x3 THIS Pi PER afternoon, Buadayi x T. JAMES, if J 0 1 ii f OITO AX FROPKIXTOR. .r,nV3. POSTAGE PAID. U;, Tnnth8. S2&0 : Three 7r' u j5 ; One month; 60 oent. ,0tb8' will' be delivered by carriers, .ifeorc' ...v 13 cents per week. r" ' rateiJow and and liberal d?Y!L.ribers will please report any and t0 receiTe their papers regularly. - fjllBl ijlDTION 111 CARPETS tion. 3R0WN J &3R0DDICK, 45 Market St. tie. tfill show the largest assortment I of Carpets South of New York. Tarpcts, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets? Further particulars next week. Carpet Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over SOOajtepresented in this, New Enterprise. Carpels, Carpet i, CarpctF, I CarpetS Wa invito all to call who have AX Y ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets! Caroets ! 1 Car nets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street nor 7- CORNS, etc aurivalWdeboit ! The Famous American Chiropodist. AT THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, who in rites Sufferers, whose walking is im DrtdftH h nod RnMfdVHnr INVERT ED TOK VAli. to a&M on him at once, if bej degire to have their suffering alleviated. 10 ftiirUTES Oalj required for the Cure of a Malignant -orn, and you can carry it Howe in your l'ocket after. No pain, no blood nor Medi cine ui'.d, LADIES Should nil nr ienH fur him. and Cin do SO uh c r.fiHnr a. h unrM them the greatest delicev and attention. Remains hat one week, f& Hours from 9 A. M. to 6 P- Mltt but 29. Look Sharp ! QLD PB0B88AT8 THERE IS PLENTY of cold weather just ahead. Be early then nd 'n season and buy good, warm, hand- i ionre Clothing, Overcoats, Hatf, Caps, Col 1 rs. an the cheapest 8hirt in the city, at BHhlER'S TWO STORES, Market it. dec 3 Notice. rpUE FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed io the Burgaw Academy building on the fi'it Monday ia January next under the di- recu.m or competent teachers. VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. G., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1879. NO. 261 LOCAL NEWS. flew Advertisements. Out Hall Midgets. Oeonlt h Moaais Banks Ponies at Auc L M William Taken up. The World for 1880. P HaiMSBiasia An Invitation. 4uaso Overcoats. A. 4 I. 8hbiir Look Sharp t For other locals see fourth page . Marriage is no uneven game. It is a Fortune bales to smile ou a tour-looking man. Next to nothing A girl with au average dandy. Wicdow Glass -ali .sizes at lUfi'er & Price's. t Ttioro wan a unlnrnliii fish market this r morDiDg. Chickens stufl'ed wiih ojste;s ought to feel good. Shooting stars make fine eport for as tronomers. A stitch io time frequently saves the entire garment. Bear in mind that the bare in mind no body cares to mind. It's the liberal advertiser who wins .he heaviest holiday t ade. Which is the bestot the four seasons for arithmetic? Summer. Now is the time to get your good resolu tions ready for next year. The country is again threatened upon all sides with surprise parties. After man came womau, and she has jeeu aucr u:m ctci aiui ; xue mail wuu cat uuu uuw nounced as a profane upstait. The fattening turkey lookj upon Christ mas as all stuff and nonsense. Steamship Regulator, hence, .arrived at New York on the 8th inst. Meat Cutters and Stuflfers, Gun, Grind stones and so on, at Jacobi's. The Christmas holidays are but little more than two weeks in the future. Families which cannot pay the baker are liable to be stricken from the roles. Hens are very orderly creatures. It is very seldom that they mislay an egg. i : ; M arjy a grocerjman should be persuaded to depart from the error, of his weighs. Kris Kringle is lay ing in his supplies and preparing his team for Christmas servue Dough in the baking pans takes a much kneaded rest just before it commences to rise. ' Barque Jubinal, (Nor.) from Dieppe for this port, sailed from Fortress Monroe on the 8th inst. Thousands of women have painfully ob- prvfd that mairiaee means fewer excar. sions and less ice cream. Fairs and fair women, in large numbers now plead earnestly for aid to the many benevol nt and religious organizitions. Mrs Oates played in Petersburg on Mocday night in Gtrufle-GirofU. Alas! Alice, that