TfllS paper ,4P.DiUbtf e'erj afternooa, t Suadays ex- JOSH. A. in n ' jUJTOB AWD FBOFKIKTOK. . 1 E3CRIPTI0N8, POSTAGE PAID, ear $& 00 8ix n10118 1250 Three '3 T'un 1 55 ne montn 60 oeBt J" will b delivered by carriers, , 1 f charge, n nr Part of the Clty' at tbe utei.or uvouvc Kw . - m tai In and liberal Subscribers will please report any and ! filarei to retire their papers regularly. New Advertisement. fOLOTIONiE CARPETS BROWN & EODDICK, 45 market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. Carpets Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over $25d,000epresentecl in this New Enterprise. (arpels, CarpH ( a rpcts, I firTiP.tS- We invite all to call who have A A' Y idea of purchasing BUcll gOOtls. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Wo also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or no4-. Carpets ! Caroets ! 1 Garnets BROWN & EODDICK, Market Street, noT T CLYDE'S Mew York AND Wilmington, N. C. Steamship Line. Tfc Oteazner 3 CULF STREAM CAPT. INGRAM, ""ilL BAIL FROM NEW YORK1 Ok SATURDAY. December 27 8hlpprsaa r sly upon the prowpi satllns; of Steameri as advertised. "6 for Freight Engagements applv to TIIOS. C. BOND, Smp't, Wilmington, S. C. . r. ttlUK 4 rjOt 35 Breadway, New Vork. dec 2J If You Want for your Hnibsnd, Son. Brother, Kela ti or Friend, go to CONEf'S ;where iyou A Box Imported or Domestic Cigars. A Ueers haam Cigar or igaratte Bolder, A llcejfchaum or Briar Pipe, A Cifar or Cigarette Cae, Ana anything lse in the ' eJf "clel Daaler la Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ae. n i H VOL IV. WILMINGTON; N. C TUESDAY DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. T J Moia $5 Reward. tfiUBioi Overcoats. A. A I. 8hbikr Special BargMLS. P UBiNSBxaeavt Th Most 'attractive. For other loeala'see fourth Wirdow Glass ah sizes at Itaffcr & Mce t All kinds of Paiut, all aizes ol Glass, for lowest prices at Jac bi's. Ba-pue 7tor, Williamson, bence, ar rived at Glasgow on the 8tU inst. Steamship Regulator, Deuce, Tiivsd a' New Yori at 9 o'clock this forenoon. Barque Jjamatine, Olseu sailed from Rochetort on the 7th urn for this poit Barqfue Diana, Schroder, , sailed from Saarpnefs on the 8 inst for this port. Barque Risot, Kllingsen, sailed frero Sharpness on the 7th inst. for this port Barque Oar . Annie, Br) Huskie, hence, arrived at Liverpool on the 20th in8t - Barque G.ogc Davis, (Br) Campbell, from London fo rthis port, passed Deal on the 0th inst. Barqne Israel, ($w.) Tslin, hence, for Hamburg, arrived at Dartmouth, Lug , ou the 19 h' nt. Did you ever see such weather for Xraa?? The tbrmometer stood at 72- ia he shade at 3 o'clock to-..Uy. You can buy No I. Heating aud Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the" Factory Agency, at J acobis. Chri.-tmas Fire 1)'H and Firelrons, Fluting Machines and ecry sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices at Jac. bis. Christmas shopping i uow at its height an(j our principal business s'reets are as lively a8 if a. circus bad just arrived in town. Happy is he who hi s learned this one thing to do the plain du'y of the mo ment quickly aad cheerfully, whatever i may be. About two-thirds of a pint of air is in haled at each bieath, in ordinary respira, tun. Some men's breath, however, J over two-thirds whisky. Blessed be the man who "kuows how to caper and enjoy nouseuse; woe to the man who parted early with his boyhood, and blessed be the mn who carries bs boyhood djwn latest into life Save your money by buyiag jour BuiK- ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Our neighbor of the Robesonian com pletes, with this issue, the tenth volume