7- - i ; . r . . ore 1 eert AL. ..yKlKTOK. I()NitOHTA(JK PAID. PAID. roe i', ()me uji"i " b(ll'VBred by carrier!, V, f.ii iirita. Vf.-. A ii; ,,L-hW report &nj nd b.-ir papers reeularly. ,. ,1U V"' P m & HODDICK. 45 Market St I it r! far pels South of New York Carpets, Carpus, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. arrets .Carpets Carpets, New Enterprise. Carpets, CVp-tv ( a J'jiff, Carpets. invito all, to call who have A.Y ilea of purchasing such goods. I rpets, Carpets," Carp ets, Carp ets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets ? BilOWN & KODDICK, 45 Market' Street COT 7 Sriie Fun of It Is rpiUT TUE RUSU FOR Gents', Toutbsj "i B- vs' Clothing and Furniihing Goods, cat.tinufs at our two eto-es.notwithstanc'-t.e imxense amount of Goods we hve ..-?v:t ? Ad this seison. The reason is plain. Voojj ever boiht a bad bargain at iRIFR', wbile our poods, although low pric. &re always just as represented. 8o J l-f .best and cheapest Shirt in the cir, turi.-d and unlauridried, at SHKlKR'd O STOEE8, t:'v s Mirket st. TICE TO MR CHANTS AND OTHERS! New Job Printing Office ! ' pK UXDIRSIGSED, having leased the lP's and Mattria'sof the Daily. , Jl)lJ Printing -uOictf, t)ega to an- -ance t..at He fully prepa-ed to do eery ;-' H fi, D Ml'i.in "and Urnamental Print- ,'nr.., i ,f r!e)ll,d tiow Vates. tritre , i ti;e ( u;, c DHtrOQACO j8 rcpect- - n.-u .s,t-f-ti-n uu iraBteed in er m n O i.k .r.H (M.fu" :''.!Cntt -..f 'i id .1- pri . i-r.g o'-rn!iy t-x cuted e ' ! e idllcr ..lit .f ,..il .li .t 1 ' -f ? tH . !-aiic H,inucicd.L.!.tato J b t'riato-. VV Uiiutoo. N. C- We Are Selling -i .'J.U.N' U 'I V, VODTH8, and Mtt'- Suiu, Yrrv l..w. MUXSON, THE CLOTHIER AND MER. TAILOR. CARPETS 1 U. fc I JJAIJj 1 1 JSEVIEW,. - - , ' , 1 ' 'I - - 1 : " ' : 1 , j.i. 1 r : i I VOL. ,1V.! WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, .1879. INO. 244 LOCAL iNEWSi . . Jj i Ne Advertisements. Hall St Peaksall Voantatn Batter. W. F. Lebma-s rewiBkery. K. E. Heide SLip A'ctic. j P. HiHBBBi8H Tbe Giitterb;'x. ! Jlti Ufera house iten z sti ley .Novenv Combination. . Mdnios We are Felling A. A I. Shbike The r un of It Is. No City Court to-day. Time flies were gone. The lumber business U active. To- morrow Day. wi-ek is Thanksgiving's A profane upstuirt ttl ill w s-at i : upon a bent pin; The acrobats of every boro-iiuid rthe pitcher and tumbler. And now the good. mother? uapper. ire calling soothing syrup a kid Fame is like an eel; rather hard to catch and a great deal harder o hold. The coal and wood Healers have the laugh on the ica dealers toc!ay. Meat Cutters and Suiters, Guns, Grind stones and so oil, at Jacobi's. y. Reserved seats f r the Rentz Santley performance were put jon sale this loom ing, i . 1 It is not positively' certain as to what letter of the alphabet is fastest, but every one has seen a deJcanterl You can bay a No. 1 heating or Cook Stove at almost any price at Jacobi'SjNo. 10 South Front street. t Nothing is easier ban for a man: to i i 1 breakfast in bed if he will he satisfied with a few rolls and a turnover. A large number of possums have been brojghtto market this season and yet it is iid the woods are fuil of them. Small notes, which had entirely disap peered on the adveh of eilver, have again made their appearance aqd are how plen tiful The Stprm Signal is floating in a North east breeze to-day and the weather is cold damp and disagreeable underfoot, as well as overhead. An old bachelor says Barnum s circus tent, neatly folded a couple of times, would make an excel'e it a fashionable female. cinvass belt for Twenty-five thousand gold eagles, came over from Europe in one steamer last week This is the kind of bird we want : i to come ome to roost. The celebrated Ze Vace and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowfst cash prices at Jacobi b Hardware Depot. It ; We regret to learn that Mr. J. D. Southerland, the popular and eflicien Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin county, is confined to his huse by sick ness. j The gas meter at the Ofcr beeu repaired an 1 lis 'now working order. The old t 1 Uouso has in t c rough M distin niiibcf-) itself Mondav nihi uh'a !tc'd 1- c j . !y extirguishing inainTier It is uo woudi-r that s tnKn ' rn thert; praise Dr. Bui! D.iby S3 rH. one of our t st prysici.n.s to be tac o ily 1 "Jten.oiU 1" Ye lu'ard ri.tt-ijut.ee it oh: Ufti. Tbo work on llie new :ii.ikei is pro gresSing finely. Workmen yesterday on the tower short time the outside work ing wi.lbe completed. ere engaged 1 and in a of the bui!d- i I Charlotte is a great rai ro nd ! co (it re and yet there is nut one r.ii! roii fcueuuie published iu hot papers l rge intlemfin who was in our cilice this njruin t " .inj to fin 1 cut about Ir tins on the Atlantic Air Line picked up' thd Observer but to his dis-iprointuaeit c ulct find out nothini: about iftheriin. 'J he t):4s Call MatCti The Cnin.i.iou lUse B.dl Cl(ib kit for 1 Wadeslfctro ai nit.t to pirtibij ate to div-in i-h" match -game of baseball for the cham pi nhip of. the Si;ite. If the weaiher is as bad in Wadesboro as here, we hard ly think the match wi! come off. New Bakery. Mr. W. F. Lessman, who is an old baud at the ba'iness, his establishsd a Dew bakery in the rear of Tharbrjjrn's old sUn.lon F.oat street.! II-' is preparea to dolivtr, every morning, hon bread, pies and cikei to hi customers He tmarantees sa-isfaction to all who will give . him a tra.1. 1 There seems to be a small mania he ret for learning German. ' Prof, von Jas mund, we understand, has. quite a large class of ladies and gentlemen w ho are uradually becoming interested in the beau ties of that language. You pay the lowest cash prices fur Household Hardware at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t Arrest of a Sneak Thief. Charlotte Beach, a colored woman about 1 25 years of age, presented on order at a prominent Market street dry goods house this morning from a U y in this city for certain articles of goods; the. things w$rj given ber, and some time afu'rwaro ui, sime womau made her appearance again at the same store and while converting with one of the cleVks a piece of braid was discovered on her person which she evidently was trying to conceal, but which she stated she had got there in the morning, but brought "back because it would not 6uit. Upon inquiry, however, neither employers nor employees had any knowledge of such a transaction. This aroused suspicion and when the woman left the store she was followed into an adjoining dry goods store where she was found in possession cf a lady's cloak, valuedat $11, which the parties next door identified as their property. The woman was then arrested and car ried to the Guard House and locked up. Subsequently Mayor Fishblate, upon proper affidavit being made issued a war rant against the prisoner upon the charge of larceny. The case will be tried before the Mayor in the morning- After the above named occurrence the order pre-J sented by the woman from the lady al ready referred to was scru'.luized more closely and pronounced a forgery. So that there are two counts against the do fendant, one for larceny and the other for forgery. It is not unlikely, therefore, that Charlotte Beach" will find herself before Judge Meares next week with her name ou the Criminal docket, and a true bill forwarded from the Grand Jury, sus taining the charges above named. Share and Share Alike lu Promo tion. J We hear of prosperous times every where, all over the country and iu every department of trade the merchant with his wares, the distiller with spirits and rosin, the producer with his cotton and turpentine all; enjoying the prosperous times because their different commodi ties bring higher prices. Some, who had large stocks on hand realized handsomely and the producer who held on to his crop until the high prices found it very prof itable. All kinds of trade are benefited by the high prices and all classes of peo ple except the newspaper men, the salaried men and the laboring class of people, and as these two last .named are the ones who j were made to bear the brunt of the hard tunes, first and possibly hardest 1 of al' in the way of ten per cent reductions, it is but fair, it seems to us that now that prosperous times are with us once nrra all should be benefited thereby. In the present condition of things the class of peo pie who