rV;sUMJAl30V M.hMKRMAN. .r.,rMl-"f'1ne .-.,- I''1' ". .IraMtll. e avjes: fti;'ii. von l-sf-; k-. .( .i:i .11-' , . it! it u;ti- .WhLi ' FUANX'E. ,.N niaiii of the French If" rrnHII. .- trtet oguH the Tuilleries, !i'ti I ui!K ries the crown ia- ,J M iwjin KePa,1 a IVad" Cii?' ' er UaiHig a radical and 1 DtEW111 reported to the French I "of Ufputie, i-bortly before b , leiif a bill for the sale of wcb. it .will b r;:tni e Exposition last year. These .for which the aonarohy col- 3'rH cQt great cost ; the expense. f. rti'"1 guldiL tLem V5 1 I t-nrden. aud they are exposed to ' of various forts ,,15'- ' r . il c a r t rtm i. -.not eat J iuiiu auj - , value of these jowbls or of "micethcy will bring if brought to rr.s According to the inven-ii-.h bv cnjmnd of Louis ;YIII, there . i .. ipinnn ritnnHH "in the '"tVof a height o. 18.751 carets, '.J'iiTilueof5l 180.052 Vhe present -,u te 0 the vulue of the 1 crown vie wtiich contains the IUgent dia ""cd'gndy pother stones, is $2,- H 4 0 'it'6 ifc B6t f P18 bttid -orth S77,l!00, a set of diaraohds " llL.lirt valued at 85(5,000, 1 an '.jii fcword reprefcenting 818.U0 "n oLey, a grand cross of the Legion i a,LOr Li b coBt 9,1 30, and booh te 1'ltt or litg1'!!1 uiaiuuuu, ""'vj utxA tif h xu the list of the wor.d's rilii diamonds, tnougu mere are t-us :,.T th.t the Braganza, which twds upapvrtjttchably alone in size at hehfadof trie rod, is reaiiy a wuue b sz-u'iicion.iy.feirengiueueu oy iuu klut-l of the Purtugutse Government a!!un it to be inspected, in ine tjDgtl ' tiie ria 11,1 4 T nno f-1-l1 1 11 lyiiuths mines of Turtae', twenty i:ksIrom Yt.znrptftra, by a slave, ho to coLceal if, placed it m a gash L:ch Le cut in his leg, pretending to -ve t-ecn woundt d by accident, and i,n,h. 1 auuifc awav wuu uis i W - F ..c (U3 discovery, he cliered it to a k'uiistian Bailor as the price of the Lristiar. foilot a assistance in regam g Lis liberty. The CLristiah sailor :r"d him to tLo vessel, took the'stone nl threw the Hindoo overboard, rownice him. The diamond thus LbtaiDed brought the scoundrel no uck. for he fold it to a mercnant t ccd JumeLun, for jCI.000, equand' hd the caocev dtid hanged himself. tacebuiid in turn disposed of the Incious stoee to Thomas Fitt, Uov- kroorof Fort St. George, for 15,000. ilrPitt had it cut into a hne brilliant, te process occupying two yaars aud p:irg t5.(U0, hut the fragments pht off were worth 3,000 or 1,000. l weight of the stoLe was thus Nactd to 135i carats the Koh-i-noor pighs 1021 but tue "tone, became ptacontiriues to this day to -be the p rerftct brilliant in existence, I itg without a rival in shape or water. la LIT Titt sold the diamond glee- fally to the Duke of Orleans, Regent France, for 075,000. In 1792 the MJcstituent Assembly ordered an m- ftttory of the Crown jewels to be 'iter, but jiut as it was completed on 'o8t:ghtot Aug. 17 four thieves, act ::gia union, broke into the house, Mce Louis XIV, where the jewels Pe deposited, and carried them off. r-'alv tr -eotnerg escaped, and the diamonds Fa.anot be fuu.id. At that moment eLimieville, a barber, lay in prison , lce vocciergene, under sentence of Uf!orconn!r. lie broke .out of Pracn.and sho.