The Rfe JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WIL.MllfGTOJf. f..rr. Kntxked at the jfosToyrtCE at WlLMINGTOJT, N. C, AS SBCfOWD-GLASs MA-TTB t.l NOVEMBER 26, A committee of persons connected with Paris newspapers, appointed to organize fetes in aid of sufferers by the floods in Spain, proposed to have a bull fight in the Hippodrome, bat the Government t bought that inhumanity should not be made to aid humanity. On Not. 3, the Prince and rrincwss of Wales opened a new medical school at Bartholomew Hospital. The London Stan dard says luncheon was afterward served io the graat hall, and it was interesting to observe a strong likeness between tie Prince of Wales and a portrait on the wall of Henry Vlllf, whd granted the hospital ita present charter. . The Cologne Gazette says that it is sail doubled whetner the Duke of Cum berland will renounce bis rights to the throne of Hanover, and thereby take THANKSGIVING DAY. I r 1 Toinks.;: vh first juutry1 amon the. The festival obtained in this Puritans and early fcett!ers of : New t, iaiid, and is one df the custdmj which can be safely an 1 prpt:ry adpte 1 by any other portipn ofi rue country, or 'in fact any portion of the' g'obe where toe bounties, mercies and 'bi.-ihjs, its ( well 8 the cbaatisemfnrs! atj-l t : 1 .- r.s' f i Divife M st. r atyli K tne Se IvlanJ Sruteb. ki'.Ci the settlement of th cjuiiry, or as 1 C .3 J , since a form M KOvernT.eht ha. bet-a I- Mis Lyon Hunter (to Herr Bogo iubllcki, t L o fataoua virtuoso, wuose aften con piao'crt- recitals are the woae'ecf the world A by-the-by, Herr J3 eoiuboir."?ki, w thought you won id l:k to try the upv? Broad wood?" Oao'rn of Ladies -Oh, do, Fun B -goiuboiT-ki. pray do! Herr Bogt- jjlub'-fr-ki ( vLo u a:i been aked to dine c , f amice, cV t-pt nd tb vraing j (ui i . fnmdj way" Lties, if I jtti votj'ij p"f-rh:ps vi-h zat I should nmnse cocipavy, 'quite in & vrenliy vuy,' I gnu preak boker on ncy TUi. I can tcLvdiow Z4 dable.ech NeT7 Advertisements Boatwright & McKoy 'i . : i Hire in store and to arrlre I t the CH1ISTHAS established, a day has been fct apart by oon?, and I g'.n ec! d ck a lighted the Governors by public iprocl.mati .u as I,ow lt my luoe vizui puu- Praise. The day selected has b-eu S of Herr B'.o!'ubofj ki''i ciniirfr, Mrs lats in the autumn when the iiarvtius '! i cuemgiy uv-t-ti jn-t une is rat, and irefore tie n-ur.i , - ,J - -u-s t w- bit. dy when phblic woriuip nald m tas dit ireut cliurcnen. has been chiefly remarka'u - I Eence if ihr89 'who ' Sabbath. The djy ba prizni aifiotif: t-h-d hut wliicL A i ..a v .' for xvr) crcAV.rf. HOLIDAYS S i i i . . 10,000 Lbs - -L- voted to pleasure ahd, gd livii.r i y j r ;.' bet. land V V for many weeks j-r-jvioua ihereta, it b; s been looked tor , iu anticipation as a i 1 iud deed m from re time lor merriment aii straint and labor.' I The cubtooi h s been iaf'crly adopted l "i ? - f it e-vei tae it wii'.i iroud . lit ct. jemenintly w; thank Fulness rthy Tliel Dossession of the lfi OfiO 000 khalflra mil .. , . , r uy au mediates hhu Dqaily it has tcmic aside in the cellars of the royal palace at a nationa, holiday by Concessional Iej;i, Brlm. When the eld Duke of Brunss lation The time 'is now selected l.y ti n ick dies, the Duke of Cumberland will pre8ident, (though in th'o present iu- be among the richest of princes. 8tance the duly; ha, devolvnil Air. They intend making traveling more con R B. Hayes, of Qlio, and adopted by VOTllAlil'. rtr tVtm f'Anf !r fln f F VT i rnnn Kit iL.. n - f . 