raw taper (tjisbl crerj tkCivraonu, Sundays ex JOSH. T. JAMBS, HOITOB AND PaoPKIKTOB. uB3CRIPTION8. fOSTAOK PAID. ..r 15 00 8ix months, $2 50 ; Three bobUb, $1 25 ; One month, 60 cents, the PPer will be delivered by carrier! , of charge, in any Prt of the city, at the " rte, or 13 centa per week. 'jrtj'rtiaing rates low nd liberal Sabicriber will please report any and I flares w cw"- " -f - u v flew Ad vertiseraents. iflLllTION ill CARPETS SEOWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will, show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. rarpcts, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Farther particulars next week. Carpi ts Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over $2r0,000J2epresentotl in this New Enterprise. Carpets, 1 Carpets 1 Carpets Carpets. Wei invite all to call who have 'A IVY idea of purchasing such goodf. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or no Carpets ! Caroets I I Caroets I E20WN & RODDICK, 5 Market Street, nor 7 MARSHALL AND LIVERPOOL SALT - JUST IN. 16008lCka MAS8HALL'INE.8ALT, 80ooBupoo3rB fine.'lTies, &c- 1000 Vholend-tIalf Rolls BAQal QQQ Bundles Hew TIES, , OOA Lb Bailing Twine, , JUU 1300 Kezs Nails. all sixes, Hoop Iron, 8pirit Barn la, O lue. Molasses, Flour, lSugar. "75 Hhds&nd BdIs Molasses, 1 1 00'Bbls FLOUR, .Family to Super, 1 1 r Bblg 8rgars, Granulated a., Extra 1 C, and O. JQ Bgi Rio Coffee, 125 Choice Leaf JUard, .200 Boxs P Candy, I 2-5 Btl tni Boxes Freb Crackers, 1 50 BoX8, Belectd Cream Cheese, .U"frJ nd Toilet Soap, Lye and Pot Bh' d. Candles, Snuff, Tobacco, Ac. r r sale low by j Wll.f.TiUu l unnnniunv I T l Ud Wholesale Oro. A Com. Mer. Notice. fHE FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed "a the Burgaw Academy building on the fir8t Monday ia January next, under the di ectijn of competent tcaehers. Bgaw, Dec. 1,1179. dec 2-lmdAw Bagg r VOL. fVI WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1879: NO. 270 - - LOCAL news. : 1 ; Sfew Advertisements. Bee ad Lost. aiaswoH G'ohiijig. A. A I. SHRiKaSreciil Barpric8. P BaiNgBfeaeaa Thi Moat Attractive. C E JiVBss For Christmas - MM KATz4-Christmaa i.nd Holidav Goods, H O Rankin Whiting k fl-s Skating Tournament. Jjto D TiTLoa Moitg'ge Sale. D A Smith A Co-1 Lvies and Gentlemen. For other localisee fourth page . , JDavs length 9 hours and 44 minute. Wirtlow Glass--al Price V ! I hizes at Jtafler & i 'i t There were no iuterdueuts in Bcllevue Cemetery this wpjek. ( - Charity gircaMtself rich, but c- Tetous- ness hoardg itseH poor la Oakdale there wers three intermeuts this week all children. To err is human auj it is the only hu man thing som6 people can do If you want muhic for Christmas buy your boy a drum and a tin horn. Save the pennies and he dollars will take care of themselves for Christmas Schooner C J Macdmber, Gooine. hence, arrive 1 at donaives on the 2 j inat 4- Barqtie Euxhnias (Nor.) Tallaksen, henc?, arrived at Livejkol on the 18th r inst. MeatCuttejrs and S:utl;rs, Guns J stones and s6 on, at Jacor.'s. Grind Brig J.1 rA.KeUey, Steed man, cleared at Philadelphia dn the 18t binst . for this Port ' 1 I ''- V ' , , . T You p y the lov.vst ' c isb prices for Household Hardware at jAioiii's Hard ware Depot. t A meeting of the Whiting Rifles, for the transaction ofi important busines,s is called for next Monday evening There are twoclasse who cannot bear prosperity one of them being those who can't get a chance to bear it. Barque V. White, (Ger.) Zplin hence, for Frieate, was spoken on tb'j 9th inst. in lat 38 Jl8, Ion. 71 53. Schooner Thomas. Clyde, Fisher, from Savannah arrived at Brunswick on the 16th inst. to load for this port. - h Chopped, ionions, with a little ginger mixed in, is paid to be a sure cure for chicken cholera1. i ! i There were t'brt-e interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored this week two adults and one child. I -4- In drinking the 'good Health of your friends,! take care you don't get too much in the habit of swallowing your t own. The brigade and 10 cents s of boys At trie Boston : 5 ore now aU wear' uniform caps, with the name anl jr.unibers on the fronts. -i The Register oi I)ceds has issued seven i marriage licenses daring the week, two of which were fr white and five for col- ored couples. Mr. E. EL Bdrruss was elected a Trustee of the .First'Presbj teriin Church, oi the 18th inst , to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death o Mr. Eli Mur- There are a fcjw happy people in this country and they comprise those who know nothing about the great financial qTiestion, a ad don't wish to know j any thins about it. Rev. Dr. Pattersioo J will preach at Pike Church to-mprrow morning and at Burgaw to-morrow night, but this will L not prevent the regular services in St. Juhn's Church to-morrow. Mr. T. Si Raster, of Henderson, has been engageij ns a teacher in the Cape Fear Military Academy. 