I il i : i The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. ft. C JSKTKRKD AT THE ?OSTOrFICE AT WuaoaroToar, K. C, As-SicoKiCLASa Ma.tticr.1 TUE8DAT. NOVEMBER 2. 1871. GRANT AND THE SOUT LIN A IS HORSEBACK." TK1VTS AND RtsVlfifVS. Tbe Duke and Duchess of Bucclcuch Trill toon celebrate their gelden wedding He ii the premier Duke of Scotland, and Is lord of 450,000 acrea, with a renta of $1,600,000 per year. According to Mr. Lowe the cost of bringing the 7,000 Sepoys to and from Malta last year, at the. time of Lord Beaconsfield's grand coup, was $7G5 per man, or a gross sum of $5,355,000. The work of preparing the Egyptian obelisk for removal to New York CDntin- ues. It will be lowered at the beginning of December and launched in a case and will than be thrnat lenethwise into the hull of the steamer. At the annnal meeting of the stock- holders of the Baltimore & Ohio road.htld last week, the annual report shows the net earnings of the main stem and all branches and divisions for the year were $0,502,384, an increase of $428,700 over 1878. In Paris there is an 'Association to Prevent the Abuse of Tobacco and Alcohol.' A prize of two hundred francs and a medal are offered for the best work showing the evil effects, moral and physical, of the abu.se of tobacco and alcohol. Erasmus Wilson, the great English authority on skin diseases, who paid the coat of erecting Cleopatra's Needle in London, is about to spend $100,000 on a saa-bathing infirm-try for the scrofulua" A much better way th'u of spending money than tbe other. It is calculated by the Ibdian papers that the war expenses of the Government of India are upward of ten lacs of ru pees, or 100,000 per day. A simple sum will demonstrate how a prolongation of the contest may embarrass the Beacon&fteld ministry iu their next budget. It is intimated in official circles tt at Secretary Sherman is seriously, thinking of recommending in his forthcoming re port that Cong rea pass legislation look ing toward the gradual and permanent retirement of the (. upstanding $346,000, 000 legal tender notes. STROKG UXDEBCCKRF.ST-TN SOUTH C.fiO FAVOR Oi l Til K MAN io AND ALEX M2Ii H. STEPHEN WHY THE HF.ly) OF APPO MATTOX WILL 1,L'IMVE A jl.OV.M. RECEPTION. Wilmington N. O. Nov. 20 is.7p Tbe letter of our A auta cWnvon dent concerning the jb oai" of Grant m1 Stephens has ttruo.k a ppulr eh jid here, and has couscqueLtly caused no little excitement, as m Atlanta an "un-Icri-nr rent is row flowing j atrong'y ataocg the beit Democrat. in tavor of a non-partifn rya fin .h-rft vru wifL lamon" tne lawvers. busmen men'orilaDoriDg c:a3es?, jjorjlaboriog c!a3s youwill hear enthusustnj: comments on Grant being the strongest man in politi cal America. Ever Mti. e he ladded on the shores of California thi sentiuient in bis favcr has largely increased, a1 nd now tbep is a popular fej.ling here wf : 1 lair:g 4afide' ail f .Truer pci ,.ts of a "third term,' hei ve. tb' i tie. "man on horseback, ,: is inn only man to suve the governrnent.fr. mi down fall and ruir. His const!. tents a gue that experience has taught (riant "better inan nes;', that, hen is learned the residen tial' ropes to advantage ; that alio travel have "it-iup'ied him down, " am! thepartisau President of'jeateixUy will be tbe unbiast-d man of to-morrow, utiiLiiC his every effort, nut' for 'the good 'of, tne "solid North" or the "solid Souih,"' but for the solid Uniou. This has been the prevailing sentiment, for 'long before old Alexander II. Stpbns was thought of as a candidate for the Vice Presidency, and since this non partisan ball has been start ed, a unanimous thiill has run through Southern politics in favor qf Grant and Stephens. It is the sincere belief of J out corresiK tleut . that this blate, indeed, every urer, or Roaster, ghall directly or indi rectly be c ncerrvd or interested in car ryijicm the businefs cf trade or com nitre; an i eviry. prrton who ffends Agiit.st acy of tii3 prchihitioos of! this c i4n sh ill ' h) itemed guilty of a h h n-is lrm"AUor snd forfeit to the TuUed .M.i!e. 'the. per airy of 3,000; and shall njon conviction be removed from oitice, and forever t bereft trr be incpible of holdirj viil-z-: undfr the United SUtes.' Fart Grape Winc Used in Churches for Communion fcnrpoaet .uiHns!ite and. You never can eeo a weman button auy thing that fehel can pin. A veryj iicu man said: 'I worked like a slave till I w,ts fifty to make my fortune and I've been watching it like detective ever .sinc for my lodging, food and clothe. ' Lemonade, bcc rdirg to an Oliio physician, has twenty one different so lions on the system .whi'e eodi . watei ha only foil; Free Piesa. Ti e en cumber has n evt-n twenty ni; e, all in ditferent direc' icim.- ;iu Com. VimS' utlur Southern Stat-, a. ill tf-nd a unanimous support ioi this- ticket The hfill has gained teo much momentum t stop now. I Many 1 Democrats have spoken cf the feasibility of Graut being noui nateo: ny tne i-uj ocratic Convention, and by thus "Oghtu g the devil with lire" they, may yet deceit Republicanism in 1880. Mr. Settle was shirp enough to see tnat ifaomeS mtheru man of prominence was placed ou a ticket with Grant the South would carry it through by storm; but be made a de cided mistake when he took up an i idea that he was the mau. He niigrn possibly' have carried North Carolina and Florida, but as for the other Stales, vvhy, tbey would treat his nomination with utter contempt Alexander H. Stexhens is the man to whom the South looks, and with Grant's name and influence at the hual of the ticket, both will atcuie tne unan imous support of the '"solid South. ' '( Grant's proposed visit to the South wid be the highest "boom"' of the' period and will be the raejans 'of increasing his already large popularity here. ,The edi tors of the Wilmington JJuhiing Star, like true Southerners1, have spyktu kind ly of his coming and promised him, in behalf of the people, i a hearty welcome On the other hand, aa evening sheet, the Review, has expressed most biased and mmaulv sentiments about bis coming nJ declares itself, not willing1 to "take ny stock" in the reception j of bo base a Don CJtloso was lately e ected pansn partisan as Ulysses S. Grant. Tne South priestly the citiaans of Aqui, in Pied- has not so lar iorgotren (hersoit as to allow oaont, whereupon ne drew iup a constitm- , i - .. l. , . . ,r ... , , . . the courts of every nation of the wond to viuu ir wio wi,, u.vU u.ci. t h midst without due annreciation ana uock outsiae 01 ine jurisaiction 01 tne 0t his position. iNo; Gr&ut will receive Bishop and the Holy See, for all admin- a right royal reception, sich as none bijit There is f dif mai amount cf truth in the New York Commercial Adver tiser's remaik that the expert