'Vt' i i THIS PATES i 03i!ie1 aierf afternoon, Monday ex- ptJ by JOSH. T. J A M E8, BDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 1 jjl BMCRIPTIONH.FOHTAGE PAID. W year, $5 00 Six month, f 2 50 ; Thre moathJ, $1 35 ; One month, 50 cents, i'be paper wil1 b delirered by carriers, f charge, in any part of the city, at the 4tve ratei, or 13 cents per week. Adrertiinr ratef low and liberal rSabicriberi will please report any and !1 failure! to receiTe their papery regnl&rly. New Advertisements. KBVOL a 3R0VN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of i New York, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpete. Further particulars next week. arpc ts Carpets, Carpets, j Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpels, Ca ipcts, Carpets. We invite all to call who have A IVY ilea of purchasing such goods Carpels, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea "of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Carpets I BROWN & RODDICK, 45 IUarket Street, nor 7 Christmas ELEGANT A8SORTHENT, consist H Fine Russia Leather Desks, ; Work Boxes, Qlove aad Handkerchief Boxes, Odor Cues, Jewelrj Caskets, Ac, Ac. 1 new and beautiful supply of Gold Pens, Ivory and Celluoid Pencils, Swiss, Scotch and Japanese Goods, such as Work B. Baskets, Carved Vaes, Match 8af;s, BrwkeU, 0rd ies, Ac, Ac. lrge "took of Teacher's and Family Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, elegantly foand, H mn Books of tJl detominations. Poemi iandsomely bound io cloth- and occo, Ftindaid Books for Boys. AnnnaU for 1879 Chatterbox, Nursery, Lvttle Folks, Widd-Awake, Ac, Ac. line of Children's Books is the moit ciDUtelhTeeTer had. Tb choicest and mott elegant stock cf nej Papeteries-in the city. Be sure and eallat je 22 soonaToiixi- Special Bargains, 1 t 4 V Tr. . ;!" UCj "AO this WEEK AT .weythlnla the way 0f Gent's and cioth, Hatff Cfipj Umbrel1ll8 and furnuhing Ooodf," Our r nu for the Holiday Trade are 'com Me we ar nr.: . . - . - v.V4 tu jf rtre oarjravns now. ee them at BTION n niDiinn lUUflnrBifl ec 18 aHRlER'S TWO STORES, Market at. ffTPii I ! . i - ,-rr-v J . ' i . ' -n v '' ' , . TIE DAILY KEflEW, 1 I VOL.1VJ WILMINGTON, N. C, SATUll DAY , DEC EMBER 27, 1879. NO. 271 LOCAL NEWS. 5ew Advertisement . .Icnbon More CJotbing. P HsiNSBBiiBxa Books Just Oat. 1 T. Alvebbro Master Bbip Notice. A. A f. Bhkikr tiseeial BariiiigJ Report of the Condition of the Firdt N'a tional Bank. For other locals aee i jurtb page Xo interinects in Odkdale ItbTTs weet. I r i .! i -4 Day 'a length 9 hours! and 43 miDUtes. The days will now 'begin to lengthen now bej -aji slz Wit (low Glass zhs at "ItafTer & Price's. Fall nioou to morrio ut 1 minute past 1 1 o'clock A . M. If you have a cleiir. vision never let I i l your rje in your mnth.i ri Miss Louifcig Poaieroy is bo)ked for Charlotte at early late. Knives and Fjrks, 'Pocket Kaives &c., tor the Children at Jacoiu s. The proper j place , for i boy ts to play leapfrog is on the bck stoop, j v A house without bo()ks aud newspipera 's like a house without windows. -Tte very nlild tetuperature hjis miliiaed very much againstthe Oyster trade. Barque (rennania, Vilmowj heut-e . 1 I .1 ..iriAtvi at London on the .IQth ifist. How to get marriejl in X-lentj i?tyle horro w ten dollars toj PaY the minister. Barque &ilp, Morland, cleared at Liverpool oh the 9tii iost for this port. The high price of cotton may affect the batting of the base ball clubs pext season. ;. Save your money oy oviyia jour Build ng Suivliis from AHufier & Price., f Barque K onnetcltz. B uchar? sailed from R cbelle on I the 8ih iost. for t. port. I j 1 ' , Scnoouer Ralpty Jfcivcs, Getchell, sail ed from Belfast on the 22od ,?nst. for this port. :- . ' , :' Schroner John A. Grijfin Sclover, hence, arrived at Philadelphia on the 24th insti 1 The monotony of a maa'Bilife is gener ally due to the s fact, that he has do change. 