-tly after informed a y l BUU KJLtW Wl' (jvwuw iirceau. rl n ho,l Kon hinA t lim cghiscoLtiueinent, that he hiid ceardthecapured thieves talk -SOt the place where the jewels were - corcfaitd till the aidor of .pur - tad slaved The place wu3 the -,01 twu large beniu m a cer- tciuc in t; o alky known as . 'Will tllt'lil I'J IliO errratu, L-iu.jtv.il,- receiving a at"'da c mmi-Hon iu a r.gi- "tt ' "e i,,J' x"C(.rdi-ig o au er ory, tne di..munds wtra cached 'iVlf l,J tbe CtiiiP Eiystes. and p.; ,d,I-fe'-P-Be- w.hs disc ostd to the 'tfcttct fit l i ft,,., . - J . i. , " J au: e a ruyiiniiue hu- Af - "rt?fait to DaLton. l a wut rewjiu ne cunsolidi : i - i " t i bIl"r ne reaeemeti ord -ii ed ,u the Pmmel of bi ts7 . 1Le Prussians touk it dW- tut u was stored to Fiance, MIL- f.v "3 t ILriT i . . . . s ,., , '"e bio;en in liVZ. It is Otrrc 3 - UU1 rais, uuu is J to t ' U,iOUBh- the story is doubt- in fV & tallf niau. aud to haye been as kin 1,18 aead'body when he Mt Ar x- J uiueruier ai me il 01 At-CV. ill .Iann.r. 147-7 A -serine s-h i..:.. tj e lv fcetit dihmcnd.as it -j'0 , its pure! ase by the Duke , Y;,c?n.S to tbe Daich as steuri y red " Tho BtPPd and plun 13 6&id, aud boM it for two and a half fiancs to a priest, who made twelve cents on tile transaction. It was among the crown jewels of Poi tngal, and was pawned fpr 4,080 livrts to Hatfey de Sancy, who substquent-j bought it for 100 010. qne.of ms de eeei uauts fet nt it bf fai-Lf til servant to be fiawntd to rtufe.fondH for Henri 111; ibo iua j waagetipon ai;d killtd, uof, however, tiil hot had fewaslowtd ibe dibmucd that was thereafter to bear bis nam. It j was taken from bia etomacn. Tnei body was '.Dp.-ued by order of the Pri! c. who felt t-uie of his fidelity-j Jame II ol EuglaLd Id it to Ljui XlV.for 2T, 00'J; it was a o'tn f:m the French ...i.i. Ireaury, witu the croti jewels,', n 1792; bfit-r its reappearjauce it wa told by tbe Duchefw do prry to the DvEQidoffa. C iiut Paul j lot-1 it at a fancy ball atOuut Walewki'ti, but n was found again. Twelve famous diamo;.d8, know.i at the twelve MfcZarink' lioiu the fact that they were uewvy eut by the'- Car dinal's order, djibKppcuitd from among the French crow u j -wU at the revolution of 1830, ttnd weie not again heard of till 1877, just b'-ff.re the mar riage of King Aifuiifo Xll aud I the dealer tlTred them or ble-at Madrid, being commifiion d (oj dispose of them by an owner who wished to remain uukuown. ! Among th jiiweli wbio'j 1. Ittpil wishes to have ti'.tp fftj d i& u , biauti ful ruby cut into tl.f iurm of a dragon with outbpreud wu gs. The pricJesfcl 'blue diamond of ibe) rtgeut, utolcn in 1792, bas uever l -n heard of biuce, thougn there are jvU-Urs wUo thiuk they have found it! in a niagnitiot-m stone belongiug to I tin' Eijg'libh uobie' man of wealth. . Dr. Mott's Endorscnien of Spcer's Port Grape: The folio .vinrr, from he celebrated Dr Mott of New Yjrk, speaks wonders for tbe Oporto Mf. S peer's eftons to rulsc Grape in New Jersey: G2 MadisOX, Avenue, "I New Yobk, April hi, 1878. j Mr. Alfred JSpeer Dear Sir ; The visit which I made lqst ypar to your ViDeyards-, wine-pros es a1 d jY iuIts , at PrfSSAir;, N.