who doea not regard eery other expert as a most uemitigated ass is no expert, at all.' ' ' I . A Knickerbocker gcxtieman well ac quainted with the -characters of looal 'lielp' eayn: ,A., a oacinnan to un hitch i trace, eeu ou the lieioest night, and ou the iiezt night he will expect- that you wiii unhitch both traces. A nm tpps Rinr- f 'nvfi t.hre eViTT '1 he voonre3t child mar partake o it eener- u,, ' i hui'u ,i.n r4,rfa xvb.n lnvft oua'auali ties, and the weakest invalid ma ii . - . i . .;t i -f use it to adTant2e. a i enow omy lour or uve uourt, out . ficjal t the aged and deb(Uuted, acd b iter the tyveuty-four, anci bestow their &t- t th. variOU8 aients tuat afflict th weake fections upon several ether ch?ps du sex. itiain every reet.ert, h. WiNE TO HK ring the p m mine hous of tfe day, HELID w.N. are what ihe New York custom officers would call 'iraudti iu Bilk.' Tuey should love every hour or uot at all. Norristown Herald Speer's Tort Uraye U;i nc Fours Years 018. rpniS JUSTLY CELEBISATl N ATI Vt Wine ia made from the juice 01 the Oprt Gi ape, raised in thii count y. ltj.invalubh Tonic ana: Sircnathenina Proparties are unaurpaseed bv any ether native Wine, Being the pure juice of the grape, producec under Mr. Ppeer'own persona' suiervibion, its purity and eauineneaa are suarrtnTeea, Miscellaneous. Micellanoc 1 CJti' l.'.i oviift 2000 DKi if;isrs Have igr.ed the foil. i-ic'renarkble paper, the signatures of w! id offiYe .; " 1 . ' ' : essrs s'EHUi:'Y. .;10IIXSOX, 21 Flatt St., New )rk : ClE.NTLlIMJiN ' t.T.',-1... t r., .... 1 - I I aid the. Public prefer DEHSQW'S rADriiir 1 1 i We colder them on of . " verv n s Plasters. PhvficiaTis PLASTER " others lvrueoies worthy of confitltM:c dines for Fxtfrnal use. 1 hey are Siiix'rior to al! v..vr I t'i"s i t v rand (Srahd Ppenin Cr.artd ! k World of Good. gpccr'sl. tJ. Sherry,- The P. J. 8HEKRT is a Wine of "iUI'h. RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of tbt e trom wnicnit PROFSRTIES. Have the pleasure of again announcing to the public tLat we have an unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to oflVr customers one of the. Grandest and Cheapest stocks of ' READY-MADE C LOTHIWS ! Prices ranging in Suits from $3.00 upwards : A beautiful and grand assortment in GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ! Which we guarantee cannot be equaled in this city. latest styles in a r, .( 1 z lden qualitiea of the grape from whichit is made. For MEDICINAL it wil' be found unexcelled One of the most popular medicines Speer'i P. J. or Pedro J Brandy. now before the American public is Hop Bittera You see it every where People take it with Ood thVct. jt builds tbem up. Jt i not as pleasant to tLe taste as some otbtr Bitters as iL-is not a whiskey drh.k. It is more iike.Ntbe old labioued bonenet tea that has ddne ' a Iwrld of ood. It jou don't fel jut riht try Hop BitteiEi. Nunda A'ew-v, Dr This noted Brandy ia a pure distillation from the grspe and is equai to the finest Hen neesy or Otard Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can be relied upon as strtctly pure. ( See that tbe sijnature o Alfred Speer, Passaic. J., ii over tht cork of each be t- ti tle. 1 A. RPEEK'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards New Jersey. Office, N'o. 34 Warren St., New For sale bv GREEM h i?"L INN R, J . C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P