The Daily Review, JOSH. T. JAM.ES, Editor & Prop. WlLMirtGTONi N. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 18.8. Lniekld at the postoffice at Wilmington, N". C, ajJSecod-'CXass ANOTHER BLOODY L.IE. The first reports receired concerning the recent election in Louisiana were that the State had gone Democratic br a large majority; that the new constitution had also been adopted fey a majority equally as large, and that no disturbance had occurred nor outrage committed to in fluence the result that it was a fair and fr elpr.tinn. 'That. rflnnrt.aliinRtii.tfHl that -i the colored people, in large number, not only voted the Democratic ticket, Lut vo ted for the adoption of the new constitu tion. We had no doubt of the authenticity and correctness of the statement, but sub sequent despatches announced that, in Delta parish, the most grosrf and wanton outrages were peipetrated upon offensive liej nb cfj'. 'lnee later despatches stated that, iu i no parish narned, two persous, one of whom, 11. II. Brown, who was but lately a postmaster, had been hanged, and ex-Sheriff. Verk had been whipped, and th . twtntv ri e ut hers had run away from 1 l. j.u.n iu a pUco of safety to eicape i ho t.irue cr similar outraged. It also stated that tliQ moit complete terrorism prtvaile 1 tnrough-'Ut thy entire parish aud that R.pubiic .ns did n t vote, by which it w;is counted for the Democrats by abcut two th!.aud majority. We have becoaie so accustomed to Republican falsehood, especially in regard to any thiu connected with the politics of Louisiana, the report had but little weight with us. Ve were satisfied that it was a lie, and nothing leas than a lie, manufactured for the occasion out of whole cloth. Republican liars do no half way work. As thoroughly accomplished, unprincipled liars, they are peerless and uuapproachahle. There was no outrage in Delta parish on the day alluded to no one was hanged do otji Kas whipped, and none were compelled to.tlee for safety. On the con trary, th election passed o2" more quietly aud more peaceably than bus been known for a number ot years. ii. II. Brown, ex-tcstuiaster. reported hanired. is alive a - ' h aw and well at his home at Tallulah, La., atid all the other cises reported have just as mnch foundation in fact as has Brown's, atal no iu.r--. The whole thing was 1 ibiic.ittd iu tii-i inventive imaginations of ih '.si H-hoe wb.ile duty it is to furnish the faiai wai t j rss with material for the outrage iinll, with no fmther regard for i he di-eei. j i truth than might have bti'.i; exptcu-! t. em.u.ate from auoh a kouico. Although the lie has been so readily a::d comnletely exploded, it Will iferve its purpose. The Ridical press will publish far and wide the first report but they will remain supremely silent regarding its correction. The lie best suits their purpose, iuasmuch as it bet suits the vitiated tas.tes of their readers. TIIK tXODUSrE.RS. The emigration of Urge numbers of ne groes from Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina and other Southern States to the 'North a est continues. Only a night or . two ao, says the Petersburg Index-Ap peal, a lre comp.iuy of colored people from our titer State passed through the city to receive pr Hiiiscd homes and em ployment in In ii n i. We believe they are laboring u .d-ji ths delusion that they are goiiij: to-a hotter land than the one they leave, an i tint this de!u-iou will be rudely broken before the present winter is euded. The ne.;ro is not suited to a cold climate, a:.d he will not thrive in it. He will be wis'j t remain where he has been door.estioa'e i, and there work out his own destiny ur.der the new ordt'r of tbinjf". While npoa this tubjt?ct, it is interest ing: to rfad ot the thrift and comfort onjoyed by negroes iu Georgia. The re funs h-:v tint the property now held by the iwlort'd people uf that State ag gregate 5 18 J 398, against $5,124,825 last, and tais, too, when the bulk ol proi.i-.Mv ins decreased at least 10 rer - .com u. i