"'" THI3 PAPER fc,oIUH awry frnor.n, Bur day. ex- ,NSl VT. V ..CiUlyrJONH.OSTA(iE PAID. 'V " i no Hix months, $2 50 ; Three .v,. 1 15: One month, 60 cents. rer will be delivered by carriers, -? ehlrpe, in nj part of the city, at the -Mtes. or 13 cento per wr?k. v;,r-inr.tc.low and liberal f-Su.,icriber will pleasereport any acd ji failure" to recve their papers regularly. New Ad vert laments. REVOLUTION m fill TS 8B0WN.' & RODBICK, 45 Market St; Will sbow the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpels, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. Carpets Carpets, Carpets, Carp Is. Over $250,000 Represented in tlis Vrt. XT' a 4- ci n aajH Carpets, Carpets ( ail cfr, Carpets, We invite all to call who have A.Y iea of purchasing r such goods. Carpets, Carpets,' Carpets, Carpet?. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Garnets ! BROWN & B0BDIC&, 45 Market Street hot 7 JTheFun of It Is rpHAT THE RUSH FOR Gents', Youths, nd Boya CIotliiDg and FurniaMng Goodf, till continues at our two 8tores,notwithstan Kg the immense amount of Goods we have . irea,dT sold this season. The reason is plain. Xobody ever boaght a bad bargain at SHRIEK'S, while our goods, although low v el tre lwJ jnst as represent. o u the beat and cheapest Shirt in tlie cifv, undried and uaJaundried, at " SURIER'3 TtO STORFS, B0T8 Mtrketsi. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS ABO OTHERS! New Job Printing Office! fpaE VND1RSIQNED, having leased the Prerw.Trpes and Materia s of the Daily nin v Printl K Office, bes to an nnee that he ia fully prepared to (O every "eeCriptlon Ot PUin Urn-.Tr.-ntal PHnt- ill, i r of l'ubl c DMronige is re?pect pZK, d- siffatinn euiraatced in "er, inrancH. Net rd Quick and Cheap' motto rfthn. Hice. -"wee in Retikw bui ding, 8. W. Co l.rChei numt.etfw. rner "fWihfT.l.,,1, n tt'nti n win receive prumpv fori3 f Pri' t ne carefully ex cater re a na'e-idir goutof the city and uiaile led "n ,ree of p -t?e. Wan all c cmuuicat:on8 to EDGAR 8. WiRROCK 4 Job Printer, Wilmington, N. C. We Ire Selling (J81LDRK.Vd, Ii rs VOQTU8', ii BnJu, V5rj !ow. GAKPfi THE CLOTHIER AND31ER. TAILOR. 1 1 ( 1 -, . Tift' pll'LY, -REVIEW.; ' . r I . ! VOL IV. VILMINGtqN, N. p., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1879. NO. 245 LOCAL NEWS. Sew Advei-tneriiehtsJ See ad Lost. j ! ! i i A. H. Vaw3oskel,em Turpenti-ie Handf Wattsd. P. HaiHSBKRGKK The Chv?tefbr-:k. Mcfsaoi We are i-'eiJicc A. & 1. StfaiEn ?he Kun of It j The Csh market- was w-li supp ied with trout this morning. Eggs have advanced iu price 1 i lin l !are now selling at 25 cen's per dc zerj. -i The barque Howard bailed frorn Oil boa on the 1st inat. for t The t anirfhiii 7iVru lifer hiire ar- rived at New rk n Tii'-i-Uy The brig An(zeet (Nor.) beu cr arrived at Londonon the 17fb irst. The offshore signal is tlying to-diy andj the Northwest wind i trosh and oo 1. The barque Kn ui AUpsen, lledersen sailed from Trieste on thi 31st ult for this port. The brig Busy Bee, (Jir.j Graham, hence, arrived 17th inst. - at Qufecstowp on the Yesterday it was Eurocly Jon, bit to day it ia Boreas that bB hold of the bellows. 1 There are thirty-one vessels! cow in and nine port, twenty-two square rid gers s:hoonersI You can buy a No. 1 h a'ir.gj or Cook m'SjXo. t Stove at almost any price at Jac 10 South Front street; The barque Rcter Sfden, Aleberg, from London for this pert, at D?als on the 7th int. Kvas anchored We H'terly failvd tp grind out a single itemtfrom any of those friends to the ocals in M-tgistrale's III v tot -d iy The Linkhaw-IIartraan case has been postponed until . Monday j next. The State objected to tho jury ,in consequence of their being separated while 0 Ut 0 Cjurt, causing a mis tria lhe Champion liase uauUlub returned t .this city this mGrnipg. There . w&8 n other base ball club in attftndanrn at the Wadesboro Fair and no prospects of any beiag present. The brig Signal, (Eri) Williams, hence arrived at 'Belfast on thje ,17th inst , with bulwarks and stanchions damaged. River and steamboat ixeh eay there are many indications ot a fresh" ! in the s there will be river and that in a few 3a good toatin? watir. The foundation of the fish market has been laid and the frane made. As soon as the will be put together. .