sor as i will . : ;- s ' ;' Ihr, vIk.UIs " hand, . i 1 learn toku.nv . . ... .... iii.i id fulti'l. . 1 1 " ..t as 1 ill-' I I v.- it: i.iii- i. vfitin !" lat-; ,t. n- in the loful. , I I.! ... , . ; i.-r 'A , :..)V-i t ,rv I." ";i ,tll; z I Ipuim t' know .r.-b 1 .,, ' - nr- i !! tiil, " "-Not H- I will.' '.. - the sdiinil trrows vvt--t li.f wop Is repeat. itu- l-ukies. fe-'s : v.'i IitiL when this thought r, 1 vo;ci' to calm nn 1. bless lolH-lilit-Sf,. ! l,.-r;tiif-e the in . 1,,-st and tx si . nas onu 1 n :il, and 1 i 11 u.i Hi 'ov fulfill, ' ut ;ts we will.' j,T tie b oo Jour Vtirs Ariit-rifHU News & j Coui if? r The 'Shenandoah. r Coiiitderacyitbelf was annihiTa j Ti t' beautiful valley consecrated til L" . r 4i.r. -1... ,.l..f ..A 1t .(1 Ul AHUU, ucrjiti..J. uj of war and rapine, wab sc.ckc.oth ani utehfra the itv and hope, lhee-uramer i , .. mi i. (J riDeninn en p- ui ;Muli,reIiurd.--,afcd the proua tlage '". i gr'feT boldierH who had given life to aolated tields were fccattered ''-'hciHHii.l.Hof milea ftw.y in the far TltLtru Ocean, the Starry Cros-s yet '. , over ano'ii 8ueua-t!d.ah, and "; Z bo: IK-.-, ilocu d -from giitteriDg '..Vigtoid ot th-. fitn of the Aineri- . -.uiUr.- wine:! id li'-len in her . , M ove liio dckb cf ibe Sheu L'toHbthe C-'Lf-dfi'at 11 floated , , ,Le ia.-l tiiue uh the .-yiuboi uf iti ' jti dt-t-oe and owt-r, bud the new It tie grtlluiit huu ljasnift the fatt , . li-o-e othir f .nu us c.uieiw, the I r;;,v .ud the F.o'ridu, ai.d now ., '.ik im litatli . .the waves the once ,,:;, y rodr, c u-fcd a thio'. o etue h iJn.tti y a Ouuthcin ?-a-t . " il e Aiul).lii!i, tiie feutu r. i avi'ie, the; Flolida, the U cotR in, TallMha-Vee, the Cliickaoaauga , ith tSlienax-doth bade d liaLce to AmeruM'i iiivy aru oumeratea u -Ji w i s out oi the ltttet-t bunt and of th-.uit debtnicUve of the ( oi-tfiitTitf cruisers. Her career wag ;i-1 hut biihiant, a dying flicker of t ciif derate giorj. JJuilt in Glasgow .iu lbO;i, ut-df r the iinme of the Sea K ;., t -jt a HlIj iy Company, she M'a? -td uMil S ptt ruber, 1801, in it,- t 1m:'; She was a long raki-.'a jmt of Teutons regis er, fu'i (v td, '110 b et in let gth and 3o feet itoi, aiid esrried royal etuddiDg shi', but &Le Lud an auxiliary engine w th which ehe was capable of steam ut tiie rate of ten knots an hour, b it hhe Lhd been known with pail and s'l'jci to make o20 miles in twenty fcar Lours, thereby demonstratiup: tpat 6be was one of the fastest veeselb t;luat. XLe Se Kicg was pold on Septem kr 20, 1811. to Mr Richard Wright of Liverpool, the father in-law of Mr Fnuleau, the managing partner of the hui-e of Fraser, Trenholrn .V: Co, of that city. She cleared irom Glasgow for Bombay, October 8, 1864, but j.T(;ce-ded to ti e harbor of FuDchal, .Usdeira, where she was transferred to tlie Cohfederato service and placed ubder command of Capt James Ire dell Waddeli. LTer name was now cbaLged to the Shenandoah, and flhe bs here fully arrusd, coaled and pro fits oned from stores that had been brought from Liverpool on the tteam er Laurel, on which latter vefiBol bad come also a number of the officers and crews of the Alabama, Sumter aud Georgia, With an entirely insufficient crew the set out on her famous crime, bich lasted thirteen months, and on ly ended in August, 18G5, long after tbe war was over. A narrative of this cruise has been published by one of the officer?. aad it constitute ore cf the most rxcitinf? books of adventure in the Engl'sh ln puage. The Shenandoah carried the Couiedorate Hag on every ocean ex" ctpt the Antuictic, sailed 58,000 mile, h foiirth of the time among icebergs, and oaptured thirty-eight vessels tnd destroyed SG.OCO.OOO worth of proper tj. The uueatiness caused by her to the American officers at I unchal ami Melbource is the subject of one of the dost entertaining chapters iu the c.ise prerared by the Government of tLe L'mtfd Siutes for the Geneva Tiibuoai of Arbitration. Despite, all hostile, tftort the littlo crew that left Mp.der.ia gradually tilled up by enlistments rta tl;e crews; of epturel vetseip, &t-d at Melbourne, and when fhe en--tered the Aictic Ocean, the Shenan doah had her full cN-mplenatnt of men aululiotrs How netively they were em pity td hfis already bteu bbuffii.. 