1 He comes well recommended by President Battle, of the University, and the elder Mr. Horner. It is said 1 that1 one of tie excureioauU who were in the city on Thursday was robbed that night, in front of the Market House, of every cenj he had,' with the exception of one dime. He had GO cents before he went in and 10 cents after he came ouU I The strictest investigation tailed to find the thief. You can buy Stove at almost ia .No. l beating or ujjk Any price at Jacobi's,No. 10 South Front 'street. I t City Court, j Two sailor men who gave their names as Jas. Jones and Jas. Mclntire and who bok to be about 25 and; 80 Years of age i i were arraigned this morning upon a charge that looked from areporter's stand point very much like that of highway robbery, A seafaring man, who sails un der the cognomen of James Fletcher, was the aggrieved party, and stated under oath that last night somewhere in the city tt e exact locality he could cot tell as he was a s 'ringer in the place shortly after dark, he was set upon by two men who held him and attempted to rifle his pockets, which tbey succeeded parially in doing when he cried out and .they scampered off. To questions put by the Mayor the wit 3038 stated he was somewhat in liquor liet i.ight and had inteuded going off on tha train to Now York,-where his bag . 'I t gage had preceded him, but that being too late fcr the train he missed the oppor tunity of going. He stated that he bad some $14 in money "when be started down town, that the parties who robbed him got a portion ol; it and he had only $2 left. The witness would not swear positively to the idcutity of the persons at the bar; he could not tell whether they were: the same who robbed him or not. Officer Walker testified that last night ibout 11 J o'clock Fletcher and; the two prisoners at the bar were together near the1 corner of Dock and Front streets. The two seemed to be trying t get Fletcher to go aboard as one of them said, so he paid not much attention to them, I supposing they were friend?; but shortly after they had passed down Front street and he had turned towards Water street, heard cries of fire, murder and scforth; returning he saw two men coming running, whom with the! assistance of officer Wadkins he after wards arrested and found to be the same parlies whom he had a short time before 3en with the man Fletcher. One of tit prisoners, Jones, seemed very indignant about his arrest and claimed that he knew the law and the rights of a citizen, but could not be induced to talk about the man whom tt)e two had just been in company with. The witness testified that ofJScer Wadkim and himself then brought the arrested parties to the Guard House and locked them up. Officer Wadkins being called to the stand corroborated this testimony in regard to the part he bore in the arrest. , - Three doliars and ten cents in money were found in possession of Jas. Jones who declared it was money that he had been paid off with jon his jressel, the schooner Jennie F. Willey, list night. This defendant further stated that last night was the first time he had left his' vessel since she arrived m port, some three weeks ago. The! other defendant, James Mclntire, has been in the city some thee weeks, he stated, waiting to get a ship; came bere from Charleston. The Mayor, j reserved his decision rand the prisoners were remanded to their cell. James Fletcher is held as a witness in the case. A Water Street grocery merchant vf as arraigned upon a warrant for non-payment of license tax, and also for failure to ap pear at the City Court yesterday in obedi ence to summons. Tne defendant ren dered excuse that he mistook5 the hour, when the fine of $5 .00 which had been entered s against him was remitted, and he .was released upon payment of the costs, and producing City Treasur er's receipt for hack taxes. The Court then adjourned. More Robbery. Thieves have again visited Capt. S. W. Nobles, who lives just a few mtlesout of the city on the old Newbern road. This time they carried off a lot of geese and some fodder. Capt. Nobles saysjthat the thieves are as severe on bilk and persons