(iiwifsveius to be begun:" . . tH.n wide ha threw the gate, viinsbine leugs for vou, and bo , Hi) U.e liabt: why do you wait?" if r fa.-e i,h cimsoD blushes dyed, l i't f wiiii s idden she cried: : i'vou ijol know? ! you not know?" r t-Uii w itli Mimmer bloom is bright," in . ani dark." he cried. V.'i i.iiv not yotir love requite ! V .Hv'not bid you jro with me! - u' ,,-,-, i-ar toe, you til are free, una'htiil Hit- sjate isoptu wide." i fi':" ami bloom and beauty call, ALj" " . 1 1 r-iuwiirpK' iv - 'i i'i'- ' :, ' A hu iva it all ',)Uu -nw hi.s pleading eyes V th i'-i;, nrfn band Khe closed the gale, i s"i .jyt.wh have no dread for her. '',1 ,,.-, inure Jjove is conqueror. N. T. Sun. tE. MANIOC K AND MBS. SIRRATT. I'olitica! Venom the Sole Basis of the lttatk on the General. Xu the Editors or The Sun Sir : e jou copied into your paper an ar ncie from the Indianapolis Journal rtflectirgon the conduot of G-en W S HaLCOck wi h repeot to the Surratt caee, Itroet you will allow me, a core ligionist of the unfortuuate lady, and "ne claiming thorough acquaintance wih tue lacts rtJinwuK w uwr tfxecu t;un, to enter a protest against the mt,l:guant insir-uationa of the Journal. At the time of the trial of the con spirators for the assassination of Pres ieat Lincoln, Gen Hancock was com aiuder of the Middle Military Divia it,r, with headquarter"! at Washing luu, D C, to which point he had been , rdered immediately after the aesassi ijBtion. Oen Hancock was not a member of the military commission whioh tried Mrs Surratt. Tne following institutes Mue court, aa may be seen io Speoial 0 ilers No 216, dated War Depart ment, Adjutant-General's office. May 3. lbtio : Gens Hunter, Lew Wallaoe, iuu z, Howe, Foster, Ekln, and ILir iic, aud Cols Tv mpkins and Cler.deh m;Oen llolt Advocate and, lit -coiih-r.. (j -n Hancock, therefore, had no i e- , .-ponsibility for the findings of the court nor for the sentence. ' The troops who guarded the prison ers were, of course, a part of his ouijaaud, as they were stationed in tad Middle Military Division, and whtn the orders for the execution were given by President Johnson, they were directed officially to Gen Han cock, the commander of the Middle Mi itary Division, and were again offi cii!'? transmitted by him to Gen Mar iruLft, Governor of the military priaoD, who had immediate custody of the - pi doners. A writ of habeas corpus was issued cm the morning of the fatal day. Gen Hancock transferred the writ by the 1 ands of the Secretary of War to the President of the United States for his Bjtioa The President made the re turn over his own signature, suspend ing the writ in the case of Mrs Suratt, and directing Gen Hancock as military commander to cause the execution to ba proceeded with. There being no further interference by .civil authori tit b, the military were obliged to pro ceed as ordered by the President of the Uuited States. Any other action would only leave them liable to oourt martial and certain dismissal from the smice. A military officer, whose duty ob liged him to guard the authorities while executing the final sentence of the law on the condemned person, is eo more held accountable than would Sheriff be in like circumstances, nor would he have any more right to re: view the action of the court , which passed the sentence. Early on the morning of the execu tion Misa Surratt, the daughter of Mrs Surratt, came to Gen Haucodk for ad 'ice. He recommended her to ao to the Executive Mansion, and throw her self on the mercy of the President; and the Rev Father Walter, pastor of St. r.trick's Church, Washington, spirit ual adviser of the family, has stated thst Gen Hancock evinced the deepest empathy for the family of the unfor tunate lady, aud after the statement &ade by Paine declaring the inno oence of Mrs Su ratt of any complicity in the murder of LincolD, bad been eat to the President, Gen Hancock "Utioned couriers between the place of execution and the Executive Man 81J, in hopes of a possible reprieve, 'na delayed the execution until warn- oj ire cihcer immediately m charge JJat barely time was It ft to carry out tteorderi gieen. .To eurauiariz in t3irtct denial of ppecions iiiULiiations of the Iu napolU Jouruai: Fust, I do not m ?Te that any Udtboiio Pest ever 7eBLy ticu ussertiun to the editor Wia-jiiiK. ih j .un al. Second, JrJUaLcck.Uid m.t l:ucg Mrs Sur Jatf, Dor wai he her immediate cc.s- pc, Bud, coi s q Jenlr, could not luse to let her he.