1- fctms a littii'g ei.d to such a enrter tlut the hiitoiie vsel i-heuld hot fall to pieces" from decay at the I ter of a reat c.mme;c ai citv, but 'bould go to bottom u a far Eisteru f-cean while il the nervic of o out aiidish bovrr izn us the SnUtin of in this locality of tbe Baltimore and Ohio and American Union Telegraph Companies lines, will start to lay poles ar.d wires 10 Chicago to-day. The Aruerioan Union has leased part of the M. r'c''Miit' Uuildirg, 6hington and l Sulie Ktreet. and will rl eratious here about th3' first of .jttrjuary. liy that -time the n-w eom pary will have connection with every prominent point in the United States and Canada, and will have altogether 37,000 miles of wire in working order. Mr D H Bates, Freeident of the American Unioo, has made exclusive arrar geruents with the new French Ctble Company, 'ho completed the linal ho ice of their cable at JNortn ICustham. M-i?., on Monday last This action has already had the effect of inducing th Aog'o-AmericAn C-m- nauv fo oonterLnlat? a reduction of i j - - i cable rates from eeventv five cents to twelve cents per word. Other bene fitf- will undoubtedly accrue to the phblic eihce Jay Gould, who ' is the leading stockholder of th-new company, is said to be determined to break tele graphing rates all round. y 1 f . . ... r . Miscellaneous. 0 I inSTETT CELEBRATED ! et jour fartt attck of indtresti'n be the last Kom-e the doirriant stomnch With tre liitl.e-9. imparted vill remain. lishtd by thousands of witneiees, whose testi mony iB eimplv a statement of their osn ex 'i hose it 111 'Cteu witn general ae New Advertisements. Model lectures. BY P. X-BRIDGERS & CO. Grocers. Drawu from the actual experience of P. L. B. in keeping house. No 1, TO HOUSEKEEPERS IIou:ekeeper8 as a class are either ac tive or passive. The Utter take charge, tut give the keys to Betsy, Sarah Ann or Jim They leavo the front door and windows open to Tramps and Sceak Thieves and then go gadding about among the neighbors. Those are they who make even Saints mad. St. Paul to Timothy ii, chap. 2, v. 13. The active are described in the fame chapter, next verse. They are young and teachable, stay ai home and econo mize They are a crown unto their husbands, and, like a prudent wife, are a blessing from the Lord. Prov. chap. 19, v 15. Speaking etymologically as P. L. B. "does. Good Housekeepers ara always of the feminine gender, singular number and second person, agreeing in all things with their flushandi, except as to housekeep ing, and making hiai attend to his own busirieps when he dares ofler advice about that. A man who is his own housekeepe i a fool, L. P. B says. He who carries his own piutry keyt, opens a door to tbe devil, -L. P. B. sas. He is 6t only for abavinys and whitewash, L, P. B. savs Lletieeds no dealer but the undertaker, L. P. B. says, and deserves no board but a c flib. Ho oubt to trsde at P. L Bridger & Co.'s, where are posted the fol owine standing1 ruh s: Sunday, reading and Grocery informa tion for tbe Customers ot P. iL. BKIDGKRS & CO. The first rule for go.xl hou ekeeping, L. P.1 B. says, is Never keep ou hand more than three days' supply; L. P. B. savs. Groceris will melt and wither away like smiles aud flowers. Meat and Sugar, Whiskev and Cigars. Butter, Lard and Sausages,! Irish aud Sweet Potatoes bought P. L. Bill DG EES & CO.S MAMMOTH GROCERY STORE, Miscellaneous. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C Miscellaneous. helm'b'hd J s Largo Sample Room Tor Commercial Trarelers. I TKa f . thiia I c, f lU arhan hmntrht. hnmfi fresh tlflV ini n a iciestaD u Hav and i . P. K. savs tne smauer hv dav: and L. P. B. says the lot the longer it Keeps ana the farther it goes (proportionately), and rpHE PROFRILTOR having th.r. ughlj renovated thia House and funmhed it entire ly new, ' prerared to give to the tAreUa? public all the conveniencies of a FlKST. CLASS HOTEL. It it located in the very centre of the business part of the city, being convenient' to tbe principal basinets h uses, Pcitofflce, . Custom Howe, City Hall ind Court House. First-ClasBar and Billiard Saloon connected with this Hotel. RVTES $2 PER DAY. ott 24 F. A. SCniJTT Compound Rail Road Lino3, &c. WILK1NGT0H & VELOON RAILROAD COMP ANT. , ', 1ST J. ' 1 Everybody Fluid Extract PHARMACEUTICAL. ND HI8 UNCLES -AND BI8 Cousins ai.d his Hiatera acd b Aunts is invite d to wit ness tbe Grand Dress Parade Ktctj day and every evening at the Boston 5 and 1G Gents Store,, On North Front Street. ... i '"I The Btook is the largest and mcst extensive of the kind in the State, and embraces a very i great variety of uaerul and pretty things, which are sold tvere for less than half the i money usually demanded for them. The so- A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES ; OF THE ' liUlllll'.ll &KIDN11VS. Urnei ot Oin'l arriiiwistan Wilmington, N'. C, Nov CnANGEOF SCHEDULF.- On and after Sundav. Nov. V31, 17 ?, Passencrer trauu oa the'vrilminsti doa Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, t Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depc -at............ C 5 a Arrive at Weldon at. 1" '(- '. Leave WeMon.... - 1 -. Arrive at Wilmington, Front Depot at 9 l P N1QUT MAIL AND LXTIiCSS TiM, DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at...."- II P M Arrive at Weldon at.. 3 P0 A Ji Leave Weldon, . 2 IS AM Arrive at Wilmington, Front fcU Depot at. - P U x Train on Tarboro Brsncr R. .t Rockr Mount for Tarboro at b.Vi I' M ; and Tuesday, Thursday and riattrt r yi v AM. Returcicg, leare Tarb - ..-. A M daily, and Mondy, . v Friday at 6:30 P M , The Day Train makes ci , ..; i Weldon for all points Nor: i r 7 f TprT r hrt U iil find this medicine servants. L. P. B. savsj have their menas. an unfailiDg aeent in bdilcing up and re- The hospitality of the kitchen, L. P. B. lections were made in person and they are ill newin, their stretcth. F'or eale by all Druggists Dealers generblly. nd respectable Dtv 3 dAw j THE NEV MARKET iLwakensConsiderable savs. is like that of the Bedouins, who lavish on strangers what tney pmage in the Desert. Your alley and back window boarders, L. P B. says, eat more haa the houses. What is MHay and Neigh'g in the stable, is "Here and Neai in th K;tcben;and L P. B. says. Waste is a short spelling of more than enough, like . . , i '. i i the tallow candle, wnose arip is nigger Li. reliable goods. Visitors from the country are particularly invited to call and see how far a little money will go. ! . Remember the place, the Interest! I light, and had better be acquainted with, although cut by tbe scissors. XMevenne less, Li. P. B. says, it is wise to have something over in the locker for the poor, and a plate on the table for the stranger, who may come unawares. I 2. Keep everything nnder lock and key, and the key at the girdle. L.P, says an open cupboard is a rat's delight and the devil's hiding: it is. he says, the AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT OF parlor of the roaches and a censtant temp- , 1 of am An nnann ffm 1 A.TT1 P. B. says, has more flame but gives less j()St0n 5 and 10 LentS Store Princess and BUT NOT MORE SO THAN 1HE POPULAR WHOLESALE I ! i GEO. MiYERS, 11, 13 and 16 South Front Street, ' . I i ! ! BeciUbe of the lively interest - i . ' W l 1 tation to your weak brother, it ieaKs, L. P. B. says, like a ship at sea; it is that if being kept , up receiving fresh ' pumps for bilge water and gutters foia' forcisterns. A small Ducaec cosia dui. quarter, but if kept full on the spot it will save more money, L. P. B. says, than a 6re engine in the garden. 