of that excellent paper. May he be as s,nc cessful during the nfxt decade as he has been in that which hss ji$t swept over him. " , . Pocket K'.ives. TaUe Cutlery, Silver P.ated Forks an 1 Spoyus; targ et variety ud lowest prices at Jac his Tbe Gold Jboro Messenger says: We learn that another wholesale grocery is soon to re es ablished in this place by Miirchison i Wi'liams. The house will be a branch of the well-known WilmiDot n firm of WiUia'as & Murchi- son aad will te under the immediate suuir?Lioii uf Mr J. D. -Wilium, oue of a. our principal cotton buyers th4s seasjn. Xuias Decorations. Messrs. P. L. Bridges & Co. are decorating their large grocery establish ment very handsomely with erergreens m preparation for Xmss. . To marrow will bj the grand and culminating day with thsm aLd oa that occasion their .friends will find them at tbir post ' frjoi early morn till dewy eve" and, p-.-rh.ii-s, if their customers so will it, unld de..y Christ mas morr. Their stock, is full, complete aid heavy and they are selling it. Disastrous Five at RcU.v Point We regret to 'earn that the gin hoase, otton prt ss, grist mill, engine and eight bales of cot tou on the premUe3 of Messrs. Wetbrooks & Brothers, at Rcky Point were destroyed by tire last Saturday night. . Tbe losa will not fall far from 3 000, and wo learn that none of the i n.nnari was covered uy iuuru.o. The cause of the Are is unknown, but it ig 8Uppoge(i to have caught accidentally p posed The engine had been running daring the , aQj p3rtiea connected with the es- j r t tablichment were up as late as 11 o clock and Lo fire was discoveied when they I left. Daily Ladles' Emporium. The Misses Karrer fe McGowan,. of rUlelgh, have established themselves in business in thia city and are conducting a p-jrelv ladies emporium; ladies and ehil dren's underwear ia one of their special iti3a. They also work in hair goods and are prepared to do stamping at short no tice. During the Xmas holidays they will keep dolls, vases, etc. See advertise raent in another column. A Flue Ran. Tbe prospect of light weather aud a ood nm Umpted out aw large dalagation f tha fox chib this morning. There were about fifteea in the siddle out of he forty members enrolled which, tiking it all in all, was a good turnout. 1 be ruu began at 4:30 o'clock and ended at 6 30, at which time Reyna-d was ciught, and Capt. Bill Oldham had the brush. The run was a very exciting ont; the fox, although young, was very crafty and doubled on his pursuers repeatedly and at one tim j ran so clse to one of the members of the club, Mr. Forshe. who had iust dismounted, that that gentlamau give him a cut with his whii. Conplimentaiy. Dr. P. L. Murphy, a son of the late Patrick Murphy, of this c ty, and a gen tleman well and intima'ely known to several of our young men, has been com- plimentcd by au appointment as Assis tant Puysician of the Western lusane Asylum, located at Staunton, Va. Dr. A M. Fauntleroy, of Staunton, was at the , . , , rPt same time eiectea ouperiuieuueuw iuu election took place at Staunton, on the 1 1th inst, and there were twelve appli- trom vv imgton ana we uo not cmta for the position of Superintendent one frm thla and fourteen for that of Assistant mUed to accompany the party. We do Physician. When it is stated that many uol know why, it was so but surely a of these were names of mueh prominence litto courtesy on this occasion would not amoDg the medical men of Virginia and hae been misplaced. An invitation to other States, tbe compliment extended to thePresidents of our leading commercial fuli UrrPecLed eIeCUD boce. might to ve been safely extended as . ." notone