1 ' ' . i . - -" wuwiuv-uu ui j-itin' wj me uoveruors or tne several States t-o i adopting our system of railway carriages, that the festival rhay be celebrated through Little Belgium is wide awake in matters out the C0Untry on the same dajr. 1 of business, aud is setting the first exam t ;a a Lr .u 4 i i i , ' . It is wise aud prpper that aday shoii d pie. The Iu teruationalCompjiiy of bleep . , ' , . , i . . , J , . f . . . . I be djvoted to Thanksgiving and I'rahse to ing Cars has submitted a urojct to the . i Goverumeut of Brussels for organising , he Giver of all Good, and it will be a great express train between Ostend, Co. Parable duty to all wh--i acknowledge logne. Berhn, aud the Kussiau frontier. udeb'.oaness to G-xl for.tlw Ju't.toM bitss Tbe train will ba exclusively composed of lnSof Iife ?D3 who ,0("k tJ llim u r niercy sleeping cars aud saloon carriages. an(1 salvation, to return tluukful and M. Valentin, a Senator of Frauce, died adorable praise for flii t eUocnt good- anddanlv in Pri Utalv. d 4. Kr. n8 during the yqar I juht aboutJ to close . Iled4y Louis Napoleon in 1851, he be- II ba3 a. season or u:..- t,f a11 'praise and Military Academy Royal, YVoslwich, vival of busiues, industries,' and the England, but iu September, 1870, was enerl 8UCc;fS3 whicb h reed r appointed Prefect of Strasburg, then the toil of tbe farme;, and the Ainivereal bslged by Germany, and entered it by ProsPerlt7 whica1 l0btains throughout swimming across the river at night under 6Terj departmeatof .trade r.d commerce fire. At the surrender he was imprisoned and ln ery portion' of the couqtry are at Ehrenbreitstein An Arab who was quarrying stone at a place about four and a half miles from Gaza, In Palestine, recently unearthed a marble firm r sunnnaed to be a colossal end or the Philistines. The total height is fif 8aile3 for San Francisco from Yokohama teen feet. The hair hangs in long ringlets and Hong Kong on Saturday ljast, carried down upon the shoulders, and the beard 901 Chinese passengers. It is j c'aimcd is long, indicating a man of venerable age' that this is tho largest departure of There is no inscription on the figure or tbe Chinese by anyone steamer evur be ft re pedestal, which is a huge block carved iu known. In this connection llii follow one piece with tne figure. The statue was ing statistics relating tr' Chinese 1 im- found in a recumbent position, buried in- migration will ba of Merest: From Nov and on the top of a hill near the sea. i 107 tn . , r 1 iob, to iSov. 1 lb 9, t4ere arrived The tub in whiph Diogeues is reported in San Francisco frcfo llong Kong 6 128 to have lived is now aad by German Chinese. During tha sime perod there archai logiais to have been no tub at all. were 8,746 departur against 6,123 Tubs are of comparatively modern orig- arrivals, or an exce ol 2 618 dtbartures . tomes s Hop 'here l't-opie it builds them . w . ... r.p. It is not a pleinar.t to the tase as Fon.e other Bitters as iti is not a whiskey drit k. it is iiSe the old fastdoned boce-'.et tea that has done a world of -ood.. If you don't ftei jut right try II p Bitters. 2tunJa JScu-s Slit cells neous. Of ev.ry variety And style, itx Packager of i I frc-m I f 2i pon ids , 350 j Fackaees Raisins. Miacellaneoiif. KicceUaneous.' A LARGE ASSORTMENT 9: t i BeaVtiful Cretones for Lambrequins and Furniture C - n ' CARPETS AMD 0:L CLOTHs' ''i' p' In Beautiful Designs. - Have not had such a trade in five years. Great in.W.,.. ' l fprA.1 inl oil 4- .