-jJ., BJitisiifd mo qhorouhly th it tlu wfiiles unuluf.tctured lly you are pure and unadulterated, and I the very best that can bo utkred to the public for medicinal uses. J " ; Acting upon my favorable itnprefs:on at'the time, I have sihte ;ecirnmeEided the Port Wine morn 'particularly in my practice, and am satisfied, with marked benefit, to my patients. There can be no betterj proof to the doubting mind, as to , the Wine being made oi the finest Oporto1; Grape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with !trie vine bearing the luxuriant frijitj W'sKmg ycu succtts iu your , iTice worthy 'jnter prise, '..! remain respect fall v youts. - ALEX- B,. MpTT yi.D, Piof. of Surgery, Bel lev Ue Ilosp. iled'i College, &c , itc I I For sale by .J. G. ivlunda. Green & Flauuer. P. L. Bru,j2er& Col New Jersey Wine sent to Europe The succis of Mr. Speer, ' the great 1 wine rna'j of New Jersey has arisen from the st;ict purity and valuable properties of jbia wines for invalids aod feeble prr6ons, and bis reputation extends around the world. His Port Grapo Wine is now being ordered by families n London and Paris. For sa'e by J. Q. Munda, Green & Planner and P. U Bridgers $ Co. - - 1 imporiani to! me Aflllcted. We would advise iall who may nefjd the advice of a physiciaij, to either call or write to Dr. ltoDertson, 19. So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from ,15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special j Practice, guaiantees a cure in all diseases Of the lUrinary Organs and of the Nervoui Syg tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness), Im-potency-(loss of sexual power), Nervous .Debility and tremblirg Palpitation bf the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness1. No turnal Ejaissions,) iSccl, all resulting; from abuses iu yuth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical country (Uriver&ity. of .JL SC'.lOOiS in tns rylai d), add re .s in his city, and upon hojnorable feis to the leading physicia:! all consult iniihim can icy and confidential trealu bit. In writing en close stamp for re-ply. Siccjal attention iveu to all i'nir '.o piMiinla. uts.j (Jood ac connnoda'. ions for i-Lin u't call and jee him. Medicine soat !.- v ;y i.d in ss. let your first attack, of indigestion be the last. Kcusa he dormant energies of tbe stomach with tbe Bitters.! The tone thus iimarted will remain. This 3 a fact estab- iished br thousands of witnesses, whose testi mony is si i ply a statement of their own! ex periences. Those afflicted with general de bility of every phase will find this medicine an unfaiiiog agent in building up and re newing their strength. t For sale by all Dtuggbts and respectable Dealers generally. nov'3 -3 Aw. I bullets. 2(jQ Bbis WU1LET9, j Larg. Briiht and Fat. . Everv, Barrel Warranted Uiscellaneous. Port Grape Wine Uded in Churches for Communion pnrp-t Spoor's Port Grape Wine Kours Vears Old. flH18 JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIYft Wine ii made from the juice oi the Oporf Grape, r&iied in tbit count j. lU inT&lu&blc Tonic nil strensLtbeniiiE i Properties are unsurpassed by any ether native Wine. Being the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Hpeer'sovrn personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The voongest child may partake oi its pener oun qualities, and the wc ikest inTalid may use it to ad rant age. It ie particularly bene ficial to the aged and dbditated, and itefl to the various ai ments tiat afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINK TO B RELIED ON. 1 . Speer's P. I. She rry. The P. J. 8HEKRT is a Wine of SUPF. RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from wh'ichit is made. For MKD1CINAL PROf STIES, it will be found unexcelled I Speer'i P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy. This noted Brandy ia a P are distillation from the grape and is equal 't0 the finest ben neesy or Otard Brandies for medicinal pur poses it can be relied boe as strictly pure. See that the si?nture or Alfred Speer. Passaic, S. J., is rjver the cork of each bot tle. ! A. SPEED'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards. New J eree . Office, No. 34 Warren St., New ork. i Frrg&leby GREEN A FLANNFR, J. C. Mr, SDS, Druggists, and P. L. BRIDGERg r,U. ) i . aoril 1-1 y PEoratus. "For Blnkln epeUfl, fits, dizziness, palpita tion and low spirits, rriy on Hop Bitters." Head of, procure and use Hop Bitters, wad you will be strong bealuty and happy." "Ladies, da yon want to be strong, healthy and beautiful I l&en uro Hop Bitters. I "The preateet appe tizer, stomach, blood and liver regulator Hop Bitters. "Clergymen, Law. yers, Editors, Bank ers and Ladies need, Hop Bitters daily." "Hop Bitters has re stored to sobriety and health, perfect wrecka from mUmperaoce." "Sour stomach, sick headache and dizzi ness Hop Bitters cures with a tew doses." ftSOO wiU bewdd for a case that Hop Bit ters wiU not cure or help." "Hop Bitters builds tip, strengthens and cures continually Xrom the first dose." "Kidney end Uri nary complaints of all kinds permanently cured by BopBittera." Hop Cotkjh Cubs is -the sweetest, safest : and best. Ask children. ! The Hop Pa for Stomach, Lirer and i Kidneys, Is superior to all others. Cures by absorption. Ask. Pruggista. D. L C. Is an absolute and irresistible cure for drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. All abore sold by druggists. Hop Bitters Manufacturing. Co Eend for Circular. v CHAS. KLEIN, Uniertater Laii Cabinet Hater. Princess Street, in Basement of the Journal Building, WILMINGTON, N. O. A fine asgfrtment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orden by tele, graph or mail promptly filled. nov 5 Smithville Saloon. L ! I gECOND DOOR WE8T of the Garrison1. Best Wnes, Liquors, Cigars,- etc. Finest aloon In the town. Patronage of fareling public s elicited. A. CATLETT, oct24-?m Hmithyille, N. C. Steamer Passport, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will leave Wilmingtonldaily, (Sunday? excepted) at 1 P. M. ; '. J oct 20 GEO. MYERS. Agent. E. K. FRESHMAN & BROS., Newspaper Advertising Aerents, Commercial Building, Cincinnati. Are authorized to teceiTe advertisements r this paper. Eici aate f u rnished free upon application, nov 11 Mackerel, Herrine: and Codfish A TACKEREL in Bbls., Kits and portable Iti tack ages, by package or retail, new and bright. CODFISH and ScjJded Herring in quanti ties, or at retail. -. I POULTRY, Egg Butter, Lard Potatoes, Onioas, and a full line of Family Groceries. All for sale at bottom prices, oct 30 HEWBURY A CHASTEN. You Want mHKHK THINGS J YOU SAY. MADE skillfully, of good material and for tbe least money. You will patroniie home industry if it ocsta no more than to place your orden elsewhere. Good. Thafi business. We've everything now in applepie