L BRIIGER CO. atil My trative purposes, and constituted iving -Humbert his protector. Mr. Edward Wbymper, who wat the first Englishman to successfully ascend tbe Matterhorn, has left England for Ecuador. It ia his intention to utilize th exnoiicr.ee he has gained in the Alps by exploring and attempting the ascent of the Great Andes. lie is accompanied on the expedition by his old Alpine guides, Jean Antoine and Louis Carrell. in t ans a tew weefcs since there werej tt tbe theatre on one Saturday night, the Prince and Princsss of Wales, the Czare ritch and hereditary Grand Duchess, Prince Napoleon, the Count of Paris Queen Isabella of Spain, Don Carlos, the f If . Slar uJ Li t i at a I i i i r i l . j I 1 i 1 u uie, mr. uuu .aim. wiau- mauViove we will mabase to ndtUD with tone, Adeiina i-atti, ana nan a oozen hifl h Tm) nAY Uevienv cllwima Russian grand dukes a rather brilliant w be fch exponeat pf be'true Democratic group of celebrities. seutiment of tbe tnfc io;Ie of W the South can give and such as u jne but Grant could red ive. ! , l , The above we find ip Sun day's isue el the New York : Herald, and we publish iVfor thi, L?nefit of '". o-i it may concern . We aia irt:?r;aa that we know) tna man who v'rot3 it; to us the ear-marks are very plain. lie i3 a carpet-qagger aiid Le came down here with, tha Federal Army, and he traded and raffiske'd in npro vctes and he was one of the original Grant men and he is (a Grant man, now. Of course he hates the jKevikw fbr it. denunciation 'of Grantj just in the same proportion in whica he loves' the btar for its recent proposition to take to its bosom the man whom it has so freLly deuouueed is .rmmifmwM r ri p.---- . i3k. VAfJAB2.rTItUTIIS. WW Xt Ton it . nxfferinrr r.n r -"r irc'th, or languisti ing ousf bed -i ?i ii-n- uie ti cv. lor i:.:tor.-vt Cure ion. ft Tfm are Tcrv;--n j-.t u jaye overtaxed yotsr out with 'arirawfv,,'iy., aro.r.i;; r'f. S3iowjiTig- way, R IJop IJiUf-r .:.;';?tiKtoru ion 1 fvoi laie'r raanor onn-lj.his, wcaltoiJed ty tht Over f jUiruiw1"' :.-rvcarthcn You. Moll's Endorsement cf Speer.s Port Crape Wine. ( The folIovVio!, from the,ce!ehrated Dr Mott ot New Yuik, Bpt-aksl wonders for Mr. Speer'n efibrts to raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey: 02 Madison Avenue, V New Yobk, Aprii 11, 1878.' -J-Mis. Alfuld SrEER Dear Sir ; The visit wl'iich I made last year to !your Vineyards, wine-presses aid vaults at Passaic, N.ajJ., satis'acd nae thoroughly teil W that tha wmea ' manutactured bv vou are i!cn !i;iitrs v.-i puio auu . uuauuivuavcu, ouu mo Cij ,,u, trrcw-irjcto. SJfart -sis often tli caso a ii i T j x i . . .. .. i. i : r i 1 - ' - . nest mat caa dq ouereu vj puDHC ior liiou IiJter"ivln&il livo Von. tpedlCinal Uses. I : If yen ar? . u tliq -.v-;!!-. '.l!rp ouhe fsrn, at ihf ittcr.s iffiWIiiit Yon . benefit, to my patients. There can b no bttter prool to the doubting mind, as to the Wine being made o; the finest Oporto Grape, than a 'visit to the acres of laud covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success ia your praiseworthy enter prise, I reiu-iia res pctf ally yours, 1 ALEXU. MOiT.M.D'; Prof, of Surgery, Ikllevue il.sp. Med'l Culiege. &c-, tVc Fur sale bv J. C. Mut-ds. Green & Fianner. P. L. Driders & Co. . at the time. I have since recommeaded tbe eating, P,W IVir o mr.rt nn r t ifn 1 irl v in mvl il.