living In his vicinity as the old Moonlight Club was; j lfa?lstrate's Court- Isaac Baker, colored, was arraigned before Justice Millia this forenoon for an assault and battery upon John John sen. colored. Judgment was BHspended upon payment of costs. James Baker, 1 colore J, before the same Justice's Court, was arraigned for as sault and battery upon the same defend ant above-named. Judgmen, was scs pended upon payment of costs. - - Tiie Twins. Isaac Baker and James, j his brother who are better knew o as "The Twins" have again been in trouble, bit this time it was in the Magistrate's Court that they figured instead of the City Court, the charge being assault and battery. Judg ment was suspended and thej i ere re leased upon payment of costs. 1 - ! i ! 1 " aa fc aaaa aja aM aaaa .aaa Review, i. New I Advertisements. Ladies and IT B A UVUKY BODY SHOULD KNOW!! That the Finest, Most Complete and Most Elegant Stock of Furnituro m North Carolina and especially in Wilmington will be foTmd at THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND 17ELL KNOWN FURNITURE HOUSE P. A f 1 : We sell more goods, cheaper goods and better croods. than anv house between Baltimore and the j South There's lots of beautiful tumors for but comfortable, durable and useful. No charge to show goods. ! Call dec 20 Melton's Market. Mr. J. R. Melton, of tbe Second Street Market, has made ample arrangements for the benefit ef his customers next week. His market will be sipplied daily with the best of fresh meats, among the lot some of the best of prime Sampson county Beef, as well as poultry and game. He is determined to offer nothing but the besttlat can be obtained and will be please! to receive and attend to all orders that nay be left with him. 6t Saw your money by buying your Build. ng Stpplies from Altaffer & Price. t Alarm of Fire. The alarm of fire about 3 o'oclock this afternoon proceeded from a house on Elveuth, betweea Market . and Princess streets. The fire department were out promptly, as usual but there was no need of their services as the flames ware ex tinguithed before the engines or any o the rest of the department could reach the place from which the1 alarsa proceeded. The damage, we understand was slight, and the origin of the firs accidental. Grand Dresi Ball at Smith villa. i i "We understand there is to be a grand dress UlWat Smithvilli on Tuesday eye- i ning, the 23d inst., and we also learn that tlosa who hate taken the'initiative in gattlng up the tuiertainment are making preparations for s good time sure, and hiva en craved the Italian itrine band from this city to bs on hand at the time specified above. Is a farther guarantee that tta ball will be an entire success, we will mention the fact that Captain J. W Harper and Otstaln C. C. MorseTare tie principal managers for the occasion. i 1 . ' iThe 1 celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowest cashptces at Jacobins .Hardware Depot. t Unoallables. The following unmailable posUl matter remains in the Poitoffice in this city : Mrs Johnston Jones, iWest Phil, Pa : Miss Marv Jnes, Horse Heel and Shoe Heel; Mrs Blalock, Winston iN C ; Allison & Addiion, Petersburg, Va ; H H Johnson, SandHill, N C ; Mrs T M Jones, Catlett SU :1S Quicks, Sand Hill, ' ... X C ; David Buraws, MayesviUe, u ; W W RichardsJ Pender county ; Cin Enquirer Press, j Cincinnati, Ohio Pacific Guano Co, Charleston, S C ; Saunl ders A Blackman, Oiarlotte, K C ; Joseph Smith, 1,132 Lombard St. The Udiea sing if the sweet buy and buy' we will meet atthat beautiful store. : ! I A nerfpph rrrinff Ick child is trans formed into a pexfect cherub of rest and comfort by the appliction of Flagg's Liver and Momach raa, mien cures, wnnoas medicine. Office, Rom No. 43, Purcell House. UIVia,l ... - New York physiciansay that tbey have been u?ing Speer's PorlGrape Wine and Wine Bitters in their pactice for years, to the entire satisfaction! t their patients and themselves, and Ukejremt pleasure in recommending them Lobe public as being all that U claimed for hem, and, in tact tbe most reliable tbey ca find. For sale by Green & Flanner, Jt5. C, Munds and nhv.lJllanJ W I n - r. ju. criogeru w Ti ' New Advertisements. etuftBeinme&i ! FACT, A3 OF Pole. I v I Xmas. which are not cm y pretty, ! and see us and we will do you good. WORTH FRONT STREET Whiting Rifles. Yu ARE COMMANDED to meet at your Armory Moaday evening at 8 o'clock. Basi nets of importance, By order of the jcaptain lldec 20-lt H. O. RANKIN, O. 8. , " Lost. gETWrEEN