e. They. have added c9,S00 here in Mir j vepions during the last year, m;:ki: a tetal of 311 199 acres owutd ty the colored people in Georgia. Tuis record is a good one, and ebows that the colored peop'e of Georgia are prospering, There are only four colored men iu the State wortb over 10,000, so that the property ol $, 182.39S is divid ed in small lots among the colored people of all classes and all sections. Feeble Ladies. The Lu gukl, tiresome sensation, causing you to feel scat cely able to be oa your feet; that constant drain that is takiDg from your system all its elasticity ; driving the bloom freni -our cheeks ; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use ol that marvelous remedy, Hop Hitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your siteiu are relieved at once, while the special cause ot peilodical pain is per xuiueutly removed. Will you heed this ? MuimniSE. 1 This is the way the editor of one of our New England contimpnrarifcs gets oven with a. rival : I kA dispatch in forms me that the latest styles of gen tlemen's shirts are of black cambric, with email white spots. All then, that our editor friend will have to do to be in the fashion, will be simply to take a pieje of chalk and make spots on Lis shirt.' ' , The polished stove which warms your room , ( i 1 i .. IsWckest when it's bright ; The head and limbVand minds of mau , Are loosest when he's tight.; I Those folks who are by blood akin . Get up thr bitterest figbt ; , , The blindest man can't build a home Unless he has bis site.; 1 ; And 'mongjthe darkies of the South1 The blackest are called White. ! I , ' -iPuck. The late Dr R- was one who con: i Seldom resist telling a good story evui, -ay h TrutL, when it turned the laugn against himuelf. On lone occa sion a mau servant whom he had re cently engaged astonished him by, ap pearing to wait at breakfast with a swollen face and a pair of unmistakaj ble black eyes. 'Why, John said he, you seem to have) been fighting!' Yes, master, I have,' was the reply. Aud v7ho may, your (opponent hava been ?' 'Why, sir, Dr' M 's man k naming a riva; jii-ouiapiusj -auu what did you fail out about, pray t 'Why, fcir, he said as you wasn't fit to clean his master hoea.' j 'And what did you say?' 'Well, sir,' I said you was !' At a cafe a geutleman plays with his friend to sea who shall pay the other's biP. He wius, and rihing to go out smashes a tumbler, i 'Confound it !' he says, fitting down again ; 'I didn't want to drop anything jat- the cashier's desk to night. I toll you what I'll do I'll play you for the tjiimbler.' He loses, loses back the treat he had al ready won, loses his friend's bill, and, bound to gi t his losses; back, and eg pecially that unlucky tumbler; tackles his neighbors, and new-comers, I ev erybody. And still ha loses, till atthe hour of closing he finds himself stack for 55 francs' worth of miscellaneous refreshments. I owe you 55 francs ne says to the cashier, 'and for; a turn-; bier I brcke. How much'il that be altogether.' 'Fifty-five francs, mon sieur,' says the cashier, j with a bland smile ; 'we never charge our guests for accidental breakages.' The guest goes out into the calm, still night, and under the silent stars relieves his burdened , mind. Freaoh Newspaper. J&iscellaneouis, mm CELEBRATED "Uy A stout backbone is as essential to physical heatlh as to politic 1 consistency. For weak ness of the back and disorders of the liver and kidneys, the tonic and moderate dietetic action of the Bitters is the one ,thing need ful. Remember that the stj mach is the mainBtay of every other org&D and that by invigorating the digestion with this prepar ation, the spinal column aad all its depen dencies are strengthened. For Hostetter'a ALMANAC ior 1880 app to Druggists and Dealers generally, dec l-d&w IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic Hlerhlj- recommended to th? public for all dis eases requiring a certain and efficient TOAMC; especially in Mnttigem tion. Mynjgiin, Intermittent