yon will notcomo to see us! It is difficult to understanl hy a wife nerer aks her hubbaad 'if the doors are all locked' until after he is snugly covered up in bed. The tramp is the only true observer of tha frmrth commando: ent. He never works upon the Sabbath day or upen week days either. You might as well back a mule up ; raf -i hfl hive and tell htm not to a'.tuBv kick as to tell a womau about a wedding and expect silecce Before marriage a girl frequently calls her intended 'her treasure, but when be becomes her husband, she looks upon him as her treasurer.' Schooner Eva L. Leonard, Torrey from this port, was at Cape Uaytien, on the 22d ult., loading for New York, and would sail about the 1st inst. The regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Navassa Guaxo p.mn.n will h held at their office in " ; this city to-morrow morning at II o'clock When ft sweet little child skips up caw letily and rests ita mclassea-emeared fin gers oi your light casaimerea, it is well enough for you to remember that of auob is the kingdom of heaven. Has Got 'Em. Mr. L. Flanagan baa Just returned from New York where ha went to fill an engagement with Santa Claus. He saw that vnerble myth, bad a long and confidential interview with him,, took his adviee as to holiday matters and as a consequence will open next week such a slock t toys and fancy goods as will make the young folks laagh with joy. City Court One Edward Merrick, colored, was ar raigned this morning for disorderly con duct and resisting tke police. The tes timony of the officer who made the arrest proved that the defendant made a dis turbance at or near an alley on North Water street, near Paddy' Hollow, last last night, about 12 o'clock, by hallooing in a loud voice.and when arrested resisted the arrest. It appeared also that the de fendant cut one of the female beauties of that locality in the face. Ten dollars or fifteen'days was the sentence of the Court, and the" money not being forthcoming the defendant was ordered below. This fin ished the business and the Court adjourn ed. Tou ay the lowest cash prices for Household Hardware at Jacobi's Hard ware-Depot, t Jury of Inquest Coroner Hewlett held -an inquest thig morning over the body of a young colored man, about 20 or 21 years of age, who was fbuud dead on a wood flat this morning, lying at Messrs. Fowler & Morrison's wood yard, near the foet of Ann street The name of the deceased was ascertained to be Henry Davis. He hailed from Brunswick county, but a short time ago migrated to the Rock Quarry, -near Rocky Point. A day or two ago he came down t the city on a wood raft complaining frequently, on the way heie, of a pain in the head, and this morning when the other hands on the fiat awoke he was found cold In death. The jury rendered a ver diet that he came to his death from soma natural cause, unknown to them. De ceased is said to have been a brother of John Davis, the man who was ..bung at Sob ithville last July. The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the low at cash prices at Jacobins Hardware Depot. t Prof. Tice Again. This is the day on which Prof. Tice's prediction hangs. Oar prediction yes terday having created considerable inter est among the weather speculations, a call his been made upon us for the publication hare ith. The first paragraph, it will be sen, is an exceedingly! wise saying, but oie tbat could have been had In Wilming ton free of charge. As to the other, we guess that is worth about as much as the first. But here Is the enTiceing docu ment: St. Louis, Nov. 8, '79. Dear Sir ; Yours of 1st inst. re ceived. Indications now are "for a mild, open winter if present atmospheric con ditions prevail through the whole season. About Dec. i 0th they may change. If they do, then whatever changes this will produce will prevail until the middle of February when another change will take place. Yours truly, John H. Tice. There are two very pleasant Hops for this week. The L Arioso Club have one this evening at Germania Hall and the Comua Club will entertain their ldy friends and themselves at the Little Giant Hall?on FriJay evening. Feeble Ladle i. The larguid, tiresome