1 i - t Some people jjudge aa umbrella by the ; : the ribs. , i It is too late for a boy to be good and ! ! ' repent of his sins whence finds himself on thin ice. Schooner Ldnisa Fiaz.r. Crawford- cleared at PhiladelphU on the 24h inst. for this port. i 1 What a piradoxical j creatpre m.ri is He uses a blotting pajver to keep from blottirg pqper, -j , ' ! 1 ri : 1 A newly rcarri.;' mP1 ays that a mother-in-iaw in tlielbihl is. wprth any number in the house Lt.ii Only one iutemeut in BelleU) Ceme- terv 'this week, that of U child iwliich was b rough here for tnte roent- L . 1 You can buy .No 1.' lleatiu.g aud Cook 3toves at almost anj priceiby going the Factory Aucy, 'at jACChVs'. : 1 i Puckot Knives, Table 'Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; .largest variety acd lowest prices at JacobI's I 1 , 1 1 Barque Gioiye J)avis, Cmpbell, frorr London for this port, was rff Ventnor, Isb of Wight, on the 9th inst. t ' , The Raleigh daf lies aud 'the -Charlotte Observer will taRe-Xmas inj ftheirs until Tuesiay next when 'they, will? emerge again. ' . i ' : 1 I The Register ot 'Dteds , has iss ued twe've rucirriage lio'eiiSes this week, six of I which were for white and siki for colored couples. - I ,i' Mr. F. W. Foster wis ir Petersburg on Tuesday, urg:ng? the claims of the American -Uui n Telegraph ; Uompany. The new enterprise received the endorse ment of h -Tobacco Association. ' iMiysiciaiis' Wine, i New York physicians say thai they iave been using bpeer's Port Grape-Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for y.eirs, to the entire satisfaction of their patiehta and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommeuding them to.the public as being all that is claimed for them1, and, in tact the most reliable they, cm find. Forsale by Green & Flanner, Jas. O, Muuds and P. L. Bribers & Co. - -j I i - MURDER IX PADDY S HOLLOW. Subsequent InTCstlatlon Before the Major-The Verdict or the Jury ef Inquest. A terrible crime was committetl in this city on Christmaa Ere night at a sailor boarding house, in or near the locality known aagPaddy 'Hollow, on Nutt Street, by whioh a young Frenchman, named William Marie, a' sailor man, lost his life fiom a stab through the left lung with! ja long bladed knife in the hands ot a col ored woman, known as Maria Hall. The deed is said to have occurred about mid-j night, and before a physic an could reach the stricken man, the poor unfortunate fellow died. 1 The wiund was inflicted with a long bladed pocket , knife ( which was afterwards secured by the officers of the law with the stains of the murdered man's life blood still adhering to the cold stool blade. The weapon was turned ver to the Sheriff and 'will no doubt b3 produced at the trial of the alleged mu.rderess before the February term of the Criminal Court in this city. The testimony; of Edward Bryson, the proprietor of the .house in which the homicide was committed, before the Mayor yesterday morning was in effect that the origin of the difficulty was about a bunch of keys which "Frenchy as the deceased was called, was said to have snatched out of the haniis of i Maria Hall, and which he refused to return to the woman, who repeatedly asked him for them. The witness further stated that the woman, after appealing in vain to the man, William Marie, thn asked I witness if be would not make Marie give back her keys as they belonged to her and she wanted them and wished to go to her room aDcj. could not get into her room without the keys. Thewitaessthen appealed to Frenchy to give up theteys, but he still persisted in holding on to them a policeman standing at the door was also appealed to by the woman, but he declined to interfere. Th woman then said if Marie did not. give her up the keys she would make him pay for it and threatened to have him put in jail At this juncture she left the house, but returned in a few minutes; and tho wit ness, who followeddher with his eyes, saw something unusual in the woman's