THIS P17M I , .reTT afternoon. Suidayi ex- ;;SII. T. JAMES, iRIjons. postage paid. , bBIt: u;, .ontki.' $2 60 ; Thrae S U D ' II 55; One month, 60 ocnta. ioitl"1' ,' u HHvered br carritri. ' ..n.r wut . . IV P"r ; .or Prt or tne city, uua if' nd liberal r8fteribri wilt pleaae report any and f ire their paperarefrularly. Ml in GABPETS LffNI&lRODDICK, 45 market St. $show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. turpi ts, Carpets Carpets, Carpets. wl"0.000 KeDresented in tins A New Enterprise. 'iirpcls, ( a ipds Carpets. We- incite all to call who have A.YYidea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not Carpets ! Caroets I Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street aor 7 Look Sharp ! QU PE0B8SAT8 THESE IS PLENTY ld weather just ahead. Be early then ,:i i leaaoa and bay good, warm, hand Clothing, Orercoats, Hatf, Cap-, Col- llri "4 the ch.apeit 8hirt in the city, at SHulSR'S TWO STORES, in 3 Market at. Notice. TE J EM ALE SCHOOL will be resumed U tt Brgw Academy building on the hlt oDdJ in January next, .under the di ,ectioa of competent teacher.. iMara dec 2-lmdAw H.ROI.V a....a . BY CKO.XLY & MORRIS. Underwriters' Sale! 0S!cVtT,uDe e:ab:,r l2th 1879' at 10 K'-ornj h a- we ih eel1 or Sales Heide 'J llce " I onder direction R. K. Wd on ad ? Vic. Consul, ?ha h 1. J2Uf it may concern IT .rKWe5Ua B"1 PROSPER " rial Do You Want A 8TTLI8H SUIT ? TRY OOa NO. 1 FITTER. MDN80N, THE CLOTHIER doU ANDMEB. TAILOR. Tire VOL. IV. .VvTLMlKGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER u, 1879. XO. 262 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P Haisrsaaaaza The Most Attractive. J E Sampbost, Clerk -Proposals. A unto h O rerco ats . A. k I. 8hkik& Look Sharp ! For other locals see fourth page. Wicdow Glass -Price's. ali sizes at ltaffer & t Xmas is just thirteen days from to day. " In Magisterial Circles there is nothing to report to-day. . Receipts of cotton toot up 551 bales. a . this poit to-da' Meat Cutters and 15 luff its, Guns, Grind stones and so on, at J Acorn's, Jardiniere anklets are comfortall new French caprice for cold weather. v Barque Jerbuen, iiveudsen f ailid from Cbxhaven on the 25th ult.i' for this port. Barque Marie Kay per t Moss, cleared, at Liverpool, on the 28th ult., fori this port. 4 ; J i - " i Gapt. A. L. DeRosset has been com missioned as Qaptain of the" Wilmington Light Infantry. i Barque Anion, Terlessea, hence for Hull Eng., arrived at Plymouth, on the 27th ult., with crew sick. i I. is cum nt ly bnliev.-d trUt a woman -is a bard thing to jsee through1 A d so is her hat at the opera. The height of industry girl so in dustrious that when she hasjnothiug else to do she kaits her brow. There is a young lady follows the fashions sol in town who i closely that she unless they are w.ll not eat oysters scalloped. , Country lads are singling !o ut the most 1 -. ! symmetrical evergreens in preparatory to attackiug the the woods. 1 1 for Christ- mas purposes. j Trcut were plentiful n market yes- terday and this morning at 7 cents per bunch. The fishermen have, had fine lack in catching trout for the past two or three days. We can but wonter who fell heir to our copy of the Raleigh Observer of Tuesday's date. It failed us ! yesterday and we thought we would get it this morning, but it is not yet at hand, i The thermometer in the Review iofiice on this llih day of December, Anno i i Domini 1879, at 3 o'clock; in the afternoon, marked 74. Think of that ye inhabitants of Greenland's icy mountains and wish you were here. We understand that there will be a very interesting competitive debate be tween two of the members of the pbilo mathean Literary Society some evening next month, to which the public will be admitte 1. ' i Cautionary signals Were ordered up thh morning at Cape Lookout,! Krt Ma ' 1 I' j con and Soiithville. The wind i predicted for tp-day and to-night are warm South west, veering to deci led erly- winds. y colder North The small boy Las been struck by a streak of econo:uyt which.