-'P Bor Cough I. fed. f-;!:le. yovi) anJ bet. 'C3JS i". tl'. r : Dne P.rtrl M for Storaaca. L:v-r an.t HMnoys is np. 'iorto'uUotiifra. Oivckuv a..-.r.in. It ia perfect. D L C. is analjwtate ra!dir: ?.-:i-.f- cure for drunk- : . .'. Uuhster,N. T.I Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes!! 1 i In all qualities and prices, imported direct lrom the Mumifacturerd whicn we guarantee to be 01 superior quality. ' '. " 1 1 .We also have one of tbe choicest and largest stocks of Two an 1 Xhr Ply and Brussels Carpets, Kugs, Matting and Oil Cloths 1 i. at astonishing, low prices.. Please examine. i oct 25 CRAY'S SPECIFIC f RADE MARK MEDICINE. TRADE MARK fx-- Watches, Thi Great English Rem edy, An ua fttilir g cure for piemioal W e a k n pbs, S permitrtrr- bea, rapoien-cv.andalldie- i,irU.iE TAKIKQ. eases that f 1 AFTER TARING. ij, as. a gtquence of f elf-Abuse; as Lo&i ct Memo y, Univi-reaV 1 aeitade, Fain in the H ick, 1 lMmnt'89 of Vision, Premature Old Aj?e, and inanvj .other i ieis 8 tnt lad to JsJii'V or Cotiumptiou and a Premature av5. Fell pa-ti-Jular ijn our ramh!et, which we desire to send frj-e bv mail to every 'i. The peci6c Meicice i sold by all druygista1 at $1 per package, or six pack age" for $5, ior wll be ent free' by miil n receipt of the ir.nTte-' by aid'p?in TH n AY WISDICI ME CO., QHRONOMETEUH, j JLWELRV, 4c. Repaired neatly and promptly, bf ' L .1. U WINNER, No. 3 South Front street, Wiljiinton. . C.I Orer tv t nty years' expeiieLCe. Give-ttet trial. I 1 400 Varieties Albany Cakes and Crackers -Cheap rnough, T7U1.L LINES lcmr, FbAm L Teas. Brrurs, MoIsBeg, roiri,, Bakiri? Powders. ( izare, tWtctwfcem. 4c. Bold at manufacturer! prices. Cotivi menta' Ar-plps, Cabbage, i)ti4,' P'Ut gutter ana Couotry ri o luce cpusuniij m Mecbv ic's iocfc, u.itroit, Mien. v!.' i I Pold in VVi!mi gton a-.d everywhere ,Dff ,a lo T HKlAt-0V A rp., I by a.idruffpisti. oct . ll-d y. ' c, .,3.tf Corner CLaut a WnerfJ CLYDE'S m We Da Not Claim are iiaporiani to mc Afflicted. We would advise all who may need the advice ot' a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Kouertson, 19, 8oJ Eutaw St., .Baltimore, Md., who from lo jera expe rioucc in Hospital and Special Practice, cruaian'tees a cure in all dboaseg of the Urinary Organs aud of the NjrvouSyfe tein, Organic and Seminal Weiiknes, lm potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility a,ria trembhrg, ralpit it on of tbe Ileatt, dimness of sight or giddiness, No tuinal Eaiissions, !tc., all. rt'fculting fron abuses in vouth. cr excesses iu manhood ; " 4 i also au skiu anti oicoii dist-iiscs .cuicklv Accordinc to tne lnrestizations of a ton, and me concspo.MbMit Kuovr?, as wen j cured. Dr. K. 14 a ratiuate ot one of the I . t - 1 t .srt!l.. ..J l.AA4, .. ..'!yA ... ' z at.:-. t t r T. nr as we ao. inai iuesei . ueoiue are uo nan- uiut mm w&i ujcujcai -mkjjs m iui I i luto In thaler, ilinr t.h cl.tIO .tC In i i.i .nttt nn1 ' . all coiisUltHiL'hiiu c-iii n-ly upon honorable and :.conlidential treat ;iu!t. In writing enclose stamp t'ortepiju , bpt;c;al attention fiiven to all leiaale complaiuts. Go3d; ac ccmni.Mia? ions! F;r all wi-hinj. to call and see fain, mh.i U:m s-mii to any .ni.lr.ss. "OA.TRONAGE s"mply because n a home enterprise, nor do we exp :t it al the expense of any or.e3 pocket. W t DO 1 CLAlil that we can till any oidr f. r Sash, Doors