THIS r AFEfc I, nielished every afternoon, 8uadays ex- jOSII. T. J1ME8,. euitoe Ann J'EOPitiKTOir. i i ciUPTJONS, POSTAGE PAID, veir, $5 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three ..Qth?, $1 One month, 50 ceo. ta. r.,P taper will b delivered by carrier!, .cLurge, in any part of the city, at tb rate, r 1 rents P'f wrek. r-rtifiaK rates iow and liberal "Suborrii'ei a win pier ?e report any and ilure. t' receive their papers regularly. RBV0LOTI0H iQ QABPBT8 rJ3WK & EGBBICK, 45 Market' St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York, Carpels, Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. Car pot, Carpets, Caipbts. wv s-2")!),00T) Represented in this New Enterprise arrets, . Carpus Carpets, ". invite all to call who have A .Y i lea of purchasing -such broods. a. Carpets Carpels, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether ! they have, any ulea of pnr chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets I BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street nov 7 Overcoats ! Overcoats ! ! . . Overcoat3 ! ! EST STCCK AND L'JWFST TliTGES I in the citj, at SllliUU'd TWO STORES, nor 22' . Market 8 1. For Rent. rPH AT -DESIRABLE WHARF, at - ll'u . "ot of Mulberry street, lately occupied by the Baltimore Steamship Company, com plete with Office, Sheds, Ac. Also, the COAL and WOOD YAM), corner f Front and Mnlberry street, at present occupied by J. A. Springer. Arply to sept 30-tf II. NTJTT. "OPERA HOUSE. . - One Night Only 1 Wednesday, Dec'r 3. Ecgaetnent of tde liilteiJAinericaa Artists., Mr. aal Mrs. McK6B EanKlo, u 1'r. Joaqain Milltr's Beautiful American Drama of the The ny will be presented with . ntireiy ew jjcenery an(j Wonderfully rfitiONtt FahNOMENAL CAST ! In wbici Each and Fverv Person, on ac count of thsi- ad p ability t the cuaracurB, nave been Si ecially Enjjaeea. KewTed Seat $1.00. Seats for for ea!e Tide ' Am . Review. 1 1 i , . . --. . . -i I i. - -i ; i , : VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1879. NO. 251 LOCAL NEWS. I 1 New Advertisements. 1 See ad Drees Making. ' Notice The Female School at Burgaw. J L Croom Valuable Propierty for Sale, Cirr IIall Midgets. 1 T J Sou t hsr land For thej Cemetery. Hall A 1 earsalu uan iei and Fire Crackers. Bead local ad J E Kin;;. 's jdoB03 We ekall Open. P HiissiKasKa Mvrtlci Lawn. A. k I. SHaua Overcoats. Fur other locals teee fourth page. ; i r 1 Wir dow Glass all . sizes at AltAflfer, fc Price's. ' f The barque Elizabeth sailed from Ant werp on the 28th ult. for this port. The barque Silo, ' Alorland, hlnce, ar rived' at Liverpool on the' 16th ult. Steamship Rcnula'oi, Daoae, arrived here this morning: froi mi Nsw York The barque Atlanta, for this port, sail ed from Liverpool on 'the 19th ult. The barque Haven, Patterson, hence, arrived at Liverpool on, the 19th ult. The barque Gazdltt Ancker, sailed frm Liverpool on the loth ult, fori this port. i t i - The barque Dagmax sailed from Gravesend on the 19th ult. for this port. The barque Martha, LangoJ sailed from i Lla. eb.impton on the lGth ult., fur this port. j J , The barque Otilie, Lemck, sailed from Sharpness on the 16th uit., for this r,)rt- " ' 1 , -1 1 l- The barque Onkel, JkValleustein, sailed from Hamburg on the 18th ult for this I'ort i , i The barque Mercytrius, Von, Calho, palled from 'Hambers on! the 15th' ult. for this' port. i i The barque Blackpool, Aitchison, cleared at London on the 18th ult. for this port. I 1 The schooner At ice Lea, Foster, clear ed at Philadelphia on,1 the 29th ult.', for this port. You pay. the lowest cash prices for Household Hardware 'at Jauobi's Hard ware Depot. , "i f : r I Sampson County Agricultural Fair com mences to-day at Clinton, and will con tinue four days. I 'i 1 ' J r- The brig Helios, (G t ) Bergmardt, sailed from Port Royal, S. O. on the 30th ult. for this port. . j ' , You can buy a No. jl heating or Cook Stove at almost any price ati Jacobi'SjNo. 10 South Front street. i t When you go to Burgaw leave your horse with J. E. Kin, at his stables. He will be kindly caied for witli the bett of food and at the lowest prices. ltd&w Probable