man ner. She passed through the bar into the dance room adjoining and after walk ing around the roonTreturued again to the bar where the man, William Marie, was standing leaning on the counter, (witness here described the position of the decea:ed at the time by assuming the same sort of attitude); witness followed after the woman and when he reached the barroom again he saw her withdraw her hand from the direction of the stricken .man in which she held a knife. He then discovered thu man was wounded badly, and hurried off several messengers for different physic ciacs; finally seeing as he thought the dying condition of the man he hurried af ter a physician himself Dr. J.; C Walker, city and county physician, was soon on the spot, but the man was dead when he arrived. The woman M ria Hall, after striking the fatal blow hurried into the street. Frank Knudth, a seafearing man, was then brought upon the stand; but noth ing new was elicited from nim. M Toney Ashe, colored, was the next wit ness called and testified that he saw the accused when she left the house and af terwards arrested her, and was told while carrying his prisoner to the guard house that she struck the deceased because be refused to give her up her keys. Ihe prisoner at the bar was then asked by the Mayor if she wished to say any thing, but was cautioned that it was not necessary to criminate herself. Where upon she remarked that she had been threatened by Marie several times during the evening and that he occe drew a pis tol to execute bis threat of shooting ber. She further stated that he played drunk and kicked and knocked her about; tu: she refrained from making lany statement in regard to the final difficulty. , The de fendant stated that Marie! had snatched 'I - 1 her keys from her and further threatened to shoot a man who was talking at the time with her. ! At the conclusion of the testimony the i t accused was ordered committed without bail for her appearance at the next term of theiOrimlnal Court to answer to the charge of murder It was subsequently ascertained after the conclusion of the testimony that one Thomas . Mills, a seafearing man, was an important witness for tjfcw .State. Mills said he was standing immediately behind Marie ( when the fatal blow inflic!e4 by Maria Ujill was strmk, and that she remarked as shi stru k tLe Has; take thit you s nof a b--h. This last tamed witness, together with he other jailor, Frank fynudth, were- omtnitted t jail tor safe keeping as wit sessos in tie case in default of 1 bond ,f,.r heir appearance at the next term of the Criminal Coirt. 1 , special Cironer Leslie held an iuquest i cer the brrw- aftAr i a -n m,t.n v ! aiiuaiion or doctors J. U. WalKer and i o. uuroaiK ana returned a verdict tat decease! came to his death from a wund inflicted by a knife in the hands' oftf aria ila!. i . t h ' ! .'lnstmiatiro and Firelrons Fl ting Micijines and ever y sort of flrdware atjowest sort of cath prides at O AOBX 8. ' i Maoiilc Cefbrafion and DedlcatloD c Masonfs Lot In ' Oakdalc Ccme- try. W .Masoric friends will have a gland prcession oij Monday in honor of) St. Joa's Day, in which occasion they will mich to Oidalo Cemeterv. iind there s u. c j dotcate theirMasouic burying lot in the arjrenamea ftounas. Mr. J. li Macks .... ... fcUO 1UuuuuuUiricUi4B ai le ijemeteiy, and tti. a. Martin, iisq., thaddress foi the occasion. In the eve- nin theLodgs will reasiemble at S. Joi's Hall, frm in procession and nro- ceeto the Owra House, when an ai drei from Fab H. Busbee, Esq., a tal- enti young lawyer from the I Raleigh Baiwill be delivered on the occasion Thoublie are javited to attend, both at tho'emetery aid at the Opera House. Tj proce8siin will move under the direion of Coi John L. Cantwell, Mar- shal'the Day according to the follow ing jogramme ! Celebration of I si John's day, the MASOVIC FRATERNITY, of Wlmingtan, N. C. Muberswil meet at St. John's Hall, Moncy morning December 