J-'e-rer. It ant of.ljt jet it . I.osm of Strength, JLitek of Energy, etc. It en ridhes the blobd. IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appetizer. IRON BnTERS, strengthens the r$us cles. aud jrives new life to ft he nerves. To the Atd. ladies, and cliil- X Cemjle: Strergtiecer. I oreai requiring recuper uticn. this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommendejl. Mt aeta like a charm on the digjestive organs. A teaspocful before meals will remove all tiyspopticj eymptoms. TRY: IT. Sold Byjall Druggists, THEBROWICHIIICiLCa BALTIMORE, Md. IRON BITTERS, A Valuable Medicine. N BITTERS, fot Soli u Beverife. IRON bTtTERS, Tor Delicate Fenul. 1 For sale by J. C. MUND, Drujrgist, Third street, opposite City HalL nor l4eodkw. 'j You Want rpHEBE THINGS, YOU BAY, MADE skillfully, of good material and 'jfor the least money. You will patronize home iodtutry if it cceti no mere than to place jomr orders elewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in appiepie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts. Dthjb Harness, Ac. j j ( 8re now if we can't please yon ami keep year money home. 1 j dcl QERHARDT A CO. I,"! w STOMACH i i ijii Miscellaneous. SPEER'S i Port Grape Wine Used in Churches for Common ion purpose Speer's Port Grape Wine Fours Years Old. rpHlS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE Wine is made from the jalce ot the Oporte Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic aii! SirenstlienM Properties are unsurpassed by any ether native jWine, Being the pare juiee of the grape, producea under if r. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest inralid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene fioial to the aged and debilitated, and s ited to the various ailments tat afflict the weakei sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE BELIED UN. ! Speer's P. J. Sherry, The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine; of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the g lden qualities of the grape from whichit is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled Speer's P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy. This noted Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and is equal to the finest Hen nessy or Otard Brandies; for medicinal pur poses it can be jrelied upon as strictly pure. See tbat the ! signature o" Alfred 8peer, Passaic, N. J., is over tht cork of each bot tle . A. KPEER'8 Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New Jersey. Office, No. ii Warren St, New ork. 1 , For sale by GREEN A FLANNrR, J. C. MUND8, Druggists, and P L. BRIDGERS CO. aoril 1-1t L-l - i HOP BITTERS. w . . " 1(A XUedlclne, not a l)TtnK,)rM H CONTAINS JMPB nOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, j" I DANDELION, A5D the Pteest and Best Medical QtrAXTftES ofc ' ALL OTHX& BlTTKBS. f Ill Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, SleepJ lessness and especially Female Complaints, r YS1000 IN GOLD. Ill be pal3 for a case they will not cure or help, or for anything impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. Take no other. Hop Cough Cuke la the sweetest, safest and best. Ask Children. .. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidney is supe rior to all others. Cures .by absorption. Ask druggist. D. L C. is an absolute and irresistible cure for drunk enness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics: ' Send for circular. 1 Above told by druggists. Hop Bitten Mfg. Co. Roc hatter, K.Y. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. . i ; . TRADE HARK- n,JRADE MARK English Rem edy, An ua failirg cure for beminal W e a k n ess, 8 permatoxr- nea,!mpoten n v nr)a11Hia RFFQRF TAf IMfi oi that Pnl.AFTFH TAIIKS low, as a sequence of Self-Abuse; as Loss of ir tt .