shape lor the manufacture of Buggies, Wagona, CartSj Drays, Harness, Ac, 8e now if we can't please yon and keep fi; rfLr viwum bo. PEOTEKBS.'i mi yeur money home, nov 1? GERHARDT A CO. Miceilaneous, THE NEW MARKET Awakens Considerable Interest I j BUT NOT MOUK SO THAN 1 HE ! POPULAR WHOLESALE AND KK AIL ESTAULlSJlkENT UK GEO. MYERS,1 11, 13 and 1G .South Front Street Pecaute . f the lively intereat j that is be?ng kept up receiving fresh Croceriesi 1 ' I ' AiicI Filling Order. "PAROLE BTiiNNEi; And "uer Choice Brands of Flour, Wo 're se'ling at Low Y, ices without regard to the advance. Supolj Tour s'', yes at once 'and save $1 .per barrel. ream Ale and Sweet Cider by the Gallon. Fruits and Fancy Goods. The Largest. Stock .n the State to select from at popular price?. ' The Rosa Concha Havana Segars,, i cents, hold the supremacy. CEO MYERS. sea 24 verybody A ND niS UNCLES AND HIS Cousins XJL and his Sisters acd h'i Aunts is invited to wit ness the Grand Dress Parade Every day and every evening at the Boston 5 and 1G Cents Store, On North Front Street. I : . . . The Stock is the largest and most extensive of the kind in the State, and embraces a very great variety of useful and pretty things, which are sold t ere for leu than half the . money usually demanded for them. The se lections were made In person and they are all reliable goods. Visitors from the country are particularly invited to call and see how far a little money r ' .. will go. Remember the place, the Boston 5 and 10 Cents -I Store, North Front Street, between Princess and Chestaut. oct 23 Secretary Is Office Wilmington & Weldon K-R- Co.t Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1879.J S A DIVIDEND OF THREE rjs vrt i., on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington Weldon RaiPRoad Company, has been de- i .i clared, payable to the Stockholders on and after the 22d iaet. The Transfer Books will be closed fiom the 17th isstant nntil after the 22d. J J. W. THOMPSON. nor 1 tf Secretary. Secretary's Officd Wilmington & Weldon B- E. Co, November 1st, 18T9. . 1 i "Lti 3 rpHE FORTY-FOURTH Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company will be held in Wilmington, on TUESDAY the 18tn instant. J. W. THOMPSON, novl-tf. IpeereUry Thoi. H. McKoy, Kobt- H- McKor ATT OZLZ7BTT O-AT -! A W WILMINGTON, N- C. ffico North aide Market street, twtwee ecoad and Third streets. tan 2T-tt Old Newspapers. A QUANTITT OF OLD J5HDrarM XJL. I i . or wrapping, offered for sale eheapat the pt.4 DAILY BETIEW OFFICK Miscollanoous. Popular Catechism. WLo lias tbe Fin st iStnre ? I'. Lw BRIDGERS A CO., Grocers. Wh. keepV tbe Fres-bt Goods? i Lm BR1DGKKS &. f!0..' Grorra. Who keeps tbe Greatest Variety ? P. 1.. UKIUGKKS & Cb" Grocers. WIiii attrac's aU the Opposition ? ! P. I,. imiDUKKS & CO , Grocers. Alio wl!s ?bp Bs9t G-ncer'e? ' I P L. DltiDGKli CO., Grocers. Who niik s Jbe Mst. V oie ' P. 1.. mUDGJt'.iS.A. CO., Grocers. Wlo ps ibe Pr".,-es Vovu ? P. L. 'UU'iJGKRS & CO., Giocers. W bo treats a'ike '.' PVL. BRIDGERS & CO., Grocers. Whero '0 Ladies p-efer dealing '.' 1 1 At i. J.. JJKIDOKIWS & CO., Giocers. V h re do ibe S'e i (-plains tra ' At iv Li. liiiiutiiw x c , .rtcers. Where io tbe Cmintry People traife ? At IV L. BKIDGKR-S S: CO, Grocers. i Wheie do Petail men Trade '.' 