MUNDS' DRUG STORE on Third Street sad Bar bank's Pharmacy, cor ner of Front and Prinoess streets, a box cln- tinlnr HvriHc&l Tmarnmana That finAv will be suitably rewarded ff leaving the same ai mis omce. dec 10 It Skating Tournament THE RIKKTUE8DAY EYENINO, 23d. Contest for the best skating for 'both cd ladies and gentlemen. Frizes to be award immediately after the tournament. ' dee 29-2t ' j . For Christmas. FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic jast received for the Christmas Holidays. THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy In tbe city, will be found evert day, frasb and sweet, three doors 8outh of the Poitoffice on Beoond street. Also, Nuts, Raisins, Fruit, Ac. C. E. JEYEN8, dec 20 Neai tbe Fostofflce. rjJortgage Sale.! Kercbner A Calder Bros, ) Superior Coxut , Plt'ffs acainit of I Wash C. Fergus and New Manorer wife E. V. Fergus, Dfd't. J . County. BT VIRTUE, and In pursuance of a decree of the Superior Court in the above enti tled action, I will on Tuesday, the 20th Jan uary, 1880, at 11 o'clock, A. M., expose for sale by public auction jit the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, that parcel of land situate in salacity, being: the Western half of Lot No. 6, in Block 114, fronting 66 feet on Second street, and running back tbe same width 165 feet. Terms Cash. JNO. D. TAYLOR, deo 20-29.jan 6-16-19 Commissioner. yteltors for Xmas Goods YOULD DO WELL to stop at the HOWARD HOUSE, Corner Front and Mar ket streets. $1 per day, $5 per week. Rooms j .7 and beds are neat and clean and the tables are supplied with the best this market .fDrde. dec 16 6t Lower than Ever. JARGE STOCK OF OAK, ASH, Ac. at greatly redseed prices. Fall stock ef the best CCIAL ia the city, very low indeed, dec 19 J. A. SPRINGER. Yon Would Like to Know yHEBE TO GJ TO GET THE BEST Liqaor, Ojsters, Wines, Cigars, etc. Tbe Xevr Restaurant I- i ! and Saloon opened by WILL WEST, in I . tbe Custom House Alley, bas the best of everything at very reasonable prices. New, neat, dean and private, is tbe Office Saloon. WILL WEST, i i . ! dec 15 Proprietor. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive commcaicaticnj. from our frieadj on any aad all sub;ectfV general interest but : t e name of the writer must alwtTf z-?i fcr whsd to the Editor. , " ' ' j Communications must ba written rt or;? one side of thepaper. ! ! I'eraibnalitiea must be arc ide?. ;! And it ia especially and particularly end or stood that the Editor does not'klwsys enrf-vv the views of correspondent:, enlefo sta'e in the editorial columns. jj' jj I New, Advertisenioilti . Ihiristmas AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT m: m. ka G Market It Econoiiiv to flHV Something fl ciul ! ON 11AX1),- FOK THAT l'LlilOSK, DRESS COODS. Shawls, Cloaks, Slankcts Skirts;, Collars and Cliffs. I TIES, TOWELS. NAP.tlKS, DAMASKS BRUSHES, , coiv.es. Kandkerchicfs ! From 5 cjnlta up 1 T BIBS, BOWS, FLANNELS, ' WEilr? AND BOYS RIBBONS, And hundreds o! Articles too cumerou3 to mention. No advance ia any of tese Go is. 8vc money and get BOiething ufefol by calling on 36 Market St Jl dec 20 J . li The Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFITL FHK8ENTATION OaOD8, ever brought to thia .citj, . is to be seen at THE LIVE BOOK ST OB 23 ' . ! I , ... Call early and mkfe your selections. Ther are all new designs, and jast tb ttiajou want. i Handsome Bibles, Prayer Books, Hrmn Bools, Desks; Jeweljy Ca And Ten Thousand and OneN;ew, Uieful and' Ornamental Articles for sale at i nEINSBEROER'8, 33 and 41 Market tt. dec 11 1 Special Bargains, M AT BE HAD THIS WE AT 1 m in everything in ILe raj of Gent's and Youths' Clothing, lists, Cap;, VuLrtUn Satchels and Farnithing OoodiJ Our - J 1 !' rsngemen!s for the 17' Tr ade are cou- plete and we areo.L- J J; j-rs new.- '1 Call and ue them at , i 8HP.lR'3 dec 16 U Artel sL - A JOhE Sl-jLK J -. Vothln r at i I 1YL TJ KT S O K?-'s- EXCEEDINGLY LOW". dec 1! -.Jf For Sale. A MOAT nr.IRATll P PT.ii'd m m uavil ULI !J n,- jTI. sonboro Sound, with a bean til 1 Water , on Ma A-ronr. ana toe ncest ueean jView oa tfce Bound. Two story Dueling with six room, . large pisnw, metal roof; fine Cistern und Spring; two room Cottage and Kitchen. .' sides Bervaat Booms, Stable and Carriage HouMBata and Boat Bouse. All new aid beilt of best matetiar. Far tie d wiring to examine premises will find keys ca place. For further information apply to deo!7 1w A. D. C'iZiUX. L f '

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