- i t ij : iu. Bck, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other I'isens-s tht lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature virave. ' . Pull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every ne. The 8pecific Medicine i sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six pack ages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the monev by addressing i THE CQAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich. Bold in Wilmington and everywhere by all druggists. wet ll-dawl?. We Do Not Claim AT RON' AGE s nipiy because we are a homo en' ei prise, n jr do we expect t at the exieme of auy one's ivckeu VE DO CLAIM that we can till ai y nl;ifor SiOsli, Doois aud Blinds, ' i Or anything h;our line, at as LOW FIG UUEfe, aud as good work and material, as can be bought anywhere. Window ilast, Builder'sbupplles always on hand. j" Our new DRY KILN is in operation aiid none bnt the b?st Lim ber is used. ' Res pec. fully, ALTAFFKR& PKlCEj Factory Foot of Walnut street j Office Cor Nuttand Ued Croe ttieetf. i nov 17 I r. New River Oysters. pj-AVINQ MADE AMPLE ar rangements, I am now prepared to offer the celebnttd HILL'S GARDES OYSTERS, from New RirerJ In any style desired. Families sirpplied with Oyiters fresh rom the shell. Bar supplied with the best. Board byfthe WMkorday. EUREKA HOUSE, I I No. 4 North Water Street B. F. EfDEN, Proprietor. hot 8. Miscellaneous, i If, T. HELHBOLD'S Compound Fluid Extract PHARMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLADDH & KIDNEYS. For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indispo sition to Exert on or Business, bliortne.'S Of Breath, Troubled with thoughts of Dis ease, Dimness of Vision, Pain iu th Back, Ches, and Head, Kusb of: Blood to the Head, Pale ountenauce and Dry Skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on,' very frequently Epileptic Fits and Con sumption follow. When the constitution becomes affected it requires the aid of an inrigoratlng medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which I 'Helmbold's Buchu Does in Every Case HBLMBULD'S IU ( 111 IS UNEQUALLED By any remedy knowu. It is prescribee bv the most eminent physician all over thd world, in !'' Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, I Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, . Paralysis, i General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, . Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coueh, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions Bad Taste in th Mouth, Palpitation of the He irt, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symptoms, are the oif spring of Dyspepsia.1 HI v mm Invigorates the I Stomach, And stimulates tha torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleans ing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. j A single trial wi'l be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of i:s valua ble remedial qualities. PRICE SI PER BOTTLF, Or Six Bottles for $o. Delivered to any address free from ob servatioo. ! "Patients" may consult by letter, re ceiving the same ottention as by calling. Competent Physicians attend to corre spoodents. All letters should be addressed to H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa CAUTION I See that the private Proprietary Btaxap ii on each bottle. i mini H Sold Everywhere, novlS4wly . Miscellaneous. i s i s Have signed the follow rremarkaWe paper, thsigua'ures of.wl.i h can h-en at) office : i "' I . -";r Messrs SEABUUY & JOHNSON, 21 Piatt : St., NYw rrk : M ' Gentlemen : ' V"Fortbe past tew yoa-:s we liAVfs'i. v:icMi rf i, ms Plasters, riiysiciaus and the Public pilfer RFNSflW' TADPiitfc PLASTER to Ul others. We consider them ono of 1 1 v?nr t e w rS u , . f P 1 'I remedies worthy of confidence, 'Ihey are JSuiKnor to ali ' tbV orus .,S.,MS , ", ciues ior ri-xfruai use. Just Heceived, j 7 A LARGE ASSORTMENT. Doaks and Beautiful Cretones for Lambrequins and i'umituru C ner'-i ' CARPETS AMD O L GLOTHS, i In Beautiful Designs. - ' ! " 1 ' I ". Have not had such a trade in five years Groat indiu , hk htisl u I ' s ' ) 7-'' fered and all who visit us are made nov 24 TwoPinart Bjyscaii rind emplovmentif