1 At P. L. DU1DGKIUS & CO, Grocers. ! Wbere o you njt all of your Friends I? At P. 1 . BRIDGERS A; CO, Giocers. Wt.oie re vuoine'.' ' I Of course to P. L. Bridgers k Co, Groc r.c. WLo i pna first in tbe ruoniing P. L. BRIDGERS A CO, Who tbuts up last at niglu ? ! P. L. BRIDGERS & CO, Grocer?. '1 he Out re or Trad! The. CVntre. f IfasbioL ! ! T be Ceutre oi Business ! ! ! Tbe Centre of Attraction! ! 1 ! Opposite tbe Purcell House, Opposite tbe Baibcr Shop, Opposite Muusou'j, Oppc site the Hat Store, , Opposite tbe Drug Store,! Opposite the Bock Store, Next to the Telegraph Office, Next to Aaron' & Rheinstem's, Next to the Alley, j Nxtto tbeFirtt Nati nal Bank, Near David?, Near ''aikof New Hanover. i Ri: h. II' re we ill befouxd for the next fifty years, il the world laau tL-i. .v.i g, hope to leave the business to our descend' ants. I ' Lecture next Monday evening. Respectfully jand truly, P. L-BRIDGERS & CO. nov 17 . AGENTS I READ THIS. m mm Wfiwant an Aeent in this County , . ! i. 1 on nor tit rift rri ur m win i iv w x. miaiv six mj x.jj ava month and expenses to sell our wondeiful inventions. Sample fiee. Address at once """V ?T'- .1 T 'I ' SHERMAN CO., Marsnaii, micnigaij nov 6 niHMAA Stool Cover and Dooa only rlMlwUO$143 to $255. ORGANS 13 StODS. 3 set Reeds, 2 Knee Swellstool, Book, only $98. Holiday Newspaper Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ington, N. J. I - nov 0 H j r. f f returns in juoiji on fww..u J 1 ZUUvested. Official reports and infor nation ran t. laae prouu wwnj owv options of $10 to S50. lAddress, T. Potter WigM A Co., , Bank. er?, 35 Wall St., N. Y. ct9-4w- S25to"$50001SvH;S th. lounn. line, trrry week Urn of opantlDK tn Stork.. Full pl.n.tl..n on ...phr. to Adam: Biowk t Co.. Baukert. 38 BrtJ bl.. N. . Mo II Uli lC MANIIAI " Social and liusi- ness. j?or Jiveryoouy. fgenu " ..i .iifed, Wi Khpnhrd. 06 Fulton st N Y. nov G t 1 npununruunv or soul. rOIUnUIIIHMUl CHARMING How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any peisou tbey r.hva instantlv. This simi le ir.eniai ac quirement all can possess. Free by mail tnr ':.r .tOfctUer Wlln a Jianidttj "mr, K",rurJiin l)rHr. lirpaiiis. atd Hints to "o'r""" ' . , j ladies. A queer ixk. Address 1). P. MASON, Pbi adrlphi', Pa. 10O0O fold. jtXJ Sat s m.st., nov 0 CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE i IN THE WORLD. 53 75 oprb English Books, At Our Price. 75176 New American Book,t Your Price. 111,726 hecond-hand Catalogue of Geneva I lte-ature rree. LEGGAT BK0THER3, 3 Beekman iY, i-ear New Post Office. New York. ON 30 DAYS TRIAL. eases. A re Cure guaranteed or no pay Add.-. VULTIC lfc.LT CO., Marthaf., Mich. I poT V Houses and Stores to Bent APPLY TO THE rJlcICOYS, Attorneyi and Coansellors at Law Office Nortk Hide Mar iet tiU, between acg 2 and 3d W days to tho suffering ; u am Lh!i, lL? conveniences of a FI bility. KheutnaUJm,raraiynsoran7 v..c-c , . .r.k. nr KidneTi. sad mMT otner ou- , 1UJ uhtvi. i t. i in th Rail Roat Linos, &c. VlLKilNQTON & VELDOK RAILROAD COMPANY ; Owicn or Um'i Hirxwuytnotmr t V ilXQinirtnn. V. C., Ju;e lit, 187 f CHANGE OF SCilEDf. . On and after Kundar. J Passenger train on the Wllminrt .r. i doa Railroad will roa aa follows : DAT M AIL AND EXPRKSa TRA I.N, p. Lare Wiisolngtnn, Front HL Depot aL............. 7 is 1 1 Arrive at Idc.n at... Leave Weldon ' " 1 10 P K 3 S3 P K Arrive at Wilmington, Front Hi uepot au 9 63 P li NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRA l , Leave Wilmington, Front 8L . Depot at. 40 P It Arrive at Weldon at............ 3 0 A Leave Weldon, ,;j N s j Arrive at Wilmington, Front r ' Lepot at....L................M. $ 45 Trains on Tarboro Branch h-.