of then would in all probability Arrest of a Desperado. hae been aWe to go West at this particu Police officers Williams, Scbarfamea jjgQQ Df the year. ? and constables Nichelas N. Carr and j may bad taste but still we can deputy W. H. Strode last night, under n0 rtfrain frpm menti0Ding the fact that the guidance and direction of constable a fw year8 Eg0 tne merchants of Wil Carr, proceeded to a house in btraus Alley, between Second and Third street?, over in Brooklyn, for the purpose of arresting one Robert Brown, alias tienry Mack, a descendant of Ham and an e: caped criminal from South Carolina, whom the party suppose!, irom information in their possession, was lodging in the locality above named. The honse was inrrounded br the officers of the law, but the object of their search eluded their erasD for the time and ejcapedinto an outhouse from which h escaped into another small house and was at la t captured, by the pursuing party .earing a ponioo f the h0uSB awa, to reach mm as ne naa seuurcu uiuwn ilv bv fastening the door on the :..Lvna tn .tnl hntawr iuoiuo. w :- " V" fired at the fugitive as he was fleeing from house to house, but without eff ct. About Jh, fira words .pokea bj the caotive to tba captors after he was taken was to inform them, that but for the fact that he, Browa, alias Mack, had that day deposed ot his pistol Dy selling it, ne tmw .-l,r Vsatra anA Vila liffl rlPArlv before he "J 7 - wouia nave Den This no d&nbt the villian would have done as he is represented as being charg- J with the crime of burglary and arson said to nave oeen cuiamm-u iu iuiu6' ton District, S. C. CapUin Brock, Chief Ul A iui "J , 9 moatb, a,o. . dcriptioo of a party who naa escapeu rui wui"uw fcUC Uw at the above named place in ootn riomHn which it is thoneht. fits Brown i. " ' toijt uwy i Maftn, D W Aitchell, E McQueen, Alex The prisoner was conveyed to tbe Mufcell, Alexaner Mnrrell. Guard House last night aad locked In a K O 8 R obi ion. cell where he now is, and will remain j-W P Quid, until .omethiog ?n b. Heard froth. Vnftug. authorities in Darlington, who were tele- IfJSnsan "Wek, mrs Susan Wad graphed to to-day by tho Chief of Police. kinS, Mary S Ticker, oahw Lena Wil The prisoner maintains a very rullen de- iuwii Charlott An Weill, Martha West, meaner, but in reply to a question as to Cirg&eo BardeijB Watkini. h.wlonghe had been i. Wilmington Per-ons callind-or letters in above hit -two jears. off and en.". He claim, wia'please say "ayertised"; if not c laxm to hail from Wilmington and is abo.t 6 -d 0 dayi wUhe sen to dead letter fe,t, 8 or 10 inches high, of stout build, Office,WashingtoJD. & . is a ginger bread color and looks to t E't BRIfK' P- vM i , , , tWilmineton, r. C enly 25 or 80 years of age. 4 - 1 M ' Since the above wa. in type. CapUiar Hanover Cnnty.U Brock has receded a despatch from Sher- iff W. P. Cole, of Darlington.sUtiag that from description given, no doubt tho party arrested here last might Is Henry iTf0 " WfDt?f D"Uoit,' Sheriff Cole requests Ctptain Brock to holi on to his Vriwoer atl he n eome with necessary papers. REVIEW Personal. Capt. Guilford L. Dudley. Private Hecretary to His Excel!ercy, 3overocr Jirvig, is in the city on a week's fur'ougb fr the purpose of passing the Christmas with his friends and relatives in this city. VTe are pleased to notice that our friend his improved wonderfully in health since w3 saw him list, a year or so ago. iHon. Waltsr L. Steele, member of Oogress from the Sixth district, is in hrf cly enroute from Washington to his hene in Rockinghano, Richmond county. jKnives and Fork, Pocket Knives r. to the Cbildcn at Jacobi's. ? Tb