-a. .. I - reJ of- Respectfully, Two Smart B js car 6d einplojment if uot afraid of worT IttcI 51 2 ft m a nr 21 5,000 Lb3. abundant reasor 8 for thle most profound aud reverential gratitude. OUR CHINESE, POlUL,TIO.. The steamer City of Pekin, which in. The Greeks knew nothing about over the arrivals. It lis" estimated Let your first attack of indlfiresrion be the last KoHe tbe dorraaot enwrqies of the stomach, with tbe Birte-s. The tone tbus iajpartf 4 yiJl remain. Thi in a fct estab lished by thousands of witnesses, whose testi mony is eimplv a statement of their own ex periences. ) hose afflicted with general de bility of every rhaee will find this mfidicine an unfailing arent in bailcing up and re newin tneir strer.gtn. For sals by all Druggists and respectable ueaiera generally. dot 3-diw 3 ! Almonds, Brazil Filberts. Pecan and English Wahuts. 200 Bbls Oranges and Lemons, Currants, Citron, i Cranberries, Seedless Raisins, Prunes, Dates Ac. 3,00C Large Si-" ' Carthagena Cocoa-Nuts, 300 Eoxes fgTfNATURE'S OWN Mi; ILTABLE MEDICINE BLOOD, LIVER&KIDNEYS. hi. it them. Thair washioe was done in earth- there aro fio nnri IrirL.- i J , w I vuiut;u uuvv UU lilt! enware vessels. Diogenes abode was Pacirth mast pr. r a L;,i I - l IJ-1 IVJVJ 1)1 1, VH I V J mJ GURATIN Fur r.loiKj I Diseases. one of the gigantic wine jars sometimes years, from Dec. 30. 188 to Irw in use. When: lyiuz down he laid it l7R tha lengthwise; when desiring to stand or sit Francisco were 230 430 ' ThP ri.n.rtnr.i iu it, be placed it upright. The abor- and deaths for the . same period a- igines oi urani ounei tueir aistiaguish- 133 401 whinh !.v L , i nf I -- w-- -vv. vJU -Itl i ail .i . I eaaeaa m eartnern jars, ana under the Chinese now iu the Ur Hal sp j90s939 Aiiow GUBATINE 3 FOr Liver Complaints. OUHATIHE, For Ixidtiey L'iat-ades. giant trees on the banks ot the Parahiba ing 2 000 f ,r births, these d-urs wiii le theae peculiar coffins are found, contain ing mummies ot priests and warriors, with their ornaments or arms. The cit'zens of Indiana will vote nexi. April o;i a constitutional amendment cbaDjjicg the time of ftUte. elections from October to November. It adopted, this would leave Ohio the only 'October Slate. Three kittens have died of diphtheria in Ogdensburg. They contracted the disease from children affected with it. The post mortem examination showed plaiuly the diphtheritic membrane iu the kitte!' throats. Queen Margherita of Italy is suffering from m darial fever at Monza, but con tinues to dabble in politics and State matters iu her capacity as bead of the Q.ieeu's pirty,' which is a very powerful one at court. Geo. James Harding, railroad commis sioner of Missouri, is doing his work in a novel manner. He is now on a 200-mile walk over the railroads ot northern Mis oun, inspecting the condition of the roadbeds, rails, ties and bridges. The work, be claims, can't be properly done in a palace carorfrorn a car platform. Dr. Kowler, of New York, said last Sunday in a lermoa on baptism that the man who does not go into tha water deep enough to get hit pocket-book under water hat not been dipped enough to save him. ' Mr. Gladstone writes that the next election will be the meet important of tbe twelve in which he has taken part. Sbbwl savings inu Have existed iu France since 1832, and now there are about 200,000 pupil depositors in the country. - increased to 08 93 i ' K A. 1 1, o f :tbf railway GREAT 13 RI TAIL'S SYSTKM The enormous growth J syjicm of U re it Url tin .since' lSutJ, when Robert biepheias.n La.le his report, has probably oujy been exceji led by the de velopment of the s jme system in the Uni ted States. The money expended on the system betweeu that date and tie pres- ent, in capital, loans and Llebeature ,545,104,1 or GUHATSNE Fcr