- man fests itseL in a penny savings b nk., and i u! a general importuning of visit untii Christmas, when 7. . " T. au'i win lasi tha most success- ful bank bnrst on record wiU t ake pi ace. You .pay tne lowest h prices for Household Hardware at! JAcobi's Hard- ware Depot." t The Chatham Record. audiphone, says thit whi t( hi tinrl mav be CCW speak ing of the e an invention i and wonderfol yet the principle of it was discovered and successfully tested two years a by :iizen of Pittsboro, formerly of Wl m ngttnHCapt. W.E. Boudinot, at one time an officer in the Uul.ed State Navy, upon the little deaf atd dumb son of Sheriff Ta lor, of Chatham county . ) Pliyslciaos' Wine. Vo Vnrk nhvsicians sav that they have been usinc Soar's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters iir their practice for years, to the entire satisf-iciion of their patients and themselves, aud take great pleasure iu recommending them to tbj$ public as b4ing all that is claimed for mem, j ana, ln tt.A nuvit. reliable thev can! find. For! fact sale and by Green A Flanner, Jas. Muuds P. L.Brutgers & Co. A perfect crying sick child is jtrans (ormtd into a perfect cherub of re?t and comfort by the application of Flagg'sLiw and Stomach Pad, whicu cures without medicine. Office, Rooui So. 43, PurcelJ iiouse. DAILY i Wilmington Hanoi. r Turn Yerein Fine Gymnasium Practice Festlvl ties Wound up by a Dance- On the corner of Eleventh and Maiket streets, at the residence of Mr. John G. Oldenbuttel, the Wilmington Hanover Turn Verein have had erected their gjm nasium. The Wilmington Hanover Turn Verein was organized in this city on the 22nd of last June, with the following offi C3rs : Jno G Oldenbuttel, President ; W H M Koch, Vice President ; J D Klander, Treasurer ; H Wentzensen, Secretary an 1 2d Instructor H Hiutze, 1st Instructor Since then, the Club has rapidly grown and now numbers thirty-eight members, as follows : Honorary Members A Adrian, A C fl Prempert, John Bauman, F W Heyer Active Members Martin Rathjen, Jno G L Gieschen, W Otterson, Chris Hubert, Chas K'iin, H H Kasprowiez, A C Wei sell, E W Dosher, F Luhrs, S H Fish blate, Cfl Stemmerman, F C Miller, G d Heyer, M Bremer, O V Oeeen, John Haar. Jr, John Meyer, TheoFincken, Wm Genaust, W F Lessman, W H Gerken, j'GSteljea, O Westell, Chas Michasen, J Mohr, Aug Wehrhahn, Cfcjas Stranger- mah, S Karlsberg, A Bear, H Hiutze. Last evemns we were present at tne r the second of the public practices and were as much surprised as pleased to see the acrobatic feats performed by four of the members. The frame of the gymnasium is thirty feet wide by twenty four feet high to top sili, but forty to top of flag poles. The gymuasiun was illumiuatod with Cajnese lanterns and decorated iwith i 'I evergreens. From the three flag po'es were flying the colors of Germany, the UnU ted States and those of the Hanover Turn Verein, a red flag with four F's on it in the shape of a Maltese cress which is the motto of the Association al over the country. The uniform of the Club in this city is white jacket ana pants and red belt w ith the j words Qut Heil' and the Maltese cross formed by the four F's woven in. The gjmnasium is com plete and is supplied with jumping and horizontal bars, trapeze, climbing ropes, winging ropes, ladder,climbiag poles, etc, At the appointed time Mr.Harman Hintzc first instructor, led up to the bar follow ed by Messrs Martin Rathjen, John G L. Gieschen and Chas Stemmerman. The 'turners' were dressed in the uniform of j i i the Club and went through a series of evolutions which were marvellous when the short time for training is taking hto consideration. Many of their acrobatic feats were " . as handsomely and as gracefully done as one usu ally sees by professionals. There are about twenty very fine "turners'' in the club, but on account of sickness and other reasons some of them were not present. After the gymnasium practices the spec tators ad 'ourned to the ball room and . i j wound up the festivities of the evening i by a dance. The hall is over Mr. Olden buttel's store and is admirably adapted for dancing. It was decorated with flags etc. At 12:30 o'clock supper was announced and Mr. and Mrs. Oldenbuttel served the guests with a handsome epilation which was freely partaken of. The dancing was resumed, the happy participants keeping it up until the early dawn, when kind wishes were exchanged and the party separated to think