Carrier' Address. . fl carries of the Reiew will to mtrow aftersoen make their aunual vih:t tthcir friends, which is a time honored costou amog the newspaper boys ou the day befoiv Christmas ot each year. T ity will cary with them this time, in atasd of their regular address, one of the m jtbeautiftf and pathetic poems it has rf been our pleasure to read. t everybidy who reads the He ikw (aid who dos not?) show a substantial appreciation if the faithfulness with which thqr have beei terved by them tor the pit year and make glad the hearts and 8obewbat heavier the pockets of tbe faith I faiiittle fellcicrs. I j " i ',.'.. , . , - , I . . f . I trn to celebraie the opening of tbe Swan- f ... Tunnel, there was do represeuta- mi,gton were petitioned for assistance to tburoad, andtbey cheerfully responded by advancing 12,000 with which to buj tne iron for tfo frgfc three acrttS the mouUains. Some people are apto forget thtt Wilmington is iu N rth Car-lina 4 Ui Of Letters. Tie followinj is a list of the letters re- mailing unclaiaed in the City Postoffice Welnesday, DC. 24th, l7a: ri-Mb Canline Andrews, Anna Al. lmrs Ania Barnes, mrs Conway Brjuat, mrs Licy A Beasley miss Milly Br OW Bmou, T M Ietts, W M Bucbanan Wil I lieioullen. C-:Mrs LouL Copoland, Thomas Craig ste.hl CraigW B Crane. Dennis err, Belford Davis. E-Katle Ems, Sarah A Edwards, KjjC -kttj, mater', .Sam Faacett, G W Furgass.Frank Faming E Dj Fryar, miss Virginia A flfg- FHamUton, mrs C M Han- coct, Checy Hirring, ars iiliiza urn, llu riet Hirker. Laura HankiiiS, Racbae Haiilton miKRuth Howard, C W Hudg- i iQgtenry h arias, John H Houston, J Al Harwell, R liHolden, Wm Harsen W G e. , . jta w C Jones. W H JohJton. Sevein Jorgenson. K-Hannahornegay, Charlotte Kl It, r ) Tl II. T J TJ "TLoSrta Liviigston, UCLyoo, J A udd, wngn. LofRi. i tt 14-Harriet ferrick. Cora Jane Mar I .. T . ... n:,i T TJ C un,y;.iaa Mcinre, iratnes: iaiuer, u i r The steamer Q(hrnor Worth put in an sppearance iaiur waters here this moraine, iu the pi of the A. P. Jit. the reason for tbe tangf ling, wta w told, the bwr pkrt of freight, and t. ' ' UAJ .jTj. ... . ' Qepernor IFert capACitj bemg so . much greater tnan so nun. 23, 1879. NO. 272 New Adverti8emonts. S5 Reward. gTBAYED FkOM mj residence on Bla den, between Fith and Hiith streets, on Son day evening laat, a Black Tan lioutd 1 up py, left fore leg; slibtlj crook ei, gevrt montbi old. The above reward will t e paic for lis recovery df c 23 3t T. J. MOTF, CB&XSTMAS vercoats AKD BUSINESS SUITS. AT ' M U 1T S O IM 'S. dec 22 Clothier and Mer. Tailor. Watches, JU BONO METERS, JLWELKY, Ac Repaired neatly and promptly, by J. L. WINNER. No. 3 South Front street, Wiltuington. N. C. Orer twenty years' experience. Give me a ttial. dec 22 You Want rpHESE THIN US, YOU BAY, MADE skillfully, of good material and for the leaet money. You will patronize home industry if it ocsts no more than to place your orders euewnere. uood. Teats businet-B. We ve everything now in applepie shape for the manafacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. 8f now if we can't please you and keep year money home. eec UttUllAKDT A UU. Ladies' Emporium, UNDERWEAR made of b8t; mater k l. Children's and Infants' Clothing. . Latest novelties in Hair, Carls, Puffs, Coquets, Sar atoga Waves. Orders for Hair Jewelrj promptly attended to. Hair straightened from combings and made into any. ptjlo dt sired. STAZttrXlYCr DONE Bohemian Vaoei, Toilet Setts. Ckina Cu: t aid Saucers, Wsx and China Dells at vtrv low prices. Orders tkea for Infant an Bridal Wardrobes. MI8RES KARRER A McGOWAN, dec 22-tf 6 Frent Street. H. BRUNHTLD. W. Li