are paid by the day, week, month or year, at the low rate of wages to which they were brought by the stringent times of a few years ago, are really in a worse condition-pecuniarily than when the hard times Were upon us. The necessities of life.Jsuch as corn, flour, and meat, have all advanced in price as well as tea, coffee and sugar, and when Saturday night comes and the salaried or laboring man receives his pay, he finds there is no increase in his wages, but when he gors to his grocer or butcher to settle his week's indebtedness he finds that there is a very visible increase in tho amaunt of his bill on account of the advance in prices. So that in reality the prosperous times now for the merchant who bad big stocks on hand when prices went up, are really hard times for the em ploye who naa to pay these big price out of his reduced wages. Consequently the condition of the employe is far worse now, finaLcially speaking, thanabefcre the boom commenced. Save your money by buying jour Build ln Supp lies from Altaffer & Price. t Wine ior Invalids. - The Port Grape Wine of New Jersey is the best medicinal wine in the market and it is said that the vintage of A. Speer far exce's any other produced. It u heavy in body, rich in flavor and well adapted for sickly persousjand for general family use. For sale by J. O. Munda, Green & Flanner and P. L. Bridgers & Co. Notice. If Uenry Kea, of Edgecombe county. wijll communicate with the Review oftico je will larn something. to his pocuuiary advantage. Tne Tarburo touihernci will oblige us by copying thia uotice. Incendiarism in Dnplin Early on Monday morning the mill house, which consisted of a sa and grist mill and cotton gin, of Mr Albert F. Wil liam, about 5 miles from Konausville in Duplin county, was discovered to be on fire, and was totally destroyed, together with about six bales of cotton, 'ft e fire was undoubtedly the act of au incendiary "-'l JS' points very SVronsjty to wards the guilty party, but we suppress nanes for the present lest we defeat the ends of justice. No Court In Duplin. i ( Monday, the; 17th inst., was the day upon which b law the Superior Court of Duplin county was to convene, but owing to the j non-appearance of (Judge Eure, who was to hold the Court, but who was kept away by the critical sicknness of his wife, there was uo session held. Wkilft holding Court in Onslow Irs week be received a telegraphic dispatch i which was sent across the country by a special messenger from Mauo in, that bis wife was seriously and very dangerously ill, when he at or.ee adjourned the court and hastened with all possible speed to her sick bedside. Her condition was such that he did not feel justified in leaving ber to attend Duplin court, and the conse quence was as we have stated, Mr. Solicitor Galloway was present on Monday and transacted such business cs laid within his power, and after recog nizing witnesses, jurors and others inter. ested to appear at the special or next erm of the court whenever called npon, adjourned the present term wi hout date. Quite a number of the legal fraternity were also present, among whom we noticed, besides the regular Duplin bar, Mr. Alex. Loudon and Mai D Devane of this city; J. F. Wooten of Lenoir; E. W. Kerr of Sampson ; and Bruce Williams and J. T. Bland of Pender. It is expected that a special term will ba called to convene in January ,so as to prevent the accumulation of a large amount of business for the docket of the Spring term. . Window Glass all sizes at ltaffer & Price's. t The Linkhaw Uartuian Case. The trial of Miss Amelia Linkhaw, U r the murder of Mr. J. E. Uaitman, is in progress at the Superior Court of Robt son county. Miss Linkhaw charged the deceased with seduction ar.d upon his re fusal to marry her, shot him at a hotel in Lumberton, Robeeon county, about two years ago. Shortly after the fatal shot was fired Miss Linkhaw gave birth to a child which she claims is the fruit of criminal intercourse between Iherself and her victim. The case was called on Mon day. Miss Linkhaw was conveyed to the Court House in a buggy, accompanied by ber mother, who sat with her in tie prisoner's box. The prosecution established the fact