- a OMthojC oergy Ltt'A Iliiu1' Sun it was not de f f -rtllfc'OU4 cohMilatiou. She fath, tdtd lU pHhou by a Jesuit "CNff V v1 c mpiitiii d Ler to the Hiv ' In c ""HC'IO!J w'th this 'I J 'rraPrk thet n,' P!r"Cn whatever, cat 0ed to h-e tt.e prifeonera with tee UUevto'dti hem SthUlor, thr brjln 'yof Wur who, with all hia refm vaa not,,t) inhuman as to ran? n unfortnnate woman what is ma8 w tuofct uuocious crim tleGAQr Haticcck, the beau sabreur of tad mnL hd PotoIuac. 8tU retains 1! d tLe re3Pct and affection of tmterbofhis command, from Gen- Us- Strict in exacting the formed MUty frm other8 he m cqu T , And ,c ,s a gro libel. nch e.oir t y l,roced Irom political U 10 a.SKt.i- 1. .... tTer tia I- reil6Ions prejuuices iatKritt u-8 JudRment or affecied the .f rilJ of hia conduct. ored guest at the table of ArchbiBhop Spalding and many oi the most eminent Catholics in Baltimore. Washinetan. and St. Louis, to the execution of airs Surratt, can hcarcely be convictetl of relif ious intolerar ce on- (the ipse dixit of thy iniliical priifct ( Journal he lin!i;iiiopo'ip It reloin lis much' ti ho credit of Gen loiig teriod of Hancock ihit, after hia iBervice, his political enemies ca ao fiiid no other peg on which to hand an accuaatton on with this than his accidental connect blot on American history. P Ml IIavebtt. B F Bnt'e;: friends. It is Weep loot for me, my chrome. B'ifTtlo Ex- press. 'None but the brave (deserve their hair,' is the way the Indians put it. Philadelphia Chronicle Herald. 'Single man, sir? a ked thn lawvr, as the witness took hr pUce. Yea. sir,' was the reply. lawyer -'Wife living?' Confusion and rapid explana tions. ' . I The man with tew fight shoes and ah ingrowing nail seems to b the one who is always selected by fate to be compelled to run for a train. New York Star. , ' The rage for dt cora'i n8 has not yet txtendd-tt5 buckwl.iat cakes. They are still made plain and are t cei dou nailed upon panor wall's. No at O leans Picayune. 'Py schimminy, how dot poiy studies de languages!' in what a delighted el derly German said when his 4-year old son called him a bl-,areyed sou ot a saw-horse. , 'Where do photorHphers go to when they die?'asks the Houston News, and the Philadelphia Ch roqicle-Herald Tepliea: 'If it isn't from the liumor ous to the grave we give it up.' Dr. Mott's Endorsement of Spcer's Port Grape Wine. i The following, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer'g efforts to raise thej Oporto Grape in New Jersey: j 02 Madison Avenue, 1 New Yobk, Aprii 11, 1878. j Ms. Alfred Sfeer Dear Sin; The visit which I made las't year to your Vineyards, wine-presses .ai d viults at Passaid, N.mJ., satisfied e thoroughly that the wfbes manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, and, the very best that can be offered to the public for medicinal uses. , J Acting upon my favorable impressions at the time, I have since recommended the Port Wine more, particularly jn my practice, and am satisfied, with marked benefit, to my patients. There can be no better proof to the doubting mind, as to the Wine being made oi the finest Oporto Gripe, than a visit to the acres of land, covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. W:nhing youfluccesa in .your prai'sewrthy enter prise, , r remain respectfully yours, J 1 I ALEX B. MOTT, M. D , i - Prof, of Sureery, Bellevue Hosp. Med'l College, &c-, &g J For sale by J. C. Munds, Green j & Flancer. P. L. Bridgers & Co. New Jersey Wine sent to Europe- The success of Mr. ! Speer, ( the grea wine man of New Jersey has arisen fromj the strict purity and valuable properties of hi3 wines for invalids aod feeble persons, and bis reputation extends around the world. His Port Grape Wine is j now being ordered by families in London and Paris. For sale by J. C. Munds, Green '& Flanner and P. L. Bridgers & Co. important to ine Afflicted. We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Robertson, 19,i Sci. tiutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital arid Specia Practice, guarantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sye tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tremblirg, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, No turnal Emissions, fcci, all resulting from abuses in yuth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skia and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R is a craduate of one(of the oldest atul best medical' sc'ioMs in this country (Uriversity of Mar feis to the leading phjsici'i ms i all con?ii!f inuliim c?.v. ri-.y r. , nil r 11 Ins cit,y,and on honorable and confidetitial trentiuf!;! J 1 1 i iiing :.u attention tiood ac- 0T1 rl.t stati:i f;r rf-nlv Si fiiven to a!! JeniHl.rt. ci!ii htl;.'