MEADOWS, of Henderson, N. C. L. BRUNHILD, im Fear Totacco Worts, MANUFACTURERS OF ML GRADES OF PLUQ) TWIST AND SMOKING TOBACCO Oar Triumph Smoking Tobacco best in market, dee 13 WILMINGTON, N. C. Lavender Water, yfiRBENA WATER. New lot fresh drags and a fall and complete stock of Fancy Arti cles for the Holiday Trade. Every this guaranteed fresh, pure and of best quality. F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th aad Nun Street. Open day and night, dee 22-tf hristmas JS ELEGANT ASSORT kENT, consist log of Fine Russia Leather Detks, Work Boxes, Olove and Handkerchief Boxe?, Odor Casfl, Jvwelry Caskets, Ac, Ac. A new ad beautiful supply of Gold Pens, Pearl. Ivory and Cellaoid Pencils, Unite, Scotch aad Japanese Goods, each as Work Boxes, Baskets, Crved Vases Match Baf .s, Brackets, Card Catee, Ac, Ac. A large stock of Teacher's and Family Bibles, Prayer Books, Hjmna's, elegsntly bound. Hymn Books of all denominations. Poems haadsomely bound in cloth and Morocco, Standard Books for Boys. Annuals for 1S79 Chatterbox, ,Vurery, Little Folks, Wide-Awake, Ac, Ac. My line of Children's Books u.tbe most eo ai piste I have ever had. The choicest aad mott elegant stock of Fancy Pspettries ia the eiey. Be tare aid eaUat "dT T JE3 '' . dte 23 'V -' ! r LEASE NOTICE. We glad to receive eoxxunkationi from oar friends on any and all lubjecfs'o .moral interest but : T o name of the writer must alwayr c, far u'.-hed to the Lditi.-. ' t-ywrnanications asst bf wrlttflf cr Only ce ill of thepaper. ersosilities must be ...avoided. . Atd it is ejrpecii'ly and r&rti ulrriyiordt r stood ttat the Editor r..r t a!wT r?,V the riewa cf cr-rrerj ondenti, ticU.v r in the editorial coluT-ns. New AdvcitirmcntM. si ni as AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT ',-J.-:-,-: ... i II Kioiioiuv o Ktiv Sometliiii I 'e lull OX HAND, OK -THAT I tiiVcbK, DPajass Goonsy Shawls, Cloaks, ' .. . $ : ; Collars and CufTs9 TIES, TOWELS, NAPK1KS, DAMASKS ' BRUSHES, COEV1BS, Handkerchiefs ! v . . . From 5 c'.nts up I ' ' BIBS, SOWS. FLANNELS MEN'S AND BOYS' WcAR. RIBBONS. Aad hundreds of. Articles t )0 numerous to . mention. , No advance in any of theee Goois. 8tc mondy ah J get EOir.ethicg cseful .by calling on HI. M. KATZ, 3G Market SI. dec 20 The Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION GOODS. Ter brouglit lo, Is to be setn at THIJ LIVE BOOK STOKZ7 CaM early and mke jour ctlectiOBS. The? are all new designs, and juat tha thing jou want Handsome Bibles, Prayer liookp, Hymn Books, Desks. Jewelry CaF. . . And Ten Thousand and One NV.V" Useful and Ornamental Articles for sale at HEfNSBERGEK'f , 29 and 41 Market ct. dec 11 Special Bargain?. jyjAY BE. HAD THIS WEEK AT in everything in tL? iviy of rast' Shi Youths' Clothing, L'ata, Cap', trcl'cs 8atcbels and Furnlil.'.n G.-ol'. i- -rangements for tLe lli lljar . com plete and we are oI.ric' rare . i ir e now. Call and eee them at ' SIIRlER'fl TWO S TO dec 16 : M-o ! t. For Sale. . ifnjT'nrnTT) i nr ii . ur inn ' onboro Sound, with a beautif il Water Front, and the fice?t Ocean View on tie Sound. Two storv Dwflliurf with ir room, large pis zz as, raetal roof; fine Cistern and spring; two rooot uoitage ana Kitcuen, r sidas Servant Koomi, H table and Ca-riage Houae, Bats and boat House. Ail nw ad biilt of best material. Fa-ties desiring to examine premises yill find-keys on place. For farther information apply to decl7 2w A. D. CAZAUX. Lower than Ever. JARGE STOCK OF HC. -ASH, ir.. at greatly reduced prie-j3 Fall stock 6f ihe beat COAL La the city, very low indeed. dM 19 J. A. 8PB1NGKB mi dec is

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