29th, at 9 i . . .. . r ill ucnei uana. I OfBcei and Mmbers of Wilmington J IXXie JXO. oiy. vioUin'n.otk.nn OfficaW Memer. of St. John's Lodge 1. I Orator nd Chaplain. An&nove undc the direction of Bros. nCantwellnd John W. Per dew. Jp xdarKetto i?ittn Street, i ' Canter.narclto Fourth Street, T3 Fourth t' Campbell Street, OutJampbell tOakdale Cemetery, At whih place tb following exercises will beield: I Dirg Band. Dedicaon of Mauaic Lot by the Officer "1 St. Johni Lodge No. 1. ' 1 r Ode-rChoir. Intrluctory bjBro. J.I. Micks. I Adress by bo. E. S. .Martin. Dirg-Band. Benedicon by Rei Bro. ' George Pat" " - I t " teraoijD. D. At Tb-cibck. PM.. the Lodgei wii i .A,. -i - , , w, . reasaemje at St. Ohn a Hall, form m procesal and movlin aboveiorder, I 'own Macet to Front. i Up Fron to Princeaa, Ujp xincesa tc the Opera House. There he order if exercises will be Musi Band. Prajr by Rei Bro- E. A. iTatea. Ode flee Club. Ihtrodnctry by R. Bro. Geo Patteraon. Address Bro. Fab. H. Busbee, of t? ! ; v n lefr V I juuBi-oiuu. ! j All Mains in eod standing are re quested t participle. The public are invited tnfton i nil ' rr. n , 5AXEBSOX, M ut . fOISSUN i MtvOSSET, JCL. XX. MUNS05, i Comittee. 1 Inflictions. Fortheoath Aantic btates dimin ishing notherly Trins to i East and South westirinds, cder, clear, followed by warmeiand part cloudy weather aud stationary olio wed 1 falling barometec The LutheraiX mas Tree. One of tie 'most jasing ! features of the Chrlsttas holida was he Xmas tree erectecOhlstmasay in the Church for the tcefit of the inday School of the St. Ral's Lutben! Church. The tree was s)eautifal gi of nature and handsomely 1 and grafully i decorated with presatg by the allful hands of the ladia of the mrch. A rery large crowi assembled the Church to witness itind the old fes as well as the young otta expressedthemselTes well pleased. M A RRIKIK W ILLl-t HAKHWICK- In thii Icitv, on het-Tenirp rf tVe2tth iopt , at the referee of theb ide's par n bv th Kt J, V. Tav lor Vr. WU LlAM B. WILMS and Mi'4 L ZZIK A., daughter of Wi . Hardwick, , New Advertiserriorits Ship Notice. A LL PtBSUNd are hereby cau- i -;r tioncd arainot Karh.irin QJ of the crew of the Vr. hark KMJiOK I LJ f O L XT 1 ..i ., I ,i" neiiner uie nay.er or Lorn will be responsible. dec 127 T. ALVF.aERO, .Mns-tcr MOliE CLOTlIiNO : I vercoat DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS , I OPENED d-c 27 .i'EiSTElJ DA V. juuuna jumuuti MAXA ! The Sequel to "VXao 1 w -Ir.-j Angeles Fortune. ; A Story cf Real Life. Iriet. Ilia J By Andre The New Uo. k I'i I form with ior cdili'T.' .of Jlenr G. eviil'c works at. Maur. An Earl's Wooing. A New BensationaVj Novel. In nnifo-m style with L'Aesommoir, Dosia, etc. ' For sale at dec 27 39 and 41 Marktt et. Grand Floral Exhibition. FREE ! AT PRESTJ L. BRIDGERS &. CO, RECEP1IOX OFj SANTA CLAU.s rpHB LADIES AND GhNTLEMLN, Boys1 and Girls, and the rub ic ftenbraUy, art invitea to tne oiore 01 P.E. BRID&ESS & CO., CHRISTMAS EVE, 1ST'.', where there will be on 'exhibition the fines. coetiieai ana largest assortment or it?. . - CHRISTMAS GROCERIES EVER IM" .... ' - it Oar Store will be Drilliartl Titnmir and Decorated In hot or of the happy event. tiorjfuuujr in lUFiieu come ana see. Admuoion t ree 1 Doors open froni dav JffiS SSSf SJdfeU1 "V Look in another column for Letter from Santa Claua. dec 24 gepOrt I OY tllC COllditlOll rF THE FI8RT NATIONAL BANK OF v. " Wilminficton, jat Wilmington, in the titate j of North Carolina, at the close of busineis December 12, 1879. RESOURCES. i Loans and discounts...... $573,111 67 Overdrafts.. 1,835 64 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation i EO.OOU CO Certificate!... ...J 110 00 Other 'stocks, bonds and mortga ges ! 42,001 17 Due from approved reserve agent, 69,170 70 Dae from other National Banks...' 4,320 8f Due from State Banks and bankers 6,520 22 Real estate,.furniture and 'fixtures 4?,27C;7:; Curreht expenses and taxes paid, 8,190 4G Si1-jf. !hri"J?r"-v;:"V".;;r 15'2"lco iiatuuuai VUI1CUIV uutiuuiu j nickels) ........ 