. commodaiions for all wi .ee. iiiu. Medicinf sfvit to Let your first attack of indigestion be the last. House the dormant energies of the stomach with the Bitters. ! The tone thus imparted will remain. This is a fact estab lished by thousands of witnesses, whoee testi mony ia si rply a statement of their own ex perience. Thoae-afH cted with general de bility of every pbaae will find thia medicine an unfailing agent in .building up and r newing their atrength. :' ' ! For sale by all Diuggista and respectable i :.y t'.r-'ss. . jSv STOMACH Ja f& Miscellaneous. Port Grape Wine Caed m Charchea for Cpmmonioa pnrp -rff j Speer's Fort Grape Wine Fours Ycars'Old. rpHia JU8TLT CELEBRATED SATITk Wine ia made from the juice ot the OporV Grape, raited in thii count 7. 1U invaluable Tonic anK SireutiieniEi ProBerties are unsurpassed by any ether native Wine. Being the pure juioe of the grape, produceo under Mr.-Speer's own persona? supervibion, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake ot its pener oui qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and ited to the various ailments tl, at afflict the weaket sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BJi BELIED ON. q ISpeer's P. I. Sherry, The P. J. 8HEKRY ia a Wine of "JUPE- RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape I from whichit if made. For MEDICINAL PROFERT1ES,1 it will be found unexcelled Speer's P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy. This noted- Brandy ia a pure distillation from the grape and is equal to the finest Ben nessy or Otard Brandiea; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strictly pure.1 See tbat the signature o Alfred Bpeerj Passaic, N. J., it orer the cork of each bot tle. A. 8PEER'S ML prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. 34 Warren St., New ork. For sale by GREEN A FLANNR, j. C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P. Li BRIDGERS CO. 1 aoril My PROVERBS.' "For BinMnff BpeHa, fits, dizziness, palpita tion and low spirits, rely on Hop Bitters." "Head of, procure end use Hop Bitters, and you will be strong neallny and nappy." '"LacHea, do yon want to be strong, healthy and beautifiUij Then use nop Bitters. The frreateet appe tizer, stomach, blood and liver regulator Hop Bitters.'7 "Clergymen, taw. yers. Editors. Bank ers and Ladies need Hop Bitten daily.'' 'Hop Bitters has re stored to sobriety and health, perfect wrecks from mtemperaace." "Sour stomach, rick headache and dizzi ness Hop Bitters curea with a lew doses." $500 win bepald for a case that Hop Bit ters win not euro or help." "Hop Bitters buMa tip, strengthens and cores continually from the first dose." , 'Kidney and Uri nary complaints of all kinds permanently cured by uop Bitters." Hop Cottgh Cc&a is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. 'The Hop Pu for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, Is superler to all others. Cures by absorption. Aak Pruggista. D. L C. Is an absolute and irresistible cure tor drunkenness, nse of opium, tobacco and narcotics. . All above told by druggists. Hop Bitters alanafacturlng. Co Rochester. mTy. Bend for ttjjarcular. v j THE Southern Cultivator. i Now I is the time to subscribe for this old aud reliable Agricultural Journal. It is in its XXXVTII volumne, and stands at the bead ot agricultural papers. It is now pnblisbed by the Constitution;, Atlanta, Ga. j Price....: $ 150 per annum. (Clubs of 10.. 12:50 Clubs of 20. . 20.00 The Weekly Constitution. The Great Southern Family Paper. Price. $ l.K0 per annum, Clubs of 10... 12.50 " Clubs of 20.. ,.. 20.00 " The Cultivator and Week- f lvto the samea ldress. 