that Miss Linkhaw did the 8hoot ing and a'so that the shot was the caute of the death of Mr. Hartman. The State rested the cafe here aLd the defense called their wi nes ses, about forty in number. Monday uigbt there w. s an all-night session, and up to the time of the train passing Lumberton this morning, not one half of the witnesses had been examined. It is thought that the trial will hardly come to a close before Satur day. The defense. will, it is said,endeav ors to 1 rove MissLinkhaw'u insanity and with this view have had summoned Dri. Eugene Grissom of Raleigh, W. C. McDuffie of Fayetteville, A. McLean of South Carolina, and Sinclair, Barnes and Norment of Lumberton. The prosecution is being conlucted l y Solicitor Mclver, Capf. W. S. Norment and Mr. A. Rowland and the defence by Cols. Duncan K. McRae and W. Foster French. The case isone which excites machi ntercstand tit :rowd outside of the jury box are divided as to justification the of Miss Linkhaw in taking the lifelof tbe man who she assert mined her under the promise of marriage. There is much guessing as to the verdict of the jury, bt.t the twelve man w'ao bold the life of the prisoner are those only who are 10 rfce a to the ionnceiice or guilt of Amelia Linkhaw, who :a neither maid, wife nor widow. ' A word to the wise is safficient if it is the right word. The Coming February, opt in leap year February never Fx We than -28 da vs. It is true that rjxt February wili have five Sundays. They will fa' Ion tbo lt, 8th, 15th, 22nd 20:h This occurs on x in every 28 years. Its-last previous occurrence was id 1852, and afttr next voar it will not j - o this century. The Same is true of every other day of the week For' instancei February has five Mondays once in every 28 years. This was last the ci. in 1865 and it will occur again Q 18-J2. Ordered The ft How ing oider yoirn. Fas rtceiveu here Signals a! ordered down at Indianola. Gal ves on , Le w es, Norfolk, Ball imore.Cape f . . 4 I..... :.. rli.. n . 'rwt wi.j, lanuc vuy, xariiegac, 11CXJK, iMew York, New Haven, New Loudon, New port, Boston, Section Eight Woods Hall, Portland, S ction. Seven, Eistpbrt. DIED. NORTHROP Monday night, 17th inst, at 12 o'clock, midnight, JJARY, wit of W. aamss Hortnrop, a?ed 3fr f eaa. We know not low, bat we ehall know here- atter." Now Advertisements. Ship Wot ice. r A LL PERSONS are berebj cau- tioned against harboring or trusting anj 0f the crew of the Nor. Barque VI Capt. Rasmuase". as no debts of contraction will be paid bv either the Cap- : r ' nov 19 jP. E. HEIDE. Mountain Butter. TEN KITS. For sale by Hall 6l Pearsall. boy 19 I : ,Wew Bakery. j 'REBPBCTFULLY announce to the citi xena that l am now preptred to deliver to thorn daily HOT BREAD, ,CAKE3 AND PIE. Orders left . t Greenwald's Tobacco Store, (Tfcorbarn's Old Stand), will meet with prompt attention. 8 tore keepe s will find it to their advantage to give me a trial. Reppectfu lj, novl9-tf W. V. LESSMAN. 1879. THE CH ATTERBOX FOR l879iiaTerv attractive number, with New, Interest ing and Instructive Stories for the Little Folks. An immense lot at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. I88O. TURNER'S N. O. ALMANAC, for 1880, juat out. Now is the time for ordering. Books and Stationery of every description. Pianes, Organs and General Musical Mer chandise, at HEINBBERGER'8, nov 19 Live Book aod Muaic Store. OPERA HOUSE. One Night. Positively. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22. The Supreme Favorites ! The Celebrated Rentz-Santley Noreity Company. Reorganized! Remodeled! tn'arred ! 3T S Times Greater thtn Ever ! 