Uora'cidc. 1 OnSaturday, the 22nd ult., at Taylors ville, in feampson county, a young white man by the name of Beitty Mathis was struck on the head with a elub by a colored man named Charles Murphy, and writJi nrrh fiirce as "to render him insensi ble, in which condition he has remained) i ever since. His recovery very doubtful . is considered Orton to be Cultivated. We learn that the Ortonj plantation, a faw miles down the river, and which is the property of Gapt. D. U. Murchisoa which has been lying comparatively iidle since the war, is to be redliiaied and put under cultivation tho comin year. It is a very fertile tract of jlaad and is one of the test rice farms on the river, and we have no doubt that the; encrgjn and good judgment for which Capi. Murchison fg noted will make it a profitable venture. One I xperlence from Many- I .had been sick and, miserable so long and bad caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seem ed to know what ailed ine.tbtatl was com- pletely disheartened anq aiscouragea.i la this frame of mind 1 got a bottle of Uop Bitters and used them unknown to 'my family. I soon began! to improve and gained so last that my husband and fam i y thought it strange j anc unnatural, but when I told them what had helped rue, they said 'Hurrah for Hop Bitters long may ti.ey prosper, for ' tbey have made mother well anl us happy'." The Mother. . ; , ! i , 1 Doctors and Churches. The doctors of New 1 York aay Sneer s Port Grape Wine (has proved to .... i !: . I M be pure, unadulterated, i nno aavur and tonic properties, and ; is unsurpassed for its restorative powers, ana iuej pro- i - . . I M a : PKnt.k M serife it as a very superior mut. uumvu use it fjr communion, j For J sale by P. T. P.rido.'s. Green k Flacner and J. C. Mundi. Board or Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session last evening. After the redia of the minutes of the last meetiag, the Committee on Fire De partment reported action taken in regard to the testing of keroMne oil. On motion of Alderman JFlanner the Committee were Instructed to order an instrument for testing oil, jiot to exceed in cost ten dollars. The Committee on Market and Fees reported progress in the matter of moving market carts, and a petition respecting the'same was read aud referred to this Committee. The matter of renting a city wharf was referred to the City Attorney for his opin ion. The Committee on Policy reported no vacancies on the force. A full Board not being present the Mayor was instructed to call a special meeting, at which to consider and take final actio i upon the petition of Mr Henry Nutt. The Mayor announced Fridaj night next, 5th inst., as the time of said meeting. i A communication from the City At torney, relative to the collection of arrears of taxes, was received and referred to the Board of Audit and Finance. A petition from Col ville & Co., asking permission to rebuild the mill recently destroyed by fire, was granted, and the petition from the tame firm, asking for the remission of taxes for : 1879, upon property destroyed, was referred to the Committee on Finance. The City Attorney was instructed to draw up an ordinance prohibiting more than one hundred pounds of powder be ing at one time hauled through the streets of the city. ' A communication from Alex. Oldham, Ejq., relative to the fire-wharf recently destroyed, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves. The reports of the Superintendent of Health and the Chief of the Fire Depart ment were read and ordered on file. On. motion the Board adjourned. Ceunty Commissioners. The. following additional proceedings of the Board of County Commissioner! trans pired too late to be included in omr "yester day's issue. The following magistrates made their returns for, the year eadiag November 30th, 1879, viz: W. W. Harris, John D. Taylor, J. A. Montgomery, A. J. Grady and Jos. P. Montgomery. The same were received and erdered recorded in the records of official reports. I The , Register submitted bis report of fees received from marriage licenses and paid over to the County Treasurer for the month of November, amounting to $19.