not afraid of work. (Srand ran enin o I Have the pleasure of again announcing to the public thalt ' we have an unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to otlV r our customers one of the Grandest and Cheapest stocks of I RSAS-IYEAUK GXOTIIIff.G-! I Prices ranging in Suits beautiful and GENT'S FURNliSHIHG GOODS ! Which we' guarantee cannot be 1 - latest Hats, Gaps; Boots and Shoes! In all qualities and prices, imported direct from the Manufacfun r?,. ' whicn we guarantee to We also have one of the choicest Ply and Brussels Carpets, at astonishing low oct 25 CLYD ew York AND ft. Steamship Line She Steamei Z GULF JiTRcAm, " i CAPT. INGRAM, I " WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 021 I ' - SATURDAY, November 22. Hs- Shippers ean rely upon the prompt sailing of Steameri u adrertised. l;l i For Freight Engs.gements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Bup't, Wilmington. N. C. WH. P. CLYDE CO., 35 Broadway, New York:. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS' Af.'D OTHERS! New Job Printing Office ! rpHE UNDERSIGNED, baring leasod the Presses, Trpes and Materia of the Dailt Uitibw Job Printiog Office, begs to an nounce tkat he is folly prepared to do erery description of Plain and Ornamental Print Ujr,in (rood style and at low rates. A share of the pubi c Datronige is repect allf solicited. Satisfaction euaf-aa teed in erery Instance. "Neat and Quick and CLeap' is the motto otthU rffice. ! Office in Bitiiw bnildinif, H. W. WaUr and Chestnut strem. I 1 Order by Telephone w it receive j. nmj t attention. Azy kind of pricttD? crerailr x cuten fop peraons f ewdinr oat of tLe citT ill il.m to them free of poUg-. j Address all communication to EDGAR 8. WARE CK i Job Printer, Wilmington, N. C. nor 15 st.Uan.ecu9. Mr g lMr , nans "happy." , ,at tjlj . ... Respectfully, 1 Grand 1 1 7 from 3.00 upwards ! grand assortment in equaled in tins city. A fine, lijid aiti.l styles in , ii b.8 ot 'snponor quality. and largest stocks of Two and T Rugs, Matting and Oil Cloths 'prices. Plcascj examine..- AfeENTS READ THIS. 'Vi' waiil ;ui A Mil in tlus K'otni'v .: iudi lii arul i xpres't.r so;! fir won 'inventions. .wan-ip!M fi-. .v(5;!n s a MI RM-ANTA"(:o.i M.ns!i-iH, ;v liOV ( l.-ltill I l- ?!i. s,. : s't Rci'iN. "J Kn.;t; iSw ,.S Hook. u '.$. A ?av N : Free.! A'M'fcss Dai.iul F. . pli"ttyj W'a-'i-ir-irtnn, N, .J. no-- c 1 (T i n r r returns In 3(i ihye oa $!00 n Z UUT!"eil. Of!;c:al reports and in' r Li.".tioD free, like Drotitn ivcwKlb' on.rit.cli ..,'r r,s of to 50: 'C . !dree, T. 1'otter' Wigftt A Co., nnt- ir , 2. VVr;1 Si. .. V. ct (Jl $i5to$50(HHi HILL'S MAKUAL" ('.) al ar (1 Hu-i- Kow.fti:lje b'x fftay fu ii a"', ih: i .v? .M.. 1 allcctu i.s of iii v j t-iJ'-n Cl:r;.' irttiiil'v. rl ').;', .-im i 1 . t ! ; 'l q'Jin a.l can p - Kr iv ' ' tur'Jjc . lollier w.tli a Mar i.-r" Egyptian Uracl-V- Dn-.ija-, 'a- 1 II':. - ' Ladics. A quff-r nx.k. ' '' Address Dj 1 MASON", TOO in' a i''v Phi'adIphn, Pi. pucflDroT Dnni-OTnwCI ' ' - IX TUE WORLD. 63,672 dfaperb Eneliih Books, At Oar I'ric. 75 276 yw American Booke.At 1 our i 112,726 Secni-hand Books At Any rTjce. Catalogue of Oeceral Literature Free. LEG GAT BROTHERS, 3 Betkman et., tear 'evr Poat Ulfice, Nje York. j ". . - E0Tj ON 30" DAYS TRIAL We will tmd oar Electro Voltaic Kelu and otlir Elfctric Appliance" upon trial for 30 days to those suffering fiajn Nervous LU bilify, Bheu-natism, Paralysis or any dieai of the Li rer or Kidneys, and many other di- a am rw vf r&Y. eurs, a rire turo jjuireuiiw wi v r--Address. VoLTXCi UiiLT CO., Marflhail, Mich. M 0 . WAHTe D 'ZfZ, BIBLES ar cent i. z ruden s C-on- u-tr jonf with a!t the NEW FEATURE .o lot I J with oyer 4C0 i irt-ratarp, Art and Boner, EaoaiTis'- Tt e ire the books for tne TTnT fn A lit Bl.KK f. r Pareots.andLIT.ilULlUAlu EHAlUKr;, Ahf AND SONU, tor tf Voung Pople. Circulars and terms tent on application to J. ii. CUAilBtRS A CO., tor 21 4w Atlanta, 0

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