.4. - TJII3 PATES aaii?1 c7etj afternoon, Buadays ex- jO.S II . T. J A M E8, KUriR ANI PBOPKIKTOK. L, p,rt(;iu rnoNS. pohtaqe paid. STJr'$5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three ' Bonths! 25; One month, 50 cents. Mje pper -wiN b delivered by carriers, ..f charge, in any part of the city, at the ' jrertiau ratfs 'w and liberal -Subf"rUei will please report any and : failure to receive thir papers regularly. flew AdvortisGTueiits. VOLUTION ia CARPETS ) ID BROWN & EODDXCK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpels South of New York. Carpels, Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Fmtlier particulars next week. Carpets Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. , Over SOjOOOJepresented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, Carpet , Ca rpils, Carpets. Yc invito all to call who have AA' Y idea of purchasing such goo Is. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all' to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets I - Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street, nov 7 MARSHALL AND LIVERPOOL ALT, JUST IN. IAA Sacks MARSHALL iOUU FINESALT, QIHlO 8cks LIVERPOOL SALT, OuUU ritriped Sacks. Bagginff, Ties, &c- 1000 Whtlend-Half Rolla BAOQINO, JQQQ Bundles 5ew TIES, QOn Lbs Bailing Twine, UU- 1300 Keita Nails, all sizes flop Iron, Spirit Barr Is, Qiao, 3Iolasts, Flour, iSugar. 175 Utld8 411(1 BdIb Molasaes, 1100 BbU FLOUB, F- mily to Super, I 'lK Bbla Harare, Granulated a, Extra t.A LO C, and O. JQ Baji Ri0 Coffee, 125 Tubs Ckoice u1 Lard' 200 Boxw Pur Candj, 125 Bblfl Boxes-Freil1 Crackers, 50 BoXei Belected Cream Cheese, , J-"JrJ nd Toilet Soaps, Lye and Pot 8od- Candles, Snuff, Tobacco, Ac. Fr gale low bj WILLIAMS k MURCHISON, flee 1$ WhoUsale Gro. k Com. Mr. Notice. 'pUK FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed la the Burlaw Academy building on ?tbe tirst Mndaj in January next, under the di Uon of competent teachers. Bgw, Dec. 1, 1879. dec 2-lmdAw ' , it . ! ! ' ' ,- i ' ' i 1 ; s nn VOL. IV. ' VVflLMINtaTON, NrC, FRIDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Cronlt k - MoRRifJThat Car I oad of Pi itit'ons and Buggies. J. A. Sfrisgkr Lower than Ever Jko. R, Melt j -Bent lef for Xilias. I Johnson A IIHk? Lo-k L ' ' , 8ol Bbar k bR For thfc Holidays. D. New mas A Son Ertabl'.'shtd jdoinow O'othing. ' j ! T, A. l'iirj3 WkUed i I ! ' A. k I, HHKiER-SDeciilj Bargains. P HEiN83KRSaa The Moat Attractive The year is I)o.-ef ding, j A rolling stouejij t'Lersj no, c-Us Fur qther loc-ils ee i iutth pa The truth is ini! ;hty mean some time. The weigh ot tlh traTihgrrtsor is short, The, ulster covers mttiy a last vvint r'e suit. To call a inai) iieedy is thw very oxide ol irony The fattest hog the most winning weih. There is no remedy for loje but to love more. . Wir dovr. Glass J 4ah sizes at Jlaffer & Price's. t f " deal in a nanir to a There is a good bank check. T N such Jdar lias been ever kiipwu! lor rabbits. A sm ile on ' he face tumbler. s voi wo in a Santa Claus will these presents." 'know-1 ki men by Some Parisiau --'dress a rtists make dolls attire a specialty.) I 1 Quick trips to glory are in iBe on tkates through ho'es in icf. ' Man wants buc liit e general' y gets it too. rare .b.-low. an 11 A tramp is like the st;JV of lfe, because he's a loafer bread. Probabilities- Cold in the head, with rheumatic tendenciest BiUiardette tables are a 1 t ne w ' mode of household recreation Meat Cutters and Stufi'eis, Guns, Grmd stones and sd on, at Jacobi's. Magic lantern exhibitions are to be fashionable this winter. Time brings many change's; in fact, it is full of new wrinkles One of the uses of adversity it helps to fill up the dictionary. f Look out for sneak hievesi and lock your hall doors securely. t No man has time enough to form any definite idea of eternity. Patent medicine men cold must not be slighted, say the blight Save your money by buying jour Build- ng Supplies from Altafl'cr.