- 75, which was received and ordered on file. This includes only the county part of said fees. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of November, that of the special fund, showing a balance due him of $3,038.81, and surrendering certain bonds and coupons, which have been paid by him and included in hie account, which bonds and coupons were destroyed in the presence of the Board; that of the general fund showing a balance in his hand of 89,028.32, and that of the school fund showing a balance in his hands of $0,037.55. I It was ordered that the tax listed on the steamer Elizabeth, valued at $896, be remitted, the same haviog been listed in Pender county by Capt. R. P. Pad dison. It was ordered . that (he tax assessed sgainst the steam tug OrUndo and light ers, valued at $5,000, be remitted, the same having been listed Pender county by G. Z. French. The claim of D O'Connor was erdered referred to the Finance Committee. , It was ordered that all Magistrates and other officers who have failed to make their reports, and officer who have rail ed to renew their bonds, are required to do so by the I5th inst,, or they will abide by the penalty. Proposals will be received for keeping the poor, the insane and the House of Cox rection, at the next meeting of the Beard, to be held on the 15th inaU, tor one year from the 1st day of January, 1830. The following persona were granted licenses to retail spiritoooe Oquora for three month from the 1st of November : J. W. Dutes, . W. Doscber, Henry Litgen, B. H. J. Ahrens, John D. SUlgers, H. Loch, James Keegaa, .Geo. F. Colin. I On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the 15th Inst., at 2Q o'clock p. m. CITT COURT. Another Serious Case Before the May rot a Party Who Is Charged With a Murderous Intent- His Honor Mayor Fishblate held au other Urge levee this morning. The first called was Harry Vane, a German sailor, who was charged with disorderly conduct in a house near Pad dy's Hoilow, from which he broke and ran, when Officer E. S. Griffith pursued and caught bim and escorted hira to the Guard House. The prisoner was remacd' ed until the Mayor had time to consider the case and make some further inquiries aeout the defendaat. Edward McFarland, alias Put Hooks, a little bow-legged boot black, well known about these parts, was arraigned for dis orderly conduct. Having been locked up all night the Mayor allowed him to depart without further punishment . Julia Ford and Mary Eliza Lively, both old acquaintances of the Mayor in his of ficial capacity, were arraigned for an af fray in the neighborhood of thac delecta ble spot which our readers may have seen some account of before in these columns, known as Paddy's Hollow. The two dus kyhued damsels were convicted of dis orderly conduct and told to relieve them selves of $5 apiece and deposit he 6ame with the Clerk or go below for ten days. The next case called was C. Z Costin, charged with assault with a deadly wea pon, with intent to kill J. II . Bolton, at the Rock Spring Hotel, on the night of the 1st of December,' 1879. I J. R. Bolton, a young man about 30 years of age, with a gash upon his nose, one upon his throat and still another upon his left wrist, was called to the witness stand, and testified "in effect, that himself and Costin had been, together the night previous, and had gone to a barroom on Market street and taken something to drink, and after walking about a little while, repaired to the Rock Spring Hotel where Bolton was stopping, and both retired to the same room to gether for the purpose of going to bed. That after he had undressed and was in bed, the light extinguished and the door locked, Costin and himself commenced discussing the merits of a horse trade which witness had made with Costin's brother some time ago, and that in a few moments, while lying in bed, Costin jumped on him aud commenced cutting kim with a knife, inflicting the wounds, on his wrist, nos3 and throat. Mr. Robert Lee, the proprietor of the hotsl, was then called and testified that Bolton and Costin came into his hotel last night together, both friendly and agreed to