- ofj the building weather sett'es it The constantly irc easjog jopularity of Dr. BuTs Baby Syrup i a guarantee of its u eftdncps nd 'fcffeetiveneiss for children suflVring Diarrl or l)ys?erit bottle. from Wi4d 'Colic, V. Price to cents a It 'ss-'Mrn we haivs s2-.n ;tM 'waiters of tho G'.pe Fe.u in a morn turbu'ssnt . 1 1 tondi- tiont.iit they are ito diy; 'no white other caps it. the waves ard ch.is'.H; pas before the -s ' : Cf N :rih A'osf b. i mad g'ee- Mej' rulers a i.t ;.r.ilvis, I rind ne: a:ui c ou, at .;a: i;. 5 ' r - - - : Have jom tii u.;h: cf i!u g.ood yoju cau do by contiibuin a relief of the destitute jboor of ! this! city? There are many, no do'jibt, who shivered themselves tn sleep last to wake this morning to chesrl'. ss hszv as ajsid a comf'. rtios lay 1 Wc .re iafurmc-tl by Jl. i pceeto Esq , tirritcr parent, tl V th foiloWine rrT idria C f s. to wi!: 11 from 4 1 1 . . ' to 1 4 6 7 ii F;iT Pr:m? GiKvl Hi - 1 t n rntuallablcs. T:.e r.liu.vui un mailable postal tnat- ttr nmu.is at tho Pcsi OHhe in ithis! city Nov. 18h: f . " : 1 Laurah'ua Maltctte, McD.-nough Sf; H O McMillan, St Pauls; Everett Veed, Mcall.i Co, Cheslso Dipot.N C;BH Brit ton, Ptnder coun'y. N C; Georga F Grace, D ovestara. N Cj Clarra Richer s?n, Calboun St 74; Dave Fryar, Ab bjttsbnrg, N C; Mary Hllt, Henry Sta tion; liev T II T. enber, Canna Cande, NC. I harmed with Perjury. E'isha Merrick, colored, waa bound over to the Criminal Court this morning by a trail Justice to anawer to the charge of perjury. Theperjary cise grew out cf the Good Samaritan casts in which Ned Gause took an active part daring the earlier part ot the week. Pretty General. The disagreeable woather of yesterday aad the snow which followed, seerri to hive been pretty general throughout the cduotry. Yesterday was as disagreeable a it lay as ever fell to the lot of the iahab- knt,f of this dis'rict. Tbe rain poured in torrents and las'; night about 7 o'c!ork changed to !eet which continued until it tmduizht The traiu which caaia in th!is morning were all whita; with the beautiful flcakes the storm having extend ed from Augusta to Weldon, and from this place to Charlotfe and perhaps still farther North and South aud West. At this writing, 1 P. M.t nearly every trace ot it hereabouts has disappeared. Postal Rulings. Among others of the recent decisions of the Post Office Department, the following may be interest to our readers: Books single volumes may be sent by mail no matter what their weight Other third clafs matter 4a limited to four (4) pounds. Writing on the address side of postal cards is no longer forbidden. ; It does not now render them unmailable, but corres pondents are cautioned that such writing may confuse the direction of the cards and prevent their prompt delivery. Mail matter of any class may be for warded from one office to another without additional charge for such forwarding. Formerly first class matter only was ac corded this privilege; now it is held to apply also to second, third or fourth class matter, provided the postage shall have been fully prepaid in the first insta nee The Timber Market. Our friends in the country will prob ably take advantage of the froshet which we think they are sure to have nxt week, to send in all of the timber now cut and which can be rafted in time. This will probably not exceed a few mi lion feet In view of this fact some remarks about the market here are in order. From a timber agent in this city, one of long ex perience, we learn that the market is at this time absolutely bare of gooi timber, prices having advanced, in j consequence of the advance in lumber abroad, to from $1 to$l 50 for all jclafses, except in ferior,! short-leaf. This the producers are advised not to bring to this market at all as . there is no demand for it here. In fact, there are several rafts of this quality now on band which are, only disposed of with; much difficulty and that at prices: which are not re munerative. All