and dream of the delightful entertainments of the Wilmington Hanover Turn Verein. Save your money by buying your Build-in-, Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Old Wat Relics. Twenty six cannon have been taken from Fort Caswell and placed on scows to be transported to this city for ship ment to Philadelphia. Yesterday while one of the scows was loaded and lying at the wharf at Caswell it careened and dumped nineteen ol them into the river, j ist on the edge of the channel At low tide they are in eight feet of water. We could not ascertain, tut suppose an effort will be made to raiie 'them. It will be a very difficult j jb on account of the strong carrent and exposed position. The guns are said to weigh from 8 to 3 J tons each. Personal. Rev. B. R. Hall, who has for the past two years served so faithfu ly and ac ceptably as pastor of the Fifth Street M. E. Church South, will leave on Satur day next for his new field of labor at States ville, to which he haa"teen assigued by the conference . Mr. Hall, by his uibanity, courtesy and devotion to the cause in which he ii engaged has made many warm friends in this city who will deeply regret his departure. Review. As near as we can ascertain Dr. j p. King had $20,000 insurance on hi ? life Of this be held a paid-up policy fir $r, 000 in the Piedmond & Arlington Com pany, formerly represented here bv the late Maj. J. A. Byrne but not now doing business in the.State, and one for $15 000 in the Connecticut Life, of which Messrs. Atkinson & Manning are the Agents her Pine Fort st. At a meeting of the lot-holders of Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery, held at the City Hall last evening, the following were elected Trustees for the ensuing year; James A. Lowrey, John G. Norwood James W. -Telfair, Louis Le Grand, Al exander Price, Edward Dkkson and James K. Cutlar. Arrested and Before the xUayor. James Price, a colored man, met an other colored man in Paddy 's Hollow last night and the two got into an alterca tion when Price struck the other indi vidual wivh a stick. About this time the police came along and Price was taken to the Guard House, but the other party to the combat took leg ball apd thus es caped the grip of the law. This morning the Mayor said, day in the C. P.' and Price went below. You can buy a No. 1 heating or Cook Stove at almost any price at JacobiNo. 10 South Front street. I f i ; 1 ' I Not to be sed on Christmas. i Mayor Fishblate has concluded to revoke the order leasing the City Hall to the col ored excursionists from Charleston on Christmas day. This is done, we believe, at the solicitation of residents in the vi- cinity of the City Hall building who com plain that when the City Hall is used for a rendezvous by these excursion parties that there is not much rest and quiet in the neighborhood, and as Christmas day is a jollification time generally they fear there would be less quiet than usual if the Hall is to be occupied at such a time by excursion parties. The Mayor has there ore annulled his former order preventing the use ofth e Hall. The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowjst cash priori at Jacobins Hardware Depot. , ' . t ; I j Sampson Fair. Ediivr Review: ; I promised II would give you a short description of my trip to Clinton and tell you about the Fair, &c , &c. Wednesday I left home and after trav elling the best road iu North Carolina I reached Clinton Thursday about 12 m. On my way I had the pleasure of stop ping one night with the Messrs-Caldwell, at Harrell'a store. I found them clever, enterprising and energetic gentle men, and successful merchants. Notwithstanding the ugly rainy weath er, I foaad a very large crowd at the 'Fair Grounds,' and the exhibition credi" table indeed, in every department. The s' ock was especially fiao. Sam j son is noted for fine cattle and she certainly held her own this Fair, as I saw some that would have done honor to the finest Northern exhibitions. Fine hogs also, SDtne weigh ing 800 pounds. There might have been an improvement in horse stock, both in farm horses and horses for speed. The ladies' department surpassed all, everything nice that could be, was nicely arranged . Bless the ladies; they