take the same room and bed , but did not know anything 'about the disturbance until the police came'in. Officer Wadkins testified that about 12 o'clock last night he heard a noise in the hotel from the street and cry of police, that upon going into the hotel and in forming the clerk, he was told that in all probability Costin, who had been drink ing, wanted to get out and get more whiskey. Officer Wadkins then went out and into an alley by the hotel from whence he could distinctly hear a man breathing hard as though he was strug gling for breath. Went Immediataly back into the hotel with officer Meyer.and they, together with R.C. Johnson, broke open the door and saw the defendant, Coetia, astride of Bolton in the bed. Im mediately arrested Costin and took him out of the room when he remarked "If my knife had not broken, I would have killed bim ; If I hadn't, damn old Han nah." Mr. R. O. Johnson, a guest of the ho tel, testified that he wasl sleeping in the adjoining room and heard the scuuli, and the cry of Lee! Lee! for the propria tor, but was not sufficiently awake to re cognize the voice that, was callingf got up and came out of his room just as the po lice broke open the door; saw both the Ben; Bolton was undressed while Costin had all his clothes on; both parties were very bloody. Heard Costin say, "if my knife hadn't broke if I. hadn't killed him damn old Hannah." - Other witnesses were introduced, all of whom corroborated the statements above mentioned. Officer Wadkins also testi fied that be asked' Costin for his knife and was told that it was in the bed; looked for It then and found it, the Ha 'e in one place, broken off, and the bau Ac in an other. It is but fair to state that the defendact Coetin, asserted at the trial, that Bolton commenced the difficulty by abusing his z?.rd to a boite that lie ,st;i' i it C t u! of the room, but that Boston kcko,! the dorr and taken the key ,u C stated further that it. was' h v.-.j c .tiled for the polcp, and 'not Uultm- ai.ii 1,.V. nL t' i hid done was all ia ie Jno. -L. Holmes, Ej., eocvla.-t- d i1 ease lor Mr. IJoUor. Air. Cost in-had -no counse'. At the eoTjelusjiou of the evidence, the Ma or bound Cost in ov r U) the new term oi me Luminal CouM- in ?' o $:00, the bond to be a j'ibt:fk-.i The Court then arij mine!. 'illi of News was received here th nio'ning from Dr. J. F. Kic, now sj ill in New- York, and we arc grieved o learn that his condition has not improved any within the past few days. Meat Cutters aud Siutl'irs, C'l'i., ' ;:.;d stones aLd so on, at Jacoi; .'s. ' Feerie. Ladies. The lai guid, tiresome sensatioii, e.uibh:c you to feel scarcely able to be 'on out f et: that constant, drain that is takivg irou: youp system all its-elasticity ; diivirV'tht bloom from your cheeks ; that comii,iri strain upon your vital forces, rendering .y i irritable and fretful, cau easily b.- ;; - .: by the use of fliat. i;-;-.t veh.e.j:, i. iy. r. Bitters. it? -i' r:?i.-s i. -k-f i.v 5 of your systfin are r i;eved at oi.-ee, while the special cause ol peiiodical pain is per manently removed. Will you heed this '.' New Advortisomento. Dress iWakine. jy,I8SE8 REBECCA AND KATE DAVIS, at Miss Moore's Boarding House, liorth shrs Market street, between Front ant Second, dec 2-lt Notice, rpHE FEMALE SCHOOL will h ruped in the Bargaw Academy building ua tL. first Monday in January next, uzde rection of competent teachers. 'the Brirgaw, Dec 1, 187? VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. L OFFER FOR SALE a valuablo planta tion seven miles West of Point Caswell, containing: 230 acres, About 30 acrfs rood Swamp Land in bijrh state of cultivation. Also, House and Lot at Foint Oaswelll. Also, Dwelling UouBe and Store at Jinr giw, Call soon or a ood chance will br lost. Apply to J. L. CiilOM, o-, OEO. A. RAMSEY, dec 2 dlt-wlm L'urgaw, N. C CITY UALL-OXE WE T1 ' COMMENCING THURSDAY, DEC, 4 The Greatest Human UarveTc ever Created. The Farnor.?, if-.)) and Wonderful 'MIDGUTS.