sensation, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that constant drain that is taking from your system all ita elasticity ; driving the hivim fnm vour cheeks : that continual t train upon your vital forces, rendering you irritable and fretful, can easily be removed bv the use of tbat marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of periodical pain is per manently removed. Will you heed this ? You can buy a No. 1 heating or Cook Stove at almost any price at Jacobi'so. 10 South Front street. t Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using peer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitten in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all tbat is claimed for them, and, in fact the most reliable they can find. For sale by Green A Flanner, Jas. C. Mono and P. L. Bridgera A Go. A peifeci crying sick child ia trans formed into a perfect cherub of rest and comfort by the application of FUgg's Liver and Stomach Pad, which cures without medicine. " Office, Room No. 43, Puree 1J House. - Reyiew. marine Disaster. Brig his. Fish, (of Camden, from Navassa, Nov. 14th. with a carro of 310 tons of phosphates, bound for this port, sprung aleak off the N. E. point of Inagua on the 21st ult. and bore up for Matthew Town; but the leak gained o rapidly and the crew became so exhausted that they were obliged to run ashore at Darau'a Creek, about 15 miles from Mstthew Town. The cargo will become a total loss, the vessel having five feet of water in her hold when beached and filling soon after. North Carolina Medical Journal. We have received the November uum- ber of this valuable magazine. It is, as usual, full of matter of deep interest to the medical profession. We notice in the ditorial columns, A Word to the Med ical Students of 1879". that acme very good and pertinent advice is given to those who are preparing for the arduous duties of the profession, and the admonition tbat the Examiners of the State Board will not grant a license to any who are not well and thoroughly prepared by a knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Practice of Medicine, Ob stetrics, Materia Medica and Therapeu tics. Each applicant for a license to prac tice medicine will be examined in all these departments or branches of the science. . We also notice in an editorial review of SaoitarylEDgioeering,1 a pamphlet issued by the North Carolina Board of Health that the importance of a thorough system of disinfecting of all privies, vaults, cess pools and, in fact, all places where mala rial poisons may be apt to ariselfrom de caying vegetable or animal matter, is earnestly advocated and urged. It is a matter of much importance to the health of our city, and we wish the pamphlet alluded to could be placed in the hands of every father and mother in Wilming ton. Save your money by buying your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t New Advertisements. Do You Want A STYLISH SUIT T TRY OUR NO. 1 CUTTER. MUXSON, THE CLOTHIER AND MER. TAILOR. deo 10 CITY HALL LAST 3 ! THURSDAY, FRIDAY te SATURDAY, The Greatest Human Marvels ever Created. The Famous and Wonderful MIDGETS ! GENERAL MITE, Age 15 years, weighs 9 lbs. MAJOR ATOM, Aged 10 years, weighing 15 lbs, These atoms of humanity, perfect inform, handsome aad intelligent, have created ex traordinary excitement in Northern and Southern cities and Coney Island. On exhibition daily. Afte-noon 2 30 to 5. Evening, 7 to 9. Saturday Morning, extra, 10 to 12. Exhibitions Saturday afternoon and nUht for Colored People. Don't fail to see them. Admission 25 ots. dec 10 Just Received. "JrR8. 