-t. Rock v Mount for Tarboro at F and Tuesday, Thuraday and .-; A Mm Keturmng, leare Tari iZm leare Tin. f A A M daily, and Monday. Vx.n.ra i Friday at 8O0 P M. I The Day train makes el. eontectiot f Weldon for all points Nort. ris tiar 1 J. daily, (except Sunday) and daily, ria Kic.U mond and all rail route. il Nirht train makes close eccnertinna i weldon ror ail points north via Kicbmor 1. Slor-ping Cars atta be.l to all Night Train JOHN F. DIVINE, General Hut. june 13 ! m mm k v a; Cen'ISup'ts Office. WILMINGTON.! COLDMllIA A.VD A V GUST A. RAILROAD CO Wilmington, N. C, June 13, lii) , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE; On and after Sunday, June 15, the, fc lowing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dally. Leave Wilmington 9 05 A M Arrive Florence.. 125 PM Leave Florence.... 3 60 P M Arrive at Wilmington..... 8 iOK k NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 10 13 1 M Leave Florence i b ) A M Arrire at Columbia.... 9 00 A U Leave Columbia 6 CO A M Leave Florence... 2 55 AM, Arrive at Wilmington.... 6 60 A M TMs Train 8 tors only at Flex ngton, Wbiteville, Fair tilut, and Marion. Passengers for. Augusta (via Columbia), should take Night Express Train from WiU minton. Through Sleeping Cars on nigh 1 train l for Charleston and Augusta. ' 1 .- j Joii2 Fm DIVINE, General bapt.! june IS CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO Ornoi GiHiaiL BcriaiNTiKDMT, Wilmington, N. C.May 18, 1879. Change of- Schedule to au a ia tiiib aate, tne I -T a Tr a vmi v mm, v . . . 4 t II. w V7 ingBcnedule will be operated! on Kallwajr : . . Passenger, Mail and Express Train. l Lieave W ilmington atj... i.v t r m No. L V Arrive at Hamlet at..... 2:27 A M ) " at Charlotte at:... r:20 A M Leave Charlotte at.........R:25 P in Ne. 2. VArriveatHamletat......; 1:31 A M J at WUmington at 3:80 A l Close connection made at Hamlet with - or Kieign a Augusta Air Line iinur ' . I IUHVivj m . . ibiv'u u. m..f . mm . v m fi, V - -r - Leave Charlotte i 6.W i 11 ) aniTS ti nueior i ei -M. Arrive at Charlotte :. 5:06 P M ' V. Vt. wOHNSON, Leave Shelby 1:15 P il mar 17 General Suserintendest. Zeohyr Worsteds- AN OTHER LAUOL LOT JUST'-RECKITED WHITE 10 CENTS. COLORED i'L'ETS. iS. Look out for acncurccntnt of Grand ! . C7 Millinery Opeiicg. "N. U. SFRU.NT. Exchange Corner sertlS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. nigC San.Vlv KOOUIH t'OV i ' Coiiimc-rcial Travelers rpUX PROFRI-TOR having thorough rt.noratcd ttu lit, am and rcrnLsLec it esure- BST. very centre of the buiicesi part of the city, being 1 IVMZ mJR 1 ? . "tr1" h wTliii eon'venieat to the principal business bonus, i ... - . .j Poitoffiy, Custom II use. City Hall Sand Coart Uoie. First-Clau Bar and Billiard Saloon coanecied witn this riotel. 2d RATES $2 PER DAI. oct 24 F. A SCHUTTE. 1- th 8 iog cov 6 1ULL A PEARS ALL. 1

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