& Price. f f-r i. Barque Bra k (Nor)s Arnesen, sailed from Charleston oh the 1 7th inst . for this port. Col. T. S, Mt.rajry of W'hiteville, Columbus county; is in the city tb day on a short vis it. It is said til at a child Aura' 'on Christ rna3 will awap's hiite'lurkey anl gooe, and lean towards codfish and b.cju. A German barque hen ice, for Scilly, was seen on the 9th iust in lat 82-1S, Ion. 71 3, showing signal letters Q vir i ! i - . I .- ' ' ' . Sympathy cornea near and epeaka low. It does not shout through a tin trumpet and hail a m;urner' -from the top of a passing omnibus. Kind words cost, but little. It's the orders your wife gives at the dry goods teres that throw the cash; accounta all askew. " : I , 1 i You can buy a No. I beating or Cook Stove at almost anji price at Jacjobi'sNo. 10 South Front street. 1 t Sending a Christmas turkey to a poor f imily is not the same thingj as , giving a s r penniless man a watch needing jfive dol lars worth of repairs btefore it will go. Indications, i f - i I . ' ! - I For the rest of Friday in the Scnth At lantic States stationary or falling barom eter.variable.fpUowed by Southeast winds, warmer 'cloudy weather and possibly rain. i - 1 I: j The celebrated Zeh Vance and other , . i j i - Cooking and Heating Stoves at the low st casbpriets at Jacobijs Hardware Bepot. t JUfLlMl MB V IB VV . v City Conrt. 1 Again the vargrant Tom Kelley was arrainged before the Mayor, this time to receive the sentence of the Court, whicb was, that the defendant pay the costs in the case, in default of which be was committed to jailjfrom wbich he will, no doubt, gravitate at an early hour to-day to the Work House. This was the only business before the Court.j ' i Personal. Oar young friend, Dr. 'I. N. Carr, of Tarboro, is ou a short visit to : his old bome, and paid us a visit this morn inp. Wo-aift l;id to learn that he is succed-iii- so well in his profession among the a,u id j eople with , wlioua he has cast , bid 1 t, lie thinks that (excepting Wi lining ton, of course) there is no 'place in the world like Tarboro, and no people like those jff Edgecombe county. 1 ! You pay 1 the lowest cish prices for Household Hardware at JaCobi's Hard- vraie Depot. Kit ciion uf Officers. At a regular meeting held last night of theJ5rrahd Council o( I. O. G. S. aud D. of 8., (a colored organization in this city) the folio wing officers were electedto 1 1 i . 1 serve for the ensuing year: Anthony Miller G C. Henry Brewington G D C Annie Bryant Secretary. S R Tucker Treasurer. 1 Prank McKoy President. I R H ' Jackson Conductor. E Par trick I S g. I ' Edward P Tucker O S G. i Sarah Henry P C. Moses Jones, Jr Reporter. 1 A Rush of Buyers. Judging from the crowds which have been flocking to Messrs Sol iBear & Bros' store during the week we should siy that those gentlemen have found their holiday season I any thing but a dull one. They and their corps of gentleraauly cierks have had their bands full. And there is to wonder about this, either, when we consider the immense stcck and the great 1 variety of goods they offer as Well as the low prices at which they are sold The people seam to have found facts and hence the rush, at this ment, k out these establish Cotton on the Sounds. i ! . ! We have very frequently been told that cotton could jnot be successfully cul- tivated on the Sound3 in this vicinity, and that the lands were only'! suited to peanuts and other crops which are i not exhaustive in their nature . Capt. A. A Moseley.of Scott's Hill, in Pender county, informs us, however, that he has made an effort in raising cotton on his planta tion, and that this year he secured 1,800 pounds of seed cotton from less than an acre of ground, j This, by the usual mode of calculation, would give a 600 pound bale to the acre, which is better than if usually done on the farms in noted cotton localities. , I 1 : The Ice Machine. By invitation of Dr. J. E. jWinants, t'ie inventor and patentee, we visited the Cjtton Compress warehouse today to witness the operation of his newly -in vented machine for the manufacture of ice. We regret that the pressure of busi ness was such that it was impossible for ua to remain and , witness the entire pro cess, but we remained long enough to see a part of the modus operandi and enough to satisfy us that his plan may be suc cessfully worked, and ice made by