8. J. BAKER has jost received a lYJLnice stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, daccues. Hoods, Bocas and Children's Croch eted Cloaks. All kind of JMouroing Hats and Bonnet. Also, a nice lot ot Hair Good, Braids, Puffs, Ccquet's Curls and Wigs, just arrived, dec 9 An Invitation 18 HEREBY EXTENDED to all to call and examine iteek of beautiful Holiday Presents ! AT THE LIVJJ BOOK oTonr, The handsomest assortment of useful and ornamental presentation goods in the city. All new s trie. i Piivnn. nnniXij a verr handsome preeent, and are being sold within reach J HEIKSBERGER'S, dec 8 Live Book and Music Store. Notice. ma a- Drnm.ta ANXCUL MEETING I nf Htfwkhnlders of the UTavaau n.. .in b held at their office ia this city on THURSDAY, the llth of De- ember. dox. at 11 o'clock A, M. Secretary and Treasurer. Wilaiagton, H.O.,0th ICuv 1979. noy 24 I I New Advertisements. Banks Ponies At Auction. M. CKONLY, Au.tr. Uy Cronlv & - Morris. QN FRIDAr", 12th inst., at 12 o'clock, M, we will pell in front of our S?a!cs Rooms, 8 Banks Por io.v Young ani well broke to b'adiie aad Har ness, dec 10 It Taken Up. ONE DARK RED COW, white on top of tail, balf moa in left ear, crop in right car. One B'ack Steer, half moon in left ear, crop in right ear. - One Dark Steer, white on back, cop and underslit in left ear, crop ii rirnt ear. Above csme into town oa Monday morning, December bih, and are now in the Citj, Pound. The owners are requested to come forward. tirOTfi rronertr. i,d nav thu.ro'PB. r - - . I ' c J f 7 otherwise the cattle will be sold. LEWIS M.. WILLIAMS, Clerk of the M irket Star copy. dec 10 It Archie G. Warren's Candy Tent. rjOME-XADE PURE CANDIKS, fresh every day. Orders for Xmas solicited. Give your children only Pure Candies dec 9-2t The World for 1880. Democrats everywhere should inform them selves carefully alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of the movements of their Republican opponent. A failure to do this in I87C contributed great ly to the loss by the Democracy o the fruits of thevict"ry airly won at the polls. Tne year 18;0 promises to be one of the most interesting and importa t years of this crowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Presidential election which may resu't in reestablishing the liovernmeEt f this countrv on the principles of it? constitutional founders, or in permanently changing toe re lation of the States to the Federal power. So intelligent man can regard such an elec tien .with indifference. Tne World, as the only dailv English newspaper published in the citv of New York which upholds the doctrines of constitutional Democracy, will stsadily represent the Democratic party in this great canvass It will de this in no spirit of serle partisanship, but temperately and firmly. As a newspaper the World, being the organ of no man, no clique and no inter est, will present the fullest and the fairest picture it can make ot each day's history in the ci'y, the tit ate, the country and the world. It will aim hereafter, as heretofore, at accuracy first of all things in all th&t it publishes. No man, however humble, shall ever be permitted truly to complain tbat he has been unjustly dealt with in the columns of The World. No interest, howt ver power ful, nhall ever be permitted truly to boast that it can silence the fair criticisms of The World. During the past year The World has sent its daily circulation trebled and its weekly circulation pushed far beyond that of aoy other weekly newspaper in the country. This great increase has been won, as The World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise ceaseless activity in collecting news and un faltering loyalty to itself aiid to its readers AamMncr with the fin pat inn a of h Hnv. It UU.'lUfi ri - 1 w, " - J - - is our hope and it will be our endear ;r tha The World sreeora tor leeu may be written in the approbation and the support of many thousands more of new readers in all parts of this Indirsoluble Union of Indestructible States. RATES. Our rates of subscription remain uncliang ed, and are as follows: Daily and Sundays, one yar. $.0; six months, $5.0; three montba, $2 75. Daily, without Sundays, f nt year $8; six mouths, $4.25; three months, $2. 2d; Io b than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one yea-, $2. The Monday World, containing tne Ikok Reviews and ' College Chronicla," one 3 ear, $1 50. The Bemi-Week'y World (Tues.lajs and Fridays) Two Dollars a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for clab of ten; the Daily for club cf twenty-fire. The Weekly WorW ( Wednesiy) One Dollar a year. To Clufc Agents An ut i copy for club of ten, the Hemi-Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily'for club of fifty. . 