other quotations will sell. readily at the advance we hare quoU ed, as the demaad here now is active and this week there is none on market. It is probable, unless thtre is a sudden de cline abroad, which does not seen at all likely, that all of the good timber which is brought here within tho next two weeks will sell readily at the advance. A Feminine Frolic. A bevy of beautiful young ladies when heir eyes opened this morning upon the first snow of the season, organized for a f rolic. Clad in the warmest garments they could find in their wardrobes and closely hooded and . thickly shod, they sallied forth to seek for victim?. At first they thought of building a snow man to pelt but just at that time a corpulent ice man, who is, by the way, a great favorite with tha girls, happened along and thinking that he would answer as well foithwith snow balls fell about his aars. The defeat was utter and overwhelming and, shall it ba confessed? this ice man(wbo is also a nice man) incontinently fled. Elated with their first victory and having once tasted, blood the young ladies proc3eded on their triumphant way to Market strea driving all before, them. Oa 'Mark between LFront and Second, th ir victcry culminated ia tha igiomini. is defeat of a leading dry goods dealers .d a clo hing merchant, whose gray ha' rs formed no resistance totha onslought j( the beautiful A miz ins, flushed aa they were with victory. The fun was not suspended until the snow on the street had so melted that it was found impos sible any more to procure the necessary munitions of war when the fair' maidens were tbe resolves compelled to sound a graceful retreat. I - City Conrt. Charlotte Bach. a'iaa TT . wa3rri;g;Q?d b.re the Myor this mom n upoajtbe chnrg of larceny of a cloak and a qqantity of braiif from a Mirket street dry grods store. The evidence against the defendant was i rettv strous and she was bound over ia the sum j of $100 to tho Criminal Court in default; of which she waa commi ted to jsil. I J Sar yourmoney by buyiogj your Build' ing Supplies'from Altaffer & IMce. f r The Beautil'ui Snow. Oh, the sno-tr, the beautiful tnowj was a magnificent night wh;ch met It the view of our people a? they looked out for the first time this morubg The, air war clear and braciugand the sun rose in a!l of his beauty, thus adding mvich to the scene. It lay upon the ground in open places to a depth" f -between two and three inches and in some places had drifted as deep as five inches. It was tbe first snow we have had here in eight years and tbe sight was is novel as beautiful. 1 it was Window Glass all sizes at All after & t Price's. New Cigar sum . Captain Walter Coney his just re turned from Baltimore whither he has been for the past ten days purchasing a first class stock ! of fine cigars, tobacco, snuff, and so forth, which he intends of I I 1 fering to the public at the lowest cash prices in the store one door West of Nor throp's confectionery store, on Market street. Captain Coney is a deservedly popular gentleman and we trubt that his many friends ; who wish him wel', will prove their sincere desire for his success by walking up to the Captain's office and making . their purcha tes in that line from Captain Ce stock. In this way Captain Coney will have an ocular demonstration of his friends' well wishes a will as a tari gible evidenee'of the sane. The celebrated Zeb" Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowr st cash prices at Jacobi s Hardware Depot. t Change of Management. We regret very much to learn that Mr. L. A. Angel, for many years past the effi cient Manager here of the Western Union Telegraph office, has seen fit to resign that position, with a view to a removal to Richmond, where he will continue in the service cf the Company. His successor here, Mr. F. D. Cudlipp, has arrived and taken charge, everything having been turned ov .r to hkn on Tuesday. Mr. Angel has been a resident of this city for the past fourteen years. He en tsred into service here as operator when he was .but 16 years old, and when 23 was appointed Manager, a position which he has filled very