3. Don't buy your coal or wood in Au- rnst. or vour ice in December, u. i. North Front Btreet, between Chestnut. oct 23 E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS., Newipaper Advertising Agents Commercial Building, Cincinnati. Are authorized to teceive advertisements For Debility. Lb.-s of Memory, Indispo sition to Exertion or Business Shortness of Breath, Troubled with thoughts of L f - ease, Dimness of Vision, Pain in th". liii'-J'- Ches', and If K!'ef I'.l ml to-ri.e Head. 3.e u tMiu'i..v hi.1 Dry ft kin. II lhe-e svsi! ;: ojii.-i iae allowed to go on, very frequently Epileptic Fits aud Con sumption follow. When 1 the constitution becomes aflected it requires the aid oi an invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which daily, (except Sunday) and n lvicl- mond and all rail route. Nirht train makes clou coaactlB'it Weldon for all point north lin Richro ii t. Slettpiug Cars attached to all Night Tr-In". JOHN F. ' DIVINE, Gbm; Strt. v. us ,t 1 " ; , I ? .- GenTSupts Office- WILMINGTON. , r ' ' T rv'ila.!:. '. "r'ltxvril a M) 'ai! i a 1 l.ti'J AD CO 1 t., N. C.,' Nt,T i3, 18iis j if Helmbold's Buchu Iocs in Every Case, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE; , i On and after Punday, Nov. 23, f ir fol. lowing schedule will be run on this rot d. 1 DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL'TRA IN.c'kiij . MVBTU II JlUilUK hVUllMllMMIMMlMMIIf r v paper. Groceries And Filling Estimates furnished free upon application. nov 14 ' AGENTS READ THIS. We want an Agent in this County to e' nnt t. MMnned. but it I whom we will pay a salary of flW per HGLlilBOLD'S HI I 111 i - IS UNEQUALLED By any lec'v Vr.wi. Ii. is priori lot by the most eminent pusia oy r tl;d world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhaa, , Neuralgia, Nervousness, j Dyspepsia, Indigestion, i Constipation, j Aches and PainH, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, ) Liver Complaint, j Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles. Paralysis, j I General 111 Health, IIMIIII Arrive at Leave Florence....... 3 60 P ii Arrive at Wilmington . 8 1Q P NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). I - ' ! I ' I Leave Wilmington 10 IS P M Leave Florence 2 2) A hi Arrive at Columbia 9 00! A ii Leare Columbia.... 5 I0f M Leare Florence... 2 SO A M Arrive at Wilmington........... 6 oO A M This, Train ators orly al Flertinrrtnt Whiteville, Fair BlaJT, an J Marlon. I ; P&88en(rerg for Columbia, aud &1! points tjn G. A C. R. K. and iu Western North IJsroli nv, vi Columbia and Spartanburg, si ould take Niht I'xpress Train from Wilmington. Pajienfrers lor Autrut should take Nifht Express Train, which connects) tlosolr via Florence and Charleston Junction.) - J-, JJSCT Through Sleeping Cars otj all nifl-M tratrs for Charleston, Harannah, Aif uta (via Chatlceton Jutciion), and for bia. " i JOHN F. DIVINE, General Hajqt. tor ii I I 'J "PAROLE I - .! i 1 Orders-' i 1 i Say T LntZThe 73 Si ISS- toffSur .wiDdlhl Spinal Diseases, ?m i. .1, ?.VSn th. brother Inventions: iSuapla fte. Address at on Sciatica," - This heathenish divinity was tne Drotner . ,T mi can. I 7 jLeamess, Thisheathemsn oivini y wm w SHERMAN & CO., MarshaU, Michigan oi i;is aua tne iatutr oi tiuruo, u . . B savs has a host of relations among us, with cold shins, who are fire-worshippers. rl n aiAA Stool Ceverand Book only 4. Lastly, watch closly, and leve fried rlHNUd $143 to $255. ORGANS throw notbine 13 StoDs. 