8pec"mtn numbers sent free on. appaea tioa. . Terms Cash, invariably in advance. Send post-office money order, bank draft er registered letter. Bills 1 1 risk of the t end er. Address "THE WOltlD," 35 Park Rovr, IV. V. A SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers who send $t for a year's rub scription before December 28 will receire The Weekly World from the date of their subscription To Jlarck G3 1881. This will i' elude the Presid ntial esmpain and the ir auguralion of tne next President Old subscibers who send $1 before De cxnbtr23 for a renewal of their subscrip tion for 1880, will recire The Week y World to March 5, 1881, without miasing a number. This OiTer will be IVitli dravrn. December 29. Takead vantage of it at onca. at oaee. Renew at once, dee 10 Subscribe PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communication; from oar friends on any and all "ubjectsV funeral interest but: : T o name of the writer must alwayr be for r .'Vedto the Editor. . - . "Ji Jomninnicatioca must be written on onU; one side of the'paper. Personalities must be avoided. iSAnd it is especially and particularly us.Ii r stood that the Editor do3 not always erd the views of correspondents, unle. r in the editorial coluans. New Advoitisemonts. FALL & WINTER GOODS. AT Mm iI. KATZ'SV :5G MarK-ol HAVING MJ CCEEl) 1 1 . 1 5. v. I wef ks of untiiing ir.du? : ai d iiiv i iu buying the CHOICEST 1 LODUCTS of European aud American Mantifactur pis. I am prepared to olltr to my rAtrona and Fricnus Bargains In nil the dtCoifnt Dt partmcLts, which cannot be excelled in V A & IE T Y AND Uy any House" in the c'ty or clscwLere. BLACK DRESS SILKS OEellqnGuInet, Teillard ar.d roion ruanufaciure. Our celebrated heavy Soft GKOS CHAIN for One Dollar per yard; Colored Silks, SilK Vel vet Sal in, in . Plain a-id iSxi'ia liiipe. dress goods: Satin Mlanjo.Cashniere, JSoie, Brocade Pensan, l'eisan Kaye, - llaye liroche, Cavalo ilohair, Striped' Satin, Oiml's Hair, - Colored Caslnncres fr.oni l. cents up, Joloied Alpacas, all shades, 12?, centf, Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 10 cents per yard. A Great Variety of different s'v'e, su t- able for the season, very low. . . H Mourning Goods. The best assortment ever goffered liere,. in Drab D'Ete, Bombazine, Tamise, Crspo Cbth ; Plain, fctiipt d and Brocade Cah7. mere; Henriettas, MoLairs, Australian Ciotti , 'j I I UUX 11 UUXUiUUiI.ll lUl A Trimming", Silk, Grass and Clis'neil Frii ges, Gloves a id Hosiery, every style, gocd and cheap, Skirts andjCorsets. The best Fifty Cent Corset ever soM in tho city. Ribbons. FaLcy, S itin, f triped and - Brccadt tl. La.es and Ernbro'deries in greatest vaile ty. Housekeepirg Goods, Blankct?,.F.'n nel. Men and Boys' Wear, . ! La lies Cloth. Ladies and-Children's Mc J riuo Vests, Kiicbings, Tics, Fancy Good3. one inousand Dozen Linen Haudker chiefi, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &o , it c., i:c., all at prices which defy com. petition, and qualities which cannot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons that every article will be sold AS LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWEft than at any previous season. Order Samplei'ar d you'.w iJlbe" certain to patrouizo M, M, KATZ, 6 Market St. Oct 27 . , ' . . i Kerosene Oil 7 Cents Per Gallon P TO MEET COMPETITIOW IerTeraWO. i article of nnaoBrjigrj Oil, at 7 Centiv Per , QalloD. Hold only at retail. rJaib, Doors, nlin s, Paints and-Oil at' bottom prices, tfend along your orders. OEO. A. PECK. SAFETY OIL AT 15 CTS. A GALLON. I A HELLING a beautiful Oil, perfectly reliable and GUAKAXTKED tiAFf, mt li cects a nlloni It crodarx i nnrlr,r light and Is comparatively frte frrm oor. aeco UbU. A. PECK. firnrnnfs Shawls To the Public. XT' OR THE BEXFyiT OF HCifANlTV L solely, I desire to state that 1 bad fcr years a cancerous wart on my fsce, which several montbs ago began to grow raprdir . atd cause the greatest pain, tin the lt nr August last I consulted Dr. J. T. Schonwakl . of Wilmington, who took the caeecr.Jrr treatment, and in two months cured me en tirely. I ana ?J years of ege. KIC1JAKD M. KINO, dec 0-2t Pendr co., N, C. i -1 1 A. Bargiw, Dec 1, lt79. dec 2-lmdAw (

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