always excel in every good work; and at night, at the ball, I thought I never saw the beauty of Clinton and surrounding country show UTEUch advantage; in grace, dignity and general deportment they were perfect. It Is a difficult matter to discriminate, when all did so well, but I cannot but think that Mr. Willie Hubbard and Miss Lud e Moseley carried tfl the palm as for grace and time in the whirl of the wahz, but all did well, considering the nuusio, which was not good for a ball room but made very good field music. Everyone was well pleased with our friend, Capt. Df nson ; he delivered a most excellent address ; one that cannot fail to do good, but as it will be published, I'll say noinoie about it. Dr. Paichard delivered an address, urging upon the peo pie the necessity of educating tb ir sous for farmers. His address throughout was well-timed and well received, and I do hope will do great good, for that is what we need educated men. Col. Pulk spoke to his people on the necessity ot working ad complimented them on their exhibition. He is a favorite everywhere, especially in Clin ton, I wish we had more Polks in suit able places, for he is certainly the 'right man in the right place.' 1 met Judge McKoy and right glad I was to meet him for there'is no man in the State that deserves the kind consi deration of his people more than the Judge. By the way, did you know they were speaktDg of h:m as our next Govern or? I bavej no doubt he would wear the gnbernitorial honor with as muci dignity and grace as ariy one. The viaitors are iodtbteu taall the managers for their kind consideration, but I would mention ep daily the President, Col Ashford, Mejrs Partrick, Willie John son, Ed Keir and Scott Robinson. Visitor. .Navassa Guano 1 C ompany of Wil Diinstnn. V 'I'Iih annual mce'.ing uf St -ckh ddjrs cf the above company was held at 11 o'clock A M tt-lay iu the c mp.iny's tjTice in this city, Walur. G. M u U e a'ciing as Chairman. The f jllowiug.c fibers were e'e-o:.. i for the ensuing year: President Hon IMi 'Bridget. Secretary and Treasurer Don ald'Mac Rae. Superntendent Col C L Gv. T V. Suptof Agencies Col V L , Uusset. Directors R R .Bridgets, 'Edward Kidder, Donald -MacRae, Smilie A Gregg, John C Grafflin, Wa'ter E.Lnwton, Win field S Dunan. The Treasurer's report of operations during the year exhibitod a f.ivob'c condition of affairs. Donald . MacRae, Secretary... Messrs Mite and Atom. These distinguished gentlemen slill continue to claim, a's they justly should, a large share of public attent on, their levees being well attended by interested and delighted visitors. . They - v. ill giw their usua exhibi'i nJ : to-i ly an to morrow, and ou Saturday forenoon, commencing at 10 o'clock, they will hold a special matinee for the white school children, at which the price cf adrais sion will be reduced to 15 cents. Saturn day afternoon and evening, at the usual hours, they will give an exhibition for the benefit of the colored people exclu sively, at which the regular price of 1 25 cents . will be charged for aclmission.' They will exhibit in Charleston, S. p., on Mondayj I New Advertisemeptg. Proposals WILL BE RECEIVED br the .'County Commissioners, at their meeting on the 15th ingtant, for the Mainterance of the Oonnty Poor and lnsne, and Inmates of the House of Correction, for mj. year from 1st January, 1880. J. E, BAMPtiO, dec ll-2t. ! tie.k. The Most 1 Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL ! PRESENTATION GOOD?, ever brought to Jhia city," is to be eeen at TBX3 LIVE SOOS STOSB IJCall early and make your eelectior a. Thej are all new designs, and just the thing you want. Handsome Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Desks, Jewelry Case?, And Ten Thousand and ODe New, Useful and Ornamental Articles for eale at HEINSBEROER'H, dec 11 39 and 41 Market st CITY HALL. LAST 3 DAYS ! THUKSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. The Great'8t Human Marve'e ever Created. The Famous and Wonderful fiIIDGETS ! GENERAL MITE, Age 15 yeirB, wtiba y 11 s. MAJOR ATOM, Aged 10 years, weighinir IS Ibe, Theee atoms of humanity, perfect inform, handsome aad intSient, hare created ex traordinary exciteOTent ia .Vorthem and Southern