steam power instead of by the natural process. By starting the engine a current of cold are was pumped through an iron pipe in to the 'bo where the ice is made, and in about two minutes the temperature, was reduced from sixty to thirty degrees. This reduction in temperature was made with the top of the box entirely open. If it had been hermetically closed the reduc tion would have been, as a matter of course, very much greater. The Doctor told us that if we would wait an hour he woijld let in the water and make the ice, which we were very well satisfied he could do without difficulty. To our view the plan and we hope is made entirely feasible, that the pa'ience, perse verance and ingenuity of the inventsr may meet with a substantial reward. I Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using Speer8 Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in tact the most reliable they can find- "For sale by Green Planner, Jas. C. Munds and P. L. Bridgers & Co. Ngw Advertisements ESTABLISHED 1 857. Having bought largely previous to ! i the heavy advances, If you Dry Goods, CMliii, Boots At Wholesale or Retail, Be sure to call on us, for we intendf to ofier our Goods so low that we expect to sell all that may call on us. Remember Our Motto Quick $ales. Good Goods. ' Full Measures. Low Prices and as a general thiiig- C O. D or its equivalent. ' Country Orders solicited. OUR PERSONAL attention is given to all orders by mail. D. Newman Sl Sotij . i . - - 'i dec 19-tu firi Bit-mon tu , ' 14 STRBHT. FRTHE,HLD "Headquarters for all that is good, Holiday oL Bear market Street. Have the pleasure of again announcing to thej public that we have an unusual and attractive Stock and are prepared to offer oui j customers one of the Grandest and Cheapest stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHIEIG ! j i.. " rt Prices ranging in Suits from $3.00 upwards ! ' A beautiful and ! GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ! Which we guarantee cannot be equaled in this city. A fine line and latest Hats. Gapsj Boots and Shoes In all qualities and prices, imported direct from thej Manufacturers, J whicn we guarantee to be of superior quality. ' I ' ! 1 'l- ' ' 1 . I We also have one of the choicest and largest stocks: of Two and Three j I Ply and Brussels Carpets, Rugs, Matting and Oil Cloths ij at astonishing low prices. Please examine. BEST BEEF FOR XMAS AND THE j HOLIDAYS. gAHPSON'S BEST BEEF, VEAL, Pork, Lamb, Sausages of my own make wfcich can not lebeat decl9.lt : JNO. B. MELTON, Second Street Market. Lower than Ever. i -i ' "i JTAlGE 8TO0I OF OAK, ASH, 4c.. at greaty reduced prices. j Fall stock of tbe best COAL ia the city, very low indeed. dec 19 J. A. SPRINGER. LOOK THE ORE IT 1MERICAN FEATHER hlNOV ATOR, is now ready to renovate Beds and Mattreasei of every description. Send along your Diphtheria Beds ad have them ma.d Bwet and clean. We have ia C D- neeUoa with the BeaoTator the lNLY First Class Upholstery Establishment in tbe city, dec 19 It JOHNSON k HICKS. Wanted. A LIVE I MAN ranted to handle the LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC" SEW- jNG MACHINE ia vYllmingtons handioaie I ! 1 i ' and attractive improf ements. Call at once or address. 1 T. A. FIELDS.! Commercial HoteL jan 19 It That Car Load QF PHE TONS A5D BUGGIES HAS ARRIVED. 2 PHOTONS, I I 8 TOP BUGGIEit OPEN BUGGIS, 2 PHY SICiAN'SPB.E TONS, 2 SIDE BAR BUCGIR8. LUUI8 COK, Manufaetorer. Call and ezaniae. Wi can sod will sell at satisfactory figures lUh our usual war ranty. CKoati nuttiB. dee 19.lt Aueti's. 19, 1879. NO. 269 New Advertisements. :o: 1 -:o:- r&tk&w more fnliy epared tiiun ever to oiler Barjraiim want to buy & snoes, Hats, Notions, etc. useful, pretty and cheap for the Trade, at Bros., i i o grand assortment in j styles in 1 A FINE STOCK OF DoDddbd m UNSlO IM'S, i I w EXCEEDINGLY LOW. I , dec 17 For Sale. A MOST DESIRABLE PLACE, on Ma sonboro Sound, with a beautiful Water Front, and the fiaest Ocean View on tbe Sound. Two story Dwelling with six rooms, large pis zzas, metal roof; fine Cistern and Spring; two room Cottage and Kitchen, be sides Servant Rooms, Stable and Carriage House, Bath and