and Blinds, Or anything Injour line, at as LOW FIG UREt, and as good work and material, as can be bought anywhere. Window iiast, Builder's Supplies always on hand. Our new DRY KILN is in operation and none but the best Lumber is used. Respec". fully, 1 ALTAFFER & riUCE. Factory Foot of Wathut street. Office Gor Nutt and Ked Crora street! nov 17 ' f iDg if an excellent means' of preventing consumption, and for tbe development and strengthening of tbe chest it is more efficient than even gymnabtic exercises. l l be frotesaor nas examtnea 'Z jo smgers rarying in age from 9 to 53 years, and found that the chest is greater and to liayes, the man whoy.dirt.y, meauaud venial as he i, is no dirtier, meaner 01 more venial than Grant, aud we do nut propose , at this late day, t bow down to strange gods whose origin -js too pl.iiuly of the earth) earthy , aiid vey dirty e.ntij al thaL The intellnreut correspoudpn: of stronger among them than among persons the New York Herald of any other occupation. On of tbe latest Ritaliit develop mant8 in England has been the formation of what is ealled tbe Guild of St Luke. Ihis society, which seeks to bsndtogeth" er medical men of pronounced Anglican tendencies, recently held high f estiva in bt Irani s uatneorai and la various ways ia thnxsting itself upon the nttice of the public. The London Lancet ob- serrea this movement, it says, witn nn fringed apprehension. hardly netds lo be told here mat mere are no tyrant me:i iu Wilmington, outside of hii o.vri prty. Were the source of accusation other ihu It is, it would be a libel .on the people tf this good old town to assert otherwise. j JOHN SUERMA.N "We give below tbe 1 AGAIN. text jof the la v Mouutaiii Butt sr. TEN HITS, Thos. McKoy, Eobt H- McKpv -' . 1 1 WILMINGTON, N. C j , etSce North side Market street, betweej econd and Third streets. - 1 iaa 2T-H TheWewH at S to re. OUR 8T0CK of Men'i, Youthe', Boy and Children's Hats acd Caps is com plete,.whica we propo:e to sell as low as the lowert. We have a lare aisortment of 8lk, Cloth, Scotch and Astric&n Caps, very cheap. Also, a large line of Umbrellas. Th .ee wishing anything in bur line will do well to examine before making their pur chaJiB. ' . I 1 JOH M. ROBIN80N, New 1 York AND tfWijmir.gton Steamship M. C. Line. " 1 Steamoi tch t-.1 n etvfn. Includine (JnndScai 'and rtnriirht. all strictiv f 1 Hit CLAM( K1 the lowest sht"0ash wh-ji.m prices, direct to th purch askk. TbeMni3 made one of tlx.- tinc.-t -Uplaya ttr V tennial Exhibition, and tr ananiBoasJiJ commended for the HioHiPT db.ioM-" 12,000 in use. KernUr!j incorpontidW ttficturin Co. Fac tory MubiUhedor years The Square (irandrcoDtmnkJE, shek's new patent Duplex Overitrwrjsh the greatenf improvement n the'tjjjj d:. .1.: Th. .ITnriuhta aT tfeeS . j r: muTt r,n tru in America. rnu" kui n-v r,;i A no fnr liluitr&ted and Vtzr catalogue of 48 pages failed free. MENDELSSOUN ri.ANO CO. 1 r.th mtrptL 1 1 iu fcU aol 7-6m 11 Kx't New Eiver Oysteis. LTAVIXO MADE AMPLE r- L. 1 ! I am now prepare rangemenU, I am now r"F'"j " j celebrattd DILL'S Gih rhich John Sherman. is jdaitj violating, to which we referred in our editorial re marks yesterday. It ia ' concise and exi plicit, and certainly brings him and his position surely within its meaning an 1 in- Errtos Brotner Key n war on uie louery tion. He is one of the directors of the companies doing business with the postof,. Pittabare, Fort Wavne and Chicazo rail- . . . . i .i s i ,nce department is not oasea on 0iga.oni which u a corpo atiori eDgageJ in erouaa. u may nave oeeasuppwea. n is i . . . r.