cities and Coney Island. On exhibition daily. Afrernoon 2.Z0 to 6. Evenine, 7 toy. Haturdav Mornic, extra, 10 to 12. " Exhibitions Saturday afternooa trad night for Colored People. Don't fail to see thera. Adrci'tien 25 ctf. dec 10 A Gentle Belle" B Y CHRISTIAN.REID. The Musical "Wonde", the tuarveHons OR OUINETTE, stilPcpctinues to sell at sigbt. Pictnres, Frames and Moulding. Frames ot any aizo made to order upon hort notice. A fine as"rtnent of Poems, CLildren-'s TttKks. Fancy Box Paper,, Inaataniir,; Gold Pens, Bibles, Iiymn Books, Ac, Ac. Slank Books, School Books, Paper?," Tn velope, Pens, Ink, alwaji'to be bad at lew price of dec 8 C W. Y ATE?. Candies & Fire-Crackers, QQ Brxes Aesortei Candy, 100 do French M.'xel do, 9QQ do Fire-Cracker?, For sale by Hali dL PearsaSI dec 2 PLEA8K NOTICE. from our friends on any aad all eubJccf;o' j "tcr) interest bat : , ': ' . ' . '. i esse of the writer must alway? bhfxH d to the Lditcr. .. ,-,.. 'amccicatioEa mnjt ba written" on ofejit ia tiie of tbe'paper. f ' -' . :- ' ' . !"' t.j'-" i cronahtic aust.te 'avoided. '. s . iAad it is e?pocia'Iy anl particnlarljn Jf f e.ooa the hditor does not always endo the riews of correspondent-, urle-f f n' AR in the editorial coIutes. rew Advertisements. FALL &'WINTBR GOODS,' AT i. KATZ-'Sf':--- HAVING srtX.'KKDKiv : - ? v . werks f iiii'ii ing in!!..- , iu)iiitc the ( iicu r:s r , iH' t: 1 of Europaaii aul AineiicaM Manuhu-tui f s I ani irpn:iirii1 t ..iV t. ..... n an bargains ' la uli; tho t!Iii; rt nt D'p;irtnxi L, wLK li vnuuiji cxcflit'd ia ; '". ! : ' ' V A R 5 E T Y . AND. - I 13 Ik. CE '7. ZiEETG J2 ' liy any llmse ihjhe ci!y( or elstl.ere. BLACK. DRESS 'SiLkS! CfcUouGuiet, Tci'llai d hr.d f onsoifJJ maLufaciure. ' '.."' .-. '! -I, ' Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS GRAIN for One Dollar per yard!. ' ' '' ' ' ' " ;:" I Colored SilLs, SHU Vol- j in" Plain and tikiu Mri. DRESS GOdOB. u .u;dansp, Cashmere, boo, Urocade I'erisan, l'orsan.Ra've, R iye Rioclie, Cavalo ilo! iair, fctriped satin, Chnul's liair, Colon il G.Hsliinen s from 15 ceutsl up,-' ','olored Alpaoas, all shades, 1, Vent-', Double Wulili .Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 10 cents per yard. j I A Great Variety of different a ycst suit able f jr'the season, very low. I WiQurning Coodsl The best assTtment ever cfl'ered hre, iu Urab U'Eto, L5omba.ine, Tauiise, (feri pfl Cloth ; Plain, tiijrd and limeade Cash mere ; i Henriettas, . .Mohairs,' Anstjalian GioaKsyateruroofs.Sliawls, I rimniing?, .Silk, Grass and Choneil Frh m es, Gloves and Hosiery, every stvle, gocd and cheap, 8-kirts and;Uorsets, The best Filly Cent Corset ever sold iu the city. i , Ribbons. Fa icy, S i'Jn, Striped and - Headed. Laces and Emtroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Goods, R aukel", Flan- ne: Men and Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloth, -Ladies and ChiMrenvife' rir p Vests, Rucliin-s, Ti s, Fancy Godds. One Thousaiid Dozen Linen Harjdker ehkfi, f. cm ,5c rip. DOMESTIC GOODS, . ttc., skc, all at prices which defy com, and .quaiities which cannot ail to give satisfaction. I can assure my' I kind patrons that every article will te ?'!d A.S LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWER than at any previous season. ' Order Sarnplc3"andyo-i'iwilbe,"certaii to patronize 20 Market SI. - Oct 27 Kerosene Oil 7 Cents Per Gallon1! mo MEET COMPETITION -1 offer a NO. 1 1 AR11CLE OF HX3RO23ira OIL ft 7 Centi Per Gallon- HoaU only at retail. Hasn,' Doora, iJ4ior, Paints and Oil, at to'.toro price. ten! a'ong your ord-rs. GEO. A. PECK. SAFETY OIL AT 15 CTS. A GALLOri. I AM HELLING a beautiful Oil, perfect? r reliable and GUARANTEED rtAFF, a't 15 cent a jfallon. It prodacei a mperior liffht and ia camparatiVely free 1 rem t-a'uT. drctt GEO. A. PECK.11 The W ew H at Store. rpiIE UNDERaIGME) Ukes thij methed of iafora leg his nucerotispatroni that her' after be will be pleased to wait on them at So. 13 North Wont street, where can be found the i at eat, prettiest and moatfastion ab.e atfUa if Rati, together with a Cne aj. ortment of Gents Cnderweir, Trcakr, V'a Uei, Umbrellaa ar.d to forth. JOHN M. ROBINSON, No. 13 North Front it., nor 2d South oi PuxceU Roast