acceptably for the past seven years. The position has been one of arduous labor and of great responsibility. Mr. Angel will remain here about ten days longer when he expects to leave for Richmond. He has made many warm personal friends in Wilmington during his long residence among us and his departure will cause a feeling of universal regre. You pay the lowest cash prices for Household Hardwareat Jacobi 's Hard ware Depot. f Another Charge of Larceny. Charlotte Beach, alias Henretta Brady the colored woman arrested lor larceny yesterday, was ssnt on to the Crimin I Court by the Mayor this morning upon the charge of larceny. On the matter of the forced order, "the paper was turned over to klr. Solicitor Moore for his consideration at the next term of the Criminal Court. Shortly after the above named defen dant was given into the custody of the Sheriff, a couple of colored women put in their appearance at the City Hall, one of whoai claimed that the prisoner who had just been tried by the City Court had her shawl, and that this very same defen dant, Charlotte Beach alias Henrietta Brady, had stolen the same from he premises. It seems, therefore, from all accounts that a somewhat notorious tbier has beea caught at last. Dental Card. I AM MAKING Artificial dentures to fit perfectly and as prettv ai the natural teeth. bat it is better to save the nrural t-etn if poaaible. tfo my patrons willple call with out delay and be seated ia tha moat comfort able chair ia use. Si lUrket $t WUuiiito, jr, c Hot. , 1879. MARRIED. McMiLLiw rrpaaKLL In thia city, on tbe evening of 19thinti,by the JUt. Geo. W. McMillan, N. W. MeMiLLAN to Misa SAL LIK F. KUaSKLL. So carda. 4 BDRR-WALTO.V-At the reaidtnee of tne bride parents on the 18th inat , hj the Kr Neilaon Falla, Mr. F. H. BURR, of uimnifvn, to M:sa LILLIAN WALTON. Moraranton i , New Advertisements. Lost, A FIX g CAMEO 8EAL RIV V T while in dalginr in a eaoae oiSnoif Ball on the r.re,iae of Meiara. Colvilla Co'a Mill Yard this morula r. Tfe (tud&r win w .. ably rewarded by leaving th tana at th "wee. . . t noT 20-2t TURPEHTIXE HANDS WAF1TED. J-JCX CUTTEK3, Hacker, and DipperJ can obtain employment at the Turpentine) Fa rirs of the undersigned in Georgia and South Carolina. Apply at mv offiae in Wil mington, nor 20-d3tw3t H. VahBOKKELEN. Ship; Notice. A LL PERSONS are hereby cau- la. tioned against barbrinsr or trusting any of tbe crw f tbaN'or. Barque VI KING, Capt. KaamoAce , aa no debta of their contraction will be paid by either the Cap tain or Consignee. " ov 19 . R. E. HilDE. Mountain Batter. N KITS, For sale by Hall & Pearsal! hot 19 ! Wew Bakery. ! -. J BESP.wTFCLl,Y announce to tbe citi zensthat lam now prepared to deliver to them daily HOT BREAD, CAKSS AND PIE3. Orders left t Greenwald's Tobacco Store, (Thorburn's Old Stand), will meet with prompt attention. SUre keepeis will find it to their advantage to give me a trial. Respectful, novl9-tf . W. F. LE33MAN. 1879. THE CHATTERBOX FOR 1819isaTerv attractive number, with New. Interest ing and Inatructive Stories for the Little Folks. An immenae lot at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. 1880. TURNER'S N.'CL ALMANAC, for 180, just out. Now is the time for ordering. i Books and Stationery of every description. Pianes, Orrans and General Musical Mer chandise, at j . HEINSBERGER'S, nov 19 Live Book and Muaic Store. OPERA HOUSE. One Night. Positively. SATUKD'AY, NOVEMBEK 22 jPST' The Supreme Favorites The Celebrated Rentz-Saniley Noyelty Company. Reorganized! Remodeled! Enlarged! S Times Greater than Ever ! 