4;u 7G Specie (including gold Treasury I cert'ficates).J.. 15,40-j O'i Lesral tender notes.... 10,C0 00 Redemption fund with U.S.Treas- ! . 1' ' ' 1 , . f 1 Ci ! . I urer, o per ceni oi circuiaiion; " Total SS:J1,0C6 Is I ' LIABILITIES. I I i Capital stock Daidin 12."i0.000 00 8urplu?fund... 24,013 77 Uridiyided profits...... i'M!3 National Bank notes outstandinjf, 41,JC'o0i Dividends unpaid... , 1,577 00 Individaal deposits eubject to l , check , 129,123 Z'J Demand certificates of deposit,... 2 u fi'dl 49 Due to other National Ban k-5.' 7,278 iC Notes and bills re-discounted...:.. 44,05 0:.' Da7able ,20.000 W) Total'.- $1,0C6 16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 COUNTY OF NEW IIANOVER,- I, A. K. WALKER, Casht of 'the above named Bank, do so'emnlv swear that the above statement is true to the best of my lcnowleU'e and belief. A. K. W ALKLK, Ca.ier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis ?4 h day of December, 1S73. H. M. BOWDxlN, Notary ablic. Coa&ECT Attest : D. O. WOTH, ALFRKU.MAKTia. Directurf. RTIN, Directt ma, y E. E. BDRKL1 dee 24 If You Want H AND30M E CHR I8TMA8 PREfi ENT for rour Husband, Son, Brother, KeU- tire or Friend, goto CONET'd where yva can get ' I . Box Imported or Domestic Cigars, A Meerschaum Cigar or J Ljarette Bolder, A Meeischaum or Briar Pipe, A Ciear or Cigarette Caie, And anything ehie in the Smoker' article!. WALTER CONEY", Dealer ia Tobacco, Cigare, Pipes, Ac. dee 11 r J TLEASS5QTICE., We will be gla-i, toTecoIre coir tttzi-ZiUz i from cur friends on any acd a'l f-q-V-t n?e f the writr tni' . sd to 'thejEdlLir ' jj ' t-rctnnnlcatioca rc-jt b rrrifrr, :f:i ' ride of tp'apcr. i -r-i' i it i? e.'p? cii!!j andpari'i s.ooa tat tLe i-Citor tot dla 4i cr.- the views of correji-M.i' -f in the eJltori.l oiuornj. ; tm mm as AN lu ' m mi iv2 . ICA'i i' '10 SlnrUvt 'z t. 3( KroJiomv lol Uu x hand, run TT5T cm 'i 1 1. T FOOD'S, Shav 5 - ' AW... Blanket s, Siiirts-; Cornets, tilows T. Collars and Cuffs- I TIES, TOWELS, NAPKIN i DAMASKS- S RUSHES,".' Ilaiidlrercliicfs 1 From 5 ojjnts up ! 1 , i ' ' ' . . "' '- m! ' 3133 J BOWS. FLAN?fELS.v M2USS ' ; I v i r" AN0 BOYS' WEAR. RIBSQra 1 1 uicrous to An-? !'n,,.,i. i.i- i . . "jjkus Articles i to lu I : i mention. I i - -, J .N o adrancd1 in any of, tbeac Goo Is. Sure money and get so t'ttUcz c; (ff al by calling on ac Market: 'st. dec 20 SAIT1 .c; . Tf :,.";,' ;,, p., x.; Brides :& ' A N O TI1L; IV LiETTE III Wherein the old cnt efj baily "kti bat worries! through, -besom :'s patern an J tells PIiK. privately Hiat IH wants fur ( HIS CHRISTMAS ! . i t a&o annonnen ahu frtr:--'1 i ; r - ! comn to Wi!minpor:! . i . '. . NEW VOIi lie:. c j:, H7. Mayor Fuhblate was gnlvq to I-t,.tW. JOH.N tuuatnB parad-, I , r - -,.r- my Christmas in Wi,;.!:.-.;t.lr , , or of the great event i ' - 1 ICACIEH fur v., a fend yun br Kailrot. . by 1'lank Koauj rv . i Horseback:, on il ul-. ,. . . . -4 ilea's Backs aud . ' .'j Down tLe Cbinjay. .' ItS from th '-ur q ri'-. j j , l'."'.rj, '.r G - i 1 - -'P - oaapec f. ..i . . 1 - -i , V. ! N '. f . o.ru m v '. . . . ' . . t i i VI lKiroa : : ' ... ' ' VV -N from C :i t tlIz. '. i V i NOTrifrom Airica! , ' y N UT.-i from England ! . , , ' N CT8 from Bengal ! J 1 ? Ul.VOkK froi Atixl '.. , bl'WEHf.vm Cejil.m! 1 . TEA fro-n Otiina ! I COFFEE from Erixil ! French Candy, Yankee Candy, Dbtch C'Sn dr, frijh Candy Xegro CanJjtlU Best, Ithe F-esbst Candy in the World !j 15 CENTS per pound for Candj! 1 land I will tell jou wbat I wai. fi Chriafmaa miK.ir in! iaj myteli i 1 another letter. Y-inrs affctiontfpl v. I CX '- TA CL A u t'. I 1 " ' I" r - , i-r- : '--j- " , OL ' 1 - The oldent'i other I.itar i) tco lotg ior this ad , but look in as-uner column for tic invitation to the GREAT SHOW Carutmas Eve at the Wrccerj ijtvro of ' P. L. Bridgers & Co dec2i ' . :; , I' ; ' f I