Boat House. All new jasd built of best material. Parties desiring to examine premises will find keys on place. For further information apply to dec 17 Iw A. D. C CAZAUX. Fair and Festival, jg Y THE LADIES cf Front Street M. E. Church, at the City Hall, THURSDAY NIGHT, the' 18th, whea they will have GOOD THINGS to eat and a uch Christmas for the Children. dee l-3t Around the World in 80 Days, THE :NEW GAME. (Iutertstiag, exci tine and ioatractive. Something entire y new. Variety is the spice of life. Calif at L. P. Newman's Tobacco and Cigar Emporium and see for yourselves. An hour's amuse ment in a novel way. dclg3t j L. P. NEWMAN. 1 Vi&Itors for Xmas Goods yyOULD DO WELL to stop at the; HOWARD HOUSE, Corner Front and Mar ket streets. $1 per day, f 5 per week. Rooms - i 'I , ' and beds are neat and clean and the tablet are supplied with the best this market tSjrdt. dec 16 6t I sl pi PLEASlS NOTICE. We will bejrlad to recclre eoains-cttioo: , li. war lneaas on aay a&a ail aupCte. ! coneral interest bat : "',, , 1 I 0 name or the writer mast alwj! :ti to the Editor. 1, , CooirnuPicatioEf mcst bo writfpn " o side pf thepaper. : I1 i'eronalitiea must be And it is Specially aadtartiialkAj zz.U : ' 5' stood ttat the Editor duo net Iwiji ttdo 1 , i the views of corresponded uals s t Var n the editorial columns. 'i I S ' '-. - .--h r: - 4 " New A d vor ticcmcntii FALL & WINTER GOODS. j . AT 36 Market M.1 AJ, weeks of uiiiirhitui . - . In boylg the f IKK LS I i :.ulJ;j'i s of Eurepeau aud Airioan .Mani;factur ers, I am prepared to otYvt to my irltrons and Friends j1 Bargains in alltho diflWent Brnr1tmex.lv'.jlii'!i V A R I E T Y AM) tJy sny llojiseju'the city or chevjlitre. BLACK DRESS SiikS! Ofpellon, Guinet, Teillard ;anj IpJLr n manufacture. -j . I ' .. Our celebrated heavy Soft GliOS iGIiAIN v lor une JJoilar ix;r jartd. Colored Silks,lSilk l V I veCs, Salins 1 in Plain and Satia SLriptfs. i, 1 1 DRESS GOODS. Satin Melan.CasIauhc, bo'.o, Drofa To Per san, l'ersan liayor 1 i Kaye liniclin, Cavalo Mdhair; .'itr.'id 1 Satin, Camel's Hair, Colored Cashmeres from L" ccii's Colored Alpacas; all shades, lf " dtiit.",, Double Width Colored Alpacas Wavy, i only 1U cents per yard. , , . , :,. A (ieat Variety of diffjrent s y'es, suit able tbf tbe season, very low . j ,H , j rvlourning Goods. Tbe lest assortment ever oirered hcie, in Drab D'Ete, Bombazine, Takuse, Cmpo Cloth ; Plain, Striped and Jirbcade Cain mere ; Henrietitas, Mohairs, i lArstr'al:ai II is; J I I UiVl Ifi VU1M Trimmings, Silk, Grass and Cu?neiyFrjr.i ges, Gloves aud Hosiery, e1 very s.tyle, gicd aoa cneap, Skirts andSCorsets, . 1 iue oesi r my . ."it orsvt even sp in the city. i i Ribbons Fancy, Satin, Striped aud JJr.jci.kd. Laces and Embroideries! in greatest var e ty. 'Housekeeping Gxds, Blanket ii Flan nel. - , . - I . ! . Men and Boys' Wear, , Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Childreni! Mc rino Vests, Ruchings, Ties, Fancy Gods. One Thousand Dozen Line'ri I Handker chiefe, from 5c rip. DOMESTIC GOODS, &c , dc., &c, all at prices wliiclji defy c m petition', 'and qualities which cannot fail r to give satisfaction. I can assure my kiiid patrons that every article jwill be sold AS ' LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOWfe i ,1 than at any previous season. 1 . i ....i" ' Order Sample j'endyou' -vkillbocerta'in to patronize ' 1 k .1 3C Market St. oct 27 The Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTItCL I t PRESENTAflON GOODS, ever brought to ,thistcity, Is to bt seen at' TBS ZiZVa BOOZI STOH2J. il i- 1 . , i '!' Call early and make ybar selectiosas. TL r wanu Handsome Bible. iPraver Books. Hymn Books. Decks. Jewelrv CssM And Ten Thousand and One New. Ueefnl &.r.d irrnameniai Arucies lor saie.at HEINSBERGER'ft, ! 33 and 41 Market t. dec 11 Special Bargains, jyAY BE HAD THIS WEEK AT Si tt everything in the way of Geii's and YoutU' Clothing, Hats, Ctpi, uJLell as Batchelj and FumUhing Good j. ranfementi for the Holiday Trade it, plete and we are offering rsre bargtiii c&vr. Call and see them at PORlER'a TWO StoaE; dec 10 RhnteWii iRrnrnnfs W W HUN V

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