3tR Look at the Gigantic Company : Mabel Santlev, Kate Raynbam, Marion Re- qaea, Kosa Lee, May Arnott, M'ile Z)e, . Georgle Farker Hiatera Lfzxie, Hattie Forrest, Victoria North, LuiU Mortimer, Ophelia Starr, HarryThe Woods Minnie, Louise Ran dell, Lida Ken von, Sauford and Wilson, The Great Lew Benedict, Alfred Anson, Mark Kintz. Introducing for th a firat time in America, tbe Sparkling English Barleaqae, H. M. 8. PINAFORE! Magnifi cent Costumes, Brilliant Muaic, Huperb Dan ring. Prices as usaaL teata secured at Heinaberger'a. M. B. LKAYITT, Proprietor and Manager E. ROSENBAUM, General Agent. nov!9 3t HOME-MADE CANDY AND POST OFFICE GOOBER STAND. THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found every day, frveh and sweet, three door a South of tbe Postoffice on Second street. Also, fine French Candies, Nuts, Baiaias, Fruit, Ac. C. E. JEVKN8, nov 18 Near tbe Postofflce. LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS! Juat re ceived aaelegaat assortment of Ladies' Button Boots. An elegant Box-toe French Kid, French Heel, Silk Top Battoa Boot, de cidedly the prettiest Shoe in the mark et. A very desirable Basket Top Button fcboj at $3 per pair. Ladiea Pebble Goat Button Boots, very good quality, at S3 60 per pair. Tkeee good are all new, of thi latest atlea, and each and every pair warranted. TH03.H.HOWKY, nov 17 No. 47 Jorth Market at. PLEASE 50HOE. I , Wo.wiU be glad to reeelve eoatainicationj from our friend on say aad all rnbjecto aTMeratflntwettbif:1--J,v' 1 ' Th name of the writer;awq ahriyr for ftUhed to the Editor.; wTujw ' ComaittnJcaUoni intut bejrittea' tm ozf OMtidebftlTtCpaiar. ; i PersoaaOitiee mvst be avoided. iTAnd h It OTpeGfaUyudptxtiCQlarlacdcr tood that the Editor doea not always end we new oi correspondents; onleaafo in th editorial coIbtsm.' 5 New Advertisements FALL & TOM' GOODS. at - . ; tW- IV3. KAT7S t 3C Marlfcf .' "TJAVING SUCCEEDED' after seven i JJL weeks of untiring industry and effort In haying the CHOICEST TBODUCTt of European and American Manufactur ers, I am prepared to oiler to my Frirona and Friends Bargains In all the diflerent Departmentswhich cannot be excelled in. V A R IE T Y ! AND fByny Hcusejn thecity oreliewhere. BLACK DRESS SILKS! "i Of4Be)lon, Guinet, Teillard and Tonson manufacture. Our celebrated heavy, Soft GKOS G'ttAItf Kfor One Dollar per yard.; i I Colored Sillig, Silk Vcl vets, SnfiiBs, in riain Jand Satin tiipes. DRESS GOODS. , Satin Melange, Cashmere, boie, Brocade - Persan, Persan Raye, j Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Striped Satin, Camel's Hair, j - i Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 cents y Double Width Colored' Alpacas, heavy, only 16 cents per yard.. ? m J A Great Variety of different stvles. suit- a uio xor me season, very low. r .i - , (VlourninGoods. . The best assortment ever offered here, in Drab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crapo Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Casb nfcre ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian Cloth. Trimmings, Silt, Grass and Cheneil Frin ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every styl, good and cheap, Skirts andJCorsets. The best Fifty Cent Corset ever sold in the city. Ribbons, Fancy, Satin, Striped and Brccad2df aces and Embroideries in greatest varlc y. nousekeepirg Goods, Blankets, Flan nel. '; ; I- Men and Boys' Weaiy Ladies' Cloth', Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Rachlngs, Tics, Fancy - Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &i. . tc Ac, all at prices which defy com petition, 'and . qualities which cannot 'fail to give satisfaction . I can assure my kin d patrons that every article" will be sold AS LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWER than at any previous season. Order Samplct and you will' be certain, to patronize - aIMarkct St.' oct27 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. MBS. 8. J. BAKES has just received a. new supply of Hats, Bonnets aad every thing la the Milllaerv line, which she will ell cheap for cash. Also, Hair TTorkrdore in the beat atyles. Wiga, Toupees and invisi ble seams, or old ladies' bandeaux, made or repaired. I am receiving new goods weekly and especially invite tbe ladies to give ace a call. Corner of Orange and Third atreetsl . nov ll-10t o - For Rent. rjlHAT DESIRABLE WHARF, a f oot of Maiborrv jtreeLlaijiIv mm Wa Tfipnrnnfs br the Baltimore 8teamehiD Compaav, com Pf witjj Bbedi, Ac. Also, tb COAL and WOOD YARD, corner of Front and Malberry streets, at present occupied by J. A. Springer. Apply to .eptso-tr n.irrjTT

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