3 set Reeds, 2 Knee Swellstool, UU.v.wU, ...w . .. - I , - iw TT.ltjlnw V.nranana. away; eat wuai, juu uu. 7! if h. Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, I Female Complaints. go to ington, N. J. nov 6 iirt CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO OFFIOil GXNSHA.1. SCPiatSTXNDEST, j j Wilmihctoo, N. C, May 18, 1871. I ClIANOi; OK SC llKDULK; N. AND AFTER TJIlH-dte, the foil V ine Schedule will b? oparated da thii Railway : j; Pauscnger, Mail and Express Trala.. Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 1 Pi 'M Arrive at Hamlet ati...... 2:27 'Ai'M " at Chariottaat.... t;2U A M Leave Charlotte at.......8:25 1 h Arrive at Han.lctaju li3J A II at Wiiciat-.n at tylQ A M Close connfrtr(n r.:a.lj at Harslet j! w itl) trains ofila'iirl: t Ait iJ.lno Kail- . i. ' .1!: PrJ A way. ell y Di sifiv Sh No. And other Choire rands of t Flour, fiow y-U 1 1 I Ll UIIIUUL.IIU W WU JklVllllJd. official reoorts and Infor and bu v a fresh supply, and!L.;P. B. says, madon Fata. Like profits weekly om Stock if you promise not to give it away he will options of $10 to f 50; ;J t,.Wr. nnulitr and nrices Address, T. Potter Wlfnt Co., Banx " TTT .r I Headache. Paiu in the Sbou!ders,Coti'Ji. returas In JOMjionsiw w n stnmarh. "Eruptions, J) i1' ms laror- i "'"") . . -. - . . No.)"- .'.!!!. Kreight , nd fc'xrrers. I Leive Chr!ott.i. j Arrive at r.i.tlhy... ,. ) tnv- " Arit c ' -?. :3 y V V We are se.licg at with ut regard t: vLealdvAnte f elves at ocoan .Leakiv. id cave ruuuuce ot the s. a l'h at y ended. It it mains bu to add onu wid i 'fgard to the feHllai.t t llier undei her fame. C:rt Wad doll, after Lt riorat2on of pcaev, iti-rtd the ter ice ui the P..c tic Mud -St-aiasL.p C rnpany, tti.i Lis cot:duct ou 't-t- uir:i -n (,f xi t'ji kiDg oi hi ?el, ubo'i. u yvdv igo, caused his ! I'ti.c gun. to riLg iu the public cai. A Lub.n tBiui, mav he live long as a oithy . x iiip; f tiie heroes who. -fcf-pite overwht-luiini? odds, made t.,rxe and fume for the Confederate y. Cream Atf and Sweet Cjd Fruit a1 d Fkc TLe Larttt Stuck l ii. fio-u at pojruUr The Rosa Concha Eavar.a ices dvpply your- er birr'tl. r-v ib f-allon. inform you that both quality and prices ill suit, as he himseit hatn tnea it. nov, 24th. I r?, 35 Wall St., N. Y. cct 9-4 w Taste in th3 Mouth, Palpitation m. " Heart, Pain in the region of the KW-.r, and a thousand other painful eyuip'oi'is. are the orlspringof Dysrf'Ps:a- in y t 5:05 to M $1 hold the supreme I to; lect luces. Fe;rrrf 5 ceatsj F7- GEO '.'MYERS: eepfii Dental Card. I j AM MAKING Artificial 4 l, dentures to fit perfectly: and frm , hTitnrl teth. VL1 1 I T T J but it is better to save thejatural teeth if possible. So my patrons will please can wiui out delav and be seated in the most comfort-! able chair in use. 34 Market st. Wilmington, N. C Nov. 8, 1879. DM V W VV hob iot fortno Tr7 ,uk udniniminiaM proBUby tho N.w Cpltltlom Tytum of otitli.. In Btcik Fnllxpl..oi oPPUe to,teABVt. Blown k Co..Bikr Broxl St.. Y. ('UH I e M A N 1 1 a I " bocial and Bufli- nou Fnr Kvervboav. i Airents wanted. Wm". Shepherd, 96 Fulton st N V. nov 6 1 . ; u ILMiioLD'S Serretaryis Office, Wilmington & Weldon E- Pv Wi ''mice, ton, N. C 'Not. ,1ft, BU nnunimn AklOV OR SOUL- roiunuiiiHnui CHARMING. ihe love and affections of any person they ing the blood Invigorates tlie Stomach, And stimulates the torpid Liver, BowcW, How either sex inay fascinate and gain and Kidneys to healthy action, In cleans- "u" Clliici ov r. I .1. Vll C oil mnnn IP. Rl 1(1 1111- VJA .11 IUJui"v, Zeohyr Worsted 7 A Urn NOTtlEK LAIiGE iOT . - I JU3T WHI TE 10 CES XS. j COLORED ! : .. T . S l.ouk out for arnohnce-nn Milline'y Opei.ic-g. RECLIVED. 