2.50 per annum, Agents wanted every where. Liberal com missi ;ns. Address, f 1 CONSTITUTION,' . nbv 15 Atlanta, Ga. u I lets. 2QQ Bbis alULLLTS, I I arg'j. Bright and Fat, Every flarrel Warranted. HaLL h, PEARSALL nov 6 CHAS. KLEIN, Uniertater .ani Calinet Mater. Princess Street, in Basement of the Journal Building WILMINGTON, W. A fine ast rtment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele graph or mail promptly filled. - T nov S Smithy-He Saloon. gECOND DOOR WE8T of the Garrison. Best Wine, Liquors, Cigars, etc Finest aloon in the town. Patronage f traveling public solicited. 3 A. A. CATLETT, oct2i-lm fanlthvill, N.-O. Steamer Passport, APT. J. W. HARPER, B PRO VERBSiX T if Will leave WUmingtonMaily, ij1' (Sunday a excepted), at IK P.M. f oct 29 OKO. MYERS, Agent. Miacollaneoua, THE NEIV MARKET i - . ! "!'' -' Awakens Considerable Interest I BUT NOT MOKK .SO THAN 1L1E POPULAR WIKiLKSALE A . 1 AND KETAIL ESTABLISH MENT.t F 1 ' GEO. MYERS, , 1 11," 13 nnd 1G jSouth Front Street, recauie of the live!y interest that is being kept up, reccing fresh Groceries! "And l illin Order. "PAROLE B10NNEDB," And other Choice 1 ; Brands of Flour, We are ae'ling at Low Prices withf.ut regard to the adrance. Supply your selves at oncejand save t , barrel. Cream Ale and Sweet Cider by the Gallon. 1 Fruits and Fancy Goods. The . Largest Stock n the State to select from at popular prices. The Rosa Concha Havana Segarp,;,5 oenta, hold the supremacy. 1 GEO MYERS. sept 24 1 . , vecybody ND HIS UNCLES AND Hid Cousins and hia Sisters and hri Aunta is invited io wit 1 nesa the j Grand Dress Parade Evf ry day and every evening at the j Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, On North Front Street. The Stock is the largest and mrst extensive of the kind in the State, and embraces a very great variety of oaerul and pretty things. which are sold tvere for leas than half the money usually demanded for them. The se lections were made in person and they are all i . '. . reliable goods. Yiaitora from the country are particularly invited to call and see how far a little money i will go. 1 Remember the place, the ! i Boston 5 and 10 Gents Stoye, North Front Street between Princeai and Cheataut. oct 23 Secretary ks Office, Wilmington & Weldon K- K- Co., WPmington, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1879. DIVIDEND OP THREE PER CENT., on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldon Bail "Road Company, has been de- dared, payable to the Stockholders on and after the 22d inst. . The Tr nsfer Books will be closed from the 17th iBatant until after the 22d. J. W. THOMPSON. Secretary. nov 1-tf Secretary's Office, Wilmington & Weldon R. RJ Co , November 1st, 189. fpHE FORT Y-FO DRTH Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company will be held in Wilmington, on TUE8DAY, the 18th instant J. W. THOMPSON, nor 1-rf. Secretary Thoi. H. JBLcKoy, &obt H- McKoy WILMINGTON, NO. ffio North aide Market street, btwe cond and Third street, tan 27-tt Old Newspapeis. t-- QUANTITY OF OLD aKWSPAPKRS or wrapping . eTerad for aale cheap at the Miscellaneous. YELLOW FEVER -BLACK VOMIT. It Is too soon lo forget the ravages of thia terrible diseue, which w. II no doubt return in a more malignant and virulent form in the fallmoathsof lfe7y. Miebill'8 HarATiRS, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and used with such won derful results in South America where the roost itftfrsT.tea casee of fver are found, cause from one t two oencea of bile to be filtered or strained from the blood each time it paxess through the Liver, a long as an ex cesf ofbile exists. Bv iU wonderful action on theLiTer and Htn'mach the HEPAT1NE not only prevents to a certaintf any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also curea Head ache, Constipation ofithe Bowel, Dyspepsia and all Ma ial diseases j No one reed fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile tron the blood by u ing M a k hell's Har atiri, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent and f 1.(0 battles, or will be 1 1 by expreasby the Proprietor.' A. K. MKRhKLL CO., r ; i Fhiladelphis, Pa. Dr Pemberton's Stillincia or Queen's Delight 1 J9 The reports of wonderful cures o Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt hheum, tSjphi lis, Cancer, Ulcers and Sores, that co,me from all parte of the country, are not odU remark able but ao miraculous as to be dooV-td wer it not for the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure of Scrofula. &o, CASK- Of (JUL. J. C. BRANSON. V Cikssk , Ga., Sept. 15, 187. tients: For uxieen years 1 nave been a great sufTerer f-ora Scrofula in its most dis tressing forms 1 have been co fii.ed to mv room an I be i for ntteen y ara with acrofa lous nlceraiioDB. 