KhfuuiatLsiii OilRATINE, Fur Scrofula diseases. irvsipclas, 1 imples, I Blotches, etc. D I or Er A medicinal com pound of known value coriibininsr in onopren- aration, the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the lll,a, the W.tver, the Mitilney. Harmless iu action and thorough in its effect, It is unexcelled for the cure of all Blood fttfien such as SoroA . Tumors, liftiln. Tetter, Salt nheunt. II lieu war ism, Wer curial 'Poisoning, also 'onstijation, ityspepsla , i n tli- aextioit. Sour S torn arlt,Seteution of I rme, ere. . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THE BROWN CHEECAL CO. BALTIMORE, Md. --' """Willi t dr nala by J. O. SiUNfJS, I'racffist. i uira Bi-eet, opposite l ity uan, dot 14-ecd t.;. has been G9S 380,958,645. The total, milea-b j. about s;: MARSMAIL AKO LIVERPOOL SALT. '1 1600" - iJ t ?V iuu rm .salt, 17 - i OAfin t-cki U VEiiPOOL SALT, v. i-Ugiii ui Muytt lice anil mileage of more than 32,000 ciiles. TL.: are 12,909 locomotives knd 4 IB 322 y hicles of different year traveled 232,370! 114 milis k . . i iii f .i : ve. The (mins Eala .Ties, &c- ried 565,000,000 of passengers, ver aLd ; o A r, , 'ui ,d. t 7f.-'S, above the holders of seasbn and rWiodica! V tickets. Thfl nnmW I rf ! HA A Lb? liAiiw.;.-Tw i ., i.:s.-0j;vcca Nail. r. 6j2t.Pf 'roc, S;d if Hrr Via . tickets. Uhe number I. of run is 9,000 times , the the equator. To ; supply the alone with water would tax tram mi --c of en;ii e the re length sources of the principal Wa'er (w orks ot London. The work done by ih ecies is eq iivalent to that done by 4,j Lorsel each working 3,000 bouis per ajinnm, and, if the fuel could be used as economically! as on the pumping engines of the Cornwall mines, the energy resulting 'would be equivalent to a million horse power. I The men employed in connection with the sys tem exceed 300,000, but it is1 estimated that the saving jQ time alone which the great multitude of passengers are able to make fully pays tbe waged of this army ol employes, the 212,000,000 tons of freight annually carried representing the actual profit of the United Kingdom frnm th. -. C7 V. A. tensions of the enormous svatJm . nvr or.H above1 its o6sts. 900 Flo n Ir- ULiz and EdI Alola ses, i ! 1100 BhU rL0,CK' F t0 " Q. er, IK Bbls-Swj:xe, Crashed; Graaalted lldi, Extra C, nd C. I O W Tubs Choice Lei Lard, 20Q Boxes Fur Candy, Ot) BhLs and Boxes FrehCracker, JQ Boxes Selected Cram Chteee, Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Lye and Pot aih, Soda, Candle, tinuff, Tobacco, 4ej For sale lowby WILLIAMS A iirjRcaisox I nor 18 Wholasala Oro. k Com. k'er ; And Goods too numerous to mention, We a-e determined to sell if we cen find buyers, so you bard the advantage. It is your own fault if you don't push it. Send , I in jour orders. Boatwiight & McKoy, B &. 7 SSTorth Front Street. nor 21 THE Nlft MARKET j - Awakens Gob side rabie Interest I BUT NOT MOKE SO JUAN Ih. j POPULAR WHOLESALE AND PiETAlL EST A3LIS1IM ENT OF GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 and 16 .South Front Street, I Eec&Ube of the lirely uitef est that ii being kept up receiving fresh ii r OVER 2000 DRUGGIMT Have signed tbe folio inproarkabie paper, the sigria'nres of wl'ic', ,', , ' ' ' office: . i ,' Lt'peena:.):;r Messrs SEABUliT A .lOHNSON,- 21 Piatt St., New Fork : Geti.emk. : " rus Plasters. Physici PLASTER to. k11 ot remedies worthy -of ciues for Ext mal use. - - - f j r i "Forthe past f-w years we have sold varir,,, w ' ans a. u the Public orefer HCMCnii.r J.' MilV ,ers. We consider them one of .he very l$ PR . iu an uiuer i-prus VIm. ni , ,. . . vt;4 , Piraradcan'd-.?0 r and Be; oroooD ii Bros Have the pleasure of arrain annonnfiirKr ih uirl A: ') ' i o o vuy ij i not we hare an unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to nfrpJ nofAmAM f it,, a :j .i 1 w oner our uuowiucio wuo ui mo umuuesi ana v-oieapest stocks of i READY-IHADE CLOTHIMGl , N Prices ranging in Suits from $3.00 upwards ! ' 1 i A beautiful and grand assortment in GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ! Which we guarantee cannot be equaled in this city. A fine line anj i j iaiesi styles in , Kats, Caps, Boots and Shoes! I i . i In all qualities and prices, imported direct from iK wnicn we guarantee to be of superior quality. We also have one of the choicest and largest stocks of Two and TlirU i ly ana Brussels carpets, Kugs, Matting and Oil Cloths I 1 at astonishing low prices. " Please examine ' oct 'IS i pturers. CLYDE'S 2eohyr Worsteds. ft - A NOl'hfcK LARGE LOT W VV U V U Lr Wilmington, U C. Steamship Line. JUST KLCElVhD. WUITE 10 CEN Tb. I C 'LOKLD tKNii. Look out for ftiicu .cemti t q( flriad ' Millineij Openinj;. tet 1 1 & 'She Steamer And Fillinsr Orders. ii n i Tinr n mm JJ XXVSll JL1 XJUi.1 JJ And other Choics Brands of Flour, We are selling at Low Prices i without regard to the advance. Sppply your- telres at onceand sare $1 j er barrel. Cream Ale and Sweet CJder by the Gallon Fruits and Fancy Goods. Ihe Largest Stock ,n the Bute to select from at popular price. The Rosa Concha Haraaa Segara;6 cests, hold the supremacy. GEO MYERS. sept 24 Headquarters for Ale Lager Beer and Porter. . - i- B- SSCAZLOU8 l OOXI'fl. I No. I Market Street QAN FURNISH TOU WITH THE BESl Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both ke aad boUled la th city, &-ponntrr order pmaptly arundd Houses and Stores to Bent I ( apply to 1 THEWcICOYS. Ittonieys and, ConaMUors at .law GULF STRtArul, .r . i CAPT. INGRAM, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OX SATURDAY! November 22. N. H. hjPRL'.NT, ' Fxchanze Corter CHAS. KLEIN, 1 Undertatcr 1 and Cabinet Mater. PiLacess Street, in Eaaement cf ttj Journal Building. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing- of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, Wilmiazton, N.10. WM. P. CLYDE k CO., 35 Broadway, New York. Lime ! ement ! JUST LANDED TO-DaSt, A CARGO of FRK8H ROCK LIME and C5MENT, which we are selling at lower figures than erer known here. Call on us. ROBINSON A KINO, noy 10 tf Oor. Water A Orange its. New River Oysters. JTAVINO MADE AMPLE ar rangements, I am now prepared to offer the celebrated HILLS GARDEN OYSTERS, front New Bier. in y itle desired. Families supplied iiL 'e.- f'eeb fiom the shell. 1 Bar suuolied with th Immk. TLm.A k- week or oay. EUREKA BOUSE. orta Wator Street. B, Y, XYDEN, Propriettr noy I, W frL MINOTO N, N. Cf " A fine artiDent of Co&nth kets constantly on hand. Furniture m"" Cleaned and Varnished. Orderi ij ! graph or mail proinp tit fil) toTL Southern Cultivator. 'nw ia the t inid tn mil.scrib? i(J old aad reliable Agricultural. Jourril 1; is in its XXXVIII volumce, and an j the head ot agricultural papers. It M D(? published by the Constitution, AUa Ga. - Price...: $ 1 50 per. annuo. Clubs of 10.. 12 60 " 1 Clubs of 20.. 20.00 J1 ! The WeekiyConstilution. Tlie Great Southern Familj rper-1 Price........:..... Uperf1 Clubs of 10 . , Clusof20 0 00 j The Cullh ator aDd V etk- Baff, ly to the game a ldrces. , 2 X ' P. AgenU wanted every where. Udj . mm. Address &titi0. ; I noy 15 Mountain Butter. TEN I ' For lals b I . ' l-''f

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