-. j j . capitalists of tbe Louisiana lottery com pa r niea into the support of the Republican ticket in that State. The company baa been a power behind tbe'politicsof Loum i all intents and purpose. In the United States Revised Statutes, section 211, is contained the full text of the law which he has violated, and of which he is liv- ana lor aeTeral years. 'Howard's money ing and actiDg in httsr disregard and de- has been poured out liberally in making 1 fiance. The particular section referring tickets and carrying Legislatures, and to the position he occupies is as follows : Kellogg la endeavorlDg to force him up to I No person appointed to the office of hU ennnort in the rrjresent contest This I Secretary of the ireasurv. or irirst la what the gossips say. V Comptroller, or First Auditor, or Treas 0tJ4 2t 'or bale by Hall ncvl9 arsai! Lime I Cement ! JC3T LANULD TO-DAY, A CARGO of FSKSii ROCK LIME aid C'-MEST, which we are EclliLg at lower figures than ever- known here. Call on us. I ROBIXSOX KISO, i nov 10-tf Cor. Water &. Orange its. j For Sale. FIKE JERSEY COV, QIVEs'tHRKE Gallons a Day. APPLY 10 oct 27- So. 6 North Front at. P. A. SMITH. NEW MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. TR8. 8. J. BAKER has just received a lVJL lr aaportmeat of Bonnets, Uati, Kib bons and everything pertaining to the Mil linery line, which will be srvld at prices to eait the times. Old Ladiea' Caps a specialty. Hair goods always on hand fbr sale, also making and repairing of tbe itms. Comb ings made up with roots all one way. Prin cea, HobUoq and Point Lace BraiCe. Also, Tracing Linen and tfoVs Liaen Thread at iowfijnres. The only place they can be found in tLe city. Lefsona given in Lace Slating. i dot 21 Houses and Stores to Bent APPLY TO THE PJlcICOYS, Attorneys and Counaellers at Law Office North8ide Marker St, between 2d anaV3L i ang 26 ;4 GULF STREAM, CAPT. INGRAM, . " ' "' I" WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK QX SATURDAY November 22 a Shippers eaa rely npo& the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. f3 For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E.j BOND, Sap't, WUmington, N.C. to offer the OYtTEBy,from New R'lTer desired. Fsmiliee nrtliti"0!' from the shell. Btr eapplied with h b.u. HoCrt; wcekcroaj. R. F. ETDE, I'ropriewr. vTM. P. CLYDE CO., 35 Broadway, New York. Anthracite Coa1. G6, bTOVE AND CHESTNUT sizes, of the best quality, at p r u lar rice, even cheaper than retailed" - Vhiladlpl ia jtodaj . ' J. X. oFKi:(il K, Headauarters Lager Beer and "IAN FURNISH TOCWITH LW, LaKer B.cr and ' Porter, beft j bottled, m the cny. g-'ti AST Coontrv oHerM NOTICE TO Kw1.". OTHERS! New Job Printing .-i jvrt litUf IHE UDKKa-,I" m I . . . ei aET,.w Job Pnw " prfi.V. itT e anu . f nut A hhare of tne --r allT solicited, o-"-;- aooitf j every Instce. "-- 7 nov 17 at the Central Yard. Steamer Passport, pAPT. J. W. HARPER, XT III 1 A I J - bttoofthi.? g.f. . Office iaRsfiswJj i . Wat r n4 Chesniat sues r bj Tele?n - . U.d of j M , n aiding ooi of (Sundays excepted) at 2 P. M. oct 29 OKO. MYERS, XgeaU t.- tf e free cf poWg"- . nnjt0 A-d.cs, all i0. jobPrifit"' nor 15 " I ' '