' - - . a. ' - i - - -- "... r- ';. . - . ' " ' i ; - - . . n.hd ererj afternoon, Sundaya ex PLEA8E NOTICE. Wo will be glad' to! receive ccmduciv-aticil JOSH. x o gOlTOK AND PEOPRIKTOK. oafRlFTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. fia our friends oalany aad all fnb'ccpj ::'"rcral interest but : ;" e caa of the writer mart alwaj be f iU" - il . OKA . WV-- J I i J5; On month, 60 cent. L.L.in any part of the city, at the -jif"' ' - i. .... nr 13 een per we. ...t. low and liberal -flobicriberi will pleaae report" any and glares to receive their papera regularly. Advertisements. f OLOTION il CARPETS SHOWN l&IRODDICK 45 Market St. ill show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, further particulars next week. Carpet, Carpets, Carpets. Crer $230,000Represented in this New Enterpriser. Carpets, Carpets Carpels, Carpets. Vie invite all to call who have AiYIf idea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets I Carpets ! BEOWN & RODDICK, 45 EZarket Street DOT 7 Look Sharp I QLD PROBS SATS THERE IS BLENT Y of cold weather Just ahead. Be early then ad ia leasoa and buy good, warm, hand- 1011 Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Col- Jwi mi the cleapeit 8hirt in the city, at 8HRtER3 TWO, STORES, d 3 Market at. Notice. 'pas FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed ia the Burgaw Academy building on the fifit Monday In January next, under the di Action ofeompetentteaeheri. lVDec. 1, 1879 dec 2-lmdAw Candies & Fire-Crackers. 1QQ BoiM A(8ortei Candy, 100 do Preacb Mi do. 200 do Cracker., For taleby Hall t Pearsall. dec 2 ' Warm Weather. A SD 1 AM Rlad T lower prioea for utS?!' lt tt7PToie to Mil loir nd YiRD ?5 rePttxon of th. CENTRAL old wVp. Par youxelTe for the next J. A. BPR1NQES. VOL.IV. : r i ! . i i LOCAL NEWS. 1 i If sw Advertisements, Pee ad Lecture. Johh II Robissoh 'New Fat Store. Walikb Conkt Tobacco,1 Cigars, Fip. Cape Fear Tobacco Work. Mas S J Baker Just Received Re d Dauchy & Co's new ads A aatos O vercoats P HaiHBBBRSaa Tha Most Attractive. A. A I. Snana Look) Sharp ! iDay'a length 9 hours and 44 minutes' Window Glass ah -j sizes at LMtaffer & Price's. t cTo intermenti iu BVllevue Cemetery this w eek. New rroon this morn ruinutPg past 5 o'clock. Receipts of cotton to-day toot up 1,150 bales. Little Buttercup dolls are amuD2 the newest designs in that Hue You siy tbe lowest cash prices for Household Hardware; at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. S I : ! I I I t But one iuterment in PiDe Forest Ceme tery (colored) this adult. week that of an m ' Little boys will soon be exploding tt heathen Chinese fire crackers in commem- O'itioa of the hirthday of Chrisi. Dolls this season are giants compared to previous attempts at doll boi struciion. Some of them are four feet high If your wife objects to kissing you be cause you smoke, simply remark that you know some girl that wilt Thad settles it. The skating rink is well patronized the young folks indulging in this pleasant and healthful exercise to a great extent You can buy a No.f 1 heating or Cook Stove at nlmost any! price at; Jacobi's.No. 10 South Front street. M t The new year, it is expected! will find the same old army of liars men who swear off and then drink worse than ever before. The Register of Deeds has issued five marriage licenses during the week, two of which were for white and three for colored couples. The Detroit Free Press is of the opin i i ion that nothing is impossible in thi8 scientific age unless it is to secure the payment of borrowed money. In Oakdale there were six interments this week, three adults and three chil dren. But the remains of two adults were brought here for interment . It is really wonderful the amount of as- istance a young lady red ui res in holdiug np a five ounce prayer )OC k in church when she hs a young man wifh hr. In reading descriptions of all sorts of new inventions, publicatj lOUS audi medi tartled iones, a young married m id ia with the cumber of thinj s th' at 'no family should be without.1 