1 be most approved reme dies for such cases bad been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, witnout any decided benefit. '1 hus prostrated, dis trees d, desponding, I waa advised by Dr. yer, of tfloyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your Compound Extract Stillingia Language is aa insufficient to describe the re lief l obtained from th use of the Stillingia aa it ia to convey an adequate idea of the in tensity of my suffering before using your medicine; sufficient to sty, I ' abandoned al' other remedies and continued the use of y ur Extract of Stillingia, until I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al disease, witt. nothing to obstruct t' e actire pursuit of n?y profession. Mote eiht months have elapaed since thid remarkable cure, without any return f the disease For the truth of the above statement, 1 re fer to any gentleman it Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I ahall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, I Your obedient Eervant, J. C. BRANSON, Atty aULaw. A MIRACLE. WmtPoiht, Ga Sept. 16, 1870. Genta:My daughter waa taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with what waa supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and waa treated for the same with no success.) Jn to arch, follow ing, piecea ef bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to appear till all the bone from the elbow to the shoulder joint came out. , Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot and leg. The case waa then pronounced one of White hwelling. after having been confined about six jears to her bed, and the case onsiderod hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. PembertOn'a Compound Extract of Stiliiugia, and wag so well sati-s fied with its effect thatil have contiLuedthe use of it until the present. My daughter was Outlined to her bed about alxyeais before she sat up or even turned over without he'r. She now sit) no all dav. and sews most of her ti-r has walked across iue room. Her general health ia now good. and I believe she will, aa her limba gain atrength, walk well. I attribate ber recove ry, with the blessing of GodJto - the use of your invaluable medicine. With gratitude. I am, yours truly. W. B. BLANTON. "Wbst Poiht, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abeve Certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the moat respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Youra truly, I CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists HON. H. D. WILLIAMSJ Sff DR. Pemberton'a Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., rmla., Pa. Sold by all Druggists in $1.00 bottlep, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. j Rend for Book "Cnriona BtorT" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 AGENTS READ THIS. We want an Agent in tbis County to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell 0ur wondeiful inventions. Sample free. Address at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Michigan nov 6 III AIM AO Stool Cover and Book only rllANUo $143 to $255. ORGANS 13 Stops, o set Reeds, 2 Knee Swells,Stool, Book, only $98. LET" Holiday Newspaper Free. Address Daniel tr. Beaity, Wash ington, N. J. I ov 0 JO AH returns In SO daya on $100 in Jj)l J Li veated. Official reports and infor mation vrx. Like profits weekly on Stock options of $10 to $60. Address, T. Potter Wight A Co., Bank ers, 35 Wall St., N. Y. ctw $25to$5000: I Jiidit-tnnalr InTe.t.d In Wall loun l. lion U'T fortonn rri weak, aud pay. Iminenae protJta by me JNew i.puiiriion By.Um ofopratinicln Stx-k. Fuil explanation .ti arplira- Moa to a DAMS. B.OWH to., liauaer.. is ex., "HIIL'S MANUAL" Social and Busi neas. For Uiverybody. , Agents wanted. Wm. Shepherd, 96 Fulf on M, NY. iuv 0 novnunMAKinv ok soul- roiunuiiiMiiui .charming. How either sex may fascinate and pain the love and affections of any poison 11. ey choose instantly. This si in 1J r:A, ac- qairement can p sae-s. rn- !y inaij for ,25c . UCelber wih a Ji ' msup, Egyptian Oracle, Lreanii, . u n.'s u Ladies. A queer miu. Addrnss D. P. MASON, ",)') ha s Hi HL, Phi adelphia, Pi. "ov V, CHEAPEST BOOK-STOrfE Jin -THE WORLD. 63,672 flnperb English Books, At Our Price. 75 176 New American Books, at Your Price. 