12 CENTS. f Grand SCHOOL QF DRAVUIG, PAINTING, ETC. TN8TBUCTION GIVEN in Crayon, Lepia 1 and ladia InJc Drawing, also, Pain tint in Water Celort, Oil, and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rate. j For further particulars inquire at the School Booms of Misses Burr k James, in the rear of 8t. James' Church. nov 2'J choose instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can possess. Free by mail for toother with a Marriage Guide, Ro-rrnMan Orapip. Dreams, and Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 1(,000 sold. Address D. P- MASON, 700 Sansom sL, Philadelphia, Pa. dot; o CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 63,672 8operb English Books, At Our Price. 75.176 New American Books, A t Your Price. 112,726 8econd-hand nocit ai abj trice Catalogue of General Literature rree. parting new me ana vigor to ino wuuic system. ... ... . .t A Single tliai Wl 1 De quilC Bumutui w convince the most hesitating of its valua ble remedial qualities. ! 1 PRICE SI PER BOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for $.1. se1 tli N. U. ttPRU-NT. Exchange Corner Chicago Inter Ocean. The XcWrtTeh graph Line. Mr Barnard, the gentleman who has charge of the construction department Delivered to any address free from ob- Smithville Saloon. legGAT BROTHERS, n5&tt New Jrost umce, new ceivmg tne same uwccuuvu r nor o I (Vimrjetent rnvsiciaua aiicuu iu wx- soonden-s.! All JeUers 8 uouiaueau urease u . to , ! II. T. HEL1LBUL.LJ, gECOND DOOR WEST of the Garrison. Beat Wines, Liquors, Cigars, etc. Finest 3 Beekman St., near XorlL CIIAS. KLEIN, Daderlater and MM Mater. Princess Street, in jBasem jnt of the Journal Euildinff I - t !' ' "! . W ILMINOTQ N, N. C. t JsV A fine artment of Coffins and Cas keu constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned 'and Varnished, Orders by tele, graph or mail promptly filled. nov aloon in the town, public solicited, oct 24-1 m Patronage of traveling A. A. CATLETT, hmithTUle, N. C. BIBLES WANTED tSSfi con taininir CruIen's Con- a.Za n-mr onnn II- Tusions7witb all the NEW FEATURES, BWW . with bver ICO Literature, Art and Sonc Esbutibsi. I These are the bok. rrt" TT TTjl V0 BIBLES for Parent,and LIT-nUlillJil 10 cDirnne art anu budu. lor u Younc People. Ciremlan and terms sent on application J. H. CHAMBERS A CO., I .oTll-tw Atlanta, Oa. OH 30 DAYS TRIAL. We will snd our Electro - Voltalojjelte mA Annlianee upon trial for 30 days to those suTering fram Nervous De- DUity, Rheumatism, ri-j' i.v "JTiZ . it j m ..I mint ouir all- ..... .... nwrm iruaxanteed or no pay. aT v.T.tic bLLT CO., Marshall, Mich. Drnggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa nov 6 Old Newspapsis. A QUANTI1Y OF OLD NEWSPAPERS or wrapptng, offered for sale ehespat the Bee CAUTIOMI that the private Pronrietary Btamp is on each bottle. DAILY REVIEW OFFICE Sold Everywhere. I nov 18-dwly , I 1 1 1 1 A DIVIDEND OF TO llM3. '-. II ' ' I M tiEE hEll CENT., A on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington Weldon Rail'Soad Company, has bead de clared, payable to the stocihoiders oaitnd i after tbe 22d isst. i The Tr'nsfer wjll be closeefrcm the. 17th iistant nstd after tbe 22d. nor hit J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. THE Southern Cultivator. Now is the time to subscribe for this old and reliable Agricultural Journal. It is in its XXXVLII Tolumnc, an J-staiics at the head ot agricultural papers. It inow published by the Co.vsrirurio.v, Atlanta, Ga. Price ...$ 1 50 per' annum. ClutiHoflO.. 12.W Clubs of 20.20.C0 ' , r , The Weekly Gorfslilution. The Great Souti cm FamiljvPapcr. . i.fu per anD'arn, .-12-0 j , Price Clabsof 1L ClabflofZO..'. 20 J The Cullhatorand Week ly to the same a Jdrrrg. 2 Agents wanted everyvi here. 'Liberal com tuhniens. . Addrcsr, . i ; . ! . , CONSTITUTION. nov 15 At'anta Cx 50 per annum.