-.! GEXRKAL MITK, Ape 15 years, weighs t il e. MAJOR ATOM, Aged 10 years, weighing li ibe, These atoms of huaaanity, perfect in form handsome and intelligent, have created t x traordinary excitement in .XortLera ai.d Southern cities and Coney Island. n . On exhibition daily. Aftemr,o&--2 to a. Eveainor, 7 to 9. Siturday Mo-Lin-, extra, 10 to 12. AVOID (pROWDJf. COME EAULY. Don't fail to see them. Adire??ion 2i cts dec 2 8t For the Cemetery. fflHE WAGONETTE will b ru; bet A'c tn the CitT and the Cemetery eve-y edn?ry and Saturday Afternoon, coiuin? nctru' or Wednesday, 3d of Deceiubr r. Leavinr the corner of front and Nun f'.s., at 2.30, 3.30 and 4 30, poiagr tjp Nun V Third street, down ILird btret to Urni,e Etre-t, up Orange to Fourth street out rourtht: Campbell street, and cut Campbell street t j the Cemetery. " Returning, leave the Cemetery at 3, l and 5 o'clock. ' .v Psiseagers taken up any where on tiie Ronte. - ' , ,. , V Fare, 10 cants each wav. Twelve Tickets for $1. tweatT-ieven Tickets for $2. I . T. J. gODTHERLAD. dee 2-nac tu-aat tu Candies k Fire-Crackers. T I i 100 B,e Ajaorte caadJ 100 do French Mixed do, 200 do Fire-Crackers, For sale by j Hall & Pearsall. dec 2 RATHER THAX BEAR TH8 e ILLS jcu have eccaae your pedal extremir'es u. a pair of those element Hand-dewed Oait rs at Four Dollars per pair. They are aot Meo icat4 Shoes, but are warranted to cure ad the Ills thatfaet are heir to, and are decided lv tbe neatest and Cheapest Shoe ia the mar ket. A fair trial solicited and solid satisfac tion guaranteed. i THO. H HOWEY, i nov 21 No. 47 North Market st. .(Cost in. V) brother in r trad- rna.lt1 lo; g ago, and endeavored several t ims PI.Ei.SE NOTICE. Wo nili bep'.ad to receive coxnunk&lic fro: our friends on aay and all uipctifa lstereft la Tr e.raxt the rit?r mast alwavr. te for nbLci to t fcCComraunicfttiuse msst b? written oneiici: ..f tiejapcr. on orlj . . M i F ersonalitiea raut by tu.iJed." And m9 e.vecU'Jj asi oarticularlrfcr-'A tood tlat tLe t.Jitor dcs net alwnje m the view (f c ia th- editor i cr-tao-Ea." ... New w .... Advertisements." FALL & WINTER GOODS. AT K AT.Z-S St I in having the ( licit I ,S 1' l:hOlLTCTi of European aval A:i. rioin Mahufactur ! to ihr to niy -Patrons. oi.s. I am n .' Bargains InViK th '.il' 'M t i hi. h i-tTiiii t c, elk -1 in ,1 ' 1 V A R I k, Uy any House ia the thy or 1 lieLerc. SLAOIi C'BESS' SiLECSi! 1 Cf D lion, Cuiaet, rPe.i!!aTl manufacture. ' , 1 Cur ceiehraJod heavy hoft hs.til: Al, L - f.-r One IN - h.r p r jui.l." Co to red .SiH Wl w i t v . : -1 i I r 1 L v DS-. lroe?.. :hni'i e 1 - i :.i;lir, C v.: Colore! Toloird A i r ar, a'l f'haier,- 12 i" cet.!?, ; Colored A!p;te;i, heavy. )oubh-. U oiny J (:. t:; j:- r'. A ire; 1. j;etv ( f r'itl' 'rerit s s lit- f-:T t' " secern, vcrv irx . y - -i 1 MquvniriQ Goods- P. ? r :t -ever iT-rod heroi in ' vii' D'h'e, ,ndi,vzi- e, Tathise, Crapd k'l.)i!i ; lM.'M,"ft'j ;h ,' and irocalfl Casli-ir.e;- : - I-hsji ie!iS Mohahs,-' ' Australian ) II AM j l'rnnTiiinc, .Silk, (rn-s and Cheiieil Frii r-,'os txves a id Ho'-ij-ry, every style; gocd ...... . , i aim cneap, ;KiM3 aiidM-;ors is. The lest Fii'ty C n i:, ri ever ,-,o'M jn' tin eif r. - ; i ' ' wf tripod .X .iJrceaJlcd. ireaiet virie- ty. .-t., Flan- I men and .Boys' We La !i (,'i-J-, LaMiis ai.d Child; q n!.o-Vi-', IL-u ii;!, Tics, Fancy ods. One lhonatid Dc'zen Imen Hnrxfker chief:-, l'M!r.r.c np.. DOMESTIC OOODS. v.v : . le., Jce.., ail at prices which defy cjom-p'itiiio!-, ;u.d 'pi. dv.ies uhich cannot fail to give s.ilibfaction. I can assure my ' kind. patrons that every article will ho sold AS" LOW, anTIIE MAJORITY. LOU Ell than at any previous season. Ordr Samiei and you to patronize 1 h-2 certain , :Ui ?lmlu-t St. hall pen .MOXDAY, A FKE3U STOCK OF J Overcoats. MD.VSO.V, THE CLOTHIER:' 23 AND MEK. TAILOR, T-t tyrtle Lawn ! NOVEL By ROBERT E. BALLARD, North-Carolina, and Dedicatei Branch Alston, of North Caro' fo O. Juit re2vived ana for sate at HEINSBr KUEK'J Y Aathor of "L'ASOjIMOIR." The Markets ff Tari-'Cor oi-st ot P.'ilis Iianrlo, II I W 111 Koapjon 'arqnrt amil; Helene; ind The Abtx-'s Teniptatioa. JJy Kmile Zola, I'lvice 75 centa in paper, or $ L"25 in elod." f.-rVekf JIEi.VtfHKROKR'S, . dtfcl 2 a:d 41 Market si Lf.f ni ncxnsOerger'B Book Store. nov 2'J 4t