112,726 heend hand Books At Any Price. fataWue of Genet al Liteiature Free. LEGG AT B ROTHERS, Beekman st near Hew rost umce, new Tork. , - . . . nov 6 ON 30 DAYS TRIAL. We will and our Electro voiuie tfeita and other Electric Appliance upon trial for n jm-m Iiau mnifurxiir fiam Nervoua De bility, Rheumatism, Paralyaia or any diseases' 0f tn iarer or & lunej , mu biuj A .are ITU re guaranteed ur uu ymi Addrew. YOLTIO BELT CO., Mart hall, Rail Road Lines. &c. I lawJll ii WILMINGTON a: WELDON RAILROAD COBIPAinr. Orrtca or fjiw't St raaiKTBHnaat i Wilmingtan. N. (. Juce it t9 J! CHANG r K sell KDUl V On and attot Sunday, June Uth, I37f Passenger trains on the Wilmlnrt.-n & don Railroad win run aa follows : T a V u I II a. w ...... ... . Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depc at. 7 i' 1 Arrive at Weldon aL l 10 j Leave Weldon 3 33 p I Arrive at Wilmington, Front" St."'' 1 i Depot at... , HS P H NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN 1 DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. ' Depot at... 8 40PM Arrive at Weldon at. M 3 50AM- Lejaye Weldon , M. i IU ti t Arrive at Wilmington, Front St j Depot at.. 46 . if.. . w 4. . Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.0 P m ti -and Tuesday, Thursday and Hatrr -' 4 AM. Returning, leave Tarb.i- . A M daily, and Monday, , , h , Friday at 8U10 P M. Tbe Day Train makes close e.nnertioL at Weldon for all points .Sow vis ay Lit daily, (except Sunday) and dar( Tia Ricl mond and all rail route . Night train makes close eonneciic nsSat Weldon for all points north via -Richmond. Sleeping Cars attacliou to all N ight Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunt. ' june 13 .SaS.. CqjiM Sup'ts Office. WILMI.VGTOV. c ii.rupti 1 un 11 GOSTA RAILROAD CO. r? liming ton, N. C., June 15, If 7 change or schedule; On and after Sunday, June 15, the Jol lowing schedule will be run on this road; DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL-TRAIN, dally. Leave Wilmingtbn..... .19 OS A M Arrive Florence M 1 25 P M Leave Florence M 3 60 P M Arrive at Wilmington 8 -0 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (DaUy). Leave Wilmington.... 10 13 P M Leave Florence..... 2 6 ) A M Arrive at Columbia 9 00 A M Leave Columbia 6 CO A M Leave Florence 2 56 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 60 A II ..TrIn 'top ni7 t Flemington. Wbiteville, Fair JJlua", and Marion. V p"geVer fr AngTUJta. (via Columbia), should take Night Express Train from Wll. mington. Thronirh HI for Charleston and Augusta. . JOHN F. DIYINE, General up. ju-e li If CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO Ornoi GanaaAL ScpiaiHTiaiDEHT, V I WUmington, N. C, May 18, 1879. J . - - - '' : Change of Schedule; ON AND AFTER TH18 date, the f .llow ing Schedule will be operated on- th a Railway : - . ? j Passenger, Mail and Express Train. ) Leava Wilmington at.... 7:00 P M No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at...... 2:27 A M J." " at Charlotte at.... c:20 A M . ) Leave Charlotte at...8:25 P M No. 2. V Arrive at Hamletat 1:3J A U x- ) " at Wilmington at 9:50 A M Close connection made at Hamlet with traina of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Kail-' way. Shelby Division Mail, Freight A Passecge and Expreea. j j No 9 LeT Charlotte..... 8:40 A M , aQ Arrive at 8helby.... ...12:33 P M j No.10. 1 Shelby....... 1:15 P M Arrive at Cbarlotto........; 6:05 P M V. c. -OHNSON. may 1 General Superintendent. Zeohyr Worsteds. NOTHER LARGE 10T ; JUdT IiECEITED WHITE 10 CENTS. COLOliED 12 CENTS.. B- Look out for acnouccenac&t of Grand Milliner v ODei.inr. N. H. 8PRUNT, i.xcaange Corners. sept 15 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N.. a Lar' Sample Kooixi Tor i 'o jii hi v rt! ia i Tra vc I e r. rpUZ PRO I Kl:-TOK having thoroughly - ' Jw I1 rtcovated tLij Uoao and furnuocl it etititie- i 1 - . .-i !i ' " ly new, prepared to give the traveling : i i public all; the eonveniendea of a FIuST- CLASS HOTEL. It ia located in the very i .- : centre of the buainee part of the city, being con 7 eniect to the principal buainera bouts, , Poatofflce, Cuatom H uae. City Hall and Court Ho ire. - Firat-Claaa Bar and Billiard Salcon I . connected with thia HoteL 7 RATES $2 PER DAY. A oct 24 F. A. SCHUTTE. ' V maQ wh was a welcome and hon- Dealers generally. i nov 3 -a Aw. apt.4 DAILX at I w Mich. I "