I Peoi!e are apt to bje very generous with what costs them nothing. Sidney Smith once taid that most men are ready to act the Good Samaritan jbut without 31 the oil aud two-pence. Don't forget the poor in the general re joicing during the Chri tmas holidays. A few pennies judiciously; expended will make many a little heart happy that wou otherwise have a dreary Christmas. The Midgets. This afternoon and eveniug the truly wonderful little Midgets, General Mite and Major Atom, will be on exhibition at the Citv Hall to allow the colored peopJa an opportunity of seeing the greates of living curiosities. The celebrated Zeb Vaiice and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowfst cash prices at JacobiJs Hardware Depot. i t - Physician' Wine New York physicians say that they have been using opeer s x-on. uiap m iuc wu Wine BitLers in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as .being all that is claimed for them, and,! in lad hfl most reliable they can find. For sale by Green fc Flanuer, Jas.;C, Munds and Lt. Brmgera as uo. j 11 " """"" " ! 1 1 A neifec; crviDe sick 1 child is trans- nnn.d into a Derfect cherub of rest and comfort by the application of Flaggs Liver nd Sum4Ch rJ, wnica cures wiiuoui. medicine. Othce, Koom ro.j 4, l urceii i : I r - i ' l ing at 50 j: hi, this P-01! : i n -Ml ! ! Si 4 U House i i VVILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1879 NO. 261 f er vices To-Morrow. We have been requested to state that the pulpits of the Method :s churches will he filled to morrow as follows: Front street, in the moruiug by Rev. J jW. Craig and in the eTening by Rev. F A. Bibhop. I Fifth street, in the momin by liev. F, A. Bishop and in the evenirg by Rev. James W. Craig. Lecture Dy Col. Waddell. As will be seen by ' announcement, Hon. A. M. Waddell will lecture next Wednesday evening, the 17th inst., for the benefit of that deserving institution the St. JanW IIoem. Col. Waddell has selected as his theme A New View of North Carolina History" and we know ol no one more capable of rendering the subject justice. It is confidently expected that the attendance on the occasion will be a large one and we tru t that the anticipations will be realized. ' Advice to Hoys. Boys, to be popular and successful as you go through this wieaed world, you should have some distinguishing traits in your character. The appended rules from the Boston Saturday .Evening Express, we would recommend. Fallow them and you'll go through as slick as greased light ning: Exaggerate every ihiDg; always point to another; never fail to betray confidence; don't be caught in respectable company always leave home with an unkind word: always laugh heartily at the. misfortunes of others: neglect to call on -your friends give promises that you cannot fulfil; don't be too punctual with your appointments; crow the loudest over your own perform ance; never send a present except you are sure of a bigger lone in return; always make yourself the hero of your own story always notice defurmitfrs in others; be careful never to be too polite. City Court. A white man who said l is home wa in Atlanta, Georgia, was arraigned before the Mayor this morning upon the charge of disorderly conduct. From the testi mony it seemed that the defendant had been imbibing pretty freely yesterday afternnon ia a bar room on Market street when some party or parties engaged in a difficulty with him. The cry of police brought cfti;er Costin who found the crowd by this time on the street, when two of the party were arrested and taken to the Guard House. It was hard to determine who the guilty party was, and the Mayor suspended judgment upon the defendant's agreeing to leave town before night. Edward Jefferson, a colored youth 'ar rested last night for disorderly conduct, in Paddy's Hollow, seemed so tearfully pen item this morning that His Honor told him to go and sin no more. Henry Anderson and Grace Austin were brought up to the bar o( the Court charged with conspiring to steal an empty beer glass at a place at the foot of Mulber. ry street in the very centre of that re nowned place known as Paddy's Hollow. The Mayor, after hearing the evidence, told the two defendants to go and appear at the City Court again on Monday morn ing. This finished the docket, and the Court Adjourned. Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f - Not Exactly a Christmas Gift Mr. 'J. G. Oldenbuttle, who resides at the corner oi Tenth and Market streets, was this morning the recipient of what some people in this world would proba bly consider a handsome gift, provided it was presented in a proper and legitimate way and would in ail probability thank the Lord betides, for being so gracious and good to them as to bless their union with an heir and son. But it sj happens that Mr. Oldenbuttle ho is, a man of family, has enough of his own little re sponsibilities at home to take cire of, con sequently he did not feel- very much delighted this morning, at about half past C o'clock, when upon going oat upn bU porch he dis covered what upon examination proved to be a new-born babe ji little boy baby -wrapped in swaddling clethea, atd laid at the door of hif residence above mentioted. " Two men and a woman were seen by some parties in the neighborhood to leave Mr. Oldenbutters porch at about 6 o'clock this morning bat it was not quite light enough at that hour, they assert, to dis cover who the parties were, and whether they were white or black. The child ua white child and onlj four hoars old so it is said, when found as" above stated. Here is a chance for the philanthropists. The SherlfTs Telephone. Sberifi Manning has at last put 1 i-Tl-rlf- ,u .'.u.uvivu r u u ii;; ou..si-:e s i;.. through the means of a tr!eph"n Vhi.M, wai put ia potition in the SWt st i f.i e this forenoon. When any one if' 41.x i v:s pay taxes cow ifhe will just ttkL.e the iSheriffgtis wli forthwith tend a deputy te wait on bun, .'and t bus save tha tax-payer's shoe leather. Cape FcaT"TbTcolVorks We see no reascn why,in the near future, Wilmington should not be a large to bacco market and manufacturing centre. To secure this it needs buyers and fac tories and these will readily stimulate the production of the wetd in such fee tion, of country as are capable of pro ducing it and may be directly tributary to our city. Messrs Brunhil.i & Bro. and Mr Meadows aie the pioneers iu this enterprise. A few tshort months ago tfcey embarked in the businefs bore, erected their factory and putrtheir hauds at work and now it is with much satisfaction that they see their brands of tobacco assume a commercial position which ranks them with the best. Their smoking tobacco we can in especial, , pronounce equal to the best of the celebrated Durham brands, and we are glad to learn that the orders are pouring in for it so rapidly of late that the productive capacity of the factory will have to be enlarged at an early day. Meat Cutters and Sturljrs, Guns, Grind stones and so on, at Jacobi's. One Ixpcrlence from Many. I had been sick and miserable so long and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seem ed to know wt at ailed me,thatl was com pletely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and fam ily thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told them what had helped me, they said 'Hurrah for Hop Bitters ' long may they prosper, for they have made mother well and us happy'. "The Mother. New Advertisements. Just Received. MRS. 8. J. BAKES has jost received a nice stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, , Sacques, Hoods, Socks and Children's Croch eted Cloaks. All kinds of Mourning Hats and Bonnet. Also, a nice lot of Hair Goods, tjraiae, runs, ucquet'a Uurlg and Wigs, just arrived, uorner rnira and Urange Bt'eete. aee i s Lecture. DEC. 17. HON. A; M. WADDELL, will repeat his I ecture on A New Yiew of North Car olina History" at tte Opera House next Wed ¬ nesday evening, for the beneht ol Bt. Jame3 Home. Lecture to commence at 1)4 P. M. Tickets 25 cent. To be hai at the Book stores and at the door, dec 13 The FJew Hat Store. jyjT 8TOCK OF MEN'3, Boy' and Caild ren'a Hats, and Caps. GenU' Underwear. Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas, is complete. If you widh to save money call and examine my stocc before purchasing. JOHN M. KOBINSOff; No. 13 Fronrst, dec 13 Next Purcell House. If You Want A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS PRESENT ix. for your Husband, Son, Brother. Kela tive or Friend, goto CONEI'S where you can get A Box Imported or Domestic Clears. A Meerschaum Cigar or Cigarette Holder, a Meerschaum oruriar ripe, A Cigar or Cigarette Case, And anything else in the Smoker's articles. Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac. dec 13 H. BRUNHfLD. W. L. MEADOWS. L. BRONHILD, of Henderson, N. C. CAPE FEAR TOBACCO Works, Manufacturer of All Grades of P.ug. Twift and Smoking Tobacco. TKAUE MARk. Our TriumDh Smoking Tibacco best in. market. dee 13 WILMINGTON, N. C. The Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION GOODS, ever brought to .thia city, ifl to be seen at LIVE BOOS STOHI3 Call earl v and make voor selection. They are all new deeLjns, and juat the thing you want. Hands i me Bibles, Prayer Books, Hvmn nMik. JeLrv Caee. And Ten Thousmd and On New, Uaeful and Ornamental Articles for lale at HEIN3BERGER8, dee 11 39 and 41 Market st. New Ad7ortlsernont3. TWl ONLY MEDUS EVER AWARDED FOR P0RUS PLASTERS WERE GIVEN totlemaanfactBrenf CKNSON CAPCINE PORUS PLASTERS t tie ( cntt n. ' cif I md .Paria Expositions. - . OYER' 5:000' PHYSICIANS DRUGGISTS HAVt 'Y5L HMT-ARli v tktt - n inai tney are a great improve us : ; on the coninion, s!r w-sctirtj? Pome M tneir prompt cti'm an-1 ;he ab- olute cerUiotr. ui their quietly relievin 1 a; apouvecttre.KiCr. 25 C1C.N-TH. ' . 1 , 1 ft Ktool.Caver and )k-ok oslv ! 5 1 41 to 5,1' .,.". ORi.VNS lo fetors, ;J set litM!s, 2 K:-fi w !K;s-(m 1 , Book, oidy $!S. tTT- i.jh,jav Newspa'n- ! Free. Address Dauid F. iJeaitv, WaWi ington, N, J. ioc :; j A UKNTH WANTED l,r 'the Beit an i XXfaet-st Hellinef'ictorHl B. okpand Hib rricen reduced J rer.cent. Naiional J'ub- i ?c 1.; liehing: Co., Atlaau.ia PARLOR ORtfANudt1 fa so n. Onfovoo O f..n u r..i u ; 8tops, '2 Knee wells nlv Acldrf ??, U. S. J'IaAu UU , 163 JJU-eker Bt. N t w lork. - dec 1 ; AGENTS P ft. Hi We waul au Ago lit in this County to whom we will pay a salary of $i0( per month and expenses to soli our wondciful invention. Sample hoc Address 'at once SHERMAN & CO., Marshall, Michigan. dec 13 ClOnn retQrns ia 30 days onJjOO in 4)1 AUUvested. Official reports and infor mation fkke. Like protits weskly on Stock options of $10 to S50. Address, T. Potter Wlht & Co., Bank ers. 35 Wall St., N. Y. dec 1 iw $10 TO $1000 Invested in Wall Btreet dtocke makes fortunes eve ry month. Book sent free esidaitdug evtrv thinfr. Address BAXTKii A CO , Bank ers, 17 Wall street, New York. dec 13 G0CD PL AH. r..i,.i.i,.ip,.n!:.i. HI uliP vsl l.rii; , vu;-a . v t ; ;,iri iiivrsnrn :it j of to $;o.uft'' ' n-uiii. . :), plMIintiuii hnw nil Mil Pan n.) i;i ..t.rk iia!ii.:p LAWKEKCK i C.'U.,. 1! llixaii -SM jtt. .W w V. Faldng Sicknefs, 8t. Vitus Dance, C nru) sions and all .Nervous AClictions, t!UHEu by using Dr. Votberg'B Celebrated German i Care An infallible and unexceled remedy ; i warranted to effect a speedy and pen anect cure. Statistics sho w an average of 93 carta out of every 1C0 cases. A FREE BOTTLE sent to any eutterer sending us their Express and P. O. Address, R. E. Cooke & Co., Ill West 36th St., N. Y. des 13 A GREAT QFEER FOR HOLIDAYS I Pianos atd Organs,, at Fxtraordlnary Low prices for cash, Installments received. Spies did Organs $3, $45, $50, $60, $75, $S5 acd $100. 7 Octave Kosewood Piar os $130, $135. 7 13 do $HO,'J$1EO, upwards. ot used G months. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. HORACE WATERS, Manufacturer and Dealer, 826 Broadway, N. V. l O. Box, 3530. dec 13 ON SO DAYS TRIAL We will send our Electro Voltaic Kelts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering fram Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseace3 of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other dis eases. A sure Cure "guaranteed or no pay Address, VoLTIC Bh.LT CO., Maxshnil, Mich. dec 13 AGEHTS WANTED ,Y,f:,J2iJ work, a complete and Biiiliant Biatory t.f the great tour of Gen. GRANT ABOUND T3E WORLD. By Hon J. T. Eeadley, the prince ot descrip tive authors. DeEC.ibes lieal Hnter'ain ment, Koyal Palaces, Kara Criositiv., Wealth and Wonders of th a ir.di g, (Li.a, Japan, etc. j83T" A u;illion people wact it. Here is the best ctarce of jour i-fi lomako money. Beware of "catch-perir.-y" iiuita tions by unknown aatbo'S. For particulars, address HUBBARD BiiOTULKS, Publish ers, Philadelphia. Pa. d-c'13; tionJJruachit'j,Ct-rrh.Aihiuii;n'i nil ih.risii'fi atid Lwn Affection. Als) O. I0itivf? BUt?? ruuil.il rnic it i "V, , " , . H thruand ofrs.- JK ij-o. with full directions w (in Gcnaan. I renca. c r er.n-ii) lor i rf j-ar-M (n rerr-iiit cf Ftanip. J'lre nam uM t.aprr.c3 W.W.EHS-S,149?ot?ers'5IocK,socetr.Il.r Proposals WILL BE RECEIVED by the County Com tciiioners, at their meeting on the 15th instant, for tbe ilamterance ot the County Poor and Icstne, and Inmates of the House of Correction, for one Tear from 1st January, 1830. J. L. SAMPcO, dec ll-2t. tit k. A Gentle EeNe", B T CU&L3T11N KEID. The Magical Wonie-, the marvellous 071- QD1XETTK, etill continues to sell at eight. Pictures, Frames and Mouldice. Frames of any site Bade to order upon ehurt notice. A fine asirtment of Poems, Children's Books. Fancy Box Paper, Iatutande,- Gold Pens, Bibles, Hymn Books, Ac, dc. Slank Booke, 8chool Book, Paperf,1Fn yelope, Ptna, Ink, always'to be had at low prices of xuaunisatioca mkst b$- written" en on C53d i-f tie paper. rersr.nalities njHst be aToided. rt And it i- especially ari parti rs'.sr1. Ij cr ! stood tlat the' .Editor dee? nnt ftlM uie Tier? cnrre?j ondcitj arlcr. in the editorial col a ins. A ... dtc l'i i AT E3- RI3. :KATZ'S- T-f AV ' ' i KiJKD- r.fur s&id ..L . : . ; in- i-dustrv aid ofloit, 11. Hia ii.c- lii l( i:.s r I'HUDIJCTJS ot Emvixj.tn nn Aiuoiican Manufaclur eis I a?u .prrp.irrd to t-ller to my Patrcns ur; J Fi i win area ins InJulPjihe (lilU'iont Departmei.ts, . vLuli canuot be excelled in V AR i E T Y AND Uy any House In-iLe ci:y 01; dicwLeie.- BLACK DRESS: SILKS! ;f 1 lion, ( Juliet, Tei!;;:(l and rcuon ln.mufaCture. Ou; iv!.:l-ruted heavy Soft GUOb GUV.JX for One'Dollar per yard. oiorcii alks, Silk Vcl- in . ..Plain a.-.d .Satin Snipes. . - ... . PESS GOODS. a m- M-,znz U;iiIm;orc, boi, Brocad i ei.-san, i ersaii K:) v, Kaye Droclie, Cavalo iloLair, Sliipc Saun, Cs im Vs Hair, ' ' Colored Cashiiiciis frTn 15 ccr.tjj tjn, Colored Alpacas, all f-1 Double Width Colored1 Alpacas heavy! only 10 cents 'per yard. A Great Variety of diilerent s'vies, suit- rtuic iui -tiau .stiajsoii, very low.- Mourning1 Goods, The. best a-so'linent ever r.ftVed i.f-r in Drab D'Klo, Domhazine, TanibeCr.-tu. Cloth ; Plasn, ss!r:pf:d and l!:oordV("jiti- mere Henriettas, Mohairs, AuVtrilian Cioth Ci oaRs, Wat emr o ofs, SIi 3 wi 1 ri.MniiDg?, Silk, Grass and Chencil Frh. ges, (i loves and Hosiery,' every si!", pood an J cheap, Skirts -andJCorscts, 1 iiie w'3t r.iity ijchl Corset eT.cr s -.Id :u Uio etty. - r R3 ImUam vFancy, Satin, Stripe j and Brceadi-d. Laces and Embroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Good?, Blankets, Flan- ?!-! J ' Men and Boys' Wear, LaJie.,' Cloth, Ladies and Childen's Me rino Vests, Iiuch:ng3, Tic3, Fancy Good3. Ore Thousand Dojm Linen Handker- ehiefs, frcm 5c np. DOMESTIC GO ODS,c : , ttc., &c, a!l at prices T7hich defy cora peiition, 'and qualities which cannot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons that every article will be sold A" LOW, and THE MAJOIUTF LOW Ell than at any previous season. Order SampIeVaLdyou'.wi!b. "cea'n io patrcnud Sri, lM, EATZ. ao Market 1. Oct 27 :.' " vecoafi J UST RECEIVED A SEW CPPLT. Call and stlcct. c"ol2 ciorli.r & Merchnt T.ilor. " 1 jT FALL WfflTBH GOODS

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