31K Look at the Gigantic 0 mpany : Mabel Santley, Kate Raynham, Marion Re quea, Rosa Lee, May Arnott, M'lle Z e, Georgia Parker ' Sisters Liziie, Hattie Forrest, Victoria North, Luiu Mortimer. Ophelia Htarr, Harry The Woods Minnie, Louis Randell, Lida Keavon, Baford aLd Wilson, The Great Lew Benedict, Alfred Anson, Mark Kintz Introduciog for thi first time in America the Sparkling Knglish Burlesque, H. M. H. PIVAFOKR! Macoiri cent Pufltuznet, Brilliant Muic. operb Dn cing. Prices .as U3al. n-at recur4 mi Heintberger's. M. B. LEaVITT, Piopritor n4 Alubngtf' F. R03ENBAU!, fJeierai Aeuu nov 19 3t HOME-MADE CANDY AND POST OFFICE GOOBER STAND. mHE ONLY ;OKNi INK HOMEMADE X Candy in ib citr, trill be found vor daj, frb Bd sweet.' tbr-e d.K-rs -outh of the rot' tic n re(.nd sircet. a Uo, fine French Candies, utf, Kairinj, Fruit, Ac C. K JEVKNH. nov .8 -'eai the Fostofilce. LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS! Jst ic c iired aaelegaat as rtment of Laitft' Button Boots. An elegant. Boz-ioc Fr neb Kid, Frenh Hee', UiikTop Button Boot, de cidedly the prettiett Shoa in the. market. A very desirable Basket Top U nion t-ht3 at $1 per pair. Ladies Pebble Goat Button Bots, very food auality, at $1 50 per pair. Tbeee goods are all new, of th latest styles, and each and every pair warrantei. THO--. H. HOWEY, nov 17 Mo. 47 Nortk Market st mo: their PLEASE NOTICE, We will be glad to receive communication from our friends on any and all rubjects o general interest but : Ihe name of the writer'morC alwtye bo for aished to the Editor. QCommunicatiocs most be written' on on j one side of the'paper. Person alitiee must be avoided. i W And it is especially and particular! v an ' tood tLat the Editor does not always fnd. we views 01 correspondents, unloes o in the editorial coluixns. '. . - 1 - News Advertisements. FALL & WINTER GOODS. AT wj: m. KATzrs'. :J Mnrkrf f HAVING fcUCCELED alUr seveia L weeks of uniii ing ir.dustiT ai d eflorl L iubuyinn the fmoitrTTfODUOTtl of European and American JJanufacturl ers, I am prepared to ofitr to ny Patrons !. ana r rientis Bargains In all the difleient Departmei,.ti .w Li I cannot be excelled in V A R I E T Y AND EXCELLENCE"! By "any House in thecity or eljcwherc. 1. I BLACK DRESS SILKS i OfBelloD, Gulnet, Teillaid and Tonson ' manufacture. ' : J Our Cflebrated heavy Soft GIJOS GRAIN Kfor One Dollar per yard. f - Colorcd Silks, Silk Tel vet, Satins, I ' ; ' ' j ; iu Plain "and Satin Zln'pes. i DRESS GOODS. Satiu ilelango, Cashmere, boie, Broiadc , Persan, Peraan Kaye, 1 ! Raye.Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Stripe! Satiu, Camel's Hair, Colored Cashmeres from 1& centa up, Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 cents Double Width Colored Alpacas,! heavy, only 10 cents per yard. 1 A Great Variety of different styles, suit able ior tiie season, very low. Mourning: .Goods. 1 The best assortment ever offered hrc, in Drab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tainise, Crjipa Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cisli mere ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian, ioin. fat J' Trimmings, Silk, Grass and Ch-iiioil Frin ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every stjie, good and cheap, Skirts andjCorsets. The best Fiay Cent Corset vf s i'd In the city. Ribbons. Fancy, Satin, Striped and ilrccadad, aces and Embroideries in greatest varle y. Housekeeping Goo!, Blanket", Flan' nel. ; t - Men and Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Rochings, Ties, Fancy Good. One Thousand Do.:n I, men Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &: , tc., &c., all at prices which defy com. petition, "and qualities which cinnot fail to give satisfaction. I can af sure my kind patjons tbrtt every artic'e'will he sold A.S LOW, aiul HIE MAJOKITY LOWEK than a;, any previous season. Ordnr S imple utid you bi certain, to pa'ron z ; IVI. M. KATZ, :iii.i kct st. rc' 27' . FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOOD?. IBS. K. J. BAKKK. has just r eel red a i L new supply of Has, Bonnets and everj tbicf: ii tie Millioerv line, which she iiJ ne l cheap for ea-b . Also, Hair Work dote in the bet ttjlcc Wigt, Toupees and Lnriii b'e sams, rr old ladies bandeux, made or repaired. I am receiving new goods weekly and especially iorlte the ladies to give se 1 call. Corner of Orange aod Taird stresta. nov ll-10t For Rent. rBAT DESIRABLE WflABf, at ot of ilulbarry street, lately occupied XTL b the Baltimore Steamship Company, com-ple-e with Offices, tibedt, Ac Also, the COAL aod WOOD YARD, corner of Front and llelberry streets, at present occupied by J. A. Springer. Apply to Mpt30-tf II. MUTT. Glims fipnrnnfs mm VI ill UUlUi UU 1. II IL

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